Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 26, 1909, Image 7

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W«r, One* Regarded as Mechan-
it», Not Soldiors.
...„I tbe tliue of Charles XII. of
L". tbe artillery was uot consld-
a a Pft ot ,he nrn,y' The n,<‘u
Inx lb It BPre "vt «"tolers. but re-
*r\-a ns ate' haul s The officers had
artnv rank. Charles XII. gave ar-
’offleers » rank and regularly
iLnUed the artillery Into companies,
n Mttle of Pavla demonstrated the
"priority of ,he ®un ln ,he h'",d‘, °r
.Tspanlsh infantry. The musket car
rtri a tw® ounce ball and sometimes
¡Htfbt down at one fire two or three
’ped knights The French sent a
Z, of trttce to remonstrate against
the use of Mich barbarous weapons.
Alexander had four kinds of cavalry
the cstaphraetl, or heavy armed
¿rse tbe light cavalry, carrying
.rears and very light armor; the acro-
¿llstae. or mounted archers, used for
catposts. patrols nnd reconnoitering
duty and ,he dlmachoe, or troops ex-
pe-ted to net either as cavalry or In­
fantry- Alexander the Great reorgan-
bri bls father's army. The file or
Itfbos of sixteen men was the unit;
r^-o files made a dilochy; two dilocliies
wde a tetrarcliy; two tetrarchles a
ttsitriby; two of these a syntagura:
sixteen of these a small phalanx; four
of these a tetra-phalangarchy, other-
,lw known as n large phalanx.
The Greeks attacked In a phalanx,
tbe spears Interlocked and shields
overlapping After the first onset the
ipears were dropped, and the day was
decided with the sword. The cavalry
ittacked tbe enemy tn the rear If pos-
■Ihle and in case of victory undertook
the pursuit—Pearson's Weekly.
Th» W»y They Get Rid of Their Hard
Outer Coats.
Many persons believe that the hard
ebelled crab and the soft shelled crab
ire two different species. This Is not
n. The shellfish thus distinguished
are merely two conditions of the same
Once a year the crab sheds Its hard
cuter coat, much as does a snake. In
drier to give Itself room for greater
growth. When It gets ready to make
tbe transformation It sidles In close to
shore, where the water at low tide will
Just cover It, and where It is compara­
tively safe front Its maritime enemies.
Then, "'hen It Is half burled In tbe
und. Its shell splits open behind, and
It painfully crawls out. The new coat,
«soft as skin. Is already well started.
But until It shall have become fairly
tari the crab stays almost motionless
In the shoals. While It Is In this con­
dition Its pinchers are useless, and It
tills an easy prey to the most lnslg-
nlicant enemy which happens upon It.
There Is no particular time of year
rtiosen by the crab for the metamor­
phosis. All through the twelve months
teller lads and barefoot fishermen wad­
ing with their baskets along the shore
It low tide gather tbe helpless crabs,
which fetch a lilgb price In the mnr-
ket». In their soft state they are
worth from four to five times their
price when In their natural bard con-
dltlon.-Chlcago News.
The “King of Rome.”
Whit became of Napoleon’s son Is a
question often asked, as little mention
1« nude In history of the young prince,
the desire of Ills father’s life, who was
bora March 20. 1811, amid great re­
joicing In Paris and hailed as the “king
of Rome.” In January, 1814, Napoleon
embraced his wife and child for the
tost time, and thia really ended the
reign of the little king “who never
bls kingdom.” lie was reared in
the Austrian court under the name of
tbe Duke of Reichstadt and grew to be
i handsome young fellow and quite a
brilliant scholar. He had one short
lesr of military life and then contract­
ed pulmonary disease, from which he
ib’d In bls twenty-second year. He
vorsblped the memory of his father
•nd always spent the anniversary of
Us death. July 22, In his own rooms.
He Is burled In the Carthusian monas-
•etf of Vienna, which Is the Austrian
Westminster abbey.
Hi* Knitting Wark
Possessed of untirlo- «
toliln« strength hersZ.t^mX m
h allowance for Idleness on the part
^y..One' Ond Nh(> •to’lared that she
onld "put up with a mean ma , easier
than with a lazy one.”
