TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 12. accept it and meet them half way. I here is no disposition in any of the counties to construct roads with public money for the rxclusive use of automobile*, but | Legends of ths Fsmous Archers of ths Remote Paet. the spirit of I ha times is to improve nV main thoroughfares for the benefit ot the Many “long bow” stories may be tiaveliiig public, and if these can be still cited In the literature of the world, further improved with outside assistance nnd by far the greater part of them so as to make them suitable for automo­ had their origin In the remote past biles, bv all mean let the counties accept Vergil. In the "ASneid.’’ tells of four that asaistaute ami encourage it The Fairvit w Grange has fallen into the same archers who were shooting for a prize, mistake about the over burdened tax­ the mark being a pigeon tied by a cord payers as those who waul all kinds ol to the mast of a ship. The first man public improvements, but when a small bit the mast, the second cut the cord, proportion is to come out of their pocket and the third shot the pigeon as it books, why. that is a cat of another flew away. The fourth archer, having color and the stereotv ped howl goes up nothing left at which to shoot, drew about burdensome taxation. Let's see. bis bow and sent his arrow flying Some 65 per cent of the taxes in Till»« •nook county are paid by the timber | toward the sky with such speed that owners ami the per cent age is growing the friction of the air set the feathers so rapidly that in a few tears we expect an Are, and it swept on Uke a meteor to see the timber owners pay log as much to disappear in thè clouds. as 80 per cent of the taxes on account of That is a bow and arrow story that the increase valuation in timber. We tests the strongest powers of credulity. hope those who talk so much about tl»e The stories of Robin Hood’s archery. poor burdened taxpayers will think this over. With this condition id affairs, if it Illustrated by his wonderful perform­ is burdensome to build good roads and ance as Locksle.v in Scott’s “Ivanhoe,” good school houses now. what will it he are also a decided strain on one’s when the timber is all removed and the power of belief. settlers, instead of paying 20 or 35 per The famous legend of William Tell cent of the taxes, have to foot the entire is believed by some to have a founda­ bill? So we say. most emphatically, no tion in fact. There was a Dane named one should ftel hurt if the county court makes a good stiff levy lor the next few Foke of whom the same story was years to put the roads and bridges all told, and William of Cloudesley, an over t he county in good shape, and we Englishman, is said to have shot an believe the Fairview Grange will be the apple from his «bn’s head merely to first to whoop this up as well, for it had show his skill. over-looked the fact that neatly the The majority of bow and arrow whole of the 65 per cent of the taxes last stories relate to the accurate alm of vear was money paid by non residents the archers, but a .Frenchman. Blaise and that much more money put in circu­ lation in the conntv, all portions receiv­ de Vigenere. tells one in which the ing a benefit from it. When any one hears main point is the tremendous force the poor taxpayer complaining about with which an arrow may be propelled burdensome taxation, throw these facts if the bow is strong and long enough. at him, for if we have to raise but 35 According to his own account of the per cent of the taxes at home and the matter, he saw Barbarossa, a Turk, other 65 per cent comes from the out admiral of a ship called the Grand side, it looks to us that it would lie poor Solyman, send an arrow from his bow business sense not to build good roads now, ami absurd to complain about clean through a cannon ball. Whether heavy taxation when the other fellow the cannon ball had a hole in it or not he neglects to inform us. has to pay the bigger proportion of it. LONG BOW STORIES. Editorial Snap Shota. Our rout* mporwry I m »» conceive*1 of » i taler idea for the next county fair. We w<»nder whether it gr» w on the vine» of a tater patch or was grafted from outside attractions. * * * As is customary with the Herald, it sniped thecommissioners’ court proceed­ ings Irom last week s Headlight, but we are not beefing »1 we are reporter, with out thanks or pay, for the second-hand nt ws sheet. * * * We would reepectfullv suggest to the c tizens ol Tillamook County that the next time the county is out anv money and seeks to recover it, that two school burs be employed to look after the tax­ payers interest