Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 03, 1907, Image 1

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Judge Wolverton, of the federal court,
has appointed Atrornev W. H. Cooper a
U S Commissioner, the judge making a
good selection, for Mr. Cooper is com­
petent to handle what business mav
come l>efore him impartially and fairly.
20 acres good bottom laud
city limits.
>r other purposes than farming for which it is
WJtth more than price asked.
______ re across road from this piece recently sold for
t you nothing to investigate this real bargain iu Real
■ Estate.
Mmt owner has reasou for selling.
r further particulars see RALPH ACKLEY.
Hight and the
•gonian, $2.25
for abstracts,
ing & Smith's.
>ok County Bank notes *
■orris, eye specialist. ♦
ted at Leach's Meat Mar
The steamer Sue H. Elmore left here on
Wednesday, but was unable to cross
Japalac at King
out on account of bad weather. Her
p»sseng"rs were A. C Boyle and wile.
Mr R. Robedee, a prominent citizen of
immocks at King and Woods, was shaking hands with fl lends W. Woods. Grace Whitehouse, |. H.
Lentz, T. Rilev, F. P. Swingle, Maud
in this city on Tuesday.
Williams, Edgar Munson, Howard
* as in from Blaine on
Miss Grace W hitehouse left on Thurs­ Drew. Sidney Lowry and Eddie Kelso.
day to resume her studies at the State
The Wells Fargo Express office in this
Normal at Monmouth.
city was changed the first of the month
as in from Blaine on
to a Northern Express office, a nd, perso ns
who order things to come by express in
future will save tnonev by ordering it
sent by that route, otherwise it may be
Mr. and Mrs. W. Burl, who were em­
and Bacon at Mills' ployed to teach the Hebo school, con* handled bv two express companies with
additional express charges added to it.
me need the term there on Monday.
See, write or phone J. C. Bewley for
111 pay 10c. pc/ pound
Wanted, a good all round man on a auy thing you want in teal estate, im­
small dairy ranch. For particulars ad­ proved farm lands, timber and city pro­
|rick, of Beaver, was in dress G. R. Huff, Arlington, Oregon. *
Town property in Tillamook
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellison will City for wale and rent ; also Bay City
lots, acreage and larger tracts
ijfook his departure from leave next week to visit relatives in Cal­
to suit purchaser. Office and residence :
ifornia, and will be gone several weeks.
The Winfield House, Bay City, Ore. *
*Hd wife, of Portland, were
Persons wanting shingles in this city
We wish to call our readers attention
from the Hadley Russell Shingle Co. can
get them by applying to Geo. F. Zimmer­ to the two public lectures which are to
¡¡ithe Cloverdale merchant, man, Tillamook City.
be given on Wednesday and Thursday
Hon Sunday.
evenings ol next week at tha court house
About a dozen dump cars jumped the by Sta’e Superintendent J H. Ackerman
■ged your team hay and
track last week at Bay City and were and Prof B. F. Mulkey. The lectures are
t night for 50c.
dum|»e*4 into the bay. They were fished tree, and we can assure all that it will be
Bals has gone to Eastern out by the steam shovel.
two evenings of pleasure and profit to
■ for several weeks.
The North Yamhill stage and horses listeu to these enthusiastic educators.
■chooner Evie came in on will be kept in Harris barn in future,
Wanted, Organizers, either tex, on
■Tight from Astoria.
making that the headquarters in future salary ol $1,000 a 'uonth and expenses
lor the stage line equipment.
lor an up to-date Association, paying
White has moved his office
■Mason Bros, store.
The curfew whistle now blows at eight weekly sick and accident benrfifs and
o’clock, and all children under age must furnishing free medical attendants to all
vanklin has been engaged
lie home at that hour or will be liable its members. Liberal contract will be
| in the Reading district.
made with producers of business —Ad­
to be arrested by the marshal.
dress Ametican Sick & Accidental Asso.
