Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 26, 1909, Image 8

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Editorial Snap Shots.
Fairview had just as well made it
ft ft ft
A straight 9-loot channel from the bay
to Tillamook City i* the slogan.
ft <x ft
The first thing lor the Port of Tilla­
mook to do is to get Uncle Sum to help
out with the improvement of the slough.
ft ft ft
There is a case pending in the Supreme
Court to ascertain when the hw passed
at th« last Stat»- legislature to create
Ports is constitutional.
ft ft *
It was about time for Condon to come
to the front with a murder in a saloon
Gilliam County is not dry enough yet —
Ami is it not a fact that because mur­
derers. thugs, dead beats, hoarmongeis.
gambler«, tbiev» s and the lowest < la*« of
s>cietv hangout in saloonsthat th» pen
pie are patting them out of buxine*« ?
ft x ft
By a majority of votes in Till.»monk.
Hoquarton. Fairview and South Prairie
precincts the pe pie have decided that
they are iu favor of the improvement of
Hoquarton slough and a deep water har­
bor for the center of the county. That
point having been settled the next thing
to do is to carry out the project iu the
most business like, economical manner
* * *
Happy Camp had a deserted nppear-
mice this year. Probably the h<x»t leg-
gers last year had a great deni to do
with the hoodoo that now hangs over
that campgrounds, for respectable, law
abiding citlxens out for fl summer’s out­
ing do not want to be near or associate
with that lawless element. Hence, that
preity and once popular resort got the
mitten this y ear.
* * ft
The Sheridan Sun should, make a fight
for better road» Irom that citv to Dolph,
lor there would he a’large amount ol tra
vcl in that direction if the two counties
would come to some understanding in
keeping the main road in good condition
at all seasons of t he \ ear. And there is
another thing that the Sun might Con
lend (or, and that is to Koolish the t<dl
road which is a curse and abominatiou
to that section of Yamhill county.
9 * •
It appears fo us that thn deputy fish
wardens ought tobe sure ol their ground
before they file complaints against per­
sons for violating the fishing law. 1 he
taxpayers of this county have had to pay
the costs where they have made mistakes
in swearing out complaints. Probably if
tha justice would make the deputy fish
wardens pay for their mistakes and not
the taxpayers, justice would be more
equitably doled out, for it is rank injus
tice to fbeve the taxpayers in that mai -
* * w
There’s a “blind pig” loose in town.
'1 lie “squeal" can be beard, and bis “ear
marks" crop out quite frequently of late.
— Mist.
Then Columbia County must have a
I cvy of lawless individuals as well as
Tillamook County whu should be taught
to resjxct the law. In some of the drv ■
counties, especially in Lane county, the
county officials have gained quite a rep­
utation in rounding up hootloggew, ad.
ding a large amount of revenue co the
county’s funds. Perhaps Tillamook and
Columbia Counties will get next »ome,
da*, and instead of the taxnavers '
having t«> foot the bill lor the vb-latioi» 1
ol the local option law the lawless in- (
dividual» will be made to do so.
ft ft ft
Although Tillamook >?heese is widely
know n for its excellent and whokSome
qualities, its reputation would be still
further advanced il a little more care was
taken in the packing and boxing. Any
old kind of a box, rough edged, knotty
and often dirtv looking, is not a suitable
package f»»r Tillamook eheese.
River makes a specially ofits boxes for
at'pks. although the intrinsit value of a
box of apples is comparatively small to
a box of cheese. Therefore, we think that
the time is ripe to place Tdlamook cheese
in a pretty, specially designed box that
♦s dean neat and attractive. We simply
mention this «8 a suggestion to the dairy
associations to adopt some uniform box
and design for Tillamook Count} s must
fatuous cheese.
ft ft ft
If the Tillamook attorneys who have
u dertaken to knock out rhe local op­
tion law succeed they w ill be doing some­
thing which other attorneys of the State
have not been able to do. not withstand­
ing that they have attacked the law in
many points without success.