instead of two specially employed attorneys, for the school bovs couldn’t have done worse in the Alder man cases. # * * John Christians, a gambler, died Sun­ day morning of the snakes When hr wasn't drunk, he wasn’t sober, and the snakes bothered him so much he shuffled off —Astoria Herald. Well, that is nothing strange, for since the lid has been put on gambling it is a good thing to put the lid on the gam­ blers as well. * * * It seems to be generally understood that the county court will not lease the Nestucca toll road again, which will be. come a free public highway It has taken years to bring about, so let us be thank ful that the Tillamook toll road graft is to be a thing of the past in this age of progress and development. What the toll road croakers will do we do not care. * * W The way to kill off the salmon industry is to stock up the rivers with trout. It is a well known fact to those who have taken the trouble to investigate that it is the trout which are destroy ing the sal­ mon industry, for they follow the salmon into the spawning grown» and devour the eggs directly they are laid. But this is not all The trout devour the young salmon fry by the millions. * * * It looks as though all the untried Ore­ gon land fraud cases will be tried at no distant date, for F. | Heney.the famous prosecutor, it seem», will turn most of the cases over to United States Attorney Bristol This will be the undoing of a good many prominent citizens, for when the government goes after those who have done wrong and who will not own up it genet ally goes hard with them. * * # Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by One Dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarr­ hoea Remedy. I was so weak from an attack of diarr hoea that 1 could scarcely attend at my duties, when I took a dose of Chamber Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cuied me entirely and I had lieen taking other medicine for nine days without relief. I heartily recom­ mend this remedy as being the best to my knowledge for bowel complaints — R. G. S tewart , of the firm of Stewart & Bro., Greenville. Ala. For sale by Clough's Drug Store. It is every citizens prerogative in this county to run for office if they feel so dis posed, but nil those who are weary and heavy ladened with their present jobs needn’t think they cancall get a easy job at ‘ he public crib But the invitation is extended to all to become office seekers, How’s This? for more there are with bees buzzing We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for about in their bonnets more fun will any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the voters have in killing off a score or Hall's Catarrh Cure. E J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. more of them. We, the undersigned, have known E. J. * * * Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him Of all the cases brought to recover the perfectly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any shortage in the late Sheriff Alderman’s obligations Iliads by their firm. W aldinu , R innan it M» arvin . accounts, the attorneys who acted for Wholesale Duggists, Toleldo, 0. the county could not make one stick, Hall s Catarrh Cute is taken internally, act- being beaten to a finish by Attorney R ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ lhiniwav at every move thev made to faces o( the system Teatiinonials sent free. recover the money. We always took the Eli e 75c per ‘bottle Sold by al' Druggists. lake Hall e Famdv Pills for constipation. position that the proper officials should have been instructed to prosecute the Lost and Found. case, not a firm of attorneys, so it is not Lost, between 9:30 p.m., yesterday am prising that the county has got it and noon to-day, a bilious attack, with where the chicken got the ax every time nausea and sick headache. This loss it bobbed up its bead to see what was was occasioned by finding at Chas. I. happening. Citizens can now consider Clough, drug store a box of Dr. King s the Alder man cases closed, and consider New Life Fills. Guaranteed for bil­ themselves badly beaten on account of iousness, malaria and jaundice. 25c. {»ettifogging tactics in handling the cases, or even in the last decision Justice Bean Dairy Ranch for Sale. says “the proceeding could not have been instituted in good faith, but for the pur­ A dairy ranch of 250 acres, including pose ot vexing, anno)ing and harassing 100 acre» of timber house, barn, 12 plaintiff (Mrs. Aiderman).” There was head of uuws, team, wagon, harness, a right and proper wav in which to re mowing machine, hack, brood sow and cover the Alderman shortage, and by the 9 »boats. 9 head of spring calves, bull, proper officials. It is too late now, for and other farm implements. A bargain by pettifogging tactics the matter is out­ if sold soon. 6k2 miles from Tillamook lawed. Alas ' What a rank fizzle and City, on the Trask river.—Address J. L muddle in looking after the taxpavers Childers, Tillamook, Ore. interests. * * * Notice to Creditors The Fairview Grange has defined its altitude in regard to the construction of automobile roads, being opposed to anv of the county’s money bring paid out for that purpose. II we understand correctly the disposition of the county court of this and other counties, the first object in view is to improve the roads for the ben­ efit «»I the settlers Should the Atitomo bolists offer any of the counties financial assistance to improve certain roads, we believe it would be the proper thing to ; [ I I N otice is H ereby G iven , —That the un­ dersigned has been by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, appointed execu­ tor ot the last will and testament of William Patterson, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said G illiam Batterson, deceased, are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned, dulv verified as provided by law, at the office of H. T. Rotts Tillamook City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication thereof. Dated September 12th, 1907. SAMUEL M HAT^KRSON, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of William Batterson, deceased. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, SEPT. 16-21, 1907. (OPEN DAY AND NIGHT). Immense PACIFIC Display of Farm Products. COASTS GREATEST EXHIBITION OF HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP. GOATS, SWINE, POULTRY, AND PET STOCK. DAIRY EXHIBIT SUPERB. Amusement Rare and Exciting. Absolute Cure for the Blues. Special Railroad Rates. W. II. I10WMMI, Ftesltlent. FRANK A. IVEI.CH. Secretary. Perhaps the most astounding of all stories about arrow shooting is that of the Indians who used to inhabit Florida. It is said that a group of them would form a circle; one would throw an ear of corn Into the air; the rest would shoot at It and shell it of every grain before it fell to the ground. Sometimes the arrows would strike the ear of corn so hard and fast that it would remain suspended in the air several minutes, and the cob never fell until the last grain had been shot away.—Chicago Record-Herald. HINDOO PROVERBS. Happiness consists In the absence of anxiety. Truth, contentment, patience and mercy belong to great minds. Little things sbouid not be despised Many straws united will bind an ele­ phant. It can never l>e safe to unite with an enemy. Water, though heated, will Boon extinguish Are. He who removes another from dan ger and he who removes terror from the mind are the greatest of friends. Courage Is tried In war, integrity in the payment of debt and interest, the faithfulness of a wife in poverty and friendship In distress. Every one looking downward be­ comes Impressed with the Idea of his own greatness, but looking upward feels his own littleness. He who In your presence speaks kindly, but in your absence seeks to Injure, must lie rejected like a bowl of poison covered with milk. Obedience of Orders. A naval commander in the. reign ot Queen Anne was ordered to cruise with a squadron within certain limits on the coast of Spain. Having received Infor­ mation that a Spanish ^leet was In Vi­ go, beyond Ills limits, he resolved to risk his personal responsibility for the good of his country. He accordingly attacked and defeated the Spanish fleet with uncommon gallantry. When he Joined the admiral under whom he served, he was ordered under arrest nud was asked If he did not know that by the articles of war he was liable to be shot for disobedience, of orders. He replied with great'composure that he was very sensible that he was, but added, “The man who is afraid to risk his life In any way when the good of his country requires It Is unworthy of a command in her majesty's service." Coughing In Liau of Oratory, A singular fashion which prevailed among the preachers of Cromwell's time was that of coughing or hemming in the middle of a sentence In order to attract the attention of the con­ gregation. The necessity of continually attracting the attention of the listeners could not have argued well for the brilliance of the sermons. Some au­ thorities say that the preachers coughed merely as an ornament to speech. At any rate, when the sermons were print­ ed. as many of them were, the coughs aud hems were always indicated on the margin of the page.— St. Louie Re­ public. TENTH ANO MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON The judge's daughter was perturbed. It leads in popularity becauseit'd “Papa.” she said, knitting her prettj always been as perfect as flour can benuj prow. “I am in doubt as to whether have kept to the proper form of proce For light, white, good-tasting bread tO dure. In law one can err In so man; no other to equal it. You want the d little technicalities that I am ever fear when the price is no higher. ful. Now. last evening George”— YOUR GROCER CAN SUPPLY You The Judge looked at her so sharpl. over bls glasses that she Involuntarl.” paused. “I thought you bad sent him abou his business,” he said. “I did hand down an adverse deci sion.” she answered, “and he declare' that he would appeal. However. I cod vlnced him that I was the court of las resort In a case like that and that n api>eal would lie from my decision." "Possibly the court was assuming little more power than rightfully br longs to it," said the judge thoughtful ly, “but let that pass. What did he d OUR STYLES. then?” “He filed a petition for a rehearing.” ONE JET ................. 75c TWO JETS 85c “The usual course,” said the Judge THREE JESTS, “but it Is usually nothing but a men GALVANIZED. .. »1.00 THREE JETS. formality.” BRASS... ............. 1-23 “So I thought," return"-’ the girl “and I was prepared to i /it with out argument, but the facts set fort! la his petition were sufficient to maki me hesitate and wonder whether hli case had really been properly present ed at the first trial.” , “Upon what grounds did he make th< application?" asked the judge, scowl ing. “Well,” she replied, blushing a little “you see, he proposed by letter, anc his contention was that the case wai One Quart, at 5Oc. makes 10 Gallons. of that peculiar character that cannoi be properly presented by briefs, bu' demands oral arguments. The fact tha’ the latter had been omitted, he held should be held an error, and the poln1 If after using CARBOLIC COMPOUND you are not satisfied conn was such a novel one that I consented vonr money hack. to let him argue It. Then his argumeni was so forceful that I granted his pe tltlon and consented to hear the wholi case again. Do you think”— “I think,” said the judge, “that till court favors the plaintiff.”—Chicagr Post. THE PORTLAND FOURING Mint COMPANY. CLOUGH'S SPRHERS! MAKE A VAP0É LIKE THIS. I GLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND Keeps the Flies off Stook CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. ^Opened up for Busine MONEY SYSTEMS. Twenty-six different monetary uniti are used by the forty-eight prlnclpa countries of the world. Thus Great Britain uses the sovereign or pound sterling, France and six other countries of Europe use a unit equal to tbr franc, and Canada and the United States use the dollar. In value these different units range from 4.4 to 404.33 cents of money ot the United States. They are represent ed In their turn by coins the values ol which are either multiples or fractions parts of the vslue of their own chief units, and there are no doubt at least 200 such sufficient coins not one of which seems to have a value equal tc that of any commonly known unit of weight, as the gram, for example, ot the ounce of gold, although forty-three of these forty-eight countries have ac cepted gold as their standard measure of values. This lack of logical relation of coins to any widely used unit of weight ol the precious metals may be due to the fact that money systems seem to have grown up haphazard, under diverse conditions of life. In different parts of the world. Such diversity In moneys may have been of little moment when millions ol people spent their lives knowing noth Ing of the existence of other millions and there was little traffic. But these differences In monetary units are of Importance now that international commerce Includes millions of tons ot products of the toll of all lands and billions of dollars each year to settle Its bills, for such differences put upon trade a wholly unnecessary tax. No account Is made here of the burden laid on domestic trade by like varia­ tion In the value of such units at home, as of the tael of China, which has six teen different values within that em­ pire.—Moody’» Magazine. A Full Line of Groceries, Flour, Feed, We CUant all I^inds of Produce. Call and See Us. Olsen Building, ÄSS Red Front Shoe Store Has received a fine de ment of Fall and W SHOES, consist Men’s and JFomaiul wear of the best / have also a FINE of Boy’s and School Shoes, leather, insole and ters. No pash counters. My Children’s Shoes are the best in the City- run all over town looking for cheap shoes, the Red Shoe Store, where you will fiad w that you are looking tor. No Charge for Sewing rips on Shoes bought of* P. F. BROWNE. Afl TIME CARD Astoria A Columbia River R •2S" •34 ....... When It Rains In India. While Jupiter Pluvlus reigns In In­ dia nothing can be done out of doors. The rain at times Is simply s white liquid sheet dropping straight down from the heavens, so that no very great stretch of imagination is required to convince one that a deluge Is not an Impossible event.—Wide World Magazine. Tincuane, and Crockery. “Oft* Hundred” Scar»» Bird». It is a strange but well authentlcat ed fact that the wild creatures of the woods dislike the sound of that solemn hymn “Old Hundred." Muir, the nat urallst, proved the truth of this br singing It In the woods of the Sierras to the birds and squirrels, which were very tame from never having been frightened by the report of a gun or other alarming sound. They would come and sit near him upon the branches of trees and listen to any lively tune he might sing, blinking their bright eyes as though they liked ft, but at the first sound of “Old Hun dred” they would beat a quick retreat to their holes or nests and never ap­ pear again until he changed the tune This experiment was made in different places on various occasions with ex- •ctly the same result.—New York Her­ ald. He Promised. WmNCIPAL SAPPINGTON & CO The World'» Coinage Muddle and thi Range of Unit« of Value. "I can’t spare the money very well, In Prospect. but I’ll gladly loan It to you If you “Have you lived here all your life, Educate. for success in a short time an<1 at «mull expense, and sends each stu­ promise not to keep It too long.” friend?" dent to s position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, »nd reputation for “I solemnly swear that I’ll spend ev­ Not ylt, but ef I don’t git money thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in ery penny of It before tomorrow morn­ enough to move I reckon I’ll have to!” etrucUou insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the ing”’ Fllegende Rlatter —Atlanta Constitution. voucher snd other male« methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand; Rc.k temples nt Ipsampol. on the **"’• rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms ami penmanship free— It Is not reasonings that are wanted "-nte today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland. Nile, are believed to be the world’s old now. for there are books stuffed full Bt architectural ruins. of stoical reasonings. - Eplctet is. A. P. ARM3TRONO, LL OLiYlWPIC FLOut An Adverse Decision, sn Appesl and at Oral Argument. Interested In Antiques. Professor McGoozle (suddenly check­ ing himself)-Pardon me. Miss Gene­ vieve. for talking so long. When I get started on my hobby I never know when to stop. I ought not to have as­ sumed. anyhow, that you are Interested In antiques. Miks de Muir —Indeed I am. professor. I could listen to you for hour».—Chicago Tribune. You Should Try CUPID’S COURT. •24 •22 26 p.m. 6.00 7.20 7.35 «05 S.13 8.52 9.40 a.m. 8.0U 9.20 9.35 LO. 05 10.15 10.51 11.45 pm. 3.10 4.15 4 27 4 49 4.54 5.23 6.02 Ä.m. p.m. 8.IS 5 50 9.50 11.45 8. S3 6 40 10.05 12.05 9.1« 7 11 10.25 12.31 9 25 7 20 Ip 30 12.40 9 30 7 25 10.35 12.43 •♦O 1 »38 •3« •27 •30 L t . Ar. ... P ortland ..... ......... R antbr ....... ......... Q vincy . . . C latskanib ... ...... C lifton ...... Ar. A stokia L v . a.m. « .05 11.30 L t . A mtobia Ar. 6.20 12.35 W abbbnton . 6 43 1.10 ..G kaihakt ..... 6 50 1.30 ........ SBASiDB .r... 6 55 1 35 A t . H oliday L v . FT. STEVENS •44 I *42 I •29 ’LL" p.m. а. m 4.00 8.15 3.35 7 55 2.39 6 5 7| 2.30 6 50 2.25 б. 451 BRANCH | »39 •41 p.m. 1 a.m. | p m. a m. p m. I p.m. ' 8.36 6.11 7 2« 3.11 12.06 Lr War rent on AY112.35 3.331 «43 6 20 7.38 3.23 12.15, Ar.HammondLv 12.25 3.29 «46 5 25 7 41 3 26 12.201 Ar Ft.StevensLv112.21 3.2« Train» marked • run Train» No. 23, 27 aud 2» from Clatsop Beach, and train. N<* ’ Astoria, run via Ft Steven.. .-' ml Train No. 2«. from Portland, 3:tO p m.; J. Saturday Special. .topfK’’ a.m. 1 10.16 10.28 10 26 6*1 ,, t* Clatskanie. A.toria and Beach point», only. CONNECTIONS—At Portland, with all tran»-coatinenta1 11 *** Northern Pacific Railwar Co. At A.toria. -with .ttamer, for San Fr.ncW» ar.d Ilwaco Ballway * Navigation Co.', be at and railway. Through ticket, .old to and from all p, int. In the East and Europ«- For further particular, apply to >. H JENKINS jf * Genl frt * J ’ ■ he teacher at Balm rema — — »tack ot th« Moumcmth Normal Mi»» tba Roa and Miss Sophia Jiordhau TUE RXRISH HOUSE. err. 'J