TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 26 the cyclone . the sza hedgehog . H»w This Wonderful and Destructive Air Fury I* Formed. To get an idea of a cyclone’s forma tiou imagine a large circular pan or tub with quite a large hole in the middle of the bottom. With thia hole plugged, fill the vessel with water then draw out the plug aud watch’ There is first a rush of water from all directions toward the hole and a turbulent effort to get through; then the water surface above begins to Bink and swirl, the particles gradually circling around and around and rush­ ing, ever faster, toward the center. At last there is actually a hollow space through the center, around which all the water In the tub is whirling slug­ gishly near the rim. but with more and more violent rapidity toward the mid die until It rushes downward through the bottom. Now, if that water were air you would be watching a little cycloue turned upside down, for the air rushes upward Instead of down ward. In the cradle of cyclones during the summer months, when the land and the water grow hotter and hotter be cause of the longer days than nights, a layer of air, hot, light and full of vapor, is for a time held down by denser air above it. Restless, expand­ ing, tumultuous, it moves about like a beast at bay until a thinner place In the air above is found; then up it mad­ ly rushes, and into the vacuum left be­ hind the lower atmosphere hastens from all directions, pushing and twisting and pouring upward until it has fallen into a regular spinning around a com mon center. The cyclone, once formed, rushes away from the tropics toward the pole and begins its career of destruction, bruising, wrecking and sinking the luckless ships which happen to be In Ita path. More and more of the sur­ rounding atmosphere is drawn into the whir! until the storm often covers an area nearly 1,000 miles in diameter. Sometimes it flings itself upon our At­ lantic coast and tears fiercely through forests, fields and cities. Then, again, It sweeps aw’ay across the broad ocean and dashes Itself upon the coasts of Europe. Onea in awhile it so adroitly avoids the land that wre never know It has passed until ships come tn torn and broken.—St Nicholas. It Will Swallow Air Until it Swell. Into Invulnerability. T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878 - N oticb for publication United (Rate* Land Office, Portland, Oreg- n, e8c-pt bih, io07- Notice is hereb) given th min-v with the provv-ioiis of the act ot < ongreaa ot June 3, 1"78. entitled “ A11 act tor the *alr ol timbei laudsiu the Slate* of CaliforniM, 0’egou. Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex tended to a'l the Public Laud Stales by art of August 4, 1892, ORO U DIM1UK. 01 OregouCity, county of d»< kamas, State ot Oregon, ba* this day bl d in this ufficr hi* swoiu statement No. 75^9, for the purchase ol the Sw % of Ne k and N h of Se ‘4 of Section- No 7. in Township No. 2 Nort , Range No. 9 West, and will uffri ptoot t show that the land sought 1» more xaluable for ita tiinber or stoue than for agricultural Eu 1 puses and to establish hi claim to said ma i>efoie the Regie e mi «1 Recrber, al » ortbind. Oiegon. on Thursday, the 14th ua) of November, Uk>;. He names as w,t ease a : John B. Uapies, oi Nr-halem, Ore .011 , »»alter ' A. Dim ck, Oregon l ily, Oregon . Henry Tohl 1 of Nehalem. Oregon; Dan Hickey, ot Balm, Ortgou. Any and all persons claiming adversely the | above described lands are requested t« file lheii claims iu this office on or before said 14th da\ Of Nova.A.ber. 1997. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. Of fishes a large number are pro­ tected from hostile attack by a cov ering of prickle«. By far tbe moat curious examples are the globefishe« or “sea hedgehogs" of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. Tbe extreme length of the globetish la something less than two feet. It has thick lips and goggle eyes, which give It the ap­ pearance of a good natured country­ man. Courage It seems to lack, and one might suppose that such a sim­ pleton would fall an easy prey to the first shark or dogfish It encountered. Yet the glolteflsh Is able to take care of Itself. It never under any clrcum stances attacks the enemy, yet Is al­ ways ready to receive him In a suit­ able manner should he provoke hostil­ ities. T imber L and , A ct J une 1, IN78.