TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 8. 1907. THE GREEN SUN. A STORY OF RAPHAEL A Most Valuable Agent. The glycerine employed in Dr. Pierce’s It W«« Nctlocd ant Commented Upon Th« Way th« Great Italian Painter medicines greatly enhances the medicinal by the Ancient Egyptian,. Once Settled a Bill. properties which it extracts from native The appearance of a green light at Raphael, the great Italian painter medicinal roots and holds In solution •unset was noticed and commented , whose celebruted Biblical pictures are much better than alcohol would. It also upon by the ancient Egyptians and , worth fabulous sums of money, was possesses medicinal properties of its own, more particularly so because In the t not a rich man when young. He en- being a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and antiferment. It adds clear air of Egypt the tints of sunset ! countered gome of the vicissitudes of are peculiarly distinct. | life, like many another genius. Once greatly to the efficacy of the Black Cherry­ As the sun there descends nearer : when traveling he put up at an inn bark, Bloodroot, Golden Sea) root. Stone root and Queen’s root, contained in and nearer to the horizon and la ira­ I and remained there unable to get away ’Golden Medical Discovery "in subduing I mensel.v enlarged and flaming, it aud­ [ through lack of funds to settle his chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial, denly becomes for an instant it bril- I i bill. Tbe landlord grew suspicious throat and lung affections, for all of which lluntly green color, and Immediately a that such was the case, and bis re- these agents are recommended by stand­ series of green rays suffuses the sky Ln i quests for a settlement grew more and ard medical authorities. In all cases where there Is a wasting many directions, well nigh to the ze­ more pressing, Finally young Raphael nith. The same phenomenon appears at in desperation resorted to the follow- away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak atom . as In the early stages of con- sunrise, but to a smaller extent. Some­ lug device: sum ihn. there can be no doubt that gly- times, just as the last part of the sun's He carefully painted upon a table cerlne/acts as a valuable nutritive and disk vanishes, its color changes from top in his room a number of gold coins, aids he Golden Seal root. Stone root, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window * r ro£t and Black Cherrybark Io green to blue, and so also after It has and, placing the table In a certain light Quee igestlon and building up tbe proir disappeared the sky near the horizon that gave a startling effect, be packed flesh aiitfjsfrength. __ controlling the cough Sashes, u g about a healthy condition often Is green, while toward the zenith his few belongings and summoned his and brin of the w le system. O( course. It must it Is blue. host. not be e cted to work miracles. It will This was alluded to In Egyptian "There,” he exclaimed, with a lord­ not cure nsumption except In its earlier writings. Day was the emblem of life ly wave of his hand toward tbe table, stages. t will cure vi-rv severe, obstl- and night that of death, and the noc­ "Is enough to settle my bill and more. di run 1 c sore turnal sun, being Identified with Osiris, Now kindly show the way to tbe door.” acute coughs thus rendered OslrlB king of the dead. ms In the lingering Tbe Innkeeper, with many smiles and The setting sun was green; therefore bows, ushered hls guest out and then hang-on coughs, or those of long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from Osiris, as the nocturnal deity of the hastened back to gather up his gold, lungs, that it has performed its most Agents for the Great Western Saw dead, was painted green. The splendid His rage and consternation when he marvelous cures. Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben­ coffins of the high priests of Ammon discovered the fraud knew no bounds Med. College, Chicago, says of gly­ frequently depict the green sun, and until a wealthy English traveler, recog­ nett cerine: the funeral deities are all colored nizing the value of the art put in the " In dyspepsia It serves an excellent purpose. a fixed quantity of the peroxide of green. work, gladly paid him f50 for the ta­ Holding The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. hydrogen in solution, it is one of the best There are Innumerable Instances In ble. manufactured products of the present time In its action upon enfeebled, disordered stom ­ the Egyptian relics of representations P achs, especially if there is ulceration or ca­ relative to death being colored green. tarrhal gastritis (catarrhal inflammation of COUNTERFEIT COIN stomach), it is a most efficient preparation. The practice undoubtedly arose from Glycerine will relieve many cases of pyrosis the green tints of sunrise and sunset. The Way Uncle 8am’e Official« Treat (heartburn) and excessive gastric (stomach) T imber L and , J une 3. 1878—N otice for T imbek L and . A ct J i nk 3, I878.—N otice for T imber L and A ct . J une 3, 1878.—N otice for acidity.” The green sun disk is referred to 5,000 P ublication . Spurioua Money. PUBLICATION. "Golden Medical Discovery ” enriches and P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland Ore., years ago in Egypt. This Is the earli­ United States I,and Office, purifies tbe blood curing blotches, pimples, United States Laud Office, Portland. Ore., Sometimes It doesn't pay to be con­ eruptions, scrofulous swellings and old sores, June 13th. 1^07. Portland, Otegon May 28th, 1007. June Ijth I9O7. est known human record of an as­ scientious,” said the man who had a or Notice is hereby giv n that in compliance ulcers. Notice is hereby given that in • oinpliance Notice Is hereby given that in compliance tronomical phenomenon.—Washington scruple, but lost It. “One day I i found Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V.. with the proviaions of the act of Congi ess of with the provisions of the act of Congrebg of with the provisions of the act of Congress of for free booklet telling all about tho native June 3. 1878. entitled ‘‘An act for the sale June 3, 1878. entitled ” An act for the sale of June 3. 1878. entitled “All act for the sale of Star. a half dollar in my pocket—I I don’t medicinal roots composing this wonderful of timber lands in the States of California, timber lands in the Slates of ( alifornia. Oregon, timber lands in the States of C lifornia. Oregon, Oregon, Nevada and Washiagton Territory,” as Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex­ Nevada and Washington Territory,” a» ex­ know how It got there—which didn't medicine. There no alcohol In IL extended to all the Public Land States by act ol tended to all the Public Land States by act of tended to all the I'ublie Land States bv act of THE HERRING CATCH August 4. 1P92 August 4th, 1892. I have ‘sterling’ written on It. Said I August 4, 1892, ALEXANDRE D. NORMAND. ANNIE RIPLEY, í EDG^R MUNSON. NOl'lCK OF CRlDin RS. to myself philosophically: ‘Uncle Sam Of Olney. county of Clatsop, State of Of Hobaouville, county of Tillamook, State of Of 'Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State It I* to Northern Europe What the Is a scrupulous fellow. He doesn’t like ■ )re-"ii, ’ lias tins day filed ill this office hi-, Oregon, has this day filed in this office her of Oregon, has this day filed in this office N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the un­ sworn statement No. 7461, for the purchase of sworn statement No. 7412. for the purchase of his sworn statement No. 7460. for the pur­ Wheat Crop I* to America. bad money in particular. So be has dersigned the Se of Nw % of Section No. 7 ha« been appointed administrator the Lots 1 and 2, Sec. No. 20, in township No of the Ne of Nw *4 and Nw of Today the herring Is hardly regarded established a subtreasury where he ex­ to the estate of Malkom Wystrom, deceased, 4 North, Range No. 8 West, and will in Township No. 2 north, Range No. 9 chase Ne »4 and S ya of Ne H of Section No. I5. in offer proof* to show that «he land sought is West, and will offer proof to show that the 'ownship No. 1 uorth. range I.' . iOwest. and and that letters of administration in. due as a luxury. Indeed. It Is chiefly eaten changes bad money for good money.’ more valuable for its timber or stone than land sought is more valuable for its timber will offer proof to show that the land sought is form have been issued to him. by those who can afford nothing else, I don't know why I thought this. I All persons having claims against said for Agricultural purposes, and toestablish his or stone than for agricultural purposes, and morevaluble tor its timber cr none than for to sa'.d land before the Register mid to establish her claim to said land before agricultural purp >ses, and to establish Ids and yet 3,000,000,000 of these flsh are suppose I must have read it some- deceased or against his estate, are hereby claim Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on T ursday, the the County (lerk, at Tillamook. Oregon, claim tosaid land before the County Clerk, at notified and required to present them, duly needed to supply tbe annual demand. where. verified, to said administrator at the office 261b day 01 Sepiember, I907. He names as wit­ on Friday, the 6th day of September, 1907. Tillamook, Oregon, on Salurdav. the 7th day of She names as witnesses : T. H. Goyne, attorney-at-law, in Tilla­ nesses : September. l9'»7. He names as witnesses . How this inexhaustible, limitless yield When I had finished speaking, I of J. R. Wherry, of Elsie, Oregon; James Gal­ Dan Hickey, of Balm. Oregon ; Lanrida Mc­ mook City, Oregon, within six months from Goran Munton, of I illaniook, Oregon; James of the ocean has swayed the destinies found myself looking Into the weather the date hereof. lagher, of Elsie, Oregon; Fred Normand, of Fee, of Balm. Oregon; M H. Ripley, of Hob C. Bewley, Tillamook, Oiegon; Geo. F. Zim­ Jewell, Oregon; Alex Noruiaud, of Else, sonv He, Oregon; Harry Crane, of Hobsouville, merman, of Tillamook, Oregon , Robert Wait, Dated July 11th. 1907. of nations Is strikingly set forth In an beaten face of Washington on the Oregon. Oregeu W m . E. C atterlin , of Bay « ity, Oregon. article by Harold Boice in Ocean. steps of the eubtreasur.v. So I euter- Auy and all persons claiming adversely the Any and all persons claiming adversely the Administrator of the Estate of Anv ami all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their above-desc ibea lands are requested to file their above described lands are request- d to file their Malkom Wystrom, deceased. I Despite the unremitting harvest by ed. Behind a cage I found a clerk. claims in this office ou or before said 26th day claims in this office on or before said 6th day claims in this office on or befote said 7th day predatory man and gull and cannibal­ "Here is a half dollar I think is bad. of September. i9o7. of September, I907. of September, 1907. SUMMONS. A lgernon S. D resser . Register. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. A lgernon S. D resser . Register. istic cod and shark, the unconquered Please give me a good one for It,” I armies of herring still continue to pop­ said meekly. Tbe clerk took the coin. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County. , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for T imberland , A ct J unk 3. 1878.—N otice for ulate the Atlantic with multiplying carefully placed It on a die and M.J. MacMahon T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N otice F or T imber L and P ) ublication . P ublication . P ublication Plaintiff, I brought a mallet down on It with a hosts. United States Land Office, United States Land Office United States Land Office, vs. Portland, Oregon June 10th, 1007. I Tbe Atlantic has been aptly called resounding blow. Then he tossed the Francis Trevor. Francis I Portland, Oregon, May 22nd, 1907 Portland, Ore . July 22nd, 1007. Notice is hereby given that in compliai ce Notice is hereby given that iu compliance Notice is hereby given that in coni Imnce the "herring pond.” Indelibly associat- coin back to me and continued to Trevor, Jr., Agnes Reid. > with the provisions ol the act of Congress with the provisions of the act of Congtessof with the provisions of the act of congress of of E. Dewey, L. O Mac- I June 3rd, I878. entitled ” An act foi the June 3rd, 1878. entitled ' An act fot the sale ed In tljf past with tbe economic and count pennies. I looked at my coin June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of Mahon, and Tillamook I timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, sale of timber lands in the States of ( alifornia. of timber lands in the States of Califo’ipa, political" history of occidental man­ and swore then and there I would City, a Municipal Cor- | Nevada, ami Washington TerrLory,” Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Teriito- Nevada and Washington Territory’ as extended Oregon. poration, extended to ell the Public lauid States by ry.” as extended to all Public Land States by kind. the herring seems destined to never be so conscientious again. Tbe to a 1 the Public Land Stales by act of August 4 as Defendants. J act of August 4. 