iilamooli XX. No. 8 Hraiilitjljt. »• H TILLAMOOK, OREGON, AUGUST 1, * 1.50 per year. 1907. ' shed lid : ■ good ly saw ¡OVERSTOCKED ON SUMMER GOODS ! ya old, > told ; to bilk good Prices Cut to a UUhisper for a Speedy Clearance w iur- ooked 'ii the »The early spring rains and cool weather retarded somewhat the sale of Spring and Summer Goods. Thousands of yards I this season's most stylish Dress Fabrics and other Summer Goods Jay on our shelves that would have been sold, had the feather been more favorable. Now that the weather has warmed up, with the approach of Tillamook’s Second Annual larnival and Fair should create a heavy demand for every article mentioned in this ad. nixed there READ EVERY LINE CAREFULLY and then come and see that we do as we advertise. SAME OF LADIES’ SHIRT AND SKIRTS. WAISTS We have the Largest and Best Line of Waists and Skirts in the county—Stylish garments that are well tailored. Shirt Waist with both long and short sleeves. Skirts in the popular full pjeated styles. Ladies’ $1.50 to $2.25, White Waists, 98e. Remarkable price cutting, sensational, powerful value given. This lot of Shirt Waists at 98c. conies with long and short sleeves, sizes 32 to 44. regular $1.50 to $2.25 values. Sale Priee, 98e. $2.50 to $3.00 CUhite Ulaists, $1.39. [ EXTRA About 85 in this lot, all are this season’s styles, long and short sleeves, regular $2.50 to $3.00 values. Sale Priee, $1.39. We have other White Linen and Lawn Shirt Waists up to $5 00 that are greatly reduced in price. In fact, the price of every shirt waist in this main- moth slock has been reduced to a price that will move them in a jiffy. Look to your needs. Entire stock of Ladies’ Street and Dress Skirts must go. Your size is here, waist sizes range from 22 to 36. $6.50 and $7.50 Skirts for $4.50. Panamas, Tweeds, Serges and Mohairs. All this sea­ son’s popular models and regular $6.50 and $7.50 Skirts for $4.50. SPECIAL. Iiadies’ Wash Suits at a 20 per eent Discount. An even three dozen of these late arrivals, colors Tan, Blue, jlVliite : Eton Jackets, Sus- gpender Jackets aud Pony Coats. | Buy one of these suits to f Wear duiing the Carnival at 1 the Special Discount of 20 per feoent. $8.50 to $10.00 Skirts for $6.75. A Grand Assortment. Not a Skirt in the lot worth less than $8 50. All are man tailored, all are new ; all are desirable. Sale price $6.75. We have other Skirts made of Silk Voile over Silk Drop Skirts and of Mohair, etc. All are greatly reduced in price. oiid Leather Shoes and (Dore Shoes than alt other Tillamook Stores Combined:— One of the best reasons we think for our increased shoe L business is that we carry nothing but all solid shoes. Just now we are showing some of the best styles of the season. Most any style you might ask for in Ladies’ Low Cuts, $1.25 to $3-75- Misses and Children’s Low Cuss, 69c. to $2.75c. • UK ? ‘ DRESS GOODS — Right iti the need time of this season you have an opportunity to buy dress goods at a mere fraction of its value. 35c. Colored Waist Goods, several patterns, stripes, figures and dots............................... Sale Price, 23c. 38c. and 44c. Colored Lawns, printed Silk Batiste, Mercerized Radium Cloth, etc., iu small figures, stripes, checks and flowered effects, Sale Price, 25c. 50c. to 65c. Spider Silk, Silk Figured Organdies and Silk Poplins, a big variety of patterns, SUMMER Sale Price, 35c. New Line of Plaid Skirt Goods, the uew light gray plaids and checks. 25c. values for 17c. 69c. values for 39c. 8 1 3c. Batiste, linen color, pink and blue. Sal e Price, 6c. 20C. Shamrock Dimity, the most serviceable of wash fabrics, nothing washes better. . . Sale Price, 13c. 20c. Primrose Batiste, a fabric that is absolutely de­ pendable in the tub or on the back, Sale Price, i3c< musuiN wear moderately priced . LADIES’ DRAWERS at$r.i8, 98c., 75c., 48c., 35c. and down to 19c. LADIES’ GOWNS, at $1.98, $1.48, 98c., 65c. and down to 45c. LADIES’ SKIRTS, $2.98, $1.98, I1.48, 98c., and down to 50c. CORSET COVERS, 25, 98c., 75c., 50c., 33c. and down to 19c. 15c Ladies’ Short Sleeve VESTS, for this sale, 10c. Ladies’ Cotton Lisle HOSE, in lace effect, white, pink, lavender, navy blue, gray, worth 40c. a pair, sale price 25c. Ladies’ 16-button length KID GLOVES, black, white, brown