_____ ____ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 26. 1909. THE NEW PORT LAW. An Unequalled Opport unity And the Powers which will to Save Dollars be Conferred Upon the Commissioners. If for any reason you have waited until now to fit yourself out with a new outfit, you cer- taiulv cannot now offer high prices as a reason. These values extend to Men’s, Women’s and tldren s Clothing. New goods are pressing us for room, and this is the main reason for these enormous sacrifice prices on goods that are strictly staple and up to date. Do not wait until everything is picked over, but come early aud get the best of the collections. Section 7. Such corporation shall convevience of it. shipping and commer­ cial interests all or any portion ol tbe bare power: 1 To improve all bays, rivers and watei front of it. harbors, river, and hsrbors within its limits and between ita waterways ; to enlarge its tidal area, limit» and the sea for such width and construct, excavate or dredge canal, and length and to such depth as it inav be channels connecting its waterways with deemed necessary or convenient lor the one another or with other waterways u« of shipping and as the means at its and lhe sea and to construct, maintain About 38 of the New Fall Models in Tailored suits, in all the latest shades and novelty disposal will allow, and to construct ami operate upon any of the waterfront such canals, basins, and waterways as > so acquired by it. wharves, warehouses weaves, perfectly fitting man tailored garments that we sold for $25.00 and $30.00, will all be it may be deemed necessary or conven­ and drydocks, audio colle« from vessels cut to close out to a price less than cost. COME NOW and get the pick of the lot. ient for the use of shipping or the ex­ using the same wharfage and drydock­ tension of the commerce of such Purt. age, and to collect from owners or con 2. To contract with the government signees of goods, passing over said docks of the United States to do any any the laws of this State shall be issued from time to time as the last Elmore. When you need these goods let us fit you. provide in case of said corporations, board of commissioners of said corpora­ ■ave only that in the case of corporations tion may determine and shall be of such organized under the provisions of this denominations and shall run for such act the right shall extend to the taking term of years and beat such rate of in We have received a large shipment of Men’s and Boy’s Hats, Ladies’ Coats, Hair Orna. of, and such corporatiou shall have and terest as such board ol commissioners ments, Calicoes, etc. When you fail to get what you want elsewhere, try us. there is hereby granted to it the right to shall determine ; provided, however, take any and all private property under such bonds shall not bear interest ex­ »aid right of ¡eminent domain which ceeding in any event the rate of six Hello, Bell, Main 1113. II /t T The Home of Values in »hall be louu 1 necessary or convenient per cent per annum, and they shall be Hello, Mutual, No. 611. 1 V/lKi. kJ. Tillamook. in carrying on any work or the exercis executed on behalf of tbe said corpora, ing,carrying out or executing anv power lion, by its president and secretary, and in this act provided to lie carried on, ex­ shall be so conditioned as that said cor­ ercised, carried out or executed by it. poration shail thereiu and thereby aggregate of the general and special, poration as limy may from time to lime commissioners shall hold office only 4. And to the'full extent) which the undertake, promise and agree in con­ tax so levied by said corporation during I determine upon, Tbe said board of until the 1st day of .January next su- - State of Oregon might itself exercise and sideration of the premises, and be held such year under tin-authority »hall hold at least one ceeding the next regida r general election the authority herein Icommissioners I controlor to wh eh it can grant to cor to pay at a place therein named ..■■niWnJ granted. Dr/.nortv Property aliali shall ha be eiiKiunt. subject ti» to , regular meeting in each month on a day held in said State of Oregon. In the porahons organized under the provisions to the bearer thereof, the sum named sale for the non payment of tuxes levied , to be fixed by it. and may hold spécial exercise of the initiative and r*fei enduui of this act the right to exercise .the same, therein in gold coin of tbe United States by the said corporation in like manner meetings under such rules as it niny powers reserved under the constitution corporations organized under the pro with interest thereon in like gold coin as and with like effect as in the case of ; make therefor. Said board of com. of the State of Oregon to the legal voters visions of this act shall be and are here­ the rate per annum named therein pay­ county and state taxe». ' missioners shall choose from their of every municipality and district as to Section 8 —Tbe power and authority , number a president, vice president, a all local, special and municipal legisla­ by granted full control of all bays, rivers able half yearly on the first day of Jan­ and harbors wiihin their limits, and be­ uary and July in each year in accordance given to corporations