TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 8. 190/ I Editorial Snap Shots Commissioners* Court A Socialist “Roa«ta” the Editor Art va!* at the Allen Home. There b,..... re Cat«, h country than 1,11 •! , „„„ „uppoacil to mi J until the la»» > inaiivyesi“ dociora 1« incurable tor. areal niauyjj prouo .lie««! i* « -¿„.rantlv failing to emu local remedies, »mJ >>r J- Jlrt,| it incurable, v.uh local trealoieiit l> °'J , .on.litu- lienee has pioven ¿“‘»rni j TO1„lllu. lloualdiseaiw a'"1.1.1’.. Calanli l ure, maim- tiolial irealmeut. Hao |rfo ohiOi ,, faetured by •* / ' ‘ A,* market It ilia only con.titotio a' i *, frum ,o(hl>p. to a i, taken “,| re. ily Oi. the blood and ................ fill It al*',1!l"H1/ra Theyofferone HraXYdon-TI ¡!>r *»> eaa* » /«““ “> t u"' Remedy for Diarrhoea. Never Known to Fail. •• I want to say a few words f« Chai*. TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. | Irerlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea i Thursday.—H A. Abright, W. S. An adjourned session of the Board of Having recently moved to Tillamook ma nr months in • l.e war can Remedy. I have used this prepuutioa Burris«, W H. Warrens, Jordan Zan, the Wilson Hirer road be used for auto County Commissioners, with County in my family for the past five years and Judge Goodspeed and Commissioners C. E. Grelle. Chester G Murphy. H L. county, I feel the necessity for sub­ mobile* ? have recommended it to a number of Body felt and Aliev present, commenced Capin, Portland; F. S. Allen. R G. Ott, scribing fur a reliable county newspaper, , * * * people in York county and have nev«* Forest Grove ; W. D Root. La Grande ; and had about decided to sulawril»» for I As there is trouble in getting wood for | on Monday. known it to fail to effect a cure in any Claude Walker, McMiiii.ville ; G. A. Work in R D No. 4. I the court house, Comity Clerk Lamb has : the lleMdliglit. when my attention was instance. I feel that I cannot say ton Hoquiam Wash ; Chas. made the suggestion ili«vt every fellow ' G. C. Vaughn and team..............♦ 5 00 Gilletiee, much for the beat remedy of the kind in called to an editur'al in which you slate. Adkins and wife. Wilson. 11 ' who applies for a marriage license be , Gao. Vaughn and team........ the world."—J. J emison . Spring Grove 10 78 “ That Orchard committed 20 or more Friday.—C E Clement. Fred Poor- made to furnish two cords of wood D. B. Darby and team........... 5 75 man. J. S. Craig. A. C. Pannell. L H murdeis is a fact, r.ntl that others weie S XirO,MCHS' »CO. Toledo. O. York County, Pa. This lemedy isforsali That is a good idea, provided George 1 Frank Fitzpatrick and team by Clough Clough ’s u Drug Store. 5 75 ______ John ___ A ustin. behind him. and supplied him with hite. John Severance, is allowed to spark the girl while the A. L. Darby ............................ tore.,natation. 2 25 John B«»rnfeldt. Portland; D. H Conklin, monev. but from now on w e l«H»k L i .. A.... fellow is out in the woods sawing his , Ed Smith..... 4 50 Buy City : Dee Moon, F. Glen Apslev Welch. but scant protection foi the lives ot men two cords of spruce limbs. 5 00 Blaine ; C H. H heeler^ Nehalem ; 0. A. who may happen to antagonize the I Lewis Eklof “ Regular as the Sun” * ♦ * 50 19 ----- Carton and team........ Kerr. Hillsboro; John Paquit. Garibaldi. ‘inner circles’ of labor organizations i* an «preaaio». «a ol.l No The county court is figuring upon im | Will Olsen............................ 2 50 Having carefully followe»! the Hay^ Saturday.—Hax**l' C. Johnstone, V. pr «ring the road from Three Rivers to HUBEI 110 B1IB0IESSEI' 12 00 Hood. C. H. Lovejoy. Jesse Hobson. D. wood case, both in the capitalistic and ,|„ubt tlieuaihK »■', I was firm in the belief that lirernnil t,.,«ela «l.en regulate.l •' ith SHAVING, Boss “ Turner ................................ HAIR CUTTJNfi another improvement, for up-to-date Work in RD. No. 1. L Wells. A R. Hathaway, N.J Mapes, an honest and conscientious jmy could Dr. K...g aN.« Life P H-. U ..rantteJ« roads and antiquated toll gates don't, 24 50 R. P. Meyer and wife. Frank Saylor, O not bring in anv other verdict than not t.y C11HR. I. Clougb, ili'i.ggiat -5C. SHAMPOOING, ETC in our judgment, look very good or in Felix Kebbe.................................. 12 75 Stasek, Portland; M Yoran, Eugene L — : - guilty.’’ vitiug io home seekers. Cut out the toll 8. M Bntterson ......................... 30 50 G, W. Hagomi. D »Has ; Hornee H. In spite of the fact that the whole gxie, too. gentlemen, so as to make the J L Houghton.......................... 42 50 Welch, Sherwood ; John O. Bmorth, political machinery Electric Baths nicely fitted up.Oood for S Barber...................................... of the states oi improvement complete. 00 10 H K. Thompson and team .... Bay Citv; C. W. Holderman Astoria ; Colorado and Idaho, together with all * M * persons Buffering with rheumatism When you travel the Wilson River road 00 10 Louie Ludtke and team.......... J C. O’Connell, Stella, Wash. the shrewdness, cunning and unpi n- It is a good tiling to have an annual Chas Easom and team............ Stopat the White House. J. F. 5 00 Sunday —C. 8 Roger*. G. Hohne., pipled trickery and treachery ol the Tillamook County Fair, to display the Twenty five miles east of 5 00 Edwin Short, Astoria; W. E. Knight, Pinkerton Detective Agency, weie in pt opt ietor Fred Kabbe ................................ county’s products, but it should not S Linkhart.............................. I'illainook. Kites Menis, 25c.; lodg- 5 00 H. V. Alley, Nehalem ; C. A Sumner, the hands of the Mine Owne'S Assucin stop there, for Tillamook needs tospread 5 00 ing. 25c. : boa rd. Willi room, per week, Glen Newell.................................. lion, and said association, with its Portland. out And to do to we would suggest Warren Hoskins.......................... Team, , over night, 2 12 »6 00. Horses i:...- - : ............... ,,, hay . - almost unlimited w ealth and power, and that Tillamook have a county exhibit at Monday.—Fred Ellison, G. S. Reed. with its unscrupulous determination to mid grain. $1.50 ; hay nlone, 75c. Water 64 06 Geo. Ludtke............................... J the state fair this year. This is a move Guy Paterson. C. N. Mt Arthur. F piped through house. Modern bath, etc. 50 52 Jas Crossland............................ crush every obstacle in its patii, wne in the right direction and the best kind 54 5'1 Miller and family, Portland; Albert bending every energy to secure a con­ Fete Borgen................................. of advertising for the county. I: would Hugh Rittenhouse and team .. 2 50 Crawford, C B Handy. Fred Zaddack, viction. by fair means oi foul, by briber;., do more good than a lot of bum write ups W. BEATY, 22 00 Henry Tohl. Nehalem ; L. W. Mv.Adams. intimidation and perjury, in spite ot all y Dan Alley..................................... bv those who come into the counlv now 3 '.5 Pendleton; J A Smith. Forest Grove Lea A Iley..................................... this, the 12 men on the jurv, w ho, by they see an opening to milk the people. Tuesday — J M Dunne, A. C. W ilkins 19 75 Chas. Aliev.................................. occupation, environment and education W * * NOTARY PUBLIC, 60 00 and wife, Jesse Hobson, A K. Z'egner. must have been prejudiced—if preju­ M. Rhudine ................................ The editor was with a lively crowd Frank Wakeley....... ................... 3 75 Chas E. Lock wood. IM. L. Bow man, diced at all—in favor of the prosecution, w itch went to Netarts Saturday even­ Ray Ducher................................. 1 00 W. W. Wilson, J. Burnham, D. F have seen fit, after carefully weighing HEMLOCK, OREGON. ing, which made the woods echo It was S. Christiansen.......................... 4 50 Glover, Adah M. Ewing. A. Tonseth, all evidence, to bring in a veidict of too bad, however, that the crowd which Geo Ludtke's team ........ 4....... 56 25 Portland ; Chas V. Gallowav. Salem ; acquittal. followed did not know one road from H. V. Aliev’s team ................... 50 75 C. W. Bingham. Cedar Rapids ; A. |. Lpgal papers of all kinds. And now, after the defense has proven the other and should get lost in the Emmons, Newberg ; J L. Gruber. Wen- Work in R D No, 3. to the satisfaction of all fair minded woods. Wasn't he a peach of a driver, Wm. Easter and team............ lock, Wash ; Allen Loomes, Forest 10 00 persons that Haywood was in noway girln ? Why. if the crowd which the 13 75 Grove; L. Morris, W. L. Johnson, connected with Orchard’s crimes, and Earl W. St a nie v.......................... editor had gone over with had known it 2 00 Hebo. Frank Hoffstetter..................... the prosecution has utterly failed tots thev would certainly have serenaded the Wednesday.