f TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 15, 190 <« I Obituary Notice. klOü!! FINAL CLEARANCE SALE Of Entire Stock of Wash Dress Goods. ■ Not a Yard in Stock but what have been unmercifully Cut in Price. Take advantage if you would have Dollars do Double Duty. NE W SKIR TS for FALL 150 Street and Dress Skirts TI Fl' just received. New, latest style garments, everv one of them, and tailored in that characteristic high class manner which has made the llaltom Garment Section famous throughout Tillamook County. These new Garments are in the pleated and fancy Some strapped trimmed, gored efleets others plain. High grade fancy Worsteds, Broadcloth, Chiffoon Broadcloth and Pana­ ma in light, dark and medium shades, also plain black. They’ll go in a hurry for no woman who examines them can fail to rea­ lize that the values are absolutely un match able at $4.75 to $15.00. Think of buying stylish Wash Suits at prices reduced from $2.75 to $1.50 ; regular $6.25 reduced to $3.95 ; $7.50 Suits re­ duced to $4.95. That is what we are offering shrewd shoppers up to S aturday , A ugust 24TH. More of dash and style and exclusiveuess and actual worth than you can imagine. No need to say more. You shouldn’t require urgiug to save money. There will be many happy women in this community during the next few days. You will be one of them if you are fortunate enough to get one of these suits. There are 29 of these suits made of corded and plain duck—white, blue and tan. Eton and Poney Jackets, suspender style, etc. All are prettily trimmed with braids—regular $2.75 suits reduced to $1.50 ; regular $6.25 suits reduced to $3 95 ; regular I7.50 suits reduced to $4.95. A fatal accident happened on Saturday afternoon at the Miami Lumber Com pany’s saw mill at Hobsonville. when E. Nl. Porter, who has worked hi the mill for a number of years, being employ ed as oiler, was caught by the shall and thrown onto the fly wheel, making a com plete revolution between the belt and wheel. He was lubricating the machi nery at the time when his clothes caught, and as soon as the accident was dis covered the machinery was stopped Drs. R. T. Boah, of this citv, and Dr. W. i U. Hawk, of Bay Citv. were called and found that the unfortunate man s left shoulder was mangled, the left arm fé broken in several places, the top ol the I lung crushed, and the head badly cut and bruised, but little hope was enter tained as to his recovery,for the amount ot hemorrhage made this almost impos­ sible. He died at two o’clock on Sunday morning, having regained consciousness long enough to tell how the accident happened. The remains were buried on Monday in the Oddfellows'cemetery. Deceased was a native of ibis state, and was born at Forest Grove, Wash­ ington Countv, August 29th, 1853 His age at the time of his death was 53 years, 11 months, 13 days. He was the eldest of three children born to Robert M. and Caroline Porter and is survived by but one member of the family, a sister, Tabitha I Cooper, wife of Deputy District Attorney W. H Cooper, who resides in Tillamook City I His parents were Oregon pioneers, and ' his grand-parents crossed the plains in the early 40’s, the grandfather on his ■ mother’s side having come to Oregon with his mother, Tabitha Brown, who was one of the founders of the Pacific University at Forest Grove In 1885, Mr. Porter came to T ilia j mook county, where be liveil to the time of his death. He was an upright, conscientious citi zen, and a believer in Christianity, having been for many venra a church adherent. In disposition he was gentle and retiring, always having had a few close friends; and above all. was ever j found faithful in the performance of whatever duties lay before him. Everyone in need of Clothing should take advantage of the many bargains we are offering in Men’s new Clothing. We offer every inducement to the prudent clothing Large assortments. The latest buyer, styles. Positively the Lowest Prices. Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! 