TILLAMOOK HEADL t GHT. AUGUST 26, 1909. AN UNCERTAIN RIVER. Fhs Indus Has a Bad Habit of Chang­ ing Its Channal. The river Indus In width during the fear may vary by miles. Traffic for long distances cannot be guaranteed because the ever shifting channel throws up mud flats and sand banks here and overwhelm» good land there In a manner which defeats the wis­ dom of the ancient boatmen. With the Indus, too, it Is not merely a question of land or water. There is always a gamble as to the kind of land which the river will recede from. In one place It will leave magnificent soil ready at on e to take a splendid crop of wheat even If the winter rains, as Is too oft» n the case, amount to nothlug. In another the greater mois­ ture will only allow leguminous ['hints of country peas and pul's» In the datupest »»oze of depressions a plant caller shamuka Is produced, of Utile value save as f»ddn nonsuited.—Argonaut. j DIMINUTIVE FARMS. T. The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, j. P. AUDEN, Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. BOTTS, A ttorney - at -L aw . • Complete set of Abstract Book» Taxes paid for non­ Residents. Office opposite Post Office. in office. Both phoues. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation H. COOPER, SUGAR al ways advauces before berry season We h ive a good supply on hand and will sell our friends mid customers while it last. IOO lbs. sk. PURE CANE SUGAR A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook , O regon . C>ARL haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, C. A. H. Berry Sugar, «5.80 a sk. Exira Fine Dry Granulated Sugar, «5.60 a sk. Star brand process Rolled Barley, Office across the street and north from the Post Office. The best on the market. 75 lbs. Sack. $1.60 H. GOY NE, $40 a Ton. A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . CROWS ON GOLF LINKS. One Fastidious Bird That Would Steal Those In Portugal Have Been Cut Up Only New Balls. severance Into Very Small Portions. The crow seems to be attracted to THE FIRST STEAMSHIPS. The Portuguese are an extremely ] golf balls In a way wholly peculiar Screw Propellers Did Not Coms Into conservative people. Every one fol­ from the rest of the bird species. In A ttorney - at -L aw , lows rigidly the methods employed by ' parks, where the rook and the crow Use Until 1830. bls father and forefathers. In very j “We are prone to smile at the abound, one can notice them sitting in T illamook O regon . archaic prototypes of our modern many parts of the country the old i the trees or hopping about the putting steamships." writes Gustav H. Schwab wooden plows are still used. greens in the distance watching the In Harper's Weekly, “at their dlminu- When a man dies, Instead of ore ot roll of the ball with a direct or side­ five size, their clumsy build, their the heirs taking the whole property long glance expressive of the keenest T. BOALS, M.D., Luge paddle boxes and tbelr single and paying the remaining heirs for Interest and curiosity, which is soon slender smoke pipe, but we do not stop their parts, the whole property Is di­ translated Into a desire to carry it off to think of the few brave men of vided into as many parts as there are to the roost in the neighboring wood. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, those days who, undaunted by the op­ heirs. More than this, each separate. The Kew gardens adjoin the mid- . position and ridicule of most of their part of the property Is thus divided. TILLAMOOK.] Surrey course, and in the royal pre- ; (CAPT. P. SCHRADER). Thus, If a property consisted of ten serve there used to be a fairly large j fellows, persisted In their efforts to Office- Olson Building. supplant sail by steam and who finally acres of pasture land, eighty of vine­ colony of crows nesting among the by sheer pluck nnd perseverance suc­ yard and ten of grain land and there trees. Of this colony there was one , Residence: Mrs. Weiss' house, west of were ten heirs, each heir would receive particular crow that found his great [ ceeded In these efforts." Mrs. Walker's. The Savannah, which crossed the one acre each of grain and pasture est amusement In mingling among the Atlantic In 1819. was a full rigged land nnd eight acres of vineyard. This 1 golfers and in disconcerting their play packet ship to which had been added process lias been going on for a very by indulging tn repeated predatory R. I. M. SMITH, a small one cylinder steam engine long time, so that now In the most fer­ campaigns against their golf balls. tile part of Portugal the land Is di ­ turning two paddk* wheels, which were | His policy was to hover tn attend­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, set In motion In smooth water when vided Into Incredibly small portions. ance on those players who used new I The immediate result of this, accord ­ the wind failed, For two thirds of the white balls only. Those on which the way across the Savnnnnh depended ing to the United States consular re­ pnlnt had been chipped or which had Office over J. A. Todd & Co., solely upon her sails. In 1833 the ports, Is that the product of the land been used in play for several rounds Tillamook, Ore. Royal William made the passage In Is barely sufficient at beat to sustain by an economical player were always twenty-five days, under steam the Its owners. South of the river Tagus, | rejected by this particular bird as be­ » whole way. In 1837 the Great West on the other hand, there are enormous ing beneath his fastidious attention.