1892, act of August 4, 18n that date upo 1 anil October, 1907. A lgernon S. D resser . Register. A lgernon S. D rkhser , Register. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. haul the herring harvest Inland from recently directed that his ashes should covering the South East quarter of Section 1 5. be carried in a bait can and scattered in Township 2 South of Range 9 West of Wil the Atlantic. lamette Meridian, and recorded in Book from a boat over the surface of his fa ‘ K.” at page 637, of the records of Mort­ T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 18,8.—N otice for T imber L and , A ct J ink 3. I878—N otice for T imber L and . J une 3, 1878.—N otice for Pl HLlCATfON. P ublication . vorlte stream. Mrs. Ernle-Erle-Drax gages of Tillamook County. Oregon, to P ublication . A Doctor's Assistant. United Slates Land Office, Portland, Ore , United states Land Office, Poitlshd, Ore. secure the payment of said promissory note United States Land Office, Muy r7tli. Mo Xpi 11 1 Hi. iM . doctor whose large practice has directed that her body should be em­ be ioreclosed. That the defendants and all Portland. Oregon, June 14th, 1007. Notice is hereby given that in compliance Notice is hereby given that in compliance them be foreclosed of all equity of redemp­ Notice is hereby given that in compliance an assistant necessary was told balmed and placed In a glass paneled of tion or other interest in said real property*; with the provisions of the act 01 Congress of with the J rovisiuiiH of the act of Congress of with the provisions of the act of Congress of he man he selected was hardly coffin, for the reception of which a that the same be sold and the proceeds ap­ June 3rd, 1878, entitled, “An act for the Male June 3. 1878. entitled ” An net for the sale of ■Inna 3, I878. entitled An act for the sale of lands in th - Sates of California, Oregon, timber lands in the Mate of California. Otegon, circular mausoleum with stained glass plied to the payment of the judgment prayed of t mbet lands *11 the Slates of California. timber jtent Nevada, and Washington Terri tor»,” as ex. for. Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Territory” Nevada, and Washington Territory,’ as ex fe's good enough for what I want dome was to be built, while at bls own This Summons is published in pursuance of hr extended to all the Public Land States by act tened to h I 1 the Public Land States by act of t nded to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, L892. August 4, 1K92. an order made by the Honorable H. F. Good ­ for,” said the doctor. “I don't wish the body of one of the Lords speed, County Judge of Tillamook County, of August 4, 1892, JOHN B CAPLE*, ALGERN H TINGLEY, MARY JOHNSON, Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of !t him to prescribe for my pa- Newborough, after twelve months' in­ Oregon, made on the 11th day of July, 1907, Of Adim, county Of Poitland, < ouiuy of Multnomah, State ot Ore- of Lewis. >tate of Wash directing that service of summons as to said ington, has this day filed in this office her go , has this day filed in this office his Oregon, has thia day filed in this office his l, but to listen to their gossip. In terment, was exhumed and reburied defendants stiitPinent N'o. 7446, for the purchase of sworn -laleinent No. 7425, for the purchase ot be made bv publication thereof in statement No. 74>8, for llie purchase of sworn the N of Nw and N % of Sw *4 r cases tbe privilege of talking I In Bardsey Island, tbe reputed resting the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­ sworn the Se *4 of Se W of Sec 2. S %*of Sw of See. the W»-Ht one liHlf of the Ñ01 theast one quar­ Section No. 10, in Township No. 2 north, published in Tillamook City, Oregon, 1, and Ne V4 of Nw V4. of Sec. No 12. in Tp. No ter and lol numbered one (W yt of Ne bls troubles with the doctor con­ place of 20,000 saints.