Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 01, 1907, Image 3

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. ments, and probably as much as the
j settlers can afford to pay by way of
taxation. Yet, for all that, if this county
We heard this remark made at Netarts is going to cater to the summer travel, Fr,s and Easy Manners In Early Illi-
the other day : “Why, they charge 50c. . it must build and improve the roads to
noia Triala.
for a bottle of beer.’’ Oh, do they ? Well, i all the beaches suitable for aulomob l ’S
Most of the early Illinois court­
whose “They,” please ?
to travel over them. From a business, houses were log built, but lu some dis
* ♦ *
as well as from a financial, standpoint tricts. says the author of “Lincoln, the
We think we are correct in making this we believe it to be good horse sense for
lawyer,” the sessions were held in the
statement : That the hrst ^railroad to the county to start in as soon as possible
enter 1'illatnook will be down the Wilson and improve all the roads to Tillamook burrooms of taverns, and the absence
river, that the survey will be finished in beaches. It will not be two years be­ of all formality in the proceedings Id
about six weeks, and thal the road will fore thousands of persons will be com­ best illustrated by the fact that In th.»
be built and completed next vear by the ing to Tillamook to spend the summer, circuit court of Washlngtpn county,
Pacific Railway &Nav*gatton Company. but in the meantime hundreds of thous­ held by Judge John Reynolds.,the slier.
Notwithstanding that so many persons ands of dollars will be expended in budd­ Iff usually heralded his honor by sing
have predicted tnat a railroad would be ings and improvements on the beaches, lug out. “Come in. boys! Our John 1«
built first into Tillamook \ia Seaside.
and the least the county can do is to a goin’ to hold court!”.to which cordial
build goods roads to the coast. The Invitation those having business w«th
* # *
It is one year ago that Engineer Geo first and most important is a road to
the law responded.
L Davis, of the Pacific Railway & Navi­ the Tillamook Bay peninsula and the
Another sheriff In Union county msda
gation Co., came to Tillamook with a survey and construction of a new road
pack on his back, and had the capitalists ro Netarts. It is imperative that this laudable efforts to meet the require­
and business men of Portland taken his should he taken in hand as soon as pos­ ments of the occasion by shouting out
advice the railroad would have been com sible. And with the improvement <>l the this singular announcement: “Oh, »«••!
pleted this year, for he does like to see Foley road to Nehalem, the Sandlake Oh. yes! Oh, yes! The honorable Julie­
things move. However, next year is the and the Woods roads. Tillamook county ts bow opened!"
date for the completion of the road, but will have as much as it can bite <-ff next
In one case a Judge who destcVl to
this was made possible by the untiring year to get all this done, am! it the Port­
display his learning Instructed th» J'try
energy of Mr. Davis, who is held in the land automobolists would lend a help­
highest esteem by the people of Tilla­ ing hand financially all roads leading to very fully, laying down the law ''¡th
the several beaches should be improved authority, but the Jurors, after Ct'llb-
and made fit for auto travel This is the eisting some hours, found thf'oir,?v»-«
As to fixing the Wilson River road for spirit of the times, and it is the proper unable to agree. Finally the fofoiff*a
automobiles, not much, for Washington thing to put these improvements thro- rose atid asked for additional lh'tfu»!-
County has put the lid on the road by | ugh with a rush, for Tillamook county tfons.
making it a toll road in that county, so is going to make tremendous strides bv
“Judge, this ‘ere is the difficultyhe
those who travel over the road have to wav of development and increase in evplnlned. “The Jury want to know If
pay tribute to the toll road monopolists population the next few years.
that thar what you told vs was r'al'y
Tillamook county cut out the toll road
the law, or on'y Jlst your notkH."—
on the Wilson road, and in Washington
Dairy Dot9.
Youth's Companion.
county making a toll road will have the
The dairyman who is producing milk
effect of diverting the proposed automo­
bile boulevard into Tillamook via Sheri for the city trade finds it necessary to
provide the best and cheapest feed every
dan, leaving Forest Grove in the cold.
month in the year to obtain the best re­
Mark Twain on His Own Reputation
The honking machine admitted that he sults from his cows.