organized under ' treasurer and a secretary who shall hold tion of every character ill and for their tween their limits and the sea, with full with the tenor and terms of interest the provisions of this act is vested in I their offices until the next election of respective municipalities and districts and shall be exercised by a lioard of . officers, aud shall respectively have the the president of the board of commis power and authority to, from time to coupons there’o attached time, make, establish, change or abolish 9. Such corporation shall have power commissioners, five in number, each of J powers and perform the duties usual in eions of sail! corporation shall exercise wharf lines in such harbors and rivers, and there is hereby granted to it the whom shall hr a qualified voter within ¡such cases, and shall be known as lhe the duties of mayor of a city or town and to make,¡establish, change, modify power to assess, levy and collect taxes the limits cf said corporation. Wiihin i president, vice president, treasurer and mid the secretary shall perform the ' . The duties of auditor or recorder of a city or abolish such rules and regulations lor upon all property, real and personal, ten days after the issuance hy the county i secretary of the said corporation. the use of navigation in such harbors situated within its boundaries, and Court of the ] proclamation provided • treasurer shall give bonds »■ such to the or town, ami the attorney of the cor­ and river», or the placing of obstructions which is by law taxable lor state and under Section 3 of ihlB act the Governor I said corporation conditioned for the poration shall perform the duties of therein or the removal of obstructions county purposes, and each year not to of the State of Oregon shall appoint a ! paying over by him of all moneys the attorney of a city or town, and if therefrom, as it may deem convenient, exceed one per cent, the proceeds of board of five commissioners, each of icoming into Ins hands as such treasurer. there lie no attorney of said corporation requisite or necessary or in the best in which shall be by it applied in carrying whom shall be qualified voters as afore, • the amount of which bond shall be then the duties required of attorney (from time to time fixed by the said shall be performed by the secretary of terms of the maritime shipping and out the objects and purposes hereinbe­ said. Such commissioners shall meet at commercial interests of the said Port, fore provided ; and such oorporation such place within the limits of »aid cor­ board of commissioners as based on the such corporation. Section 0. Nothing in this act contain­ and the said rules and regulations so shall also have the power each year to poration as the Governor shall designalo amount of money in the hands of such made by it to be enforced by such fines, assess, levy and collect a special tax on the fifth day after their appointment, treasurer or liable to come into his hands ed shall be construed as in any way penalties and punishments as it in the upon all such property, rea! and person­ and shall organize as a board, firac as such. All expense incident to the altering or abridging (»ewers now exer­ giving of such bonds, if any such there cised or enjoyed, or by law authorized exercise of .sound discretion may deem al. in an amount sufficient to pay the making and subscribing to an oath of lie, shall be paid by the said corpora­ to be exercised or enjoyed by or reserv. necessary; and the fines and penalties so yearly interest on bonds theretofore office to the effect that they will support imposed or levied shall be recovered in issued by such corporation and then the constitution of lhe United States tion from it» general funds No com­ ed unto any such Fort or corporation missioner shall either directly or in. heretofore created by and now existing the name of said corporation in any outstanding, together with any portion and of the State of Oregon and the laws directly receive any salary or compen­ under the laws of this state; provided, court of this State having jurisdiction of of the principal of such bonds maturing thereof, and will faithfully discharge sation for his service as a commissioner, however, that any such Port or corpora, actions for the recovery of fines and within such year. Such regular and the duties of commissioner to the best or .for acting as an officer of the said tion heretofore organized and now in ex­ of their ability. The term of office of penalties imposed by State laws, and special tax provided for hereby »hall be corporation. The said corporation may istence, may reincorpórale under the •ball inure and belong to said corpora­ levied in each year in time so as to be commissione.' shall be determined by lot ! employ such engineers, superintendents, provisions of this act, and in which such at the first meeting of the board. Two tion, and all punishments so imposed extehded upon the county tax tolls with . mechanics, or other persons as it may case all books, papers, mapa, money and •ball be enforced in the name of said cor­ the state and county tax fot the annual of said commissioners shall hold office find requisite, necessary or convenient other property of and belonging to such poration