f TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 26, 1907. I I the plant* to have an abundance of foo'^ ' Do Yon Open Your Mouth iireuared in a form capable of ready .... prepared »«• Lao Al Ab' FHTIhMKNTB : similation. A Mr. Thwaitea is the in- f.lk« a young bird and gulp down what­ 10 ventor of the process. ever food or medicine may be offered you » First insertion, per line f Or. do you •■. ant to know something ut th« 5 Each M>tSM*queut insertion, line.... composition and character of that which a>id pcofesKiu.»al cards, More that 21.000.000 c<>w« arc you take Into your stomach whether a* 1 aioiith ... .................. t 00 milked in the United States every I Homestead Notices.......................... 5 III' dav. That means much work for many food or medicine? Most Intelligent and sensible people 00 Timber Claims ................................. ’ 10 men. manv women and many children 5 It also means hundreds of millions of now-a-days insist on knowing what they Locals, per line each insertion . .. employ whether e« t >- *s medicine. Display advertisement, an inch, dollars of capital invested, many mil 50 lions in profits to the dairymen and Dr Pierce believes they have a perieei 1 month ....................................... All Resolutions of Condolence and oceans <>l expense to the consumer. Flit right to in«Ut upon such knowledge. So he publfshes.-diieid' »st and on each bottle­ Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. we must have milk and butter or life wrapper. whatjnpmadlcine« are made of Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. would not he worth the livmw. and we anavhxifies jtyni^Ter-”*This he fgell Notices, Lost, Btrayed or Stolen, etc., can not have these without the cow. minimum rate, 25c. not exceedii g five The stain»»icians at Washington furnish he can uXIJUTord 10 do hecquse th.- more of which his medicines lines. > us some startling figures on the sub­ the ingredients art* ^tuilind and uiid»rsl^w^Tiri ject. The annual output of the country nior^ wiITtli. jr superior curalivo virtue» is 70,000.OOO.OnO pount’s, allowing an R\Tl -, OP SUBSC RI PTION. "" average of 3,560 pounds of milk to each tx- apPreclati-d." For the cure of woman’« peculiar weak- .STRICTLY IN ADVANCB.) com . Over half of this product is re­ oesses. Irregularities and derangements, 1.50 One year............................................. 1 quired in making flutter, a billion 75 pounds goes into condensed milk, three giving rise to frequent headaches, hack­ Six mont it.......................................... ache. draae'na-down pain or distress in 50 billion into cheese, while the rest Three months .................................... es to lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom­ the calves, is sold as cream or drank by panied, ofttitnes, with a debilitating, the people. There is enough to give pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp­ each person nearly a pound, or a good- toms of weakness. Dr. Pierce's Favorite S'lje i^Hlautook sized tumbler full, though many er cent, with a reduction in hours of labor of could find better uses for their money you by return post 4 6 percent. By the same comparison than establishing libraries or endow- the retail price of the chief articles of ing universities, Trn’miig sein ols to Summons. , „ men for r mechanical ami food have advanced 15.7 per cent. equip young agricultural occupation will tiring bet ­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For an hour's labor a workingman gels for Tillamook County. 7.3 per cent more food supplies tliau in ter returns than any other educational Charles H. Blake. nvestment. Boys need to le un the tlie previous decade. Plaintiff, vs. Practical analysis like this dispose’ art as well as the science <>f farming Ruby L. Lile, formerly of the assertion frequently heard that and industrial schools will reach a Ruby L. Howell. for the masaes the cost of living has larger class of wage-earners than the Defendant. J To Ruby L. Lile, the above named defen- outstripped income. Often the many higher institutions of learning. dant : articles that cost either the same or * * * In the name of the State of Oregon : less are overlked. Flour and sugar You are hereby required to appear and The Illinois production of over 41.