TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 5. 1907 Commissioners’ Court. TIL) Furr Ü01 C II Blake II B Johnson....... Ludd Quick.......... S F Buckhs 8 M Dailey ......... Fred Robitch ... Jacob Blu.n........... Hoke Moore ....... I H Moire, team. . E|m of t he same .1 C Mills.................................... 3*. O» In the matter of the petition ol B. Im Jerry Lawallen ........................ Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu­ 13 ÍH» dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for dorf for a gateway. F L Sappington. C. Fled Lewallen........................... 13 road, the same was continued Ed Hanson ................................ ■----------------~ ■ -................................................. — In the matter of the payment of W. D. Bridge Lane .......................... 18 5o Wood f<»r constructing Nrhalem bridge, M C Kellow.............................. 9 O<‘ the work being completed, the balance Henry Mathews ...................... 2 OU was ordered paid and his bond exoner­ WORK IN R D. NO 6. ated. 4 oo In the matter of the resolutions of the A 8 Lane .................................. 5 25 Fairview Grange, it was ordered placed Claude Laue ............................. 35 5o J C Mills .................................. on file. 5 5o In the matter of the petition of the Pa. Clyde Lane............................ 15 25 cific kail was & Navigation Co. for rights Adie Laue................................... WORK IN R D. NO. 2. to use certain roads, the county judge was authorized to enter into a contract John Gal lager .... 38 5o with tbe company. 36 75 Me Johnson.................... ........... In the matter of the application of the Mart Ripley ............................ 73 5o I Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. for Frank Crane............................ 36 .50 ; permission to erect poles and wires Warren Hoskins...................... 26 25 i upon and across county roads, the same Win Hare.................................. 5 OO , was allowed under certain conditions 7o OO F P Hobson................................ I In the matter of the petition ot A. An- I Ben Johnson ............................ 3'» 25 derson and others to vacatecounty road, Geo Regan ................................. 46 OO no objection b*ing raised and the \ iewei s lohn Hickey's team 17 5o having reported favorably, and A Ander WORK I« R D NO. 5. son and E. Fleck having entered into a 2 5o contract as recommended in the report, T Coulson ........................ 12 .50 R R Creighton ................ the petition was granted. 12 5o In the matter ot the petition of Lester E Woole .......................... 12 5o Landingham and others to vacate a B Lyster............................. 2 5o O Walthers ........................ county road, the same was granted. 5 87 I ii the matter of the application of Sim E-E Cross ........................ 5 Oo Earl and others tor the location and F J Welch.......................... 3 75 establishment of a county road and the Peter Newberg................. 4 OO EaiI Ayer's team ............. vacation of another roau, the same was 6 3o II Farmer ........................ granted. 7 5o C Woole ...................... R I Boals and C. E Hawk, au­ Opposite the Post Offiee. lo oo topsy on Fred Pike ................. 30 00 L Jensen, gravel........... 5 oo 4 50 J II Holgate...................... Pacific 1 ele & Teleg Co............. 5 oo zl Arstill, supervisor ........ 101 87 Jesse Ear I............................ 2 5o John Krebs, lumber..................... 3u oo Henry Ely... ...................... 77 5o i Fred Lowry gravel....................... 13 17 Ray Rease.......................... 14 75 71 87 ■ A J Beales ....................... Guj Vaugli'i. supervisor ........ 5o 114 Lee Lyster anil team .. Walter D Wood, lumber and pil® . 6<» 5o driver...................... ................ 561 60 Ira Spencer and team 15 5o O 0 Spencer........................ Geo and Dolph Timierstet, on 17 oo contract ................................ 15o OO F S Gilbert ........................ 9 5u J C Holden, salary........................ 5o OO W Saling............................ N A Christensen, team ... 9o (X) W \V Wiley, salary and expenses 1 50 May and June ........................... 169 81 Fred Brown......... 79 5 • \V A Petteys. examining board. . 20 oo R L Huston......... OUR STYLES lo OO F M W’iley, ditto............................ 15 OO Elmer Hall......... F Davis ............. 4o oo W W Wiley, salary, express and (INKJET ............. 73c TWO JETS H3c 4 75 tiavfding July and August. . . . 167 80 K Y Blalock ........ THREE JETS. 2*i Oo John Bulba ....... W R Rutherford, eigth grade GALVANIZED.... $1.00 35 oo Manuel Borba . . and teachers’ examinations 7 OO THREE JKT3. BRASS.................. 1.25 16 5u Win Ryan...................................... lo oo J N Borba ......... 