Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 03, 1907, Image 3

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Of Interest to Dairymen
The Fanner’s Wife
I fn T«ry careful
about her churn.
T imber L and , A ct jrwK S. foyg.- N otice roa
P ublication
United btatei» Laud Office.
Portland, Orsgun. Sept 6th, 19O7.
18 herebi given that in compliance
with the provittions of the act of ( uiigress ol
june 3, 1«78, entitled '•‘Au act lor tiie sa'e ol
timber land» in the states of California, Oregou
Nevada and Vtashingtnii Territory,
a» ex
tended to a’l the Public Laud btale» by act oi
August 4, I892,
Of Oregon City, county of t 'lat-kainas. Stale of
Oregon, has this day fib d in this olhee hi*
sworn statement No. 7s2w for (he purchase
of the Sw tf of Ne U aud N M of se
of Section No 7. in Township No. 2 Nort» ,
Range No 9 West. an«i will offer prooi
t > show that the laud sought is more xaluablt-
for its tiinlier or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish hi claim to said
land before the K^giae aid Receiver, at
Portland. Oregon, on Ihursdsy, the 14th day
of November. 1907. He name» as wit casts
John B. Caples, of Nehalem, Ore.on ; waiter
A. Dim ck, Oregou City. Oregon . Henry Told
of Nehalem. Oregon; Dau Hickey, oi Balm,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file theii
claiiiis in this office on or before »«aid 14th (lai
of November. 1907.
A lgernon S. D resser , Register.
J scalds It thoroughly after using, and gives
D ear SIR,—In the tirvl
ot the
It a sun bath to sweeten it. She know,
development of dairying in Ttllanrvik
that if her churn is »our It will taint the
county, the dairymen
<»i this set» I inn
butter that 1» made In it. The atouiach is
in their im»lttted
condition hod iitde
to con’emi with diseases
prevad.ng a churn. In the stomach and digestive
and nutritive tracts are performed pro­
amongst dairy herds in other iocalinet»
cesses which are almost exactly like the
Cattie used to run at large here too®» of
churning of butter. Is It not apparent
the year without much care or ahelier
then that If this stomach-churn is foul ft
duting winter, and those which survived
makes foul all which is put into It ?
were naturally
and healthy,
The evil of a foul stomach Is not alone
imune against di®ew®e. In thoee day*
the bad taste In the mouth and the foul
little money whs made in dairying
breath caused by it, but the corruption of
Tile raising of beef catlk wua the main
the pure current of blood and the dissem­
pursuit m die early eettlers.
ination of disease throughout the body.
Condition® have wince changed. The
Ilr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
advent of creauierie® and cite ex lactorie«
makes the sour and foul stomach sweet
have given a different impet ig to th»
It does for the stomach what the washing
dairy industry of Tillamook county
and sun bath do for theehurn—absolutely
Land gipce has increased in value many
removes every tainting or corrupting ele­
times, and the respective dairymeu have
In this way It cuies blotches,
to apply iietler I himiu ' ks method® and pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings,
keep better cow» to be aucceeafui in their
sores, or open eating ulcers and all
struggle for existence.
humors or diseases arising from bail blood.
The building up and introduction of a
If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste In
letter grade of dairy cow® into tiiis your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath,
county have likely be» n the cause of in
are weak and easily tired, feel depressed
troducing infectious dinease® from the and despondent, have frequent headaches,
outside, prevailing amongst cattle used dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom­
to better domesiic care.
ach, conat'pated or irregular bowels, sour
It appears that several years ago an
or bitter risings after eating and poor
animal brought into the county, was appetite, these symptoms, or any consider­
affl-cled with aboition. the expulsion ol
able numberof them, indicate that you are
the calf in the earlier or later stage of Buffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy
pregnancy, before sufficiently developed
liver with the usual accompanying indi­
To live externally by
its mother, a gestion. or dyspepsia and their attendant
disease which has aheady made great id
roads amongst some of our dairy herds,
and brought considerable financial losses
to many of our dairymen. The disease
probably could have been stamped out in
the start, if proper disinfection and radi
cal measures had been applied. But some
at this Is absolutely true
people did not ®eeui to understand the
will be readily proven to your satisfaction
nature of the ailment, and appeared to
If you will but mall a postal card request
■ be circles® or unsciupulou®
this to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.,?or a
' matter
We know that in some herds
free copy of his booklet of extracts from
i cows have been afflicted with abortion
the standard medical authorities, giving
for several years, without the respective the names of all the ingredients entering
[owners taking any measures for com. into his world-famed medicines and show­
ing w hat the most emln mt medical men
k batting or stamping out the disease;
of the age say of them.
rather being instrumental in spread
I ing it.
