TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 1. ieo7. D. 8. McCall. R Rol»ina<>n, C. J. Hub ANCESTRAL APPETITES. bard and wife ; Geo. L Davis, W. J aw - W Ixcliain, Tabla Faats of Some Famoui Foodoro renew, Portland; Wm, Wm. Noank, A LNoa>>», Conn.; , n. Getaner. Hdlsboro; of Byflono Oayo. N. McMillan. Garibaldi; Mr. Noland, ogQQ—2O acres level land, three miles from city I A generation bolding critical view» wife and sister. Monday —8. D Will». C. E Grelle. ! on a man’s Intelligent, or unwise, W.H Warrens J. M V. Zan, Cheater choice of parents is not likely to In­ acres go°d »¡ver bottom land near town. G. Murphy. A. C U. Berry. C. R Hunt, dulge In ancestor worship. But there Hairison G Platt, Helen Platt, Arthur D. Platt, Chas Bloomberg, Martin ere at least one or two things In which i5acre* river bottom land near town. our ancestors were truly greater than Bloomberg, Frank Linggi, Martin Niel I sen. H. L Vm*e. W P. Hadley. we of the present day can ever aspire Tuesday.—J. S Craig Mr. Morley and to be. Take them, for Instance, at ta­ 8°°^ river bottom land. wife, Portland. ble. If ancient books on table eti­ Tuesday.—C. A Summer. J. M. Ward. quette are to be taken seriously, and Q 1 | ()()()— ioo acres river bottom land with stock, house, barn, Portland; F. U. Bailey, Fred Sergnst, there is no reason why they should ’ team and all implements. Hdlsboru not be. Hie ancestor was In the habit Wednesday.—K. C. Clement. H B. Davis, Portland; H. S. Turner. A. H. of gnawing bones a la chlen and of Beaty. He nJ lock, Nels Nelson, Garibaldi; disposing of them by the simple means TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS. First Count for the Queen. John Severance, L H W’hite. Portland; of throwing them under the table or I The first count of the votes for Queen W. C. Tucke; K. C. Crosby, Forest over his shoulder. He worked hard Do net give your note to any and of the Carnival was made on VVednes Grove. with his hands In the dishes, when a every one from whom you may lie pur­ day, with the following result ' Thursday.— II A. Abright, W. 8. succulent but slippery morsel refused chasing goods or HUppliee but^ borrow 70 Burriss, Portland. Mrs. Clark Hadley........... to come to him by means of knife and your money at this bank. You will 68 Miss Hazel McNair...... .. fork. He used his table napkin for h I ways know just where to fiinl your 5<> Well Written Advertisement. Mrs. B. O. Snuffer.............. unspeakable purposes and bis fork In notes, know just how much you owe, 10 Miss Lena Kutcher........... ami we allow you the privilege of re One of the most attractive and best utter forgetfulness as comb or tooth­ 8 Miss Jesse Mason............... paying any amount at any time. Can brush. In one sense, therefore, be did written announcements that ha« «p 2 Miss Marie Tinnerstet ... handle a few good, short time real estate for a long pea red in the _ _ Headlight __ _ „ not know how to eat. Meanwhile, in loans,—T illamook C ounty B ank Mrs Clark Hadley desires u« »o make time is that of the Portland Business another, be was truly great for the Chester Holden has bought out B. C. the announcement that she is not an College, printed elsewhere in this issue. quantities of food which be caused to Lambs interest in the telephone and aspirant for Queen ol thet'arnival, and The heading is strong and artistic, the disappear at a single meal were noth­ express building and Mrs Holden will makes the request that her friends not wording cleancut and impressive. Send ing short of marvelous. for the catalogue mentioned in the ad­ have charge of the office in future. The to vote for her. as she would not serve. The records preserved of the ances­ vertisement. It is a beautiful pro Pacific Navigation Co 's office moved to duction that tells all about the school tor’s feats of the fork (and the finger) Tillamook Beach Jottings. r<»<»ms in the National Bank building are woefully thin, but now and again and its splendid work. Mrs Holden has had some experience in No educational institution in the one of these very human documents Mr and Mrs. Perkins and family, of the business, for she was in charge of the Tuttle telephone office, where she North Yamhill and Miss Grace Gray, of Northwest is better known than the In the form of a menu Is unearthed was most obliging and gave good satis Portland, are camping at Mr. Cone’s Portland Business College. Its princi­ and tells Its own story. Such Is the pal. Prof. A. P. Armstrong, has been following list of dishes served in 1334 