- are no higher than in the last cenaus 000.000 tons of coal last year is a answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the ten yaais. Railroad transportation is great showing, and the m arness of St. expiration of six weeks from the date of the lower. Firetolass newspapers are Louis to this dejMjsit is one of the reasons first publication of this Summons, and if cheaper and better than in former for the exceptional cheapness of fuel in you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court {ears. The National Department of this busy and growing manufacturing for the relief prayed for in the complaint. arbor go--» over the nuhject item by center. The relief prayed for in the complaint is that you be required to set forth the particu item, sod locality by locality, and its * * * interest or estate claimed by you in and conclusions are reached with unerring Judge Parker is writing about the lar to the South East quarter of the North East exactness This has been a perverse mistakes of Congress. By the way. quarter of Section 20. and the South West season in vegetable* and fruit, but the Judge Parker, when a presidential can­ quarter of the North West quarter of Section in Township 2 South of Range 9 West of juat average of prices can not lie didate, calculatod that the deficit 21. Willamette Meridian, and that any alleged ascertained from a few exceptional in the natioral treasury by this time interest or estate held by you in said lands articles. VVlien the whole field of the would be several hundred millions of be decreed to be null and void, and that you and those claiming under you be forever Income and outgo of a home is covered, dollars. enjoined from asserting any right, title, in­ as in this careful, unbiased report, the W * W terest or estate in or to said lands adversely situation is seen to be favorable. An unfavorable spring is no proof that to plaintiff, and for general relief. This Summons is published by order of the crops iu the United Stites will tie poor. Honorable H. F. Goodepecd. County Judge The harvests of 1907 show that th» of Tillamook County, Oregon, made on the Improved Working Condition«. rallying power i« great after a perverse 21st day of September, 1907, and requiring you to appear and answer on or before the ** Ona far reaching result for food/' spring, aud much of the credit muat be expiration of six weeks from the date of writes Anna Kteese Richardaon in the^ due to the scientific skill of American the first publication hereof, and the date of the first publication hereof is September October Woman’s Home Companion, farmers. 26th, 1907. * * * which has followed the presence in the II. T. B otts , Some American papers talk as il Attorney for Plaintiff. wage-earning field of women posHeasing sending our ships to the Pacific is education, rethiement and strong moral will invite a breach of propriety, and Summons. character is the betterment of the physical conditions under which their less fortu attack. If this were true, Uncle Sam would be justified in calling for a dia­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, nate sisters once worked. for Tillamook County. " In hundreds of stores, factories and gram at the earliest moment. Tillamook Lumbering Com­ * # * pany, a Corporation, office buildings girls to-day are reaping Apart from the |50.000.000 paid the Plaintiff. the harvest sown five or ten years ago French stockholders and the State of vs. by intelligent woman, who, upon enter Wm. J. Woodside. Golden Panama the outlay on the Panama Canal Gate Shipping Company, ing the business world, resented the so far has lieen under $55,000000. The a Corporation. Anna É filthy, utihyginic, degrading surround, engineeis' estimate of |20().000,000 fur Miller. A, Anderson, G. f ing« rhen considered unite good enough Debney. C. H S. and E. the whole job still looks good. W. C. Witzemann, Trus- ; for any woman who had to work for M * * tees, Emily W. C- Witze- 1 her living These women have de­ mann and C. H. S. Witze- | Uncle Sam wag advised to dig di it manded aud aecurtd for the new gene manti, Defendants. J ration of business girls sanitaiy toilet at Panama and is doing it at the rate of over 1,800,000 cubic yards a month To Wm. J Woodside. Golden Gate Ship­ rooms, clean, pr»»perly ventilated regt ping Company, a Corporation, Anna E. with the aid of government engineers and lunch rooms, sick rooms, trained Nlillcr. A Anderson. G. Dehnev, C. H S. nut sea ami mat* one in department stores. The boys educated at West Point area and E. W. C.Witzemann Trustees. Emily