♦ f JI L4 « HraòlùM '®£00. •* 'i- L j S Hii. vj c Ä .« Vol. XXII. No. ia. F #1.50 per year, TILLAMOOK, OREGON, AUGUST 26, 1909. ■’3 I I Read What Mr. L YTLE says about it : “To the Public— We will operate regular passenger trains »(‘tween Portland and Lake Lytle; will build a depot there as soon as the railroad is finished, and will nuke Like Lytle the finest beach resort in Oregon. Garibaldi Beach, the ocean beach at Lake Lytle, has long been recognized as the finest stretch of beach in Oregon, and the location of the new resort, combining as it does, an inland mountain lake, with this broad, smooth beach is ideal.— E. E. LYTLE, President, Pacific Railway & Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon. Lots at Lake Lytle are on sale at the office of F. R. Beals for «$75.00 and up, small payment down, balance on easy terms. Accompanying each sale is a guarantee to the purchaser of the establishment of a depot and daily passenger service, graded streets and a water system. F. R. BEALS, T illamook C ity , O regon . 1 » THEATRE. STAR The Star Theatre is seated throughout with modern opera chairs. Change of Program SUNDAY, TUESDAY & THURSDAY. Watch the Posters. PROGRAM FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY. THE WAYS OF WITCHCRAFT. IN SUNNY ITALY. love sick barber . SUSPICIOUS FINANCIAL BUSTER. First Show, 7:30 P.M. Second Show, 8:30 P.M- ADMISSION, 10 Cents i- TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Dr. Morris, eye specialist. • A-E. Nolan, general insurance. Head Tillamook County Bank notes * Mr, Sturgeon is attending the Seattle '•ir this week. Dmt forget the Hardware firm of King4 Smith Co. » Burn, on Tuesday, to the wife of Erick “■dd. a daughter. F. J. Catterlin and son were in from Portland Saturday. Id Sours, painter and decorator, and "ttorstmg a specialty. • ® R. Giltner and wife, of Portland, »»nsinthe city Wednesday. thing in the gun and ammuni- "o® line nt King & Smith’s. • Prank Ahram and wife, of Hood River, •*»1» the city on Monday. A. Campbell and wife, of Con *"• »«re in the city this week. 2’ L G"*" "n(1 C. Gerger, of Cor- »«rein the city Wedoesday. 'Ir »‘«’’kins will be in Cloverdale from * 1st to the 8th of each month. • G”0« your wheel is equipped with steel "•»thetrouble is over. See Ed about it. » „ J7’^«‘hinann has the contract for "’"hing work in the coocrsta build *'««" ‘one of good oat bar for Gtj*,",re of C N Drcw« Tillamook W. A. Williams and Bertha William«, of Forest Grove, were in the city Mon day. Home properties in all part, of the See Rollie county from |500 and up Watson. Chas. E. Wildey and J. R. Wheat, of Klamath Falls, wete in the city on Sunday. A splendid line of inside and outside door lock,. See those samples at King & Smith’s. Mrs. Scott Brook. H. M. Paget, C. P. Adams, of Portland, were in the city Saturday. Clams and crab, for sale, also shells, opposite Case’s machine shop. — Joe Whitney. For sale or trade, one of the largest Millinery Store» in Tillamook.—M Star- geon A Co. C. L. Brown. F. L. Parker and A. Karriton, of Astoria, were in the city Wednesday. Manon. Pennington & Co. are showing the finest line of dress good, that ever came to TiHaniook- Charles J. McPherson. G. M. Huuter and w. G. McPherson came in from Portland on Thursday. Fred Morris. John D. Wilcox. Ruswll Hawkins and B. B. V dgr.lh were m from Portland thi® week. Mrs. Leon Edtnunson and ch»M. who hare been , ¡siting »i‘b ‘be editor’. fam ilv. leave, on tlx E>m>re I- .