and tan, sold tegular all over the country at $3.50. Sale price $3.15. Long Silk Gloves, Special, $1.15, $1.33, $1-63, $1.75. * LADIES’ WHITE CANVAS and WHITE KID OXFORDS................... $1.10 to $2.50 MISSES and CHILDREN’S WHITE CANVAS and WHITE KID........ 75c. to »1.75 MEN’S PATENT COLT aud VICI OXFORDS, 6 styles to select from, $2.50 to $4.50 We cau show you any style and width shoe you may wish aud the prices are as low as good shoes can be sold for. r EW ARRIVALS ON STEAMER JUST IN : Muslins, Sheetings, Parcales, Cotton Flannels, Ladies’ Neckwear, Long Silk Scarfs, Belts, Gloves, etc. MEN’S altom’s CLOTHING, HATS, JOTTINGS. LOW SHOES The Store that Cuts the Price Have tou seen the handsome coach : There will be a teachers' eiamination stallion Margo at Snuffer's ? * for state and countv papers, commencing Mason Bros, sells the Julia Marlow , on °n Wednesday, Aug 14. ►tts. for abstract». The Fall and Winter sample of Ed. V. shoe for ladies’. Ask to see them. rv E. Morri», eye specialist. • Price's tailor made suits and overcoats Not llie cheapest, but the best for : are on exhibit at Mason Bros. Ila monk County Bank notes. * money,’’ is the motto of Mason Bros. I , Get your job printing done at the wanted at Leach's Meat Mnr- All wash goods and summer suitings Headlight Print Shop, and you will not at greatly reduced prices at Mason Bros. I be charged exorbitant prices Harrow» and Discs at Snnf- Bargains for all in the new line of i Sheriff H. Crenshaw and wife and Ira shirtwaists-just received at Mason Bros , Smith and wife will leave for a vacation line ot hammocks at Mason Johnson, the traveling man. will be at in a few days, going to Netarts. :OOK caps , Haltom’s Rollie W. Watson has planned for a summer's vacation, «nd will take his wife and son to Netarts,and we hope the editor of our contemporary will have« good tim« and that he will be merrv and wise while enjoying a well earned rest Mr. Al. E. Hill, who lias leased the from the uwual grind and worry connect Courier plant at Cloverdale, has become ed with newspaper work. the editor and publisher of that news­ paper, and we wish him good luck in his The steamer Sue II. Elmore left here undertaking. He was in the city Satur­ on Tuesday, her passengers being Ch«s day on business. Pye «nd wifi», H. Hrlinkin «nd wife, II. Mr. F. A. Knapp and wife and daugh Gouldstone, C- B. Prewitt, W. R, Hollis­ ter, Miss Leslie Knapp, of Portland, who ter. R. H Kaltz, B. Cady. Mr« H«ger, have been at Netarts for several days, Miss Tittle, Miss Willig. E and A. Han- left fr-r their home on Wednesday. Mie* nenkrnt, A. Merick, R. M Wooden, Mrs. Knapp In one of Portland's charming Whitehouse, Sollie Whilehouse. debutantes of last snaaoti. The «learner Sue H. Elmore come in on i Owing u> the change of grade for the Saturday, her passengers being U Grout Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. at and wife. W. Howey, Mr Poorman. Mr. Kay City, there was some little difficulty Pannell, Mr. Kannoyer and wife, Miss in getting rights of way, but Engineer Bartell, Dan Nickel and wife, John Cal- Davis, who is In the city, closed the ' fee and wife, E E. Tyler «nd wife, Mrs. I lleitmiller. .Mr.Gouldstonc, Mr. Sanders, I matter up satisfactorily on Tuesday W R. Hollister and Mr. Prewitt. . with the parlies. G3 ■ Congressman W U. Hawlev will at­ tend and be one of the speakers at the annual Tillamook County Fair and Street Carnival on August 22nd, 23rd and 24th iti this city. the Methodistchurch next Sunday. Hear Over one thousand samples from hn bulk or iaF.ut Mills' Cush him. which to select that suit of clothes, and Don't miss seeing the new dining room a perfect fit guaranteed at Mason Bros. iRiver flour $4.80 a barrel .at chairs iust received at |ones & Knud­ A successful blast was made on Tues­ son's. * day morning by the contractors of the Pacific Railway 4 Navigation Co. at No one thinks of buying a buggy or M see the beautiful colt cups at wagon without looking over Snuffer's the point north of Bay City. stock. * Timber wanted in large or small tracts, Hi Hams and Bacon at Mills’ Get into the habit of trading at Patx also good going operations. Give full Fre* particulars. Chas M. Lanning & Co , Lacs from $3.25 to «9 00 st laf's