If the
local attorneys succeed thev will been
titled to a big wad and the undying
thanks of the whiskey interests and the
lawless bootleggers, whom thev have
been defending with more or less success
in Tillamook County. But. should thev
fail, will the attorneys crawl into their
holes, as they did after so many decl ira
tion to the saloon keepers that they coal 1
knock the law out ? Cases are knocked
out in so called courts of justice in Ore­
gon on trivial technicalities that people
are lar from satisfied.
ft ft ft
Money talks ’ The «nap shot man has
heard a great deal of procrastination as
to the amount of money the Portland
Automobile Club was ready todonate to
assist in building a good automobile
road into I'dlainook county, and up to
the present time we have not heard of
any money being appropriated for that
purpose by the automobile club. This
county has gon»* ahead and expended
over $10,000 in rock crushers, road roll­
ers and other necessary appliances to
build good roads, thus showing that the
people of this county are thoroughly in
earnest in this matter. It looks to us,
however, that we have been treated to
a considerable amount of “hot air” by
the auto enthusiasts about subscribing
money to help build roads. We invite
them tn put up their “dough’’ or quit
talking “hot air’’ about $2(1,000 being
Money counts, gentleman,
not “hot air” and procrastination.
ft * ft
Evangelist Oliver appears to ha ve given
the editors of the two city nev\ spnpers a
hot shot in calling them “skeleton
heads,’’ which was a most ungentleman.
h. unchristian remark for anyone to
make who is engaged in such a sacred
calling. We will not retaliate nor show
the same unchristian spirit towards the
rev. gentleman. As far as the editor is
concerned, the people of thiscoanty know
where the Headlight stands for morality
decency and order, and they are better
able to judge than a perfect stranger
who may come here fora few weeks. But
we are exceedingly sorry to admit it.
that while the editor has been engaged
in this fight several freak, fraudulent
and immoral “ministers of the gospel"
have l»een sent here to preach the go»pel
and attend to the spiritual needs of the
people, but instead of doing so they have
caused scandals and dragged down the
Christian religion, the agnostic and the
infidel pointing the finger of ridicule at
Christian people on account of it. That
being the case, it seems to us that the
rev. gentleman sh<»nld first attempt t>'
Cast out the motes that are in the eves
of the ministry before lie at tempi« ”• r<
move the mot»*« in the eyes of the edit«»'s
<»f this citv. We do not believ«’ that an»
earnest, sincere <’hri.*tian gentleman, or
true follower of the Mazarine who fol­
lows the charitable precepts of the nc«
testament, would be guilty of hurling
uncharitable, unchristian epithet« at
editors. And we can say this without
feai of contradition that what improve
ments have taken place in the moral
atmosphere of the county, it is the Press
and not the Pulpit, which brought it
ft * *
We have no right to question how or
in what way a person voted onTuesdav,
vet it appears to us in a general way
that the voters in Fairview and South
Prairie did not show a magnanimou*
spirit. For this reason : A large propor­
tion of the road tax is expended in these
two districts every year, and it is right
that it should be, and the county court
has decided to purchase a rock crusher, I
engine and road roller and locate it ;»i
the Red Clover factory lor the benefit <>•
Fairview and South Prairie, for the
improvement of the high wax s, but no
one in Tillamook or Hoquarlon prtciiu is
are raising any complaii’ts or opposing
the«e improvements And for a num »ei
of years thr county appropriate»^ hatb­
ands of dollars a yaer of t he r< ad money
which rightly belonged t*> che citv, and
Fairview and South P.airie received a
proportion of that money. Now that
it is proposed to improve the mo«t im­
portant highway—Hoquarton slough—
into the center of Tillamook count),
which needs improvement equally as well,
and »»ven more so, than the roads in Fai -
view and South Prairie,the voters in the
two country precincts oppose. If, how­
ever, the slough reached as far as ilit
grange hall, it issafe to predict that th»
vote at Fairview on Munday would hav»
been almost unanimous in favor of a
Port to improve it. Therefore, we must
confess, looking at the situation in this
broad light, that Fairview and South
Prairie precincts did not show a uiag-
nannnoua spirit towards Tillamook aim
Hoquarton precincts in the matter o-
public improvements. The improvement
of Hoquarton slough is necessary at tin-
time for another reason: Nothing keeps
down freight rates on railroads as much
as water and steamship competition.
lias begun to Arrive.
Below are a few of the lines just received :
Men’s Fancy and Plain Dress Shirts.
A Fine Assortment of the late shapes and shades in Men’s Hats.
Men’s, Ladies and Children’s Coat Sweaters, in all the late stylesand shades.
Ladies ’ Skirts
A large assortment of Suitings, in pattern leugths.
Sotue pretty patterns in Serpentiue Crepe.
New Silks, Kid Gloves, Baby Caps, Knit Goods.
All Kinds of Blankets and Comforters.
We have fust received a large shipment of the
Including Long, Medium and Short Coats, Pants, Aprons
and Short Leggings.
