T i LLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 26, 1909. CLAY’S FIRST SPEECH. | gtgan In Confusion, but Ended In a Triumph. KNEW HIS BUSINESS. th» Little Boy Was Thoroughly Po ted on the Elevator. "Little boy.” exclaimed the portly tody, “you ought to be at school in- itead of trying to work a lift.” "I’m not trying to work It." was the answer. “I am working It. and if you wish to ride 1 shall be happy to ac­ commodate you. So far as au.v obliga­ tion to be at school Is concerned, allow me to remind you that this is a legal holiday, and I am exempt from at­ tendance at an Institution where. 1 am pleased to say, I am at the head of my class.” “You have no business trying to —ork that iiiiut to rather than i In n proportion *«— * to the *• diameter. - [ 1 n mak- Ing use of this characteristic water Is admitted into a cylinder, the pressure pleasure being regulated by the use of t valves valve* and a stable equilibrium being made possible by an ingenious system of counterpoises. I could go further Into the minutiae of this particular ma chine, which of course has Its varla tlons from other models," he added as she gasped in astonishment, "but 1 doubt If you could follow the technical terms whose use an accurate descrip­ tion would necessitate, but 1 wish to assure you that If. after what 1 have said, you think you know more about this lift than I do you are at perfect liberty to step In and take Its manage ment out of my hands.”—Pearson'«. THE HIPPOPOTAMUS. Ho* the Animal Is Captursd Alivs In ths Sudan. There Is a vast difference between the hunter who kills for pleasure and the hunter whose business It Is to cap­ ture bls quarry alive. How live hip­ popotamuses are secured is particularly Interesting. Two methods are resort­ ed to. The so called hawati. or water hunt­ ers. of the Sudan, all of whom are ex­ Manufacturers of cellent and daring swimmers, harpoon their victims at the noon hour, when they are sunk In deep slumber. Then they pull them to the bank by means of a cord attached to the harpoon and there make them fast. The hunters use for this a special kind of harpoon, made In such a way that it does not make a deep wound. Fully three- quarters of the hippopotamuses ex­ hibited in Europe have been captured In this way. Hippopotamus hunts are also con­ ducted on land. There advantage Is taken of the fact that the female hip­ popotamus makes her youug walk In front of her. The reason for this Is that the beast, being well protected in the rear by its abnormally thick skin, prefers to have Its offspring In front, where it can guard them better against danger. But in spite of its affection for its children the mother hippo has Tlie Best li quip peel Saw Mill in the County. no particular desire to meet danger when It comes. So the hunters dig New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and large pits In the forest, cover them over until they are fully concealed and First Class Lumber of tlie Best Quality. then lie tn wait near by. Presently a LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. female hippopotamus comes along with her child trotting before her. SAM HOUSTON’S MOTHER. Suddenly, without warning, the young one disappears before its mother’s For the Children's Sake She Faced the eyes. This Is too much for the old ani­ Perils of the Wilderness. STOPPED THE NOISE. mal. She dashes away, leaving the The mother of Sam Houston was ”» rri mother woman who for the sake of A Chemist's Suggestion to a Maker of little one at the mercy of Its enemies. — Wide World Magazine. her children hazarded the dangers of Prussian Blue. the wilderness Journey without the The great German chemist. Liebig protection of a man’s strong arm. related that when he was a young CIRCUS PERFORMERS. Houston's friend and biographer, C. man n manufacturer of Prussian blui Edwards Lester, portrayed her as “an who was showing him through the Th. Real Danger. With Which They Mtraordlnary woman, distinguished by works drew his attention to the deaf­ «HA! Are Concerned. m Impressive and dignified counte­ ening noise made by certain comini- The Individual point of view of the nance and gifted with Intellectual and nutlug and mixing machines These circus performer toward his work is moral qualities which elevated her in machines consisted of large Iron mor­ full of surprises. Rarely if ever Is he a atlll more striking manner above tars In which Iron pestles were actu­ worried over the things that the audi­ most of her sex." ated by machinery. The pestles pound­ ence imagines make him uneasy and The death of her husband left Mrs. ed the materials to a fine condition never about bls own equipment of Houston In poor circumstances and and mixed them. On Liebig’s suggest­ nerve, muscle and Judgment. with a growing family of six sons and ing that some means ought to be de­ 1 The bareback rider worries about three daughters. Knowing that many vised to prevent the terrible din made his horse, for the slightest deviation LL of her neighbors who had gone west by the machines the manufacturer from the animal's customary course had prospered, she determined to fol­ told him that it was a singular fact and gait ruins a harmony between low their example In order that her that the more noise the pestles made horse and rider, upon which depends children might get a good start In life, the better was the blue produced. It the success and even the life of the Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window sold her Virginia farm and Journeyed happens that