TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 1. 1Ô07 A FRANC FOR A LIFE. i Of Intarest To Women. S’ P_ F_ !To such women as are not seriously o it Of heallhlbjt who have exacting duties to pertor either In the way ot houso- hqld cares\»r In social duties and func- ti as we fl Favorite valuable su Ing nervine. serious sickness and sulferina , may be avoided. The operating table knd the surgeona* knifed would. It Is believed. Seldom have to be en ployed I! this most Valuable womaifs remedy were" resorted to Inhood time. The’Favorite Prescrlp- 1100" has proven a great boon to expectant mothers by preparing the system for the coming of baby, thereby rendering child­ birth safe, easy, and almost painless. Bear in mind, please that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is not a secret or Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window patent medicine, against which the most intelligent people are quite naturally Sashes, averse, because of the uncertainty as to their composition anil harmless character, but Is a MEDICINE OF KSOWX COMPOSI­ TION, a full list of all its ingredients being printed, in plain English, on every bottle­ wrapper. An examination of this list of Ingredients will disclose the fact that it Is their ­ strength, non-alcoholic in v^high\scrloiisly Its composition, tax chemic ally pure, triple-refined glycerine Dr. taking Pierce’s ursing mothers. the place of the Sfcriptlon commonly alcohol, has used proved a most in its make-up. In tonic this connection it Agents for the Great Western Saw. Invigorat- may not be out ting of place to and state that the El. Its ” timely much "Favorite Prescription of Dr. use, Pierce is the only medicine put up for the cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ail­ A ments, and sold through druggists, all the ingredients of which have the un­ The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. animous endorsement ot all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the iF__7 X several schools of practice, and that too as remedies for the ailments for which "Favorite Prescription" Is recommended. A little book of these endorsements will be sent to any address, post-paid, and T imber L and , J une 3, 1X78—N otice for T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, I878.—N otice for T imber L and A ct , J unk 3, 1878.—N otice for absolutely free If you request same by P ublication . P ublication . PUBLK AT1ON. United States Land Office, Portland Ore . postal card, or letter, of Dr. R. V. Pierce, United States Land Office, Uuited States Laud Office, Portland. Ore., June 13th. 1907. Portland, Oregon May 28th, 1907. Buffalo. N. Y. June 15th 1907. Notice is hereby giv«-n that in compliance Notice is hereby given that in • ompliance Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets enro con­ Notice is hereby given tlmi in compliance the provisions of the act of Congiess of with the provisions of the act of i’ougress of with the provisions of the act of Congress of stipation. Constipation Is the cause of with June 8. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale June 3, 1X78. entitled “ An act for the sale of June 3, 1X7X, entitled “ An act for the sale of many diseases. Cure the cause and you of timber lands in the States of California, timber lauds in the States of California. Oregon, lands in the States of C lifornla, Oregon, cure the disease. Easy to take as candy. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex­ timber Nevada and Washington Territory.’’ aa ex­ Exciting Adventure With a Moslem Fanatic In Algeria. Near the western end of Ouar tn a Stores In the lonely street (for most of the men were sleeping from 12 to 3 during the ropolis. heat of the day) I met a tall, stalwart Itiffi from the mountains, writes Rev. W. G. Pope, who was a missionary In MILLINERS. Algeria. Accosting him with the usual Arabic Met by a Clever salutation. I asked him if he could read. He answered. “No.” • Agitating Ex­ “Where do you live?” American Woman “In the mountain, twenty miles For Bargaina. west.” “Have you a sheik who can read?" the establishment “Yes." jt aepurate entities, "Then will you please take him this wares, the buyers Mrchase or not. as book, with my greetings, and ask him to read it to you all?”’ "What it Is—a Koran?’ liferent. The tno- “No; the story of the life of the loor of a shop you Messiah.” are accepted as part and parcel of Its He then turned and asked If I was a lutemts, a member of th.