ITe also have this material by the yard for Lap Robes, Wagon Covers, etc.
Re sure your rain clothing bears the Walrus Brand.
For One Week Only,
Men’s S5.00 Oxford's, the famous PACKARD
We have accepted the agency for the
American Ladies Tailoring Co.
of Chicago, and have a large showing of samples for Fall and Winter. All ladies are cordially
invited to iuspect this line. We will take yonr measure, guarantee a fit aud satisfaction.
Tillamook Jotting9.
fln Evening With
Nelson, of Ciov«*i»l*. ha»
Brown »lock of »horn at th» R-<i
and is ssllioK the>n way below c,«t.
intend» loc|.«e out the enure stock by
next Wednesday. S-pt. 1. Mr
is helping linu »an "it the . .......... ..
alio it keeps ttiriu busy tying up the
A. L. Annes, of Tacoma, representing I
Flatter, Monger Co , of Chicago, was m
the city Tuesday consulting with tlie
lilliiuiook Luiuoer Mfg. Co. for the
manufacture of potcli columus ¡should
lite company decide Co lustall the boring
machine aud lathesit will mean steady
employment for about half a doxen men.
Monday, August 30th,
Tillamook Opera House
We umleratand that surveyors are at
Xetai 1»emleavoring to find a more suit­
able route lor i lie electric railroad to
that pi li e as tlie pievious survey was
not th. nelit lo tic satisloCiorv. liiere is
Mime I ilk ol the electnc road going from
Netarts to Ba.»oceaii park along tlie
coast instead ol around tlie south side ol
i’lliumook bay.
The fallowing will probably be the program, with
alterations and additions to be given next week. All
character sketches in costume :
i.—Piano Solo............................................ Hazel Jewel.
2. —My Dolly........................................Florence Evens.
3. —A Heart Cocktail, Navajo’ Love, Chinese Song,
First Born, Farewell Scene, Zaza. . Izetta Jewel.
4. —Sketch—Polly’s Love,
The Girl ...
... . Izetta Jewel.
The Maid ...
.... Hazel Jewel.
5. —Serenade....................................... Florence Evens.
6. —The Girl of the Golden West.......... Izetta Jewel.
A wagon l'»a(i o‘ young folks w< nt to
filla im »k Bkricli 1 uv>»fay mornlug to
oe g »!»•• about ten days Among them I
wcieClaudn Brower, Howard H inscoin, !
Earl Nun, Lulu and Manon Hanacom, '
Maggie IL uk ami Ulina Arthur. The
parts is chaperoned by Mrs Hanscom.—
News Reporter.
While the Tillamook stage was com
ing m from that place on Wednesday it I
tipped over on a dangerous portion of
the road near Dolph ami two passengers
k\ere slightly injured. Chas. Hoersner,
of Portland, had his knee bruised and
Mrv.Walter Burrell, also from Portland,
was injured about the face and should
ers. -Sheridan Sun.
Mias Lenora Kuntz of Tillamook, Ore ,
who came here with her mother, »Mrs
Anna Kun'Z. Co be the guests of Mr. and
Mrs P ush up. of I 700 Huey street, ha«
b»en stricken uith typhoid lever. A sad
tea tint ol the case is the fact that her
fathei is absent in Germany. It will be
remembered that Mr Kuntz left about a
month ago with Carl Hoffman, of fenny
Lind stit-et, for a visit m Europe—From
a Pcnns) Ivania newspaper.
C. R OstrirtdiT, of Bay City, attemp ­
t'd to comm t tuieidc bv taking laudnum
and lo hasten Ins death lie appears to
have taken some other kind of poison,
out this caused him to vomit and saved
Ins lite A c< mplaiiit was filed against
him todav for liisani'v, and he was de­
clared insane. Owing to his weak con
dilion it will be several days before he
will be able to be taken to the asylum.
Rt v. Mr Bellknap, pastor of the M E
church at Hillsboro, was arrested for
-tell a d»er hide. He killed a buck and
> »id the hide t«» the storekeeper ar Dolph
A’htn taken before justice ofihePrac-
b'lson at Cloverdale he pleaded guilty,
and the jtislice imposed the minimum
im iially, which was $50
The rev. gen­
tleman wasqmie surprised when he waw
arrested, lor he dul not know at the time
i hat it was unlawful to barter deer hides I
at this season of the year.