—D. Cbislmlni C. V. Pres­ rablish the existence of any “ inner 37 50 W m R v a n ................................. driver when he drove into camp in the 13 75 ton, Neliakm; J.*C. Miller. Tacoma: circle,” although Pinkertons have per. W. M Kimble.............................. small hours of the morning. \\ hat a 11 26 Rofccoe Barker ; Robert Neil, Forest sietently spied on the unions, even some­ J. Dornfeildt...................... .......... peach of a green driver ? 8 75 Giove; Jesse Hobson, Portland. Turbayne .............................. times being elected tn official positions * * * 10 00 G. M. Bailey ............................. Thursday —C. A. Stockhridge and of trust, to see such an editorial ill a There are those who think we did not U. Randall................................... 12 51 t wife. Chicago. paper supposedly published for general use good judgment in recommending Geo. Olds...................................... 4 50 circulation among sensible and res pec t- that the roads to the beaches ought to Hnury Old*............. .................... 7 50 able people, is almost inconceivable, and Teachers’ Examinations. he fixed fir9t. In a>l due respect to those 13 00 m Maxwell ahd team ......... shows that the editor, if honest, has who contend that one of the main loads Robert Maxwell ........................ 2 oo N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the depended entirely upon the garbled and into the countv ought to be fixed first, L. Ross........................................ 4 50 mutilated reports of the trial sent out for heaven’s sake don’t bring a lot of Luke Woolte ............................. 5 00 County Supei iutendent of Tillamook by the Associated Pres’ with the object people into the county and then force Harry Nielson............................. 2 50 County, Oregon, will hold the regular of influencing public opinion in favor <>f them to bump-the bumbs over roads Geo. Tinnerstet.......................... 6 50 examination of applicants for ««ate and the Mine Owneis’ Association, and like that going to Netarts, for that is county papers, at the Court House, in Work in R D. No. 2 against the Miners’ Union. enough to make his Satanic majesty Calvin Ripley and two teams ... 268 oo Tillamook City, Oregon, as follows : Does the editor of the Headlight think ...________________ 7___________ swear that he would never return to the Sam Donay ..................................... . 131 50 For State Pa pets. Commencing Wednesday. August 14. himself a Solomon, that he can pass countv after traveling over it. Another Martin Ripley ................................ . 63 .’•> tiling, as charity commences at home, it Ben Johnson..................................... . 58 25 at 9 o’clock a.m., and continuing until judgment over the heads of twelve care, fully selected and honest jurymen ? looked to us that it was only right to Nels Anderson................................. 8 21 Saturday, August 17th, at 4. p.m. study the comforts and conveniences of Clarence Tilden, wagon hire....... Wednesday. — Penmanship, history, Or does he think that the people of 5 80 our own settlers first, who have to foot Jake Ripley, board.......................... . 21 25 spelling, physical geography, reading Tillamook are dupes and fools depending the bill. Were we right or wrong is our Geo. Regan....................................... . 23 12 and psychology. wholly upon the capitalistic press for ideas that the roads to he beaches should John Gal leg her................................. . 23 r> Thursday.— Written arithmetic, theory their information ? be improved next year ? Warren Hoskins............................... . 17 50 of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, With such an editorial policy of par w * * John Logsden.................................. . 23 75 physics, civil government: tiality and unfairness, the wonder is Friday. — Physiology . geography, men ­ Amongst the business men there is a Hoxie Simmons............................... . 40 00 that the paper continues to maintain a strong sentiment in favor of the county Joe Dowd ......................................... . 50 00 tal arithmetic,* composition, Agebra. respectable circulation among fair Saturday.