TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 25, 1509. A WEST POINT HAZING FELT HATS. Championing ths Worm. An lui ideiit tuat occurred some years ago during a m - sh I uu of tbe British purllmueut furnished au amusing il­ lustration of the power of satire to bring about resulta that sober argu­ ment often falls to aceoinplisb. There bad been In trod need a bill de­ signed to preveut cruelty to wild aui- ilia Is In captivity, it w M opposed on tbe ground that, if pHHK«xi. It would eudauger certaiu kind* of legithuHte s|K»rt. W’beD tbe Earl of Kimberley a roue he gravely admitted tbe force of this argument. "There can be no doubt," Raid be. “that tbe bill would put an end to fisb- lug with w«tns as bait. It is a bill to prevent cruelty to wild animals tn captivity. Tbe schedule states that tbe word 'animal' shall be held to In­ clude reptile. A worm may be held to be a reptile. A worm Impaled on a book must certainly be held to be In captivity; therefore tbe angler wbo uses a live worm for bait would be guilty of cruelty to an animal in cap­ tivity." Tbe laugh that followed at the ex­ pense of those against the bill robbed tbe opposition of whatever force It had and carried tbe measure to a suc­ cessful issue.—Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Evolution of the Fluffy Fur Into th* Finished Product. It Is an interesting matter to follow It Knocked All the Egotism Out ' stuge by stage tbe evolution of * Uttl* pile of soft fluffy rabbit fur Into tbe of the New Cadet. finished bat. whether a llgbt colored crush or a raven bla<-k bard bat of 1 tie SINGING HIS OWN PRAISES. ' derby shape. Tbe general idea about aucb a bat la that it Is cut and ins or Ht Wee Kept ot It to Hie Own Morti- or molded out of a sheet of felt, so flection end the Delight of tho Upper that amazement comes wten one la Class Man—A Clipping From Hla shown bales and heaps ot rabbit fur and is told that It la out of thia that Homa Paper Started tho Trouble. hats are made. Felt Indeed is not so Hasinx at the United States Military much a primary uiftterlsl. but felting academy. West Point, bas in tbe past la the process by which wool, fur or leu years lieeti so frequently followed bair is matted together and formed by punlnbmeut and otherwise discoun­ Into a close fabric. For bats rsbblt tenanced that It bas practically become fur la the material used. The first h thing of tbe past. A third of a cen­ step In Its treatment is the thorough tury ago tbe modes of hazing were cleansing of the close clipped fur ill a varied and many of them unique. A machine, which wlnnowa It of all dirt < eHain graduate wbo hailed from or foreign matter and leaves It lu a soul It of Mason and Dixon’s line and aoft. fluffy condition reHembllug the from west of tbe Allegheny moun­ finest and lightest down. tains told ibis story of bis own expe­ Anything less resembling a hat It Is rience; Impoaslble to Imagine. But tbe mar­ He was a tall, rawboned fellow velous ingenuity of tbe next procesa when be entered tbe academy as a accomplishes an almost magical "plebe" and had been assigned to a change. In tbe central box of a hop- room with a bright little chap, with per-llke machine a big copper cone re­ whom lie soon became very friendly volves. From above the soft, fitiffy and confidential. Several weeks after fur is fed down In a shower, which Sun Cooking. he had entered tbe academy be receiv­ clings like gray snow on tbe revolving Sun cooking—roasting und boiling by ed a letter from bls good mother, in cone. while Jeta of water and steam sunlight Instead of by coal or gas—has which she bad inclosed a clipping from spray od tbe fur mat and planter It been going on for 300 years. There are their county newspaper. into a complete covering. In a minute sun stoves that roast a sirloin or boll The article mentioned tbe fact that or two tbe cone Is covered to the a soup to perfection. They are only young Mr. ----- had received an ap­ depth of one-eighth of au Inch with used, however, by scientists. A sun pointment to West Point and had left thia matter and saturated fur, which stove consists mainly of a mirror—a for that place several days before; that, is now become felt. Tbe machine Is spherical mirror—on a joint. There Is whereas they extended congratulations stopped, tbe cone is taken out. and tbe also a reflector. The place for pot or to tbe young man, tbe United States workman dexterously peels off the felt plate Is so situated that tbe mirror's government was to be much more covering. Being built up on tbe coue. rays can be focused on It accurately. greatly congratulated upon obtaining It la also cone shaped and looks like a A German. Baron Tcberbausen. was aa one of Its embryo soldiers a man gigantic sugar loaf bag. it Is tbe em- tbe first sun cook. He began In 1(187 to from their community, tbe son of such bryo bat. boll water, and In 1088 he had very a noble sire, whose sire and great-sires Ln this first state it Is a soft. wet. good success in boiling eggs. Sir John hail been equally noble, a young man felt cone, measuring 24 by 30 IncbeB. Herschel and Buffon are other famous itbove reproach, of great intellect and Rolled up. it enters upon a series ot names