44 C ases received on the last steamer. Any style, any leather you may want for Man, Woman or Child. Just Received—Fall style coats for women and misses. American Lady Corsets, 13 different models, 50 cents to $3 50. Dress Waistings. Fancy Waistings. Heather­ bloom and Satteen Petticoats, Underwear, etc. ■«« We suppose that Charley’s Tillamook Guards will run in anyone who may mis conduct thenfselves at the Fair. * * * To make the annual Tillamook Coun­ ty Fair an I Street Carnival a success it ia necessary for everybody interested, especially the committees, to get busy at once. * * * The strike mania appears to have started in earnest, the telegraphers hav­ ing gone out this week We would sug­ gest that the Oregon editors go on strike for eight hours work, eight hours sleep, eight hours recreation and eight dollars a day. * * * Those who think that 50c an inch per month for business ads is too high have a poor opinion as to the cost ol running a newspaper. The Tillamook new spapet s are doing this work too cheap, for it ought to be 75c. per inch, and 11 would be somewhere near what it is worth w * * There are quite a number who are desirous of wearing the senatorial toga, but Charley Fulton is good enough and there is no need to make a change. But it is the same old plan No sooner does a person get into office, when others, to get into office themselves, make plans to defeat them Oregon will gain nothing bv keep changing the delegation at Washington. * w * Last year a large number of dairvmen and others appeared to regret that tliev lmd not entered their stock in the stock show and exhibited their products, lor it was their opinion that they would have carried oft the pemitun had tliev done so Those who have stock or any farm pro ducts worth exhibiting should send it in. for there ought to be a fine display ot farm products at the county fair. * * * Those who take interest in improving the breed of their dairy and other s»ovk should make a point of exhibiting a few animals at the County Fair next week By doing so it will not onlv give people an opportunity of seeing wh it they are doing, but it will make a good show Most every dairyman has avow or horse that is worth exhibiting, or other stock, and it is to tie hoped that they will enter them for the fair. * * ♦ The Bogy Men who predicts I (hit if Lane county went “dry” Eugens would lie dead and the business would drop out of that classic citv lrom all accounts Eugene is putting on metropolitan airs quite raptdlr, growing taster and doing more business than any vallev town e are. inclined to nek whether Eugenes Bogy Men have gone on u summer * va cation, to avoid the rush ot business and the live corps- w hich ia making things hum in Lane county. « « V The year 1907 will be the banner year for profitable dairying in Tillamook county, and although previous years have been highly profitable, the prevail* mg high prices for butter fat will cap the climax, fully demonstrating again that Tillamook it an ideal county for successful dairying One important fea- ture abont dairying in this county is the that dairy men raise their own feed, at to crop failures, c> douce, Uu* ■ ►I I Savings I Recounts 1 Card of Thanks We desire to express our thanks to the | maiiv friends who showed so much kind ness to Mis Lizzie Beals during her sick­ ness and for the many tokens of svm paty to us on account of her death. M r . and M rs F R B eals I M r and M rs . A G. B eals . Notice. W. M. MILLS Opposite the Post Office. Opened with a deposit of $1.00 or more. F \\’e furnish free a r H Savings Bank or not. as desired. We pay 4 Per Cent Interest, compounded twice a year on Sav­ ings Accounts. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING i I Capital, >30,000. Resources over $¿50,000 B Tillamook County Bank. M. W. HARRISON, C ashier È ê g ■ I g At last our stock of Clothing has arrived. We have everything to suit the most fastidious. We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim built and stout built. They have the style, quality and fit. We have also just received a large shipment of Furnishing Goods, CONSISTING OF Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery. Ì Ì g Shoes and Hats Always the best stock oil hand. TODD & CO , Tillamook, Oregon. Opened up for Business. SAPPINGTON & CO The Limit of Life. The oiost eminent medical scientMU h are unanimous in the oonelusiun that tlie generally accepted limitation of human life is many years below the at tmnment possible with tlie advanced knowledge of which the roce is now possessed. The critical period, that de­ A termines its duration, seem to tie be tween 50 ami fltt; the proper care of tlie liody during this decade cannot be too Strongly Urged ; carelessness then tieina fatal to lotigevi'y Nature's liest helper after 50 is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body. Guaranteed by Chas. I UloUgh, druggist. 