—Washington Ga paper • No IO wot, .<11'1 will ofit r proof to once a week for a period of six weeks, and 2 S. Ran e No. 9 W, and will offer pi oof to and lot I), of See. No 24, ill Tp. No. I; I es the biggest part of a patient's zette. date of the first publication is July 11th, show that the land sought is more valuable 1 8, range No. □ west. W.M. and will offer proof show that th« land sought is more valuable tor show that the land sought is more valúa its timber or stone than tor agricultural pur­ 1907. I haven't time to listen to all lor its timber or stone than for agiicultura to ber or stone than for agricultural poses, and to establish his claim to said land H. T. B otts , purposes, and to establish her claim to s id laud ble for I s tiir A Dramatic Child. at Tillamook, complaints myself; hence tbe and to establish hi» claim to said laifore the County Clerk. Attorney for Plaintiff. before the Register ami Receiver, at Portland, purposes, land before the Register and Receiver, st Port Oregon, on Friday, the 6th day of September, When my son was two or three years of an assistant This map Is Ore., on Friday .the 27th day oi Sepiember, 1907. land. Oregon, on 1907. He naiiias as witnesses . Wednesday,, the iKth day She names as witu sses : SUMMONS. king and sympathetic. Callers old be was seated in bls high chair at Henry Told, of Nehalem, Oregon. L. A. W. H Petrie, of Pot timid, Oregon. Hugh of September. 1907. Renames as wltnMSes J. bmltli, of Tillamook. Oregon . Toby York, of Nehalem, Oregon , Hugo Kline, of readily unburden their hearts to tbe table eating corn batter cakes and In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Johnson, of Portland, Oregon ; Roy Johnson, I. Samuel Hnith, ol Tillamook, I regon. Wesley Rush, Nehalem, Oregon; W. N. Reddaway, of Ne­ •d Portland, Oregon, C. E. Shepherd, of For ’ molasses, of which be was fond. Aft ­ for Tillamook County. then when they are ready for Tillamook, Oregon . Chas. M. Adkins, of halem, Oregon land, Oregon; R. F. Louden, of Cortland, Oregon. of Lumbering Com­ Any and all persons claiming adversely the Oregon. leal advice he can pass them er eating as many cakes as were good Tillamook Any and all persons claiming adversely •the Tillamook, pany, a Corporation, Any and allpeisons claiming adversely the al rove described lands sir requested to file their for him he was told he could have no above described lands aie requested to file their Plaintiff me.”—Columbus Dispatch. claims in tlv suffice on 01 before said 6tli day of above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 27th da) claims In this office on or befiire said 1 Mtli day ot Deptember, IQ07. vs. more. Heaving a great sigh, he took of September, I907 A lgernon 8. D rkrsrr , Register. September. 1907. A lgernon 8. D resser , Register. the plate In both bands and licked all W. J. Woodside. Defendant. Unfortunate Royalty, A lgernon 8. D rebbek , Register. To W r . J Woodsid , the above named de ­ accidents caused the death of the molasses off. Then, looking stead fendant : T imber L and , A ci J une 3RD, I878.— None* for P ublication . In the name of the State of Oregon : I. and William III.. William lly at tbe plate as he held it up before You arc hereby required to appear and T imber L and , A ct J une tin, i 878.--N ohce T imber L and , A ct J une .1, I878.—N otice for United States Land Office, Portland. Ora . him, he said seriously, "I ain't got ne Richard I. were killed by ar- for P ublic at roN PUBLICATION. answer th: complaint filed against you in June 5th. 1907. United States Land Office, Portland,Ore , United States Laud Office, Portland. * re., Notice is hereby given that in compliance Icbard III. was slain In battle, more use for you,” and threw It back the above entitled case on or before the ex- June 27th, iou7. Muy J2iid, iV<’7. Eiration of six weeks from the date of the with th« provisions of the act of C'ougreM of over bls head to the floor, where It I. was beheaded, Edward II.. Nolic i Is hereby given that I11 compliance Notice iMhnteby given that ill compliance with June 3. IM7H, entitled " An act for the »ale of rst publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer lor want with the provisions of the act of Congress of the provisions f the art of ongresN of June timl»ei lands in the States of (’alifornia, O h gon, II. and Edward V. were mur- broke to pieces.