iliamonk Val. XX TILLAMOOK, R \LPH ACKLEY, Real Estate, Farm and City Pro­ perty, Tillamook City, Oregon. $800 —20 acres level land, three miles from city. $1,500 — io ic es good river bottom land near town. $2,000 -^15 acres river bottom land near town. $3,000 — 20 acres gr your chicken. * nis cannery business and his ranch. Second Hand Fruit Jars (or sale cheap ] „ c , ain() jg handli(lfi the Bav((feni, y L, B. Reynolds. lots ¡„ thiscounty, having already sold i Everybody go to the water excursion ' a number to Tillamookers The lots can on Sunday, Aug. 18. * > be obtained on the installment plan. Did vou see the Seventy Dollar Top Buggies at Snuffer's ? * I E „„ , ,, . ... , . I ■ I he Tillamook County Bank will take your county orders at par. j B-G o to Bay Ocean Park, on Sunday.. — August k.inuof liltli Cpe loicfelc * 18th. See posteis. I ” Harris will feed your team bay and keep them over night for 50c. ; i $ P01 s. I Don t forget to stop at Harris' Feed the cheapest place in the citv to * st. Wanted, bids for hauling the supplies from Tillamook City to Ca|>e Miares Light Station. Send bids to Geo. Hig- ( keeper, c Me Oi e , office. Barnegat, Ore. Thc rain on Tuesday night and Wed- . . . tiesdav was not appreciated by campers and pleasure seekers, but it was a good thing lor the county and will prevent forest firts for a few weeks. * W. H. Britts mid family left on Sun- Sheriff Henry Crenshaw anti wife and for their home in Portland. Ira Smith and wife, accompanied by Dr. tfe'It pars to buy your Flour and . Fred T. P. Wise and wife and son, of Port from a feed store'. See Snuffer's. land, pitched tent at Happy Camp on i^Clark Hadley is having erected. near Sunday for a week's vacation. the laundry, a shed tor automobiles Clough’s Concentrated Orange Cider Not the cheapest, but tbe " best fur mixed with water and sweetened to taste makes a delicious, refreshing and health­ money,’’ is the motto of Mason Bros. ful drink. It sells for 50c. a pint, which Archie I’cery aud fatnilv. of McMinn­ is enough to make five gallons of Orange ville, arrived at Netarts on Saturday. Cider ready to drink. Try a bottle at * »Don't miss seeing the new dining room Clough's Drug Store. chairs just received at Jones & Knud­ It is thought that Mrs. H. T. Winters son's. * and two children, who is a niece of Sim No one thinks of buying a buggy or Earl, and who wereon their way to Tilla wagon without looking over Snuffer's mook on board the Columbia when that vessel foundered alter being in collision stock. with the lumber schooner San Pedro, ZGet into the habit of trading at Pntz» and that they were drowned with a laf’s and receive a 5 per cent discount large number of passengers. fat cash. Wanted. Organizers, ^ther sex, on The Methodist parsonage for sale and salary of $1,000 a month Tiiid expenses the building to be moved.—-Inquire of T. tor an up to-date Association, paying H. Goyne. * weekly sick and accident’benefits and Mrs. Mvron Perkins came in on Satur­ furnishing free medical attendants to all day from Ashland on a visit to relatives its members. Liberal contract will be marie with producers of business —Ad­ and friends. dress American Sick & Accidental Assu. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong are cialion, Buffalo, N.Y. • in from Lents and registered at the Lar The remains of Mrs. Beals, mother of sen House. Representative A. G. Beals and Mr. F. Now is the time to get vour Top K. Beals, who died in Portland, were Baggy for the Carnival. Seventy Dollars brought to tliiscity last night for burial. at Snuffer's. * The funeral took place this afternoon, ' There will be services, both morning ihe religious services being in the M.E. Church, conducted by Rev. D. L. Shrode, and evening, at the Presbyterian church the pastor, and the interment was in the next Sunday. Oddfellows cemetery. Obituary notice Have vour photo taken bv McMillian next week. while you have the chance. You are sure State Land Agent Clias V. Galloway of good work. came in on Tuesday in connection with Albert Mason and family went to Ne- the application of H. L. Chapin. E. E tat» ta is on Monday to spend a vacation at Lytle and others to purchase tide lands in Tillamook Bay, abutting Bayocean Muppv Canip. Park. The promoters of this proposed Whv leave your horses in the rain summer resort are wanting to acquire when you can tie them in Harris* Tie 280 acres of tideland, and as thev are 8bed for 10 cts. •mt willing to pay $20 per acre, the price L 0 Slackdale and party, niter sjieml- fixed by the State Land Board, Mr. tn* ten davs on the beach, ¡left for Hills- Galloway is sent in to view the land and report an estimate of its value. tfMfun Sunday. keep your team. IS. îi ca ùl i ijljt Solli*3 Whitehouse underwent an oper­ ation in Portland, which was success felly performed. The largest shipment of Loaded Shells that ever came to Tillamook just receiy- edtte King & Smith Co. J**,'* Walton, jr.. Mrs. Walton and •¡•ter and Miss Blanch McNair, camjed ■t Happy Camp on Sunday. C. I. Clough, who has heew visit- r several weeks in Portland, re- in the city on Saturday. ^■■^toers continue to arrive in Tilla- moollt« going to Netarts and other sea- Jlesorts to spend the summer | Mi Kinley and wife will leave this for Nome. Alaska, where he ii to the business of E. B Barthrop- OREGON, wife Lafayette ; G. A. Ehlen and wife, 1 F. E. Yager and wile. Hubbard; J. E. Hubbard and wile. Independence. The steamer Sue H. Elmore mine in on Saturday, her passengers being Frank Devine. Mr. Wells. Mis. Clough, Mrs. Groce, Miss Nelson, Mrs. Brown and daughter, Fred Becker, Mr.’Meyer and wife, A Hattawav. Miss Goic'en. Mr. Wood. P. Nickels. J. Wendell, Mr. Mais and wife, J. C. O’Conner, Miss D. Floyd. Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Harman, S. Elmore She left on Tuesday, when her passengers were A. Boss. N. S. Smith and Miss Smith. Mrs. J P. Sharp, Mrs. W. R Rutherford. W. N. Smith, Mrs. Tone and Miss Maggie Tone, Mrs. Munson and daughter. M. B George. R. P Meyer and wife, Frank Pag-. W. M. Wilson, John Gray. H. L. Chapin, A. R. Hathaway. Wm. Allen and S. Elmore. Wants Automobile Road. A number of liusiaeM inen and others waited on the Board of County Commis­ sioners on Tuesday to ascertain what the county would do towards tbe pro­ posed HUtoinobile boulevard twin« built into Tillamook county, either over the Wilson River route or bv way ol Sheri- den. Messrs James Walton, Gus Kunze. Rollie W. Watson. Henry Kunze, M. F. Leach, Alex. McNair, W. C. King, C. I. Clough and others joined in the discus­ sion, and from what they said the dele- cal ion was ill favor of the county help­ ing to the exte-it of an equal amount of money put up by the automobolists, that it favored the Wilson river route, that it would be a good investment, as it would bring thousauds of dollars into ibe county, that the expense should be borne by the county and not by sub­ scriptions by people of this county, who had recently subscribed towards the right of wav tor a railroad, which had doubled values in Tillamook, and that something ought to be done to make this county a great summer resort. County Judge Goodspeed dropped a few return ks during the informal talk, in which he said he was in favor of spending all tile money thev could get upon improving the roads, but was opposed to spending money upon automobile roads and leav­ ing the Netarts, Sandlake, Slab Creek, Blaine and other roads in their present condition, all of which needed improv­ ing He was not in favor ol going into debt and having to pay interest, and he made the statement that it would be necessary to levy a 10 mill road tax next year, which would raise >80.000, if all the proposed load improvements were taken inlinnd. Commissioner Alley said they did not have enough money this year to spend on roads w hich needed im­ proving. He wanted n little time to consider the matter, but it looked to him that it the south route was chosen the money expended on the road would be of greater benefit to the settlers than the W ilson River road. Commissioner Bodyb It coincided with the other com­ missioner as to the south route, but would not oppose the Wilson river road if that was eventually selected, but he would iubscribe $50 if the south route was chosen. USINESS C OLLE g E iTH AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B.. P rincipal ates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu- position as soon *.’ competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation f- r work brings us ower 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in. insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the ind other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ; id, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free— References; any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland- Account« Must be Settled 1907 >1.50 per year Sp »..« ■ « * « « • n « « t ■ « ■ • • ■ « • ■ ■ ■ x s < fl I * fl * fl ■ i THE SECOND k k a. at • a r<*. Sunny Mead Addition mook City. to Tilla MAKE A VAPOR LIKE*THIS TWO JETS 8.5c THREE JETS. GALVANIZE!»... «1.00 THREE JETS. BRASS.................... 1.25 CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND Keeps the Flies off Stock The W. S. Hayes' five acre tract, con­ tracted for bv the Tillamook Real Estate One Quart, at 5Oc. Company, will be platted and placed on the market. Advance sale now on. | Lots cheapest mid besF of any in Tilla- , mook. Call and see thc plats at the | Tillamook Real I Estate Company's If after using CARBOLIC COMPOUND office; or F R Beal’s office. your money back. makes 10 Gallons. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist you are not sathfled come and get Life Insurance For twenty-five oni* you can now inaure ypuraelf and family against any bad result« from an attack of colic or diarrhoea during iha sinniner month*. That is the price of a bottle of Chamber- lalii’a Colic, Choir 1 a ami Diariboea Remedy, a medicine that has never been known to fail. For bale by Clough's Drug Store. First Bank & Trust Company, BAY CITY, ORE. Capital Block........................ 125.000. Offers e.ery facility for safe banking, Ha ring disposed of our business and and solicits your business. wishing to wind up our accounts as soon as possible, those who are owing us are Commercial. Saving« and Truat De­ requested to call and pay at once, as we partments, want to outstanding indebtedness paid Three per era* allowed on deposits up without delay. C ohn & Co. •uhject to check. Four |*r cent on Saving, and Time Notice Notte» ia hereby given that 3 V. Ander­ Dejmaka O-ir little hook. ‘ Helpful Hint« on son ha« rented the pasture on a parcel ol land Mtaated in ton «ship 2 S. 8 writ , H*«k>ng,'' «xplaininf how to do your also in town»hip t S. 8 west, and ha« all banking by mail ia ready. right« to the «ente at Ion» a« owned by Send for a copy. It's free for the tbe present utruer*. Àlaa. U. Wxar. eakiog. NEW GOODS ! A fine assortment of Summer Foot Wear, just received at the Red Front Shoe Store, consisting of Ladies’, Gent.’s, Misses and Children’s Shoes. May ladies’ patent leather and Vicci Ftench Kid cannot be beat for fit, finish and comfort. No paste board coun­ ters. I have also a fine assortment of Men’s and Boy’s fine Shoes. My stock of Men’s and Boy’s Work Shoes, high and low cut, and my King Logger Shoes are the best in the city for the price. No charge for sewing rips on shoes bought of us. Red Front Shoe Store P. F. BROWNE, Agent