F I j TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 26, 1907 Editorial Snap Shots. 1/ I Tillamook Dairymen’s Progress- CUNNING COYOTES. How’s This? I "Everybody Should Know*’ „ . . . U._.„| r„ say. C. G. Ilay*. a prominent husluesa of'X “ta ih*t cwuot £ cured by U1.n of Bluff. Mo . that Buckle«'. Art BUYING OLD FIDDLES. HaDtCaiarn Cure _ mcM Salve » the quiches! and aurea- Professor O. Larsen of the Utah Ag Patience and Some of Their Many Fine Instrument» Have Been f j . chkney Ifcco. Vuowi’F?*!. healing Halve ever applied to a sore, Tillamook County it to have another ricultursl college pay» many compli­ Picked Up Cheap- tollroad Gee! That’s enough to give , ments to the enterprise of dairymen in Other Peculiar Traits. <-bcuevter and believe him humor wtHiud. or to a cam* of pi It*, I've ------ — what ■ l'iu * “ * Great numbers of fine old violins and peifecily bonoiabte in m H bueiiMwa trana- und * - it and » *- know talking tbe »nap »hot man a duck fit. Tillamook county in a carefully p>e|>arr fro^H Chamberlain ’ s Cough Remedy talned are veritable masterpieces, but mook.' ’ Professor Larsen says : age, his sharp nose fitted for the easy Ih-ugh, drug store a box of Dr. King’a the Oregon Trust Savings Bank, it is “ To students of dairying thecauses One of the Best on the Market. a great many of them are fine exam New Life fills. Guarani ceil for bil- Investigation of other people's affairs, a great surprise that it did not go busted leading up to thia marked dairy success his oblique green eyes, with their pies of early English and foreign male F>-r uieiiv yeere UhHmtnrlieiD’e CtallCh lousneea, malaria and jaundice. 25c. ■Aflo**’ of Tillamook are of «xwistderable impor­ conetantly g»iii«i m favor * * * squint of cowardice and perpetual era. and they are often bought for ri­ Ken.xiv lines. ,h*' be a good thing if the city tance. I r in observations and existing hunger, says the Outing Magazine, that diculously small prices by a group of end |>..piil..ritj until it >• “>» ”••• The Touch That Heals .mm etaulr ■iH'di.mre in utn> aiid ha* Mi ?.d the ordinance prohibi»- conditions one would be lead to believe should have a place In the adornment experts, who have brought the bus! . ............ uh hh | h . It ih ilileudo.! esp« lHllv Is the touch of Bucklen’a Arnica Sulvo. that there aie two chief reasons d lemon peeling, nut sheila. ness to a lucrative system. Many a for acuta throat and lung dinea-t-H, euch It s the happiest combination of Arnica .STRic'rown on the side walks and 1. Natural favorable conditions. 2 Spe­ of escutcheons. It Is notorious that cial efforts on the part of the people. " the vicissitudes of his belly never strugg ing family of long descent. In a* cough», coldw and croup, and can flowers and healing balsams ever corn, One year ' •tre7, the Count* obtrusiveness might be taken as a a great many cases the offer Is ac­ OUR STYLES. be generally some kind of “affinity” in Board of Equalization will meet at the model of the art. cepted offhand, and in this way most ONE JET .................. 75c the background Yet this “affinity craze Court House cf Tillamook Count v of the finest fiddles extant of the sec ­ TWO JETS ............ 85c I.ie down on the thick brown carpet it on the increase, as will be seen by the Oregon, and publicly examine the assess ond class come into the hands of deal THREE JETS, *' GALVANIZED. $1 00 large of persons who are bwapping their ment roll tor said year, and correct all of the wilderness and be still for twen­ ers. Only lately a cello that cams THREE JETS. husbands and wives because they have errors in valuations, descriptions of ty minutes, and. watching him from 1.23 BRASS................. from a Shropshire farm at the price been struck with the “affinity” craze. lands and other property. Said board the comer of your eye, you will see of £2 sold the same day to a west * * * will continue in session from day to that he has been Joined by others of He end dealer for nearly £100. The Board of Equalization will meet flay, until the examination, correction his brethren hitherto unseen. One of the most shrewd and respect on the 21st October, and those who are and equalization of the assessment roll seems to be curious to know, first. If cognizant of the fact that their assess­ shall be completed. All jiersuns inter­ you are dead and, second. If by any ed of all these dealers was until a ment is not high enough will have an op ested in the assessment of their property chance—and he Ilves upon chances— year or two ago a humble memlier of portunitv to have it increased for are requested to appear at said time there Is anything else In your neigh­ the orchestra of a London suburban the board, of ¡course, will be delighted and place, as no change can be made theater. He began to advertise in re­ borhood that he might find eatable. tn accommodate anyone who may be after the adjournment of the board. mote papers to the greatest limits of If you pass on with Indifference, ‘‘knocking*’ because their assessment is Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, Septem­ which Is the usual way, he will sit his scanty wages and is now one of not high enough. ber 24th, 1907. himself down upon his tall on the the most extensive and prosperous A Nl. H are , * * * County Assessor. nearest knoll and loll hts reer It is easier to keep a secret than it Intimate friends and companions, but We have alsojust received a large shipment of pound for butter fat under the republican ated for said proposed extension con­ Is to keep a promise. administration. The dairymen know sists of a strip of land 52.32 feet oft the one day, “being merry In company,” North side ot a tract of land owned by Every one is superstitious enough to Tom Torter said he should like to see ftdl well w hich party puts most money into their pockets, and they will be voting Mrs. Ida Walker, adjoining block 2 in believe In the dollar sign. the man In England who would dare said Central addition, ami a strip ol against their own interests if they vote You can't judge the speed of a loco­ give him a blow. With that Sir Henry land 7 68 feet in width off the South for democrats. CONSISTING OF Bellasls struck him a box on the ear. «ide ol a tract of laud owned bv John R. motive by the way It whistles. * * * There are lots of happy people, but The Inevitable duel followed, wherein Judge McBride has given notice that be Harter adjoining Block 1 in said Central they are unnoticed In the noise the each was wounded. Sir Henry proved will impose the maximum fine of $500 addition. All persons claiming damages by rea­ wretched make. upon those who allow gambling in their to be seriously hurt, so be called Por­ son of tbe appropriation of such pro places of business at Astoria. That is As we grow older we are all com­ ter, kissed and bade him fly. party are tioiitied to file their claim for rather tough upon those who will not I pelled to give up much of the spunk “For,” said he. “Tom. thou.bast hurt comply with the law, but it will have such damages with the Recorder ot we displayed In youth. Always the best stock on hand. me, but I will make shift to stand upon the effec't of removing a whole lot of bar Tillamook City before the lime so ap­ If you think you are right, go ahead. my legstill thou mayest withdraw, for “I nades from the Queen City by the Sea pointed for the meeting of the viewers If you want to, but don’t expect every I would not have thee troubled for The Bench is beginning to see that to be aforesaid. wbat thou hast done.” Dated this September 19th, 1907, by one to go with you.—Atchison Globe. lenient with that class does not have the desired effect, and instead of laughing at order of the Common Council. Porter profited by his friend's gener­ J. C. H olden , City Recorder. the Bench when they get out ot court at osity and escaped to France. Sir Henry The Muskellunge. the smallness of their fines, it looks as The Indian name of this great fighter died a few days later, and Pepys con­ though Judge McBride has decided to of the fresh water lakes and tributa­ cludes, “It is pretty to see how the Health in the Canal Zone. give them a touch of high life in future. The high wages paid make it a mighty ries is "esoxmasqulnongy.” Our nat­ world do talk of them as a couple of * * * 5» I 4/ V fools that killed one another out of No one cares one iota whether the edi temptation to our roung artisans t<> uralists have the word translated Into love. ’ tor of otir contemporary confirms or de­ join the force of skilled workmen need­ about eight or nine