T illamook headlight , I I o PARKER, ------------ ¿ 1 General Sheet, Metal, £ f» ¡|¡Tin&Galvenized Workfe » i t i i ■ i r-e G. ~ All uuork guaranteed first elass. TIÜUAM00K ► » i OREGON Opposite the Headlight office. 4 « 1 4 I 1 1 I $ £ w YOUR EYES ! £ Stop aud about your eyes. They often pain £ a little. think You simply give them a rest and you are re­ £ you But they ought not to pain you with ordinary £ £ lieved. use. There is something wrong. Let me test them. I £ make no charge for that and if you need glasses or if it £ cotnes from some other cause I will tell you. kfl g DR. Henry E. Morris. Eye Specialist, At Jenkins’ Jewelry Store, Tillamook, Ore. £ £ £ x? It’s astonishing how many fine watches are ruined w each year by being placed in the hands of poor and inex- W perienced workmen for repairs. A slight oversight on MH their pa t often causes an unnoticeable grinding and ^0 clicking that will wear out the best movement in a short time. Whv run these chances? Leave your repairing in our hands and you will get all long experience and V* honesty can give. I £ a e EUGENE JENKINS. The Reliable Jeweler 16, 1909. Administratrix Not ce. Women Who Wear WelL , Notice Notice is hereby given that the Board of Eighth Grade Examiners will hold tbe regular exa nidation of appin leant» for Eighth Grad»4 Diplomas, at the Court House in TillamooK Cny, Sep 2nd and 3rd. as follows; Thurwiiay, Sept. 2—Aritlouetic, writ ing hibtoiy, civil government. Friday. Sept. 3.—Physiology, g^ogra- piiv, spelling. Two subjects each half day in the ordered named. Examinations to begin at 9 o< louk. Applicants who did not fail in more than two subjects at the last exumina- I cion will be permitted to flnish the ex- I amination al the above date. QueHtions will not ;be sent out tohcbiol districts unless there is a special request from a district for uh to do so. There can be no charges made for the conducting ot this examination. The Slate provides to meet the expense of but three exauii nations annually, aud as there has been three given this year already, this cne must be given without cost to the county or the school districts It is given by the board at this time, for the purpose of giving pupils an opportunity to com­ plete their examination and thus avoid taking the Eighth Grade again tbe coming school term. Thera are several Eighth Grade Diplo­ mas in my office at present that have not been mailed to pupils that earned them, because we had not as yet succeeded in | getting the signatures of th« teaclieri* and th»* chairman of the boards attached to them. It pupils desire that I should mail them the diplom is and they will get tbe proper authorities to attach their signatures themselves, let me know by letter and 1 shall furwaid them to you Respectfully, at once. W. 8. B uel . Notice to dtockolders Tillamook Co. Mutual Telephone Company august i notice It b astonishing how great » change s few yean of married life oftan make In ths appeart-ace and disposition of many women. The freshness, the charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a peach which is rudely handled. Ths matron is only a dim shadow, a faint echo of the charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change, ignorance and neglect. Few young women appreciate the shock to the system through tin change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak­ nesses which too often come w ith mar­ riage and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain N robbing the cheek of Its fresh osss and ths form ui Its fairness. As surely ss the general health suffers gement of tbe health when there Is d< of the delicate woma yorgans, so surely tablishod In • n 8 organs are wh ce witness gnarly wT-d come to A million wormn hji. lvg found health and Dr. Force’s Fa- _ happiness in the use t> oC ________________ vori^ePr-scri prion. It makes weak worn- sn strong and sick women well. Ingredi­ ents on label—contains no alcohol or harmful habit - forming drugs. Made wholly of those native. American, medic­ inal roots most highlv recommended by lending medicui