Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 19, 1907, Image 4

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The Gambler’s Day Ia Done. ' Oklahoma Votes for Constitution.
employ. Now’, as» to the county’s em­
ployes, no sooner is a person elected, no
Gambling was the paatime of rich I O klahoma C ity . <>. T., Sept. 18 —
matter whether he *s one ot the most
has bcm
The cnmpuhorv education law will be competent persons, others are wanting and poor forcenturies, condemned only Oklahoma's constitution
The ■ adopted by a majoiity «II Hie way from
a good thing lor the bovs and girls who to ge*. into liis shoes. We are inclined to by the fanatic and the puritan
are foolish enough to think they do not think that the primary election la w gives greatPHt names in English history ar* 50,000 to 70.000, «tflt<-* ide prohibit!« u
has carried and C N Haskell, Democrat,
need an education.
the piesent incumbent, if he has povtd in tlm hr'ting book* of Brooke's ami
It leads in popularity because it hu
has been elected Governor of the new
* * *
himself to be a competent and effie’ent White’s, the clubs where fortunes arid
been as perfect as flour can be madt
It is again stated that the railread official, ah advantage over all aspirants,
In tins country no territorial Governor, according tu the
will be completed by Noveinl»er of next sc it would not surprise us much if the dice each night
white, good-tasting bread therei,
year, which is only another 13 months, 'voters should eventually (*o what the man lost esteem by leason of high play limited reports received up to 1:30
no other to equal it. You want the best
o’clock this morning (Wednesday)- In
when we can say “All Aboard.”
| business men are doing. Why n«»t ? The until the coming of the present genera­
every voting precinct tlie»e v*ere three
when the price is no higher.
| voters gam nothing l>y k*-ep changing tion.
The era has end-d.
The law. sup­ bollots for the voter to mark, in Okla
It was almost a freeze out in the court county officials, for it takes time to gain ported by public sentiment, has caused hoina City there were four, nnd the
house on Saturday, with no wood in the the experience hi knowing how to run the “ gambling king’’ of America this counting process has been extremely
basement to kindle a fire. But the court couutv affairs From a political stand I summer to offer his $80(1.000 hell at slow.
ty court can’t freeze the officials out that point this would not be considered good Saratoga for sale. A house that cutt
The telegraphers’ strike and lack of
politics when so many men coosider the
party to which they belong owe them a him almost as much to build and deco telephone faedilies have prevented th»
of returns t*» either ot the
rale in New York has
To give some idea of the difficulty of living for a few jears at the political pie
political state headquarters heie.
and unvisited for two \ **ars.
building a railroad and the trouble in counter. And what a lot. ot hard feeling
The ratification of the constitution i*
Richard Canfield is a man of «»duca
keeping men st that emoloyment, the it would save, for every time there is a I
tion; an appreciative lover of art; an conceded, although the majority was
contractors for the Pacific Railway & county election quite a few come nut of I
of men of equal not as large aS was expected.
Navigation Co.’s railroad have three the fight with sore heads aud blame agreeable companion
The maj’.ritv in favor of prohibition is
wealth and mental gifts. But his mil
crews on the job—or* a-comin’, another this one and that one for their defeat.
lions cannot buy the possession of the placed at 25.000 to 40.0«>0 Chairman
* * M
a workin’ and the other a goin’.
of the Democratic committee,
poorest laborer—the right to enter the
Because Representative Beals intro­ home of a feilow man as a self-respect­ estimates it at 15,000. nnd appr»'xi-
M * *
It is an ill wind that doesn’t do some­ duced and fought for the hill which was ing equal.
lie is an outcast. The ma tel v the same figures are given out at
body good, for the numerous divorce to compel timber owners to furnish the gambler’s day is done.