good investment W. C. Witzemann «nd C. H. S. Witze­ These women, aa inspectors of factories, M * * mann. the above named defendants : have fought for and secured propel In the name of the State of Oregon : Mississippi had 7.800 candidates for lighting of halls and stairways leading You are hereby required to appear and to 1 ppei floors, where once the progress office at her recent primaries. What a answer th. complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or before the ex­ pitv they could not ha ye been swapped of young girls through darkness was piration of six weeks from the date of the interrupted by nameless indignities for good farm hands. Politicians are first publication of this summons, and if you These women are doing the moat practi plenty hut the cotton fields jawtriit fail so to appear and answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to said Court for cal work in the campaign against child vain for laborers. the relief demanded in the complaint herein. * * M labor. ; The relief demanded is the recovery of It is said that Pieaident Roosevelt's $349.00 and the costs and disbursement of '• And almost invariably the women, the action, being for the recovery of sums either as factory inspector or heads of forthcoming message will lie "longer due for towage by Schooner “Della” and F. aoci ties whose object it is to relieve and and bolder” than any of its pr*dece«* E Dodge, supplies furnished bv W. M. Mills improve the condition of wage earning «ore If he will take a friend's advice and M. F. Leach, moneys advanced by plain­ tiff and services rendered in loading by F. women, started as wage earners with he will cut out that word “ longer.” Davidson. Amos Kirk. M. L. Hubbard. but one object—making money. They * * * Walter Oliver, Julias Merciers. R. W. Stans were literal!v driven into the broader Why waste time talking about the bie a»id Joe Illingworth, being on account of sociological field by the sad realisation sale or almudonment of the Philippines? the vessel San Buena Ventura, owned bv vou. accruing during the months of June. July of the degrading conditions under which No such American shirking of respon­ all and August. 1907. at Tillamook Countv. their less fortunate sister« worked. Their sibilities lias ever l>een known, and may Oregon, and the claims of other parties having been duly assigned to plaintiff work h«a been far reaching and bene­ l*e dismissed as impossible. herein. ficial in many cases. You will take notice that the said vessel. * » * *' But it Is only when the intelligent San Buena Ventura, has been duly attached Even if Mr. Fairbanks fails in his woman of strong e ha taele r devote« her­ ambition to be president of the United in said cause to answer any judgment which may be recovered against you herein, and self body and soul to such work that her States he may rest aaeureii that «»me the plaintiff will apply for an order of sale of influence is felt. So long as she must Indiana author will write a romance said vessel for the satisfaction of any judg­ ment which may be recovered' eonoentraie her energy and thought al »out him. This summons is published by order of upon the duties for which her emplovers the Honorable H. F. Goodspeed, County _ , * * * |my her. she exerts little or no more in It is estin.ated that the cotton crop Judge of Tillamook County. Oregon, made fluence upon the conditions about her. now maturing will bring the South September 21st. 1907. directing publication be made for six successive weeks, and whatever they may tie, than the unin IWO.000 000 to $OOO.OW,uOO. Thia is to the first publication being made on Sep­ telligent or frivolous girl nt the adjoin­ the sort of solidity in which all sections tember 26th. 1907 H. T B otts . ing desk or counter And in the verv can rejoice. Attorney for Plaintiff. * ♦ nature of things the majority of women When«*ver then is a strike in progress in business are of average mentality aud lioth aide always inwist from day to day morality only.” that they are well satisfied with the The tiuth is, neither is Baiaing Fruit by Blectricity. situation. aatiafied. « w st A serii-s of important experiinant* Congressman Burton is so mil» h of destined to rvvolutiomxe the production of crop* of fruit and flower* under glaaa. a patriot that he ia w tiling to step down and to enable the gardener to obiain I and out, or up and in, or do anything •«»th in a much shorter |wru«i