T illamook headlight , august 26, 1000. EILERS PIANO HOUSE TO OPEN STORE IN TILLAMOOK. Forty carefully selected Pianos oi such Famous Makes as Weber, Kimball, Lester, Hobart M. Cable, Marshall & Wendell, Smith & Barnes, Pianola Pianos and others, expected To-Day 9 EXTRAORDINARY VALUES To Introduce our policy of Lots of Business at Smallest Possible Prices We will conduct an opening sale for ten days, ending September 4th, during which time we will offer the finest makes of Pianos at the LITTLEST PRICES and EASIEST TERMS ever offered to piano buyers in this vicinity. TEN DAYS ONLY. Bear in mind that these prices can only be had during the next ten days, as they are offered merely as a special opening feature to thoroughly introduce in this vicinity the EILERS PIAXO HOUSE, Biggest, Busiest and Best Piano Store on the Pacific Coast. weie a fine, happy lot of young men. Five hundred or more attended the •ji r <1 ..w Miss Emma Ballard was visiting Mies We have been asked to publish the fol­ little open.sir theatre, sml they sat ami Ethel Jensen last Sunday afternoon. lowing letter ; applauded through the performance, E. I’. Mills and family spent Sunday To tuk E ditor or tiik S un —Sir: hundreds more patronized the stores at J. K umm's and L. N. Sandoz and I say to you candidly as an Eastern and restaurants, and were sending borne family visited Jake Huston's. man and one who held strong ideas presents, all sober. E. P. Mills went to Hebo Saturday adverse to prohibition, after reading Mr. About ten o'clock the post trolley cars after Bennie, who has been working for Busch's letter on the regulation of the were crowded with as lively, happy a H. L. Sherwood for several months. liquor traffic, that he ha* weakened me crowd ol men as I ever saw. and not a Miss Emma Ballard spent last Sunday and has made me angry all over. drink had been sold in the town that afternoon with Miss Ethel Jensen. To show you the weakness of his argu­ night, not an arrest, not an angry word W N. Bays and dan ¡liter,Miss Bessie, ment, lie uses La ven worth's soldier riot anywhere. Across the writing table from me a went to Cloverdale Saturday and re j against prohibition. Now. as a traveling i man I have been "making" Leavenworth soldier with service striprs said that it turned Sunday. | for twelve years and I know conditions was the only wav to livr and that it was H. A. Chopard and family spent last i there, and your own information is or only when the boys got full of bail Sunday at th» horns of H. L. Jensen. I should l.e that Leavenwoith is the on* whiskey that they got bad, and when Th» bridge builders went to Hebo I county and city of Kansas where the they knew that it could not tie got they Saturday and remained until Monday. forgot it.’’ L N. Sandoz has been doing some | citizens of all classes have steadfastly He said that representatives from taxidermy lately. He lias a beautiful ' prevented the authorities. State and Fed. every brewery and wholesale whiskey eral, for the last twenty years from en. voile, lion of birds and animals to testily forcing the laws. By a regular monthly , house on the Missouri and Nebraska to Ills skill in this line police tine the open saloon of that city j border drummed, worked, explained I, I*, Gray, head sawyer at the mill, have been in effect the highest of high . how to get around the law, offered and Engineer Bennett, have changed prizes, and tramped up and down the licensed saloons. their boarding place to Mr. Wallets'. Tbs citizens of that county have also ' entire post, and at an expense far IV. M Engelking brought bis bride in permitted from 200 to 250 women 11 live < greater than the cost of that entire tos|end the honeymoon peeling balk on certain streets and to operate resorts shipment. That one carload of liquor on their ranch. under a syste.u of protecting tines. The was assembled and shioped together, Usury Smith went Io Tillamook Fri­ spectacle of hundreds of old. gray and showing that the united effort was not , day for some re|>airs for the saw mill. I I i feeble veteran soldiers of the Civil War I for the