Auut Alvlra’s busband. Unde Ethan
«as a «man, wizened, weak Poking
man whom Aunt Alvlra declared to
speind^”,y W,ry’ *f he
One day a summer boarder who
banced to be staying at a farmhouse
near the Fifer homestead wandered
J'®r 'o the little brown farmhouse and
Aunt AlVtra.
Tl .L
— ,°,’.o. ?r. n,<>1,at
----- wlth r»uut
m „n t,
k "°te of the i enormous
quantity of Stove wood piled up In the
back yard and overflowing front the
great wo<>dshed. The whole yard was
strewn with It. The caller estimated
-hat there were not less than twenty-
live cords.
“M hat an enormous quantity of
wot d you have!” he said to Aunt Fifer
“Yes, there Is considerable.” she re-
plied. “I cal'late on sellln' most o’ It
In the fall.”
“Who cut it?”
“Oh, Ethan did It as sort o’ knlttln’
work. 1 think It's a good thing for a
man to have some kind o’ kulttln'
work to do when he’s restin’, and that
wood pile has been Ethan's knlttln’
work."—Youth’s Companion.
George I. and the Stage.
George I. was a lover of the stage
and, as his predecessors had done,
caused his "servants" to play before
him at court. In 1718 his majesty or­
dered the great hall of Hampton Court
to be converted for the time into a
theater. There, under tbe direction of
Steele, “whose political services had
been poorly recompensed by granting
him some theatrical privileges,” seven
performances were given. Among the
plays were “Hamlet," "Sir Courtly
Nice,” “The Constant Couple,” ‘'Love
»For Money,” "Volpone” and “Rule a
Wife and Have a Wife.” Among tbe
players were Colley Cibber, Ptnketh-
man, Johnson, Thurmond. Booth,
Mills, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Younger.
In former times the fee paid by the
sovereign to his servants for a play
acted at Whitehall had been £20. For
these plays at Hampton Court King
George, besides paying the actors their
ordinary day’s wage and traveling ex­
penses, gave £350 and added £200 for
the managers. The players were re­
quired to act nt any time upon receiv­
ing a day’s notice.
The Modest Scot.
Love of country is so fine a virtue
that It seems difficult to carry It to ex­
cess. A resident of a small village In
the north of Scotland paid a business
visit to London tbe other day. He
happened to call on a merchant who
unknown to him bad once made a stay
In his native place. In the course of
conversation the visitor made use of
an expression that led the other to ex­
claim. "Surely you come from Glen
McLuskle?" The assertion, however,
was denied. Presently,to the merchant’s
surprise, another Glen McLuskle ex­
pression was heard. "My dear Mr,
MacTavlsh, I feel convinced that you
are a Glen McLuskle man after all,”
Insisted the merchant.
“Weel,” returned the other, “I’ll no'
deny It any longer.”
“Then why didn't yon say so at
first?” demanded the Englishman.
"Weel,” was tbe calm response, “I
dldna like to boast o’ It In London.”-
Loudon Chronicle.
Her Souvenir.
“Why did you burry so?” he asked
her when he had finally caught up
with her at the foot of the stairs of
the cafe.
“Do you remember how the waiter
prepared to put a clean tablecloth on
our table for fresh guests,” she asked,
"before we got through listening to
the music?”
“Yes," said he.
"Well, then, here,” she said and
showed him a large white tablecloth
that had been hidden under her coat.
“This Is It. He laid it on the window
sill. Serves him right.”
He gazed upon ft In amazement.
“Why didn't you let me know.” he
Crowded New York.
Ktw York always was crowded. In queried, "and 1 might have taken the
W3< It had about thirty first class ho- table and walked out with that?
Most of them wrere below City New York Press.
«•M park. The capacity of these
was about 6,000. Th« average
Halcyon D«y».
