TILLAMOOK AdvertisinK Ratea T1 Ft LKUAL AbVEkTlSMENTH : First Insellimi. perline $ Each subsequent insertion, line.... Business and professional cards, 1 month ...................................... Homestead Notices.......................... Timber Claims ................ .......... L «cd», per line euch insertion . .. Display advertisement, an inch. I month .......................... ... All Resolutions of Condolence Lo Ige Notices. 5c. p«-r liu*. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line Notices, Lost, Stiayed or Stolen, etc minimum rate, 25c. not exceedii g fivt lines. Blundering HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 22, 190 / 'Latest r Announcement. The Oregon Cheese Co.Jncorported, the first class is | prepared to buy all 1 CJ i nnon •. cheese that conies along Spot cash and highest price. 1 Factory men will do well to see K. Robinson, the mana— He will be in ger, before selling Tillamook a g< ood part of the time dur- Only the best stock ing the season wanted. It il the time on all the points of the sub­ ject treated? Yet the want of chanty mat many good people show toward a child who gives an absurd answer would indicate that children's minds were be­ lieved by tiieiu to be not only mature but omniscient. 1» it not strange that the schoolmaster come» in for so large a Centura on ac count of the Imperfections of the human race ? Is the clergyman held up t< acorn on account of the prevalence o' false doctrines ami immoral practice» which it is hi’ mission to remove ? li­ the advocate of temperance reviled foi the prevalence of (he v«ce wl.ich it is his study to discourage? No. But the teacher, unless his work displays ahfto lute ayiunietry, is held accountable for all the imperfections of mind—mind in process of growth in the individual and not yet full grown in the race. Some children learn and forget ; some I believe every person, old or young, rich or poor, should fail to learn; soma effect an undeistar.d- have a “square deal/’ and I am here to give it to you. In iug of subjects which they do not possess; some are self.deceived in respect case you do not need glasses I will tell you so. I have told to their understanding of the subjects, several this the past week. and labor under honest misapprehen If your eyes are diseased I am in a position to discover it, siun and some have not the metal call her to grasp and retain and digest their and will not trifle with anything so valuable as eye sight, and studies ; yet all are regarded by narrow will promptly recommend medical treatment if you require it. minded scoffers from the same stand If you do need glasses I do not fit you up with a dollar i)«»int. “ Results!” “results!’’ is the cry. Nothing is said of material or means. pair and charge you $10.00 for them. You pay just what they Piofessioni dealing with maturit} are worth and no more. The price is regulated by the style, fall short of their highest expectations and are blameless; but the teacher’s quality and complications of glasses you require. calling fails to impart to immaturity— I have a finely appointed operating room equipped with to mere infants—infalihility of judg the latest instruments, tests, charts, etc., for the thorough inent unbounded knowledge of fact and the nicest discernment of the most com testing of the eve for the purpose of fitting glasses, either for plex relations, and. Io! It is lead out of the most complicated or the “common every day kind.” the category of useful occupations I am especially equipped for the handling of children’s U hat does the woild do for the school­ master that it should expect so much of cases, especially if their eyes are weak, near or far sighted, or him? W hy should he alone he expected they have headaches or their eyes are crossed. to give to human nature what Omni­ potence fails to impart? To demand I do not have any of the long, drawnout, tiresome and from the tiachei perfection in woi k is painful, bicknumbered tests, but use all the later day short a» flattei ing, but as silly, as the a we in cuts. Positive, sure and quick. which he is held by his pupils, and such demand can only come from one whose I positively guarantee my work to le satisfactory and I ignorance and perversity it was some am ever ready to “Make Good.” poor teacher’s misfortune not to have on removed. I hope all who can consistently do so will stand by me i (granted that a number of pupils re , need this platform when they have trouble with their eyes, turn several ridiculous answers to a list their glasses changed, or need to have new ones fitted, or at of fair, searching questions. What dues it prove? Is a teacher to be cen­ least call and talk the matter over with me and I will appre­ sured if a pupil, from the depths of his ciate the favor if they will ask their friends to do likewise. own originality, dashes at him the in­ formal ion that *'the Ohio ia one of the tribulations of the Mississippi?’’ Yet tlist answer from a pupil would con­ demn a teache« in the eyes of a < a| t ous, mousing epic. Chldien’s mistakes generallv arise from their imperfect knowledge of the language in which their exercises ate carried on. English speaking children are particularly un foitunate in this respect. And is it strange? A complete mastery of our r.et- lixe tongue requires a knowledge of one, ami some would say two dead languages. I Buy Organs. M»‘ti spend their lives at the task of children are moie comically incorrect <*oiiqnriing its difficulties, and unlet-s than the wildest absuidities of A’tema- , I want to I hiv several Organs to sup- thev have genius, do not entirely sue. Wartl, or of Petroleum V. Nasbv; and 1 ply a greater demand than 1 have new vied, and yet, philosophers that we are, the cause of the phenomenon is— I ones lor. we make fun " of a twelve year old they aie the work «»f children. Children 1 can save freight in on new ones, too, child, if he cannot give lucid ex plana learn mostly hv theii former mistakes; when they can be secured here. lions of international law, and constitu all animals learn by their former mis­ What have you got and what’s the tional government. and political takes, except kings, priests and poli­ cash price ? economy, at a period of life in which he ticians. Time and iteration are elements J. M WARD. is tuore interested in base ball than in of education. The greater part of every Next door to Fatzlai’s. Tillamook, the Cuban question; in kites, than in science must be mustered before its use Salesman, Eders Piano House. and heautv dawn upon the mind. The the 8panish war. or the war of 1812. Two things are easy to «Io: to find child sees no meaning in the alphabet fault, anti to ask questions. If you Definitions and tachidcalitiea take up Dairy Ranch for Sale. want to cultivate chat ity fur a blunder­ the eaily pollion of almost every blanch What a child does not under A dairy ranch of 250 acres, including ing school boy, ” put yum self in his of study place” 111 a public examination. When stand is to him an abstraction, and any 100 acres of timber house, barn. 12 the lawyeift, editors, judges, clergymen thing in which he is not inteiested he i* bead of cows, team, wagon, harness, and bookkeepers of a city compare with inapt at understanding Is it st range.I lien, mowing machine, hack, brood sow and its St'hool children at their annual ex­ that with his half Hiiishe I education and 9 »boats, 9 head of spring calves, bull, amination. and the afuiesaid lawyers, half-developed faculties he should make and other farm implements. A bargain editors, judges, cletgymen and book absurd mistakes ? To condemn him and if suiti soon. 0*2 miles from Tillamook keepers aiaiiest helper fails to take root, or is misconceived, the . bv addressing Harvey Sargent, 779 East after 50 is Electric Bitters, the scientific world is ba 1 king at our h»*elft. The , 29th street, Fori land. Ore. tonic medicine that revitalizes every very nu'iil»er ami Absurdity of the mis- I organ of the hotly. Guaranteed by lakes o it pupils commit show how | Organ» to Sell (’has I Cl High, druggist. 50c. much ve aevompheh. The rollinguiill I am exchanging for and pnrvhasing that turn« out thouminds of tons of good durable sccuod hand organs light Endorsed By the County. finished material, has a larger scrap along. " The nitHt populaj remedy in Otsego heap tlinn the one that turns out only It not a new organ, Wh> nut one of County, and the l>est friend of my fami­ hundreds. Were the recipients of our these ? ly. writes Wm. M. Dieiz. editor and labor mateiial, we should be reaponsible Will «ell on cash or time. publisher <e in spite of the adap I M WARD. making short work of the worst of I hem. lability of the syateui. and the skill and Salesman Eilers Piano House. We al wavs keep a bottle in the house. diligence of the worker» Next dour to Patzlal s. Tillamook I I elieve it to Ithe moat valuable pr«- Do we attempt too much ? We do *v»iption known for Lung anti Throat not. Ami did «e Attempt leas, those Remedy for Diar rhoea. Never diseases ” Guaranteed to never dis. who now find fault with our work Known to Fail. appoint (he taker, bv Chas I Clough's wculd I m * first to cry cut and deplore I lie “ I «rant to say a few words for Cham. neglect of such and such branches, and berlAin's Colic. Cholera nod Iharrlwea Di ug store. Price 50c. and |l QO. Trial to condemn the ilhbeialitv which would , Remedy. I have us* 3 this prepnration boule free. have such and mii *’I i subject» untamohed. in my family for the p i st five years and We must teach all the common English have recoinn.r-nded it to a number of “ Regular as the Sun” 11 inches to give our youth a fair educa­ people in York countv and lorve never I a an ex premio«* ax old ax (be race, No tion The errors that our pupils Are known It to fail to affect a cure in anv j.baibt the rifting and siting n( the aim guiltv of. prove or.ly that we must du instance I feel that I cannot say loo ia the moet regu'ar performance in the our duty, continue leaching, leaching, _ . . . alii «IIUVII much If« for rhe best irrnm» leme.h «>| of (lit* tlie Kin kin<| in , un I ve ree. unlem It i» the action of the teaching . “ for the mimi« of children are lh. J um » ox . <»,„« I live» anti liowels when regulated with immature, __ ____ __ __ ,,,p* _ r’ I Y-wk County. Pa Th,, .en.ydv ls for r’ H "J Zu. I ' Dr King a New Life Pilh. Guaranteed The B hi*l fit m wnltcii Mriltcu txtrcitwsof exercises of noiiir some 1 by 1 . , Clough m .. « s Drug i. • • Stole. J by vbas. i. Clvugh, druggist 2ôc. Examinations Free. DR. HENRY E. MORRIS, Eye Specialist. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. I • -—..nth« «- £-• “■ 1 X» o< u* MO"’*’’"«’ Nl *m^ tl,h.u in office. the PAR»»« Hovsa. Taxes paid for non. Residents. Office opposite Post Office. Roth phones. W.H COOPER A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook , O regon . C arl haberlach 126 Fifth Street, Portland. Reference, Tillamook County Bank ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ^bvDhat, Office across the street and north fro* The Best Hotel. the Post Office. THE ALLEN HOUSE, H. GOYNE, AJA J. P. AL i UEN, Proprietor. A ttorney - at -L aw . Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . Candidate for your work in the Optical Line. Here is my Platform : IW” Complete set of Abstract Books THE OREGON CHEESE COMPANY, Innocents [ t > EDITOR OF TILLAMOOK HHADLKiHl J fL T. BOTTS, • A ttorney - at -L aw . You Use Them. We Sell Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO A. W. A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook Q H. Next Door to Tillamook County Bank Fir and Spruce Lumber. SEVERANCE O regon . UPTON, Pb.C.,M.D, P pysician and S urgeon . Office first door East of F. R, Beals’ office. Spruce and Cedar Shingles. Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty R. T. BOALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Ur'lers for Lumber promptly attended to. TILLAMOOK LUMBER. COMPANY TILLAMOOK. Office; Olson Building. Residence: Mr». Walker’s. . yflk jtfk JÔL A »Ar jftt A A A Ä A AA AA A A Ar Ar A A A Ar jA. Ä r A. K. CASE, » j l l i j lj c i I Tillamook Iron Works 4 General Machinists & Blacksmiths. PROPRIETOR Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. Fine Machine Work a Specialty. OREGON. TILLAMOOK, C. HAWK, " 5 h » ► J The Largest Mailorder Liquor House on the Pacific Coast. MIKE JACOB & COMPANY, 51 FRONT STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON. Buy your LIQUORS direct from the WHOLESALE HOUSE at WHOLESALE PRICES and save the middle MAN’S PRO. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. 'J^HOMAS W. ROSS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office : Opposite Post Office. Residence : Allen House, Tillamook, Oit R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. FIT, which n.eans50to 101 per cent on your PURCHASES. We are offering for the next 60 days as follows: 2.500 Gallons of Double Stamp Whiskies, Regular price, $5 OJ per gallon................................... .at (3.50 per gal. 2.500 Gallons of Pure Old Rve Blend U hiskies, Regular price, $6 00 per gallon ................................... at $4.00 per gal. 2,50.) Gallons ol Pure Old Bourbon Blend Whiskies, Regular price. |6 00 per gallon................................... 2,5<>O Gallons of Lyon Rye or Bourbon Blend, RfKuhr price, »5 00 per gallon ............................................................. |3 qq R a ) 5,000 Gallons of Fine 01.1 California Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscat, Madera and Malaga, Regular price. $2 50 per gallon............................................................. 50 p,, ggl Freight and Express Prepaid and no Charge for Cooperage. 500 Cases ol McBrayer vt hiskey, bottled in bond. at 500 Cases of Millview Whiskey, bottled in bond. .nt 500 Cases of Stanford Rye Whiskey. Pure Blend ........................ at 500 Cases of Ranier Bourbon Whisker. Pure Blend ...... .. "....".at 5,000 Cases of Pori, Sherry. Angelica. Muscat, Tokar, Madera and Malaga...................................................................... .. $12.00 per doz $10.00 fier doz. $11 00 per doz. $11.00 per doz. J~JR. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street fro® Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. SARCHET, 4- . The Fashionable T»il* Cleaning, Pressing and Rep** ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photograph Gallery. $4.00 per doz On Five Case Lots we allow a discount,of 50c. on each Case. Of five and ten gallon kegs and half barrel Lots we allow a discount of 25c. per gal. J^OBERT A. MILLER, A ttorney - at -L aw , Land Titles, Laud Office I* ness and Mining L**- PORTLAND, MIKE JACOB & CO ■J 51 Front Street, Portland, Ore Centrally Lioeated. Rates, $1 Per day LARSEN HOUSE, M. H. LtAf^SEfl, Proprietor. TILLAMOOK. OREGON The Beat Hotel in the city. No Chine.a Employed. O««®* Room, 306 Commercial Did You Ever Try HARRIS’S NEW FEE» LIVERY BARN, If not, give him a cal1- Everything first-class. block South of P 0" W. G. HARRIS, IW