—Botany. geometry. general minded persons. lending a helping hand in the proposi­ history, English literature, school law. tion to build an automobile road into [. J. Rupp, delivering 90 yards As long as the editorial management For County Papers. gravel............................................. 90 1)0 Tillamook county. There is good busi­ Commencing Wednesday. August is in the hands of a man who fails to ini. ness sense in doing so, for it will not only Tillamook Lumbering Co., lum­ ber ................................................. 38 27 14th. at 9 o’clock a.m. and continuing paitially investigate such questions of mean better roads for the settlers, but Opposite the Post Offiee 2 50 until Friday, August 16th, at 4 o’cloek great public import, and treat them it will attract a rich class of tourists Wm. Ryan, road work ............... fairly in its editorial columns, it can 5 00 p tn. into the county who will invest and leave Carl W. Stanley, puncheon ...... hardly expect a general support from 3 00 First, Second and Third Grade Cer­ n laige amount of money here. Now is Mrs. Alice Harris, puncheon...... well informed and intelligent citizens. tificates. 50 the time to make preparations for (he J. Thorall. balance ........................ Wednesday. — Penmanship, history, Yours for right and a square deal for all, summer travel if Tillamook county is Cohn & Sanders, lumber ............ 350 0O C has H art 1 50 orthography, reading to become the favorite summer resort of I. F Larsen, plow handle............. LI uinday.— Written aiithmetic. theory 7 88 the Pacific Northwest. But it is going Watt Bros . barb wire ................ [Our correspondent iscertainly entitled 5 75 of teaching, grammar, physiology to take money, and lots of it. before this D. S. Hoy-akin, merchandise........ Friday.—Geography, mental arith­ to bis opinion whether Haywood was or can be accomplished, and the least the Geo. I) Barnard & Co., book... 33 50 8 7« metic, schot-l law, civil government. was not implicated in the crusade of county cun do is to improve one main Glass & Prudhomme..................... Primary Certificates. road into the county and all roads lead A. M. Hare, salary........................ 100 OO murder against those who antagonised Wednesday.—Penmanship, orthogra­ ing to the several beaches next year. No H. Crenshaw, salary..................... 133 33 labor unions. So are we to our opinion one ought to object to that if they will |.C. Holden salary........................ 50 00 phy. aiithmetic. reading. M. C. Trowbridge supervisor ... Thursday. —r\rt of questioning, theory that Haywood was implicated in the 62 25 mill stop to consider what a great bene fit it is going to be to the county in a G. B. Lamb, salary .................... 133 33 < f teaching, physiology murders. But we will not say one un Work will commence promptly at few years. It is only about a year ago U. A. Johnson, salary ................ 50 00 kind word nor undertake Io "roast ’ our that a number of citizens subscribed K. Mills, salary..................... ....... 50 011 9 o'clock In the forenoon. and 1 o’clock correspondent because he does not agree sufficient money to secure a right of way Guy Vaughn, supervisor............. 13 44 in the afternoon. All applicants must with us. the same as he has “roasted" 4 20 be present at the commencement of the the editor. for the railroad,but there were those w ho Manu & Beach, books............... This we do know, that stood back, would not subscribe a cent X W. Severance, postage............ 20 64 examination. At last our stock of Clothing has arrived. whenever conservative. levelheaded James Wilson, witness fee ............ Da trit this lat day of August, 1907. 2 20 and who said the railroad would not men are in control of labor unions thev W. D Bodvfelt, salary ................ 39 00 W a YN ’ E W W iley . help the countv. Yet today we can say We have everything to suit the most fastidious. accomplish a great deal for the working County School Supt. without fear of contradiction that most Geo. P. Wilt, care of C. Mills..... 20 OO man. but as soon as the radical, vicious 5 00 We have suits for the small man, the large mail, slim e\erv person who owned realty then Dr. Upton, examining C. Mills... element get into control then look out 9 37 place double the value on it now. There Fred Zaddack, supervisor ......... PLEASANT VALLEY lor destruction of property and murders, built and stout built. may be some few exceptions. With this Tillamook Lumber Co*, lumber... 