T i LLAMGOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 16. 1909 OFFICIAL for BALLOT lillamook I Lumber Manufacturing Comp) cpUTH PRAIRIE PRECINCT, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON, -------------------------------- AUGUST 24th, 1 909. Mark between the number and tfle tl(tme oftacft ak >rtioa of TUiaMok const **■ or answer voted for. as - beginning at the North West corner of section 18, in Township 1 South of Runge 0 West. Wit, and ru„„ point where the East line of Section lfl, |n Ti.wn.hi i°t Wt*1 to Tillamook Bay ; thence in a straight line to a South to the South West corner of Section i i : ' P Sl,uth of Range ...... --»••••«•*«. xn-» thence .. — * lo ...... 1 mile to the North West corner of Section 2, in Towu.h’h'o 1 S"Uth ** 10 W cii ' ii ' m '* * '! lami ’', k B av thence mile, to the South Went corner of Section IX -r J* a 8outh of Range 10 We.t \v \i rui"“"li » West then »th'"" Soo,h 3 ofSeetionaa. Township 2 South of Runge; R“n*''” «- ’hence South, «ni^" '"e erljr along the Eaetern boundary line ol Tillamook c ' 7* E“*’ ‘° thr E“‘‘ linc <* Tillamook c *°uth " cst «orucr Of gunge 5 we.t : thence West ip mile. toX North wL‘° ““ N°r,h E“’‘ o“n 31“"' 'I'?“. N“r,h’ thence South» mile, to the South We.t corner of Serf cor“r “< «ction 31. town.hiD a N •’ !ionk to pin« of beginning, be Incorporated a. a mu„t,pll"eJr.,n "’h,P ‘ ' In accordance with the proviaion. of that certain act -‘° ** knowB •• "PORT OP TILLAMOnk-'" regular aetaion held in 1909, entitled An Act tn nr tH Le«,8lat've Assembly ofthe State nf n LLAMOOk , bordering upon baya or rivers navigable from the se '* ' 'or‘he ¡„corporation und.'r ge^’l* ylde for the manner o. incorporating .ueh —-------- ■■ ■ ------------ -- -- Manufacturers of : FIR, SPRl ICE and : he mlock LT I NT BLR n * orta so incorporated.*' C KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING. RUSTIC AND & FINISHED LUMBER. VOTE YES OR NO. 300 Yes. 301 No. I the money lo pay for, would the open DEPOSIT TO BE MINED. saloon prevent that or would the remov­ . ---------- - al oi the locul option law in any way Nehalem “Beeswax” Found to be rTo TH« EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. | improve matters ? Certainly not. Who Ozocerite L n S1R,-I wish to call attention to are the outlaws who lead and teach out. That the product found in the sand nt ,ome of the assertions of the Herald in lawry ? Who has a right to furnish boys the mouth of th* Nehalem* river popu­ ttgard to local option and its results, with liquor and who has a right to larly believed to be beeswax from a protect our boys from such destructive wrecked Spanish galleon, in valuable which iay® • purchase First, is it not the liquor dealers substance known to chemistry as ozoce­ L ocal O ption . Thcw«yl<*al °Plion worUrt in TiH.a‘ and theiragents who know their business rite, was the statement made yesterday nnk ici couutY well the aliown up in the depends on a continual addition of new by .1. |. Walter, president ofthe Necarnev L, c art was during last few days 1" umbel r of boy. from 15 to 20 were I recruits of hundreds of thousands to City Hydrocarbon Oil Company, a cor 2“ghi before ‘he court "11 .ne"S7 or sweil the ranks and replace the thousands potation organized to exploit the pro. Sers to answer a charge of Imiglary. who fill, drunkard's graves every year, duct. For years the visitors to that hiems that any boy of any age can besides the thousands of drunken pau­ coast have picked up the wax like lumps “„"out and purchase all the liquor he Swires and it lias been the habit for boy pers who are no longer profitable ? Oh that have strewn the beach there. ! he to have meeting places and hold regular no.Jmy friends, this is no new occurrence general opinion has prevailed that it beer drinking bouts. They testify that sprung up as the result of local option. was beeswax brought from Manila ! thev borrow from one another, returned But a very old process, one that has for one of the Spanish settlements beer to each other, sold beer to each been in operation a veryjong time and in California and that the ship was nthrr and got drunk, sometimes X/aometmes they were so full they thev it is at work day and night, yepr in wrecked thjtre. The discovery was made could not sing and tell down, and m this and year out, this soul destroying as early as 1813 by the Indians who „articular case,when some of them got agency, hastening men and women un­ brought specimens of the substance to nrettv well loaded up they went back prepared into eternity. The whole ar­ the trading post founded by John Jacob during the night and broke in and swip ed1'fifty or sixty bottle» of beer and car rangement is a curse to the whole world, AstOa at the mouth of the Columbia. Prior to last April a company of which risd them home in too gunnv sacks. a very, very great curse, an awful curse, The evidence was conflicting as towlietli and one that the people cannot be too Mr. Walter was a member was engaged er in this particular case they bad the hasty in removing. And they can re­ in selling lots near where the discovery authority to help themselves or not. was made. At that time Kit Carson the Now, mind you. most of these boys move it if they will, and iojthe meantime were school boys who did uot think they the officers of the law can do a great famous scout, now employed as an as- were doing anv harm but only a