TiLLAMGOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUSC 26, 1909 Cholera Infantum Cured. nights, the cows came up in the morn. hope, nor is there any other way of • Something like two years ago my ing minus their milk aa usual. Finally salvation. The fact ia, if I have sens', baby, which was then about a year old. L egal A dvkrtwk M knts : it was discovered that a large Hock nf enough to comprehei'd the cross of was taken seriously ill with cholera Firti Inset ion, per line.................. | 10 infantum, vomiting and purging pro. S geese from a neighboring farm were in Christ. I have no need of u preacher fusely, writes J. F. Dempsey, ot Demp­ Each subsequent insertion, line.... the habit of running with the cows at and if 1 have not, the preacher will sey, Ala. 1 did what 1 could to relieve BuBinesw and professional card*, 1 month .................................... 1 00 night, and when the cows lay down the never be able to make me understand it her*but did her no gmai. and being very Homestead Notices ....................... 5 uer yet who much alarmed »limit her went for a Timber Claims .............................. 10 00 The farmer impounded the g-ieie and was pointing to die cross of Christ, physician Hut failed to find one. so came 5 Locals per line each insertion ... hv Elder Bro» * Carter s store and “THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY the owner had to get die u back through , invariably he is pointing to tny self right bick Display advertisement, an inch, \jr. Elder r< commended Chauibeilam a Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Orejón g g A. P. Armstrong. LL.B., P,iKiptJ 50 the court. 1 month .................................... eou'.oes« probably for fur lack lick of faith failii in Colic. Cholera ami Diatrhoe« remedy. 1 eousnesa All Resolutions of Condolence and was the cross his own self. Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard bottle of it, ***»1 went h<*m home * a* as procured a Imtlle Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. We’ve got the men, we’ve got the ouicklv as possible and gave lhe baby a One salvation i* enough for me if commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. Moro Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. ■ -■ remedy. ..... i- _ |t relived her in brainR. we’ve got the money, too. Christ saved me. Well and good. 1.' he done of - the Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc , 1 her calls for help than we can meet—position certain. Class and fifteen minutes and mhhi C oih I minimum rate, 25c. not exceedirg five Thene word« are only a slight pa^a- did not it is tco big an undertaking entirely.” For sale by l^mar's Drug phrueing of lhe triplet with which fur me. individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by lines. Store. ________________ England used to bid defiance t«» the office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special Tin re are two things that seems to rne RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION world. England va as tinging <»f the to be a waste of ex pence One ia a dog, Intense Colickv Pa ns Re- penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue. lieved. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) triumphs of war. The National Irri. the other a preacher. “From some )eai’e I suffered fio «I J. C. i.OVS intense colick) p^ios which would rone < One year........................................... 1.50 gation Congress in «esinon at Seattle and’ -• from which I could find Six months ....................................... 75 v*as winging of lhe triumphs of peace, on at i much a-.- S -------- Mason, - of 50 but it was singing loud It tried no COURT MAY UPSET VOCAL no relief. ” says I. — - licavw Three months................................... Dam. Ky. “ Chaml erlain's " »rlain’s Colic, OPTION LAW. Jilting nil asure such as England used, Cholera an the action of Congreee in h <1< pt cided in favor of the appellant, Lang­ bad < a*e of gi*ai>li|aled sole e\ew, 8a\S make no charge fur that and if you need glasses or if it ing the income tax amendment pro I reBohi i ions setting out iis opinion that worthy, the local option law, the Martin Bn.I of Heniivtla. Ky. "In comes from some other cause I will tell you. (hat much money is ueedid to properly pusal. Febriih ’ V. 1908. a gentleman asked me primary election law and some other ■ • ■ to li t Cn .mherlain’s Salve. I bought uoiiKerve our national resourc- And It is almost superfluous to read that th»* temperature was not very high at measures passed und r the initiative oi e b.'X aU'i used about Lwo thiidsof it and hi ) eyes hive not given me any ths St Louiaau who lost $fl >0.) on a Seattle either. There is no indication and referendum will he invalidated. At Jenkins’ Jewelry Store, Tillamook, Ore. The Langworthy case is an appeal , trould • sirce. Thia salve is for sale by crooked roulette wheel in Colorado that the delegates were not voting in Lamai s Drug S’ore I from Tillamook Countv by a man con ­ is named Bray, There is nothing ! cool Hood. victed