41 80 the same as in Idaho where union men « 35 sudden increase in valuations, surely Pacific Staten Tele. Co................ Mrs. Phillips returned last Friday shot down non-union men. We have They have the style, quality and fit. there ought nut to be anv great objec­ E K. Scorell & Sous, paitial from a several weeks visit to her payment on road contract....... 400 oo daughter. Mrs. V >get. at Philomath never taken the untenable position, the tion to levying a road tax so as to in­ We have also just received a large shipment of same as nnr correspondent has done, in crease the valuations in realty Suppose, Ira Ditnond...................................... 30 oo and other parts of the valley. intimating that those who disagree with however, that the citizens had given the Rudolph Kunze, 66 yds. gravel .. «6 00 G B Crane is enjoying a visit from us are not entitled to support, for we are pronioteis of the railroad a cold recep­ Aug. Frteberg, work oil road...... 15 75 Ids relatives, of Boise City. Idaho. not that narrow or prejudiced And as tion, had stood hack and refused to sub King A Smith, merchandise........ 10 30 Mr and Mrs N. D\e passed through to whether the people ot this countv will scribed, there is everv probability that King & Siniili. powder, fuse and here Sunday, en route to their ranch continue to subscribe for the Headlight, CONSISTING OF caps.................................................. 3'. 6 00 near Beaver. Tillamook would have remained in its we guess they will, lor the editor is not bottled up condition tor a number of John Hickey, supervisor............. 34 38 Chas Desmond has hie new barn com afraid to express himstlf. no matter who years to come. As soon as sufficient Ernest Haag, fot aid county |>oor 30 OO pleted it may please or w ho it may offend, and money was subscribed, which insured a John McNainer, work on Wilson Charley Blum and family left last week river road ..................................... 129 00 for Perry dale, where thev expect to if our socialist friends don't agree with railroad, everything took a jump ntid us in the Havw ood case tliey don't ha ye 50 00 make their future home. every settler had confidence that Tilla H F. Good speed, salary............. to, so we will let it go at that —E d 1 23 40 countv was going to make rapid strides II. V. Alley, salary........................ Miss Belle Hiatt has returned from a Always the best stock on hand. and would become a great summer re In the matter of the jetition for can visit with her sister. Mrs. Fletcher, near sort and manufacturing center. Those cel I at ion of certain taxes assessed Cloverdale. liMnnw who stood hack and complained and against the E V* of the E of set'. 32. The people of this neighborhood are tried to make trouble tor the committee tp 3 H. R • W . which ha-l been glad to hear the pa3tor lor this circuit in securing rights of wav are not entitled eironeouslv assessed, the sheriff was has art ived. to any credit, but in the matter of im­ ordered to cancel same. People ilesiring patents would do well provement of the public highways to Miron C. Trowbridge having resigned to see Chas. Desmond boost and boom Tillamook for a sum as supervisor of R D. No. 3. Cyrus Robert Turner spent a week visiting mer resort, that expense ought to be Randall was appointed to fill the his parents near Portland. provided for bv the county. Let lO.OoO vacancy. Mr. Lis Centón, of Reardon. Wash., is or 20,000 persons come to . Tillamook In the matter of the custody of the visiting his sister. Mr9. t has. Desmond. = ■ every year and then figure out the ac burnt assessment rolls, the County ( lerk Harvesting the oat crop is the order f- commodatioua which will have to be asktJ that they l»e delivered to the of the day now. provided and the provisions and luxuries sheriff, it appearing to the two commia John and Alvin Blum and families needed it will he seen at a glance sinners that the older should be made, it have moved up on Wilson river, where that it is a big thing, and one which will was so ordered. the men expect to work in the logging soon repay the county tn any extra ex­ Bill of Chas. Ray for freight on bridge vamp. y penditure it 111av put tn the roads next iron from Astoria to Nestucca. for $435 Ben Turner had the misfortune to lose