Dumber of visitors to the city at that
Tbe term "halcyon days” Is derived
was estimated to be 20,000. It is from a pretty little fable of the Siclf
•tated by an early historian that It was Ians, who believed that during he
Dnt an unusual sight to see strangers seven days preceding and following
city wandering from house to the winter solstice. Dec. 21, the haler
car,7|n* their baggage with on or kingfisher floated on the water
bem. seeking lodging for the night In a nest in which her young were de^
f that time there were only three ho posited and that during this time of
. ’ conducted on the European plan her brooding the seas were calm. Otir
the latter was from $2.50 Indian summer corre-ponds to .the -hal­
cyon of tbe Sicilians.—New York Tele
•3.50 a week.—New York Press
Only an Amateur Now.
Parlona Grata.
■ sir,” said the man who had been
The Old Bulldog—They're going to
•‘‘■d for alms; “I can give you noth-
You are a professional beggar. chain us up on Sunday nights now
"J®< you?’
The Young Bulldog-How s
kosed to think so," replied the beg ernor? The Old BuHdog-The new fe
’ n* ***
Polled two cents and low that's started calHng on Miss Ma
lar button from his picket, "but mle has got money-New York Press
, T* c°me to the conclusion that 1
The Hidden Part.
**ly an amateur.**
"Ob. mamma." exclaimed four-pear
old Flossie aa she observed ,he
*• * clergyman's daughter, you (nlts second
■ didn't you?” Inquired a young
• friend who had introduced
_________ __
’he reply. “He's tbe rec
Witty Dolly-
tb»miL*lie'* ,he dlrector* aud she's
He-I MY. Dolly
London Stray Stories
photograph? Yon loo
Poll Iwe.
! feel I couldI e»tjo«t
0"e Rsquaat.
there any question you that s why you warn
to »»k your first wife? Sit- eh?
lb« **’ *
1 Woul<1 1Ute to ask her to
caution Is bettM than repentuuc..
eecond wife her recipe fol
-Greek Proverb.
"H"e*t - Kansas City Journal.
The Dream of the Key.
<ome small article had been lost-1
rget now what; let us sr,y a key—be-
Ltiging to one < f two sisters who were
raveling together, it could nowh. re
he found. But <„ r n|gh, oue ,.f ,be
flsters dreamed tt,t „he saw the key
°f b' r treT«‘llu* b»S She
told this dream <>a waking to tbe other
And have you looked In the pocket?”
the Slater asked. "No. I have not ”
sa < she. for the very go- d reason
that there Is no pocket In my travel­
ing bug." "Well." said the other,
tuere is a pocket tu mine. I wiil just
have a look there on the chance." Ar.d
there the key was found. The Infer
enee Is that the dreamer had seen
with tbe eye of sense, though not with
the eye of observation, the key pat
Into the pocket. Even when the key
was so found she had no recollection
of seeing It placed there, but the bra.a
had unconsciously recorded the senra
tion. In course of sleep It had Ftuiu
bled on that record, and by go, d luck
the sleeper on awaking chanced to ri­
member the mental operation that hud
taken place during sleep. It is a sly
gular and almost alannfug reflection
that our bralus are stored with c< unt
less such records of which we kno”
nothing nor ever shall know unless tie
association of ¡.leas or some peeulia: I
mental state brings them to our no
tlce.—Westminster Gazette.
Administratrix Notice.
Nonce i *. II xbbbv GIVBN,—That the un-
der.igued has bten appointed adniiuiatrutnx
of the estate of WILLIAM
deceased, by the County Court of the State
ot Oregon, for the county of Tillamook, and
all persons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present them, together
with the proper vouchers, to me at the
other of H. T. Botts, Attorney.at-Law. in
Tillamook City. Oregon, within six mouths
from the date ot this notice.
Dated July 22nd, 1909.
V iol * M ills .
Administratrix of the estate of
William M. Mills, deceased.
U.S Land Office. Portlard, Ore.,
August 3rd, 1909.
Notice U hereby given that Charles
P. Maginnis, askignee of Langdon Har­
ner, Crasaey I, Key, Timothy D Riaen,
Ellis T. Armstrong and John IV. Ru.de,
Adiur. of the estate of Monika Ruede,
deceased, has til, d in .hi.» cilice his
application to enter under the pro­
visions of See. 23u6 and 2307 Revised
Statutes of the United States, Lot seven
in section six, township one south of
range sc ven «est W.M.. containing
37.44 acres. Any and nil persons claim-
ing adversely -the lands described or
desiring to object because of the mineral
character of the land, or for any other
reason, to the disposal to the applicant,
should tile their affidavits of protest in
ibis office on or before the 18th day of
September, 1909.