Bit Lumbering Company is
F. C. Varner has rented his farm at ciation, Buffalo, N.Y.
aor ties for the railroad.
at Marx to James Taggart, and with his
Bring the new dining room wife and daughter have moved to Cor
Another large whale, about the size of
reived at Jones & Knud- vallis, where they will make their home. the one washed upon the Netarts bay
lieach a few weeks ago, was washed up
The editor will take a vacation next <>n the ocean side of Bayocean Park on
lert has gone to Spokane week after being at the grind stone for I huradav of last week and is supposed
is and to atteud the fair a long time, going to Portland and then to be the leviathan a steamer come in
to Eugene, and will probably go to Vic collision with when she ran into <■ school
of whales off theCo ist about two weeks
T. Sarcbet returned on toria, B.C.
Rev. 1. V. Parker has been appointed ago, the officer» predicting that the
a visit with relatives at
to the pastorate of the M E. church in whale would die.
this city, to take the place of Key. D. L.
The strength of a financial institution
habit of trading at Patz Shrode, who will take a rest for awhile
is in its capital, its recources, its honor*
ive a 5 per cent discount on account of his health.
bie record, and the ability, character,
There will lie services both morning experience and standing of the men who
Cimball, of Sheldon. Ia.. and evening at the Presbyterian church conduct its affairs.
We invite vour
nday to teach school at next Sunday. Next week Rev. David If. banking business on our past record
Hare will leave for Portland to attend a and showing in above essential quali­
Capital stock $30,000.00 ai:d
ion left this week to take a meeting ol the presbytery.
total resources over $320,000.00.
I me s Business College in
A meeting of the Tillamook Develop,
T illamook C ounty B ank .
ment League was held Wednesday even
The steamer Sue H. Elmore came in on
photo taken by McMillian mg at the opera house lor the purp<*se of
>e the chance. You are sure enthusing new life into the organization Sundav with a full load ol freight, her
and to raise sufficient money to carry on passengers being Miss Christianson, E
Siniley, R. Baker, Frank Moore, F Long.
the work of the league.
and, representing R O. Dun
E and H.Hubbard, G. Benson, R. Smith,
Rollie W. Watson has turned over the C. Bartlett, Mr. Roquist and wile, Mr.
tantile Agency, was in the
Herald plant to Chas. A Dolan and J
Darby and wile, Mrs. C. Williams. C
L. Murphy, who took charge of that
brew left on Thursday to newspaper this week. Three mortgages Cusick and wife. F. Williams, B. Welch,
F Burns and wife, W. Mann, U. Lowe
Lhman at the State Uni ver.
were placed on file against the plant on and John Ellis.
Thursday, one by the First National
A society circus will lie given in about
te your horses in the rain Bank for $2 600. the second by James
an tie them in Harris' Tie Walton, jr.. trustee, lor $1,000. the third two weeks for the benefit of the Tilla­
mook fair committee. The beat local
* by Rollie W, Watson lor $3,000.
talent in the county will Ire » cured and
elaborate plans are being made to make
it one of the biggest events of the sea­
son. These circuses have proven a very
Used in Most Homes
popular form of amusement in the East
and there is little doubt but what the
opera house, where it will lie held, will
lie crowded. The date and program will
be given later,
It’s the biggest seller in the west to-day,
The largest shipment of Loaded Shells
that ever came to Tillamook just receiv­
ed by King & Smith Co.
there's mere bread made from it than from
any other two or three brands combined,
Enough proof that it’s the best flour made—
isn’t it ?
ic«tw for (ucceM ia a »bort titn« and at «mall e«prn»e, aad «ead» each rta
a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for
h work bring« ua over 100 call* per month for office help. Individual in.
n insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leal, the card indes, the
and other modem methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand;
pid, legible.
Beautiful catalogue,
__ . businem loan» and _ penmanship free— lit being stipulated between Deputy
References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland- District Attorney Cooper aad Atlvroey
We will place on Sale Sat­
urday morning an even 2 doz.
Children’s White Bear Cloth
Coats, 1 to 6 years. Garments
that are well made. Have
turn back cuffs and mannish
collars, Our regular $3.75
coat for Saturday and all next
week, $2,98.
We also have the straight
hair and Curly Bear Cloth in COATS, as illustrated,
the piece at very modest Saturday and all next
week, $2.98,
Two Serious Accidents.