By all
authorities it is
Iclnimed that aliortion is a germ »hsease
¡and highly infectious, that a herd bull
(serving a cow afflicted withaix>riion will
[carry the disease germs to healthy ones,
[and so afflict the whole herd.
| The greatest danger and abuses »r.
the disease are practiced.
What cattle in this country run ®o much
at large. A good many dairymen, to
BYoid feeding and taking care of a herd
bull, or their young stock, drive them
on the tide land® ; or leave them run on
the public roads where different stock is
■Kt he 1 cd, and liable to catch the disease.
The sene herd bull after contracting the
disease is allowed to serve the cows ot
Other herds in the neighborhood, and the
disease is rapidly spread all over.
Borne people, not having tar sight
dbough. will not lake this mat ter serious
and rather risk
cum r act mg the
Sgva®e amongst their own herd of cows
•ffid cause of having it spread , rather
Uban having the inconvenience in taking
••re of their stock. They Jo not realize
the rayages and losses it will bring in
tSfloe to come.
If the seriousness and consequences of
I ms disease to our dairy industry are
^flognized, why then does the Daily
Food Commissioner not step in,
Iddke an investigation of this matter.
•^<1 adopt some stringent measure of
¡fiftrantine to stop spreading and eradi-
the disease ?
Individual effort ie
power let 8 in this case. What pro-
IHtion has a dairymen to keep hl herd
Mnct from the disease as long as we
■Knot take proper care and control ot
in serving diseased cows,
jjffinsinittii g the disease to other Cows
Hfhe neighborhood ?
-TTgt is to our self interest,
and we are
flnngit to the welfare of the community.
united efforts in stamping oui
j|jl* scourge, as long as we have it still
Mber control.
■Ktter must be
The delaying of thu
fatal, and we know ex-
Ktnce of others tells us that an in
flKtious disease of this kind
will not
by itself, but the disease gerinr
Hi) propagate and the disease will lie
iHre tiriuly eiilienched. To wipeout the
JHlase. needs pi riper medical
••d aaiHtary car“. The old
jflly applied in this case. ••
^Krevention is
saying i®
An ounce
better than a pound ol
time has come that our dairy in-
taxes such large proportions that
wf should
have a
dairy inspector.
^■B.ent and well up to modern method»*
^Maiiying. and l»e able to give instruc
fl* to the dairymen,as well a® euipnwer-
jfifcp enforce the proper sanitary rule®
^fl|also be a good veterinarian, able to
flm><»®e any appearing disease, and give
^^Lroper iDalructious and directions 101
Mfe often hear the expression made
^■tlenrari tn would starve to death in
l^Ktnook county. But the yearly losse®
accrued to some of our dairy-
flfll who have their herd® afflicteu with
^Ktion would, if it could be properly
^Kuaitd, make a big salary fur a good
A. B bnschidt .
Ilnsy, Sprains and Swellings
In Novemlwr. 19U1, I caught cold
[’had the quinsy.
Mv throat wa®
|!«*n an 1 could hardly breathe.
lied Chamberlain's Fain Balm and II
pne relief in a ®h -rt tune.
In two
Ki was all right," says Mr®. L
•in»*. Otter bum,
*• Fain Balm is a liniment and is
teialiy valuable for sprains and swel-
r .
For sale ny CI'High’s Drug Store
N otice
H ereby
G iven , — That
-Jonns Olson, S. A. Brodhead and Frank
Long have been appointed bv the Com­
mon Council of Tillamook Citv, Oregon,
to view the proposed extension of Sixth
Street from it® pre^nt eastern tertninus
in Central addition to Tillamook City,
Oregon, eastward to the west line of
Secoii»! Avenue East, and to make an
assessment of the damages and henefits
as provided by the charter of Till®,
tnook City, Oregon, and that October
20th, 1907, at 10 o'clock a m., at thr
intersection of said proposed extension
<»i said Sixth Street with Second Avenue
East, have been appointed as the time
and place for said viewers to meet. The
termination ol said proposed street is as
above mentioned and the boundaries
thereof are described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the North East corner ol
Block 2. in Central addition to Tilla-
■nook City, Oregon, and running thence
East to tiie West line of Second avenue
East ; thence North along the West line
of scid Second avenue East 60 feet ;
thence West to South East corner ol
Block 1 of said Central addition and
thence South to the place of beginning
The private property to be appropri­
ated for said proposed extension con­
sists ot a strip of land 52.32 teel ufi the
North side ot a tract of land owned by
Hrs. I»ia Walker, adjoining block 2 in
said Central addition, and a strip of
land 7 68 feet in width off the South
'ide of a tract of land owned bv John R.
Harter adjoining Block 1 in said Central
All persons claiming damages by rea­
son ot the appropriation of such pro
perty are notified to file their claim for
such damages with
the Recorder ot
Tillamook Citv before the time so ap­
pointed for the meeting of the viewers
Dated this September 19th, 1907, by
order of the Common Council.