of the illegal 6ale of intoxicating If you are all run down Foley’s Kid, easier to detect than a crooked roulette I .Mr. Bryan and Gov. Johnson of Min­ liquors. The main contention of ih? ney Reu dy will help you. It streng­ v heel. ! then» the kidne>s so they will eliminate t * nesota are being billed close together in appellant is that tbe local option law the impurities fiom the blood that Snow, the wheat statistician, says the Chautauqua days. Sometimes, when was never legally submitted to the peo­ depress the nerves, nerves. and cause ex calmly; ** If there can be ten days more two circuses are running close together ple nor legally adopted by the voters hausDon, , backache, rheumatism, and without frost, Manitoba will have a on the same lines, or parallel lines, there because the Secretary of State did ' urinary irregularities, which sap the Do not delay. Take Foley’s full crop." The calmness of speaking is a cut in prices, but no cut rates have not require the County Clerks of the ! i. vitality. • K'dney Remedy at once.—J. S. Lamar, of a possibility of frost within ten days. yet been mentioned by Democratic show­ State to print the title of the initiative Tillamook ; Hawk & Miller. Bay City It’s astonishing how many fine watches are ruined ® In any part of the world, is in itself men this year. Sunday, while Mr. Bryan petition on the ballot, as required by the each year by being placed in the hauds of poor and inex- reassuring. was speaking in Pana, 111., Gov. Johnson law of 1903. ■ ■ a Section 6 of the act of 1903. making was speaking in Shelbyville, not many W j perienced workmen for repairs. A slight oversight on ® Hot wind» are now said to be threat­ miles a way as the crow Hies, and as the effective the initiative and refereudum ® their pa t often causes an unnoticeable grinding and ® ening the consummation of a bumper Big Four Railroad runs. That is, or provisions ot the Constitution and reg- $ clicking that will wear out the best movement in a short $ corn crop in Western and Soutwest- once was, a Democratic section of II ulating elections thereunder, says : 9 time. Why run these chances? Leave your repairing mu Kansas. H ot air may yet come to iinois, and it would be interesting to Title Must go on Ballot, in our hands and you will get all long experience and $ the help of the Democratic party out know whether the Democrat who is "The Secretary of the State, at the honesty can give. there, but there is reason for hoping never defeated or tbe one who is never same lime that he furnishes to the that it is now too late. elected drew the larger audience. In the County Clerks of the several counties OFFICE: TILLAMOOK HOTEL. a a a aosence ot turnstile statistics, all we Ik« Bower» has j net lieen »hot and may do is speculate, and even this was certified copies of the names of the can didates for the state and district offices* killed at Newport. Ark. The old quea. not possible until lately. Not until lion of whether or not loe Bowers alter Mr. Bryan's third defeat and Gov shall furnish to said county clerks Ins really •' had a brother Ike" »vein» now Johnson's third election in a Republican certified copy of his titles and numbers of the various measures to be voted up* to be answered, at least to the extent of state, was it possible to inquiie whether on at the ensuing general election, and allowing that »ue.li a thing might have the winner could be a drawing card as he shall use for each measure a title Tillamook to Sheridan been poa»ible. against the loser in a Democratic part oi designated forthat purpose by the Legis­ Sheridan to Tillamook a a a Every dsy except Sunday. The Metropolitan Life Insurance Com­ the country where the Democrats baye lative assembly committee, or organ First-Class accommodations. Rapid pany baa perfected elaborate plan» for seemed to l»k<* losing belter than win­ izatiun presenting and filing with him transit. < (inducting a fight against tuberculosis ning, and where cliey flourish better out the act. constitutional amendment, or HARRIS, MEYERS & HENDERSON. n >t as a philanthropy, but aa a c 4d than in. Proprietors. petition for the initiative and referendum: ■ ■ M huaineaa proposition. 1 Permission hat Leaves Sheridan at Hotel Sheridan at Tne United 3tates* postal authorities Provided, that in no case shall such 6 a.in te n asked ot the New York State are beginning to exercise a close super title exceed 20 words, and shall not re- Leave« Tillamook at Harris' Barn at authorities to establish a large rural retnhle any such title previously filed for 6 a.in. sanitarium for the benefit of their vision of the mails in the hope ot holding any measure to l»e submitted at that up money which is sent from this country policy.holders. Ths company will spend tor the purchase ot lottery tickets in election, which .