For Voracity.
Alfalfa takes the place of both hay
sold us six bottles oi elixir from his blind
I am used to having my statements
pig at Netarts some two years ago and and bran and is greatly lelishcd by
that we had not paid him for running a all kinds of farm animals.
discounted. My mother began it before
If not possible to have alfalfa, pro­ I was seven years old. Yet all through
blind pig down on the coast. Since then
he has magnified the elixir to one dozen vide all the red clover possible. The my life my facts have had a substra­
and says we haven’t returned them. We more you raise of this valuable hay tum of truth, and therefore they were
are not surprised that the honking ma­ the better for the cows, the farm and
not without preciousness. Any pereon
chine should become confoundedly mixed, yourself.
who is familiar with me knows how to
muddled and befuddled, for we can sol
Do not allow any strong flavored
emnly say that we neither saw handled food, like garlic, cabbage, and turnips j «trite my average and therefore knows
nor tasted the elixir referred to, but we to be eaten, except immediately after tow to get at the Jewel of any fact of
distinctly remember :
mine and dig It out of its blue clay
When Rollie’s blind pig arrived incamp;
It is estimated that an active man and njafrtx. Uy mother knew that art.
It squealed so loud, campers did tramp. an active boy can attend to fifteen cows Whtn I was seven or eight or ten or
These on fifty acres of land near a got d twelve years old—along there--a nelgh-
The lid is now on in a number of conn town ought to make him a good living. ! bvr said to her:
ties in Oregon, and as they are follow ­
“Do y->u ever believe anything that
It is an old maxim among those who
ing suit it will not be long before the en­ raise calves that any milk not fit that bo* says?"
tire state Becomes ‘dry’’ on Sundays. It for the farmer’s table is unfit for the
My mother said:
is plain to see that the saloons are in dis­ calf. Sour or very cold milk will cause
‘Ide fe the wellspring of truth, but
repute hi Oregon, and those who are in scours and any filth in the milk will
yn'.l car't bring up the whois wed with
the business look upon the situation with
invariably show its effects on the coil
alarm, for they realize how popular the dition of the calf
one bu-i:et." And she added: “J know
local option law and the Sunday closing
1)1"» average, therefore he ne’er de-
laws have become in late years, with
C'lves me. I discount him 30 p’r vent
everv probability that public sentiment
f< r eD’broidery, and what is left Is
will become more pronounced against souring. Cleanliness and cold are the T-rfect and priceless truth without a
saloons, with their gambling rooms and only perseryatives needed.
Perhaps the simplest of all remedi s f»w lu It anywhere.”—Mark Twain's
rooms to prostitute young women and
for iniik fever is the filtered air treat­ Autobiography In North Ameih’an Re-
W * *
ment. This is being successfully used by »*few.
Here is a minister who appreciates nearly every veterinarian in the country.
the editor. At a recent editorial con­ Simply take a common gyring and stuff
Ths Fighting Lemming.
vention he offered the following toast : a little absorbent cotton in the end of
If the lemming's powers were pro-
“To save an editor from starvation, take the tube through which the air enters p rtioned to bls pluck, tb» lamming
his paper and pay for it promptly. To the instrument. Then pump out all the would make things lively for the
save him from bankruptcy, advertise in air which is contained iu the syringe,
his paper liberally. To save him from place the injecting tube in the teat and . It T.ter. It attacks yvltb reckon fury
He harmless passerby. One ct these
despair, send him every item of news of pump in a reasonable quantity of air
which you can get hold. To save him If the air seems to remain in the teat, c'ontures, smaller than a rat, sdll as-
from profanity, write your correspon gently massage the udtier till it is dis­ iu»tl without a second thought a couple
deuce plainly on one side of the sheet and tributed evenly over the quarter. Treat of human beings weighing 1Ü0 pounds
send it in as early as possible. To save each teat in this way and it will not be a | lece. It will spring to one's knees,
him from mistakes, bury him. Dead long till the cow will be on her feet In bt '-king aud biting, and in p-’rldtpd
people are the only ones who never case she suffers another attack, repeat fri-'y fall back “all ends up” to the
the treatment. Previous to making tie
make mistakes.’’—Sheridan News Sun.