J. C. H olden , City Recorder.
Hard Times in Kansas.
The old day® <»t gnuwhoppers and
drouth are almost forgotten in the pros­
perous Kansas of to day ; although a
citizen of Codell. Earl Shomburg baa
not yet forgotten a hard time he en­
lie aays . •' 1 w»n worn out
and discouraged by coughing 'light and
day, ami culd find no relief till ( tried
Dr. King's New
It took
lee® tlmn one bottle to completely cure
me. ’ The safest
moat reliable
cough and cold remedy and lung ami
throat healer ever diacovered. Gunran-
j ed Chas. I. Clough's D<ug store. 50c.
and 11.00. Trial bootie free.
Notice to Creditor*
N otice is H ereby G ive «.—That the U~,-
dersigned has been appointed administrator
of the Estate of Michael J. Reilly, deceased
by the County Court of Tillamook County.
Oregon. All persons having claims against
the estate of said decedent are required to
present the same to me at my office in Tiila
mook City, Oregon, within six months from
the date of the first publication of this notice,
duly verified as required by law.
Dated September 5th, 1907.
Administrator of the Estate of
Michael J. Reilly, deceased.
afforded by a
Ice of School Indemnity
S licker ?
United Staten Land Office.
p.ntland. Ore., Sept. 6. 1907.
Mice in Kerch» piien that the State
Sregon <»n September 6lh. 1907. ap
■ for Lot ♦. »ection 7. and Lot 1.
non IB. town»hip.3 north, ranae B
*. and Lot 3, aection 13. township 3
th. range 9 went, and filed in thi.
te a li»t uf school indemnity «election»
»huh it aehcted said land ; and that
I lint in open to the public lor innpec-
inr and all pemonn claimingadeerael,
.above dccrilied land or any legal
Kb vision thereof, or claiming the name
Sir the mining In we, or denirmg to
>w naid land lobe mo<e taluable lot
bernl than lor agricultural purpose«.
Ito object to »aid selection lor an,
kl reason, should file their claim* or
Ir affidavits of protest or content ir.
I office on or before the loth day ot
Lember. 1907
I A lgumok S. Dess»*«. Register
I Geo. W. B ibee . Receiver.
Clean Light
■Ilici III UllllltlEI
Elcetric B*»K a nicel; BtU-i up Good fo«
penoos su*T»rin< with rbnutnaGnm
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, I878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States l^and Office.
Portland. Oiegou Sept 6th, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in »omplianct
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3, 1*7», entitled “Au act for the sale ot
tim'ier lands iu the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Wa hington Territory,” a*
extended to all the Pub ic i^ind States by act of
August 4, 1892,
T. ---------------
Of Salem,
county of Marion,
has this day filed iu bis office his
Oregon, 1.-^
■ worn statement,
___ _____
No. 7583. __
for ____
the r
of the Ne 14 of Nw 14
S’, oi
Sw 14 of Sec. No. •-
13, *-
in township No. - 3
South, Range No. 2 Io West, and will offer
to show
land sought
■ more _ valuable
for its timber or stone
than for __
a»»d _
establish his claim to said
»id land before the
Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on
Monday, the 18th day of November I907. He
names as witnesses :
George R. Ridgeway, of Beaver, Oregon ;
William Gilbert, of Beaver, Oiegou ; FredGil
bert. of Beaver, Oregon; Sarah E. Palmer, ol
Salem, Oregon.
T imber L and . A ct J une 1. 1878— N oticb
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
for P ublication .
above described lands are requested to file theit
United ‘•tales Land Office,
claims in this office on or before said 18th day
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 13th, ¡907.
of November I907
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions
,________ of _________
A loeinun S. D resser . Register.
the act of ___
June 3rd. 187^*. entitled “ An act for the ».ale of
timber ands iu the Staten ot California, Ore­
T imbre L and A ct , J unk 3 1P78.—N otice for gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,' aa ex­
tended to all the Public Land States by act of
P ublication
August 4th, 1 Ry2.
United States Land Office.
SPortland, Ore. Sept. 6th, 1007.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance Of Salem Ore., county of Marion, State of
field in this office
with the provisiona of the act of Congr* ss of Oregon, has thia da
June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for t' e sale her sworn statement No 7552, for the purchase
of 8w *4, of Sec. No. 24. in Tp. No. 8
of timber lands in the States of California oftheW
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ a.«* south, range No. 10 wt*t. and wi I offer proof
extended to all the Public Land States by act ot to show that t'e land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
August 4, 1892.
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
Of Tillamook, county of TillHmook. State of land before the Register and Receiver, at
Oregon, has this day filed in this office her Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 26th day
She names as witnesses
sworn statement No. 6706. for the purcha®« of November, 1907.