- famih. follower of the Messiah, to which I It ware. Then a shopwalker pounces upon you and Insists on knowing what answered, “Yes.” Then arose his Moslem fanaticism, you'want. If you-hesltau- o. >.,ur for he was an Alssaoua, a terribly reply, he plants himself squarely in fanatical section of the Moslems In fro« of you and waits. When. In Morocco. sheer desperation (for you had intend Drawing his knife and holding it ed a happy, aimless sort of looking over me, he uttered one word, “Sha- about), you say “gloves." he grasps bed!” (witness), meaning that I was yow arm, flrtnly marches you to the to say. with my forefinger raised, glove counter, seats you at It and de “There Is no God but Allah, and Mo tails a sa lesperson tajwalt upou you. bammed is the prophet of Allah.” All this happssied to me, and in an I felt white, but tried to look cour- exasperated frame e< mind I bought a ! ageous and unconcerned. I remon pair of gio res merely to keep peace in strated with him for so acting with he family, but the bland mid a ntle his Amel’s guest, but all to no pur­ nanly glove seller had no notion of let- pose. He reiterated bls one word, ing me off so easily. He took it for “Shahed!” ranted that that flrefpair was simply His knife was an ugly weapon. It ■y way of preface, and he displayed looked like a piece of sharpened barrel loves of my size of all st? les and coi­ hoop with two pieces of goat’s horn rs. The very foregoneness of his , on fastened together to make a handle. union that I would buy them nil li-ri extended to ill the Public Land States by act ol tended to all’the Public Land States by act of tended to «11 the Fublie Land States bv act of Knowing the Arab's love of an Eng­ August 4. i 8 qj . August 4th, 1892. August 4, 1892, nOlTC'K Of IKEDI I'OKH. ted me, and. briefly aunoiim-ijg that lish knife. I asked him if bis knife was ALEXANDRE D. NORMAND. ANNIE RIPLEY, MUNSON, wanted no more gfoves, I paid him an English one. He answered that he county of Clatsop, state of Of Hobsonville, county ot Tillamook, State of I i>f Tillamook EDGAR . county of Tillamook, State N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the un Of Olney, dersigned has been appointed administrator Oregon, has this day fiied in tills office his Oregon, has this day filed in this office her of Oregon, has this day filed in this office r the pair I had bought. Surprised had made it himself. sworn statement No. 7461, for the purchase of sworn statement No. 7442, for the purchase of his sworn statement No. 7460 for the pur­ the estate of Malkom Wystrom, deceased, d grieved beyond expression, he Lots 1 and 2, Sec No. 20, in township No. the Se ?4 of Nw % Remembering that In one pocket I to of Section No. 7 chase of the Ne of Nw 'I and Nw U of and that letters of administration in due the 1 North, Rsnge No. 8 West, awl will ia Township No. 2 north, Range No. 9 Ne and S Uj of Ne % of Section No. I5. in ckoned the shopwalker, and together bad a franc in silver and coppers and form have been issued to him. offer proof! to show that ’ he laud sought is West, and will offer proof to show that the ownship No. 1 north, range N . 10 west, and All persons having claims against said >y cross examined me as to win I In the other a French louis, I deter­ deceased or against his estate, are hereby uore valuable for its timber or stone than land sought is more valuable for its timber will offer proof to show that the land sought is for agricultural purposes, and to establish his or stone than for agricultural purposes, and I more valuble tor its timber or sone than for notified and required to present them, duly claim used to buy more gloves. Did the mined to buy the knife If possible. to said land before the Register and to establish her claim to said land before agrlculturnl purp ses. and to establish his verified, to said administrator at the office ort not suit me? Were the prices Taking out my small change, I de­ of Tillamook, Oregon, claim to said land before the County Clerk, at T. H. Govne, attorney-at-law. in Tilla­ Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on T ursday, the the County Clerk, at 26th day Friday, the 6th day of September, 1907. 'l illamook, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day of reasonable? Disdaining to answer cided to try that first. 