aotli- rit ■ s of all the sev­ eral ichoi 1» of practice for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments For nursing mothers.or tor those broken- down in health I y t'X> frequent bearing of children, also for the expectant mothers to prepare the system for the coming of baby and making its advent easy and almost palnloss, there is no medicine quite so good as "Favorite Prescription." It can do no harm In any condition of the system. It is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine nicely adapted to woman's delicate system by a physician of large experience in the treat­ ment of woman’s peculiar ailments. Dr. Pierce mav t......nnsnlted by letter free of charge. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buda io. N. Y. is H ereby G iven ,—That the un- Uli iK-r.on. having claim, aguin.l .aal ar. la-ribv required to present them, together with the proper voucher., to me at the office of H 1 Bott», Attorney-at-Luw, in Tillamook Citv Oregon, within »11 month, from thedate of this notice. Dated July 22nd, 19OJ. V iola M ills , Administratrix of the estate of William M. Mills, deceased. Notice to Creditors is H ereby G iven —That the un- (krsigned has been by the County Lourt of TiHamook County. State of Oregon, duly unpointed as administrator ot the estate of Alio Al D- FARMER, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me duly verified as required by law. the office of H T Botts, in rdlamook Citj . Oregon, within six months from the date lie|)ated this July 8th. 1909. . S. J. M c G innis , Administrator^ notice Summons. Notice of Guardian s Sale of Real Property. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That pursuant to an order of the County Court of the stay of Oregon, for Tillamook County, duly made «nd entered on the «3th day ot July. 19o9, the undersigned, as guardian ot the person and estate of Josie Alice Davidson, a minor, will from and after Ten o'clock A M., on the 26th dav of August. 19<>9. proceed to sell to the highest bidder, at private sale for cash in hand, all of the estate, right, title and inter­ est which the said minor has in and to the real property situated in Tillamook County, I Oregon, described as follows, to-wit : I An undivided one third interest in and to that portion of the Donation Land Claim of Jtunes Quick and Anna Quick, bounded by beginning at a point on the west line of said claim twenty.five and 5o-loo chains (25.5o) south of the northwest corner of said claim I and running thence east twenty-one and I 75-100chains ; thence north eleven and 5o- I loo chains ; thence east eighteen and 25-loo chains to east line of claim ; thence north fiftv «50) links; thence west forty (4o) chains to west line of claim ; thence south twelve chains to place of beginning, containing twenty-seven (27) acres more or less in Tillamook County, Oregon. Such sale to be subject to the confirmation of the said County Court. All bids upon such land should be submitted to me at my residence in Tillamook City. Oregon. Dated at Til’amook City, Oregon, tins 29th day of July, 19o9. O live A lice D odgb . Guardian of the person and Estate of Josie Alice Davidson, a minor. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting and Election of officers of the Tillamook County Mutual Telephone Company, will be held in J. S Lamar’s Star Theatre Hall, at Tillamook City, on Saturday, the 4th day of St p ember, NOTI« E F<»R PUBLICATION. 1909, at 1 o’clock p.m. Department of the Interior, United States Land office. Portland. Ore., All stock holders should be in atten March 31st, 1909. dance at this meeting and aid in the Notice is hereby her-by given that wali WALTER b . k selecting of the men to till the office« for G HUNGRY, of Tillamook, Oregon, who, on Match 31st. 1909, made application for Timber the coming year. All matters of vital Entry, No. 01*67, for W ’2 of Ne of section 34. importance to the compfmy will be township 1 North, range 9 West. Willamette brought up and every one given an Meridian, has fi ed notice of intention to make final timber proof, to establish claim opportunity to express their views for to the land above described, before W. H. OFFICE: TILLAMOOK HOTEL the inte’ests and good of the company, Cooper, U.S. Commissioner, at Tillamook. Every resident of Tillamook County, Oregon, on the 30th day of August, 1909 I Claimant names as witnesses : interested in the commercial interests J). E. (ioodspeed, of Tillamook, Oregon ; of the cunty, and who desires to have Egbert Goodspeed, of Tillamook, Oregon ; J. the best advantages possible in telephone C. Bewley, of Tillamook, Oregon; David service are also requested to attend this Martiny, of Tillamook, Oregon. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. meeting. In fact, we wish it to be a mass meeting in the interest of the NOTICE FO’t EUBIJCATION. Mutual C’o., as well as an annual elect Department of the Interior, Land Office at Portland. Ore., lion. Therefore, everyone interrested April 15th. 1909. fur the good of the company should try Notice is hereby given that JAMES T. Every day except Sunday. to interest some one else to secure their WOODWARD, of Tillamook, Oregon, who, on First-Class accommodations. Rapid April 15th, i9og, made application for Timber attendance at tins meeting. Entry, No. 01796, for Lolt- land 2, 8ec 11, and transit. By order of the Board of Trustees in Sw of Se 5i, Bee 2, tp. 1 south, range 9 west, HARRIS, MEYERS & HENDERSON, Willamette regular session August 7, 1999. meridian, has filed notice of in­ Proprietors. tention to make Huai timber proof, to F. d. W elsh , Presideu . establish claim to the land above described, Leaves Sheridau at Hotel Sheridan at R Y. B lalock , Seo. befo e V.’. H. Cooper, U.S. Commissioner, at 6 a. m Tillamook, Oregon, on the 3rd day ot Supteni- Leaves Tillamook at Harris' Barn at ber, I909. Claimant names as witnesses : North Yamhill Tillamook Stage. 6 a.m. Wat ten Vaughn, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Sam Downs, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Dave Martiny, The North Yauihill and Tillamook of Tillamook, Oregon; Carl A Palzlaf, of Tillamook, Oregon. stage leaves Tillamook City dailv at 4 A lgernon S. D resser , Register. p.m , and arrives at Trask at 7.20 p.m , and arrives at North Yamhill at 3 pm NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I have some new and second hand Department of the Interior, I lie next day, making connections with U.S. Land Office, at Portland, Ore., the North bound stage fur Portland, ladies' and gent's wheels at a bargain. April 23rd. 1909. which arrives in that city at 6 15 p in. Notice is hereby given that FLORA M. Will not be undersold by Eastern PATZLAF, of Tillamook, Oregon, who, on The West bound stage leaves North firms. April 23rd, i9o9, made timber and stone appli­ Yamhill at 10 a.m ami arrives at iTIIa- No. 01927. for E 1/ *2 °f ^'e Sec. Come and see my stock. I am pre­ cation. rnook City at 8 a.m. the next morn­ io, tp. i south. Range 9 West, Willamette ing. Parlies leaving Portland in the pared to build you anj kind of a bike Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final timber proof, to establish claim to morning can make connection at North at short notice. the land above described, befo e W. H. Yamhill. Cooper, U.S. Commissioner, at Tillamook. Bargains never before seen in Tilla Oregon, on the a3id day of September, I909 ('laimant names as witnesses : inook for cash. Old bicycles taken. The Crime of Idleness. Carl l’atzlaf. of Til amook, Oregon; David IdleneHs means trouble for any one. Martiny, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Jas. Wood­ Its the saiiie with a lazy liver. It causes ward, of Tillamook, Oregon; Ed. Lindsey, of Tillamook, Oregon. constipation, headache, jaundice, sal­ A i - gernon S. D resser , Register. AT THE OLD STAND. low complexion, pimples and blotches, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King s NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. New Life Pills soon banish live trou Department of the Interior, bles mih ! build up your health, 2dc. at U.S. Land Office, at Portland, Ore., Chas. I. Clough______________ Apii) ist, i 909. Notice is hereby given that CARL A. PATZLAF, of Tillamook, Oregon, who, on ’Twits a Glorious Victory. April 1st, I909, made timber and stone appli- There's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A cation. No 0I769, for Ne Vi of Sw \ and Nw % man’s life has been saved, and now Dr. ot Se % of section 24, township 1 south, range 9 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice King’s New Discovery is the talk of the intention to make final timber proof, to town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly All work guaranteed tirsi class, and vf establish claim to "the land above described lung hemorrhages. *’ I could not work h*fore W. H, Cooper, U.S. Commissioner, at Tillamook, Oregon, on the 23rd day of nor get about,'' he writes, “ and the d<»r order promptly attended to. September. 19o9. Claimant names as witnesses : tors did me no good, but, after u*ing David Martiny, of Tillamook, Oregon; Ed. Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks, I.indsey, of Tillamook, Oregon; Morris Leach, I feel like a new man, and can do good TILLAMOOK, Tillani 00k, |Oregon; Frank Easter, of iilla- OREGON. of 11100k, Oregon. work again.'’ For weak, sore or diseased A lgernon S. D resser . Register. lungs, Coughsand Colds, Hemorrhages, Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma or any Mi '® Ml Ml Ml W III III III III lit III III N otice of S chool I ndemnity S elec Bronchial affection it stands unrivaled. tion , I’ i h »' and $1.00. Trial Bottle ti»-»*. a • United States Land Office, Sold and guaranteed by Chas. 1, Clough. “ Beauty draws us Portland, Ore., July 15. 1909. by a single hair.” Notice is hereby given that the State Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera •» ■ at * ■ • n • ■ ■ -■ a I of Oregon, on July 15. 19i 9. Applied for the Swl. of Se of Section 15 and 8 U, and Diarrhoea Remedy Never This seems like something of * W of Se*4 of Section 10. tp. 3 north, range Known to Fail. an exagération on the part of the “ I have used Chamberlain's Colic, 9 west, and riled in this Office a list of Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it poet, if at least does not apply to ■ School Indemnity Selections in which it a was first introduced to the public in sslected said land; and that said list is men. The man with a single 1872, and have never found one instance ■ open to the public for inspection. hair would not draw worth a where a cure was r.ot speedily eflfected Any and all persons claiming adversely * a cent, unless as a curiosity. by its use. I have been a commercial cheaho.e deserila-d land or any legal traveler for eighteen years, and never People to look their best need * subdivision thereof, or claiming the start out on a trip without thia, my same under the mining laws, or desiring hair, they need all they evei faithful friend. ’ says H. S. Nichols, of to show said land to be more valuable have. If the hair begins to go it Oakland, Ind. Ter. For sale by Lamar s for mineral Ilian for agricultural pur- is time to use Drug Store. ■ H'ses. or to object to sard selection for ■ any legal reason, should Hie their claims IMPERIAL HAIR TOM«’. ■ '>r their affidavits of protest or contest Seared With a Hot Iron, Thi< preparation saves hair. It in tins office. or scalded by overturned kettle—ent,’ stimulates the hair bulbs, cleans * Al.GgRXON 8. D resses . Register. with a knite—bruised by slammed door ; the scalp of dandruff or eruptions, I hereby designate the Tillamook —injured by gun or in any other wav— | Headlight, a newspaper published at and promotes new growth. Try the thing needed at once is Bucklen’s ' I illaniook. Oregon, as the paper in which it now. Arnica Salve to subdue infiammation - the above nonce is to lie published and kill the |»ain. It’s earth'« supreme Price 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. __ ■' l 2*KMfOX S. I>aESSE r . Register. healer, infallible f«»r Colds. Ulcer*. Fever ■ | Sores, Eczema and Pile«. 