in any of the courts of this collection of taxes in the spring next until the 1st day of January next fol­ in carrying on its wok or any part Port or Corporation shall pass to anil be lowing the succeeding general election State having jurisdiction of crimes and following, but in no special tax hereby thereof, and at such a rate of remuner­ come the property of the Port or cor. misdemeanors under said laws. authorized shall be applied only in pay­ held in said State of Oregon and the ation as it may deem just, and pay the (Miration reincorporated under this act. remaining three of said commissioners 5- Toestablish, maintain and operate ment of interest and principal of bonds expenses actually incurred by any one shall hold office until the 1st day of * tog boat and pilotage service in said issued by such corporation, but such January following the second next’ i or more commissioners so incurred by Port and between said Port and the sea, corporation shall have power to apply general election in said State. As such [ him or them in the service of said cor­ •nd to that end to purchase, lease, con­ any funds derived from the regular an­ first general election two commissioners poration. trol and operate steam tug boats and nual tax toward the payment of such shall be elected, each to hold office for All moneys of any such municipal •team and sail pilot boats upon such principal or interest upon euch bonds. the term of four years from the 1st day corporation shall be deposited in one or ri'ers, bays and harbors and upon I the — ' All taxes levied by such corporation of January following such election, and more banks, to lie designated by 'the *», and to collect charges from vessels shall become payable at the same time at the second general election three commissioners, and shall be withdrawn «"Ploying such tugs so operated and for »■> ‘he same officers as regular county commissioners shall be elected, each to or paid out only when previously ! Paid up Capital.. . . .125,000, “‘ «gè service rendered by cm)..»,... iplovees taxes are W»bl« anJ 8h!l11 h” by the P ~ ’ 1 lot hold office for a term of four years from ordered by vote of the commissioners! m __ —— 11 el»/» flutna county officers, collecting the same, Orf.-rs every facility for safe banking Wch corporation, and such corpora the 1st day of January following such and upon check signed by the treasurer and respectfully solicits your busines». hon shall have the right to claim and paid to the treasurer of the said corpor annual general election. and countersigned by the president. A ; Acts as trusiee for corporations, indi­ folkct salvage for services rendered to | ation for its use. All taxes levied by At each tucceeding general eleetion receipt or voucher showing clearly lhe , viduals and estates. Confidential trust 'wstls in distress in the same manner as corporations incorporated under the held io the Slate of Oregon thereafter, nature and items covered by each check j relations carried out faithfully. 1 natural person. The charges for tow authority of this act granted shall be commissioners Bhall be elected for a term drawn shall be kept on file. Annual Interest at current rates on time de pilotage shall be fixed by the levied on the basis o( the assessment of four years each, to take the place of reports shall be made and filed by the posits. made by tbe county in which such cor ­ rd of commissioners for such cor Mail business given prompt attention those • hose terms of office expire on the president, secretary and treasurer, and Fire and burglar proof safety deposit Potion, and shall be public |and pub poration is situated for the purposes, lat day of January following such at least once in each year a full and boxes just installed for convenience of ’ to the world, and SUIOLUI said corporation with the exception that he levy of such -vini, UHM At all elections herein men- complete itemized statement of receipts | customers at reasonable rental. •’"■•I be entitled to a lien upon any yes I corporation shall be on th. prop« rty election, and expenditures shall be published in having qualifications *' fcr «J »urns due it for piloting or j .¡1»"* “• boundar.es only . and tioned persons prescribed by law to vote for county a newspaper of general circulation, • ---- such vessel, and the master a |n — j for the purpose ol the levy of taxe« by MASON I C LODGE, •owiaq officers within the limits of any euch published in the county in which euch ' ’•»er of such vessel shall in addition be ¡said , »» corporation the assessment made municipal corporation »ball be legal I municipal corporation is situated. All : No. 57, meets on third Satur­ Mb,It and severally liable to aneli cor- I ' by such county on the property situate voters q ialified to vote at the election« proceedings of the commissioners shall ! day nJ each mouth in bastion therefor. If a vessel or cargo, j witilin the boundaries of the said cor ,,t that municipal corporation under th,» be entered at la- g. in a record book anil i w . poration »hall be taken to be and .hall 1.0 O F. Hall, at 7.80 p.rn ’ 1 being towed by a vessel owned or | »cl and not otherwise; and tire nomi­ nit books, mipf. plans, documents, eor ' respondence, vvjuchen, reports and other ; F iaxx flevaaAMcK, W.M. by such corporation, or. wl hil, be tbe assessment of the »aid corpora- nation and election of commissioners All regular, annual and special under this set and the canvass and papers and records pertaining to the1 Eawtx H abkisov . 