H. A. Hubbert, foreman of the Tilla
mook Lumbering Company’s saw mill in
this city, met with a serious accident on
l uei*day morning, whuh came near kill­
ing him. He was on a ladder fixing the
pulleys over the saws, and the first indi­
cation that he mill hands had of an ac­
cident having occurred was when they
saw Hubbert stretched on the floor ol
the mill unconscious and with« frightful
gash on the right side of the face, tear
mg it open from the rar down to the
chin, tearing out a number of the large
teeth No one appeared to know how
the accident happened, and it remained
a myster y until later in the day. A piece
of iron, blood stained, was discovered
embedded in one of the timbers of the
-aw mill It seems that while Hubbert
was up over the saw, the engine started
up slow ly at first, and no sooner had it
gained its accustomed speed, when a
flange of one of the pulleys broke, and as
the piece of iron Hew from the wheel it
struck Hubbert a glancing Mow and in­
flicted injuries we have already men­
tioned. Hublieittell a distance ol 10ft ,
near some of the null hands, w ho carried
him to Dr. Smith's office. and it was
some time afterwards before he regained
consciousness. Dr. Smith attended to
the unfortunate man’s injuries, and later
in the day lie was moved to bin home.
Mr. Hubbert has been loremail of the
saw mill about a month, taking Bert
Stephens’ place, and he caine lit re from
Forest Grove, being a married man with
a wile and two children.
The Big Price concession on Children’s
Coats, along with the Sensational Selling of
Ladies’ New Fall Dress anp Street Skirts,
$10 values for $6.74, ■ ■
should make next Saturday one of our busi­
est days.
UutW!:9i!TMMNRiwiKiHiimai>u!rifl!iin:niMiUMNiu.k>:.J xiiiiiiMifflwiiiiiiiuieiMWMHn. ma
k J
FALL STOCKS are here in glorious array—
Every nook and corner in the store crowded
with the World’s Best Seasonable Merchandise.
A visit to this quality store just now will prove
interesting and profitable.
I 1 —. 1 L —
The Store that I 1 — 1
----- ’ M
[lQltOm S Cuts the Price. JlclltOfTÌ S
Another bad accident happened Wed.
nesday morning which maimed Earl
Eord for lite He whs employed by the
contractors of the Pacific Navigation &
Navigation Cympanv, nmi whs working
with the pile driving crew on the trebsel
east of this citv, and while placing a
wedge on top of the pile the hammer
suddenly descended and smashed his left
hand into a pulp, which necessitated the
amputation of h part nl the hand, which
was performed bv Drs Upton and Smith.
Earl claims that the hammer did not go
to its accustomed height when he put the
wedge on the pile, and in that wav he
was taken unawares. It is a most seri.
oua accident for Earl, whois a \ oung
man. to have to go through lite with the
loss of his left hand, w hich will put him
to a disadvantage in many wa's in pro.
curing employment and in making a
livelihood. Earl Eord is well known. He
waa one of the young men who ran the
Happy Campat Netarts Inst summer,
and made himself very agreeable and ac­
commodated the camjierH and made it
pleasant for them. H» made the adven
turous trip last summer of going from
Tillamook Bay to Netarts Bav in a small
gasoline launch, a trip which required a
good deal of n^rve, with innumerable
risks to run in so small a craft.
One More “Outside
Dr. R C Collins, with hi* wife and
child and a Jap servant, came to this
city about two week* ago to locate.
They rented the bouse recently vacated
by Btri Stephen», with the purpose of
going housekeeping. Then •’Madame.”
as the little Jap called her. went round
to the different »torr* and succeeded in
getting a lot of good» <»n credit, from a
chamber »et to dress good». Thursday
morning of last week the Doctor and the
” Madame * and the baby suddenly took
their departure without paying their
bills, but left the Jap »ervant behind to
deliver to the basin«*»» men letters ad via
nig them to call and take theingoods.and
thanking them for their kindness, which
thev did. Sheriff Crenshaw succeeded in
eliciting from the |ap that one of the
valise? belonged to "Madame,’’ in which
were dress goods »he had obtained at
one of tl»e stores, and which the fap
servant would have packed off the nt it
morning bad it n»t f>een discovered.
.......................... ■
ìbiwiiii «
Opened up for Business
fl Full Bine of Groceries,
Flour, peed, Tinuuare,
and Crockery.
We LUant all Kinds of Produce
Brown, drputv fi»h warden.
,wore out complaint. HKaintf E Baker,
Ltan Na boh. Jamr, Wilaou. Cha«. Pike.
M Nclaon, H Mitchell. M Anderaon, E
jam« and A Shearer forh.hins without
licenae« ; also aeatn.t the Elmore Pack­
ing Company for operating a cannery
and parking .ahnon without a Itcenae.