A lgernon 8. D resser Register.
First publication August 19th, 1909.
Last publication September 16th, 1909.
<»f Eighth Grade Examiners will hold
the i'gular **xa-i>inal ion of applicants
•or Eighili Grade Diplomas, at the
Luiirt Hoi-se in Tillamook City» Sep
lemlter 2nd and 3rd. as follows:
lliurstiuy, Sept. 2—Arithmetic, writ
ing liistoty, civil government.
brida> , Sept.. 3.— PI q tioL.gy, gtogra-
phy, spelling.
Two subjects each half day in the
ordered named. Examinations to begin
at 9 o'clock.
Notice to Creditors.
Applicants w ho did not fail in more
otice is H ereby G iven .—-That the un­
than two subjects at the last examina­ dersigned has been by the County Court of
tion will be permitted to iiuish the ex­ Tillamook County, State of Oregon, duly
amination at the above date. Questions appointed as administrator of the estate of
D. FARMER, deceased. All persons
will not be sent out to school districts AXOM
having claims against said estate are hereby
unless there is a special request from a required to present the same to me, duly
district for us to do so. There can be verified as required by law, for allowance ut
the office of H. T. Botts, in Tillamook City,
no charges made for the conducting of Oregon,
within six months from the date
this examination. The Slate provides hereof.
Dated this July Sth, 1909.
to meet the expense of but three exami
J. J. M c G innis , Administrator.
nations annually, and as theie has been
three given this year already, this < ue Notice of Guardian s Sale of Real
must be given without cost to the County I
In tlw Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
or the school districts It is given by |
Tillamook County.
the board at this time, for the purpose , N otkb is H erbbv G itbx ,—That pursuant Francis G. for
an order of the County Court of the State
of giving pupils an opportunity to com­ to
Plaintiff, I
of Oregon, for Tillamook Coumv duly made
plete their examination and thus avoid] and entered on the 6th day of July, 19o9,
taking the Eighth tirade again the the undersigned, as guardian of the person Charles A. Defendant.
and estate of Josie Alice Davidson, a minor,
coming school term.
A bailey, the above named de­
will from and after Ten o’clock A M.. on the
fendant :
There are several Eighth Grade Diplo­ 26th day of August, I909, proceed to sell to
the name of the State of Oregon,—You
mas m my office at present that have not the highest bidder, at private sale for cash in are In hereby
required to appear and answer
hand, all of the estate, right, title and inter­
been mailed to pupils that earned them, ' est
which the said minor has in and tojrhe the complaint filed against vou in the above
because* we had not as yet succeeded in real property situated in Tillamook County. entitled court and cause on or before the 7th
day of October, 1909, aad if vou fail to
getting the signatures of the teachers Oregon, described as follows to-wit :
An undivided one third interest in and to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will
and the chairman of the boards attached that
portion of the Donation Land Claim of apply to the court for the relief prayed for in
to tl ein. Il pupils desire that 1 should James Quick and Anna Quick, bounded by her complaint herein, to-wit :
That the bonds of matrimony existing
mail them the diplomas ami they will ! beginning at a point on the west line of said between
plaintiff* and defendant be dissolver!;
twenty five and 5o-loo chains (25.5o)
get tht proper auilioritie* to attach then claim
Queer Pronunciations.
south of the northwest corner of said claim that she have the care, control and custody
signatures tliemsi Ives, let me know by and running thence east twenty-one and of the minor children named in said com­
There are many names of places in letter and 1 shall forward them to you i 75-100chains ; thence north eleven and So- plaint ; that defendant be required to pay
per month since the
England that puzzle the stranger at once.
loo chains ; thence cast eighteen and 25-100 plaintiff the sum of
chains to east line of claim ; thence north month ot December. 1903. and so long as
Happlsburgh, in Norfolk, for instance
W. S. BvEL.
fifty (5o) links; thence west forty (4o) chains she remains unmarried, and the further sum
to west line of claim ; thence south twelve of $5 per month for the support of each of
Is prouounced Hazeboro. Abergavenny
to place of beginning, containing said minor children from the month of Dec.,
simply drops a syllable and become« Notice to Stockolders Tillamook chains
twenty-seven (27) acres more or less in 1903. until they shall have reached the age
of majority, and for such other and further
lillamook County, Oregon.