different styles, but Panama Canal the correct way of spelling It In our nies the report that the Herald is to ed to construct the Spying on Bargain Gift», change hands, Rollie being sick and tired Many are restrained however. It is the language is undoubtedly "muskel­ knowing one* — those who hare used The engaged girl was found study- of the country newspaper work. We do lunge. ” Most fishermen, however, not blame him one hit. for there are Electric Bitters, who go theie without pronounce and spell It to suit them­ Ing life In an auction room. mote lucerative positions to be found thia fear, well knowing they are safe selves. and no man seems to be an ac­ “I don’t expect to buy anything." she anywhere than running a newspaper in from malarious influence with Electric said, "but I want to see If anybody I Cures blood poison cepted authority. It is one thing In a country town. Anyone who doubts Bitters on hand. know buys anything. A lot of auc­ what we are saving are invited to get loo, biliousness, weakness and allatom- Canada, another in the St. Lawrence tioneers are advertising that they have in and see for themselves, for no matter ach. liver and kidney troubles. Guaran and another In the great lakes. The how many newspapers crowd into a teed by Chas I Clough, druggist. 50c. favorite among New Yorkers Is "mus- on hand brtc-a-brac and pictures and town where there is only a respectable callonge.” The fish reaches a length odds and ends of furniture suitable living for one. every now and again of seven and a half feet, and the big­ for wedding presents. That set me to some fool fallow butts in with a third or Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by gest ever taken Is said to have wondering If any of my friends would TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON One Dose cf Chamberlain ’ s fourth newspaper, for ev^v little clique weighed nlnety-two pounds. In game­ try to avail themselves of these auc­ Colic, Cholera and Diarr­ A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL B.. PRINCIFAL in a small town must have their organ, hoea Remedy. ness It Is said to surpass the tarpon tion room bargaius when buying pres­ no matter if they can only give the edi Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and aenda each »tn- ents for me. I saw two girls here this 1 was so weak from an attack of dlarr of the Caribbean and the tuna of the tor a bone to nibble. hoes that 1 could scarcely attend st my Pacific.—New York Press. afternoon who have been invited to lent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for * * * duties, when 1 took a does of ( hair.her my wedding. One bought some kind thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in­ Don’t get into a pessimistic mood Inin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea of a brass bowl, another a vase. They struction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the about the railroad, for there is nothing Remedy It cnied me entirely and I had Rather Confusing. got the things dirt cheap. I fancy they voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand; in tha wind to warrant the belief so often **en taking other medicine for lime Nowadays the duties of clerk and expressed bv so many persons that even days without relief. I heartily recoin- sexton are usually performed by the are for me. If they are—well. Just easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free— wait till those girls get married!’’— '“rite today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland. now something is going tn bob up and mend thia remedy as being the heat to put a stop to building Some years ago my knowledge for bowel complaints — same person, and an amusing story Is New York Press the snapshot man was a pessimist and a R. G STEWART, of the firm of Stewait told of a person who. visiting a village church and being struck by the knowl­ knocker, and some people went so (ar as & Rro , Greenville. Ala. For sale by When to Take Off th» Sinker. edge of legends and history shown by to say h* ought to have been run out ol Clough’s Drug Store. For angling In quiet, deep running town, when the Headlight published the the old man who was taking him water more sinkers should be placed whole facts and th* truth about the “hot