Republican headquarters.
cases in this county are a source of reve
Seven precincts in Governor Frantz
A century ago lotteries were approved
nut to the attorneys and those who tie assessor, a threat was made that they in every community. The last one has borne town give Frantz 158 and Haskell
the knots that don’t bind, for it invaria would enter politics over here. It is now been cr tidied i»y the national govern­ 132. and it is announced from there that
blv follows that one of the parties have drawing along about the time for them ment, though it was intrenched in the the entire county is going in about the ONE JET
. 75c
JETS ......... .. 85c
made arrangements to go through the to do ho . Our advice is that they had constitution of a state. The policy ven same ratio. This is a disappointment to
marriage ceremony again, even before better not carry that threat into execu dor forced to sell his chances in secret, the Republicans. On the other hand.
tion, for they are going to get hurt and is looked upon as a meaner criminal Muskogee County, where Mr. Haskell THREE JETS.
they are divorced.
1 25
W * *
resoles, went Republican
tnan the petty thief.
At midnight Governor Frentz gave out
The parties who made arrangements know the temper of the people and w hat
No people love rhe thoroughbred horse
to put in a condensed milk factory last will happen if they start up a political more than the Americans. But racing a statement claiming his election by
spring, but changed their minds, would machine in this county to defeat Mi. now is permitted in only four states, more than 10.000. Mr Haskell said he
have had to raise the price uf rnilk above Beals should be run again. We hope the and m those is taxed ami restricted. believed he had won, but only referred
the price paid by the cheese factories in threat was made in a joking, idle man. Because it has been impossible to divest to the state committee’s figures when
Tillamook this year, being the highest in ner, for the timber owners have been the sport of its gambling accompani­ asked tor an estimate
the history of the county. Another year leniently dealt with in Tillamook county : I ment, cities like Chicago and St. Louis
The voting was very heavv.
local conditions may be different and a in regard to taxation on their property, have forced the abandonment of tracks
Several days will elapse before the
good time for a condensed milk factory
in which millions were invested. Ten­ complete returns are in.
to start up, both for the industry and prove. How long they well get oft so nessee. one of the greatest breeding
leniently we do not know.
it is true
the dairymen as well.
Health in the Canal Zone.
tha» Assessor Hare has in recent vears slates, has put the ban upon all betting,
M M *
raised the assessment on the best timber and the persistent efforts of the past to
The high wages paid make it a mighty
It it reported that the Herald is again claims from $600 to $2,400, but this is
temptation to our young artisans to
* about to change hands and Rollie W. not too high, for when the timbers own­ Pennsylvania and New Jersey, have join the force of skilled workmen need­
One Quart, at 5Oc. makes IO Gallons.
Watson is about to vacate the sanctum ers sell they do so at about three times proved more «nd more hopeless every ed Io construct the
Panama (.'anal.
sanctorum. We pray that he will bestow that amount. Mr. Bials was wanting year.
Many are restrained however. It is the
The same class of men who sought knowing ones—those who have used
a blessing upon us before he does so, for the timber men to give in an estimate of
somehow we are sorry to see him quit what timber was on their land, but in their amusement openly in the gambling Electric Bitters, who go theie without
newspaper work before he has cut his defeating the bill in the senate and in hells, free to all comers, half a century this fear, well knowing they are safe
eye teeth in the turmoil of running a threatening to enter politics in this coun­ age would be ashamed to admit today from malarious influence with Electric
If after using CARBOLIC COMPOUND you are not satisfied come and pt
country newspaper, and "here so many ty. all that we can sav is don’t, for the that they were in the habit of playing
Bitters on hand
Cuies blood poison your money back.
persons want to run the editor and dic­ timber men will be financially hu»t it poker in private games
too, biliousness, weakness and all stom­
tate hià policy, and at the same time they arouse the people to action in a
Gambling was regarded, at worst, as ach. liver and kidney troubles. Guaran­
want., to he “puffed up’’ themselves in political fight.
an excusable weakness generations after
teed by Chas. I Cb»ugh, druggist. 50c.
the papers to beat the band.
it was recognized as a moral and eco
* * *
* * #
We publish in another column an edi­ Domic evil. It was condoned as piracy,
With the large amount of advertising torial from the Oregonian on county smuggling, moonshining each in its hey­
that Tillamook County has received this fairs, which is worth considering when day was condoned. And like those -N otice is H ereby G iven , — That
Summer, it is sate to predict that large another fair is talked of in this county. wrongs, gambling in turn has become
Jonas Olson, S. A. Brodhead and Frank
numbers of persons will visit the county Anyway, we think Tillamook City has disreputable.