of time, else that his constituents may demand. * * * as well m at a conaiderably I sm coat Ireland reports an Increased birth rate than heretofore, ha* just been liegun in the Royal Botanic Gardens. Regent'* and a falling,»tf in emigration. On the píete protection Park, London, lay* the New York whole, Kmg Edward is doing well with the ancient giivrance. Time*. and long service * « • By m»an* of » powerful aro light You canl afford A final summary of the casualties rnoving «ntomaiicallr along a trolley to buy any other wir» overhead light Is dittiused over the on the last Fourth »4 fJuly makes «he Every garment plant* directly the solar Gwht fails This total Ifil killed, 4259 injured. Many a guaranteed moveable light is «iirrounded hy water, noted battle had a smaller score. ao that the ray* may .«».mhle those of Th* b«»l dealer* >efl it the *un both in quantity and movement Sudden Attack of Dysentery rp • * '"'“’J/* »''«m* Beside*, rm part of the plant i* entirely Cured. in the shade Be mean* ohat, Office across the street and north from The Best Hotel. the Post Office. THE ALLEN HOUSE, -"JA J. P. AUUEN, Proprietor. H. GOYNE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. A ttorney - at -L aw . Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. A. You Use Them. We Sell Them. W. SEVERANCE, A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., O regon . H. UPTON, Ph. G..M.D., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. Fir and Spruce Lumber. P pysician and S urgeon , Office first door East of F. R, Beals’ office, Spruce and Cedar Shingles. Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty R. T. BOALS, M.D., & SURGEON. PHYSICIAN Orders lor Lumber promptly attended to. TILLAMOOK, TILLAMOOK LUMBER. COMPANY Office: Olson Building. Residence: Mrs. Walker's. W r 1 A. K. CASE, i 4 Tillamook Iron Works Í General Machinists & Blacksmiths. A AAA xthr jEk A A A. jr^k A A. xfttjAi Jtk A A jflk. jfk. .A Jflk Q hawk > PROPRIETOR £ Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. Fine Machine Work a Specialty. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. . k ^j^HOMAS W. ROSS, » PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. The Largest Mailorder Liquor House on the Pacific Coast. MIKE JACOB & COMPANY. 51 FRONT STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON. Office : Opposite Pott Office. Residence : Allen House, Tillamook, Ore. JZ/ R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Buy your LIQUORS direct from the WHOLESALE HOUSE Tillamook, Oregon, at WHOLESALE PRICES and save the middle MAN'S PRO. FIT, which it cans 60 to 1 Oil per cent on your PURCHASES. We are offering for the next 60 days as follows: 2,500 Gallons of Double Stamp Whiskies, Regular price, $5 00 per gallon................................... .at 93.50 per gal 2,500 Gallons of Pure Ohl Rve Blend Whiskies, Regular price, $6 (M> per gallon .................................. . at $4.00 per gal. 2,509 Gallons o* Pure Old B*»urhon Blend Whiskies, Regular price. $6 00 p^r gallon................................... at $4 00 per gal. 2,500 Gallons of Lvon Rye or Rourbon Blnnd, Regular price, $o DO yer gallon............................. at |3 q O per ga). 5,0<)0 Gallon* of Fine Old California Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscat. Madera and Malaga, Regular price. $2 50 per gallon............................................................... |, 50 p,r gaj Freight and Express Prepaid and no Charge for Cooperage. 500 Cases of McBraver Whiskey, bottled ir ----- ’ ........... in 1 bond ..fit 500 Cases of Mtllvirw W hiskev, bottled 500 Cases of Stanford Rve Whiskey, Pure ! Blend ................ ................ ........ at 500 Ca*es of Ranier R«>urb«>n Whiskev, Pure Blend...... 5.0UU < ases of Port. Sht-rry, Angelica, .Muscat, Tokay, Ma«iera and Malaga...................................................................................... $12 OO per $10 OO per 111 OO per I 11.00 per doe doe dor doz. J2) r - P- J- SHARP, RESIDENT Office across the street from the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. SARCHET, •L . The Fashionable Tailor. Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­ ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. $4.00 per doz. On Five Case Lots we allow a discount of 50c. on each Case. Of five and ten gallon kegs and half barrel Lots we allow a discount of 25c. per gal. OBERT A. MILLER, A ttorney - at -L aw , I