1 referred to mook City, Oregon, within six months from nesses : of September, 19->7. He names as wit­ on She names as witnesses September, 19'f7. He names as witnesses : the date hereof. se questions,' I endeavored to stalk I the fact that the English were very .1. R. Wlieri v, of Elsie, Oregon ; Janies Gal- Dan Hickey, of Balm, Oregon ; Lannda Mc­ Goran Mum-on, of I iliamook, Oregon. James Dated July 11th. 1907. laglie”, of Elsie, Oregon; Pied Normand, ot Fee, of Balin, Oregon; M. H. Ripley, of Hob­ c Bewley, Tillamook, Oregon; Geo. F. Zim­ W m . E. C atterlin , ■ghtlly away, but this was not al- I proud of their knives and I would Administrator of the Estate of Jewell, Oregon; Alex Normand, of Else, son v lie, Oregon; Harry Crane, of Hobsonville, merman, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Robert Watt, ed. More In sorrow than in anger, much like to take back to my country Oregon Oregon. of Bay < ity, Oregon. Malkom Wystrom, deceased. ( Any and all persons claiming adversely the Any and all persons claiming adversely the Any and all persons claiming adversely the r told me I must wait for my bill, a Moroccan knife to show what others »bove-described lands are requested to file their above-desc ibed lands are requested to file their above-described lands are request- d to file their SUMMONS. laims in this office on or before said 26th day claims in this office on or before said 6th day claims i:i thh office ou or befotesaid 7th day the gloves were to be sent and I could do and offered to purchase it. i9o7. of September, I907. of September. I9O7. The sight of the French coppers and In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon >f September. given the exact change I deemed A lgernon S. D resser . Register. A lgernon 8. D resser , Register. A lgernon S. D resser . Register. for Tillamook County. unnecessary, but I soon found It a glistening piece of silver was too M. J. MacMahon T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878—N otice for >e one of their inexorable laws. much even for his fanaticism. He un­ Plaintiff, T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878 — N otice for P ublication . T imber L and , J une 3, 1878—N otice f r vs. i, signed and countersigned, must did his leather sheath, restored the P ublication . United Stales Land Office, P ublication . Prancis Trevor, Francis United States Land Office, Portland, 0 egon, United States Land Office, Portland, Ore., ratted for, no matter how trifling knife to its place, looked once up and Trevor, Jr., Agnes Reid, Portland, Oregon. June 10th, 1907. May bill 1<, Ne M ol Kw and 8e »-4 of expiration of six weeks from the date of the merely amounts from which to ownship No. 1 south, range No. 10 we t, an 1 will range No. 9 west, and will offer proof to Nw *4, of Section No. 25, in township No. 2 first publication of this Summons, and i fTer proof to show that the land sought is more show that the land sought, is more valuable north, range No. i0 west, and will offer proof the dickering. you fail to so appear and answer for warn POINTED PARAGRAPHS. tor its timbei or stone than for agricultural al liable for its timber or stone than for agii to show that the land sought is more valuable thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court the ruses resorted to by these ultural purposes, aiv* to establish her claim to purposes, and to establish his claim to said for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ lor the relief prayed for in the complaint. aid land befuie the County < le k, at Tilla­ land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, poses, and to establish her claim to said fand 1 milliners! Tn Mayfair Is one The relief prayed for in the complaint if No man Is as wicked as bis thoughts. Oiegon, on Friday, the 6th day of September, faffure the County Clerk, at THIam ok, Ore., on that plaintiff have judgment against F ranch mook, Oregon, on Wednesday, the Nth (lay of 190?. Hr names as witnesses : most fashlonablb millinery shops Thursday, the 8th day of August, 19u7. Shu A whlttler never whittles bls own Trevor for the sum of $400.00, with interest \ugust, 190?. She names as witnesses : George Watt, of Bay I ily, Oregon ; Fred D names as witnesses George Watkins, of Netarts, Oregon; A. A. world. Over the door gilt let- furniture. at the rate of 8 percent per annum from Octo Pike, of Bay City, Oregon; Fred Bahiier, of « ’ ager, of Netarts. Oregon ; Hugh Ba ber, of Daniel A. Simmons, of Bay City, Oregon J ber 4th. 1900, together with an attorney's fet pell one of the' most famous Netarts, Oregon; D. J Culy, '1 ilhiniook, Bay (,‘itv, Oregon; John O. Boeorth, of Bay (diaries Pike, of Bay City, Oregon; James (i. Being out of a job sort of tames a of $123.00, in accordance with the terms o •f