er.’th, only to renew the attack esaln
air injection the operator should see
* * *
anl again. One day while one Imn-
The editor bumped the bumps on his
mll'g was flying at me another from
bike over the Netarts road on Saturday, that the instrument and the cow’s udder
and from Happy Camp to this city made are dean. If a failure is made, it is beyond a small stream Jolaed 'n the
the distance in lVa hours
It is hard generally because everything was not demonstration and presently swam
enough on a cyclist and others to travel clean before the operation was at­ aciv' is to get to close quarters, t vas
over such bumpty.pump roads, but tempted. Statistics show that out of not quite sure that the first faT luto
worse on a bike, buggv, wagon or horse 715 cows trated in this way last year tin» water was not accidentai but
less carriage. Now that Tillamook and only seven «lied, and six of the fatalities hnrdry think so, since once thf're It
Tillamook beaches have suddenly come were due to mistakes made in perform­ ci'tns straight to the charge.—■‘Wild
into prominence, why wouldn’t it be a ing the operation.
good idea for the county court to im­
prove all the roads to the coast before
•lost Nearly Perfect Vacuum.
The Limit of Life
next summer, and especially the Netarts
It was Professor Dewar's acbleve-
road, for. surely a better grade can he
The most eminent medical scientists
found and a better load ought to be are unanimous in the conclusion that mo:.t in liquefying hydrogen tlia’ led
built to that favorite summer resort, for the generally accepted limitation of j to i'.e discovery of an easy nietbeM of
everybody who bump-tbe bumps do the human life is uianv years b«dow th** at­ | obtaining an almost perfect vac turn,
sama kind of cussing.
tainment possible with the advanced ard that in a single minute. Wllbn a
knowledge of which the race is now’ gloss tube filled with air and t rosed
* * M
The critical period, that de­
William D. Havwood, who was tried possessed
at ore end has Its open end dipped luto
for being implicated in the murder of termines its dural ion, seem to be be. a i.uo of liquid hydrogen, the intense
60; the proper care of the
Former Governor Frank Steunenberg.
cold condenses the air into a kind of
w as found not guilty, consequently there body during this decade cannot be loo
is great disappointment amongst a large strongly urged; carelessness then being snow that settles to the bottom. If.
Nature’s best helper then, the upper part of the tube, from
number of citizens and great rejoicing fatal io longevity
amongst the Western Federation of after 50 is Electric Bitters, (he scientific n hlch the solidified air has fallen. U
Miners and the Socialists, especially in tonic medicine that revitalizes every removed by heating and cooling it off
Idaho, where the case w as tried. Citizens organ of I he body. Guaranteed by it becomes a vacuum chamber so free
have made up their minds as to the guilt Chas I Clough, druggist. 50c.
from air that It is difficult to force ah
or tnnotense of the accused. That Or­
electric current through it.- New York
chard committed 20 or more murders is
•‘Everybody Should Know*’
a tact, and that others were behind him says C. G. Hays, a piominent business
and supplied him with money, but from man of Bluff, Mo, that Bucklen’s Ait
Hie Old Letters.
now on we look for but scant protection nica Salve is the quickest and sures-
A Wall street business man show*»
for the lives of men who may happen to healing salve ever applied to a sore,
antagonize the “inner circles’’ of labor burn or wound, or to a vase of piles I’ve s visitor a bundle of old letters that
used it and know what I’m talking be was taking home from his office to
* * *
about ” Guaranteed by Chas I. Clough, burn in his furnace. “I wasn't always
Walt Whitman is reported as having druggist. 25c.