5Ue. * Subject to Govern­ ment examination and required to publish H statements under the new State Banking Law. State Depository. ■ » sii I i Fall stock of Men’s Hats are now on dis­ play. Stiff Hats in the latest Blocks. Stetson and Star Hats in the Telescope and College style and all staple shapes. zardt, excessive heat or intense cold, this is a inattc’ which does not concern the people of Tillamook countv, for tliev are unknown here. With the cheese market ■ again on the jump, and with the assur­ ance that the price of cheese will continue high for the remainder of the year, it is plain to see that this is going to be the banner year for high prices, and it this countv could have produced twice the amount of cheese there would still be the great demand for the famous Tillamook cheese, which is at a premium on the markets We give below the price of butter fat at several of the factories for -* 1 he first six months of this year, and it is no uncommon thing for dairymen to re ceive from $12 to $14 per month for each cow in I heir daity herds These figures are furnished by Mr. Carl Haber- laeh, who is the secretary to factories : Maule Leaf Creamery—January. 32.2c. ; February, 34c ; March. 35l/3C. ; April, 34.6c. ; May, 35e ; June, 33c. ■ Tillamook Creamery—January. 30 4c ; ; ? February, 30 Vs»?. March. 37 5c. ; April, 36c ; May, 35 7c. ; June. 34 2c Fairview Dairy Association—January, i 29 4c. ; February, 30 6c : March, 34 l-7c. ; April. 36c. ; May, 34c ; June. 33.8c. Clover Leaf Creamery—February. 37c ; March, 35.2c. ; April, 35.3c ; May. 35H-- ; June, 34c. Three Rivera Creamery—Xpril, 35.6c ; May. 35 lc. ; June. 33 9c. Medn Co operative Creamery—March. 34 8c. : April, 33 3c May, 31.7c. ; June. 31 5c. Pleasant Valley Creamery—March. 36c. ; April, 34.5c ; May, 33.5c. ; June, .T 31.5c. Hanneukrat & Earl—Match, 37c ; April, 34c. ; May, 31.7c. in Tillamook, all new and Fresh. The prices are no higher than others. We most cordially invite you to come and look at vvliat we have and get our prices, whether you buy or not. E M Porter Caught in Machinery and Whirled Over Flywheel HALTOM’S. The%œ,CuttHALTOM’S. Editorial Snap Shots. STAPLE«. FANCY GROCERIES FATAL SAW MILL ACCIDENT MEN’S NEW CLOTHING MODER A TEL Y PRICED. LADIES’ WASH SUITS AT CLEARANCE PRICES. 1 have just opened up the most com­ plete line of Mr. Lillie Beals, mother ol Mr F- «• Beals ...... Reprewril-uve A G f eats. I who died on lire 5-h August mFortland. hadlbeen ailing lor M tn rears, ami • » ■ last alternative « surgical ope 1 w„ rcorte.1 to. whrch residue) ... her death at the Good Samaritan ho»p 1» . where she had been taken front here two weeks previous The remnm. were brought bavkand laidto rest m theO-M fellows' cemetery on rhuradny ol las week a number of friends attending tlie funeral in token of respect for the dices, ed ladv and tn sympathy with tlie lie reaver) relatives, for Mrs Beals w»« » woman who was much respected bv an who knew Iter Deceased was born m Canada in 1H*5, her maiden name bemg Miss Lurie Loveland. Her pirents re moved to t’ennsvlvauia when she was quite vouug. «here she resided until coining to Tillamook three tears ago. She was married to Mr Horace Beal» or 1861. Of the marriage two vhihhen were born, F. R and A G Beals. Mrs Beal, began a Christian Ide and united with the Christian church when hot a child. She always took an active part in Christian work and was for years Sabbath school superintendent. She es­ tablished a flourishing Sabbath svhool at Fairview, in this countv, but was obliged to ghe up the work berause ol declirmig health In the East, where she resided, she was respected and be loved by all who knew her The heresv ed relatives have the sympathyola large circle of friends in the loss of a loving and affectionate mother. A Full bine of Groceries Flour, Feed, Tinuuare and Croekery. We CUant all Kinds of Produee. Call and See Us. Ooposite th« Olsen Building » Tillamook Rotti- Endorsed By the County. The most populaj remedy in Otsego Comity, and the best friend of my fami­ ly.” writes Wui. M. Dietz, editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal Gil- bertsville. NY.. • is Dr King's ’ New Discovery. It has proved to lie an in­ fallible cure for coughs and colds making short work of the worst -f them’ We always keep a bottle in the house' I believe it to be the most valuable pr< - ' scription known for I.uog and Throat diseases.” Guaranteed to never dis appoint the taker, bv Chas I Clough's Drugstore. Price 50c. and $1 00 Trial bottle Ire**. Cal ■»■th L»r*e of Ph and wife, Oakland. Cal.; O*c,rJ’t' ■took & Arrival* at Allen House. man, J. R. Hicks. NehalMi; "■ i Ducey. Hobeonville ; John L. II. White. K. M. Hnllsnti. Ju«“ land, Albert Smith. Portland. Wednesday.