Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 25, 1909, Image 6

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    . «
T illamook
headlight ,
N ovember
25. 1909
Notice of City Election.
editorial Snap Shots
long now befor • these who have en­
croached upon the water front will
receive official notification to vacate.
This will cause some trouble and
expense, but those who have to
move had just as will do bo with
good gr-ai-e, forthecommerceof this
city needs a wider and deeper har­
bor. It was-suggested at the meet
ing of the l’ort that property owners
who own the water front be assess­
ed for the cost of dredging to a cer­
tain depth opposite their proj erty.
This may appear somewhat hard t >
those who are now using the water
front fi r public and private use. tmt
this is the most cquilable way of
making non-resident property wn-
era on either side of the wafer front
pay their proportion for the im­
provement of their property abut­
ting on the slough. How the Port
will decide this we do not know. It
is an open question, and with the
mandate to vacate and the possible
expense of dredging the slough in
front of their property, tile wale-
front squatters and pr< | erty'owners
will have si iu< thing to disci:«« pro
arid con from now on.
Notice is hereby given, that an
election will be held on Monday.
Probably less will tie heard about
December 6th, 1999, at the City Hall,
boys getting drink now it is known
in Tillamook City, Oregon, from
who is dispensing it.
nine i'clock a. m. until 12 o'clock
a.m., and from one o'clock p. m.
What with the bad boys, the bad
until four o'clock p.m.. for the pur­
men, the bad girls anti the bad wea­
pose of electing the following of­
ther, Tillamook has been having a
ficers of said Tillamook City, Ore­ I
lively time.
» * •
gon. to-wit; Mayor, Marshal, Re­
The flooding of the river bottom
ic order, Treasurer, one Councilman
lands looked bad to those who do
from the first ward of said city,
not know the good it was doing, and
one Councilman from the second
next year’s hay crop will be the best
ward of said city, one Councilman
proof of that.
from third ward of said city, one
■ MM
from the fourth ward of
We are inclined to think that a
said city, and one Councilman from
number of bootleggers have real
the fifth ward of said city, one
cause to be thankful today that they
Water Commissioner from the fifth
were not caught in the Sheriff’s
ward of said city and one Water
muck rake and are not in jail.
Commissioner at large; and that A,
■ 9 W
It looks to us th it the business
J. Stillwell, Alex. Watt and W. O.
men should take more interest in
Chase have been appointed Judges
the city s welfare in the future than
anu W. G. Dwight and II. E. Mor­
Absolutely Pure
in the past. Elect the leading bu i-
ris, Clerks of said election.
ness men to serve on the city coun­
t hat a Caucus will be held at the
cil, and then the bad reputation the
opera house in said city, oil Satur­
city has fallen into will soon be
day. November 27. at infill o'clock
blotted out. Try it next year.
p.m., for the purpose ot nominat­
• » •
>: ». •*
ing candidates for said offices.
This is Thanksgiving
Hy order of the Common louncil
what are you thankful for ? The ¡the bootleggers who is ra w in the HEAVY RAIN STORMS. lumber yard, engine and boiler of Tillamook < ity, Oregon, dated
——— —
a rooms of the lumber company were
editor is thankful that Tillamook I county jail, called upon t!ie editor
November 18th, liXIfi.
County will soon emerge from its and told him'teat lie had di ne an Rivers on a Rampage and flooded. The electric light plant
iiad tivmble but kept running until
long bottled up condition and that awful thing in bringing religion in
Bottom Lands Flooded.
City Recorder.
until the water was a few inches of
it will not be long now before the 1 to the bootleg canes. That iaasome-
the lire, when it had to close down.
county will have railroad connec­ whi.t Hfrange idea, for xre. simply
I Report of the Condition of the
The fill at the trussel belonging
tions, following which will be a mentioned a little in< ident in Alli­ I v.-hi h succeeded one another in
[rapid succession for two weeks, to the county partly washed out and
steady industrial growth.
• » »
boy.sin a saloon after being bi-.ptiz- reached it height on Sunday night, put a stop t > travel in that direc­
At Bay City, in the State of
There are a few persons who are ed in a church, lie had a perfect when torrents of rain, accomp mied tion, and the dairymen could not
trying to make much ado because right to do so and it was none of by' a heavy wind, swept over the reach the Tillamook Creamery with Oregon, at the close of Business
November 16th, 1909.
the editor called attention to the business to say a lything about it whole country, and next day every their milk.
fact that parents were setting a bad at the time. When Allison was ar- , river in the county was on a ramp­
A. Toland had the misfortune to
example to their children. But we rest -d for bootlegging we looked 1 age and the bottom lands flooded. get his leg broken in attempting to
do not care one iota about their Upon it as one of the peculiarity'.« ' As the day advanced the rivers prevent the new bridge in course of
Loans and discounts ..
criticism or indignation.