In making Prussian blue performer. The man on the trapeze to Tennessee, endlug her migration Irou Is a neeessary constituent of the Is not at all disturbed at being so high Sashes, only when within eight miles of the mixture, a fact that did not reetn to be up in the air. The higher up he is the boundary between the settlements of thoroughly appreciated by the manu­ more security be feels that In case of the whites and the wigwams of the facturer. He was therefore much sur­ accident be will have time enough In­ Cherokees. prised when Liebig told him that the stinctively to twist his body Into the There she erected a rude cabin with iron which was necessary to produce right position for falling Into the net. the help of her oldest boys, and there the color was rubbed off bls machin­ YVhat worries him most is the fear of she labored diligently to bring up her ery, the most extravagant way to sup­ some unsuspected weakness in bls ap­ children to be useful men and women. ply It He understood for the first paratus. It was for them that she toiled and time, moreover, why It was that the Agents for the Great Western Saw The animal trainer Is more afraid of rrayed and denied herself, personify­ greater the noise from the friction of an accidental scratch from a good na- ing In her devotion another trait of the pestles In the mortars the better tured but blood poisoning claw than of the mothers of the early west.—Smith's the blue produced, He thus learned In any actual conflict with an angry ani­ Magazine. an expensive way that It was better mal. More than that, he haa a real af­ manufacturing to put Iron Into the fection for his animals and dislikes the A The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. The Greater Loss. mixture than to grind It off high pi lcei stern necessity of punishing them. The Tragedies innumerable culminate In machinery.—Frederick J. Maywald in « very clown is not so much pleased by the emergency hospital. American Industries. the laughter of his audience as dis­ “What has happened to me?” asked turbed by the thought that it quite the patient when he had recovered Complimentary. fails to appreciate the time and care from the effects of the ether. Cleanses the system Intending to visit a small village !>• he has expended in working out the Cures Biliousness, Sick “You were in a trolley car accident," Scotland. Archbishop Tait arranged t details of his humorous contribution. — thoroughly and clears uld the nurse, “and It has been found have his letters addressed to the It Headache, Sour Stom­ Ralph Bergeugren In Atlantic. necessary to amputate your right postofllce. which happened to be nls sallow complexions of ach, Torpid Liver and hod.” He sank back on the pillow, the hamlet’s general store. On the day pimples and blotches. Likewise Mistaken. sobbing aloud. “Cheer up,” said the of bls arrival the prelate entered th Chronic < A small boy was fishing on Sunday none,patting him on the head; “you’ll shop and made Inquiry If there wa It is guaranteed Pleasant to------ •oon learn to get along all right with anything for the archbishop of Canter morning, Tie bad a basket of fish alongside of him. A clergyman hap- jour left hand.” J. S. Lamar, Tillamook, and Hawk & Miller, Bay City. bury. peued to see him and, going over to "Oh. It wasn't the loss of the hand "Maybe you'll be that purrscn yer where be was busily watching the bob, Itself that I was thinking of.” sighed self?” the storekeeper suggested, with the victim. “But on the forefinger was out replying to the archbishop's ques Mid: “You naughty, cruel boy! Don’t you • string that my wife tied around It to tlon. know that It is a sin to fish on the remind me to get something for her "Quite right.” said Dr. Tait; "I am.' Sabbath? Besidos the «lu. think of this morning, and now I'll never be “Weel,” added the tradesman. "1 able to remember what It was.”—Ar- have a son In a shop In London, and the cruelty of It—taking the poor little worm out of thé ground and sticking PMUt he told me he alnce gned to St. Paul's that nasty sharp book through Its OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. cathedral to hear ye preach, and he body.” Argantin». was verra weel satisfied wf ye!”— "That ain’t no worm. That’s an ar­ The land of Argentina Is fertile and London Home Journal. tificial fly!” answered the boy. •Oder proper conditions would sup- SPECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES, “Ah, I was mistaken,” said the KAISER BLUME. Krt an Immense population and could An English View. preacher.” •»a practically all of South America. ALL KIND OF BREAD. The slang of New York has Its orl It la one of the three large countries Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating. "So were these fish." said the boy, gin, of course, in the climate. It is the af the earth that could support a large picking up the basket and showing MALT TEA. P”polatlon If absolutely cut off from climate that has produced the terrible them to khe clergyman.—New York •II other countries. Foreigners fall Into doctrine and practice of “bustle,” and Sun. th» aluggtsh habits of the Spanish for people living In a wild chaos of STAR BREWERY ____ there. The Grain Exchange opens at 4 competition, always In a blinding hur After Hours. ry and In the midst of a deafening din get apart P B. «nd closes at 5. Breakfast Is gen- Some years ago on a day The cleanest.- rtxlly about 11 a. m.. dinner 7 to 8. language lias to be pitched up high to for humiliation and prayer a manu- lightesf.