Nathaniel T. Palmer, of Salem, Oregon ;
of the B '4 of Sw *4 and Lots 8 and 4. section
Ridgway, of
Oregon ;
19, and Ne 4 Nw U of section No, 20, in George R
Township No. 2 north. Range No 7 West, William Gilbert, of Beaver, Oregon ; Fred
and will offer proof to show that the land Gjlbei t. if Beaver, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
sought is more valuable for its timber or
*tone than for agricultural purposes and to above-described lands are requested to file
establish her claim to said land before the their claims in this office on or before said 26th
day of November, 19(17.
County Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, on M011
A lgernon S. D resser . Register.
day, tnc nth day of November, 1907. She uamei*
as witnesses :
Fred I,. Sappington, of Tillamook, Oregon
T imber L and , A ct J unr 8, 1878 —N otice for
Frauk Hadley, of Tillamook, Or gou ; William
P ublication .
J. Ry 11, of Tillamook, Oregon; El). Hadley, ol
United States Land Office, Portland, Ore.,
Tillamook. Oregon.
Sept. 18th. 1907.
Aliy and all persons c'aiming adversely th
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
aliove-descriliedlands are lequested to file theii with the provisions of the act of Congiesa of
clHiinR in this office ou or before said llth da\
lune 3, I878, entitled ' An act for the sale of
of November, I907.
timber lands in the State of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terri tor ,’ as ex.
t mled to all the Public Land States by set of
August 4. 18 q 2,
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, I878.—N otice for
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of
P ublication .
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
United States Land Office,
■sworn tatemeiit No. $3-4. for the i»iirelia®e ot
Portland, Oregon Sept. 6th, 1907.
of Section No. 24, in Tp. No. 2 north,
Notice is hereby given that m ompiiancc the Sw
with the provisions of the act of C'ougre>« oi Range No. 7 west, and will offer proof to
lune 3, 1878 entitled “ An act for the sale of »how that the land sought is more valuable tor
its timber or stone than 'or agricultural pur­
timber lauds in the States of California. Oregon
poses, and to establish his clai u to said land
Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex
at Tillamook.
tended to all the Public Land States by act of • »«fore the County Clerk.
on Tuesday, the 26th day of November,
August 4th, i 8 q 2.
19O7. He names as witnesses :
William Ryan, of Tillamook. Oregon; Fred L.
Of Ar eta, county ot Multnomah, State ol
Tillamook, Or»*g n ;
Oregon, has this day filed in this office her Sappington, of
sworn statement No. 7521, for the purchase Laugliliu, of Ti’lamook, Oiegou; William P.
of the Nw
of Sw *4 of Section No. id Hadley, of Tillamook, Oregon
Any and all pennons claiming adversely the
in Township No. 2 south,
Range No. 1-
West, and will offer proof to show that th« aboxe described lands are request» d t<« tile their
in th s office on 01 before said 26th day of
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and November. I907.
A lgernon S. D resser , Register.
to establish her claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon,
on Tu «day, the 12th day of November. 1907. T imber L and , A ct J une 3RD, 1878.—N otice
She names as witne*e>es
for P ublication .
David J. Culy. of Netarts, Oregon : Chas. A.
United States Land office, Portland Ore.,
Sumner, of Portland, Oregon; Alida A. Culy, of
June 27H1, iq «>7.
Portland. Oregon; Clara Anderson, of « ortland,
Notice Is hereby given that In coni pl in nee
\vith the proviHions of the act of ('ongress of
Any and all persons claiming adversely the June 3, 1*7®. entitled '* An set for the sale of
■bove-desc ibea lands are requested to file their limber lands in the State« of California, Oregon,
claims in this office on or beforeeaid 12th day
Nevada, and Washingion Territory,” a* ex
of November, I907.
tencliMl t<? all tl.e Public Land States by act of
A lgernon S. D resser , Register.
August 4, 1892,
Of St.John .county of Multnomah, State of
T iusk » L and , act J vnk j . 187S — N otics ro» Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi*
sworn statement No 74X). for tlie p rchns® of
P ublication .
the West V» of Northwest
the Northwest V4
United State« Land Office,
of Southwest 14 of Section I3 and the North­
Portland. Oregon Sept. 6th, 19*17.
Notice ia hereby given that in compiia c< east *40! Northeast % oi section No I4. in Tp,
with the provisions ot the act of ('ongre*‘ No 2 N. range No to W. and will ffer proof
of June 3rd, I878, entitled
An act foi the to show that the laud sought is more valuable
«ale of timber lands in the State» of California, for its timber or stone than for agiirullural
oiirpo-ea, and to estab'’®li his claim to »aid
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri orv.’
a« extended to all the Public Land States by land before the Register and Receiver, at Port­
land. ()ieg«>n. on M edtnsday the 16th day of
act oi August 4. 189*.