place. faction to the patrons of the line. Mr Henry lames recently returned to engaged in school work all his life, and to a worthy citizen of Valencia on the has an enviable reputation as an edu­ While H. V. Whitney, with his wife his home in Portland. cator. He knows the requirements of occasion of his taking unto himself a and two children, were coming from A. R White ami family, of Lafayette, employers of office help, and can pre- wife. Across the space of close upon Forest Grove u>er the Wilson river road aud P. C. Stallcop and wife, of Cailton, to spend a summer s vacation on the are vamping at the Maxwell place, paieany willing student to meet them. the slz centuries the cranes and lam In this commercial age, King Business preys, the peacocks and boar's head of Leach, the youngest child was taken sick, also G. P. Dix and family, of Clackamas; and stopping at the Illingsworth place, and Mrs J. E. Murreii. of Eagle Creek. is monarch of all he surveys. Oppor­ the feast made fine display. This Is tunities are not wanting for those who the order In which the fourteenth cen­ the child grew worse and died befoie a Mrs. Eliza Evans and family ere at are properly qualified. A course in the doctor could be obtained. Coroner C. E. tury wedding breakfast was served: Portland Business College will prepare Reynolds went up there on Tuesday and Happy Camp for a summer's vacation MENU. Fred C. Baker and wife. Walter Baker any young man or woman for work in after making an investigation decided Roast crane, venison, lamprey. n*»t to hold an inquest The child was and wife. Mrs. J^ee M. Travis and dau­ the commercial world, and result in a Peacock, pheasant, guinea fowl, osprey, and Misses Lottie and position that will render the investment 18 months old and the parents took the ghter of Eugene, _ snipe, pike. body back to Forest Grove to be buried, i Sadie Banfield, of Portland, are camped of time and money in a business educa Baked pomegranates, burnt almonds, veg­ tion the most profitable that can be at Happv Camp. etables, fish. A civil service examination was held ' Postmaster A. W. Severance and his made. Eel pie and toast. ___ in the Central school building last Tues- ’ ( . family and U. W. Brush and family are Galantine of sprats and cheese cakes. Peacock, crane, pheasant. day by Clyde R Feits for forest rangers, ' , at Netarts camped for a summer's out­ Tillamook Out of the Wilderness. Crayfish, boar's head and savouries. at which there were the following candi . ing. Figs, medlars and waters. The first locomotive in Tillamook dates: J. G. Ranes. of Tillamook;------ Wines. Marquise, of Eugene; JxRoy Kerns, of ( John Sheets, of Long Prairie, took his County arrived at Bay City on the 8alnt Jangon, Branne, Burgundy and family to Netarts to spend a short camp ­ barge Wallicut b st Saturday and its Eugene; Rolla J. Phelps, of Mapleton;' Hock. appearanue created much excitement. E l Hoag, of Tillamook; Wilbur J Still- I ing vacation at Netarts. The Italians also were famous feed well, of Tillamook ; B Hinz, of Clover.; Walter Tues and family, of Hillsboro, A special dispatch to the Oregonian dale; Ed. Folands. of Tillamook, and P. I ( are at Netarts beach for three weeks says that it was welcomed by a num­ ers nnd seem to have distinguished ber of pioneer residents, who had themselves In particular during the E Rice, of Mapleton. The written work i camping. was taken Tuesday and the field work I Clark Hadley and wife and \V. J. Ste­ never before viewed the iron horse at early days of the renaissance. The was taken Wednesday in an open field phens and wife were at Happy (’amp. any closer range than in the pages Bourbons valiantly followed suit, one Ibe in in the outskirts of the city.—Eugene Ex. Clark was taken sick and had to return of magazines or newspapers of the most distinguished successes be­ ciJcnt is interesting, but there are fra ing scored by Louis XIV., of whom an The public school report from Til la to the city on Saturday night. tui es in connection with it that are M E Grimner. of North Yamhill, was mook county has been sent to the state hardly creditable to Oregon or at least eyewitness wrote: “I often saw him superintendent of school and shows the at Netarts on Fridav on a visit, having to those who have hud Oregon’s trans­ eat four plates of soup, a whole pheas following: Number of children of sold out and left there about 18 years portation facilities in their hands fol ant, a guinea fowl, a large dish of arliool age. mule 846. female 717, total ago. so