T illamook headlight . S eptember 2, « Juat Before Departure. T. The Best Hotel. live recognized in the philosophy of a policeman. The secret is psychological. L egal ApvERTtbxMKNTs : Rev. Father Sullivan, in making his If we do hot think a little we must io departure for Omaha, expresses some admit Cha: in all oar hearts there is at First Ikm, per bn«-............. I Each subsequent insertion, line.... decided opinions touching the woman times a strange restlessness w hich we do j. p. ALLEN. Proprietor. Bukineas ami profei^iooal cards, 1 month.................................... i 00 hood ol the present day. its vanities, its I not understand and could not explain Homestead Notices . .$................ a GO foibles, its limitations and its aspira We have a longing to ‘ get a" ay,” any Timber Claim» ................. . ........... io GO t»onH. Where he a layman, it would be where and anyhow. It is this natural 5 Local» per line each insertion ... Special Attention paid to Tourists. possible to believe that he waited until instinct which has made our travel» rs Display advei tiseinent, an inch, 50 the eve of his departure before daring to hi d explorers, It is this " watidergeiH ’ 1 month .................................... A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation All Resolutions of Condolence and give utterance to such an attack upon which makes many men of to d*y— lxalge Notice« 5c. per line. what is truly the better half of our sporting men, journalists. fiddling fel Card« of Thunks, 5c. per line. Notice«, Lost, Strays«! or Stolen, etc ___ , American lite in point of equipment for lows, music hall ‘turij*,” the tramp* on minimum rata, 25c. not exceedii g five any wwifareol this kind. Father Su'- the highways of hfi go wand^iirg lines. livan may have calculated upon getting always from one city to another, from away before the lull fury of the storm one country to another, unable to settle RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. can break, for surely he must have down or to stay long in one place 1 hey SCGAK always advances before berry season STHICTI.V IM ADVANCB.) known that the storm will come. Even want t<> get away from the familiar We hive a good supply on hind and will sell the cloth can not save a man who will things of life to the unfamiliar. They 75 thus hold a mirror to the face of loyel) want, still more, to escape from them- Six months ................... ................... 50 Three months............... ................... our friends and customers while It last. woman and command her, sternly, to keivefl. see herself as he sees her. That is oi.e of the strongest instincts 100 lbs. sk. PURE CANE SUGAR. She is sure to look. No true daueh. in nature, nr at least in human nsycholo t-r of Eve has the strength to lc< k gy—the desire to escape. It is the secret C. A 11. Berry Sugar, $5.80 a sk. S raí C Rake*. 1Publisher. away under such chcurrs antes Het of much of the fretfulness and restless- curiosity will get the letter of her Lar, ness of modern life, for with many of us Exira F ine Dry Granulated Sugar, $5.60 a sk. It is said tbit H irry Thaw will charge p'rhaps even of her pride. She will look it is a thwarted instinct. It is so difficu t lawyers agon. His chief trouble, how and shriek, and it will l»e well then for to get a« ay. so difficult to escape from Star brand process Rolled Barley, ever, appears to be in the law, not iu the Father Sullivan if be ba* put the entire the »e if of which we are \« ry tired. la a / vets. distance between St. L«»u is ami Omaha In ihe old days it was easier. The The best on the market. w » • Mr. Harriman was not once on deck between l >mselt and her. Answer she routine of life was nol so iron bound 75 lbs. Sack, $1.60. in coming acioss <»n the o tan li> er, but must, for the arraignnn nt is iot only the But now many men and women mil most severe hot the most .'weeping one lions of them, are prisoners, as it were, fie was nl once on deck as soon us he we believe. He accuses .he American in narrow cells. $40 a Ton. Respectability lias reached New York. woman of neglecting the finest oppor­ swallowed them up and cramped then ♦ * 4 The incubator baby Continues to tunities her sex has ever ha 1 for the limbs—the respectable tuidd e-< lass lite make more c>f a noise in this old world acquirement of culture and »hat real of getting to an office every moi no g a’ tuan n thousand babies l-eing brought power which is the power of knowledge. the same hour, by the same train of i He indicates her as being without the meeting the same people with the same up on mother’s milk. desire for knowledge or for culture, calls ideas. M * * Between the airship and the auto­ her a dawdler, an idler, a seeker after The instinct of escape breaks out some, mobile the only safe tiling to do is Io trifles. In short, he gives htr nil the times in surprising ways, and among take to the woods with a pkuic baiket seeming of one of the inanimate figures people most content, as it seemed, w ith used t<> display tailor made gowns and the humdrum r< utii.e. For instunce, a and a fishing basket. * * * resplendent millinery which we see in domestic servant who had lived in model Chancellor Day has quit defending the great show windows. He says that respectability for twenty years with an John D. Rockefeller and is now inyiting while she turns from house