October, 1907. He name» a- witnesses:
John B. Unples, of Nehalem Oregon , Harry
Of Be ver. county of Tillamook, State of
Reddaway, of Nehalem. Oregon; Peter
Oregon, haa this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 75*5. for the purchase oi \utzen, of St. Johns, Oregon ; Thoma« Autxei),
the Ne \ of Se
Ne U of Ne L and S H of St. Johns. Oregon.
Anv and all person« claiming adversely th»-
ofNe M of 9kC- No i8- 1,1 townahip No. 3 s.
ranRe No. 10 west, and will offer ptouf to starve described lands are re |uested to file theb
show that the land sought is more valuable Jaini* iu this office on or before »aid 16th day
tor its timbei or stone than for agricultural of October, 1907
A lgernons . D eemee , Register.
purposes and toe-tablish his claim to said
laiKi before the Reirister and Receiver, at ■ ort-
land. Oiegou. on Wednesday, the 13th day of
November, 1907. He names aa witness» «
T imber L ard . A ct iumr 3. 187M.—N otick fob
U illiain Hilbert, of Beaver, Oregon; Fred
Gilbert, of Beaver.
Or gon; Nathaniel T
United Mate® Land Office,
Palmer, of Salem, Oregon, Sarah E. Palmer, of
F rtland, Oreg n.
Salem, Oregon
Jn* e l«th, fa07.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Notice Is hereby «iven that In compltanc**
above described lands are requested to file theli with the provisions of the ac( of Col gie*« of
claim« iu this office on or before said 13th day of June 8, 1*7®. eut‘i!e«l “ An act for the s®le nf
tiinlmr landsin the Rtsles of California O»egon,
November, i9"7-
A lgernon S. D rkbsrr Register.
Nevada sn<l Washington Territory,*' a* ex
lauded to nil the Public Laud States by act of
August 4, 189«,
T imber L and A ct . J une 8. i®7® -N otice fob
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of
Vuited States Land Office. Portland, Ore.,
'iregon, ha« this day filed in this office hi*
Hept. 7th, 1907
sworn statement N . 7463, for the puichaac
Notice is hereby given that in comp iance of the Ne *4 Sw*4_se ‘4 Nw
and lot 3, of Hec
with the provisions of the act of Coi»grr«s of No. 4, in Tp. No 3 not th, Range No o west,
Jnue 3. Iff;», entitled “An set for the ssle ol and will offer proof to «how that ftlia |lan<l
timber lands in the States nfCglifornia. Oregon. sought i* more valuable for its timliar 01
Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ as ex
Stone than for agricultural purposes, sod to
tendril to all the Public Mnd States by act of establish hie claim to said land before the
R glster and Re«e|ver at Portland, Oregon,
August 4. 1HW.
on uesday, th* Hth day of (Ktotter, 1907
Of Aaloria, co« nt;
** '**
Clatsop, 8t«te of names as situesaes
day fifod
this office his
John H Caples, of Nehalem, Oregon , Frank
Oregon, has thia _ C__
- in
— -
sworn statement No 7359 for the purchsM« of York, of Nehalem J Oregon . John H Raddav
the U est % of Northeast
Northwest ‘4 of of Nehalem. Oregon ; Peter Wagner, of Forest
Boutheast ‘4 and -Nortleaat % ot Southwest Grove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
*4. of Section No 31,
Township No
2 north, tenge No. 9 west, and will offer proof above »lewriited lands are requested to file their
to show »hat the land sought is more valuable claim® in thia office on or before said ®th day of
for its timber or stone thsn for agricultural Ocrober, I907
A LG rx M om S D rbsskm , Register.
purpoaea, and to establish hi« claim to said
land befoie tha Register and Receiver at Port
land. Ore . on Wednesday, the 20th day of
T imber L and A ct , J une 3. IR7R.-- notice for
Novemt'«», 1907 He namea as witneasea
Thomas W
Ross, of Tillamook. Oregon ;
United States Land Office, Portland Ore..
J. Wesley McMillan, of Tillsaanjok,'Oregon ,
Brptrniber 27th, lyfr;
(teorge Zimm*- man. of Tillamook. Oregon
James Wesley M* Millan,of lillamuok. Oregon
Notice is hereby given that in comnllance
Any and all person« claimiue adversely rhe with the proviaion* of the set of ongress of
above described lands are requested to file June 1. !*•'* entitled “An act t»w the «ol* of
th-<r c'aima in 4his office on or boiore said Zuth umber lands in the States of C 11 for 111 • Oreg»»nt
Nevada and Washington Territory,’’
day of November, »907
A lgbmbo * B DaaaaRR, Register
tend« d tn «11 the Public Land Mite» by act of
August 4th, 1692.
Of Till«mo->k county of Tillamook Htate of
Oregon hss this day filed in tiiis office his
Department of the Interior,
»worn •*airment No 7556. for the purchase of
Mod Office at Portia» d. Ore.,
the M 'y oi R* X »”4
M <** !*• *4
arction No. D in Tosmship No
3 aouth.