-and cope with the circumstances. There Is ,3|1 the theaters begin at 10. It Is not Special Brew. facturer offered to pay his workmen most comfortable 1 country for the rigorous, energetic, no time to pause nor arty place In their wages on condition that they at­ which an ordinary quiet phrase would •hoey making Immigrant. People live tended church. To this they readily BOTTLED BY THE tbera to enjoy life and not to accumu­ be able to reach your ear. Language agreed. at the same time to produce any effect at all must be as late dollars.—Chicago Record-Herald. cheapest In the Shortly before evening service one quick and ns violent ns nil else. A end because it phrase thnt has not the properties of of the employees called at his employ­ wears longest The Garden and the Hen. er’s residence and told the »«Tint be '’W you ever work for ten hours and dynamite goes uuh -eded-Max Beer- wished "to see the malster.” *309 tverjwhere **k*a beautiful garden about the size bohm In Loudon Saturday Gazette. “Now. Jack; what do you want?" Every garment guar­ ,f • large pocket handkerchief? And “Well, sor. me and ma myeta b»v anteed waterproof A Diplomatist at Homa. Catalog free »her It was all planted and up did been tasking the thing orcr. and we’d Noda Water«, Nipthons, Bartlett Mineral “Mrs. Rawson han a dozen dresses like to knae If we gan to chorch tbs ever find a hen that looked like a between a greyhound and a buzz handsomer than the oDly good one I've nect do wo get owertlme for ty—Lon­ ” rixht in the middle of It with the got,” a young wife complained to her don Spare Moments. **•11 of young lettuce and radishes? husband, who. a domestic diplomatist, " to» then remember that the hen merely remarked: “Of course. A home Her Mind Eeey. .. SEE — *” made for some useful purpose and ly woman like that needs plenty of rich “I hear you ere going to Australia gowns to draw attention from her face Innocent children might be In with your boatand. Kitty.” «aid the '~--- ».nnne cannot hele-hten heighten your charm«. mistress. "Arcn't you nervx»us about ■•ring distance?—Butler (Ga.) Demo­ T Dress mt. my dear!"—London Mall the long voyageF’ BAY CITY. OREGON. "Well, ma'am." »aid Kitty calmly, Helpful Child. His Complaint. "tbat ’ a his lookout I belong to him '■"nntrnnan (to doctor)—Think I Caller—My. what a big girl you are now. and If anything happen» to me Did You Ever Try r"’ »»n. doctor. The more I eats getting to be! You'll soon be able to It’ll be hla lora. not mine"—London ** '”• I wants lolke Doctor (lm help your mother about the house. HAHRIN’N MEW FEE» AMD 1 Leip __ 4 ?*’»b)-Ah. yea. of course. Yon Ethel—Ob. 1 do that already When­ Mail. * •’nythlng yon eat flies to your ever she rays “For goodness' rake, get LIVERY BARM, 4 Quick Wit. •»oath _t>— * Jone, I out of my way!" 1 do It.-Philadelphia ■'Punch Mr». Sharpe—8o you told Mr Boiler Work, Logger's Work and Heavy Forging. ir not, give him a call. you wished you were single one» mor*, i Press. wit) — Fine Machine Work a Specialty. did you? Sharp (with quick Everything first-class. Second T,. lh» Cat Out. A Deduction. k- J?1®?**’ make a not»« like a Only that I might bare the hap glnera 4 Maude—How old Is Grace? May— of marrying you over again, dar Ing- 4 Wfir*1,ttie Tommr block South of P.O. At least twenty Are. Maude—How do Boston Tranecrtpt. TrC r<* my aonr **1 ».-n*1* My* when you you know? May-1 beard her say that W. G. HARRIS, Prop. h, «*< W.ÛOO Rucceee Mago- no girl ought to marry before the waa twenty-six — Cleveland Leader. Henry Clay • joung man was ex­ tremely bashful, although be possessed uncommon brightness of Intellect and fsKlnatlng address, without effort making the little be knew pass for much more. In the early part of his career he settled in Lexington, Va., »here he found the society most con­ genial. though the clients seemed somewhat recalcitrant to the young lawyer, ne Joined a debating society it length, but for several meetings be remained a silent listener. One evening after a lengthy debate the subject was being put to a vote when Clay was heard to observe soft­ ly to a friend that ths matter in ques­ tion was by no means exhausted. He was at once asked to speak and after lome hesitation rose to bls feet Find­ ing himself thus unexpectedly con­ fronted by an audience, he was cov- tred with confusion and began, as he had frequently done. In Imaginary ap­ peals to the court, “Gentlemen of the Jury’’ A titter that ran through the au­ dience only served to heighten bls em­ barrassment, and the obnoxious phrase fell from his Ups again. Then he gath­ ered himself together and launched Into a peroration so brilliantly lucid and Impassioned that It carried the house by storm and laid the corner­ stone to his future greatness, bls first case coming to him as a result of this speech. which some consider the finest be ever made. lillamook Lumber Manufacturing Comp) FIR, SPRUCE and H EM LOGK E U NI BER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING. RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS. We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. I HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STOVES & RANCES. We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES ALEX McNAIR CO ORINO M°("oX°n Laxative Fruit Syrup S. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, Hop Gold Beer, SLICKER Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, I For Real Estate, W I i Tillamook Iron Works I > General Machinists Sc Blacksmiths. I 4 4 TILLAMOOK, OREGON C TROMBLEY.