—E. J. Harris. C. W. Prentiss, Seattle ; 8. Portland , Gust Jansen. Cspe Mrs. T. B Stone, Sheridan. Mi«Je,. Miller, Buell; Lem Parker, G. ”■ cott, B. I. Russell, J. H. «»'¿•h.' Armsload. E. A. Hanson. P. Mrs. A C. V. Berry. I Henderson Sheridan. Allan s1“.^ family, D B. Adams and family. ' X. irjl Je«e Hobson. Portland ; II G Cainn. Grove- Thursday —J. D. Edward«. "nd «“'• * Snnerehu and w.“e P Baker, Chas. H. Laske, H. M. w.fe Mr?/ ” e< .W P _ n;fm.^Äna?i. V P'"OO"h' « J Portland. Arrivals at Garibaldi . M. Job" II. B»kerrPClo’vtr Nehalem; Rev. C. L. Creesy. w Miss M. A Creesv, Spokane. M* Pebley, Mr. and Mrs. A. E HeNJL, Orcffofi Citv \i u .A. I imide, s B^Ubtirook’ Ro‘**"’ Sal-; J*™ and Mrs. R. C. Hury Lloyd "j® Lafayelle; Jesse Hobson. Port« ' LeÄ-G~W H S t ST-"' t. B. and Mrs. D. A. Snyder, E»a ■ , Thomae W s vv'm Tho'’’al•. Getald i Dayton ; H. F. Yergen, Ruconick. Portland ; J. j wife, Forest Grove. George An«'* tl] « ife, R. McBubbe. S. B. Hdliboro M’ L"ochUn'C. eXckson’ J. Russell, M. W. Pareltu«. F red Moers, W. A. Willi*'»» »*£M ÄnünHd. C’ P,n"'"' Boor- Miss Jones. Foreet Grove . John t Woodburn; P. W O'Neal 4 I ^°nMcK7n'lerC E,'t",,t'’;IM^«i<’"nlle. Lafayette, P. M Murphy. L. Brown, Trask, kale North Yamhill ; O M Hl Toustler, Portland ; II M- ftri Ru^UE wnH,‘NeornnG""'’*'rtiI- 8 ’• York; H. C. Patnell and Boorman, Portland Th ~W. a . Baker. W. L. War. rrn. McMinnville McMinnville; . Henry Albers, Eva I I P« ’i p ^‘?ne' John ^'»‘»'«on. J. Mt« (|’ u " m 11’’“w9'l,Yk J-G. Gould, ft it . .i1'M,ss 0oul,L James Laidlaw ven H ? t\We"’ P°r,la"J; W. C. Be/ W I m ' S'btet’r' Tacoma. Wash. Dr. k . L Mercer and wile, E. L. Irving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera F W?liiE’ " uSan,ler’. Seattle; Mr» W.' and Diarrhoea Remedy. Better i Williams, Bay City Mrs I (’ Hart Than Three Doctors. HAD AN AWFUL TIME “Three years ago we had three doctors But Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with our little boy and evervtiring that they could do seemed in vain. At last Cured Him. It is with pleasure that 1 give you this when all hope seemed to be gone we unsolicited iestirnonial. Abmtt a year began using Chamberlain« Colic ago when I had a severe cam of nreaslea Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in I got caught out ill a hard rain and the a few hours he began to improve To­ meaal«» settler) in mv Yfotuaeh arid day he is as healthv a child as p«rents trowels. I had art awful time and Imd could wish for '—Mis. B J J ohnston it not been for the use of Chamlrerlain'a L'nton Miss. For sale by Clough's * Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1 Drug Store.______ could not have p.Med>ly lived but a few hours longer, butthank« tn t hi-remed v Organs to Sell Adminlatrator a Notice. I am now strong and well. I have I am exchanging for and putch ising Novrc« m H bvbbv G ivbx ,— That the un written the shrive through simple grail der,i■ the me kind «iriu in m i . ,, If J.- < t .. ___ Tuesday.— Mrs r ¿’ ri',,c ^’fle. requested to call and pay nt once, as we th» world."—J J kmison . Spring Grove IJlOM -llllla Morlowp Shops at 1 want to outstanding indebtedness paid York uouritv, Pa. Th« rnuedy Is fur (ale Mason Hr S. JOnll 11 Ways wear i k*<‘r,d«e .Portland ’ I M F^n ’ ET?’ 1 up C oma & Co. by CluuabsD.ua Stuce. thenl. lX”: “v 'e"‘ii"»- A«^* ‘ w uhout iklajr Notice is hereby given that parties who make the Gopher Gun from the patent ol Harvey Sargent, or make and sell (he same, will be prosecuted if they continue to do so. Those who want to huv rights to the Gopher G uii cnn do so bv addressing Harvev Sargent. 779 East 29th street, Portland, Ore. “ Regular as the Su»“ J is an expression as old as doubt the riaing and netting ” is the moat regular P*rf°rn,‘'*Igl* | universe, iinlees It i* the ,* liver and bowel« when reg»« o, xew York ; Joseph E. Proyoat ‘ Dr King « New Life PiH* G jjc I i by Cha*. I. Clough, drugg* L nt k ul the Montwonth Nfiturt K.»—«“ •'T the parish HOUSE. th« h H G No .’.-s ST. ALPHONSUS ACAL'fcJ*». m W •' Áí" ' ■ ■ e