iregon. City, Oregon. n names. To this shop i «ent Bewley, of ¿Tillamook, Oregon; Geo. F. Zim- a promissory note bearing date October 4th Any aud all persons claiming adversely the mernian, of Tillamook, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely 'he 1900, and " that a mortgage given bj hat. Being very canny, I ex- man down. described lands are requested to file their above described lands are requested to file their Any and all persons claiming adversely the What a lot of things people hide Francis Trevor on that date upo i am bove claims iu this office on or before said 6th day of abovedescribed lands are requested to file their I great Interest in several hats laims in this office on 01 before said Xtli day covering the South East quarter of Section 13 Sept ein ber, >9<>7' • f August, 1907. claims in this office un or before said Xtli day of 1 knew I should not buy At from each other! in Township 2 South of Range 9 West of Wil A lgernon S. D resser . Register. A lgernon S. D rbsser , Register. August, 19(>7 A mnn is always at least as old as lamette Meridian, and recorded in Boo artlessly Inquired the price of AxiERNoN S D rkhser , Register. “K.” at page 637, of the records of Mort gages of lillamook County. Oregon, t< which bad really charmed me j he confesses to being. T imber L and A ct , J une 3 1x78 —N otice fob T imber L and , A ct J i nf . 3, I878 — N otice for Secure the payment of said promissory note Men have failed In business tor ev­ be foreclosed’. That the defendants and al e first. The price was 8 guineas P ublication . T imber L and , A ct J unk 3. 187«.—N otiu M fob PUBLICAT ION. United State)* lamd Office, P ublication . bore four magnificent ostrich ery reason but lack of advice. of them be foreclosed of all equity of redemp United States Land Office, P01 timid, Ore. Portland, Oregon, Muy nth, 19o7- United States Land Office or other interest in said real property April islh. 1WO7. tbto price was not exorbitant; We are all Inclined to waste powder tion Notice is hereby given that ill compliance Portland, Oregon, May 22nd. 1907 that the same be sold and the proceeds ap Notice ia hereby given that in compliance Notice is hereby given that iu compliance ‘Wing the game, 1 bargained when the enemy is not in sight. i»lied to the payment of the judgment prayed vith the provisions oi the act of Congress of with the f rovisiuiis of the act of Congress of line 3, 1X78. entiled “All act for the sale of t i m 3. iX/8, entitled "An act for the Hale of with the provisions of the act of Congress of I asked if they would call it >er lands in the States ot California Oregon, June One of the most difficult things in the or. timber lands In th ? Sates of California, Oregon, June 31(1, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale This Summons is published in pursuance o instead of guineas. This meant world is to learn to take a hint readily. an order made by the Honorable H. F. Good­ Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex­ Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex- of timber lands in the States of Califo**nia, ended to all the Public ¡.and Stales by act of teued to all the Public Land Btntes by act of Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo­ County’ Judge of Tillamook County- only 8 shillings. kugusl 4, I892, It isn’t necessary to go very far speed, ry." as extended to all Public Land Stales by August 4, i 8 q 2. Oregon, made on the 11th day’ of July, 1907 act ol August 4, lXc,2. MATTI E KAMPY, . discovered) was from home in order to become a stran­ directing that service of summons as to said )f Elsie, county Al.GEHN H TINGLEY, of Ulatsou, Shite ol Of Portland, eoun y of Multnomah, State ot Ore HUIIKKT E. ROSS, defendants lie made by publication thereof ir Hth a scathing ger. Iregou. has this day filed in this office his go . has this day filed in this office his Of Tillamook, county of lillamook. State of the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news «worn statement No. 74«3, for the purchase sworn statement No. 7446, for the purchsse of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his formed me that paper published in Tillamook City, Oregon The unpopularity of millionaires, once a week for a period of six weeks, and >f E 54 Sw 54 and lots 3 and 4. of section 30, and the Wist oik * half of the Northeast one quar­ sworn s'atemviit No. 7488 for the purchase in that shop, however, is not what causes the com- date Ne >4 Nw J4 and lot 1. of Sec ion No. 3!, In tp. ter aud lot numbered one (W of Ne i,4 of the Ne »4 of Nw K, of Bee. No 13 in Tp. No. 1 of the first publication is July 11th. No. 4 north, Range 8 West. U M,,and will offer and lot i), of Sec. No 24, in Tp. No. N. Kang'« No. 10 West, and will offer proof to knowledge for paratlvelj- small number of them.