When advraed of the foci, the men came
to town without being arrerted, and de­
cided to fight the caae. a« it »eem« to
have fieen the custom in previou« .ears
foe the Master Fhh Warden to «end in a
deputy to collect the lieensea tr im the
fishermen in this county, •<> the» thou-
| ght the same precedent would be follow-
ed this year, for thev had no desire to
evade paying thrir habmg licenae
was decided to try one case, and that of
James Ailson was set for Wednesday.
Children ’s
Coats, $2.98
Talmage, who appeared lor the fisher­
men, that this case should govern all the
other case«
It was a jury trial, and
alter it had heard the evidence, brought
in a veidict of not guilty.
Anna Kunze, plaintiff, vs Hadlev Lum-1
her Company and the Miami Lumber
Company, a corpoiation, plaintiffs, is a
suit tor damages hied in the circuit court
on Monday
Plaintiff claims that by
reason of a log drive down the Wilson
river, defendant«»’ kgs demolished and
Why pay high rent when
destroyed three jetties which were pro­ you can get a cheap lot in
tecting plaintiff s property, and on ac­
count <>l the jetties l»eing destroyed, one Sunnymead Addition, where
hall acre of land was also destroyed, and you can build and own your
plaintiff places her damages in the sums own home. Cash or install­
ol $l,0UO for the jetties and $150 for the ments. See Geo. F. Zimmer­
Fishermen Caught in Muck Net
Store Closes at 6 o clock Every Evening except Saturday
Not the chea|»eKt. but the • best for
money,” is th«* m<*tU> <4 Mason Br«»s.
County Clerk Lamb returned Tuesday
morning from Astoria,where he had been
and subpoenaed as a witness in a case.
make a specialty of the
PARENTS ; While your
children are getting their
education, don ~t forget that
one of the requisites of suc­
cess is the lesson of economy
and saving. Teach the child
the way of economy tvhen he
is young and he will not
depart from it when he
is old.
Starr your child
with a small account in this
bank and he will not only
ger the saving habit, but will
grow accustomed io business
ways. We always give care­
ful attention to our youthful
customers and furnish, free,
a savings bank if desired.
Prof. W. R, Rutherford informs us that
he can find homes for a number of girls
with some of the best families in thin
city for girls from country districts who
want tn attend I he high school and are
willing to work about the house when
not at school.
or jar at Mills* Cash
f i.jo per year,
Mrs. G. W. Grayson and son have re­
turned to The Dalle«, where Carl will
resume his studies. Mrs Grayson was
offered the position of superintendent of
the uew samtariam there, hut declined it
as she did not care to assume the respon­
There will lie preaching service» in the
Adventist church on Friday evening, to
l»e conducted by Elders W. C. F. Ward
Don’t forget to stop at Harris’ Feed and J. M. Coll?, of Portland. The sub­
tor Friday night is "Why are there
Barn, the cheapest place in the citv to
so many denominations ? ’ These meet,
keep your team.
ing will be continued tor several evvn-
For sale, good all round work mar*. ings.
Weight about 1J50 ; color, black. Ap­
ply as this office.
Visitors who registered at the ........
Sandlake strawberries are on the mar­ House on Saturday wefe H B. Kuntz.
ket, there being a large crop again in
W est, Dr. Surman, Kenneth O'Loane, B.
Tillamook county.
E Van Voorhis, Portland ; J. W. Peter-
The enrollment in the public school -ion, Seattle ; E S. McHenry and E. P.
now numbers 202, with 55 pupils 111 tht Smiley, Warrenton ; K. Tomigama, As­
high school grades.
toria ; B. H. Wolfe, Independence.
Call and See Us
Olsen Building,
At last our stock of Clothing has arrived.
We have everything to suit the most fastidious.
We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim
built aud stout built.
They have the style, quality and fit.
We have alsojust received a large shipment of
First Bank & Trust
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery.
Capital Hb«k ...................... «W.000.
Offers every facility for m ( v banking,
•nd aolicit« your frusi nee..
Commercial. 8aring, and Trust !>•
Interest at current rain oa cbe.-king
OtT little book. " Helpful Hints on
Ranking." »»plaining how to do your
banking by mail la ready.
Send for a copy.
( Mkmg.
It’« free
f<< the
Shoes and Hats
Always the best stuck on hand.
• p