and receive a 5 per cent discount Lafayette Building, Portland, Ore. * for cash. . Bl <16. George Stough, the famous chimney We understand that a deal is likely to i Clough's Concentrated Orange Cider There is to he an adjourned session of bnade suits from $8 00 to $50 00 the Board of County Commissioners on lie made in the course of a few days ini mixed with waterand sweetened to taste sweep, will clean ali chimneys and stove which the timber lielonging to Blodget I makes a delicious, refreshing and health­ pipes and flues thoroughly, making no Ri Bros. Monday. ■ muss in your residence or place of busi- and Danaher on the Wilson river will be I ful drink. I> sells for 50c a pint, which Each will pay 10c- pe. pound The pricepaid for butter fat for June at sold. is enough to make five gallons of Orange 1 nets. All flues and chimneys examined I Echic ken. . the Red CloverCbeesefactory was34 96c. Cider ready to drink. Try a bottle at in case of defects One chimney or flue. $1 , more than one, 76c, Country orders If you have a good -timber claim you Clough's Drug Store. Le of toed »nd best seed oatsjn , per pound. * want Io dispose of send full particulars, filled. George Stough, sweep. Leave ■Buffers. I The Methodist-parsonage for sale and with location, amount ot timl-er, kind of Rev. D. A. Hare, the new pastor of the orders st the Allen bouse. happening, are few and Lfr be- ' the building to be moved.—Inquire of T. timber and price to the Headlight office i Presbyterian Church, came in on Wed i nesdav. and it is arranged that he will | There was a family gathering at Geo I H. Goyne. * . as soon as possible. |is week. hold regular Suuday morning and even­ Davis* ranch last Sunday, when Mrs. Have your photo taken by McMillian Wanted, bids lor hauling the supplies I Hand Fririt Jars for sale cheap ing services in thiscity,commencing next Kirk, sr.. of this city, met with all her while you have the chance. You are sure from Tillamook City to Cape Meares ■Reynolds Sunday, and on Sunday afternoons, at children with the exception of one son, Light Station. Send bids to Geo. Hig­ 2:30 p in., he will hold services iu the including Mr. and Mrs. Davis, who were kbraied Packard shoe for men is of good work. gins, keeper. Cape Meares, Ore . post the host and hostess for the occasion. Bay City Presbyterian church. Why leave your horses in the rain ■aeon Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. when you can tie them in Harris’ Tie office, Barnegat, Orc. Wanted. Organisers, either sex. on Amos Kirk and Mr. and Mrs.Isaac Short* ■ line of ladies' muslin under Shed for 10 cts. Several bids have been received for the salary ol $1.000 a month and expenses lidge and six grand children Hiaaon Bros Don't forget to stop at Harris' Feed conatrocti-Hi of the th.ee story concrete I lor an up to-date Association, paying I Stillwell has been appointed a Barn, the cheapest place in the city to building, but only one complete bid. and | weekly sick and accident benefits and ■sat forest ranger. the figures in that amounts to $40.000, I furnishing free medwal attendants to all | Different locations furnish a different keep your team , or one third more than tlie approximate its members. Liberal contract will he variety of feed and the dairyman must I parsonage is tn be erected for About 30 Goats and a team of Mules 'estimate. Until the stockholders meet, work out the problem according to the I L church in this city. for sale ; also a team of Horses for sale lit is not known what action will be ma'le with producers of business —Ad­ condition of the country in which be is dress Amei lean Stek He Accidental Aaso. ■ win «ned vonr team hay and nr trade—R R. Creighton, Sandlake I taken ns to letting the contract. ciatiuu, Buffalo, N.Y. * I ’ocaled. post office. ■n over night for 50c. * .WMIIIill MMIIiH'O 'r '«IIMBhnif MV Recounts Opened with a deposit of $1.00 or more. We furnish free a Savings Bank or not. as desired. ■ We pay 4 Per Cent Interest, compounded twice a year on Sav­ < ings Accounts. I * Subject toGoverrv merit examination and required to publish statements under the I new State Bankino Law. State Depository. I Capital, >30,000. Resources over >350,000. Tillamook County Bank M. W HARRISON, CasHlllt. «