The Sue II. Elmore left on Fridav with
the following passengers ; Geo Cook, 0
C. Parkson and wife, Miss Wilson, Mrs
L. A Dixon, P L. Teullinger, F. G.
Stillwell and wife, I H Jones and wile.
|. Polhomus, Mrs. Lammie, A. W.
Shaffer and wife, Miss Cora Cross, F.
Zeno and w ife, Rev Kellenis and family,
Fred Kaufman, J. C. Haunsberger. A’ex
Squires, Mrs. Fredrickson, G. C. DeWitt
and wife, W. R. Hollister, Henry Kunze,
J. C King and G. A. Ebty.
James Walton’s mare was taken up
bv the marshal for roaming at large and
placed in the pound. Mr Walton pro­
test» d. but paid the penalty, and went
to the barn for his mart, which he took
home. Somehow the animal did notact
exactly light and Mr. Walton did not
know that he had ‘swiped’’ another
man’s horse from the barn instead of
his mare, until the owner went to Mr,
Walton’s barn and demanded his horse.
James might have managed swapping
the horses only the sex of the animals
was a dead give away.
The public school will reconvene, after
the summer's vacation, on Monday. »Sep
13th. ami the indications are that there
will lx* the largest attendance of pupils
in the history of the school, which is the
best indication that the population of
the city is gradually on »he increase. The
board »»I directors was successful in ob­
tain i g the serv’d»« of Pro. W. R Ruther­
ford. who is not only a successful school I repares young people for bookkeepers, stenographers, correspondent» »n<i
mail, but is very popular with the pupils general office work. The development of the Northwest will afford openings for
mid the people ol this vicinity.
Miss thousands in the next few years. Prepare now. Send for catalogue.
Morgan will be the teacher in the busi­
ness department.
W. 1. STALEY, Principal,
Salem, Oregon
Port of Tillamook Carried.
The election on Tuesdny in Tillamook
Conte and see me and let’s get acquainted, and then ®
H. quarton. Fairview and South Prairie
precinct» for th- purpose of voting a» to
talk about those fine dairy cows you have and W
whether a Port of Tillamook should he
7 also those cheese vats you are going to have lined, or the ®
cieated. composing the four precinct,
passed off quietly, with the result that
other tin and galveuized iron work which you may need flj
it was carried by a majority of 76 vote».
Qy iu the future.
. $
In the forenoon it looked na'though little
I am prepared to do your work as it should be done.
interest was being taken in the election
in Hoquarton nod Tillamook precinct».
You will fiud me in the rear of the Snodgrass Repair
Realizing that an unusually small vole
Ay Shop.
would be cast if something was not done
to get the voters to the pol's, a number
of persons husiled around ami inforrted
the voters of the election, some of whom
had forgotten that the election was tak
ing place that day. That stimulated the
voting, and Justice Sappington, Count«
Treasurer Todd and others interested in
seeing the measure pa.s, were kept bus«
swearing in voters who were entitled to
vote but who hail not registered. Noth
ing was done in Pairview and South
Pra.rie precincts to get the voter» to the
polls who favored the measure while
those who opls>sed it were active in get Mr1 GranArn.'V gP’eerT bu»¡0M»
chain af*oUL’\-'l
tmg a full vote, as the result of the elec
long,left on the street in front
uon will plainly,how. The.e wa, the
livery barn. Finder please lea^M’
hest of feeling throughout the day and no
I Headlight office and oblige owner.
effort was made to induce voters to cast
thtir ballotsone way on the other in the
M rs V iola Mu t«.
city. The m.njoritv in the two citv pre-
Port 231 to SO. ami it wonhi ha ve bUn
All persons owing Todd & Co. by
moch larger l«a.| „ tu|, ,„,e
or account will please call and *7
while the two country precincts gave an
same at once. Office *>th
overwhelming vote against a Port onli »5.-0, n,onth. App|y Bt thij uftct «"•»
17 voting res and U3 no. The
o. G. PARKER, «
General Sheet Metal
the four precincts as follows
131 .
Hoquarton ....
5 ..
South Fraine .
12 _
vote in
A Bargain.
Percheron Stallion Ville.
»* JU
The Registered Perchcron
will stand for the se».«',ii 1W* 10
monk at Ttllnmr>''k Cite, fyf .,
1 tram and Hebo. Ville ia the largest and H*' r
in the connt»-^
*hh i [■ortioned atalHnn
L. B. S»sn«B.0*"
,O * «”•
some capital
Curca Golds; Prevent»