Abervenny. and It fa alleged that St
Co. Mutual Telephone Company.
Such sale to be subject to the confirmation relict as to the court may secin equitable
Neots sounds more like Snoots than
This summons is served upon you bv pub­
of the said County Court.
All bids upon
land should be submitted to me at my lication in the Tillamook Headlight by order
anything else. Cirencester seems t-
Notice 18 hereby given tlu-t the annual such
of the Hon. Win Galloway, Judge "of the
vary from Sister to Slzeter. In Suf inerting and Election of officers of the
Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, this above named court, dated the 14th day ot
August. 1909, The first publication to be
folk Waldringfleld Is “Wunnerful” and Tillamook County Mutual Telephone 29th day of July, 19o9.
on the 19th day of August. 1909.
ouiVK A lice D odgb .
Chelmondiston “Chimstou,” while In Company, will be held in J. S Lamar's
A. W S kyeranck .
Guardian of the person and Estate
Attorney for Plaintiff-.
of Josie Alice Davidson, a minor.
the adjoining county of Ncrfclk Hun­ Star Theatre Hail, at Tillamook City,
stanton Is "Hunston." and In the west on Saturday, the 4th day of September,
190®, at 1 o’clock p. m.
Department of the Intel inr,
country Badgeworthy Is "Badgery”
United Stnles Ij,nd Office,
Ali stock holders should be in atten
United States Land Office, Portland, Ore.,
and Cornwood “Kernood.” Hunting dance at this meeting nnd aid in the
Portlsnd, Oregon,
March 31st, 1909.
August- Will, 1<JOIL
dousblre claims the purest English selecting of the men to till the offices for Notice is her.-by given that WALTER
IlUNGEY, of Tillamook, Oregon, who. on
Notice is hereby given that the
but they call rapworth “I’arpor." Anti the coming year. All matters of vital G
Match 31st, 1909, mada application for Timber Northern pncific Railway
not far away is another village of importance to the company will be Entry, Ko. 01.07, for W of Ne ‘4 of section 34.
1 North, range 9 West, Willamette whose ptatl offi e Hildress is St. Paul.
beauty. Tbe motorist turned upon a brought up and every one given an I township
Meridian, has fi ed notice of intentiou to Minnesota, ha- tlx- lltlt day of Aug..
rough road and asked the Intelligent opportunely to express their views for make filial timber proof, to establish olaim Ibtiu, filed in tills otliee its applicatl>Hi
to the land above described, before W. H.
laborer where It would take him the inle'esls and good of the company. Cooper,
U.S. Commissioner, at Tillamook. to select uoder the providona of the
resident of Tillamook County, Oregon, on
the 30th day of August, 1909 Act of Congress, approved July 1. 1 h 98
“That road.” said the honest country Every
interested in the commercial interests Claimant names as witnesses :
man, wiping his brow, "will take you of the county, and who desires to have
1). E. Goodspeed, of Tillamook, Oregon : (80 Stat 597. B2o). Sw 14 of Se U. Sec.
to 'Ell, sir.” The courageous motor the best advantages possible in telephone Egbert Goodspeed, of Tillamook, Oregon ; J. 6 tp 1 S. R 7 W . W.M. and Nw X of
Bewley, of Tillamook, Oregon; David Sw 1-4. Sec 14. tp 2 N, R 10 W.. W.M.
1st went on and found Elswortb. whlcl service are also requested to attend this C.
Martiny, of Tillamook, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adver­
A lgernon S. D resser . Register.