so particular about these useless busi­
once told the following story of Charles
ness letters,” he said, "until I learned
A. Dana ; “ Years ago, one day. I met Remedy for Diarrhoea. Never that the women cleaners were sorting
Dana—Charles A Dana, the Sun man
Known to Fail.
them out of the wastebaskets and sell
on the street, it was in New York, it
“ I want to say a few words f«r < 'ham. Ing them to certain firms which make 1
was at a period when Dana’s public
utterances were particulailv irascible ; heiIain's Colic, Cboleia and Diarrhoea a business of furnishing lists of names
he was finding fault with all things, all Remedy. I have used this preparation i for various purposes, mostly to specu
people, nobody satisfying him. nobody in my family for (he past five years and Istlve concerns.
Then I concluded
hitting his maik ; Grant, particularly, a have recommended it to a numtier of that I owed it to my clients to protect
great national figure subjected to con people in York county and have nev*r them from the nuisance that follows
slant castigation from Dana—word. | known it to fail to effect a cure in any getting one's name on a mailing list’’—
lashing ; the latest, though not the last, I instance. I feel that I cannot say too
of Dma a hates. Yo»i know, I always' much for the l»est lemedy of the kind in New York Sun.
like Grant, he was ho reticent, modest—i the world."—J. J emison . Spring Grove.
Ths Ay«-ay«.
so philosophical; so »uiperturbahly ac­ York County, Pa. This lemedy is for sale
cepted events, people. • Well, that day, by Clough's Di ug Store.
A very strange animal, related tn
with Dana, the Instant I saw him. 1
the lemurs and peculiar to Madagascar,
maUe for him. talked my loudest, say
Life Insurance
is the aye-aye. it feeds on wood bor ;
ing . ’What in hell is the matter with
For twenty-five cents you can now Ing gnitis that tunnel Into the bark of i
you Dana, that nothing satisfies you— insureyourself and family against any trees. The beast cuts sway the outer
that y<»ti keep up an everlasting growl bad results from an attack of colic or bark with its chisel-like teeth, and as [
about everylioly. everything f ; aotue diarrhoea during th*» summer foonths.
thing in that strain
Dana waited until That 1» th*» price of a bottle of Chaiuber- the worm retreats to the end of its hole
I was through and thenftnok me hr the lairi'a Colic, Cholera and Diarihoea pokes after it with a finger This fin­
lapel ofjihe coat. ‘See here, Walt!’ lie Remedy, a utedicine that has never la»*»n ger Is a remarkable organ, evidently •
Slid. I think he «aid it almost in that known to fail. For sale by Clough's Drug provided by nature for this purpose,
way—’ we« here, Walt, have you spent Store.
being abnormally long end armed with 1
_ _______________
all these years pi the world and not
a book shaped claw for dragging out
Thera i« more Catarrh in thia «ectiot» of the
known, nM learned (as I have) what a
the grub.
than all other disesse* put together
sorry, mean lot mankind ¡a, any how ?’ *’ country
and until the la*t few years
supposed to
Editorial Snap Shots.
We are not surprised that the auto-
mobolists are desirous of seeing a boule­
vard built Into Tillamook so that they,
can reach the coast. It shows their good 1
judgment in wanting to come to this!
county, where the atmosphere is cool,
refreshing and invigorating, and where
the scenery is green and delightful, and
with very little dust to mar the pleasure.
Tillamook is comparatively a new coun­
ty, but in recent years has expended a
large amount of money iu road improve*
he incurable
For a great many years doctor*
pronounced it a l.kcaf disease and prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pfonounrwl it incurable,
ftcienre ha* proven catarrh to be a ronstitn-
tioiial disease, end therefore requires constitu­
tional treatment
Hall s Catarrh Cure, rnanii-
factured by F J. Cheney fit Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is
the only constitutional cure on the market. It
ia taken internally in doses from io drops to a
teaspoon fol
It act* directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the sjstem
They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circular* and testituonials
F J CHENEY St CO Toledo. O
Sold by Druggists, 75c
Take Had » Family Pills for constipation
The Conscientious Cow.