year. By all mean improve one main I was al|ow*ed in the sum of $200. the the end of one of his fingers Sunday. road, which it not a toll road, into the balance being continued. count*, and at the same time improve Bill of C. E Reynolds for |2u 40. Endorsed By the County. the roads to the beaches, for there is ; in vest »gating deaths of Peter Burns “ The most popula 1 remedy in Otsego nothing to ba gained bv doing part ol Fred Pike and William Muller, was the work next year and then leaving the continued. County, ami the best friend of my fami­ ly.’' writes Win M. |>k:z. editor and remainder until future years It is no« publisher of the Otsego Journal. Gil- up to the automobolista to make good The Limit of Life Itertsville. NY. ‘is Dr King’s New their promise to subscribe flO.OOt) to The mo«t eminent medical «cientUt* Discovery. It haa proved to l»e an in­ wards improving the roads in Tillamook are unanimous in Hie conclusion that fallible cure for coughs and colds, county, and it they will do this there is no doubt that the county court will do the getieially accepted limitation of making abort work of (he worst of them. I I human hie la many years b«low the at We always keep a bottle in the house. the right thing tainment possible with the advanced I believe it to l»e the most valuable pr« - knowledge of which the race is now «enption known for Lung and Throat HAD AN AWFUL TIME pw*e*»nl The critical period. Ilmt de­ diseases (iuaianteed lo never di*, But Chamberlain's Colic. termine* it» duiaiion. aeem to tie tie. appoint the taker, bv t has I Clough’s tween 50 and 6t>; tire proper care of the Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Di ug store. Price Sue. and fl U0. Trial body during thl* decade cannot he too bo tie fre^. Cured Htm •trough urged carelessness tiien tcing It it with plenxure that I you tin* fatal to longevity Nature s heat help-1 uiMolieiteil iMtl'uonial. About a y-ar after 50 i* Electric Hitter*, the «cientiHc Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera ago «h»n I haJ a aararacaM o< tonic mndteine that revitalize« every and Diarrhoea Remedy. Better I Kot caught out in a hard rain and the organ of the laaly. Guaranteed by Than Three Doctors. inraal,* aattleil in my «iotuach ami Capital, *30,000. We CUant all Kinds of Produe®« Ch*«. I Clough, druggist. 50c. bo**la Ibadan awful liuia ami had “Three y^ars’ago we hid three doctors Resources over *250,000 it not b*»n for the m- of Chamberlain • with our little boy and everything that Call and Sea Us ••Everybody Should Know” they could do seemed in vain. At la«t Colic, Chol»ra and Diarrhoea Remnlr I could not hare |*ut a few MyaC. G. Ilaya. a prominent butirwa. when all hope seemed to he gone we Imura longer, but thank« to thl* remedy man of Bluff. Mo . »hat Bucklen's Art began u»mg Chamberlain’s Colic. I am now atrong and well, I have nic* Salva ia th* ipiichrat and anres Cholera and Diarrhoea Ren. adv and in written the above through «iniple graft, healing aalv* *.*r applied to a acre, a few hours he began to improve To- tud* and I *hall alway« »peak ai Rtiod I burn or wound, or to a eaaeof pile*. I’ve |day he is as healthy a child as parents word for thi« remedy ‘ —FAM - -- H. Uwttt. traed it and know «hai lui talking ■•ould wbh for —Mrs. B J J ohnston . Concord. Ga. H arrison , cashier s For sale by Clough a about Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough Lmton. Mi!«. For sale by Cloughs Drug Store. druggiat. 25c. Drug dtj«. LATIMER BROS.., Stopat White House about your Eyes. I STAPLE & FANCY « GROCERIES in Tillamook, all new and Fresh The $ prices are no higher than others. We most cordially invite you to come and look at what we have and you buy or get our prices, ’ whether " ' s s s W. M. MILLS, CLOTHING ! CLOTHING i Furnishing Goods, Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery. Shoes and Hats I Savings Recounts Opened with a deposit of $1.00 or more. We furnish free a I ) I I TODD & CO , Tillamook Oregon. Savings Bank Opened up for Busines or not, as desired. We pay 4 Per Cent Interest, compounded twice a year on Sav ings Accounts. SAPPINGTON & GO * Subject to Govern inent examination and required to publish statements under the new State Banking Law. State Depository. A Full Line of Groceries Flour, Feed, Tinuuare. and Crockery. I Tillamook Bank, j I County M. w’. Olsen Building,TillafnoOk