Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 25, 1909, Image 1

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No. 25
lye specialist,
general insurance.
nook County Bank
idd of Holatein Cows
fcabcrlacli has rented
Em to Earl Ayer.
Jainter and decorator,
Lg a specialty.
E Registered Holatein
tear & Co.’s add.
Ion went to Portland
Ion a business trip.
$10.50 a ton. Beet Coal,
See D. L. Shrode.
tkins is in from Ash-
Lit for a few weeks.
ICowa, to freshen in the
8. Beals, Tillamook. *
services at the Presby-
(i next Sunday morning
r, wife and son will re-
lext steamer from their
I Rooms and Board at
hurst’s, opposite Dr.
d crabs for sale, also
¡osite Case’s machine
shed Rooms and Lodg-
i of Lawrence Sanders
nook Hotel.
al city caucus will be
irday for the purpose of
a city ticket.
fahlen, leading jeweler,
largest stock of anti-
llas in Tillamook.
’ahlen, leading jeweler,
nilas cheaper than any
United States. Whole-
Attorney W. H. Cooper has sold
his residence and furniture, D. T.
Edmunds buying the house.
Ira Latimer and wife returned on
Saturday from visiting- Mrs. Lati­
mer’s father, who had been sick.
Mrs. Gus Kunze returned with her
daughter, who had been <mite seri­
ously sick in the East, on Saturday.
A game of football will be played
this (Thursday) afternoon between
Tillamook and Wilson River schools.
Rev. A. B. Calder will preach at
the Miami school house at 3 p.m.
on Sunday and at Bay City on Sun­
day evening at 7.30.
Rollie W. Watson will give a re­
ward of $50 for the arrest and con­
viction of those who shoot at and
destroy his sign boards.
Butter fat prices paid during the '
wetjk : Maple Leaf (Oct.), 39.2c. ;
Tillamook Creamery (Oct.), 38.8c. ;
Fairview (Oct.), 37.1c. ; Clover Leaf
(Oct.), 40.4c.; Meda (Sept.), 38.0c.
The cases of Elmore Packing
Company, Nehalem Packing Com­
pany and Samuel Elmore vs. Tilla­
mook County, appealed from the
Circuit Court, are set for hearing in
the Supreme Court for Thursday,
December 2nd. ’
On Friday evening, Dec. 3rd, a
musical will be given under the aus­
pices of the Young People’s Chris­
tian Endeavor of the Presbyterian
church. There will be a reception
after the musical in the church par­
lor. Admission free and all are cor­
dially invited.
25, 1909.
Ladies’ Silk* Petticoats.
¡Our $5.50 line of Handsome
We offer a Rubberized Rain
Silk Petticoats, iti a variety
Proof Silk School Cape, in1
of handsome shades will be
Navy Bine, Regular $8. so I
placed on sale each.. $3.98
value, Special
$4.97 From Hal toms will make the Turkey Taste better
Rubberized Auto Shirts for
Ladies and Misses each $5.00
A Silk Stripe Rubberized Rain
Coat, Handsome ■ design, $18
value, Special
All better grades of
1 Silk Rain
Coats are cut in price accord-
ingly. Bring in the children
for rain proof oil coats, rubber
capes, waterproof hats and
rubbers. This is the home of
these things.
Moving Day is Close at Hand.
Third Off.
One Third Off.
’s & Young
n’s Suits
All Sizes.
$10.00 Suits for $6.67
IES’ Tailored-Made SUITS and COATS,
Ladies’ Tailored
Made Suits for
Ladies' Coats for
Corset Items.
Boots and Rubbers.
in blacks, tans and grey for
each............................. $1.15
We have a line of Men’s and
Boy’s Caps, 50c. to 75c. values.
Each............................... 19c.
Boy’s Nnee Rubber Boots, $2.50
value, sires 11 to 2, sule . $1.43
Boy’s Knee Rubber Boots, $2.75 Men’s 50 cent Jersey Ribbed
values, sires 3 to 7, sale... $1.95
Underwear. Sale, each 19c.
Boy’s High Top Snag Proof Boots,
Men’s 65c. Heavy Fleece Lined
sires 3 to 6, $4.50 value, sale $3.85
Underwear. Sale price, ea39c.
‘‘Billy Buster” Steel Bottom Children’s Rubbers, sires 8 to 11,
sale, pair .................. ............ 33c.
$3.19 $3.50
Men’s All Wool Vicuna Under­
School Shoe, 2J4 to 5ls> sale price,
Boy’s Rubbers, 2 to 6, sale .. 50c.
wear. Sale, garment.. 1.29
for pair.......................................... $2.20
son, Pennington & Co.’s
from 35 to 42 inches. Regular
$8.50 value. Special, ea $4.85
We are offering bigger and better bargains than ever before. A quantity of American Lady
Corsets, long model effects.