«t rrU- fives previous to her retuia to Eugene. Dr. C. R. Matthews and A. F. Houser, W. T. Macy and wife, Dr. G. S. buildings in close proximity to one ano of Amity, are charged in Justice Ntlson's Wright and wife, of McMinnville, and ther on 2nd Aucnue East. court with killing a doe at Slab Creek. Ray Rasco, of Battle Creek, Mich., were A young man by the name ol Jones, 11 seems that the doe was being chased in the city on Monday. who had recently arrived at Nehalem to bv dogs aneen assistant rector of the Albany parish for the past few months.has been assign ed to the pastorate of the Roman Catho | lie Church at Tillamook. 7 Maaou, Pennington & Co. represent I the best made to measure clothing houses of Chicago. We take your measure. - guarantee a fit and satisfaction, and ,<■ charge you only Chicago price,. We I pay the expresaage. * A auit was filed on the Circuit Court on Wednesday, on which Elisabeth» Hr S nith Co.. L Fernsworth came in on Monday to llaaenbach et al sues Elisabeths Westen- We pay four per cent interest on Savings Deposits spend his vacation from California, where lierger et al, in which the court is to and furnish free a Steel Savings Bank if desired. he is taking a four years university ( determine the right« of the plaintiff« and defendant, to certain prop.«rty. course of study. Accounts opened with a deposit of One Dollar The county court will convene on I The Argo went out on Saturday with j or more. Tuesday for the purpose of canvassing the foillowing passengers: E. Earing, | the vote, cast al the eleetioo for a Poll Mrs. H Young, Lillian, Monah and A. Every boy or girl in the county should open a B Young, Mrs. Anna Root. J. Helper. | of Tiilansook Savings account now. Frank Davb and Herschel Bunu drove Mr. G. B BourhilJ and wife, M. Colli- ton, M. Rohmer, J. W Ellis, G. Meyers. to Tillamook the first of the week to take a look at the biggest thing to the world. < Miss F. Kelley and S. M Hammer. A not tier concrete building will soon Ire -Yamhill Record Morris Scbaal. ‘be popular prwe erected ia Tillamook City, as E. D. Shod-! OLDEST Clotber. wUl open, on or about Septem grass has decided to build a concrete . BANK. bcr lst. w.‘h a MIK- «( Clothing. '«nlding lor a garage, south of the cun-, JN THE Gent.’« Fursish»»«». 8 >•>»• *’7’ crete building being erected by Jone, TILLAMOOK. CITY ORE JSUPfgviSiaw COUNTY Knutson, which will make three concrete part of R L Wade’s ,l«re. A fine line of fur» received by Mason, Pennington & Co. Make your selection • while the stock is complete. Dave Atkinson, Fred Penfield, J. H. McDonald. E. J. Wood and J. R Sher. man were in the city today from Port- land. I have those baby carriage tires and can put them on so they will stay.—E. D. Snodgrass. We will soon have in another invoice of those quick meal Stoyes and rangfR. —King & Smith Co. Grant Mills has bought the grocery business previously carried on by his late brother, W. M. Mills. Merrill Smith and wife returned from California last week, having sold out his business in that state. Deputy U.S. Marshal L. Becker and family are in from Portland to spend their summer vacation. I^t us give you figure« on your build­ ing material, doors and windows and nails, etc.—King & Smith Co. Go to Mason, Pennington & Co's and secure a pair of those |5 00 Famous Packard Oxfords for men for $3 89. * For sale. Set of Double Buggy Harness and Buggy with poll and fills Will exchange for fire wood.—J. C. Bewley. * Mrs Lee M. Travis and children, who have been visiting with her parents, will leave on Friday for her home in Eugene. Mrs George Finney and Miss Hattie Hand, of Portland, and Miss Esther McAllister, of Illinois, were in the city this week We ,re tailing lots of the Sherwin William, paint» «nd oil«. People are beginning to learn their quality—King ’S-SL Opan an Account Nouu. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANKS»» ■ L « s I 'VI i. « I I t, t > I » I » I 4