Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 02, 1909, Image 1

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| ^Morris,eye specialist.
and’ o'1''''« HrnryTo,,, F'*<fZuddB<h
«nd Oscar Bergman were down from
Ntnalcin on Monday.
School Days Commence,
Monday, Sept. 13th.
A A Monison, Mt. | C. Ainsworth
J E. Nolan, general insurance.
^Tillamook County Bank notes. * , -ml M.ss Lattie H. Lewis, were in from
Portland on Wednesday.
riNoUn ia in on a visit to relatives.
A fine line of furs received by Mason
£,£. Arant was in from Monmouth
Pmiuington & Co. Make your select.on
while.the stock is complete.
ua seek-
f, E Alley, of Woods, was in tbe city
Let us give you figures on your build­
ing material, doors anti windows and
$. Scoreil was dow n from Nebalem nails, etc.—King A Smith Co.
ps *eek
Bacher Jones Co. have returned with
£ c Harrison, of Portland, was in the newest and most upto date line of
Ladies' and Children's Headgear.
tbeoty Sand"}-
I w. Hellenbrand, ofOretown. was in
Go to Mason, Pennington & Co's and
tkecity Tuesday.
secure a pair of those »5.00 Famous
D-Hi't forget the Hardware flrm of Packard Oxfords for men for $3 89. •
JinjA Smith Co.
For sale. Set of Double Buggy Harness
U, v. Thompson, of Nehalem, was in and Buggy with poll and fills Will
exchange for fire wood.—J. C. Bewley. •
>rit) Saturday.
ckal 6 Wilder, of Portland, was in
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olds, Miss Edith
Olds and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Oids. of
frnlj Wednesday.
B Aratill and wife were in from Portland, were in the city on Saturday
ClorrrJale this week.
Representative A. R. Beals is in for a
Rs days from Salem.
H. Sours, painter and decorator, and
decorating a specialty.
5, Gupton, of Forest Grove, was in
Itbecity on Wedneseay.
John L. Travis and wife, of Portland,
were ill the city Sunday.
Brery thing in the gun and ammuni-
tmliNat King & Smith's.
E. J. Knobloch, of Cloverdale, was in
the city the first of the week delivering
tl.e catarrh medicine that he took orders
We are st lling lots of the Sherwin
Williams paints and oils. People are
beginning to learn their quality —King
Sc Smith Co..
The Keiser Neckwear is considered the
most exclusive and up to-date in the
United States. See display at Bacher
Jones Millinery.
The lare oil the North Yamhill stage
Rev. A. B. Calder will preach at Bay
(st has been reduced to $3 50.
City next Sunday at 11 a.m. and at 8
Dr.Perkins will be in Cloverdale from p.m. I his will be the closing services in
4e lit to the 8th of each month.
the conference year.
For ule, a gentle horse, buggy and
A Burroughs,who was confined in'.he
brans, inquire of D. L. Shrode.
county jail tor breaking into the store at
G. 8. ¡Brackett and A. Harron, ol Cloverdale, was taken sick on Sunday
Portland, were in tbe city Sunday.
and Dr. Boals was called to attend him.
Robert Wost was given his first
Watch for new designs in Millinery at
ssturalization papers on Thursday.
Sturgeon's next week. Mrs. Sturgeon
T. A. Folks and Bert Folks, of Cor- will return the first of the week and will
be pleased to show the ladies the latest
nllii, were in tbe city on Monday.
LJ,Mizer.and T. E. McKinley, of creations in headwear.
The September term of the Board of
Tsocourer, were in the city on Sunday.
Commissioners. includingCountv
Once your wheel is equipped with steel
has the trouble is over. See Ed. about Judge H. F. Goodspeed and Commis­
sioners G. W. Bodyfelt and H. V. Alley,
is in session this week.
Mrs. T. Sarchet is visiting at the home
A petition is being circulated asking
if her brother, Chas. McDonald at Sbei-
Governor Benson to appoint Gus Kuntz,
M. F. Leach, H. T. Botts, Dave Fitz­
About seven to is of good oat hay for patrick and S. A. Brodhead as commis­
alt, inquire of C. N. Drew, Tillamook sioners on the Port of Tillamook.