77 5« Earl Stanley................................... 7 5o 11 L leusen .......... W Bays................. Chas Ray balance due on freight 19 5o D Hess ................... 235 5 5o for Nestucca bridge................... oo 5 OO Tillamook Water Works ........... 28 oo M J Bays ............. 18 oo John Hickey, supervisor............. 61 87 Earl Ayer............. Mrs J M Bodie, county po«»r ..... 4o oo E P Mills............. 5<> Miami Lumber Co., lumber . . . 167 43 RBundy ............. 7 5*1 Jos Bixby, merchandise............. 2 25 7u R McClay ............. Headlight, printing ..................... 44 16 M A Cady............. 18 75 OCurl ................. A M Hure. salary........................ loo Oo 5 OU W D Body felt, salary ............... 39 OO C W Sears........... 1 oo H F Goodspeed, salary ............... 5o OO D II McIntyre .. 5 oo C A Johnson, salary.................... 5o OO Henry Smith....... " .............................. K Mills, salary ............................ 5o OO A Haag One Quart. at 5Oc. makes IO Gallons. Henry Crenshaw, salary............. 133 83 A Kinnaman, team................ G B Lamb, salary........................ 133 33 R I< Creighton ......... .............. G B Lamb, incidentals................. 5 40 WORK IN R D. NO. 3. P W Todd, salary........................ 91 M C. Erickson ........... W A Saling, plank........................ 15 22 If after using CARBOLIC COMPOUND you are not satisfied come and get 1' \V Davis, plank........................ 16 82 M C Trowbridge . J Rupp and team . your money back. D W Gilbert & Sons, uierchan disc......... . .................. ................ 16 98 J Kodad............. II P lohnson ......... Alvin Blum 3 oo Llovd Henry ....... James Chiistenson. supervisor .. 117 OO AHI' reeburg Glass & Prudbomme ■I 25 CM) R Zweifel ......... I 8 Stephens premium on bond 2o oo | Michaud 5 F L Sappington, plana Nehalem k Paul ..................... bridge............................ ......... 75 Ou .. F L Sappington, surveying roads 15 oo J — Eintneniiiegger Vogel.................. M W Harrison, viewei ............... 4 oo — Kutcher ............. A C Hunt, view er....................... 4 oo J S Michaud ....... W W Conder, viewer..................... 4 oo J Matejeck............. loseph W ilson, viewer ............... 4 OO F Tone ................... Cohn A Sander, lumber It 9« F Skomp ................. lillamoi'k Lumber Co................. I 43 L T By num............. E T llaltom, merchandise......... 3 85 Win Himes............. Fred Zaddack, supervisor 59 37 B Nielson and team At last our stock of Clothing has arrived. W A Williams................................ 1 3U A Nielson................. We have everything to suit the most fastidious. I M Smith, salary county phy. Rob N elson ......... sician ............................ . 78 15 tVm Maxwell and team ........ We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim C Randall, supervisor ................. 42 19 II Nielson............................ I< Kunze ....................................... 44 oo built and stout built. J J Rupp ......... .......... .................. 59 o<* Rob Maxwell and team Tillamook Lumber Co................. 186 51 Dan Billings and team. ? They have the style, quality and fit. A McNair ...................................... 26 7.1 G Hodgdun and team CONTINUED. |ones & Re.\ nolda, furniture. ... I 155 65 We have also just received a large shipment of W D Wood. Nehalem bridge ... 1 262 7.1 Henrv Lederer, damages Miami Lumber Co. lumber W D Wood, Neatucea bridge .... 4m • *IO E Reynolds, inquest and mile­ W W Wiley, expenses . 6 2o C age .............................................. Geo Bod v felt .......................... 37 IMI II V Alley .................................. 3> OO CONSISTING OF W D Wood. Nehalem bridge....... i 2< h > OO Guessing tontest for Flour. £ I have just opened up the most com­ plete line of » £ Tlv jusll. grew all p van« the F thr l »ei th< ye< hi| V« 1» 2 STAPLE & FANCY » GROCERIES in Tillamook, all new and Fresh, The £ prices are no higher than others. We most cordially invite you to £ come and look at what we have and get our prices, whether you buy or $ not. £ W. M. MILLS, MAKE A VAPOR LIKE THIS. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND Keeps the Flies off Stock CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist A Challenge. Wc will now put another up to you. namely: If you will '*• the State Fair at Salem, or th. £ , “ Horae Show, this fall (y*.ur ,|loj?,l*l place, although we prrlyr the ko“’ anil have the horses judged bv ik?'1, gular judges for such horses » make you a present of ()Ilt C dollars. This sum will put a|j(J expenses and leuve you lilt, s.'