Public gambling is dead by action of Long have been apppinted by the Com­
with a view ot locatiog here the next had enough of fakirs’ fairs, and instead
mon Council of Tillamook City, Oregon,
year or so, and with the railroad com ot fooling away so much money for a the law in every community where there
to view the proposed extension otSixth
pleted, there will be splendid openings ( queen of the carnival, outside hands and is no alliance between <*rime and po-
Private _
gambling Street from its present eastern terminus
lor saw mills, box factories, pulp mills, vaudeville shows, let the bulk of the litical corruption.
«hingle factories, etc. Therefore, give ( money go for prize for 'Tillamook exhi­ cannot be obliterated wholly by any law. in Central addition to Tillamook City,
those win) want to invest here a royal | bits. A number of counties in the State But what the law cannot do public sen­ Oregon, eastward to the west line ol
reception, fur it is new enterprises, with | have had successful fairs, but like the one timent is fa8t doi'ig —From the North Second Avenue East, and to make an
assessment of the damages and benefits
new people, which will put new life and i in this city last mouth, the citizens ot American.
as provided by the charter of Tilla­
new energy into this country.
the county would not exhibit when they
mook City, Oregon, and that October
Our Divorce Laws.
* ♦ M
saw such a big effort was being made for
20th. 1907, at 10 o’clock a m., at the
“Freedom of the Press” is the title of a “outside attractions.’’ even to fooling
The courts arn not sufficiently cartful intersection ol said proposed extension
little book that reached our desk. That away hundreds of dollars for an addi­
in examining evidence ; in ascertaining ol said Sixth Street with Second Avenue
brings to our mind a little incident thAt tional band, while the only inducement
whether another marriage is contem­ East, have been appointed as the time
happened soon niter we came to Tilla held out to the farmers, dairymen, man
plated; in using tbpir good offices to and place for said viewers to meet. The
mook to make an honest living Having • dacturers and others was a piece of
tiring (he parties into friendly relations termination of said proposed street is as
said something in the newspaper w hich ribbon for the trouble and expense they
again ; in making a dHtinetio’i between above mentioned and the boundaries
did not digest with those who were run would have been put to had they decided
where (he granting of a decree thereof are described as follows, tn-wit:
ning the city, they consoled themselves to have exhibited. We have always con­
Beginning at the North East corner ol
this wav. “Well, it won’t take long to tended that Tillamook county could get would be at» act of righteousness and
Block 2. in Central addition to Tilla­
run him out.” But the newsuaper in the together a spendid county fair every 1 hose where it would tend still further
mook City, Oregon, and running thence
hands of an independent individu *l is a year without “outside’’ attractions and to bring the statute into disrepute. The East to the West line of Second avenue
sticker compared with a newspaper in “outside’’ help, which would be a ciedit laws of the different states are culpable
We CUant all Rinds of Produce
East ; thence North along the West lint
the hands of puppets who allow some to the county and highly iuteie«ting and because of their lack cf system, co ordi of st id Second avenue East 60 feet ;
“dark horse” to run them.
enjoyable to the settlers and visitors. It nation ami equity—ridiculously tiarruw
Call and See Us.
thence West to South East corner ol
appeared to some, however, that “out­ in some, absurdly loose in others.
* * *
One loot of tiut present evils certainly Block 1 of said Central addition and
There is nothing small about the Tilla
may be found in the laws Tor marrigge thence South to the place of beginning
mook Water Commission, and if it can tor a fair, and as nothing would convince There is no other business contract s”
The private property to be appropri
’ soak’’ the city for another couple uf them to thecontrHry, the experiment had easily and carelessly entered into, con­ ated lor said proposed extension con­
thousand dullats to run the water sys­ to lie tried here, as in other counties, ol cludes an article on “ Divorce” in the sists of a strip of land 52 32 feet oft the
tem, bully for them. But why not go the “outside’’ attractions kilfing a county Delineator. Boys and girls can make a North side ol a tract of land owned by­
whole hog and ask the city council for fair. Having gone through the experi­ contract to marry at an age v\ hen they Mrs. Ida Walker, adjoining block 2 in
all the money collected and appropriate ment, Tillamook City ought now to fir could not make one to buy a piece of said Central addition, ami a strip of
it to the water system, for it don’t mat- safe and sane on the county fair ques furniture. In many states nd license is land 7 68 feet in width off the South
ter how deep the city may grt into debt tion.