Notice is hereby given that OKolCOli R
7 ¿west, »nd will
offer proof
RIDGEWAY, of Beaver regon hi* filed notice range No
of his intention to make Anal rommnt«ti<*n to «now that the land sought is more valuable
proof in support of his rlairn. vir
owre- for 11« timber or stooe then for agricultural
ptirpomm and to «strndl-’-h hi«claim tn ««id land
stesd Entry No. I544I. m«de May M»th
for the ®w I4 Nw
and S H Ne M «"d Nr % before the I'eunty Clerk, of Tillamook. Ore­
Se *^. of sectiow ¿4 township 1 south range gon. on Mnodsv the yth «lay of lbceiuher. i$»>7
•« witnesses
10 west and that said proof will b« made He
David Msrtiny. <•< Tillamook. Oregon, Henry
before the < onnty Clerk of Tillamook f'uwnty
L sch of T»H«mook Oregon, Paul Fnrkson of
at Tillamook. Or a n. on Otober lyth, itfii
Hr names the following witnesses t»» peure his Ti Ian took Oregon Peter J BhAJp, of Till»
rowtisnovs residence upon and cvltivsUoe of.
Any an7<all pe«»on» el»im»ne adversely the
the land eja :
Wuhaas Hiatt of Reaver, Oregon ; Al Bunn, above 4 mc ribed lands ere requ*wt>-d to tie their
of Beaver ureymi W ilium «Ulhng of Beaver ei m« i«< th»s »Ace on or before »a;d 9th day of ,
December Mty.
fam y liewdeou ot Brevet Oregon
AL gbmmom B DExasRA. Registei.
▲ lgxrbor B. DRaasaa ikgisur
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Fine Line of Choice
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
T imberland , A ct J unk 3. 1878.—N ovick for
P ublication .
United States Land Office
Portland. Oregon, July 20th. 1007.
Notice is hereby given that iii compliance
with the provision® of the act of C’ongi ess ol
June 3rd, 1878, entitled ‘ An act foi the sale
cf timber lands in the Slates of Califo'iua.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo­
ry.” as extended to all Public Land States by
net of August 4. 18 q 2.
Of Nehalem, county of illaniook. State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 7$oo for the purchase
of the S H of Ne 14 and Lots 1 ami 2, of
Section ¿No. 4 in Township No. 3 South.
Rang*» N<>. k West, and will offer proof t •
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
K>*»es, and to establish his claim to »aid land
•fore the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon,
on Wednesday, the 6th day of November.
19O7. Il* names a« witnesses .
John H. Holgate, of Hemhick, Oregon ; Ira
J. Earl, of Hemlock, Oregon ; Fred R. Bella, ol
Oregon; Theodore Kingsley of
Tillamook, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requestad to file theii
claims in this office ou or before said 6th day of
November, 19-7.
A lgernon S. D resser , Register.
In the Chcult Court of the State of Oregon,
for T illaniook County.
Charles H. Blake,
Ruby L. Lite, formerly
Ruby L. Howell.
To Ruby L. Lile, the above named defen­
dant :
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint fi’id against you in
the above entitled suit on or before the
expiration of six weeks from the »late of the
first publication of this Smninons, and if
you fail to so appear and answer for want
thereof, plaintin will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in the complaint.
The relief prayed for in the complaint is
that you be required to set forth the particu­
lar interest or estate claimed by you in and
to the South East quarter of the North Hast
quarter of Section 20, and the South We«t
quarter of the North West quarter of Section
21, in Township 2 South of Range 9 West of
Willamette Meridian, and that any alleged
Interest or est a tv lickl by von in said lands
be decreed to be null and void, and that you
and those claiming under you be forever
enjoined from asserting any right, title in­
terest or estate in or to said lands adversely
T imhkh L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otick for to plaintiff, and for general relief.
P ublication .
Thia Summons is published by order of the
United States Land Office, Porf land, Ore.,
Honorable H. F. Goodspeed. County Judge
July 9th, 1907.
of Tillamook County, Oregon, made on the
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with 21st day of September, 1907, and requiring
(he provisions I the act of ongresa of June you to appear and answer on or before the
3 iR78, entitl d “ A - act for the sa e of timber expiration Of Six weeks from the date of
lauds in the States of ( alifornia. Oregon, the first publication hereof, and the date
Nevada and Washington Ter-it ry.“ as ex­ of the first publication hereof is September
tended to all the Public Laud States by act of 26th, 1907.