—N otice F ob - P ublication . Let us suppose that a shoal of globe United States Land office. fishes is swimming tranquilly in the Portland, Oregon Sept 6th, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in < oinplianct clear waters when It Is suddenly sur­ with the provisions of the act of Congress of prised by a hungry shark. Of course June 3, 1N78, entitled "Au act for the sale ol timber lands in the States of California, Ore the little fellows scuttle hither and gon, Nevada and Aa hington Territory," a? thither in uncontrollable alarm. But extended to all the Pub ic lAiid States by act of the shark, poising himself upon bls August 4, 1892, NATHVNIEL T. PALMER. powerful tail, leisurely singles out one Of Salem, county of Marion, State of of the fleeing globeflsbes and sets out Oregon, has this day filed in his office hi* sworn statement. No. 7583. for the purchase in pursuit. Now, although the globe­ ol the Ne of Nw 24 ami S O| Sw l4 of Sec. No. 13, in township No. 3 fish is a good swimmer, it is no match South, Range No. Io West, aud will offer for the shark. The chase is in every proof to show that the land sought way unequal and can have but one is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to ending. Within a few minutes of its . establish his claim to said land before the commencement the shark must over­ Register and Receiver, at Portland. Oregon, on Monday, the 18th day of November I907. He take the globefish. But the quarry is names as witnesses : George R Ridgeway, of Beaver, Oregon , well aware of its danger. It makes a William Gilbert, of Beaver, Oiegon; Fred GH bee line for the surface and as soon as bert. of Beaver, Oregon; Sarah K. Palmer, of It gets there begins to take in great ba thought that he'd return to Virginia Don't forget to give cool water often; of November, I907. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. City again, eh? He did, though. He it is the only thing to quench thirst came back, reopened his collar factory and ward off fever. and prospered. J une 3. 1878 —N otice for Don't put long clothes on any baby; T imber L and P , aci ublication . "What gave him his start was the the weight has killed dozens of babies. United States Land Office, odd advertisement with which he an­ Twenty-eight inches is long enough for Portland. Oregon Sept, fith, 19^7. Notice ie hereby given that in compiia c? nounced his return to business among comfort.—Pearson's Weekly. with the provision» ol the act of Congress us. Preceded by a brass band, Henry, of June 3r«l, Ift?«. entitled ” An act foi the sale of timber lands in the States of California, in a great gilt chariot, burst upon our Its Fire and Its Girdle Cakes. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri ory ’ streets. He sat on a kind of golden as extended to all the Public Land State« by The Chequers Inn. Osmotherley, is a 4. 1*92, throne, and be held on a crimson cusb relic of the old coaching days, but it is act ot August GKOR«»K R RIDGEWAY, ion in his lap an old, old collar. Above now famed for its fire, which has nev­ Of Be ver, county of Tillamook, State of ha« this day fi’ed in this office his the collar on a crimson banner waved er been out for more than 100 years Oregon Statement No. 75*5» for lhe purchase ol this inscription in huge letters of gold: and over which gtrdle cakes are baited. >4 of Se Ne U of Ne *4 and S % of see. No. 18, in township No. 3 >. “ ‘This is the collar we wore when This huge fire is kept continually burn­ range < No. 10 west, and will offer proof to we were lynched. It saved our life. ing by peat or turf from the Yorkshire »how that the land sought is more valuable its timbei or »tone than for agricultural Be wise In time and use no other, At moors. An excellent tea is provided tor purposes and to establish his claim to said all retailers, 10 cents apiece, three for for visitors, the chief daluty being the lamlbefore the Register and Receiver, at ort- land. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 1.3th day of a quarter.’ ’’—Indianapolis Star. girdle cakes. The peat glows like red November. 1907. He »«me, m witneMe. Wlihsin Gilbert, of Beaver. Oregon; Fred embers on a red tiled floor, the girdle Gilbert, of Beaver. Or gon. Nathaniel T Old Glory Humiliated. being suspended from a bar above, the Palmer, ot Salem, Oregon, ba rah K. Palmer, of , . One Instance Is known In which Old whole looking most quaint and pictur­ Salem. Oregon Anv and all persons claiming adversely the Glory’s shame Is the crown of a fam­ esque. The exterior of the inn is most above de«*cnbed lands are request’d to file theii ily's prestige. At the battle of Bla­ unpretentious and old world looking, claim« in this »ffice on or before said 131 h day of a , densburg the American troops were as it nestles alone on the Yorkshire November, <9^7 A lgernon 6. D rebree Register. defeated by the British under the com­ wolds.—London Standard. mand of nn Irish ofllcer named Ross. T imbk « I.AH0 act . J c "« ». '*7». -N otick ro* ¥• BI.ICAT OH. In recognition of his serviced In win­ Agreed. Vnlted SUIT» Land OIB ct . Fortlund. Or-., ning this victory his sovereign granted fk-pt. 7th, 1907 Justice Hckford, when a barrister, Notice » hereby «I'M »«••< in <»n>p inner him the title of Ross of Bladensburg, waa once «peaking before a couple of with tbe provision« of 'be «ot ol < on McMillan, of Till-muofc. Oregon Tbui, an orator is allver tongued or family. “I have told you again and trworg? Zimm ma., of 1 i ’«moot Wealev M* Mil Ian. of I id«mook. golden mouthed. An explorer la again that you are not to pull the cat'» J Jam?» Any and all person» claim I mt ad vereel y the above described land, ar? requeatrd to file bronzed by African tuna. A resolute tail." Reginald eyed him sadly. "You are th->rcl«in.s in thi« office on or bolora »aid 2o»h chap has an Iron will, A sluggard dav of Nuvrmlrer, I907 . ALGERN.rF 8 DRKtSKR. Regi«tcr. moves with leaden feet. An ostrich getting very oliattnate. father." be said reprovingly. — London Globe. has a copper lined stomach. A million­ aire has tin. A swindler la as slippery NOTICR FOH rURl/rATMJN. Department of the Int?rior, Amicable Adjustment. as quicksilver. A borrower has brass.'' Land Office at ^ortlat d. Or?., ”1 want you distinctly to understand, —New Orleans Times-Democrat. Notice ia hereby given tbajTGICo4a . »Illlam Salim« o(_Weaver. 1 Oregoa ; *« 7 Ha„da.,,i. of R-avv. I Awcatwa a Uaaaaaa, H»«>M m K.. •JA-. jb 'A x K ft We carry a Large Stock of • Hardware, Tinware, Gt and China, r i I Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window* Sashes, A Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX The Most McNAIR CO. Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County J une 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . States Land Office. Portland Ore.. June 13th. 1007. Notice is hereby giv- n that in compliance with the ^.^oviaions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the ssle of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washlugton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act ol August 4 1892, ALEXANDRE D. NORMAND. Of Olney, county of Clatsop, State ot Oregon, has thia day filed in this office his sworn statement No 7461, for the puichaae of the Lots 1 and 2. Sec. No. 20, In township No. 4 North Range No. 8 West. and will offer prouP to show that he land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and toestablish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver, at Portland Oregon, on T ursday, the 2tJih day oi September, I907. He names aa wit­ nesses : J. R Wherry, of Elsie Oregon ; James Gal- laghe*. of Elsie, Oregon; Find Normand, of Jewell, Oiegon; Alex Normand, of Else, O regen Any and all persons claiming adversely the a hove-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 26th day of Septembe. i9o7 A lgernon S. D resser . Register. T imber L and , United T imber L and . A ct J une 3, 1878 —N otice F or P ublication United states Land Office, Portland, Ore.. July 22nd, I907 Notice is heieby given that in com liance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber laudsin the states of Califoi nia. Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Territory' s^ extended to a 1 the Public Land States bv act of August 4 1892, OTTO HHFARFR. Of Garibaldi, county of Tillamook. State of Oregon, has this day filed iu this office his sworn statement No. 7363. for the puichsse of the Ne V4, ot Sec. No. 4. 1» tp » N, range 10 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is lucre valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before the <'ounty Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Tu«s- iay. the 1st day of October, I907. He names as witnesses : Irwiu Farter, of Garibaldi. Oiegon Andrew Peterson, of Garibaldi, Oregon George Watt, of Bay City Oregon; l has. A. Johnaon, of Bay « ity. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their elaima iu this office on or before said ist «lay of October, 1907. A lgernon 8. D resner , Register. T imberland , A ct J unk 3. 1878.—N otice for P ublication . United States Land Office Portland, Oiegon, July 20th, 1007, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of ('ongiessof June 3i<1, 1878, entitled "An act foi the sale of timber lands in the States of Ualifo'-ma. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo­ ry.” as ex tended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 18 q 2. BURR I.. BEALS, Of Nehalem, county of lllaniook i“_____L State of Oiegon, has this day tiled In thia office his swot n statement No. 7500 for ' _ the purchase of the S % . of Ne I. and ___ Lota 1 > and 2. of Section -No. 4 in Township No. 3 South, Rang*» No. N(). ft g West, and will offer proof ,__ _ Kang» 1 ■ show that the land sought is more valuable 1 for its it» timber or alone stone than for agricultural pur- Cises, mn* **■’••• • - to »aid .... id *■ to establish his claim land •fore . _ th< . ie County clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day of November, 1907. H»* names aa witnesses: John If. Holgate, of Hemlock, Oregon ; Ira J. Earl, of Hemlock, Oregon ; Fred R. Beal», of Tillamook, Oregon; Theodore Kingsley of Tillamook, Oiegon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ahove-descrined lands ate reque»taz4 of section No. 12, in Tp. No. 2 north, range No. 10 west, ami will offer proof to show that the land sought is mote valuable for Ila timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish her claim to said land before the •ounty < letk. at Tillamook, on Wednesday, the «th day of November, I907. She names as w Uncases . J. P. Wagner, of Po’»la"d. Oregon; H Tohl, Nehalem, Oregon ; II (J. Kaddaway, of Neha em. Oregon; Job’» B. Caples, of Nehalem. Oregon. Any and all persons clalmin; adversely the at»ovr described lands are req tided to file their claims in this office on or before said *er«< tis claiming stive reel? the above described lands are requested to file their aU(ve-dcMcril>ed lands sre reqiie ted to Al • claims in tn!* office on or before said 2?th day their claim* in this office 011 or before said 26th of September. I907 day of October, 1907. A lokrnon fi . D rrsbfr . Register. A ia . emnon H. D rimsfr . Rrgistet. T ihbkr L aho , A ct J hh » y»n. 1,7«.—N oticb for P ublic at ion . United fitatea Laud Office. Portland Ore., June 27th, iq > 7. Notice 1« hereby given that In oompliMUC? with th? provision« of the act of Uongr««» of Jun? 3. 187ft. entiti?d " A h act for th? aalr of 11111 Iter land* in th? Kt a les of California, Oregon, Nevada, ar.