25c at Chas. I «■«••■■■ flflflflg N otice of S chool I. xdbmxity S elec - I. Clough._______ J. R. HARTER, Real Estate and Financial Agent. Insurance Tillamook to Sheridan Sheridan to Tillamook TILLAMOOK CONSTRUCTION Bicycles. Do their work neatly and promptly, see them before you build, or phone South 31 F. W BERGER, Gen. Manager MajorWeitzel, No. 33271, The Iowa Bred Prize Winning Trotting Stallion Is so busy here in Tillamook that he cannot get away before September ist, or later. He is certainly doing a big business here. Flaneur, Reg. No. 56331 Better known as the Nehalem Horse. The only imported Black I'ercheon Stallion owned in the county, and certainly a true breeder to his type, is in my care to finish his most successful season. Both ot these high classed stallions will be at Easter's tables, in Tillamook City, to Sept ist. We are in the field for business. Respectfully yours, DR. E. F. ROGERS, V.S. Positively no business done on Sundays. I WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING IN TILLA­ MOOK THAT LOOKS GOOD. Partly Improved Stock Ranch in Linn County Will Trade for 40 Acres or Over of Like Value in Tillamook County. a8o Acres, io miles from Brownsville and j miles from Crawfordsville, in Linn county. 80 acres of level land. 40 acres cleared and under plow. All of the place is under fence and sub-divided. 160 acres of heavy saw timber of fir, pine and oak, will cruise over 1,coo,000 feet. Watered by running creeks and springs the year round. “L” house of 5 rooms in fair condition. Stock sheds for stock. Poultry house, etc. Three miles to school and post-office. Will throw in the following stock : 6 good cows, 25 head of sheep, a brood hogs, 60 head in all of chicken-, geese and tnUgeva. Iain coining to rillaniook it 1 about three weeks and will Accept any place that will compare favorably with what 1 have to oiler. I hold the value ofthis place o I Is.500. Write or call on ROLL1E IF. II A / SON. • Tillamot >k City. Oregon. NOTI E U.S Land Office, Portland. Ore., August 8id, 1909. * Notice is hereby given that Charles P. Maginnis, assignee of l^tngdon Har­ ner, Crassey L Key, Timothy D Risen, Ellis T. Armstrong and John \V. Ruede, Adiur. of the estate of Monika Ru de, deceased, baa Hied in «his office hia application to enter under the pro­ visions of Sec. 28t)6 and 2307 Revised Statutes of the United States, Lot seven in section six, township one south of range seven west W.M., containing 37.44 acres. Any and all persona claim­ ing adversely the lands described or desiring to object tiecause of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the applicant, should tile their affidavits of protest in this office on or before the 18th day of September, 1909. A lgernon S. D resser Register. First publication August 19th. 1909 Last publication September 16th, 1909. for Tillamook County. Francis G. Bailey’. ) Plain ti fl, I YS > Charles A. Bailey, | Defend unt. J To Charles A. bailey, the above named de­ fendant : In the name of the State of Oregon,—You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 7th day of October, 1909, aad if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint herein, to-wit : That the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved; that she have the care, control and custody of the minor children named in said com­ plaint ; that defendant be required to pay plaintiff the sum of $8 per month since the month of December. 1903. and so long as she remains unmarried, and the further sum of $5 per month for the support of each of said minor children from the month of Dec., 1903. until they shall have reached the age of majority, and for such other and‘further relief as to the court may seem equitable. This summons is served upon you by pub­ lication in the Tillamook Headlight by order of the Hon. Wm Galloway, Judge of the above named court, dated the 14th day ot August. 19U9. The first publication to be on the 19th day of August. 