H. T. B otts ,
August 4. I8 u 2,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, has thi* »lay filed in this office liet
sworn statement No. 7491. for the purchase of
the W % of Nw
anil 8e >4 of Nw *z4
of section No. 12, in Tp. No 2 north, range
No. 10 west, and will offer pi oof to show that
the laud sought is more uwlusble for its timber In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
or stone than for agriculturHl piirj oses. And
for Tillamook County.
to establish her claim to said lHiiff liefote the Tillamook Lumbering Com-)
■ utility Clerk, at Tillamook, on Wednesday,
pany, a Corporation,
the Oth day of November, I907. blie nitnie*
as w itoeHses
L P. Wagner,Of Portland. Oregon; H. Tohl, Wm. J, Woodside, Golden
Nehalem, Oregon ; II. C Ruddaway, of Neh® Bin.
Gate Shipping Company,
Oregon; Job» B Caples, of Nehalem. Oregon
a Corporation. Anna E
Anv and «11 persona claimin ' adversely the
Miller, A, Anderson, o.
above-described lands nre requited to file theft
Debney, . C.
and B.
_ H B.
_ ___
W. C. Witzpuiann,
Witxemann Trus-
claims in this office on or before said Mb day of
.. —
tees, Emily
W. C. wit««-
November, I907.
A lgernon S. D ressrk , Register.
mann and C. H. 8. Witze-
T imhkw L and , A ct J unk 3, 187A—N oth 1 roa To Wm J
Woodside. Gol •itlcn Gafe Bhlp-
P ublication .
ping Comr
----------- a “
Anna E,
United State* I.aud office, Portland Oregon.
Miller, A. At
O. Debnev, C. ___
H. S.
July lat, loo7
a nd E. W C .Witxemann Trustees Emily
Notice la hereby given that in compliunne
W. C. Witzemann and C. H. s. Witze-
with the provifiojts of th« set o f Congreaa of
mann, the above named defendants :
June 3, 1M7M, entitled 'An act for the «ale of
In the name of the State of Oregon :
timber land* in the Slateaof C r IItomia, Oregon
You are hereby required to apfiear and
Nevada and Wahhington Territory," at* extended answer th complaint filed against you in
to all Public I .and State»» by act of Auguat4. the above entitled action on or Before the ex­
piration of *ix weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, and if you
Of Tillamook, county of 1i’ amook, Slate or fail so to apiiear and answer tor want
Oregon, has ihi* <iay filed in thia off><*e her thereof, iilaintiff will apply to said Court for
HHiirn statement, N«»- 14*7, (<t the pu chaae of the relief demanded in the complaint herein.
the N '< of Hw *4 ot section No. H, in tp
The relief demanded is
the recovery of
1 aonth. range No. 10 weal, and will $349 (X) and the costs and disbursement of
offer proof toahow dint the land *ouahf in more the action, living for the recovery of sums
valuable for ita timber or stone than for agri
due for tow*age by Bchooner “Della'' and F.
cultural nur|»o-e*. hik I to establish her claim to E» Dodge, supplies furnished by W M Mills
said lana before the Register A Receiver st and M. tf. Leach, moneys ad vanced by plain­
Portland, Oregon, on Etiday, the'¿5th day of tiff and services rendered in loading by F.
October, 1907. SI ia names as witnesses
Davidson, Amos Kirk. M
L. Hubbard,
D. J. Culy, of Nelatls, OiegGH . Albia B. L’llly
Walter Oliver. Julias Merciers, R. W. Stans
of Netarls, Oiegoii ;
John K, Miller, of hie and Joe Illingworth, being on account of
Portland, Oregon . Mrs. H. Jaynes, of Portland. the vessel Han Buena Ventura, owned by you,
all accruing «luring the months of June. July
Any and al pera< na claiming adversely th»1 and August. 1907, at Tillamook Counts
atx>ve-desrrit>ed lands are reqiie ted
Io fil • Oregon, ami thr claims of other parties
their claim»* tn this offo-e on or before said 2Mb having been duly
assigned to plaintiff
day of October, I907
AlXikUMiN 8. D mess *.a, Register.
You will take notice that the said vessel,
San Buena Ventura, has been duly attached
in said cause to answer any judgment which
T imber L and , A ct J une 3 1878.—N oticx fob may tie recovered against you herein, and
the plaintiff will apply for an order of sale of
P ublication
said vessel for the satisfaction of any judg­
United States Land Office,
ment which may tie recovered
Portland Oregon. July 23th. 1(07.
This summons is published by order of
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
Go<xl«|ice<l, County
with the provisions of the act of Congress of the Honorable H. F
June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the sale of Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon made
timber lands In the Htates of California Ore­ September 21st. 1907. directing publication
gon, Nevada and i Washington Teiritorv," a* to lie niM<le for six successive weeks, an«l
extended to all the 1‘nbHc Land States by ael the first publicathin being made «in Sep­
tember 26th, I9«)7
of At gust 4, (S»’.
H T H ott «.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Of Hobsonvflle. co’inty of Ifu.miook. State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement ! No. 75»^. fi»r
the pur
chase of the Ne *4 of ee ‘i and E ji of
Notice to Creditor*.