-’ Washington Territory,’ a* ex tMiiderl to all the Public Land Htat»« b) act of August 4, 1892, PKTtCR H F.DLRFSPN, Of Ht. Johu-, county of Multnomah, Htnte of Oregon, ha« this day filed in this office his swohi statement No 74*9. for the p rcha«? of the W»-m Hof Nr'rthw»«! the Northwest ‘4 of iL utbweat */4 of Section 11 and the Nor«h- raal Uol N<»Hh?»*t M 'Action No U. in Tp. No. 2 N. range No. 10 W, and will ffoi proof tn »how that the land »ought 1» mor? valuable for it» timber or atone than for agrirnltural purpo 11, and to estabiish his claim to »aid laiidlwforc the Register and Receiver, at Port­ land. Oregon, on Uedm-aday the 16th day of Oetot»er. 1907. He name» a- witnesses. John H ( spies, of Nehalem. Oregon , Harry . Reddaway, of Nehalem. Oregon; Peter Aulzen, of St. Johns, Oregon ; Thoma» Aula, n, of fit. John». Oregon. An> and all pereon« claiming adversely th? above deacribed iand» are re-iuested to file their claims In this office on or before said i6f Nehalem, Oiegon . I^D'ida McFee of Nehalem. Oregon ; Maiphua Johnson, of 1'obsonvflle Oregon. Any and al! persons claiming adversely the above drscrilNtd and« are requested to file their claim« in this office on or before said 6th day of No vein lair, 1^07. A loes non S. D remer . Register. T imher L and . A ct J unk 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . United *tate* Land Office, P01 tland. Oregon, Sept. 13th, 1907. Notice ie hereby given that in compliant** with the proviNtoii* ,_____,___ ... ___ w ■•* - of * of _________ the act of Congrer June 3rd. 187?. entitled " An act for the *a| 11*- of timber and» ill the States o' California. Oie- 1___ gnu, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex­ tended to all the Publio Land Blates by aut of August 4th, 1W2, SARAH K. »ALMER. Of Salem, Oro., county of Marion, Stale of Oregon, has this da field in this office her sworn statement No. 7552, for the purchase of theW of Hw l4, of Hec. No. 24, in Tp. No. 3 south, range No. 10 west and wi I offer proof to show that t e land sought is more valuable fot its timber or atone than for Rgriciilttiial pur noses, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver, at Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday, the ¿6th day of November. HM»7. She names aa wltnetaea: Nathaniel T. Palmer, of Salem, Oiegon ; George K Ridgway, of Beaver, Oregon • William Gilbert, of Beaver, Oregon ; ffrea Gilbert. )f Beaver, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-deserib4 of Section No. 24, in Tp. No. 2 north, Range No. 7 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor ita timber or stone than ‘or agricultural pur­ poses, and to establish hi» claim to said land I »afore the County Clerk. at Tillamook, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 26th day of November, ■V<>7 He name* as witnesses William Ryan, of Tillamook, Oregon; Fred L. Sappington, of Tlllnmook, Oreg 11 ; Eil. Laughlin, of Ti laniook, Oregon; William P. Hadley, of Tillamook, Oregon Any and all person» claiming adversely the above-described lands ere requested to file their claims in th «officeoil 01 before said 26th day of November, 1007. A lgernon B. D rkshkr , Register. Notice to Creditors. N otice is H erkby G iven ,—That the un­ dersigned has 1»een by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, appointed execu­ tor of the last will and testainent of William Batterson, deceased. All fiersons having clniins against the estate of said ' illlam Batterson, deceased, are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned, duly verified as provided by law, at the office of H. T. Botta. Tillamook City. Oregon, within all months from the date of the first publication thereof. Dated September 12t.h. 1907. 8AMVKL M HAT^IBBO n . Executor of the Last Will and Testament of William Batterson, deceased. Administrator's Notice. N otice in H ereby G iven ,—That the un­ dersigned han been duly appointed by the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Tillamook County, administrator of the estate of E. M. PORTER, deceased. All per« «on« having claim* against «aid eatate are hereby required to t>re»ent the same to me properly verified, aa ny law required, at the office of W. H. Cooper, in Tillamook City, within six month« from the date hereof. Dated thia 14th day of August 1907. B H. WHITNEY. Administrator of the estate of E. M. Porter, deceased. Notice to Creditors. N otice ra H erkby G iven .