| the good, and we will have a to lhe merits ot our irsuectiv/C*.11 from judges who will he tlx mn.i petent tube found. IM* We believe our proposition to than fair, and if you hontstk * , " vou Im ve a superior horsr, von wui hesitate at this test. "•* Inorder not to leHve any loon la. we have placed the $100 in the hand a your banker, James Walton, nnd., strnctions that when you shall u signed and performed an agrttm,.!"1 the effect that you will have at Salem or Portland lor tlx purJ/! being judged in the manner hertnZL, provided that the money istohenZo you. We will give you seven dav» froinii» 29th in which to accept or reject tk proposition. Yours very truly, N ehalem HoitstC» Mr. B. N Snuftvr. Tillamook City. D esk 8m.—We lire informed that you uie charging us with cowardice because we refused Io allow our horse to Ire judged by lhe judges selected by the stock committee olthe Tillamook Coun­ ty Fair and Street Carnival. 1» justice to those who have bred to our horse and lor the protection ol our business mtei-sis. we feel called upon to make public the reasons for our having declined to allow the judges selected by said committee to pars judgment upon our horse. These reasons are set lorthiu tile following proposition submitted to you on August 23, 1907 : Tillamook, Dre , Aug. 23id, 1907. Mr. M. K. Hanneiikrat, Chairman^ Slock Coin ui It tee. Tillamook County Fair and Street Carnival. D ear S ir ,—We beg to »ay-that in en­ tering our draft stallion, Black Prince, we did so with the distinct understand­ ing with your committee that the draft stallions were to he judged by residents ol the state outside ol Tillamook Coun­ ty, known to be competent horsemen and men ol the strictest honor and in­ tegrity. We are adiised that your com- miitee has made an > Hurt to secure such judges, hut has failed ill so doing, and Ims met with much difficulty in procur­ accepted up to date, it ij ‘ " '' conlissg ing competent local men to act. ' for Three Days Longer. In view ol lhe conditions above stated, j and in view ol the interests of our horse, we ieeljustifird in making the lollowing Health In the Canal Zoni. proposition, to wit : i The high wages paid make it s nikii, lhe owner or owne.s of the horse temptation to our young i rtiaaiu Z judged to be the poorest l>v the judges join the force of skilled workmen M appointed by vour committee shall, at ed to construct the Panama Canal' the option ol the owner or owners ol the Many are restrained however. Ilgis horse so classed, have the right of appeal knowing ones—those who have m to the judges of draft stallions al the Electric Bitters, who go them with™ State Fair ol Salem, or mi case of the re­ this fear, well knowing they are all fusal ol the said judges to act. then the from malarious influence with Electee Slate Veterinary and one other veteri Bitters on hand. Cures blood po^ nary of recognised ability and integrity too, biliousness, weakness and sIlKeal shall be chosen to act and pass judgment ach. liver and kidney troubles. Guam, on said horses. Providing, if an appeal teed by Chas. I Clough, druggirt. JOt shall be taken, the three draft stallions in competition here shall lie removed to . Lame Back. Salem or Portland, as the case may he, This is an ailment for which Cbamhw- within thirty days from this date lor the lam's Pain Balm has proven especiih purpose of being judged. valuable. Ill almost every insUi.cc i To indicate our absolute good faith in affords prompt and |xi inanenc rrW. this matter we herewith hand you a cer­ Mr. Luke LaGrange, of Otange, Huh tified check for two hundred dollars, says |offit: After using u plaskrw which sum we agree to forfeit lor the other remedies for three week lor iQ Fair Fund ot 1908,or the Fourth of July lame back, I purchased a buttle 4 celebration of 1908, in case we tail to lx Chamberlain's Pain Palm, andtwoii on hand at Salem or Portland as above plications effected a cure. Foruhn agreed upon, with our horse, and we Clough’s Drug Store. shall require that the ownerssf the other two horses snaildeposit with you a check Sudden Attack of Dysentery of one hundred dollars each to be used Cured. lor the same purpose as lhe check here A prominent lady of Brooklyn, N, Y, with handed you Upon written accep­ writes to inquire where she can oku tance by Charles Ray and B. 0. Snuffet Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Disn- ot the above proposition we will allow hoea Remedy. She says: "Wlili the judges appointed by your committee stopping at a ranch in South Diakoa I to pass judgment, otherwise we shall was taken ill of what seemed tola withdraw our horse. cholera. They gave me some of tin Respectfully submitted, medicine and ii cured me. I broughti N ehalem H orse C o ” bottle home and have just used the lai This proposition was made because we of it today. Mother was talon mi ’wislied to have an absolutely impartial denly ill of dysentery and it helped h« decision, one not influenced in any way immediately." For sale by Clouglu by local bias or prejudice. Drug Store. M r S nuffer ,—Last year when Messrs. Witliycouihe, President of the State