— ern was constructed, but her unusual tracts of excellent land lying unused, London Field. length of 230 feet gave rise to many but It has been found impossible to In­ Sails from Couch st. Wharf, Portland, Oregon, apprehensions as to her safety. The duce the farmers of the north to move Th» Normal Attitude Toward Death. Into this region and take up large first screw steamship was built In The normal attitude of men toward holdings. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, 1850, and eight years later the Bremen death seems to be one of Inattention made the passage In fifteen days. In or evasion. They do not trouble about Inherited. 1862 the Scotia cut down the tlmo BAY CITY, OREGON. "I entertained some friends at din­ It; they do not want to trouble about from Queenstown to less than nine ner the other night at a well known It. and they resent its being called to days, From that time on the record hotel lu Boston,” said a New Yorker, their notice. On this point the late has been gradually reduced. Just returned from the Hub. "and Frederick Myers used to tell a story was served by an ebony giant on which I have always thought very Il­ Pins. whom lampblack would make a white luminating. In conversation after din­ Queen Catherine obtained pins from mark. It Is the custom at that par- ner he was pressing on his host the REAL ESTAIT, France, and In 1.543 an act was passed ticular hostelry for the waiters to unwelcome question what he thought After "That no person aball put to sale any write their own orders. Upon receiv­ would happen after death. F inancial A gent , plnnea but only such as shall be double ing my bill I could scarcely check the many evasions and much recalcitrancy headed and bnve the heads soldered Items. The spelling bore no similarity the reluctant admission was extorted. Tillamook, Oregon. "Of course, if you press me I believe fast to the shank of the pinnes. well to any other under the sun. smoothed, the shank well shapen. the "'Sam,' I said, ‘this Is the worst that we shall all enter Into eternal points well round filed, cauted and spelling I ever saw,' and added face­ bliss, but I wish you wouldn't talk J-^R. P. J. SHARP, sharpened." tiously. 'where did you learn to spell Y about such disagreeable subjects.” This I believe Is typical of the normal At this time most pins were made or "Without moving a muscle Sam re­ brass, but many were also made of plied courteously, ‘I reckon, boss. I mood of most men. They don't want RESIDENT DENTIST, to be worried, and though probably, If France Iron, with a brass surface, must have Inherited It from my ances the question were pressed, they would scut a large number of pins to Eng- tors.' Office across the street from the object to the idea of extinction, they Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. I n d until about the year ISM. In this "The laugh being on me, Sam got an can hardly be said to desire Immortal­ Court House. year one John Tllsby started plnmak- extra tip.”—New York Times. tty. Even at the point of death. It Ing In Gloucestershire So successful Dr. Wise’s office. would seem, this attitude Is often Centrally Located. was his venture that he soon had First Class Rooms General Washington on Looting. maintained.—O. Lowes Dickinson In 1,500 perrons working These pins Headquarters, Sept. 6. 1778.—Th» made at Stroud were held in high re­ Gen'l Is Resolved to put a atop to 1’lun Atlantic. SARCHET, pute In ItVKl pinmakers combined and dering or converting Publick or Private Old Thoughts on April. . The Fashionable Tailor. founded a corporation The Industry Property to tbelr own Use when taken Old Nikolas Breton, In those delight­ wns carried on at Bristol and Bir­ off or fonnd by any Soldier, be there­ The Only First Class Hotel in Tillamook, Ore. ful “fantnstlcs" (1«26> of bls. grew more mingham the latter becoming the chief fore calls upon nil the Men to exert Cleaning, Pressing and Repair« A Modern Hotel. Traveling Men's Home. Tourist.' Headquarter. lyrical over April than over any other center —London Standard. themselves against It. and if the Coll, month. One reads such a passage as ing a Specialty. J. F. RAMSEY, Pro. or other Officers of Reg ts