hold duties, old maiden lady, euddenly rebelled public attention by predicting the early and wifely duties, she turns, equally, against her narrow life and escaped dissolution of the British Empire. from perfecting herself in those graces with the grocer’s young man. * a * and accomplishments which of old adorn But there are some people, poets, per An epidemic of fraud resulting in the rd her sex and gave birth to tbosechival collection of large sums of money on ric instincts in man which have done so haps, though they have never written verse, and philosophers, though they worthless check* signed by irresponsible much to redeem and glorify the race. have not read Herbet Spencer, who be but well-dressed citizens indicated that Turn we from the mirror to Falher the era of confidence is at la»t with us Sullivan's economic reflections concern come too introspective by brooding in the secret chambers ol their own heart. (CAPT. P. SCHRADER) again. mg woman. He condems, of course, the Their family and friends do not know ot f * * * Japan ridicules the idea that she in suffragist movement, and he conde ms it their ceaseless self-omninnings ; out­ indebted to America lor her progiessive in the strongest possible way by going wardly thev live on ordinary life ; in­ business spirit, and yet it was an Amir back to the family as a unit of organiz wardly they are morbidly excited and ican. Commodore Perry, who first ed society, and insisting that, as the onl? profoundly troubled. opened the Japanese doors to universal safety of organized socivtv is in retain­ They ha\e made a failure of life, per ing the family as the unit, so the only haps. Their ambitious have been scat­ commerce. * » 4 hope of retaining the unit is to cuutinuc tered and their dreams dissolved. Re- Mr. Heart’s New York American has relying upon those forces of natural al ligion gives no answer to their question­ made a poll of the legislatures ot mai y lection and conjugal leva which make ings. There is nothing new for them or states and has found that twenty-seven the men of a household seek through the satisfying in literature. The world has of them favor the constitutional amend, exercise o| their suffrage right, the high lieen too hard oh them, and their life is me'it giving Congress ppwer to levy an est good of all the family groups. I here wearisome, and they are sick of that income tax. f may be exceptions to the rule, but the self in which they haye lived too much. M * W They want to wipe the si ite clea n and j Mr. Roosevelt's assistants are clever rule prevails. But that this is not who! ly a man’s view of the case is proved by begin all over again. They want to men The business rnunager keeps him the fact that it was ably advanced by get away. It becomes a tnorbid, haunt­ Sails from Couch st. Wharf, Portland, Oregon, on short rations at times, and the night watchman never tails to have the camp- one of the young ladies in a working ing thought. It grows stronger and women's debate of the suffrage question more obsessing, but they hide it ai? a trs aroused at daybreak by a chorus ol in old Liederkranz Hall not long since, guilty thing from those who sit op­ wild animal voices. which won, from a feminine committee posite at table, or from their bedfellows 4 W * Ot course the temperance people will of judges, a verdict nut against the The little things of life are done make as much use ot the tact that beer natural right of a w oman to vote, but mechanically. They serin quite sane drinking lias not restored Mr. Harri« against the wisdom of her doing so. It and level-haded. But all the while man's health as the other fellows made may encourage Father Sullivan to know there is a voice calling them to come ol the tact that his physician had told ibis, blit it ni.i v also confit ni him in his away—somewhere, somehow, They opinion that female suffrage is a fad of must escape. him to dunk it. 4 * » idle hands and brains fur which some And so one day the respectable and re­ The Democratic tHfiff liuk»rs who arc oody, according to an old proverb, can spected husband, the good lather, the expecting help from the insurgent Re­ always find mischief to do. What we quiet daughter, steal away, without a publicans will get yrrjr little from congratulate him upon is not only (in word, and go wondering. Sometimes Senator Cemmins. He charges that vigor and brilliancy of his opinions, but they are very cunning, with the cunning the Democratic party has thoroughly the fact of his living well out of town be ol madness. Sometimes they just walk demonstrated its uiiiocaous inability to tore the ladies. God bless them, can fall out into the streets and take a railway be trusted with anything so important foul ol him.—Globe Democrat. ticket, or a steamer ticket, not careful a* a tarift law. to hide their traces, but careless ol « a « Why People ¿Disappear. everything except that one terrible re Changing lights are being seen ou Mais nearly eveiy night now, as the One can hardly scan a paper no« sistless desire which drives them away. Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. What has happened to those missing red plni et draws neater the earth. 1.» «ilhout reading a notice about sour* the MartiniiS are signaling us now, man or nouiou who lias suddenly ilia- people ? Some of them haye built up Fir,t cla„ Rooml Hun they must have been doing so hi nppeared. Yet many ot these cases do new lives in new places, hiding that old Centrally Locsterl. 1891. the year ot their(nat previous near not Hnd their war into the new.pap.rs iite and self like the Jecret of a crime. approach, when simtlai lights were seen, The police know more than the public Others have escaped through the great ai d will discover that we are as Lienight about th» numbers of people who me re gate which is closed after all who enter ed now as wr were then. It might do ported missing by their rehll.es and it. They haye taken the easiest and The Only First Class Hotel in Tillamook, Ore. some good to hear what they are saying friends. And it is uo new phase of social saddest way .—Detriot Free Press A Modern Hotel. Traveling Men'» Home. Tourists’ Headquarters. ol us on Mars. life. For year, people hare gone wander Tillamook County ’has ordered an- »44 Ing away from their home circles, and other J. F. RAMSEY, Pro. rock crusher, roller and engine Until Hyden, ol Nels >n County, Ky.. most of them have never come back and with the arrival of the machine, will imide > vow during the first Lincoln What is the secret of these missing have more than invested in ciimpaigu that lie would never leave his This will |«ople ’ What are the hidden causes equipment for road work room in the event of Lincoln’s election not seem aurprising to anyone has which prompt them to steal away from traveled oyer Tillamook County who Roads. an president, and who kept it, died the all that ahould be dear to them tn life— Tillamook is a big county, with a small other day leaving $100,000 worth of from their own little world of duly and population and limited development propcty. The worst thing about the which, of course, restricts the revenues pleasure, family and friends ? dissemination of this information prevents elaborate improvement The answer is not to be found in the and throughout the county. In the best de through the Press is not in the fact of cynical sMumption that nioat of them veloped portion of the county, however, Basil Hyden’* death, but initsencourage have excellent reasons for disappearing in the vicinity of Tillamook City and meut of this delusion that the posssc>s The remarkable thing about many of Nehalem, will be found s >ine of the best ion of sens* is not necessary to the roads that have been built those missing men and women is that country anywhere in theState of Oregon. As all arcuiiiulation of money. they have been, as far a-> general know of the farmers and dairymen using 4 « 4 The Alabama House of Representatives lisle goes, entirely respectable, that they these roads are highly prosperous, it is apparent that the value of good roads is has passed what is admit'ed to be the have not been deeply embarrassed finan­ fully appreciated in this remote county. cially. and that they have been leading m »st severe prohibition bill ever offered The railroad will increase the popula­ in the South. By its provisioi s, not quiet, steady lives, outwardly happy ami tion ot Tillamook quite rapidly, hut only is the *ale of liquors prohibited, but not butdened with more of those cares there will be a distinct advantage in road building for many years.—Oregon­ their advertisement may not appear in than most of u. carry in our pack. ian. It is this which makes these case« so any newspaper or upon Any billboard, Testifies After Four Years. and no tiam may leave a car containing battling and mysterious. The public and Carlisle Center. N.Y, G. R. Bur hans, liquor on any track in tliestate. No place the police demand a motive. ” What lias writes: •' About four year* ago I wrote selling any sort of goods may lie called he been up to !” they say, and await you that I had been entirely cured of revelation. They look for a clew and a saloon, and officers mat raid places on kidney trouble bv taking two hot ties of s i«p cion and etlroy g< ods found. Ci or- when they find a hat and coat by a rival, Foley’s Kidney Remedy, and after four ynars 1 am again pleased to state that I tide or on the sea beach the clew seem, poratious must promise not to bring I in have never had any return of those clear euough, though no body la found. liquors, on penalty of having their li- symptoms, and 1 am evidently cured to Die wife is examined, and she. poor stny cured.’’ Foley’s Kidney Remedy censes revolted sutomsticslly. soul, can only say -* My husband had will do the same for you J. S ta'iiar, I A Harry Up Call. iiolhii-g to worry him. He was always Tdlamuuk; llawk A Miller. Bay City. Quick ’ Mr. Druggist— Quick I—A box good to me and devoted to the children.'' of Buuklen's Arnica Salve—Here’s a Health and Beauty Aid quarter*-For the lue* of Moses, hurry! Or a distracted falher .ays “Myda'igh-I Cosmetic arid lotion, will not clear : Baby’s burned himself, terribly—John., I ter was of the happiest dispwilion, I all your complexion of pimple, and blotches ' __ 7 _; _ - had ' no _ secret *_ Z_________ i.ie cut Ms foot with the axe— __ Man Mn sure 7- she love __ atTairs. Some > like Poley'. Orion Laxwtive. for indi fu-jrlai»*.! ,.>!•*_ II i II ia ’ ' » t^ribfo __ *___________ . __ ~*aM«,l - Pi Pa i-«n can t null walk iimn horntule-BiHi« accident mu.t have happened _ hi geelion, stomach and liver trouble and linA thailljg mu . I niw .sima a.s I sa Wk.» „,»t I has bolls—and my corns ache She got • halnlual constipation. Cleari.es the it and s