Ag- Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy licultural College at Corvallis ; [. IV. One of the Best on the Markit Builev, State Food and Dairy Commis For many years Chainixrlain's G«|i sioner ; and Prof Kent, member of the Remedy lias constantly gamed in fir« faculty ot the State Agricultural College, and popularity until it is now one of Ilk gave the blue ribbon to our horse, the most staple medicines in use and liioi red one to the Cloverdale horse.and gave enormous sale. It is intended especially your horse third place, you accused these for acute throat and lung diseaM, Mkt honorable gentlemen ol bad laith. We, as coughs, colds and croup, sod cm at that time, offered vou every remedy always be depended upon. It is pleutK that a reasonable man could ask, offer­ and safe to take and is undoubtedly * ing to submit the question to any horse­ la-st in the market for the purpsuli man recognized as qualified to judge whicii it is intended. Sold by Cluugki horses. Drug Store. ^2T£ ":y. thi sha,len^ ^ui You Should Try OLYMPIC FLiOUR It leads in popularity because it 11« always been as perfect as flour can be made For light, white, good-tasting bread thereii no other to equal it. You want the best when the price is no higher. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING i YOUR GROCER CAN SUPPLY YOU. THE PORTLAND FOURING Ml COMPANY '5 g s Furnishing Goods, Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery. WORK IN R D. NO 6 II P Ollis ................................... A Imlab..................................... . # James Imlah ......... ...................... John Jenck .................................. Geo Murphy................................ AI Bowman ..................... Martin Jenck ................... Wm Glick ....................... F>ank Owens ....... . .................... Geo Baxter .................................. J< e Stienmassl ............... Paul Kingtion ................. Dell Winteia ............ .7.7. Arnold Affalter.............................. F Sc he i zinger Wui Webb ................................. ounds of Flour on display. Hie First Prize is Six Sacks of White Kiver Flour ; Second Prize, Four Sack« Third Prize. Three Sacks , Fourth Prize,' Two Sacks ; Filth Prize. One Suck. Every man. woman and child in the county has a free guess. 25 50 25 5o 25 00 5o 00 00 00 50 50 ,50 50 25 25 00 tk> IM 00 w .50 ] lot 2 62 5 7 17 22 22 6 6 9 27 27 2o 22 It 15 mi 1 00 81 50 Attack of Diarrhoea Cured bv One Dose cf Chamberlain’s Coilc, Cholera and Diarr­ hoea Remedy. I was so weak fn.ui an attack of d'arr hoea that 1 could scarcely attend at my dut.Hi, When I took a dose of Chamber lalns Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cmetl me entirely end I had beeii taking other medicine for nine days without relief. I heartily recom mend this remedy as being the beet to my knowledge foi bowel complaints — R. G S tewart . ..f the fl,.,, of Stewart .. ; 9”’*’»'»* Ala. For sale bv 50 Llough r Dr uk Store. 00 75 S1OO Reward, SIOO. 50 The yead.r. of thl. paper will bo Dlr....I i. IO !?*!**.»*'»'l••l.t one dr*'.«led di-w... 50 72 46 z weii« .............. ’..7.7777 7.7* 69 John Kvhield .... 32 D 1) West 62 so GeoOMa................... 10 50 Lew Ekl’ f ............. 72 25 A Schleid........................... 7.7 15 O0 Wu> Hiatt .............. 7. . .7........ «1 0O Wm Robitcli . 70 25 D B Derby............. 7..77777 25 ■0 Chas De4n o id ................ 37 5o 1 Glen Apwlev...................... 20 75 j Ben Turn' r 87 ’0 Casper 8cl lappi 77. 36 Si N .A Bertlon * ’ ** 4 42 50 Lewis Edgar 2; 75 Ih.tKience I*.« been able to cure In all it. «M« »¿«I that I. Catarrh ll.ll'a < ¡tarrh L'2Tu!lwe.O",!! po,,,l’r» "»< known to the J” fraternity Catarrh helix a con.titn- !i7»r d,»Tir " mn«htnWon.nl treat U h *. 2*2 J,0»'*"* C«i» i» taken Intern.llv actii.f directly npon the blood and naoiii thereby de.tro.ini the foundation of the *»« oTtaati- 2&.t. C0 “ 0 Take Mall's family Pills for constipation. Well, we did not fill one half of our calls last year. With our new Private Secretary Course, so much in demand, we do not expect to he able to fill one-fourth of the calls this year. That means a fine position for you If you are a Private Secretary graduate. Write for Information about this course before you decide upon a Business School. WHITE TO DESK T Red Front Shoe Store Has received a fine ment of Fall and ^inttr SHOES, consisting * Men’s and Woman's^ wear of the best qiuddl I have also a FINE STO^ of Boy's and School Shoes, solid t* leather, insole and ters. No paste counters. My Children’s Shoes are the best in the City- run all over town looking for cheap shoes. the Red Shoe Store, where you will find the that you are looking tor. Charge for Sewing rips on Shoes bought of ug- P. F. BROWNE, A0€»v "" ___ -, Halm tXIIlK Mr- the teacher «I »«"" N ,rt| Blavk of the Mourn""“' >• Ut, th» Kow au J Mi»» ST. AI.PHOSSVS THE r-\R1SH HulSE‘ academy .