If You Aro Tempted to Try It, Reelet
the Inclination.
If you should chance tq visit Cuba,
officially or otherwise, aud should de­
sire to go in sea bathing, remember tlie
advice of the Englishman and—don't.
| For sea bathing in Cuba, like the
ways of the heathen Chinee, is pecul­
iar. The natives probably go through
it as a religious penance, as. consider­
ed lu the light of a diversion, it is sim-
I ply ghastly. Say you reside In Havana,
and, attracted by the beautiful tints of
the tropic sea. you desire its Intimate
saline refreshment. You will notice,
i as you drive along the Malecón, imme-
j diately below that fine sea wall some
curious masonry construction like the 1
1 ruins of cells, over which the waves 1
flash and disport themselves. These ’
are. In fact, the remains of former
baths that before the Gringo came '
were used by the natives. You will
further notice that there prevail along 1
the Malecón drive odors not nt all sug­ |
gestive of Araby the Blest, and when 1
you find upon closer Investigation that |
the odors are not wholly removed from
the fact that all the sewers of the city '
seem to empty Into the sen Just below
the wall you acknowledge that this
1 fine Malecón promenade has its draw­ 1
The baños, or baths, are out at Ve­
dado. a suburb of Havana, and you are
likely to enjoy the drive along by the
coast some six miles. The fringes of
Havana, as you leave the city proper,
are shabby enough, but there’s the sea
to gladden the eyes, and you anticipate
sporting In those bright blue waters
with relish.
The first intimation you have of tho
baths Is the apparition of a frame
structure that looks like a grand stand.
You enter this and purchase your
ticket. Then the misery begins. After
the usual preliminary process, similar
to that prevalent In a watering place
In the United’States. you go forth, ex­
pecting to come upon a sandy beach.
Instead, you tread painfully upon sharp
rock, and the sight of the place where
you are expected to bathe gives you
the horrors. It Is a cell cut In the
rock, with an opening to the sea.
through which the water swishes and
regurgitates with the advancing and 1
retreating waves. This cell. If you
have nerve enough, you descend into
by means of steps, taking care not to
slip, for the rock Is like soap owing to
the action of the seaweed. The bottom
of the cell Is formed of the rough rock,
while sharp flints are plentifully strewn
about. Your feet are soon lacerated
and bleeding.
Suddenly you feel something nip
your leg like a pair of powerful twee­
zers. You put your hand to the afflicted
pnrt and find that it Is a crab that has
laid hold of you. You glauce about In
hopeless desperation and see that other
crabs are coming forth, with laudable
politeness, to welcome you to this
aquatic bower of bliss “What In thun­
der,” you think, “Is the Idea iu walling
you up in tills fashion? Is It a sur­
vival of Spanish cruelty?” Then, as
your gaze wanders out to sea, you see
n long grayish black body shoot swift­
ly past. The explanation of the wall
Ing In part of the transaction Is ex­
plained by that long, swiftly moving
body, for this coast Is Infested by man
eating sharks, and bathing without the
precaution of a wall In front of you.
with an opening In It Just large enough
to fill the cell with water, would be
likely to prove more gratifying to some
hungry shark than to you. You have
paid $2, Spanish money, for this de­
lightful experience, but then you can
enjoy It Just as long as you please.—
Washington Post.
In Whieh Neither Principal
Could 8ae the Other.
The most laughable duel ever' fought"
In France was that which took place
In November, 1878, at I'lessls I'iquet
between Messrs. Gambetta and De
Some heated words had passed be­
tween fbe two distinguished gentlemen
tu the chamber of deputies, for which,
according to their Ideas of honor, noth
Ing could atone except a duel. The
uien met therefore on the field at­
tended by their seconds and the sur­
A look over the field was enough to
convWce any one present that there
would be no occasion for the doctors'
servVes. A thick November fog hung
over the scene so thick. Indeed, that
oue rould hardly see bls hand before
his <*■■«. The arrangements for the
duel required that It should be fought
at thirty-five paces.