Everything we own or control is sacrificed heavily to help
Value, $2.50. Sale price, each
us reduce our enormous stock. This is not idle talk, but
absolute facts. It is cheaper for us to sell our goods at
Line of $1.25. American
cost, getting the value of the advertising in doing so than
Lady Corsets.
Sale price,
to pay the enormous expense of moving. It is your oppor­
each ............................... 67c.
tunity to buy goods at wholesale prices. Hundreds of
people have braved the recent severe storms to take ad­
Men’s Hats.
vantage of this sale and were gled they did so. We have W 'e are offering some big tnonev
Ladies’ Suits and Coats. huge quantities of nifty, up to date stuff, still waiting for
saving specials on hats. A
someone to carry away. Remember this will last only a
line of $2.00 to $2.50 hats.
Values better than ever.
Each............................... 89c.
High class tailored suits values
A Line we sold for $3 00 each,
to $20, Sale suit
day) evening.
Rev. J. F. Dunlop '
will preach the sermon, and a large
chorus choir, made up of the seve- j Pristley’s
Ladies worth $20 every where.
ral choirs of the different churches, I
Sale price each
will render the music for the even-1
Suits for $5.00
Dress Skirts.
A line of Ladie’s and Misses, 75c. Grade all Bleached Linen Damask, special, yard 56c. A Line of elegant Ladies’ Skirts,
Rubberized rain coats, All 1 $2 grade fine bleached all Linen Damask, special yd $1.35
in a variety of handsome pat­
Shades, beautifully made. A 75c. grade Fancy Colored Damasks in Checks and
terns and shades.
$to value for
Flowered Designs, special yard ........................ 45c.
sizes to 34 inches. Lengths
Elegantly Tailored Suits, New
long coats, kilted skirts val­
ues to $35 Sale suit $16.95
A line of Ladies’ Tailored Coats
bought to sell for $12 each.
Sale price each
$4.97 About 200 pair« of Men’s Shoes.
New Fall Styles, values from $2.75
$15 Ladies’ Coats in black and I to
$3.50, sale, pair................ $2.20
A union Thanksgiving service
$2.50 ¡Heavy Cronie Stock “¡Billy
Buster” Shoe for Boys, sizes 11 to
will be held in the United Brethren I Misses and Children’s Coats,
2, sale price, pair................ $1.50
church Thanksgiving, this (Thurs- I
values to $9^0, on sale each
izes 14 to 36.
$f.$o per year.
Our Store will be Closed Thanksgiving Day Afternoon.
Men’s “Cooper” Ribbed Under­
wear. Sale, garment. $1.35
Governoi Benson has announced immediately. This will be good
the appointment of the following news to the thousands of Summer
commissioners of the new port of visitors who throng the beach re­ Harbor Line Established-
Nehalem : C. H. Wheeler, Henry sorts south of the Columbia River.
Tohl, H. V. Alley, F. A. Rowe. A frequent service, which can best Squatters Must Move
Frank Zaddach. The port has just be supplied by an electric line, will
Off the Water Front.
been incorporated under the terms not only attract newcomers to these
of an act passed at the last session
The Port of Tillamook held a
add to the pleasure and convenience meeting on Friday evening, when
of the Legislature.
Governor Benson has appointed of the ‘‘regulars,’’ who for years H. T. Botts, president, M. F. Leach,
James Walton as one of the dele­ have spent the Summer at the Dave Fitzpatrick and James Wal­
gatee from Oregon to the National beach. The line, by following ton were present. The port took
Rivers and Harbors Congress, almost-any of the routes on which the first step towards the improve­
which is to be held in Washington, surveys have been made between ment of the water front and the
D.C., on December 8th, 9th and Seaside and Tillamook, would pre­ straightening of Hoquiirton slough.
sent scenic attractions of surpass­ Secretary Walton read a communi­
10th. B. L. Eddy, ' of Roseburg,
cation from the engineer's depart­
and formerly o( Tillaiipiojc, is also ing interest.—Oregonian.
An agreement has been filed with ment in regard to a project for the
one of the delegation. K
The holiday depurtment at I’atz- tbe County Clerk between N. N. improvement of the slough, which
Bi-ooten and John A. Anderson and caused a good deal of discussion,
lafs’ will be open on Wednesday,
Dec. 1st. A h all our Christmas T. H. Faulconer, in which it is and the secretary was instructed
agreed to eell the ore from what is to write the department again as
goods are all in, we will have them
known as the Brooten minernl to plans, etc.
Mr. Walton an­
on display in a room 25x30, which
property, in the south part of the nounced tha‘ he had been ap­
makes Christmas shopping easy.
Come early and make your selection county. The ore is to be known as pointed by the governor a delegate
the ‘‘Brooten’s Kelp Ore,” and the to the National Rivers and Harbors
as you know the choicest articles
parties agree to take not less than Congress, anil suggested that Mr.
aré always sold liefore the middle ¡
I $500 worth of ore during the first Russell Hawkins take his place, so
of December.