—That the nn- dersignrd hM« Ireen ttppoinled Administrator of the Estate of Michael J. Reilly, deceased, try the County Court of Tillamook < ounty, Oregon. All |rer«on« having claims Agninst the entnte of »aid decedent are required to present the same to me at mv office in Tilla mook City. Oregon within six months from the date of the nrst publication of this notice, duly verified as required by law. Dated September fith, 1907. H. T HOTTR. • Administrator of the Rafale of Michael J Reilly, deceased. Notice of School Indemnity Selection. United Stntes L ind Office. Put Hand, Ore., Sept. 6. 1907. Notice is hereby given that the State of Oregon on Septenilier Hth, 1907, ap­ plied for Lot ♦. section 7. and Lot 1, section 1H, township 3 north, range H west, and Lot 3 section 13. township 3 north, range 9 weal, and filed in this office a list of school indemnity select ioi s in whah it selected said land , and that •aid list is open to the public lor inspec­ tion. Any and alt persons claiming adversely the above descrilwd land or any legal subdivision lhereot, or claiming the same under the mining laws, or desiring to show swiil land to be mine valuable fur nnnernl than lor agiuultural purposes, or to object to said selection lor any legal reason, should file their claims or their affidavits ol proj^st or contest in this office on or before the lotli day of Novemtier. 1997. A losunon A. [ ivksssu . Register. Gao. W. IIiaeg. Receiver. T imber L and , A ct J une 8. 1878 —N otice foe P ublica hon United state« Land P»rtl«ii'l, Oregon, 4vpt tjth. 1&7. Notice I» hereby thaï tn tompllancc with the provistotra of tne act of CnngrpM of June 3. i*7* entitle«» * An act fo» the sale of ti mirer land« in the Htatea of California Oregon Nevad« and WadiimUm Territory, ' a* ei Urn dad to all the Public Mnd NtaUa by ail of August 4th. 18/2. HARRY H RPf.T, Of NoriI» Y«mhill copiity of Yamhi I, RU c of Oregon, ha* thia day filed in this office his sworn «tatemcNt N«». 7517 for the par< hare ot tbe Nw U of «a k , --c- Nw U of Nw « „1 « see, 10 , Ne *4 of N« >4 of are 9 ; Ke ' « of Se *4 of — „ „ v^, Tp. - r- __ •re. 4, io No - I M range No. 7 West, and I wifi uffrr proof tn show that land V _ d»y th? 75th day of November, 1907 Hw 1 When travel the Wilxm River road nam?« a» « White Hfuar. J. F. Rreher, David Marnnv, of Tillamook. Oregon bam I * ptopt«tor. Twenty five mile« east of J Bin it h of Tillamook <>reg»>n, W k knther | Tillamu or before «aid ¿31* **f clam»« in Oil» <>•» e ua or before - uf ! I c November, i «nd «r«m. »1 50 ; hay alone, 75e. Water IWd (X-toMr, Iga? Ä I AM.aaao« B. Daaaaga Reg 1-Ur I piped through hoaat. Modaia hath, tie. ▲ lobero * • liBMMBE, ReglaUr. T imbre L and . A< t iune 3. 187*•-- Boric« foe P ublication . United if«»?« Land Office, P rtland, Oreg->n. Jn* e l«th, 1^07. Notice 1« hereby ri'e« that in comidtanc? with th? ptovi»for»« of the act of Cot greas of Jun?3 1*7*. ei.t tied " An act for the «»Ie of timber land* tn the Htatreof« a! Horn la «»rguu. Nevada aud Waahington Territory.’* a* ea tended to all the Public Mud Blates by act of August 4. c T a RI 1» R HOKVIT Of Portland, county of Multnomah. Htat? of Oregon, haa thl» day filed in thia office hi- •worn atatecreNt N • 74«3. fo» »»•« puichaae of the Ne % Bw^.ho % .Nw M «"d Io« >. of Hee Nc.4. in Tp No J north, Rang? No q west, and will offer ptoof tn »how that f'he fland •ought 1« more valuable for it» timber or •ton* »han for agricultural purpoar« and to ?«tahlt«h hla claim to mid land before the R gfafer and Keieiver at P«»rUaiid Oregon, on uewlst th* "th day <4 October 1907 He aamea a* witHrea»*« John R < aplea, of Nehalem. Oregon ____ Prank York, of Nehalem4 Oregon John H Raddsy. *•«"" Stopat White House