Ne '4. Hee. 9 and Nw U of Nw ’4. of sec. No io,
in tp No 3 N, range No 9 W, and will offei
proof to show that the land sought is more
N oticb i * H rrrbv G itbr ,— That the un­
valuable for its timber or stone than for dersigned has been by the County Court of
agricultural purposes, and to establish hi* Tillamook County, Oregon, appointed eiecu-
claim to said land before the » omity Clerk, tor of the last will and trstainrnr'Wf William
st Tillamook City, Ore., rm Wednesday, the 6th Hat terson. deceased. All persons having claims
day ol November »go? Ke names a* witneseee
against the estate of said i> llliarn Hatterson,
Frank Lu nd burg of Nehalem, Oregon, John deceased, are hereby required to present the
H Gray. <»f Nehalem, Oregon . La Dads McP»-e
same to the undersigned, duly verified as
<»f Nehalem. Oregon ,
Mafpbus Johnson, ol Provided by law. at thr office of H T Hotts.
obsonvflle. Or<gon
illamook City, Oregon, within si* months
Any and all persona claiming adversely the from the date of the first publication thereof.
above desrritted ands are requeslrnd to file the!»
Dated Beptemtier 12th, 1W<>7.
nhiims in this office on or before said 6th day
of Noveuilair. «W»7
Executor of the Last Will and Testament
A ixikbnon S D resskr , Register.
of William Hatterson, deceased.
TiMSfc« L and . A ct J une 3. IW7® -None* for
P ublic a 1 ion
riNBiM L and A ct . J i nk 3. 187«. — N otur rox
United state« Land Offi »
Portland, Oregon *ep(. 13th, lof?.
United Htates Ijind Office, Portland, Ore ,
Notice is hereby given that id <ompllan<e
September 25th, IW7
with the provision» of the »ct of Congre«8 of
Notice la hereby given thwr In compliance
June j, 1M7®. entitled “An act for the »ale of witii tiie provi »tons of the act of CongroM of
timber lauds In the States of California Or« gon
lune 3, lAvx, entitled ' An a< ( foi the salr of
Nevada and Wavhiiijtiuti Territory.” aa ex
timber lands in tha Matea of C tifami». Oregon,
tori'led to all the Publ'c Land »tale» by art of Nevada and Washington Isnitosy '' a^ex
August 4th, 1® J
tende«I to all the FuMie Land Matee by act of
______ ___
August 4, 1AVJ,
Of North Yamhill,
rhill coimli
count» ot Yamhi I. Hta e of
Oregon, h»» this
thi» «lay
day flle«1
in th)« office hi» <>f 1*1 tnar, county of Lincoln, »tate of Ore^wi,
•wort, »istrment No 7517. for the purchase has thi« day filed in thie office het «worn
of the Bw
fiw u
U of ®u
Mr V
*4 •*»
* ' t - Nw (4 of Nw ki <»f - Metement ito ,<Ai for the purchase of Hie
■ee. 10 . Ne *4
'4 of N<
N» M
9 >
’4 fil
*4 V1 K X of nw *4 end lots 3 a d 4. ol hec N«» jl, in
•re 4. in Tp.
No 1 “ ® range No iWeM, and township No 5 south, rang«« i¡
|O west, and
will offer proof to «how that the land «ought is will offer pr«K>f to sliow that the land »ought is
tore »»hiable
for it« timlser or stone **
than fin more valuóle lor its timber «.r sone (ben tor
ft »«■ i) It ur* I purpf»-«« and to establish hl* agricultural purpoaes. an<| to e«tabli»h ber
_G«im to «aid la »id be lore the » ouniy Clerk of claim to said land before the Me«H(er and
Tillamook 1 oauty. st Tillamook OtegoH, on Ke< elver, at Portland <>rego»i. on Thitr«kday.
Monday the At* day of November. 1907 H* the i>th «lay ol DeccNiber, Ç»7 htoe tistnea aa
names a» attnesse*
Ge* P Zimmerman, of Tillsm«x»k, •nrgon .
F N. Crockett, of Pot t land .Oreg« »n (1. D.
David Martine, of Tillamook, Or ago« hem
«arns of Portland, Oregon . Helen Gildaf, of
J »Me uh of Tillamook Oregon, W R ttutber
Pittrnw, Oregon J. W. Kobertaou of orCand.
fo«d of iliamo k Oregon
Any and all person* vial Bring adversely the
An* and all perwHis claiming adversely the
abow /leerrtbvd lands are requesfod to He their above desert bed land« are request d tu file their
c aims in this ««filce ou or before sa®1 2$th •»< claims in this office >u or before said 12th day
Nuvetabet. I$h7
mbev. i*r
algbbjiob t*. Daaasaa, Register.
A lobxkom It. Daxaaaa. lUgialer.