The three games of base ball on Fri­
Mrs. J. W. Sweeney and Anna Neick. day, Saturday and Sunday between Mc­
rs,of Portland, were in the city on Minnville and Tillamook resulted in the
latter winning the first two gamesand
Home properties in
parts of the the former the last game.
county from $500 and
See Rollie
Morris Schnal, the popular price
Clother, will open, on or about Septem­
A splendid line of inside and outside ber 1st, with a full line of Clothing,
foot locks. See those samples at King Gent.’s Furnishings, Boots and Shoes,
A Smith's.
in part of R. L. Wade's store.
Clams and crabs for sale, also shells,
State Superintendent Ackerman has
opposite Case's machine shop. — Joe unnouuced the dates of the teachers' in­
stitutes which are to he held throughout
for sale or trade, one of the largest the state, and the date for the institute
Millinery Stores in Tillamook.—M. Stur- in this county is the last of this month.
po» d Co.
L. D. Mumma, of Boise City, IJaho,
O'. Chas. Billington and Dr. D. 0.
who has some property interests in this
Webster, of Portland, were in the city
county, is in on another visit and to in­
vest. Mr. Mumma believes that Tilla­
Call at Bacher, Jones Co. to see the mook county has a bright future Ixfore
fist styles in Ladies' Hand Embroider it.
The Argo came in Saturday with the
1 haye those baby carriage tires and
following passengers : Mrs. J. R. Em-
i*1 put them on so they will stav.—E. mings, Mr. Gillette and wife, Miss Siev-
*>• Snodgrass.
ershern, John Anderson and family, J. D.
Muon, Pennington & Co. are showing Taylor, J D Marshal, W. Bonzer. H.
finest line of dress goods that ever Bonzer. Carl Gunderson, Geo. Hanafie.
“meto Tillamook.
E. Eail, M. Auslin, ,P. E. Gager, F
*e will soon have in another invoice Lorenze, Wni. Silyelhorn, R McFee. H,
Ihose quick meal stoyes and ranges. F. Carson and wife and Mrs. J. R
-king & Smith Co.
SO 00
School Sale of Boy’s Clothes.
I he quality of these suits and the low
prices introduced, assure us that unusual
buying activity will commence promptly at
our opening hour. This department is a
complete boys clothing store. Bring in the
boys early and get them fitted before the
School Sale of Boy’s andGirls’Shoes
Heme of Values
The shoe question is one of getting the
best value for the least money. You have
heard parents say they’d go broke buying
school shoes, butthose who buy here always
come back satisfied.
Those people are
actually saving money. We carry only the
best makes.
SUITS FOR $4.00.
All wool suits for Boy’s, brown and gray shades, new
patterns, Norfork Back Coats and fancy cuff sleeves. $5.00
Suits on sale for school wear, at per suit
SUITS FOR $3.00.
School Suits for Boy’s, 7 to 14 years of age. Made of wool
cassitneres in fancy weaves and stripes. Values to $4.50 on
sale for school wear at per suit
Boy ’s School Hats & Caps.
A full new line of these goods are now in stock at tempting
prices during the school opening sale. We have all the new
fall blocks in felt hats and all the latest colorings and shapes.
for School
Our Wonder Stockings a
splendid wearing hose for boys
and girls at school, a full 20
cent value anywhere, our
ptice the pair
The pavement on Main street is being
gradually changed from wood to con­
crete, which is a great improvement, and
now P. W. Todd’s having the pavement
in front of his property improved with
Mason, Pennington & Co. represent
the beet made to measure clothing houses
of Chicago. We take your measure,
guarantee a fit an I satisfaction, and
charge you only Chicago prices. We
pay the expressage.
The Board of County Cemmissioners
canvassed the votes cast in the Port of
Tillamook election on Tuesday and found
that it had cariied by a majority of 75
votes. Governor Benson will have to be
notified and he will appoint the first
The Argo left out on Monday with the
following passengers: Mrs. R. Brooke,
Mrs. J. Mackey, Tom Browne. D. J.
Guy. S. If. Leach, R. B. Duncan, R.
Watson, W. H. Easom and wife, H. II.
Youth ’s Heavy Box Calf Shoes in Blutcher style,
Extra good values
solid for school wear. “
Children’s Shoes of Velou calf,
Price the pair
Children's Shoes
at per pair
Girls’ School Shoes ot smooth finish Velou calf. Blutcher
cut and heavy soles. Price the pair
Misses Shoes of Velou calf and vice kid, have heavy
welt soles, at the pair
Wide Hair Ribbons 18c.
School Underwear.
Children’s Sweaters.
4 and 5 inch Messaline Silk
Hair Ribbons for school girls;
Many colors and shades to
choose from. A 30 cent ribbon
special for the school girls for
¡ter yard
/ 8c.
Boys Heavy Fleeced Lined
underwear any size, per gar­
Misses and childrens Jersey
ribbed fleeced underwear in
silver gray, sizes from 2 to 16.
Prices run with sizes from
18c. to 40c. per garment.
An excellent wearing ar­
ticle for the children going to
school on chilly mornings. We
have them in all the prevail­
ing colors with daiuty trim­
mings. All wool garments
Jones. Riley Powell, Dan Mickal, Miss 1 pealed front the engineer's findings
There is no prospect of a Government
L. Christensen and F. Max ana wife.
appropriation to carry out the work
Norman Olsen has resigned as consta­
unless the project first receives the O.
ble of the second justice district and
K. of the War Department. Mclndoe
Justice of the Peace Sappington is circu­
says that the commerce in t he bay does
lating a petition for the county court to
not warrant $2,000,000 expenditures,
appoint Ed. Laughlin to the position.
which would be necessary for the work.
Mr. Olsen resigned on account of the
A suit was filed in the circuit court on
office interfering with his business
Wednesday bvjaines Walton jr .trustee,
The Sue H Elmore sailed Jon Saturday
plaintiff, against Matron T. Ghance, in
with the following passengers ; Mrs
which plaintiff wants defendant to set
White, Dr. Goucher and family, Mrs.
forth Hie value of his claim to certain
Edmunson, Bessie Terwilliger, L. R.
I property in section 21, and 20, tp. 1
Stinson. F. S. Grant, C. F. Shortridge,
The complaint sets out that
II. Schmid, L. T. Outhar, J. M. Kelley,
Jahn F. Shorey, Arthur L Finley and
J. Sherrnan, C. Jennings, E f. Wood, J.
Walter W. Ridehaigli are now organiz­
H. McDonald, T. Manifee, M. Shesel and
ing a corporation, under and by virtue
family, R. Stillwell, J. E Brainard and
of the laws of the State of Oregon, to lie
wife, M. Vogel, O. M- Patch,G B. Quim­
I known as the Garibaldi Ixach Company,
by and H. H. Jorgenson.
I and the plaintiff bolds the legal title to
District Engineer Mclndoe has re­ said premises and the whole thereof in
ported adversely on the proposed chan­ ' trust to be conveyed to said corporation
nel improvements across the bar in ’ when the same shall have been organ-
Tillamook bsy. Senator Bourne has ap- ,ized.
Sheriff Crenshaw left on Wednesday
morning lor Salem in his auto, taking A.
E. Burroughs to the state penitentiary
and C. R. Ostrander to the asylum The
sheriff was accompanied by his wife. He
lied no deputy along to assist him, for be
placed the ii’sane man and the prisoner
in the back qent of the auto, anil shack,
ling them so that they could not escape,
he started out without assistance. The
insane person was not dangerous, but
bis mania was a desire to kill himself.
James Smith, who has been in trouble
quite often on account ol being too fond
of and imbibing too much of the sluff
that have caused no end of trouble to
young men, was locked up in the county
jail over Sunday. Fearing that his fol­
low prisoner might lie crazy, Smith ask­
ed to lie locked up in the cell that night,
which was granted, for the prospect of
being locked up in the cage with a crazy
man did not look inviting. Next day
Smith paid the remainder of the fine and
was glad to obtain his liberty,promising
toquit the boozing habit.