I year; $1,000 the second year; $1,500 that Tillamook could be repre­
The steamer Sue H. Elmore came for the third year, delivered at the sented. Tics was left over to see
in on Saturday with a number of mine and to be sold in the State of whether Mr. Hawkins would con­
passengers and left here cm Sunday California or the territory of Ari­ sent to go to Washington. The
with the following passengers: Miss zona, upon the following terms: question of the establishment of a
Bramwell, C. Hannenkrat, M. R. For antiphlogestine,
containing harbor line was then taken up and
Robins, R. M. Buckle, J. Coulber, me dical properties for poultices, at it was unanimously adopted that
Alex. Poksa, Capt. B. Toliell and $200 per ton; ore containing medical the north line of the Thomas dona­
Miss Zumstein. As a heavy rain properties for mud and steam tion claim tie declared the hartxir
and wind storm was blowing she baths, $125 per ton; for ore con­ line, and the ascretary was author­
was unable to cross out.
taining medical
properties for ized to write the engineers dejisrt-
The steamer Argo reached this i water baths, $75 per ton; for ore ment to that effect, and to order
city Saturday evening, and working r cents ining medical properties for those who had encroached upon
her cargo that night, she left early i drinking water, $200 per ton. The the slough to move back to the
Sunday morning, and succeeded in , ore is be treated by Brooten before line, whi-h will necessitate the re­
crossing out. Her passengers from delivery suitable for the purposes moval of docks, wharfs and build­
here were Ed. Faulkner, John Starr, expressed in tbe agreement, and ings on the south side of the
The Port took up the
John Norboy, L. G. Freeman, wife the contract is for 20 years, with slough.
and daughters. She was fortunate tiie privilege to take more ore when matter of refunding the tax money
levied by the old Port, but as
in getting out, as another southwest desired. _________ ______
it would only necessitate levying
storm came up that evening.
Notice to The Public.
that much more tax when the next
At a meeting of the City Council
levy is made, it was thought that
on Thursday evenir g, a franchise
Mrs. Fincher, the new photograph­
would be gained by doing
was granted the Pacific Railway A er, regrets very much to state that nothing
so. The members of the Port ap­
Navigation Co. to lay a track on owing to the bad weather, it will be
peared to be unanimously of the
Water street, the railroad company impossible to get my goods here in
opinion that they should proceed
to use the north side of the street. time to open my Studio by Dec. 1st,
forthwith by making all necessary
The city council instructed the re­ jyerhape not before the 10th or 15th.
arrangement to get the preliminary
corder to obtain from the water
But remember the same offer
work as to the atraightening of the
commission its annual report. The holds good at that date, that the
slough under weigh as soon as
city caucus, to nominate a city first three days of niy opening
possible, and when thia is done.
ticket, was set for Saturday evening. every child under 5 years of age I
i let the work by contract Several
The Ladies' Aid of the Church of brought to the studio will receive j jother minor mutters came up and
I Christ met with Mrs. Hall, Novem­ a beautiful photograph of its self I the Port adjourned to meet at the
ber 8th, and will meet on the 25th, free. You nre un'ler no obligations i call of the secretary.
at the parsonage Next week they to place an ' order, the offer tiring I
will meet with Mrs. Margaret Hold- given to introduce my work
Don't stay home if weather is
den. It is desired that all the
an I tim prepared to photo
members lie present. The bazaar
will be held Friday and Saturday, ijraph baby on the darkest day.
Watch piner for correct date «4
Decern tier 3rd and 4th. in Jone.- .»pening.
mas order, will receive
Knudson Co.’» concrete building. prompt attention.
Paid up Capital ............... •
Many dainty and useful things for
Mrs ’/iadher’» Studio in Sarchet
OiTera eve’y f»> ilitv for
Christmas gifts will be on sale. block.
and respectfully mliclt» your businew.
Sermon subjects of the Church of
Acts m trustee for corporations, indl«
Cows For Sale.
Christ next Lord’» day: am.,
r, ridunb and »»Utss. Confidential triw»
“ Christ's Estimate of Happiness;”
Ha ve 8 or 10 head of milk cows h 1 relation» curried out faithfully.
I need -Call at the rane
Interest »1 current r»t«a on time «»•
p.m.. " The House Which God mon than
p. w. T odo .
for , »rices.
a ate teA^teu
Built ”
- .
Mail bu.ine.. gieen prompt »1 Un Hon.
For Bale.
p,r. .nd burglar pr<«»< «af -ty depo»H
From Astoria come» word that
.H.werV^hn'- engine boxes ju.t inrt.lled for cimreulenc. <4
the proposed Astoria-Seaaide-Tilla
4 horse 1 ____ L - ’-u_,ent Inquire ^ci»»oiuer» vt reasonable rental.
monk electric railroad has been 5
wood-saw attachm
financed and that work will begin i f<^ Gu» Kunze, TiUamoo
First Bank & 1 rust
Agency for
American Ladies
Tailoring Co.