— 1907. •jroof to show that the land sought is 1 8, range No, q west, W.M. and will offer proof show that the land sought is more valuable H. T. B otts , establishments. uore valuable for its timber or stone than for to show that tne land sought is more valua fot its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ Atchison Globe. Attorney for Plaintiff. igricultura) purposes, and io establish his hie for i*s tiirber or stone than fur agricultural poses, and to establisli his claim to »»aid land t them at their ■laim to said land before the Register and before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, purposes, and to e<«1abliah his claim to said NOTICE FOH Pl BIZCATION. 6 guineas Receiver at Portland, Oiegun, on Wednesday. land before the Register and Receiver, at Port­ on Friday, the 9II1 day ol Augunt, I9O7. He How Rossetti First Met His Wifs. Department ol the Interior, he 7th day of August, 190;. He names as land. Oregon, on Wednesday,, the iXth «lay names as witness«*» : met with ap- Land Office at Portland, Ore., It was Millais' picture, “Ophelia," ex­ uritnesses . James C. Bewley, of Tillamook, fOrogon; of September, <907. lie names as witnesses June 22nd, jo<»7 of horrified sur- hibited at the academy in 1852, that Stephen Abrahann on, of Elsie, Oregon. Tim Samuel J. Smith, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Toby Geo. F. Zimmerman, of Tillamook, O egon ; Notice is hereby given that HENRY B orcoi an. of Jewell, Oregon , Herman Autio, of Theodore Kingsley, of Tillamook, Oregon , concession 7'i provided his friend and brother pré­ KARR, T.. Hu I th. of Tillamook, Oregon. We«lcy Rusli, of Hobsonville, Oregon, has filed notici of his intention to make final five yeai Hamlet, Oregon; August Tokula, of llanile.', ol Tillamook. Oregon ; Chas. M. Adkins, of F. R, Heals, of Tillamook , Oregon. I remained Any and all persons elahniiig adversely the raphaélite, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, proof in support of his claim, viz: I'onie- Oregon. Tillamook, Oiegon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the a offer, and. after with a wife. Millais bad been alto­ Stead Entry No. I3060, made September 18th Any ami all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requeMtad to file their above-described lands are requested to file their ir. this office on or before said 9th day of sec­ claims in this office ou or before said 7th day above describee lands are requested to fi’e their claims shop without gether at a loss for a suitable model I900. for the E U 8w J4- s* V« Se claims in this office ou or before said iXth day ut August,, 19 u 7. 21, and Nw % Ne section 28. townshi) s reluctantly ac- for his picture, but at length secured tion A lgernon S. D resmf . r , Register. September. 1V07. 2 north, range 9 west and that said proo of August, 1907. A lgernon 6. D resser , Register. AuiF.RNON 8. D resser , Register. will b« made before the Register and Re one In the person of a charming young reiver, at tortland, Or gai, on August 15th krhat I considered a lady who was employed as an assist­ l9«»7. T imber L and , J une 8, 1878— N otice fob T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1x78 —N otice F or He names the following witnesses to prove his P ublication . ___ ' verness on my part, ant behind the counter of a bonnet P ublication T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for continuous residence upou aud cultivation of. United States Laud Office, Portland, Ore , United States Land Office, P ublication . told that if I left a new hat shop. She was the daughter of a the land. viz. : May ryth HI07. Portland, Ore., July 22nd, I907. United States Land Office, Portland, r re., L, L. Smith, of Hobsonvllle, Oregon . M. H Notice is hereby given that hi compliance it home the millli^r would Sheffield tradesman, a beautiful and Notice is hereby given that in com liauce May 22nd, 190*;. Ripley, ol Hobsonville, Oregon ; 8. M. Batter with the provisions of the act of congress of with th«* provisions of the act Congress of trimming for others that lovable girl with a wealth of golden son, of Balm, Oregon , John S, Gray, of Ne lune 3, 187X, entitled "An act fot the sale of Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with June 3, IM7K. entitled “ An act of for the sale of the provisions f the net of ongress <>f June same, but were of inferior hair, by name Elizabeth Siddal. hale, Oregon timber lands iu the states of California. Oregon, 3. 