1909. A. W SBYERANCB Attorney for Plaintiff. notice F or publication . United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, August Hth, 1909. Notice is h»r»bv givnn that the Northern Pauiti** Railway Company, whose post offi address is St. Paul, Minnp-ota, ha~ th'” 9th day of Aug., 1909, filnd in tin- office its application to kf I hci under thn provixions of the Act of Cor Hires- approved July 1. 1898 (30 Stat 597. 620), Sw of Se U Ser « t|> 1 S. R 7 W . W.M. «nd Nw of Sw 14, S mc . 14, tp 2 N, R 10 W., W.M. Any and nil persons claiming adver- sely Ilin lands described, or desiring to object because of the mineral character of ilie land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this office, n or befur the 24th day of Sepletnler, 1909. A i . oernon S. D kesbkr . Register. I hereby designate the Tillairo ik Headlight, i a newspaper published at Tillamook, Oregon, 2 „ . i as the paper in which the above notice is to be pub­ lished. A lgernon S. D resser . Register. Notice to Creditors. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the undersigned has been by tbe County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, dulv appointed administrator of the estate ot RICHARD C. BURTON, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to me, dulv verified as re­ quired by law. at the office of H. T. Botts. Attorney-at-Law, in Tillamook City, Oregon within six months from the date hereof. Dated August 12th, 1909. T homas M. B urton . Administrator Estate of Richard C. Burton, deceased. ED. SNODGRASS, JOE IUUINGSWORTH. ALBERT AMY, Cigars and Tobaeeo, Candy, Fruit, Nuts, ete Painter & Decorator. Frank Hadley's Old Stand. • the poet says * Dealer in Diarrhoea When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is famous for its cures over a large part of the civilized world. » I I I I I I ____ A i CHAS. I. CLOUGH CO., ■ TIOX. United States Land Office, Portlaud. Ore . Julv 20 1809 Notice IS hereby given that the State I , ,J.U'V •PP|«*d for 'll.'1 ?' ,p 5 range 11 »est and filed in this office . li« of •ebo.,1 Indemnity Selection in which it selected said land; and that said list is open io the public for iii9|)e«-tion Anv and all peiMme claiming adterselv the above described land or anv le«sl Tillamook City Property in any part of suhdivrsion thereof, or claiming the same under the mining laws, or desiring City. t sho « said land to be more valuable for BAY CITV LOT8 n.ineril II»,! fp, agricultural purpose- Small Tracts near Bay City as low a» or to Object to sstu wle. tion for anv $35.00 per acre. l’? sffi^l'v.. 7'“ fll' "'-relsim.o’r Timber'll good quality consisting of spruce. hemlock Hr and cedar near to I Ah^y!'O^-n,.E*?»' water Several hundred acres to be bad in one t’O-lv. by ' '«‘■’•»""te the Tillamook H-adlight. t » newspaper published ln J C. BEWLEY. I illaiuituk, Orpgm Tlllam.-.k. Oregon. is mi" p“**r ln wh,cb Mid notice r 2°. * 1 published^ Nothing doing on Sundays. A lu U l . xon s 3. . D reiser , Register. No matter how long you have suffered. Reliable Druggists ■ Foley’s Kidney Remedy will help vou. • Mrs. S. L. B»»wen, of Wavne, VV Va , • and Prescriplion Experts. • Í writes: *’ I was a sufferer from kidney a «I disease. «0 that at times I could not g»'t • out o( bed, and when I did I couid nut st» nd straight. I took Foley's Kidney Remedy. One duller bottle and part ot! the second cured me entireh It will FARM LANDS IMPROVED AND cure you —J S. Ijtmar, Tillamook UNIMPROVED Hawk A Miller. Bav City. Real Estate for Sale People with chronic bronchitis, asthma t and lung trouble, will find great relief and comfort m Foley s Honey and Tar.* and van avoid suffering by cumiornenig to rake it at once —J. S. Lamar, Tilla­ mook . Hank \ Miler. Bay City. li’t Luck to Smoke ruck. The Better than 6c. Cigar. Kidney Cures Backache, Kidney and' Bladder Trouble. It corrects irregularities, •trengthens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood and tones up the whole system. Commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy at once and •void Bright's Disease or Dia* betes. 50. and $1.00 bottles. J. S. Lamar, Tillamook. Hawk & Miller, Bay City JJR. A. D. PERKINS, RESIDENT DENTIST. Office in Sturgeon's Building. All Work Guaranteed. T illamook . okegon . FOLEYSKHWEYClJRi I i