Com­ of human nature and simply men- raised rapidly, which caused con­ construction at Beaver from going- Overdrafts, secured and
plaints are made quite frequently tioneil the incident without com­
unsecured ........................
out, and Dr. Boals was sent for to
Bonds, securities, etc....
about the bad conduct of young ment. So we fail to see wherein the down on Monday anil this added to set the injured limb.
Banking house, furniture
people and there must be a cause editor connected religion with boot­ I the gravity of the situation. It was
The storm interfered with the mail
and fixtures....................
for it.
legging as much as Allison did late Monday night when the flood to this city. Monday only letter Due from banks (not re­
when he joined the church and was
serve banks)....................
mail arrived via Trask. Tuesday no
It will be noticed that the County
baptised and then went into the bably, in eight years.
mail arrived by that route, and in : Due from approved re­
Court is calling forbids for the con-
serve banks ....................
On the water front in Tillamook the afternoon of Wednesday, the
bootleg business. Truly some peo-
Checks and other cash
struction of another mile of the Ne­
can swallow a mountain and strain City there was much activity, for stage managed to get through with
tarts road. That is a good move,
at a knat. Yet the most funny thing Hoquarton slough was no longer a Sunday's and Monday’s mail 1. om Cash on hand ....................
and when the Tillamook bridge and
is Mrs. Allison admitted that her peaceful and safe tide slough, but Portland. The Bay City in: •
the road to Netarts are completed it
Total ...
a real live river on a rampage, the unable to get through or 1 ( .ay
husband was where lie belonged
will be a great improvement in
in jail. We will not iliscuss that. water rushing across the bottom iind Tuesday ami tae south
i ge
helping to open up that section of
Mr«. Allison ought to know anil be lands from the \\ ilson river and had to go round byway ot 'airview-
the county.
One thing, however,
the beat judge as to that. We want the whole Wilson river country on Tuesday.
Capital stock paid in ....
most of us will remember for a long
Surplus fund........................
to say thia to the dear sisters who was inundated and a strong freshet
time, and that is the shaking up one
profits, less ex­
are real mail with the editor. running over the land. B. C. Lamb Notice to School Boards
and Undivided
penses and taxes paid..
used to get in going to Netarts.
Give your husbands a good padd­ was the first to get uneasy, and lie
Individual deposits sub­
* s *1
ject to check .................... 27,356.43
ling when they return home from
Whenever a person’s cow er
Notice is hereby given that the Demand certificates of
duranqe vile for not having more fi-eight in the warehouse raised up.
horse happens to get loose, or the
love and respect for their wives and This proved a wise precaution, for school library books are now ready
Time certificates of de­
farmers' stock happens to stray
children in getting' into such dis­ by the afternoon the whole dock was for distribution at itiy office. Please
posit ....................................
into the city, they are pounced
tinder water about a foot, and at call and get your books as soon as State deposits.....................
upon at once and put into the
■ ■ 9
night it was 22 inches. Although convenient, that you may derive a Savings deposits.................
pound. But when near beer joints
Tlie Headlight is more convinced somewhat higher D. L. Shrode also benefit from them for the present
violate law and betray the con­ than ever that our present system of saw that his freight was in danger term of school. If you wish your
fidence the city council place in the road building is wrong, is expen­ and the mill company put a crew of books left at any place of business
State of Oregon, County of Tilla­
proprietors to keep law abiding sive, and results are not obtained men to work. This also proved a in Tillamook City, notify me of the mook, SS.
places, it looks as though they are for the large amount of money ex­ wise precaution, for about eight fact and then you may secure them
I. John O. Bozorth, Cashier of
immune and the city officials wink pended upon them. We are willing o’clock Monday night the water when in town, although I should the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
at their conduct. Strange, isn't ?
to admit that the County Court and made its appearance in some parts not be at my office. In districts true to the best of my knowledge
* * *
the road supervisors are doing the of the warehouse when the slough where it is not probable that you and belief.