lark, deal to protect those who need protec saver by the Government, visited the andjust what they had always lone, viz: tion il they care to do so, but from ap­ place and announced that the supposed borrow beer and return it or pay for it. beeswax was none other than ozocerite, If the residents ol this county connot pearance they do not care and will not a product of hydrocarbon oil. found on­ do anything for our boy's protection. ice Irom this, snd other matters that co'ueunder their attention from dav to But I will leave it with the thinking ly in South America and in small quanti­ day. that local option—as local option pub'ic hoping they will give it their ties in Northern Europe. ia in Tillamook County—is a farce and At Nehalem the.oil comes from a great worse than a farce, that it is fast ruining Lest attention. depth to the surface and in passing Respectfully an observer, the routn of the county, they must be through the sand the cruder elements blind. . M rs . A. L. D onaldson . are worked out. This is used mainly as At thelpresent time more liquor is be Ing aent into the county, than was ever a lubricant. It is also used in the pre. BOULDER CREEK. consumed during the saloon days, ati-i paratiou of certain drugs. The records an immense mail order business is done Our uew saw mill is running full blast used by the phonographs are made from with our boys. Any boy can order a barrel or a care of liquor if he has the and the lumber begins to make quite a the unrefined product. Machinery has price, and it does not have to come in showing. been purchased by Mr. Walter’s corn- bit name but to a private mark, and this Dudley Getchell. one of the Hebo pany and the work of developing the liquor will be cached somewhere where the boys can get together and drink it. clieesemakers, spent Sunday night at property is to be undertaken at once — Oregonian. ________________ teaching them not only to be liquor the bridge camp on Boulder. drinkers, but to be law breakers. E. P. Mills and family intend to leave Washingten’s Plague Spots An open saloon that can be regulated lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the is far preferable to local option, with the soon to make their home in Ashland. Potomae, the breeding ground of ma­ county full of law breaking bootleggers, Ore , probably. We are very sorry to laria germs. These germs cause chills, and our boys being taught to have no lose such good citizens from our neigh­ fever add ague, biliousness, jaundice, reverence lor the law. lassitude, weakness and general debility Local option is a »creaming farce in hood. and bring sufferiug or death to thou­ Tillamook County. Mr. Robinson, from Bay Ocean Park, sands yearly. But Electric Bitters never knot this intended as a strong argu­ is locking around for a ranch in this fail to’destroy them and cure malaria troubles. - They are the best all round ment in favor of the destructive saloon locality. tonic and cure for malaria I ever used.” and against the saving qualities of local Valentine Fisher. Sr., and family, who writes R. M. James, of Louellen. S. C. optiun ? Who are blind, the residents of have bsen camping in the county since They cure Stomach. Liver, Kidney snd Blood Troubles and will prevent Ty. the county or the Herald man ? Can June, left last week for their home. phoid. Try them, 50c. Guaranteed bj any sane person blame a good law for L. F. Smith and Walter Kinnauian Chas. I. Clough.____________ drunkenness or theiving and other out­ and their families went to the beach at Take Notice. lawry \ No, the (outlaw class are the Netkrts last week tor an outing. All persons are recommended to lake cause ol this state of affairs and our Mrs. Blalock tell us they are busy Foley’s Kidney Remedy for backache, rheumatism, and kidney and bladder lalaricd. sleepy officers are co blame, peeling cascara bark at present. trouble. It will quickly correct urinary not local option. It the interested vot Miss Ollie Cross, head cook at the irregularities, winch, if neglected, may era had put interested men in office who bridge camp, spent Monday afternoon develop in o a serious illness. It will would have done their sworn duty and restore health and strength. Do not neglect-signs of kidney or bladder not work in sympathy with the outlaws with Mrs. H. A. Chopard. H. L. Jensen went to Beaver, Monday, trouble and risk Bright's disease or and drinking class, but look out for all diabetes.—J. S. Lamar, Tillamook; lawbreakers and bringjthem to justice, to work on the road at the rock crusher. Hawk A Miller, Bay City. H. A. Chopard and family made a trip there would be less disgraceful conduct Cured Hay Fever and Sum­ to report. The law is not to blatne, bat to Beaver last Tuesday on business. mer Cold. Manuel Suares came over from Bay the officers that refuse to enforce the A. S. Nusbaum, Batesville, Indians, law. Local option cannot take the Ocean Park last week to put up the hay writes: “ Last year 1 suffered for three months with a summer cold so distress­ blame lor such procedures as were re­ on his place at Battle Lake. ing that ii. interfered with my business. ported in last week’s Herald, as such or Ji'lin Borba waa a county seat visitor 1 had many of the symptoms of hay similar conduct has been carried on here last week. fever, and a doctor s prescription did not for years. Long before local option We are informed that Miss Bessie reach my case, and I took several tnedi. cines which seemed only to aggravate came into force drnukeness and thefts Bays was successful in passing teachers it. Forlunately I insisted upon having disgraced us. But the Herald would examination. We extend congratula congratula- ­ Foley's llonev and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since used not have noticed it then. It would only tions. Foley's Honey aud Tar with the same have been conaidered a natural conse E. E. Cross & Sone are preparing to success.'’—J. S. Lamar, Tillamook, quence and not worth space in a paper build the Boulder Creek and Nestucea Hawk Jt Miller, Bay City. so crowded with the people’s liest in- bridges. They came up from Hebo last Cholera Infantum Cured. trust,. The idea that eenaible. thinking ' Something like two years ago my Sunday evening. people could be made to believe that | ____ baby, which was then sl»out a year old, local oplion or any other law waa the [Intense Colicky Pains Re­ was taken seriously ill with cholera I infantum, vomiting and purging pr:. cauae of such doings an the Herald is lieved. fusefy. writes J. F. Ih-iupsey, of Demp­ "From some years I suffered from pleased to report and then declare that i I pains which would come sey, Ala. 1'lid what I Could to relieve the residents cannot aee just as the ! intense colicky but did her no good, and being very at times and _ from which I could find her Herald telle them to see thev must be on 8. Mason, of Beaver much alarmed about her went for a no relief." says I. b. sboii , v, physician out failed to find one. tocaae j. _____ ’» Colic, blind Thev, surely, are too blind to be Dam, Ky. " ChaiuliFrlaiii'rf nd Diarrhoea led l>y a blind leader of the blind. The Cholera aim via».uw.. Remedy wsr re back by Elder Br-is. 4 Carter s store and ... me by a friend d After ' Mr Elder recommended Chamberlain's commended to •liter baa lived in this county longer liking a few doses of * •» the remedy I was | Colic. Cholera and Dtatrhoea remedy. I — -««..J then any of the Herald force and am entirely relieved. That four years procured a Ind tie of it, went home as •orry to say such reports as appeared in ago and there lia* been no return of the ! quickly as possible and gave the baby a of the remedy. It relived her in '••t week's Hearld or similar ones have HVniptofD« since that time. Thu re uedy dose fifteen miiiutes and soon cured her been of yearly occurrence. It is the re­ ih fur sale by Lamar's Drug Store. entirely." For sale by Mrnar. Drug: sult of bad men's bad example and bad What is Best for Indigestion ? Store. ________________ Mr. A. KoMoson, of Drunxquin, ' If you are all run down Foley’s Kid­ eery bad, influence, that ia having such i Ontario, baa b**rn troubled fur yearn ; ney Remedy will help you. It streng­ bad effect on our boys, and not local ! with indigestion, and recouirnenda the kidneys ao they will eliminate option as our Herald friend would make ! Chamberlain's btomach and Liver thens the impurities from the blood that believe, which, he says, is teaching our ' Tablets as “ the best niedicine I ever depress the neries. and cause ex- boys not only to be liquor drinkers hut I use*I. * If troubled Jwith indigettfinn or haus’ton. backache, rheumatism, and I to be law breakers. This stateot affairs I constipation give them a trial. They are urinary irregularities, which sap the I I certain to prove beneficial. They are is sot new, and local option is inJoo way easy to take and pleasant in ertVcL vitality. Do not delay. Take Foley 's K'dney Remedy at once —J. S. Lamar, •taponaible. And as to the boys sending Price. 2.5 cent*. Samples free at Lnniar* j Tillamook. Hawk A Miller Bay City •»ay and getting all the liquor he firs , Drug Store. ALL KINDS OF MOLTLDINGS We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. Mrs. Donaldson Flays “The Knocker.” The Best Equipped Saw XIill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Birst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. YOI;R LUMBER BILL. FIGURE LEI DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX The Most McNAIR CO Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County __ SHONEMU? THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat • and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption in the YELLOW PACKAGE J. S. Lamar, Tillamook, and Hawk &, Miller, Bay City S. VIERECK Tillamook Bakery, WEINHARO'S COLUMBIA BEER, OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. r EXPORT BEER, SPECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES, KAISER BLUME. ALL KIND OF BREAD Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating. MALT TEA. The tleanest lightest and most comfortable POMMEL SLICKER BOTTLED BY THE Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon Soda Waters, Sipthona, Birtlett Mineral Water. At the same time cheapest In the end because It wears longest ‘359 Everywhere Every garment. guaranteed walerproof Catslog free * CO CO OO..ON ' ,v J rt TOwr» -» radian fw.rrp USA rowQx For Real Estate, -- SEE — W 4 j J : ? 4 «r C TROMBLEY BAY CITY. OREGON. PROPRIETOR raorxiB Tillamook Ii ;on Works General Machinists Machinist! A Blacksmiths Boiler Work, Logger'll Work and Heavy Forging Fine Machine Work a Specialty. TILLAMOOK» OREGON Did You Ever Try HARRIS'S NEW FEED AND LIVERY HARN, If not, give him a call. Everything first-class. Second block South of P.O. W. G. HARRIS, Prop.