necessary. Income of them girls of 12 side of a tract of land owned bv John R.
or how much increase in taxation there
or 14 do not need the consent of parents. Harter adjoining Block 1 in said Central
New Delinquent Tax Law.
mav he, the bondage plaster is fixed good
No publicity is required, no previous addition.
ami tight un city property, nnd the tax­
All persons claiming damages by rea
One of the acta of the last legialature announcement, if the laws of one state
payer will, of course, foot the bills with
offer any hindrance, the parties have hut son ol the appropriation of such pro
the same good grace they did when they which does that body no credit is an to go across the border Into andfHer. The party are notified to file their claim for
amendment to the tax laws which
voted tor the bonds, being told thAt the
insane may marry, feeble-minded, crim­ such damages with the Recorder ol
sxsteni would pay for itself in a few aboliahea the provision requiring ad.
veitisemeni in the public print« of any inals, paupers, consumptives—the whole Tillamook Citv before the time so ap­
Soit would and should have—
aim of the state is as many marriages pointed for the meeting of the viewers
only it cost a blamed sight too much delinquency before same beoou.es a
Has received a fine Assort­
lein on the property.
The law will as p”8Hit»le, regardless of the conse­ aforesaid.
But—hush hush hush—the snapshot man
Dated this September 19th, 1907, by
ment of Fall and Winter
is a bad. wicked, good-for-notliing fol­ not become effect»'e upon thia year’s
aaseaament as it ia interpreted, and
1 he marvel is not that so many. but order of the Common Council.
low and a regular ‘knocker” for believ
olden . City Recorder.
consisting of
iug and thinking that way.
latureto amend it ami restore the ad.
at * *
vertiaing provision. which ia a aafe
Men’s and Woman’s foot
How’s This?
Popular Ftlcea
It was repeatedly told the taxpayers, guard ill the internal of the property
We offer one Hundred Dollar. Reward for
so us to grt them to bond the citv, that owner and against the tax title ehark,
wear of the best yuality-
On account uf an unexpected demand any case of Catarrh that cannot be .uiod bv
a citv water system would pay interest who want« aa little publicity as poeei-
fur 1 cent postage stamps in Baltimore Hall s Catarrh Cure.
on the bonds, that it would in a few hie in hie tranaaotiona.
F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
I have also a FIME STOCK
for mailing Hebrew New Year cards
the undersigned. have known F. J.
years pay lor itself, and that fire insur­
Under the old law, delinquent taxes
for the last 15 years, and believe him
ance would be reduced. The citizens wdl had to be advertised la-fore la-cmning this denomination was ex ha used in that Cheney
of Boy’s and Misssu
perfectly honorable in all business trans
tn he notice that it is taking <2.500 a a lein on the prop Tty. and at delinquent city, and then a run was made on the actions «nd rinancially able to carry out any
obligations ma I • by their firm
School Shoes, solid sole
year of tax money to help the system eile anyone was allowed to pay the
B alding , K innan & M arvin ,
out and that insurance rates are some­ tuxea and receive a provisional title. result. It will not take long to replenish
Wi,ole«ale Duggists, Toleldo, O.
insole, and coun­
what higher. Last year the commission 1 edeem able bv prior owner within three
Halls ( atari h Cine is taken internally, act­
popul arity of low prices. For the first ing
directly upon the blood and mucous sui-
received <931 65 from the five mill tax years.