Nor was th* fog the only circum
stB>»c» that tended to place the com
bate.nts out of sight of each other. On
the way to the field M. de Fourtou Is
reported to have said:
"M. Gambefta has but one eye, and
I ans shorfsiAhted, so the game will
be about e’tt.”
It was, of eonrae, rendered still morn
“e’Yh" by tb* fog. Neither man coull
see Cite other, and the sole danger was
to the seconds and the doctors.
Almost miraculously the two bullets
that were exchanged missed the per­
son» in attendance. Everybody's hon­
or «■as satisfied and the whole party
horn». Gambetta said that the
afiVr was as near to being a skirmish
in lUe dark ns anything he ever saw.—
riAladelphla Ledger.
The old cow walked by the dairy shed
And. in her luminant way. she said :
" I'm feeling about ns fine as silk,
But I'd like a driuk of my own good
And, looking around, she presently saw
A pail a standing beside the door—
It was butter milk, about two days old.
But the aged vaccine hadn't been told ;
She only remarked ; “ It's nean to bilk
An industrious cow of her own good
And she took a drink, and she looked
And she walked away and that cow sur­
She surmised ahout half-way do»n the
And she said in astonirhinent mixed
with pain :
“To judge by the flavor of that there
' I can’t Ire feeling as fine as silk.
1 must I e bilious, I'll bet n hat,
When I get to giving down milk like
thal ! *
A Dual
Marri»gs Ceremony of Theee
Barbarous Little People.
Belonging as fiiey do to the loweflt
t; 'pe of civilization as yet discovered,
tl * Ncgrlton of Malaysia and their
v xys are well worth studying. Blinpl*.
p tniltlve, barbarous little people, their
C‘stoma are those of prehistoric men.
Tl'ey have no fixed home or settie-
m*nts, but are wanderers over tb*lr
mountainous Islands, sleeping unde? a
hihana leaf, living on herbe ond Ber-
rlej ond game.
Their marriage ceremony is a unique
svtvlval of early life. The suitor and
n few companions dance about the
slttlter of the desired girl. There Is
o curious resemblance between the
d'inces of the prospective bridegroom
n (d those of many of the game birds
of cur woodland. Finally the girl, ac-
O' mpanled by her mother, starts to­
rt ?.-d the dwelling of the young men.
Tier frequently stop, squatting in the
ball while tlie ardent suitor and his
companions continue their entreating
S 'd bewitching dances, winding round
a id round the clrl. Presents are gen-
e ill.» demanded and must be given
hefors the reluctant bride will peo-
fead. Finally the women arrive neur
» steep humboo platform.
A wi'd
s'tout pierces ti e air, aud the brldc-
q oom, like a tVenzled animal, tears
through the Neg-ltos assembled at the
lise of tho plftform, snatches the
h ide In bis armn and files up the In­
due with his mate, where they sit
d ring the weddibg feast.—New York
Ths flmsll of ths Dawn.
Of nil hou-s of the day there is non*
like the early morning for downright
gi od odors- the morning before eat-
ins. Fresh from sleep and unclogged
•»Uh food a man’s senses cut like
knl-tta. The whole world comes In
upon him. A still morning Is beat, for
the m'ats and the moisture seem to re­
tain the odors which they have dis­
Don't Get Excited.
Upon a
History does not depend on acci­ tilled through the night.
dents. Tho growth of the race Is to­ breezy morning on* Is likely to get a
ward a definite goal. The rain at single predominant odor, as of clover
Waterloo made no history. Gettysburg when the wind blows across a hayfield
was not a scratch. If fate drops a or of apple blossoms when the wind
stitch here, she picks It up there. The comes I'lningh the orchard, but upon a
thread goes on. The current of life IHTfecfy still morning It Is wonderful
moves. The individual plays his part— h iw the odors arrange themselves In
his little part—and sinks, but there Is upright strata, so that one walking
no hole In the stream when he goes pusses through them as from room to
tinder, whether he be president or ri om In a marvelous temple of fra­
plumber, king or earpentor. so don't grance. American Magazine.
get excited about your fate. Do the
A Powerful Indorsement.
best you can, and, above all. l»e calm!