many years. Nearly fo tv years Balad, several slices of mutton with 1.563; number of children of school age Mrs. Dick Fultz,of Portland, is visiting have elapsed since the first locomotive garlic sauce, two large slices of ham, a nut attending any school, male 16’J. with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. appeared in Oregon, and for nearly a dish of cake and dessert.” The threats female 135. total 804; number of C. O'Hara at Netaits. quarter of a century, we have euj yed of his physicians finally reduced bls teacheis, male 21. female 54. total 75; A. S. Huntley, wife and family left for communication with the rest of the majesty to such meager fare as two number of teachers taking educational their home in Salem on Tuesday, after a United States by transcontinental rail­ journal of some kin<1, 64, number of week’s stay on the beach. plates of pigeon broth and three roast loads. districts 47 ; voters qualified to vote on fowls. According to Arenberg, the Tillamook is one of the liebest re Tillamook people who visited Netarts school matters, 1,265; number of school gioiis in tlio West. It is a traffic-pro­ great king was later in life subject to on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. houses. 56; number of schoolhouses built ducing territory of wonderful value attacks of indigestion. during the year, 3 ; averege number of Allen, C B. Hadley, Dr PJ Sharp and The little suppers In the reign of the wife, Mr. Crocket, Dr. R» sh , Harry through every’ mile of the distance be months taught in districts, 6.7. Loomis, Frank Easter, Alford Easter. tween Fortland and the Ocean. That next Louis, though on a slightly less it should remain so long without rail ­ 8 S. Johnson, Miss Hattie Marolf, Allen After being delayed for several weeks gigantic scale, are still sufficiently Im­ in Portland owing to two steam shovels Page Uzz Nolan. Harry Sharp, Hailey road facilities is a powerful indictment pressive. The Marquise d’Artenay, for being destroyed in a railroad wreck, the Morton, Mrs. Morton. Arthur Evans, of the transportation influences which Instance, put before her guests after barge Wallicut, with material for the Arthur Holden and wife and child, have bottled up such a large piopor- Pacific Railway & Navigation Co.’s rail­ Edgar Munson. Ralph Moore, Russ lion ol the entire State of Oregon. Bui they came from the theater and before long-neglected Tillamook Ims they went on to a dance this collation: road was towed from the Albina dock Johnson, Erie Hanson. H. Kuntz and even advantages Pigeon soup, with lentils and carrots. bv the tug Samson to Tillamook and family, W. J. Stephens and wife, W, E. possessed transportation Chicken broth. arrived here on Saturday, the tug Geo. Catterlin and family, Fred Biggs, P. G. over other sections of Oregon wher*- R. Voabuig towing the barge across the Logen, Win. Armstrong of DeH Maines, the first locomotive has not yet ap Patties of fowl, veal, capon, pheasants, guinea fowl. It has |an outlet by way of bar and taking her tu Bay City, where Iowa; ami E. K. Jacobs and B. Smith peared. Sweetbread and roast poulets. the material will be unloaded aud con­ and Walter Redmond, of Springfield, the Pacific Ocean, and although the Baked starlings, wood pigeons, wild duck st ruction work will proceed rapidly. III.; W. II. Britts aud family, of Albany, ship service lias been poor and the and snipe. rates have f>een outrageous, it bas beim Besides the material the Wallicut had Ore. Cakes. Sweets. Fruit. possible for the residents of Tillamook on board 75 men to work on the railroad, Recent arrivals of campers on Gari­ to reach Portland in from two to f«»ui It seems a pity no record Is preserved and the first lucomotive to enter Tilla baldi lieach are : days and even ship out at a good pro of w-hat happened at the dance follow­ mook, which occasioned some curiosity J W Gill. Bamford Choitn, Ralph P. fit butter, cheese and other products ing this supper party. as the iron horse was removed from the Gill, E. M Morley, N. A. Murgeom, of of small farming. (mrge The material includes 10 flat Portland. V\ itli the dwellers in Central Oregon, e-irs. 25 dump cars, six miles of rails, a A Big Fan. T. G. Todd. 0. A. Johnson. L. Johnson, nothing of this kind is possible, They car each of spikes, bolts, smithing coal A good deal of royal significance has C. S. Wright, J. N. Hartley and wife. L. h.ive lands of great richness and vast and hay. etc. With lhe arrival of the C. Dunning.C. Baldwin, T. Baldwin, W. forests of flue timber. Their flocks been given to fans. They were sym material Bay City lias become a busy Baldwin, |ennie Baldwin, of Purest and herds roam over thousands of bols of authority In Mexico before the place, f»»r it is !