8ec. I Uxrt levied by elected by the toard of •» Jt may deem necessary to ini- , or a rate in the agg^.le |»“'h P1*’ ** 1 | n *°r public convenience and the Do Not Miss This. Ladies* Tailored — i Do Not Miss This. Suits, Special. Sale Price, the Suit, 313.83. Tub Suits. We will close them out at per suit, 34.83. Men's Suits. Boy's Suits. Shoes. New Fall Goods. First Bank & Trust Company, BAY CITY, ORE. a I The Donkey on the Stage. “It's curious." said a theatrical man­ ager who had experienced many ups tnd downs, "bow the stage develops Jealousies. I ouee bad a show ou the road In which It was necessary to make use of a horse and a donkey. We got tbe animals well trained for their parts, aud ou the openlug night they gave a first class performance. On the following night, however, we were unable to get tbe donkey to move out of tbe wings. Prince, the horse, went on without any trouble whatever, but Jack—that was tbe name of the donkey—could neither be coaxed nor driven out before the footlights. We finally bad to go on with the perform­ ance with the donkey left out. After the show was over we got together aud tried to find out what had been tbe matter. Nobody could offer an ex­ planation until one cf the stage hands happened to pick up a program, which showed that Prince's name was print­ ed 111 the same kind of type we used for Jack. We got a new lot of pro­ grams the next day with the donkey’s name printed In type which was near­ ly twice as big as that which we used for the horse. After that we never had the slightest trouble.”—Chicago Record-Hera Id. The Great Vidocq. Vldocq, the great French detective, was born In Aras In 1775. He begau life as a baker and early became the terror of his companions by his athletic frame and violent disposition. At the same time he was a notorious thief, aud nfter many disgraceful adventures he enlisted in tbe army. In 1796 he re­ turned to Paris with some money, which, however, be soon squandered. Next be was sentenced at Lille to eight years' hard labor for forgery, but re­ peatedly escaped, and In 1808 he be­ came connected with the Paris police as a detective. Ills previous career enabled him to render Important serv­ ices. and he was appointed chief of tbe safety brigade, chiefly composed of re­ prieved couvlcts. which purged Paris of the many dungerous classes. In 1818 lie received a full pardon, and hls connection with this service lasted un­ til about 1S28. when he settled at St. Mande as a pap"r manufacturer. Soon after tbe revolution of 1830 he became a political detective, but with little success. In 1848 be was again em­ ploy«! under the republican govern­ ment, but he died penniless in 1857. The Long Bamboo. An Englishman was once rallying a native of India upon bls faculty In ly­ ing. The native at once replied: “Why. sahib, we are all more or less liars in my country, and If one tells a story another Immediately caps ft. There were two young men of my country who had a boasting match, and one said. 'My father Is so rich and has so many horses that his stable Is of such extent as to take a horse eleven months to go from one end stall to tbe other.' 'Sbabash, brother.’ re- piled the second boaster, ’that Is very good, My father has a bamboo so long that he can sweep the clouds away with It when they obscure the sun In harvest time.’ ■Hl, ’HI, hl!’ ex­ claimed the first. 'That Is very won­ derful. but. pray, brother, where does your father keep such a long bam­ boo?' 'Why, you stupid,’ was the an­ swer, 'In your father's stable, to be sure!'" Moroccan Red Taps. Official correspondence In Morocco la couched In a very flowery and flam boyaut style. It la Interspersed with a variety of meaningless adulatory phrases that tend to confound ths real meaning of tbe epistle. For example, an order to tbe minister of fiuance to contract u loan begins thus: "In our present letter (God Increase bls power and make the glorious sun and hls moon glitter In the Armament of hls felicity) we have authorized our Incorruptible servant (here follows name) to contract In tbe name and on tbe lieboof of tbe treasury (heaven fill It) a loan of---- ,” etc. Considering that tbe "Incorruptible servant” Is filching as much as be pos­ sible can from tbe treasury It Is cer­ tainly necessary to pray tbst "heaven fill it.”— London Graphic. Improved the Opportunity. The Empress Eugenie had long en­ treated Napoleon III. to confer upon Kona Bonheur the cross of the Legion of Honor. He bad refused because ho did not wish to found a precedent for bestowing It upon a woman. Being called across tbe border Into Spain. Napoleon made Eugenie regent In bls absence, and she. with woman wit, took advantage of her authority to con­ fer the honor upon the great artist. Napoleon laughed on hearing bls wlfo’s confession, but the act stood. Hls Ambition. “Tommy,” said a visitor to the flvw year old pride of the household, “what would you do If you were president of the United States?” "I wouldn't let anybody wash my ne