see or know this with delight: "The I.arke and the Hew Mardarlns Rank. of any Horses, furniture. Merchandise I.ambe look up at the Sun. and the Store in Heins Photographic Mandarins In China may be dlsttn- and such other Property In the bauds labourer la abroad by the dawning of gnlshod by the bird« which decorate of any Officer or Soldier and does not the day; Sheepes eyes tn Lambs heads Gallery. their uniforms a» well as by their but­ Iniin«1lately take hold of It giving I tell kind hearts strange tales, while tons Mandarins of the first rank have Immediate notice of It to their Brlga- faith and troth make the true Lovers a bird known ns the fung embroidered deer Gen'l. such Officers will be deem- knot; the aged halres find a fresh life, j obert a miller on thetr clothes. Mandarins of the sec­ «1 a Party, brought to Court Martial and the youthful cheek» are as red as ond rank have their robes adorn«! by A broke with Infamy. For let It ever the figure of a cock. Mandarins of the be Kemembered that no Plundering a cherry It were a world to set down A ttorney - at -L aw , third rank have a pea--ock. Mandarin* Army was ever a Successful one. — | the worth of thia moneth; but In of the fourth rank are adorned with a From General Washington's Personal summe. I thus conclude. 1 hold It the Land Titles, Land Office Busi* pelican Those of the fifth rank are Order Book in Journal of American Heavens blessing, and the Earths com­ uess and Mining Law. fort.”—London Chronicle. ci.r’ly distinguished by the sliver History. plnnsant. those of the sixth rank are PORTLAND, OREGON. To Live Long. favored by a stork, mandarins of the Too Public. Virchow, the German scientist, said Room, 306 Commercial Building. seventh rank have a partridge, man The young lady, with her fiance, wa. d.trlus of the eighth rank quail and awaiting a street car. After several the way to live long Is to "be born Phone A. !<>>•• Lano Orrica Bi-nuiu mandarins of the ninth rank the hum- can had passed and they could not with a good constitution, take care of a SracuLTv. It when you are young, always have ble sparrow. get aboard the young man became Im­ something to do and be resigned if r-8 OWING & COWINC patient When the next car stopped at you find you cannot accomplish ail yon Enforcsd th» R u I m . the corner he leaped upon the platform wish.” It Is easier to Itv» long with LAWYERS. Museum Attendant You'll plaxe lave and said tu pleading terms. “Come on.' a poor constitution than to violate the your umbreller or cane at the door, Mary; we can manage to oqueeae In R oom 334 W orcestkr B uildim ®, other conditions and reach old age. »or. Visitor Very proper regulation hrre. can't we?" Th» young woman T hird and O ak S trbrti . Room Next to the U.S. Land Offlc*. ' But It happens 1 have neither Attend colored slightly, but bravely replied.1 A Bad Spell. ant—Then go and get wan No one Is "I suppose we can. dear, but don't you PORTLAND, OREGON. "Poor Jacy! He never could spell, allowed to enter unless be laves his think we had better wait until wa get and It ruined him.” umbreller or caue at the door You bom»?"- Buffalo Commercial. "HowF may read the card for yourself, sorj— "He wrote a verse to an heiress he London Tlt-BIta. A Prot»«t. was In love with, and he wrote beoey' Dolly—We had to practice Chopin for 'bonny.' "—New York Journal. «» CURE VHI LUNCS Diplomacy. for three hours today, mamma. Mrs rarvenoo- Really, my dear "Yon persuaded your husband to Join His Funny Leek. WITH a glee club*" ■hoppin' Is all very well, but your "Say. Daisy, did yer see when I took S "Y'ea," answered Mr» Biggins, "when papa »ent you to the ladle»' hacadray bold of yer hand the funny look yer he starts to sing at home I can now to learn musk* an' that sort o' thing ma gave me*" sdì Ise him not to tin* his voice, and London Mall "Go on. Tim, ma didn't give It to nhen ho .Inga In the club I can't hear yer; you've always had It.”—Life hint." Washington Star Let no man think he la loved by any AMD AU THROAT AMO LBIW TWOUttE The asp bTrows poison from the el man when be I ovm no man -Eplct» per -luitln Ennert. o VARANTMD SATISFACTORY tu». I A- w. , Portland and Tillamook. FREIGHT, $3.00 PER TON c - hawk . EVERY TUESDAY THAT’S ALL. HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. w. A. WILLIAMS & CO., HOTEL RAMSEY, Tillamook. Oregon. The only REAL opposition steamer sailing between Bay points and Portland. IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE of the people of Tillamook County to patronize this line. Route all your shipments care steamer Argo. ^ . , Prompt and efficient service alwavs Winter and Summer. ^ways, Claims promptly paid and taken care of. Agents at Tillamook. Ore. Bay city. Ore, Astoria, Ore. Portland, Ore. Sails every SATURDAY from Tillamook rain or shine. Both freight and passenger. kill ™, COUCH King’s New Discovery F»"C8ü8r*