>eing unshipped as soon Grove. square miles of fine pasture. There are conquest. Queen Mary of England re­ as possible and utilized in building the E. Rowley. R. G. Spande, of Barton. rich mines of precious metals, and ceived on New Year’s day In 1556 "7 Pacific Railway A Navigation Co.'s rail Win. Banks and wife, 0. Burkhalter great deposits of coal, but everything fHones to keep the hete of the fyre.” road. and wife, of McMinnville. in that great empire is so fai Queen Elizabeth favored the custom Wm Schumrich and wife and son, J. J. from a ______ __ _____ _ ___ market that thn country that a fan was the only present a sov­ Sunny Mead Addition to Tilla Krebs, ol Farmington. is forced to stand still and await Ibe ereign could receive from a subject mook City. B T. White and wife, of Lincoln, Neb. coming of the long-overdue transporta. Eans have not always been dainty tri­ A C. Boyles and wile, of Lend, S D. tion facilitias. Some of those dwell* rs The W. S. Haves’five acre tract, con­ Miss W. L. Cady, of Mason City, Neb. have been waiting only ten or fifteen fles. Jean de Balzac, a French writer tracted tor by the Tillamook Real Estate Fi. Parsons, of Gales City. years for a sight of the fir^t 1 icoido of the seventeenth century, wrote from Company, will l»e platted and placed on live. Others have spent almost their Italy during the reign of Louis XIV. the market. All lots sold on contract whole lives in thst neglected and iso­ of the enormous fans in use there sus­ Art vaia at the AllenHouse. to he delivered |ulv 1st, 1907. Advance lated land of latest riches. pended from the celling and worked by sale now on. Lots cheapest and best of Tillamook lias sighted its flist loco four servants. He says, “I have a fan Thursday— -F. F A Knapp and wife, any in Tillamook. Cail and see the _____ T motive and ere long will have railroad that makes wind enough In my cham­ McDonald. __ Portland; plats at the Tillamook Real Estate Miss Knapp, i A J ___ ‘ • • - I communication with the rebt of the ber to wreck a ship.” Nehalem ; B. A Knoblock, Company’s office ; or F R BealsoffikC W. E. Knight. M This ¿happy ending of a long Cloverdale; Chas. Cram. St. Paul; J. W world wait would not have been possible Brown. R St rat. The Dalles. Ths Stons Was Not Thrown. Notice had it depended on the efforts of Fridav —J. W, Ward, Andrew Peter, Genevieve’s father occupied the pul­ the California transportation trmitv— •on. P. Byroin, («aribaldi; Wm. Wilson. Notice is hereby given that S V. Ander* Stubbs, Schwerin and Krüllschnitt. If pit. "Let him who la without sin son has rented the pasture on a parcel ol Dundee. Ben W Olcott. 8al»«m. Mrs F. it were in their power to keep that among you be first to cast a stone.” he laud situated in township 2 S, 8 west , Joplin. Portland. Mrs John C. Wilson, country hot tie* I up. as they are keeping also in township 1 S. 8 west, and has all Miss Allis Wilson, R-»lie Wilson. F**rest the rest of (lie «'at**, the* great forests chose for a text. Genevieve listened rights to the same as long as owned bv Grove; Mr, aud Mrs. Row sell. Miss lying between Portland and the new earnestly to the ensuing discourse. At lennis Lewis. Taeoina. M F. White. the prevent owners. M ary H. W est . Coast outlet would be still unbioken. the close of the service her mother Dallas. tried In vain to dislodge her from the Saturday—C. H Lovejoy, B. Prewitt. Fortunately, the Tillamook line is being ministerial pew. Genevieve stood her Dairy Ranch for Sale. E. W Dingman, L C Martin and son. piislie.| by h man who builds railroads C. C. Mauser. Fred Bauer, ir.. Chas with something more than promises ground till the rest of the congregation A dairy ranch of 250 acres, including O’Donnell. Portland; H H. Welch. Oregon need« a few more Lilies and had passed out, then she looked up 100 aciee of timli^r house, barn. I? Sherwood. II. 11 Belt and wife. North and (he removal f»om power of Sch. with a sigh of relief. "Well,” she said. head of i ' ouh , team, wagon, harness, Yamhill. E. W. Saunders. Seattle; Max atari n, Stuhl« and KiuttschiHit.—Ore. “I guess they’ve all sinned Anyhow, mowing machine, hack, brood sow and Skibbe, Astoria, Prewitt Dingman, John gonian. nobody threw It”—New York Globe. H alioats. 9 head of spring calves, bull, T. Brush. Skam. >. H. JBMKIM8, Genl. rrt. A r _