«hall be descriptive of fl 00.000 a year on this project. Cuba. Naturally the Cubans looked to said measure. , . .” a 4 • Do their work neatly and promptly, see them The brief of appellant's attorneys I have some new and second hand Everywhere in the South statesmen the United States tor most of the support points out that when the Secretary of ladies* and gent’s wheels at a bargain. of the old school are crying out that tor their national lottery, which is just before you build, or phone South 31. State certified to the County Clerks of Will nut be undersold by Eastern tlie introduction of the straddle in going into operation at Ila) ana. The the state the list of candidates to be firms. tinunce officials at that capital expect a female equeslrianship and the abolition placed upon the ballot, lie failed to give Come and see my stock. I am pre­ of the aide saddle will lie a death blow revenue of from $2,000,000 to $5,000,- the title of the local option petition as pared to build you anj kind of a bike F. W. BERGER, Gen. Manager. ( ‘ 00 a year from the drawings there, and to Southern chivalry. After seeing it hail appeared on the petition, but at short notice. the thing done a few times the men of the greater part ot this money would gave it the title on lhe ballot of **lor Bargains never before seen in Tilla the South may even conclude that be likely to come Irom the United States local option liquor law.’’ Therefore, mook for cash. Old bicycles taken. unless some sort of barriers are set up women can stand in street cats a.id here. Postmaster General Hitchcock has Lang worthy *s attornevs contend that give them a chance to try. just given oiders to all the postal offi­ the question was never legally submitted The War» Kramer In lepnmlent To cials ot *.he country to exercise particular or adopted. AT THE OLD STAND. bacon Company baa brought suit care toward preventing the use ot the Title and Ballot Seperate. agamsi lb« tobacco tru.t for tl.iVIO. >00 mails tor lottery purposes. By shutting In their brief, counsel for the state call il ullage caused to it. busbies, through the Louisiana lottery out Irom the Post attention to the provision that title , I'm trust's vi >lation of th» laws in pr» Office the government overthrew it, and shall not exceed 20 words, atid claim | No. 33271, vent restraint of trade. Here in an idea abolished that discredit to the country that that section of the law of 1903 re winch ■ measures referred by referendum petition, cent, unless as a curiosity. Weyler was not aent to Barcelona, Adam, Jesus Christ. We had nothing D is.- . DR- E" F- ROGERS, M.S. an.I measures proposed by initiative pe. People to look their best need but th« wholerale execution, which, lo do with the fall, nor did we Imve tition, and that any of these measures Hcsitively no business done on Sundays. hair, th.iy need all they ever anything to do with r»demption. If war« dona there, without the formal, Christ ha I failtd on the cross there! I may be either amendments to the Con- have. If the hair begins to go it ity of even a drumhead court matial, stitutiou or any bills of laws." is time to use ahowa that Ida method« are part of would be no hope f> r the human family. I Council for the state also contends 1 1 A man doea not sta d in need of what | IMPERIAL HAIR TONIC. Kpain a tegular military fotmula. And I that there was no possibility of voters Thi« preparation saves hair. It th« young king will never regain hia he alreaJy hae, therefore I hate no having been misled and not knowing HILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING IN TILLA­ stimulates the hair bulhe, clean, former ¡popularity or gayety. He hae ( need of salvation, for 1 was saved what they were voting upon, pamphlets lhescalpof dandruff or eruption,, already realised, a. did n any monarch« ( when Christ died on the crow and have giving this anti other measures in full MOOK THAT LOOKS GOOD. and promotes new growth. Try in many lands, that uneasy lies ths head bean saved ever since. having been circulated shortly before | By listening to the popular preacher. it now. that wears a crown. Partly Improved Stock Ranch in Linn County Will I was led to believe I must do some­ election, ballot title and number being Price 50c. and <1 00 a bottle. • • ■ given with each measure so printed. Trade for 40 Acres or Over of Like Value thing to be saved. I lost all faith in il»« As a presidential aspirant Mr. Bryan Law Since Amended. ia wise in remaining in Nebraska, croaa of Christ, the only means of sal­ •n Tillamook County. By moving to Texas he would take vation tbe world ever knew, and tried CHAS. I. CLOUGH CO., The law of 1903 on this subject has himself out of the list of nomination to comply with the requirements of lhe sitne been amended, the amended law from ^7%’° milcs ^rom Brownsville and 3 miles Reliable Druggists poesi billtie«, In Nebraska he has won preacher, I imagiued that he was sent requiring the Attorney-Genera I to des­ land CraoWf°rdsvl le- Linn county. 80 acres of level and Prescription Experts. eoiue prestige, lie has made that of God and I relied on him for mairuo ignate a title which the Secretary of is under tenrreS C?areLd and Under P,ow- AH of the Place stats doubtful In national elections lion*. The mure I trw*d the more I State shall certify to the various Count) timber of a.nd su^*v*^e