Many yearn ago there was consider­
—William Allen White In Emporia Ga
able Illness In Ilnrrlsburg, which waa
attributed to the waters of the Husque-
b inn» river, then the source of the city
Harry or Nick.
Nicholas Biddle, who was once presi­ supply. Oue of the members of the
dent of the United States bank, was legislature for that year, upon hla re­
annoyed by an old negro who persisted torn to his constituents, was luter-
In hanging around the premises On* vt-jwed concernin« the plague.
day Biddle Inquired in a brusque voice: noon aettl<*d Lie question. "Upon my
noul, gentlemen." he declared, "the re­
“Well, sir, what Is your name?”
port of the foulness of the water was a
"Harry, sir, ole Harry," said the oth
er. grimacing and touching bls batter­ »lander on the city df Harrisburg. I
alieolutely know the water to lie per­
ed beadpiece.
"Old Harryf said Biddle
“Why. fectly healthful, for during the session
that Is the name they give to the devil, I drank the water oh two different oc­
casions, and I never experienced any
is It not?"
“Yes. sir; that'« right,” said the col­ ill effect whatever." Pittsburg Press.
ored man—“sometimes ‘old Harry’ and
sometimes 'old Nick.' “—St. Louis Re
The Apparition.
Little Rastue—Has yo’ evali seen a
ghost, uncle? Uncle Elien—Y«as, cbll';
Ab «uttenly has. Little Itaatu«— What
did be look like, uncle? Uncle Ebaw
Waal. It was a coal black night, an' It
was de ghost ob ■ coal black nlggnh.
an' so Ab couldn't see nullin' 'cept
two white chickens he had undab be««
Ths Inspector's Life.
Wanted a Dac sion.
Caller—I'd think that your father's 1
“Get another doctor." demanded Mr
duties as building inspector would be Gotrog, “to pass on my ailment ”
awfully dangerous going round itnsefe
“Are not four physicians sufficient?”
buildings. Small Son of the Hone»— I
“Yea; but I don't want to risk uo
Oh, no: be doesn't go near ’em till after tip vote.”—Washington Herald.
they fall down —Life.
The desire of power In exceso caused
The other fellow’a advice may be all the angels to fall; the doslre of knowl­
right, but you'd better uae a little bora« ■ edge In exceea caused n>au to fall.—
sense with IL—Springfield Republican
Music and Method.
The sane, healthy way to study the
piano Is to apply one’s thought direct
ly to the work laid out methodically by
the tea'her for a certain length of time
every day. That length of time de
pends entirely upon tha future that the
student may decide upon.
If he or
she take up music ss s profession,
four hours dally should be given to
study; if as an amateur, two hours are
enough. In lioth cases the division of
time devoted to practice should he not
lees than one hour. I. J. Pade'ewskl
In Strand Magazine.
Fores of Habit.
“I—I must not listen to yon. Mr Pen
nyallne," protested the blushing girl,
with eyes downcast. “Tou ere only
trifling, and - and, besides, It la getting
"Please bear me out. Miss Helen,”
pleaded the Infatuated young reporter.
“I'll cut it down to 250 words."
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, Better
than Three Doctors.
"Three year»|igo we hail three doctors
with oi r little boy and everj thing that
they could do seemed in vair. At la t
»hen all hope seemed to be gone wa
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in
a lew hours lie began to improve To­
day he is as healthy a child a» P»rents
could wish for.’*'—Mis. B. J. J ohnston ,
Linton. Misa. For sale by Clough's
Diug Store.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Tillamook County.
Tillamook Lumbering Com­
pany, a Corporation.
W. J. Woodside.
To W. J. Woodsid-i, the above named de­
fendant i
tn the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and
answer th.- complaint filed against you In
the above entitled case on or before the ex-
{'iration of six weeks from the date of the
Irst publication of this summons, and If you
fail so to appear and answer tor want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to said Court for
the relief demanded in the complaint herein.