The new law abolishes the time in many years the postal revenue faces
paste board
of the system. Testimonials sent free
and $1.177 79 for wattr rent from the i advertising feature, but provides that
l‘n e 75c per bottle Sold by a! Druggists.
time the svstem started to the end of the when the tax become delinquent any in the that quarter of 19'17 equaled th»
lake Hall 1» Fam lv Pills for constipation.
year Thisvear the commission ha* re < one may pay the amount due, with expen liiures. and probably the postal
crixed |l.317.79 from the fire mill tax. 15 |>er cent penalty added, and receive card fad has brought about this demand
with about another $150 to be paid in < a certificate which entitles hi u to I'he picture cards are cheap and the
Thia ia an ailment for which Chamlier- My Children’s Shoes are the best in the City. Don’t
and will receive over <900 in water rent | possession in case prior owner fails to postage ia the minimum coin, so every­ laiu's Pam Halm lisa proven especially
body can afford to take up a custom
from the city. With the numerous other redeem
run alt over town looking for cheap shoes. Goto
the certificate with interest be
In almost every inslai.ee it
items the citv has paid for in connection | fore the expiration of three rears. It that save* time as well as money . Cheap affords prompt and permanent relief.
the lied Shoe Store, where you will find the Shoe
with the water system, it will not be - was voted as the sense of the associa­ tales are respotisim# for the new outturn Mr. Luke LaGrange, of Orange, Mich ,
that you are looking tor.
long licfure it reaches $10.000. Yet for t tion that the certitieate plan does not in correspondence.
The reduction of railroad fares is says of|it: After using a plaster ami
nil that, if the water commission had i apply to the 1907 levy.—Ashland
other remedies for three week for a bad Mo Charge for Sewing rips on Shoes bought of us.
$5,000, and which it ieally needs, it inge.
tune may come when the roads them- laoie back, I purchased a bottle of
could soend that amonnt right now to
selve in the interest of greater reve­ Chamberlain s Pain Palm, ami two ap.
go<»d ndvantage in extending the svstem
Reat for a Girl.
ill tnaae further concessions. plications effected «J cure. For sale by
if it had that amount at its disposal
One of the greoteet attraction« that a In all public utilities this principle is Clough's Drug Store.
* * *
gul can hare la good manners, and l her the same. It could be applied in the
All of us love a hen, hut only one
A couple of years ago a cranky sort of are within the possibility of all to ac­ Hupplv of ips and electricity with
an old man came into this nifi
and quire. Brer, girl would like to he added profit to the companies
An man loved her well enough to provide
one in his will. Charles Brown,
stopped hi* paper because something in pieltr, and the nuijoiitv are, in one way article of such value in every house­
it did not suit his fancy. We have fre or another, hut the moat beautiful ia hold would l»e universally and ahun ' a well-to-do farmer of
quently met him on the street si.ice that made more so if ahe ia sweet and gentle dandy used if prices encouraged it to | New York, had a pet hen ss his Sole
•29 I *21
time and it is amusing tn note thelojk in manner, and the homelieat girl be the same extent as in the case of the companion for two years and when be
p.m. p.m
of surprise on the old fellows face that comm charming by cultivating the art postal department. Some of the great died made ample provision for her in
... F ortland ....
we are still in existence, regardless of the of how to please.
est newspapers are soil for I cent, his last testament, lie left his res­
I........... G oblb ..........
10.55 8 40
iduary estate to a sister-iu law on con­
fact that he stopped the pajier. Someday
8 25
It in pre. iaely thia that good manners
10.05 7 50
— ami it won’t be long tither— that old achieve. They are far more than simply tions since the change was made to dition that she keep the hen frmu all
7 40
getleinan will turn uphistoes Hi* heart doing tlie proper thing »« vk the Nee- this basis, while their circulation has harm, teed her well and treat her as
C lifton .....
9 15 7.04 ...... -j
will i>e stilled forever
Neighbors and York Evening Telegram.