Is pronounced "Elser.” — Manchestet meeting. In fact, we ish it to be a
sely the lands described, or desiring tn
mass meeting in the interest of the
object because of the mineral character
Mutual Co., as well as an annual elect
Depaitment o| the Interior,
of I he land, or for any other reason, to
tion. Therefore, everyone lnterrestcd
Land Office at I*oi tlard, Ore.,
the disposal to applicant, should file
April 15111,1909.
the good of the company should trj
Don't attempt to punish all your ene tor
Notice is hereby given that JAMES T. their affidavit,, of protest in thia office.
to interest some one else to secure their WOODWARD,
of Tillamook, <'regon. who, on < n or liefore the 24th day of Septeutl er,
mies at once. You can't do a large attendance at this meeting.
April 15th, i9t>9. made application for Timber
business with a small capital. Don'
Entry, No. 01796, for Lol- 1 and 2, Bee 11, and 190».
By order of the Board of Trustees in Sw
’4 of Be
Bee 2, tp. 1 Bouth, range 9 west,
say “I told you so.” Two to one yov regular session August 7, 190®.
A i . oernon 8. D kesskr .
Willamette .Meridian, lias filed notice of in
never said a word about it. Don't
tention to make final
timber proof, to
F. v. W elsh , Preside» .
designate the Tillamook
R Y. B lalock , Seo.
worry about another mans buslu; It'S.''
befo e V7. II. Cooper, U.S. Commissioner, at Headlight, a newspaper published at
S."--!'___ '____ __________ L
A little selfishness is sometimes com
Tillamook, Oregon, on theSrddayof S-ptem-
Tillamook, Oregon, as the paper tn
Claimant namea as witnesses :
mendable. Don't Imagine that yoi. North Yamhill Tillamook Stage ber,
Warren Vaughn, of Tillamook. Oregon ; Sam which the aliove notice ia to be pub­
Downs, of Tillamook, Oregon , Dave Martiny. lished. A lgernon S. D rf . bsbr ,
can correct all tbe evils in the world
The North Yainhill and Tillamook it Tillamook, Oregon’, Carl A Patzlaf, of
A grain of sand Ik not prominent in 1 stage leaves Tillamook City daily al 4 • Tillamook,
A lqe .”. noii S. D resser , Register.
Don't mourn over fancied p.m , and arrives at Trask at 7.20 p.m ,
Notice to Creditors.
grievances. Bide your time, and re.r ami arrives at North Yamhill at 3 p m
Depaitment of the Interior,
sorrow will come. Don't throw dus the next day, making connections with
N otice is
H ejikhy G iven ,—That the
U.S. Imad Office, al Portland, Ore.,
undersigned has been by tbe County Court of
In your teacher's eyes. It wiil 01 ly I 1 the North bound stage for Portland,
April ?3rd. 1909.
Tillamook County, Oregon, dulv appointed
Notice is hereby given that FLORA M. administrator of the estate ot RICHARD
Jure the pupil. Don't worry about t’a which arrives in that city at 6 15 p.m
The West bound stage leaves North I PATZLAF, of Tillamook, Oregon, who, on C. BURTON, deceased. All persons having
lee crop. Keep cool and you will liavt
stone uppii claims agsinst said estate are required to
Yamhill at 10 a.iu and arrives al iTHa* April 23rd, iHo'.l, made tinibm and
of Ne % Sec. present the same to me. dulv verified as re­
enough. Don't borrow a coach t< mook City at 8 a.m. the next morn­ cation. No. 01927, for E
to .
tp. 1 south, Range 9 West, Willamette quired by Jaw, at the office of II. T. Botts.
please your wife. Better make* tier : ing. Parlies leaving Portland in the Meridian, haw filed notice of intention to Attorney-at-Law. in Tillamook City. Oregon
little sulky. Don't imagine that every morning can make connection at North make final timber proof, to establish claim to within six months from the date hereof.
the land above descriiied, befo e W. II
Dated Augus* 12th, 19U9.
thing is weakening. Butter is streu;. Yamhill.
Cooper, U.S. Uoniinissioner, at Tillamook.
T homas M. B urton ,
Oregon, on the a3id day of Septembt 1, 1909
In this market. Don’t publish you:
Administrator Estate of Richard
Claimant names as witnesses :
The Crime of Idleness.