business that could lie obtained, He returned Monday. being diagged in and kicked out in the but for the almost insane desire to break The Cady place on Alder Creek has streets after being robbed on pension down the bars. been sold to a Mr. Huffman. The new I tell you Mr. Busch cannot get this dav can be seen there any pay day. Reduced Rates on all Railroads, Come and owner accompanied by hia son have Now, ou Hie day uientioiiod by Mr. class of dealers to obey any law of either W. F. »MTL0CK, President. lieen peeling some cascara bark on the Buech I saw on the train from Kansas God or man. Now I saw these two in­ place the past week. City over twenty-five women, con men. stances and I have been impressed, I tell Rev. Walter» and Mr. Burba were dip workers on their way to Leavenworth you. J ohn B ST k V kns . Tillamook visiters last week. trout Kansas City, and a conductor —New York Sun. The mill men are rejoicing to ** the laughingly remarked : " Oh, these heroes Country, ' However. new shed going up over the saw mill are coming in on every train from K C. Washington's Plague Spots A Fine Dairy -------------- --------- I TiUam '‘V Humboldt in its situation is They say the sun gets pretty hot some and St. Joe to work the soldiers, all lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the The Humboldt Beacon, of April 2, had M0'1 only approach'by eitheTa wearisome Potomac, the breeding ground of ma­ times. under protection." to say of ‘T Tillamook county ............ -- >|-------- »- *•'oyage.The little laria germs. These germs cause chills, this Now that Boulder is bridged you tan Therefore Mr. Busch I vys this all to fever and agne, biliousnem, jaundice, Charles Cross.of Rio Dell, was in town 8‘,am,r ArRO'.80 wdl known to our hear the merry rattle of buggies and prohibition, when the truth is that every laaeitudo, weakness and general debility on Monday—his first visit to us since he TH ?mo Ik mh‘" k “ W”'klT trips b*»w«n PonlTnd FbOr and A8t°ria and wagon* moat any tune of day on the man you meet In » bum lie«« way in and bring suffering or death to thou­ cante down from Oiegon last Friday. new road. MF.Cross has been north in Tillamook nin.1™?1 ,ailroad ’• being built about Leavenworth thinks it the proper thing sand* yearly. But Electric Bitter* never fail lo destroy them and cure malaria county for the past six months, having II. 1» Jensen came h >me from Beaver, lo get th* soldiers’ money any old way, trouble*. •• ¡'bey aie the he»t *11 round wintered there. And now be is home to ThTs^ ir|0",loo .... | on, ......ri '. ~ Tillamook ™«t th. mo acre, wotdd U . f.,1 ™ “ every branch of the army service. They Tillimouk. Hawk A Miller, Bay City. r», eMMrea* m /», ear*. *• »atare» BOULDER CREEK What a Traveling Miin Saw ®| ,©i .®| ¡Si |®| Tl > I© ( a® OREGON STATE FAIR. Forty-Eighth Annual Exhibition will be Greater than Ever. Ü FOLEYSIWNEWAR $35,000 in Premiums and Purses. SEPTEMBER 13th to 18th s At SALEM, Oregon. s Grand Showing of Live Stock. Racing Program Complete. Brinq Your Friends. p * WELCH. Secretary. -•J Cured Hay Fever and Sum­ mer Cold. A. S. Nusbaum, Batearille, Indians, writes: “ Last year I suffered for Wit months with a summer cold so disuess ing that it. interfered with my I usine* I had inane of the symptoms of h»f fever, and a doctor * prescription did n< reach my case, and I took several n>*a • cines which seemed only to *Kgr»v» is. Fortunately I insisted upon harm» Foley'» Honev and Tar. Il 1ulf j cored me. My wife has since u*- Foley’s Honey and Tar with the *•“ success."— J. S. Lamar. Till«“00*' Hawk A Miller, Bay City. Take Notice. . All persons are recommended to » Foley's Kidi.ey Remedy for becUc_ rheumatism, and kidney and Nao trouble It will quickly correct tin«®- irregularities, which, if neglec'ted. develop lo o a serious illness. H restore health and strength, th’ neglect "signs of kidney or bls trouble and risk Bright's disease diabetes.—J. s. Lamar. Till»®008 Hawk A Miller, Bay City. Wood Wood. Wood „ Call or telephone ROLLIE" ' . w for Spruce limb wood. I®® delivery. Cures Caldsi FrevenU Fean"*”