Ar. A storia L v
8 20 6 10
•• When a increased in an immense ratio. A a member ol the familv. Here is one
a m. 1
friends will tollow Ins lifeless clay to the young gu| steps aside to let an older line exists below which a cut could biddy that lives witbont fear of Thanks,
A 05 11.30 Lv. A. to . ia Ar
A OO 8.15 « 05 5.5U 11 OO
silent city and lay them to rest among [ «oiiian go through a door Iliac she not not I* prothahlv made, but it is cer. giving day or the ........ ng of the i arson
12 33
5.35 10 40
the flowers. An obituary will be pub- 1 merely been polite but in standing tain that there is a greater return in for dinner
G bahbabt
2 39 6.57 7 1« 5.08 9.4*!
SBAS1UR ...... ! 2.30 6 50 7.10 5 00 9 40
fished in these vdunins telling what a j aside she has shown a deference to the serving the many than the few
2.25 «.♦5 7.05 4.55 9.3»
kind father, a good neighbor and belov other which the older will not resent, be
ed cituao he whs -winch the recording •K p 80 or rto yearn.”
Attack of Diairhoea Cured by,
angel will overlook for charity s sake
Yon will notice that a kind-hearted per-
— —.—
Ono Dose of Chamberlain's
and tn a very short time he will be tor »on » always well mannered. The I wo
p.m. p.m. a.m.
Colic. Cholera and Diarr­
gotten. As he lies out there in the cold. ■ invariably go together when the latter
3.11 12 06 Lv
L Warrenton
Ar 12.35 3.35 7.54
hoea Remedy.
3.23; 12.15iAr.HammondLv 12 25 3.29
cold gravevard wrapped in the silent i are not acquired, for thoughtfulness and
6,23 7 41« 3 26 12 20 Ar
I woe «o weak from a<> «1 tack of <li«rr
* Ft.StevensLv
slumber ot death, he will never know consideration that spring from the heart
12.21 3 26 7.^2
Trains marked • mn daily.
that the last kind word spokeu uf him do not express theuise!v«i rougldr or 1 b.»M llmt 1 cuukl ecaroly attend at mv 1
... IT*”
22’ 27 ‘"d 29 fr°m c,at»®P ■«•«*. *»<« train» «./*, M. 30 *»d 3‘*W“
was by the editor of that paper * hich in brutally hut gently and kindly. Such ■iutie«, when I ton* a <| «e «>( i hamlM-v
Astoria, run via Ft Stevens.
hmi Colic. Cholera ami Diarrhoea
hie he so spitcfullv “stopped ” Did you
perse ns mav not always be quiet or low ‘ Remedy. _Ii emed me entirely and 1 had I
ever panse lust a moment and think that voiced, and both are desirable for per.
P ■" '• S«(,'rd*T Speeial, popping .«Go»*-
Clatskanie. Astoria and Beach point«, only.
vour editor, whoever he may be, will fees manners, hut you do not And them I been takmg other medicine for nine!
»’th all transcontinental Han
At Gobh.
write your obituary some day ’—Ex.
j pushing roughly in crowds 01 trying to day» w itimwt relief | heartily recom-1
Northern Pacffic B.Uw.y Co. At A.toria, with ..earner.
f X mo and T'«—*
* * *
everything ihat b in sight before any 1 mead thia remedy a« being the beat to
my knowledge for bowel complaint» —
A business man when he succeeds in oh- '‘neelw»ran They either go si >w|y or j R. G S tkwot , of the M>.u of Stewart’ Surest and QuicKeâ^OuH^î^ff
*°“ ‘° ,Od
*" P»*«* '« M* K».t and «»rope.
taming competent men to work for him i «tand aside, and somethum eveu lob»
For further particular, apply to.
Bro. Greenville. Ala.
For sale by I THROAT and LUNG TROUB­
®oet *Mt he cau to keep them m bis 'Along th<* w eaker.
I Clough'« Drug Store.
Gtnl. Frt & Pasaffr Aft ♦ . ,-jM
Editorial Snap Shots.
You Should Try
Keeps the Flies off Stock
CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist.
Opened up for Business
A Full Lune of Groceries
Flour, peed,
Tin tua re
and Crockery.
Olsen Building,Ä
Red Front Shoe Store
P. F. BROWNE. Aaent.
Astoria & Columbia River R
New Discovery
FOR Qu«-..-
the WAcm* — —
R. Co