C. Burton, deceased.
acts of charity. Tbe Lord will keep
( arl Patzlaf, of Til amook, Oregon; David
Idleness means trouble
any one. Martiny, of Tillamook, Oregon; Jas Wood­
the account straight.
Don't coloi
Its the same with a lazy liver. It causes ward, of Tillamook, Oregon; Ed. Lindsey, of
meerschaums for a living It Is alm constipation, headache, jaundice, sal­ Tillamook, Oregon.
AI xikrnon 8. D ressfr , Register.
ply dyeing by Inches.-vMark Twain.
Dealer ill
low complexion, pimples and blotches,
loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King’s
and Tobaceo,
New Life Pills soon banish live trou
Tired of Being In Print.
Ltepartmeut of the Interior,
"Mr. Smithers," said his wife, "if' I
Candy, Fruit, Nuts, ete
A pl 11 let. iSUq.
remember rightly you have often said Chas. I. Clouah____________
Notice i*
given that CARL A.
Frank Hadlej's Old Stand.
PATZLAF, ot' Tillamook, Oregon, who, on
that you disliked to see a woman eou
'Twas a Glorious Victory.
April mt, I909, made timber and atone «ppli
stantly getting herself Into print?”
There’s rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A cation, No 0176», for Ne t-iotHw H and Nw %
man'» life has been saved, and now Dr. ot Se 14 °f twctlon 2», township i south, range
“I do,” said Smithers positively.
9 West, Willamette Mi-ridian, has tiled notice
"You considered it unwomanly am King's New Discovery is the talk of the of intention to make final tinibet- proof, to
claim to 'the land above described
Indelicate. I believe?”
lung hemorrhages. ” I could not work before W. H, Cooper, U.S. Commissioner, at
Oregon, on the ajrd day of
nor get about,’’ lie writes, “ and the d«»r
lltoW. Claimant names as witnesses
"And you don't see how any man tors did me no good, but, after using September.
David Martiny. of Tillamook, Oregon; Ed.
When you want a quick cure without
could allow his wife to do anything ot Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks, Lindsey, ol Tillamook, Oregon; Norrie Leach, any loss ol time, and one that is followed
Tlliain ook, (Oregon, Frank Easier, ut I Ula
I feel like a new man. and can do good of
tbe kind?"
no bad results, use
lliook, Oregon.
woik again. ’ For weak, sore or diseased
A lobrhon S. D rkssks , Register.
"Yes. I think so now.”
“Well, Mr. Smithers. In view of nl: lungs, CougliN and Colds, Hemorrhages,
the facts In the case I feel Justified In Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma or uni N otice of S chool I ndemnity S ei . bc
Bronchial affection it stands unrivaled.
tion ,
asking for a new silk dress.”
Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial Bottle free
United States Land Office,
"A new silk dress?”
Sold and guaranteed by Chas. I, Clough.
Portland, Ore., July 15, 1U00
“Yes. For the last eight years I have
it never falls and is pleasant to take.
Notice is hereby given Hint the Slate
had nothing better than fourpeunj
on July 15. 19x9. applied (or It is equally valuable for children. It is
calico, and I want something better and Diarrhoea Remedy Never the Sw% of Se
of Section 15 and 8 V4 famous for its cures over a large part of
I’m tired of getting into print”—Lon
°f Se of Section 10, tp. 8 north, range the civilised world.
Known to Fail.
’* I have u«ed Chamberlain's Colic. 9 west, and riled in this office a list of
don Tit-Bits.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since ii School Indemnity Selections in which it
uas firm introduced to the public in selected said land; and that said list it
Standing Up For Him.
open to the public for inspection.
"Miriam. Isn't that youug FcrgU“ 1872, arid have never found one instance
Any and all persons claiming adveieely
coming to our house pretty often by its use. 1 have been a commercial I he above described land or any legal
traveler for eighteen years, and never subdivision thereof, or claiming the
“I suppose he Is, mamma. ’
start out on a trip without thia, rny same under the mining laws, or desiring
“Do you know anything about him'; faithful friend,’ say" H. 8. Nichols, of to show raid land to be more valuable
Oakland, Ind. Ter. For sale by Lamur a for mineral than for agricultural pur­
What Is he worth, for Instance?"
poses, or to object Io said selection for
“Well, he's worth any dozen of tbe Drug Store.
any legal reason, should lile their claims
ordinary young men of my acquaint
<>r their affidavits ot protest or contest
Seared With a Hot Iron,
in tins office.