The relief demanded Is tile recovery of a
judgment against you tor the sum
«3.903.05. being balance due for lumber
sold and delivered to you by plaintiff at Till­
amook County. Oregon, on or about March
26th. 1907. in the sum of «1,331.57 and the
further sum of «2,570.49 for lumber sold and
delivered to you by plaintiff at Tillamook
County, Oregon, on or about July Oth,
1907, all at the special instance and request
of the said W J. Woodside, and that all of
your right, title and interest in and to the
said Schooner San Buena Ventura, and the
cargo qf lumber now thereon consieting of
; about two hundred thousand feet of mer­
chantable lumber, and which
have been
attached in said cause by virtue of a writ of
attachment duly issued therein, and said
attachment having been msde by the Sheriff
of Tillamook County. Oregon, be sold for
the purpose of satisfying any Judgment
which the plaintiff may recover against you
In said cause.
This summons is published in the Tilla­
mook Headlight by order of the Honorable
H. F Goodspeed, Judge
of Tillamook
County, Oregon, made July 31st, 1907. di­
recting publication thereof to be made for
six successive weeks, the first publication
being made on August let, 1907.
H T B otts .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
L an »
A ct J umk t. i»?».—N otics
fob PunLiCATioie.
United Mates Land Office,
Portland, Oregon, May 7lh, 1007.
Notice ie hereby given that In compliance
with the r
___ _____ oí _______
tile act — of --------
June 3rd. I87M. entitled " An act for the *ale of
timber laud» ill the Htatea of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory." aa ex­
tended to all the Public ¡.and States by act of
August 4th, i H9 j ,
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, ha* tlna da- field in this office
her »worn statement Ro 74»7. for tire purchase
of the Se Vi of Ne
otHec. No. «S3, iu Tp. a N o .8
north, range No. 9 went, and wl'J offer proof
to show that the land nought la more valuable
for ila timber or atone than for agricultural
pur pones, and to establish her claim to said
I miiu before the County Clerk of Tillamook
i’onnty. Ore , at Tillamook City, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 6th day of August, IW7. She
names as witnesses:
AlliertCrawford, of Nehalem, Oregon; Charles
Handv, of Nehalem. Oregon ; Alex. McDonald,
of Nehalem, Oregon ; if. V Alley, of Nehalem,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office ou or before said 6lh
day of August. I9O7.
A lokknon S. D rksrkr , Register.
i . axd . A< t Jtinx 1, i»7».—Nonce ron
United Htales Laud office. Portland Otegon.
April 29th, I907
Notice is hereby given thst in compliance
with the provisions of lha net of Congress of
June 3, 1X7». entitled “ An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Stales ol California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory.” as extended
to all Public laird States by act of August 4,
Of Tillamook, county of III aniook, Slate of
Oregon, ban this day filed In Ihia office her
sworn statement, N". 74o3. for the pu'chaaeof
the N a ofNe !q Sw U of No
and Se U of
of ber'llon
No. 13. in
No 2 north, range
No. 10 west, and will
offer proof to show that the laud sought Is more
valuable for Its limber or stone than for a<r|.
ciillnral purfio»««, and to mtabliah her claim to
aaM I hih I Iiefoie the ( ounty Clark, al Tilla*
monk, Oregon, on 'rueaday, the 6th day of
Augiiat, i9()7. Hhe naniea an witneaaea ;
CliarlenW. Pike, of Hav City, Oregon ; D. A.
Himmona, |of Hay City, Oregon ; Joa. Price, of
Halm, Oregon . M. W. Karriaon, of lillnmook,
Any and al per« na claiming adversely the
above described Iwiida are re<|iie ted
to fill
their claim* in this office on or before said 6th
day of Augunt, l'/x7
A i . uernon H. DaKSSKR, Register.
T imbxb
iiiiEi tn amoiEiiEi
Electric Bstlia nicely fitted up.Good for
persons Buffering with rheumatism
When you buy an
I i»s I