round, asked his guide what occupa­ on the leader to keep It down from the Lame Back air” railroad situation. We knew per tion he followed. ‘“Wen.” said the old fectfy well what we were doing, even This is an ailment for which Chaniher- man, “I hardly know what I be. First surface, but If ang'lng In a quick though we were called a “knocker“ for lain'a Pain Balm liaa proven especially running brook or river for chub, dace telling the truth, for it nipped in the bud valuable. In almost every instance it vicar ho called me clerk; then another or brook trout the float and sinkers he came, and he called me virgin; then a movement to boom Tillamook on “hot 1 affords prompt and permanent relief. should be removed and the bait al­ air.” which would have petered out in a Mr Luke latGrange. of Orange, Mich , the last vicar said I was the Christian, lowed to run In front of the angler and now I tie clerk again. ” “ Virgin ” very short time, deceiving |ieople and eave 1 of |it After using a plaster and wherever it wills on the surface by leaving the county in worse shape. We other 1 remedies for three week for a bad was. of course, a confusion of verger, admit that we queered the boom that lame back, I purchased a bottle of and “Christian” for sacristan or sex­ the action of the current, which takes it naturally just as nature does their was hatching out. because there was Chsmberlain's ' Pain Palm, and two ap. ton.—London Strand. general food -Louis Rhead In Outing nothing to justify it. evm though the plications I effected a* cure. For sale bv ’s Drug Store. “real knockers” did think we should have Clough ’ Magazine. Neighbors. been run out of town. Time has long since provad that the Headlight was "I beg your pardon, sir, but I’m A Leng Tumble Needed. right and was the best friend of the peo going to ask you It your daughter "They say that when a man la fall­ pie and fbr county Today the situation would mind not playing on the piano ing from a height he thinks of all bls th . is quite different. To boom the county evil deeds " ANO CURE TM« LUNGS for the next two weeks?" for the nett tew rears will be a good "May I ask. sir. the reason for this “I don’t-believe it" thing, and with the assurance of a rail extraordinary request?” “Mby not?” road, aiened up "Well, you see. my eon wishes to and detelo|>ed everybody in the county "Some men would have to fall out of get a good start with the flute."—New a balloon to get ’em all In.”-Cleveland should feel that when Tillamook does t>e York Life. gin tn boom, as it will do the next tew Plain Dealer. years, it will be a substantial boom and 3/y not a boom boosted up oo “hoi air.” Wonderful Ability. — prt(( Floored. CLOUGH'S SPMTERS MAKE A VAPOR LIKE THIS. CLOUGH’S x CARBOLIC I COMPOUND Keeps the Flies off Stock X. i < CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. ,| I, CLOTHING ! CLOTHING i ì 1 Furnishing Goods, i Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery. Shoes and Hats TODD & CO, Tillamook, Oregon D usine ^BE leg L 4^ < Red Front Shoe Store KILL k COUCH *n Dr. King’s Now Discovery ___ PONSUUFTION Berkshire Hogs for Bale. For Sale, 15 Head of Berkshire Swine, pure bred, of different ages, from the famous Ladd stock. To be sold at a bargain —Apply to Arthur Beals. FOB - »0« SOI 00 Fr«* Triel Surest and Q nckeet Curs for all THROAT and LUNB TROUB­ LES. or XONXT BACK. 1 ’"• tub 1 *1 understand he is a man of great ability." "You bet he la. He can convince you that you are wrong In any argument without having to shako bln finger tn your faca"—Milwaukee Sentinel. Ono Sexton—Do you have matins at your church? The Other-No, we bare oilcloth—Harper’s Weekly. Tbs father's virtue Is the child's best inheritance. Chinees Proverb. Children's Shoes are the best in the City- run all over town looking for cheap shoes, Co to the Red Shoe Store, where you will find thtS/id that you are looking tor. No C harge for Sewing rips on Shoes bought of ios. P. F. BROWNE, Agent. ff I ___ ^ I ’ ’SK rvrWBk^cl L • -- \ I 1........ ........... ■** Has received a fine Assort­ ment of Fall and Winter SHOES, consisting °t Men’s and Woman’s foot wear of the best quality- I have al so a FINE STOCK of Boy’s and Alissses School Shoes, solid sole leather, insole and coun­ ters. No paste board counters. î (. e II