Will cure a cough or cold no
or K**ahJed by overturned kettle—cut
“Yes, but"—
A lgernon 8. DR emkkr , Register.
matter how severe and prevent
“And he’s worth 8100 « w«* to (!1' with it knife—brulaed by slMinmed d »or
I hereby designate the Tillamook pneumonia and consumption.
firm he works for. even If be decs —injured by gun or in any other way— Headlight, a newspa|H-r published at
Oregon, as the paper in which
get only 825 now.”-Cblcago Tribune
A Guarantee.
' Arnica Halve to sulxlue infiamuiatiun the above notice is to Is. published.
and kill the pain It’s earth’s supreme
AL okknon S. liHF.SHea, Register,
This is to certify that all
All the Same.
healer, infallible for (k»lds. Ulcer-. Ferer
Tbe “horny handed" calls what be Sores. Ecsema and Piles. 25c. at Chas. N otice of S cihkm . I ndemnity H elkc - | druggists are authorized to ra.
fund your money if Foley’a
lives on “pay." tbe skilled meebnni' I. C i<>ugh.
United States Land Office,
"wages.” the city clerk “salary.'' tbe
Honey and Tar fails to cure
No matter how long you have stiffen’d.
Pot eland. Ore , July 20 1909,
banker "Income," a landowner "rent Fob’?*» Kidney Reiuedt will help you.
your cough or cold. Contains
is hereby given that the Stale no opiates. The genuine is in a
roll," « lawyer “feew.** « burglar Mrs S. L. Bowen, of Wavne, W. Va.t of Notice
on July 20, I9u9, applied for
“swag," but it all comes to the same writes; *’ I was a sufferer from kidney Lot Oregon,
21 of S*c 13, tp. 5 s< uth, range 11 yellow package.
In tbe end.—London Scraps.
dis* sse. so that st times I could not get west, and filed in thia office a list of
out of bed. and w hen I did I could not school Indemnity Selection m which it J. S. Lamar, Tillamook.
sts rid straight. I took Foley'a Kidney
In Doubt.
lected said land; and that said list is Hawk & Miller, Bay City
"Did you ever hare appendicitis?” Remedy. One dollar bottle and part of open to the public for inape« tion.
the second cured me entirely.'’ It will
Anv and all pet sons claiming adversely
said tbe Insurance man.
cure t ou—J 8.
Tillamook. (I e above d«*M cil<d land or any legal j^)R. A. D. PERKINS,
"Well ” answered the skeptic,
IUwk A Miller. Bay City.
suhdivision thereof, or claiming the
was operated on. But I never feHwr.
People with chronic bronchitis, asthma same under ti e mining laws, or desiring
whether It was a case of appendlcRto
t shu* wild lend to be more valuable for
or a case of professional curiosity. - and lung trouble will find great relief ininrral than for agricultural purposes,
and comfort in Foley’a lioury and Tsr, or to object to said selection for any
Office in Sturgeon's Building.
WatMMton stMr
and t an avoid suffering by commencing
to t*ke it at once —J fl. Lamar, Tilla­ l> gal reaaon, should file their claims or
All Work Guaranteed.
their affidavits of protest or contest in
A Cenundrum.
mook . Hawk & Miler, Bay City.
this office.
When to a piece of wood like « mvB-
A lobbmor S D bksses , Register.
„ehl When it to converted mtn a
Il’s Luck to Smoke Puck.
I hereby designate tbe Tillamook
lhadlight, a newspaper published in
The Better tl.afi Sc. Cigar.
rillanniok, Oregon,as the |»aper in winch
No weather to Ill If the wind be atllL
said notice is to be nubbshed.
A lg KB no II S. bftlMKB, Register.
-Spas Kb Proverb.
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy