Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 12, 1907, Image 1

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1. XX.
Tillamook County Bank
City, Ore., August 22, 1907, as Reported
to the State Bank Examiner :
•nd Discounts ......... $125.265.88
nts and other Sccuri-
18,468 8$
4 066 21
Furniture and Fix
4.617 29
eal Estate
2 890 44
hin Banks ...
141.985 81
on Hand
Be sure to attend the
Next Meeting, Sept. 19.
Important business to
be acted on.—COME
Capital Stock ........................ ! $ 30,000.00
Deposits subject to Check ... 188,343.48
Barber Johnson claims that someone
Demand Certificates of De­
posit ......................................
7.560,73 broke into his barter shop on Friday
Time Certificates of Deposit 77,026 77 night and stole his razors, and since then
Savings Accounts ................. 15,239 20 someone broke into his residence and
Special Deposits ....................
527.86 stole some silverware and other things.
Undivided Profits ...... ..........
In the case of William G. Dwight and
Thomas Coates vs. the Tillamook Lum­
bering Co., the plaintiffs have filed an
$321,529 00
$321,529.00 amended complaint, as neither of the
plaintiffs had signed and sworn to the
I ss.
papers first filed.
M. W, Harrison, being first dnly sworn, on mr oath say that I am Presi-
Two bulls for sale, one registered Dur­
Bd Cashier of the Tillamook County B ink, and that the foregoing is a true ham. Have young stock on ranch. This
rect stu'eirent of the financial condition ot said Bank on August 22. 1907. bull was raised bv R. Scott, of Mil wau
kie, Ore , and is of the milk strain ; and
one half Durham, 4 year old.— W. D.
’Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th dnv of August, 1907
Local phone.
H. T. BOTTS, Notary Public for Oregon.
a«'..... .
Bay City school will open next Mon­
day. the following teachers being em
ployed : Ralph Moore, principal and
teacher of the high school grades ; Miss
Magnus, intermediate grades ; and Miss
Ellen Bewley, primary grades.
#2,625 .00 Buys 20 acres good bottom land partly within
city limits.
Valuable for other purposes than farming for which it is
worth more than price asked.
I One half acre across road from this piece recently sold for
Cost you nothing to investigate this real bargain in Real
.'^Present owner has reason for selling.
¡For further particulars see RALPH ACKLEY.
1 1-
Have your photo taken by McMillian
while you have the chance. You are sure
good work.
For several weeks the Headlight
will [reproduce the four pages of advertis­
Don't forget to stop at Harris' Feed
ing ¡mutter of the county, hoping our Barn, the cheapest place in the city to
¡■■bcribers will send the papers to their keep your team.
■■Kpds in the East, for this is a good
Misses Emilia and Anna Wright, of
time to advertise the county, with the
SHfrct of getting new settlers and new Teledo, have been employed to teach in
^Krprises located in Tillamook county. Fairview district.
Miss Ida Goyne and Chester Munson
commenced teaching in the Maple Leaf
H. T. Botts, for abstracts.
district on Monday.
SKpal.ic at King & Smith's,
Last week the postmastershad to keep
^■rad Tillamook County Bank notes ’ tab on all the pieces of mail passing
through their offices.
I)r. Henry E. Morris, eye specialist. *
SaBhicken wanted at Leach's Meat Mar.
sSBlivrs in bulk or jar at Mills' Cash
Hfcry little local news on the tapis this
■ou can get Japalac at King
SsjVents and
Hammocks at King and
| Miss Claire Gibson, rei.-ently from
Jown, has been engaged to teach at
Get into the habit of tracing at Patz '
laf's and receive a 5 pec cent discount
for cash.
* I
Mnvor H T. Botta returned to the citv
ort Wednesday from a bnsiiKSt trip tn
T. R. Ratcliffe, E. K. Fisk and L. M. !
Miller, of Scholls, wet» in the city un i
Mi»« Mabel Noyes will commence
teaching iu the Oreto-wu district next
Mi»» Grace Whitcbom
Monmouth tu resume ba
State Normal.
Why leave your horses
when yon can tie thgas su
Shed fur 10 cts.
will return lo
»indie» at the
Harris' Tie
Bert Stephens left last week, taking his
wife and child to Ashland, where lhev
will reside, with the hope that a change
of climate may be beneficial to Mrs. Ste
phens’ health. John Harter accompanied
them, who returned on Tuesday.
R. Y. Blalock can furnish you with
what you want in nursery stock, from
the earliest apples to the latest keeper
II lie fails to see you in Ins
rounds, drop him a line at Beaver and
he will call and take your orders.
The strength of a financial institution
is in its Capital, its assets, its honorable
record and the ability, character and
standing of the men who conduct its
affairs. We invite vour banking business
un above basis.—Tillamook County
W. H. Leach.
A. Carlson.
t.—Grant Mills
M. C. Trowbridge.
J Pestertield.
2.—Thus Lyster.
A. Christensen.
D. D. West.
Arthur McKay.
3.—L. Illingworth.
W. R. Illingworth. J, W Rush.
Archie Gist.
4.—Jane Gist.
J. G Kennedy.
A. C. Gist
5. —Marv Snider.
Wm. Tubbesing.
Wui. Schollmeyer. E. IL Lane.
L. .1. Redberg.
Wm. Christensen.
A. M. Commons.
6 —Mrs. S. II Rock.
Jennie Cone.
M. J. Cone.
7.—G. W. Phelps.
M L. Barber.
JI Spenser.
J. 11. Dunstan.
8 —A M. Ginn.
A. W.’Bunn.
A. M Hare.
9.—Alva Finley.
W. C King.
II. T Botts.
Erick Glad.
Geo. Williams.
Peter lleisel.
1Ü.—(’has. Sevenson.
8. Scovell.
C. L. Alley.
11.—H. V. Alley.
F. M. Wakeley.
Elmer Hall.
Ad di Schild.
S. C- Woods.
12—Ruth Desmond.
II. L. Sherwood.
13.—Vv. W. Cornier.
Axel Nelson.
J. U. L<>wrance.
F. P Hobaon.
John |ohns<>n.
14.—Sarah McMillan.
N. McMillan.
Martin Ripley.
Frank Crane.
15.—W. H. Hoskins.
W. S. Huie.
F. E. Morton.
II. A. Mlles.
16—W R Robedee
Gilbert Bellegue.
Jas. Taggart.
Jessie Ward.
b. C. Vai ner.
18 —F. Scheizinger.
19—F. R Wilson.
IP J. Gould.
Ira Dimond.
Lillie Edwards.
21—L. E. Webb.
U. 8. Edwards.
F. Worthington.
22—Cha« P. Nelson.
1» A. Bailey.
A. Arslill.
Henry Rogers.
Janies Bihby.
23.—T. J. Bibbv.
M. T. Chance.
24.—Dora Daniel?.
F. |. Kliuehan.
J 1. Houghton.
Louis Ludtke.
Wm. Squire«.
25,—M. D. Reading.
8. M Dailey.
Frank Fraser.
W. Wallace.
26 —Fannie Blanchard. A H. Bealv.
Seth Moon.
A. J. 1 lowser.
R O. Richards
27.—M. A. Cady.
G. R McKimens,
G°o Loerpabel.
28.—0 A. Loinmen.
F. Z iddach
J. Tomlinson.
29—Pauline Batteison. S. M. Batterson.
S. Barbara.
C. Austin.
3i). — H. Barber
A. M. Austin.
Geo. Watt.
D. A Simmons.
A. Finlayson.
31.—Lucy Doughty.
E Suares.
E O. Mills
W N. Bays.
32 —R. Y Blalock.
J. Siihmon".
33.—K. Schlappt, jr.
U. Zurfluvli.
Kasper Schlappi.
Arnold AfT'dter.
W. |). Winters.
34.—Paul Kingston.
Stephen Bauer.
A V. Brown.
11 T. Sborb.
J F. Reeher.
35 —0. a M. Adkins.
Henry Hayes.
Peter Newberg.
36.—Sarah Lainb.
R Lamb.
I) Imlah.
O. Kellotv.
J C. Mills.
87 -A. L Miller.
John Hathaway
8. W Elliott
Chas A. Elliott.
38 —L. A Elliott.
J. W. Thompson.
Jt>s. EfTenberger.
D. S. Boyakin.
39. —M. R. Bovakin.
J. A. Biggs.
Gio. Elliott.
40. —
4L—Consolidated with No. 21.
C. W. Hogan.
42. —Oscar Werscbkul. J Fleck.
T J. Bowles,
43. —Consolidated with No. 7.
Frank Yacb.
44 —B. F Murphv.
11. J. Bauley.
Earnest Haag
C. N. Johnson.
45—E. M. Johnson.
E. L. Kiunaman.
J. M 1 lai rison.
L I. Smith,
Clarence Tilden.
46—VI. E Smith.
T. M. Burton.
W. It Calkins.
47 —E. M. West.
J. A. West
A. Zimmerman.
Wm. Zimmerman. Chas. Seamon.
48 —Mav Seamon.
G. Hannenkrat.
L. Bl uivenga.
49 —S V. Anderson.
0. W. Kiunaman
W. D. Gladweli.
Jacob Nicklaus.
50 —L. N. Sandoz.
E. T. Coulson.
J. Christensen.
51.—Minnie Ely.
H. A. Ely.
It. Durachinidt.
W E Thomas.
53.—Mrs.C. E. Doughty C. E. Doughty.
To give some idea of the amount of
Another Divorce Suit.
business and its increase the last twelve
months, last year there were 38,000
A divorce suit wiis filed in the circuit
pieces of mail handled in the Tillamook court by Mrs. Ida Anderson against her
City post office during the month, and husband, Andrew Anderson. These par­
since then it has increased to 74,160 ties were married in Portland about the
pieces of mail a month.
13th Sept., 1893, there being two chil­
Clough’s Concentrated Orange Cider dren by the marriage. The grounds lor
mixed with water and sweetened to taste ihe divorce, as set out in the complaint,
makes a delicious, refreshing and health­ is that defendant has been guilty ot cruel
ful drink. It sells for 50c. a pint, which and inhuman conduct towards the plain­
is enough to make five gallons of Orange tiff. and that he has treated her in such a
manner as to render her life burdensome.
Cider ready to drink. Trj a bottle at
The plaintiff prays the court that she
Clough’s Drug Store.
may have the care, cust-xlv. control and
Jim Mapes has his hand in a sling, the
result of getting his arm injured in falling . The two large residences, which are education of the children, Olga and
being erected for Alex. McNair and F. S Waneta, and that she may be decreed to
from a log onto an ax.
Whitehouse, are nearly completed, and be the owner of one-half of all the pro-
The largest shipment of Loaded Shells which will be fine buildings in the resi
perty as described in the complaint, and
that ever came to Tillamook just receiv­ deuce portion of the city. Lawrence that the court may make such provisions
ed by King & Smith Co.
Sanders is also haying a residence built lor the support of the children as shall be
ust and proper.__________
A checking account with your home in the Sunny Mead addition.
bank shows a good business principle.—
Mrs. A. J. Cohn heard someone prowl­
Tillamook County Bank.
ing around her house and trying thp Guessing Contest for Flour
Born, to the wife ol E. Gilbert, of Bea
ver, a 13Vilb. boy, almost big enough to
feaiing & Smith make a specialty of the mop the floor with his dad.
Kint Line.
Charles Burke and family have moved
Mflastern Hams and Bacon at Mills' to the city, having rented their ranch in
Hah Store.
the south part of the county.
Mfc. L. Rice, of Sheridan, was in the citv
Miss Hazel McNair will not go to
■ Saturday.
Boston, as previously reported, but will
EgS. Humphrey, of Portland, was in the enter the State University at Eugene.
Ky oil Monday,
Rev. I>. H. Hare went to Portland the
| k . H. Snyder, of Portland, wns in the first ol the week and returned with Mrs.
and two children on Thursday.
■ky on Monday.
a good all round man on a
ttM. F. Leach will pay 10c. pe. pound
small dairy ranch. For particulars ad.
Hr your chicken.
dress G. R. Huff, Arlington, Oregon *
SlV. E Berry, of Portland. was in the
Rev. D. H. Hare will preach at Bay
•ity on Thursday.
City Presbyterian church next Sunday
Mb. S. Lindsay, of Portland, was in the morning and iu this city in the evening.
My on Wednesday.
Mrs. R. C. Cryslers. who had been in
■ A H. Decker, of Forest Grove, was in on a visit with Mr. and Mrs. |as. Wal­
Ke city on Monduy.
ton, returned to Portland on Saturday.
KK S. Hull and T. Murphy were in from
Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Sharp returned to
Bbrtland on Tuesday.
the city on Monday Irom McMinnville,
■Harris will leed your team hay and where they had been spending their
Kep them over night for 50c.
Rollie W. Watson returned home last
■E Hoag and family have returned to
week from attending the annual meeting
Me city from Brooten's springs.
of the Oregon Press Association at Sea
■ Miss Laura Beckwith, of Oklahoma, side and Astoria.
■as been engaged tu teach ilt Balm.
The roof of the court house is being
I J. W. Merrill, wife and child, of Kan-
repaired to prevent the county officials
*i* City, were in the city on Sunday.
from getting another free shower bath
| Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Watt and family the coming winter.
■rere up from Bay City on Tuesday.
The State Fair at Salem next week
■ Not the cheapest, but the " best for promises to be another interesting affn.r,
and with a good number from Tillamook
IMoney,” is the motto of Mason Bros.
county in attendance.
i Miss Clara Eichinger Commenced tra-
Mrs. M. Perkins nnd Mr» Frank Kerri
(thing in the Miami distrust on Monday.
mann and two children, who have been
E Born, at Oretown. on the 4th inst., to in on a visit, returned to their homer in
ue wile of Wm.Chtistensen. a daughter. Ashland on Saturday.
I Miss EaciefOliver will commence teach­
A. C. Hargis and wile, of Tncson.Ariz ,
ing in the Fawcett school on Monday. P. N. McCaffrey and wife, of Bay City,
I and Miss Mabie Hargis, ol Tucson. Ariz.,
[The officials of the Pacific Railway &
Navigation Company are expected in to­ > were in the city on Tuesday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wiley and granddaugh
f Don't mi»s seeing the new dining room ter, who have been visiting fiiends for
ehairs just received at lunes <4 Knud- j several weeks, will return to her home in
Bun *.
* i Portland the first of next week.
Mias Nellie Marbel will commence
teaching in the Riverdale diet rut next
>1.50 per year,
Condensed Statement of Condition of
<V Tillamook
Giande Ronde.
At last our stock of Clothing lias arrived.
We have everything to suit the most fastidious.
We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim
built and stout built.
They have the style, quality and fit.
We have also just received a large shipment of
doors at an early hour Friday morning,
and being alone in the house with her
two children, she was somewhat scared.
Next night she armed herself and was
prepared to give any uoctamal visitors
a warm reception.
A Guessing Contest begins next Mon­
day aud lasts 30 days.
Costs you nothing.
Go to Snuffer’s Store and guess at the
number of pounds of Flour on display.
I he First Prize is Six Sacks of White
Sunday was the tropical day of the River Flour ; Second Prize, Four Sacks ;
season, with the wind from the East,, Third Prize, Three Sacks ; Fourth Prize,
which made Tillamooker puff and blow. Two Sacks ; Fifth Prii’», One Sack.
To wards evening the wind change and
Every man. woman and child in the
everybody felt glad that thny could lake county has a free guess.
in a good breath again of the salty at­
mosphere. But very little east wind has
A Humane Appeal
been experienced this year.
A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind.,
Mr, U. D. Williams, 107 Went Main St.,
The steamer Sue II Elmore left Satur­ says: “ I appeal to all persona with
day, her passengers Iwing Nels Thompson weak lungs to take Dr. King's New
and wife. Mrs. Kerrimann and children, Discovery, the only remedy that has
W. D. Rhoads and wife, Mrs. Buttz and helped me and fully’ comes lip to the
children, Mrs. Kimball, G. B. Divine, G
proprietor's recommendation.” Il saves
E. May and wife, Mrs. Cunningham and more lives than all other throat and
daughter, Mrs. Cryslers, Miss J. Wooley, lung remedies put together. Used as a
Miss Luckey and C. B Prewitt.
cough and cold cure the world over.
Wanted, Organizers, eitlier sex, on Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whoop­
salary ot $1,000 a month and expenses ing cough, quinsy hemorrhages of the
tor an up to-date Association, paying lungs and builds them up Guaranteed
weekly sick and accident benefits and at (.’has. 1 Clough’s Drug store, 50c.
furnishing free medical attendants to all and $1.00, Trial bottle free.
its memliers. Liberal contract will he
made with producers of business —Ad­
Account* Must be Settled.
dress American Sick & Accidental Asso.
ciation, Buffalo, N.Y.
Having disposed of our business and
wishing to wind up our accounts as soon
While Mr. and Mrs. B 0. Snuffer were as possible, those who are owing us are
out driving on Wednesday evening at requested to call and pay at once, as we
Fairview the team became frightened and want to outstanding indebtedness paid
overturned the buggv. pitching the occu­ up without delay. Office in the First
pants out. injuring Mr. Snuffer’s shoul­ National Bank.
C ohn & Co.
der and Mrs. Snuffer’s hip, but not seri
ously* The team made a dash for town,
The Touch That Heals
and in doing so the buggv was smashed Is Hie touch of Bucklen’s Arnica Salvo.
up, the team beir.g caught in town, the It’s the happiest combination of Arnica
lines coming in contact with one ol the flowers and In sling balsams ever com.
water hydrants.
pounded. No matter liow old the sore
Coroner C. E. Reynolds has erected a or ulcer in, this Salve will cure it. For
monument over the grave of Joe Cham­ burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles, it
Guaranteed by Chan. I.
pion, the first white settler in Tillamook lias no equal.
County, in ihe Oddfellow’s cemcterv. A Clough, druggist 25c..
public subscription was taken up for the
monument, which is in white metal, and
Everybody Should Know’’
particularly suited to this damp climate. sayaC. G. Haya, a prominent business
Mr Rev Holds h«s furnish a Inrge num­ man of Bluff. Mo , that Bucklen’s Art
ber of there white met«l munnments to nica Salve is the quickest and surea-
the citizens, nnd they give general satis healing salve ever applied to a sore,
faction, for they are durable nnd retain burn or wound, or to a case of pile». I’ve
Mrs. E. L. Williams and daughter and their color.
used it and know what I'm talking
Mrs. Glenn, who had been visiting for
aboutG111 ran teed by Chas I. Clough,
several weeks with friends at Bay Citv,
The public school opened on Mondne druggist. 25c.
returned to Portland Inst week.
with « large number ot pupils, quite a
St Alphonsus Academy commenced number of whom are new pupils, the
children of parents who have recently lo­
on Monday,with every prospect that the cated in Tillamook, with the laigest num­
school year will be just as well attended
ber ol high school pupils in the history of
and as successful as previous years.
the school.
As there are quite a few
' families outsnle. the attendance will con
Ralph Ackley left this week, to begone
several weeks, going to Portland and tinue to increase for several weeks. At
other towns, and while he is away E H. present there are 47 pupils above the
eighth grade, which will be increased to
Whitney is looking after the real estate
Capital Stock........................|M,0O0.
60 in a few weeks
Offers every facility for safe hanking,
The fifth am.iver»ary edition of the
Onlv about three weeks more until we
and solicits your business.
close taking orders for fall delivery nur­ Oregon Journal ia the best illustrated
sery stoeb. If you want anything in : edition of Oregon published up to date,
Commercial, Savings and Trust De­
that line, drop us a card at once—R. Y. i and the publishers are deserving of great
I praise, for it certainly ia a beautiful edi- partment«.
Blalock. Beaver, Ore.
Interest at current rates on checking
' tion. gotten up with fine artistic taste.
Carl S. Keltv and W. H Soul«, of the It gives hundreds of splendid pktures ol accounts.
Oregonian, Lair H. Gregory, of the Tele- most rverrthing of interest ia Oregon, as
O-ir little book, ’■ Helpful Hint* on
gram, and Scott Stephens were m from well a well written articles on the state
Banking,'' explaining how to do your
Portland last week on a fishing trip, and its varied industries It is sold for
banking by mail is ready.
using shsnks pony in getting over the >1 a copy and is worth that amount.
Send fur a copy. It's free for the
county. It is to be hoped that the news-
------ „--------- ,
. ul
paper men won't haveanv tall fish varus being another valuable edition to help I asking.
to tell w hen they get back to Portland. I boom Oregoo.
Sand Lake.
Bay City.
N‘ haleni.
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery
Shoes and Hats
Always the best stock on hand.
r / jiolmes \
When you consider the merits of a Busi­
ness College remember that Shorthand
and Bookkeeping are not all. Inquire
about the
English Department is under the direction
of a Michigan
Holmes graduates are recognised by their
splendid English training. Before you de-
Ide on a School, write us for information
about our Private
Secretary course.
taught in either the day or Night School.
$ I have just opened up the most com-
píete line of
First Bank & Trust s
sI in Tillamook, all new ami Fresh. The *
prices are no higher than others.
8 *
We most cordially invite you to
come ami look at what we have and
get our prices, whether you buy or V*
opposite tne
wost unies,
the Post