associated with sun cooking. larond to make bls mark in any call­ processes aud is shrunk together so In California various sun cooks have ing he might elect, etc. that It measures 10H by 14 Inches. boiled a gallOD of water In twenty Thia article Inspired Its recipient Tbe bat. now a browny-gray felt minutes, roasted meat In two hours with pride and pleasure. He found it cone, like a clown’s cap. is smoothed and poached eggs in fifteen minutes, Impossible to refrain from showing it by belug placed against rapidly revolv­ quite as good time as tbe ordinary fire to hla roommate and an hour after ing sandpaper, it is stiffened by be­ makes. lu:ring done so was accosted while ing dipped In sbellac. dyed black by An odd thing about meat roasted by going downstairs by an upper class Immersion in a vat and then passes man wbo had been drilling him and on to be shaped. Warm water gives sun rays is that It has an unpleasant had been very severe. At this meeting the felt pliability again, and tbe man taste. This Is avoided by tbe Insertion the upfier class man. who was about pulling out or "earslng’' the apex ot of a plate of yellow glass between the half hla size, looked at blm solemnly, tbe cone draws and smooths It down meat aud mirror, in all solar stores removed his cap and said: “Mr. ----- , I to a wooden block of tbe exact sbape the sheet of yellow glass figures.—Lon­ humbly ta»g your pardon for having and size tbe bat Is required to be. As don Tit-Bits. been so stern with you. I did not It dries It takes Its destined shape and One Sided Gambling. know until a few moments ago what a firmness as regards tbe crown, while “One need only to try his luck at any distinguished and Intellectual young tbe brim is still flat and untrlmmed man you were. You honor us by be­ Tbe body of the bat Is now practi­ ot tbe Riviera gambling palaces to coming oDe of us.” cally finished. Then cornea the atia|>- learn how slender are the chances to 'I ke pleased “plebe.” never for a ing of tbe brim, wblcb is worked down win at roulette.” says a German corre­ moment scenting mischief, grinnlngJy and bent over a wooden frame ot tbe spondent writing from Ostend. "But replied: "That’s all right, Mr. ----- . I exact curl and line ot tbe ordained de­ If he would experience tbe gambler's forgive you." sign. Each size and style of hat baa disadvantage at its best let blm come That evening while the “plebe” and its own frame, as It bas also Its Iron to Ostend and join the baccarat play­ bls roommate were engaged tn study mold, wood block, etc., and every al­ ers. Tbe game as it Is played gives there was a knock at tbetr door, and teration in a season’s styles and shapes tbe man who places his money against there entered tbe upper class man wbo calls for an entirely new set of molds. tbe bank no chance whatever, and If It were known bow much money Is sac­ had accosted and apologized to the —Brooklyn Eagle. rificed in a season In the crdoavor to "plebe" on tbe stairs, he being accom­ win by luck and by system tbe public panied by a dozen other upper class Highest Endurable Temperature. would be horrified. It Is nothing un­ men. He thus addressed the “plebe:” It is difficult to aay what tbe high­ "Mr. —, here are a number of your est temperature Is that a human be­ usual for tbe bank to win twenty-four brother cadets wbo are desirous of ing can live In. In tbe kitchens of tiroes before an outsider wins once. knowing what a particularly distin­ some of tbe gieat hotels and in tbe Tbe people who play, if they have ever guished man they have among them. stokeholds of some steemsblps tbe played before, know this, and still they You will therefore kindly read wbat temperature gets to 140 or 145 de­ come again, respond to tbe call until your newspaper says of yon.” grees. Cooks and tbeir helpers and they depart and plant tbelr gold in tbe The “plebe” was Inclined to demur, stokers have to endure that ¡¿wpera- baccarat mire In ths hope tbst it will but the determined manner and steely rare for bouts at a time, and they bear fruit. It does. But what Is the eye of the little upper clasa man com- seem to get along pretty well. Tbe harvest?’ ladled oliedlence. Embarrassed, he botteet place perhaps where bun win A 8h3ck*d Scot. Htumbllngly read tbe whole article, at belnys work Is in tbe vulcanizing fac­ Tbe London Chronicle says that two tbe conclusion of wblcb the little upper tories. where tbe temperature Is 212. class man stated that tbe reader bad tbe boiling point of water. There are Englishmen recently touring In Scot­ mumbled In parts, bad failed to enun­ a few who can stand ibis heat for a land found that Sabbatarianism occa­ ciate distinctly and required tbe poor little while at a time, but man can en­ sionally extends to the middle of tbe week. They were forced by tbe weath­ "plelie". Jo rend It again. This having dure no more.