1878. entitl d " Ao act for the sa e of tfinlier timber lands in the stale of California. Oregon, __ A lgernon S. D resser , Register Nevada aud Washington Territory’ as extended lands In the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terrltor»,’ as ex- had been advised, therefore, Young Rossetti straightway fell deep­ tided to all the Public Land State» by act of Nevada and Waahington Tsrrit •ry." as ex­ t* june 3. 1878.—N otice fob to all the Public Land States bv act of August 4 August 4. 1x92. a hat to carry It away ly in love with the fair model. He T imber L and , A ct 1X92, tended to all the Public l^iid KtHtes by act of P ublication . JOHN B. CAPLER, OTTO HHFARER. August 4, ¡392, order to prevent this. So taught her to paint and ultimately United ¡states Land Office, Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State nf Of Garibaldi, county of lillamook. State of ITIERKSA M ROSM, P- rtlaud, Oregon. paying for this bat that married her. Oregon', has llila «lay flle«l in this office hi» Oregon, has this day filed in this office his Of Tillamook, comity of Tillamook. Hfate of Jur e 18th, tgO? sworn statement No. 7363. for the puichase of Oregon, lias this day filed In this office her sworn »tatement No. 7425, for the purchase ot wear it that very after Notice is hereby given that hi coniphanc« the (lie H ’ i of Nw *4 and N % of Sw *4 of Ne 14, of Sec No. 4. in tp. 1 N, range with the provisions of the act of Cot gre»s ol 10 west, and will offer oi oof to show that the •worn statement No. 74.(4, for the purchase of Section No. 10, in Towtiahli» No. 2 north. fbWould take It with me. the the Sa «4 of Sw ‘4. of section No. 34, in Tp No. June 3, IM78. entitled “A11 act for the sale ol land Man's Precious Rib. Kat, I907. She names an Oiegon, Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of witnesses bone, be gave her the following gallant 1907. He names as witnesses Irwin Carter, of Garibaldi. Oregon Andrew w ft 11 rm»« h : ting fifteen mlnutes for the Oregon, lias this day filed in this office hi- Peterson of Garibaldi, Oregon; George Watt, James C. Brw ey. of Tillamook, Oregon;! Henry Tobi, of Nehalem, Oregon; L. A. sworn statement N •. 7463, for the put chase of m to me I began to grow answer: Bay City Oregon ; ( has. A. Johnson, of Bay Hubert E. Rons, of Tillamook, Oregon, Theo I York, of Nehalem, Oregmi , Hugo Kline, of of the Ne *4 Sw*4.Se»4 Nw % and lot 3, of Sec City. "She was not taken from the bead Nehalem, Oregon; W N. Reddaway, of Ne­ Oregon. dore Kingsley, of Tillamook, Oregon; F. R 1 halem, and when It did come I No.4, in Tp. No 3 north, Range No o west, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the of Tillamook, Oregon. nntied the box, removed lest she should rule, nor from his feet and will offer proof to show that,the |lan above-described lands sre tc<|ueab d to tile their paper wrappings and ex­ lest be should trample upon her, but sought stone than for agricultural purposes, and to claims in this office on or before said mt day of above-described lands firs re«,u«ted tofile tbelr ’ claim» in th s office on or before »aid 6th day of claims in thin office on or before said Nth day of September, IQ07. hat Sure enough, the four ' she was taken from his side that she establish his claim to said land before th» October, u»7. A lgernon S. D r E sser . Register. August, I907. R gister and Receiver, at Portland. Oregon, A lgernon 8. D resser , Register. strict! plumes bad lieen re­ . might be bls equal; from under his on A ipernon S. D resser . Register. uewlay, the xth day of Octolier, 1907. H« replaced by four others of I arm, that he might protect her; from names as witneeaes T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 18,8 — N otice for John It ‘ aoles, of Nehalem. Oregon , Frank T imber L and , Acr J une 3BD, 1878—N otice color, but of a distinctly I near bls heart, that he might cherish Yotk. of NehalemJ Oregon John H. ’Radday PUBI.ICAriON T imber L and A ct , J une 3, 1878.— N otice F or f <» r P ublication United States Land Office. of Nehalem. Oregon ; Peter Wagner, of Forest P ublication I boldly declared this and love her.”