We fail to see any justice in this : best they can, but it is the system was at it* height. Some anxiety will be able to get them for some
Subscribed and sworn to before
The State's witness was called to and the road laws, which they have was felt for the bridg» and about a time, I will forward by mail at your
the witness stand in the circuit to follow, which is n stumbling million fest of log» above the bridge request, if you choose to pay pos­ me this 24th day of November. 1909.
Inez V. Bozorth, Notary Public.
court last week, and failing to put block. What is nee.le i a*idwhat we belonging to the Tillamook Lumber tage on same.
Correct Attest: R. J. Hendricks.
in an appearance, Attorney Holmes have contended for isii practical en­ i Manufacturing Company. A strong
Scott Bozorth, Directors.
W. S. B uel .
said to the judge “lie's in jail.“ gineer at the head of the rrtad work,- current forced the logs down stream,
when, in fact, he was in the sheriff’s but it is.hard to get people to break and to prevent the bridge and logs
For Sale Cheap.
I't'l' v's Ki'hiey Rntiiedv will cure any
office. If the editor made a similar away from a system of road build­ from breaking, a large manila tow (’awe • f kidney or bladilnr trouble (hat
Fine lot of Oak Furniture and
break like that and published even ing followed so many years, anil es­ ropy was lashed to the bridge, and ih ii<*( betonrt the reach of medicine. household goods, including ...
a sentence saying that the attorney pecially by those who have been in even that dill not prevent the north Cu’es backache and 'iithat it drop head Singer sewing machine,
mig;ht leaiilt in Bright’s dl8-
Edison Phonograph and 80 records,
was in jail, when h - was only in the the habit of making a living, or end of Hie bridge from lifting. The »*Hwe or diabetea.«—Chaa. I. Chough.
11*1» Washing Machine, Encyclo­
sheriff's office, he would consider part of a living, at road work. The
pedia, etc. l_all or phone L. A.
his feelings ami reputation dam­ system of allowing every Tom, Dick
Andrews, Fairview.
aged several thousand dollars, and or Harry have charge of road build­
This is to give notice that milk,
the editor would b * sued for libel. ing, simply bee iu«e they may have
delivered, will be charged in future
We want to refer this matter to the a iHilitic.il pull, should appeal to
at the following rates : Pint, 4c. ;
learned and legal lights of this city one's judgment that the best results
Quart, 7c. ; Gallon, 24c.
and ask them this question; If it is cannot be obtained nor a uniform
libelous for au editor to publish a system <>J road building adopted.
Croup Cured and a Child’s Life
false statement like the above, we When those who contemplate erect
would like to know why a similar ing a $l(MI,0iri building go to an
“ It ufforils ine urn,! plea«ure tn add
nsseition, made in open court by an architect for advice and plans, it is
nn- tetti.inonv to that nt the IhouHHiuf«
who have been I h - h . fllwl by Chaiul-ei
attorney, and addressing the beudi, considered good business sense. It
lain h Couidi Remedy. M.v child. An.
ia not also libelous matter ?
was just the same with budding a
Loans and discounts..................................... *‘97,438-32
drew, when only three years old was
railroad into this county, for the en­
■ ■ ■
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.............
token with a severe attack ,,f cr-up.
We are informed that the I. ih t- gineer had to first istablisli the
anil thank" tn the prompt use ol Cliatn-
Bonds, securities, etc............................... .
berlkiu's t'oiigh Remedy Ins fife was
leggers intend to fight Sheriff Cren­ gnules and prepare the plans anti
Banking house, furniture and fixtures....
nave l and today he is K robust ami
shaw lit the next election. The law ­ specifications. Wluit would we hnve
Ollier real estate owned.................................
healthy ltoy.’'aays Mrs A. Coy Jr of
4.075 75
less class does not want a sheriff to thought of the late Mr. Harriman
8an Antonio, Texas. Ting remedy ha«
do Ilia sworn duty, but they want
liven in use for many years Th ms«,..la
Due from approved reserve banks...........
of mothers keep It at hand, mid it, has
the taxpayers to pay him for keep­ into the county to do that work?
never lieen known Io fail. For sale by
Checks and other cash items.......................
336 40
ing his eyes closed.
The same Road construction, like railroad or
Is mar a Druit Store
Cash on hand................................................
thing applies to city politics, the any other large undertakings, re­
lawbreakers want a mayor, council quire tin engineer or practical per­
No Case on Record.
There la lio erse nu record of a coiiah
Total ............................... ................. *38<>,373 09
and marshal who will not interfere son at the head of them. Next year
resulting m pnwim.mia or cm-
with them, but let anyone else vio­ this county will probably expend
sumpuon after Foley's Honey and Tar
late a law and see how they will
!>«» been taken,
taken. a-
»■ it w,||
Will stop vour
howl. The Circuit Court Judges, tical, experienced engineer at the
O.utdi and break up your cold qub klv
Refuse any but the genuine Foley’s
the Prosecuting .Attorney and tile head. It may be that nothing will
Surplus fund................................................
Honey an t Tar in a yellow package
Sheriff have show n that they are in be done to change the system of
‘ 'r,’."’"”. "" "F'"b-* «t.d is safe and sur«’
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes
earnest in having the law s enforced, road building for the present, but it
—Chas 1. Clough
1.855 32
mill if the people of this county will have to be done before the beat
Individual deposits subject to check .......... 2J4.3»3 36
give them their sup|>ort.. results are obtained.
A Methodist Minister Recom-
Demand certificates of deposit.....................
me’’d* , Chamberlain’« Colic,
furnishing the officials with infor­
Cholera a,,<l Diarrhoea
Commissioners' Meeting.
Time certificates of deposit .........................
mation which they are now or mav
.. r u
be in possession of. there would
Ceitified checks............................................
The Board of County Commie
ci, ?
LlianiherUin's Colic.
not be much law lessness in Tilla­ sioners met last week anil took up
Diarrh.s-n Reowdv r..r
State deposits................... .............................
mook County, for it is only a small several matter.
7" 7 d,"rrh'*«- leonslder
.^ar',ne?T, ’ h,,T- -»•‘r tried for
proportion of the citizens win have
In the matter of the construction
Liabilities other than those above stated ..
that trouble. 1 bought a bot.leof it a
brought tfie county into disgrace. of the third mile of Netarts road,
» n'T1" f Tum our .druggy Mr. R
But as to fighting SlieriffCrruslinw. the County Clerk was instructed to
I 1 ’*'“U *'*,r ** “lHd •'»
a word hi )U ,,raWB wht,n j h
he need have no frnr. the respect­ advertise for bids for the same, to
.1. D K.- mhp
able. ' lewabiding ritze.ua of the lie filed by January 5th. 1919.
I__________ v-'.uri-n
State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS.
county are backing him, and ap­
I Sold by Isznior » Drag Store. Ur°”' ?■-
In the matter of the approval of
I, M. VV. Harrison, Cashier of the altove-named bank, do
prove hi» action in ruundmg up th« the plat of Brighton Beach,the same
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
was approved.
s. M. KERR9N,
and belief.
Beall A Co., merchandise ... $332.35
The Port of Tillamook luta deco led
Jas. Ruffin. Tillamook river
that thoae who have encroached
bridge ................................... ,. 117.23
Subscribed and sworm to before me this 24th day of Novem­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,
u|»on the water front muat remove W R Illingsworth, work on
1909 : H. T. Botts, Notarv Public.
their docks to the harbor line, which
roads......... ..
5ft 00
C oncrete B ciumng .
Correct»—Attest : Eiwiu Harrison, D. F. Fitzpatrick, Direc­
ia the north line of the Thomas do­ W. Rush et al. removing tress
nation land claim. It will not be
from road ................................
BaMnn Powtictr
First Bank & Trust Co.,
an tt
of tJ
and t
3 uar
a. h
of w
Report of the Condition of the
the B
by th
the <1
rat« o
At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the
close of Business, November 16th, 1909.
Tarribl» Exp«ri»nc» of th» Cr»w
Ill Falcd J..nn.u.,
When Itos* ill lbl8 louebed nt E|,k
the Esks thought they were Letug ru
lied by ghosts With her white
appearing on the borizoii. «tier» p*
sky melts iuto au abyss Uf
a hilt else oil Id the ship be t»ut «,ll4
great white winged irtumt. and
those striiuge creature* on tier
but lost souls? '1 bey thought sbt- *
greii bird, had down from the in(10l
where wood was abuudant. mid
they saw- her close, her wihh U u
and her masts, they whispered. - how
much wool there is in tue mooD-to,
very much!" Wood is like gold to tin
On? of the unhappy crew of tb«
leauuette writes: "1 tmt some mercury
to freeze mid bent It out on the anvtl
Our frozen brandy looked like black
lop iz We divided meat, oil and bread
wit li a hatchet, .loslma forgot to put
OU Ills right glove; In u inomect bii
hand was frozen. The poor devil w|,||.
■d to thaw Ids lifeless hand In warm
water It was immediately i-orend
with pieces of Ice. i'he distor ru
forced to <-ut the unlucky unite'» band
<:T. ai.d lie died next day Toward tbe
middle of January n - nravan of Esk»
came to ask us for some dried tisli and
brtuidv A e added a little tobacco to
the- presents, which they recelred
with tours of Joy. I'he chief, a feeble
old mail, told us that the week before
lie bail eaten Ills wife and two son»."
Cold more terrible than the white
wolf and hear seizes Its victim» un-
nwares, lustaiitaueously. fatally. The
cold purifies the blood, shnriieu» appe­
tite. favor» digestion and stomach. It
soothes to sleep by bringing death In
the midst of beautiful dreama. Thli
Intense mid. so dry. so pure, stops pu
(refaction, sweetens the nlr by greatly
In .'leasing Its density aud purlfie» »»
ter Cold takes the place of cooking,
for it makes raw meat, raw fish and
tallow e.-itnble.
A Rmuau nosed people cou|d not
hold ibelrown In the arctic. A Roman
note would be too ofteD frozen off.
The Esk tint nose Is less exposed. Th»
name Eskimo, or raw food eaters. Is I
nickname given by the Labrador In­
dians Their true name in tbelr own
tongue Is Inolt and means “man." It
patriotism lie a virtue the Eska bare It
Never was a land ot
v-idant groves, golden harvests and
v lllows mirrored In the streamlets and
silvery waves better beloved than tbelr
«now fields and Ice bills and gloomy,
stinking tent* and Igloos.—New York
I r<-ss.
It Oloom». Says a Florist, Every Twis­
ty-five to Forty Years.
‘‘The regular century plant," Mid U
expert In floriculture. "Is uot a cactus
It belongs to u family hy itself. It has
a large, broad leaf, sometimes two or
three feet long and several Inches
thick where they branch from the ceo-
ler There are two varieties, one tbs
enriegntwl and the other green. Tbs
only difference Is that the variegated
has a white stri|>e aloug the outer edge
of the leaf. Both bloom every twenty-
Qve to forty years. A stock perhap
eight or ten inches In diameter shoots
up from the center to a height of fif­
teen. or twenty feet, and around this
stock cluster small blossoms. They art
neither pretty nor fragrant. They were
formerly supposed to bloom once in •
hundred year».
"The nearest thing to a century
plant Is a night blooming cereus. It Is
a cactus aud blooms once in about
every twenty-five years or so. The
dower is large, very beautiful and has
a delightful odor. One plant may bars
set eral blossoms, but each dower lasts
only one night.
"TIA-re is no such plant as a 'century
cactus.' The cactuses that many have
mistaken for 'century cactuses' will
bloom in four or dve years it kept un­
der glass or about seven years if oot
in a hothouse. Because they are so
lot g In bliHiining. 1 suppose, they bars
beeit called 'century cactuses.' and tbs
uame has been handed down until It Is
■ onsidered the proper term for then.
They bloom yearly after the first blos­
soms appear. They are just an ordi-
nary cactus, but they have a preUy.
fragrant Bower."—Seattle Times.
Th» Canny Scot.
In the differences that would »nt*-
times arise between members of W
tenantry the Duke of Argyll was often
Invited to arbitrate upon the matter II
dispute, and lie used to tell a chant-
teristlcally Scottish story of on* of
occasions. Two tenants baring wall*“
upon him and asked him to decide th*
question nt Issue, the duke put wb»t »*
always regarded as a
preliminary question,
by tn.v award?"
"Well, your grace.” was the reply
om- of the hard beaded old disputae®-
‘1 d like to ken first what It 1» —D*
don Chronicle.
Th» Other Way With Him-
"Ilrinenil>er. sir. tbnt you owe
thing to your constituents." “:1'd
nn-mlier of a town council to «notWT
"Humph!" Mid the other "If
owe anything to your constltjeot»•
I've got to m . v Is that you're t*»T
Why. there are uot half a dotes
In my warn that have aot borro'
money from me."—Stray Stortea.
Pitfail» of Slang-
□oat (in India*—Do you
Dark- over there’
corner and In that posture
moving for six months
• from America* — Gee. tbct'a
some!—Chicago Tribune.
Little minds are tamed and
by misfortune, but great uiiou*
above It.—Irving.
. >
y Ba