—New York American. er to take refuge in a small country been done, all shook bands with blm hotel and after lunch adjourned to the In an apparently most deferential man­ Vesuvius. billiard room to kill time until the rntn ner. after which the little upper class Vesuvius cut but a small figure tn man stared that they would call the bistory till tbe latter balf of tbe drat stopped. Tbe game bad hardly started next evening augmented by other ca­ century of tbe Christian era. in 73 when tbe landlord entered In a very dets and that In the meantime tbe B. C. its crater served as a camp ot drunken condition, upbraided his vis­ "plebe" would commit the article to refuge to a band of gladiators, in U3 itors for tbetr unseemly conduct and memory anil be tn readiness to repeat A. D. the serenity was broken by a Insisted on their leaving tbe billiard room. They received profuse apolo­ It when they called. violent grumbling that manifested it­ Hla manner brooked no disobedience. self In a severe earthquake that shook gies from tbe laodlsdy. Her husband Tbe call was made tbe next evenlag. up the surrounding region. For sixteen always got drunk on Rundsys. she the number of cadets being nearly years the subterranean rumblings con­ explained, but, mistaking tbe day. be double that of tbe previous evening, tinued at Intervals. and in the year 7» bad got drunk on Thursday Instead, and be repeated tbe article, being A. D. came tbe great catastrophe in and from force of habit, believing it was 8unday, bad been shocked at tbe prompted by tbe little upper clasa which Herculaneum and Pompeii were click of tbe billiard bails. man. Before (be departure of bls vis­ overwhelmed. In 1631 there was an­ itors he was Informed that he would other terrible explosion, and since that Rsbuksd ths Bishop. Is* visited tbe next evening by a still time Vesuvius has seldom been at rest The bishop of Petersburg. England. greater number of cadets, and be was for many years together —Exchange. Is a great motorist and Is also a ordered to be prepared to declaim tbe stanch teetotaler, and thereby hangs article depleting bis virtues. A Culinary Tragedy. a tale. On one occasion, while out In Tbe visit was made and the declama­ “What's tbe matter, dear?" asked tion rendered. He was then Informed Mr. Justwed as be came into tbe bouse his car. tbe chauffeur ran abort of that be would be again visited the fol­ •nd found his wife crying as If ber petrol and applied at a public bouse for some more. Tbe publican came lowing evening and would prepare heart would break. out. and. seeing tbe btsbop in bls himself so as to be able to render tbe “1 am so discouraged." she sobbed. episcopal dress in tbe car. said: ‘‘Yes. article in song. This visit was made, “What bas bothered my little wife?’ I’ve got plenty of petrol, but 1 don't the room being fairly packed with ca­ “I worked all the afternoon making dets, and the poor ’’plebe” was re- custards, because I knew you were so sell it to tbe likes of them what never qnlr»d to stand on a table and howl food of them, and—and"— Here she be­ buys my beer.” 'be article from start to finish, for be gan weeping hysterically again. Making Harsslf at Home. had not the faintest understanding of "And what, darling?" Last summer five-year-old Lola’s aunt how to sing or turn a tune. In after "And they turned out to be sponge came to spend a week with them. years be said that If be bad ever had cakes.” "Now, aunty,’’ said Lola, “you must any egotism in bls composition it was •nake yourself at borne.” completely knocked out of him by bav- The Cleverest. "How can I do that, dear?’ queried Ing to handle that article as be had to Willy—Tou ass. it was this way. handle it.—J. w Duncan in Lippin­ They were all three so dead In love her aunt. “Why.” answered Lola, "you can cott* with ber and all so eligible tbst to'aet- tle tbe matter sbe agreed to marry" tbe pitch In and help mamma work."—Chi one wbo should guess tbe nearest to cago News. The Black Hand ■weineee. Mrs Bart— My husband got a lattar ber age. Arthur— And did sbe? Willy '«day saying something dreadful would —I don't know. I know that sbe mar­ '“Ones « be didn’t soadtbe writer a ried tbe one wbo guessed tbe lowest. I of money Mrs. Smart—My Ma* gets dunned for hla Mils ta*- Transcript —----------------- ■' F ; •am* Thing. 8eribbUr-l «rat liba tbs sr H Otrs oua lyuijsi SMwl- Crushed. "Really, Louise, this bill Is out­ rageous You must not try to dress liks tbs millionaires’ wives.” "My dear Ned. control yoursaif. I rsa whas slaiM^r bn-lgn wrrk «ordarea. OnnmlUtinu Free, y rm can im H get bells« •Inlrea work dono weyvhera. Ali werk fully rwar* uteed. Modern ek^tric eqalptreel. Heat ecHiuKle* Wise Dental Co. 'AJUMA BVtWime _•" ****£“**•• rniADeWââM.Si», PORTLAND, OREGON ITTI0B B0VM: • A. M. te • 9. M. tato jk • to ft . THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE LIGHT RUNNING HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. Yon Use Them. We Sell Them W. A. WILLIAMS & CO Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. Winter Reading. These long Winter evenings you will put your eyes to the test. Do not work them too bard if you value them. If you have a pair of properly fitted glasses you can hardly work them too hard. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Dr. Henry E. Morris. II iI i tewing Mi. Ulne writ« » TSE REW HB»I MWIIta EUCHrtl C0HFMÎ Orang«. Maa*. M ist «•«!"« ■»<:*"><•• W' »•»!! r»««rtl^ M *u«ii;r, imi th« ■ VW Meass k a«4« w VW* I I Ovi fuM«»t» •< «•> _ Mota try aatbortovd Swl«rs a**g. aw nu-s •» .