—Houston Chronicle. Untied Statea Land Office Portland. Oro., Portland. Oregon. June 14th, 1907. Grove, Oregon United States Land Ofllftn, Jone sth. 1907 saleslady haughtily de- Notice is hereby given that in compliance Any and all persons claiming adversely the Portland, Oiegon. May 6th, 1907 Nolle is hereby given that .n compliance More Adulteration. above described lands are requested to file their with the provisions of the act 01 Congress of Notice is her* by given that in compliance witli the provision» of the art of Congreae of June 3rd, 1878, entitled, “An act for the Male with tlie proviaions of the act of Congress of June 3, >878, entitled An act for the sale of “Mrs. Sandy«," said the grumbling claims in this offi« e on or before »aid Mb day ot of I, “look In the bat. See t niber lands in the Mtates of California. June 3, I878, entitled An act for the sale of tlnil»er lauds III the States of California. Oiegon, Ocrobar, I907 Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" timber lands in the States of CalilomiM. Ore­ Nevada and Washington Territory," aa ex’ A lgernon S. D rbrrer . Register. hastily put in to bold boarder. “I am going to write to the as extends) v. all the Public Land States by act gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as tended to all the Public Mild State« by act of I. They were not there city authorities." of August 4. 1892. extended to all the Public l^nd States bv act August 4. 1892 “Indeed, sir! What about?’ MARY JOHNSON, of At gust 4. ¡^2. JOHN F W4GNCR, t left me.” Of Adua. county of Lewis, state of Wash FkKD L. FOKHfX'ND Uf Ported Grove, county ot Waahingion, State "About the quality of the water. It's | said, “merely a few ington, has this day filed iu this office her ! Of Tfffamook. county of Tinamook, State of ofOregoa, ha« this day file«1 In thia office hi» disgraceful. Why, I detected a distinct I •worn statement No. 743R, for the purchaaeof Oregon, ti•» thia day tiled in this office Ids • worn statement No 7449. for the purchase of fasten a bit of trimming the 3e'4 of Sett of Re«’ 2. 8 M*of He U. of Rec. a* orn ■tatem« nt No. 7406, for the pur< base K M of Ba ^4. Section il. amt W % of Hw i|, ot i flavor of coffee In It thia morning."— I i, and Ne *4 of Nw Vs. *’f bee No 12, nt Tp. No 0« the S % of Nw (4 of section No. 10, section No. 1J, in tp No. 2 north, Mvige 2 S, Ran c No 9 W. and will offer proof to In tp. No 1 H. range No 8 W, and will offer No. lowest and will offer proof to »bow that remained for me but to Chicago Journal. •how that the laud «ought is more valuable proof to show that the land sought ia more the land sought is more valuable for Ila tim- t and depart. I could not for ita timber or »tone than for agriculture valuable for it» timber or stone than for ber or »tone than for agricultural purrXaex, purposes, and to establish her claim to • k Counly, at Roberts — Poor Williams died and left ed. when buying a hat to Ore , on Friday,the 27th day ol September, 1907. ' st Tillamook Citv. Ore,, on Friday, the 9th Ttllamook City. Ore , on Friday, the 6th Rhe names aa witn »•« • dav of Augus«. igfr. He names as wltiiesaes day of September, I907. He name« a« ly on my bead and walk a wife and three children. Jones W H Petrie, of Portland, Oregon: Hugh Wesley Mr Millan, of Tillamook. Oregon, witnesses . ng my own old bat to bo That’s nothing. He was too mean to Johnson, of Portland, Oregon . Roy Johnson, I William J. Pirnea of Tillamook, Or : Thomas Henry Tohl, of Nehalem, Orrgon . Itlram of Portland. Oregon C K. Shepherd, of Port- I Rosa, of Tillamook, Or . Charles Himes, of Perry, Nehalem. Oregon K P York, Nehalem, j take them anywhere when he was land, Oregon, R, F Louden, of 1 urtlsnd, Oregon 1 Tillamook. Or Oregon , I D. Caples, Nrhalein. Oregon |heh an episode would not oc- ' living.—Life. Any and all persons claiming u-iveraely the Any and all persons claiming adversely the Any and alt peraon» claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their above described snds are requested to file their above daecKhed lands aro requested tofile their mFreputable shop In America claims in this office on or before said 27th dev I claim« in this office on or before »aid 9th day claim» n »bts office on or before said 6th «lay Nothing great was ever achieved lya Wells In Woman's Home of September. J907 nf August, 1 Mo7 of S. ptember. 1907. without enthusiasm -Emerson. A uumsox 8. URRsaftR, Register. A lgernon m . D remrr , Register. A lgbrnon $. DBkMER. KtgUtcr. I _ HEADQUARTERS FOR § DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES | STEEL STOVES & RANCES. I We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES ALEX McNAIR CO.