—Chicago Tribune. thereof, plaintiff w ill apply to said Court for June 3. 1878, entitled A11 act for the sale of 3 18/8, entitl <1 “ A'i a<’t for the sa e of Umber Nevada and Washington Territory,” a» ex surfelt of lampreys cost Henry the relief demanded in the complaint herein. timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon. land» In the States of < nlIf«»i 11 in Oregon, fended to all the Public lAiid States by act oi Russian Jurymen. The relief demanded Is the recovery of a Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as ex Nevada and Waahington Territ »ry.” a* ex August 4, 1892. life, poison or a surfeit of peaches judgment against you for the sum of t tided to all tl e Public Land Stales by act of fended to all the Public Iaiiid States by act of JOHN P WAGNRR, have been The most Incredible stories John, poison Is suspected to have August 4, I892, $3.9 (»2.05, being balance due for lumber August 4, 1H92, ' f Forest Grove, county of Washington, Slate PETER H FDLBFSKN, THERESA M. ROS’«. of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his Administered to Edward VI.. and told of Russian jurymen, Thus the sold and delivered to you by plaintiff at Till­ Of Bt. John*, coni tz of Multnomah. State of Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, Htnte of •woi u statement No 7449. for the purchase of County. Oregon, on or about March lath of Henry VI. Is by some hls- foreman of a jury declared he would amook 26th, 1907, in the sum of $1.331.57 and the O»eg n, has this day filed in this office his Oregon, has this day filed in this office her E H of Sc *4, Section il, and VV 'A of Sw of statement No 74 O for the p'-rchas« of sworn ata tern e nt No. 74:14, for the purchase of Section No. 12, in tp. No. 2 north, Range M laid to the charge of Richard, not send a poor fellow to prison be­ further sum of $2,570.48 for lumber sold and t sworn e West J4 of Northwest %, the Northwest *,-4 the He % of Sw '4, of section No. 34. hi Tp. No. No. lowest and will offer proof to show that to you by plaintiff at Tillamook •f Gloucester.—London Standard. cause it happened to be bls (the jury­ delivered Oregon, on or about July 9th. of Southwest «4 of section I3 and the North­ 1 north, rouge No. 10 .rest, ami will offer proof the land sought is more valuable for its tint. man's) birthday. Another jury had County, 1907. all at the special instance and request east *4 of Northeast % ot Hection No I4. in Tp. to »how that the land nought is more VHlusble I*r or stone than for agricultural purtxses, of the said W. J. Woodside, and that all of \o. 2 N, range No. 10 W, «nd will offer proof for its timber or stone than for agriciiltui al pur and to establish hi* claim to said land he foie agreed upon a verdict of guilty when Biblical Repartee. your right title ami interest In and to the t > show that the land sought is more valuable poses, and to establish her claim to said land th« County Clerk of Tillamook County, at for its timlier or stone than for agrirultural before the (’ounty ( lutk. at Tillamook, on Fri­ Tillamook City. Orc., on Friday, the 6th Jeremiah Black of Pennsyl- the church bells began to ring. They said Schooner San Buena Ventura, and the fiurp'-ea, and t-o establish his claim to »aid day. the 9th day of August, I9C7. She names as day cargo of lumber now thereon consisting of of September, I907. He names as revised their verdict because a holi ­ In reviewing a case that came about two hundred thousand feet of mer­ ana before the Keguter and Receiver, at Port­ w|tneaH«H WitlirsRCN : land Oregon, on UrdmsdHy the 16th day of Janie* ('. Rewey, of Tillamook, Oregon, Henry Toh|, of Nehalem, Oregon ; Hiram D tbe court of his old friend i day bad begun. A burglar was allowed chantable lumber, and which have been Oetober, 1907. He name* a* witnesses; Hubert E. Rose, of Tillamook, Oregon. Theo Perry, Nehalem, Oregon .HP York, Nehalem, In said cause by virtue of a writ of • Moses Hampton, remarked, to go free because the man whom be attached John B Caples, of Nehakm. Oregon , Harry dore Kingsley, of Tillamook, Oregon. F R Oregon . I D. Caples, Nehalem. Oregon attachment dulv issued therein, and said Reddaway, of Nehalem. Oregon; Peter Beals, of Tillamook . Oregon Any and all persona claiming adversely the Moses must have been wan- had robbed had refused to lend him attachment having been made by the Sheriff Any and all persons claln Inz adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their Tillamook Countv. Oregon, be sold for Autxer, of St. Johns, Oregon ; Thomas AutseU, In tbe wilderness when he money. This in the opinion of the Jury of above described lands are requded to file their claims in this office on or before said 6lh day the purpose of satisfying any judgment of st. juh< s Oregon. Any and a’l person* claiming adversely the claims in thia office on or before said Rth day of of m . ptemtier, 1907, to decision," and sent tbe case was a direct Incentive to crime. which the plaintiff may recover against you alxive describí d lands are re juested to file their August, I907. A lokrnon S. D rkhskr , Register. in said cause. the lower court. Judge Hamp­ A lgernon fi . D reimer , Register This summons is published in the Tills claims In this office on or before »aid 161I1 day Warned. its second trlsl remarked that mook Headlight by order of the Honorable of October, 1077. T imber L amo . A ct iunk X. 1878.-N oticb for A lgernons . D resner , Register. FCBLlCATlOH. Minister’s Wife (to her husband!— H. F- Goodspeed, Judge of Tillamook k be would bare to submit to County. Oregon made July 31st, 1907. di­ United Mtates Land Office, T imber L and A ct , J une 3. 1878.—None« F or authority, be still thought be Will you help me to put the drawing recting publication thereof to be made for P* rt la nd, Oregon. P ublication . Jiuie 18lh. 1907. the nrwt first publication ir I The 1 lie six SIX successive weeks, wccbs . vne United Ststes Land Offirn, t In spite of the "lamentations room carpet down today, dear? Notice la hereby given that in compliance being made on August 1st. 1907. Portland, Oregon, May 6th, 1907 room la beautifully clean. 1 uini.fnr Minister h T B otts Notice i» hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Col gress of Attorney for Plaintiff. June a, 3, »»»7^. IM7M ent ent'Ced An ■« act «or for inc the saw sale . 7463, for the purchase v orn statement No. 7406, for the purchase of the Ne *4 Rw$4,f4a*4 Nw % and lot 3, of Hec Then There Wee a Row. [added to either side»-Maria o. the 8 Hof N’w *1. of section No 20. No. 4, in Tp No 3 north, Range No g west, "Now. sir," she commanded. ‘Took in tp No 1 H. range Ko 8 W, and will offer and will offer proof to shnw that (the (land prom to show thai the land sought Is more I «•ought is more valuable for its timber or Will give you com me In the face and deny. If you dare, valuable for its timber or stone than for I »tons than for aarCultural purposes, and to plete protection that you married me for money!” lag to Accept an Apology. agncullaral purposes, and to establish his establish his claim to^***'* land before the claim to said land before the County Clerk 1 It slater and Receiver, at Portland. Oregon, and long service He raised hie eyes until they were di ­ I (Just arrived, —Are there at Tillamook Citv. Ore., on Friday, the 9th j 011 uehday, the Hth day of October, 1907 ••• You cant afford here» Phyllto-Oh. there are I rected to her countensnce and faltered: dav ol Aligns», iea. of Tillamook. Or . Charles Himes, of 1 of Nebalem. Oregon j Pi ter Wagner, of Forest Every garment Grov«, Oregon Tillamook. Or it It—London Times. guaranteed "B^JreaF'añTQiñckeaí^ur^TTaíl Any and all persons claiming adve sely the 1 Any and all persons claiming adversely the Stone step« may be kept free from above described lands are requested to file their i above described land« are requested to file their Th* best dealer, >4« THROAT and LU KG TBOUB- rlaima in this office on or before said 9th day claim» in thia offiea-on of before »aid 8th day of only account for that greenneaa by adding a small quantity LX8, or MONEY BACK. (Xtuoor, I907 of August, i9©7 of chloride of Lime to a pall of water. do not alter-Disraeli. AMatoKMuM B. Daa^taa, Register. A lx . xmmob ». DKRaeta, RegisUrr | N HEADQUARTERS FOR 1 DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, «! Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES ALEX McNAIR CO. '.a .Tai'« Ref* MAKE kill ™, couch CURE lungs Dr. New Discovery I fob - MISTAKE OILED CLOTHING •« n- in y t a »