Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 25, 1907, Image 3

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They Produced on the After
Dinner Footivitioo.
Louia XlVe a Greedy Physician and an
Unacrupuloue Surgeon.
The Badge of Honesty
Il on «very wrapper of Doctor PI aiw ’ s
Golden Medical Discovery because a full
list of tha Ingredients composing It is
printed there in plain English. Forty
years of experience has proven its superior
worth as a blood purifier and invigorat­
ing tonic for the cure of stomach disorders
and all liver ills. It builds up the run­
down system as no other tonic can In
which alcohol Is used. The active medic­
inal principles of native roots such as
Golden Seal and Queen's root. Stone and
Mandrake root. Bloodroot and Black
Cherrybark are extracted and preserved
by the use of choniieally pure, triple­
relined glycerine. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce
at Buffalo, N. Y., for free booklet which
quotes extracts from well-recognized med­
ical authorities such as Drs. Bartholow,
King, Scudder, Coe. Elllngwood and a
host of others', showing that these roots
can be
nded upon for their curative
action i all weak states of the stomach,
y indigestion or dyspepsia
us well
11 bilious or liver complaints
and in
wasting diseases" where thero
esh and gradual running down
trength and system.
The "Golden Medical Discovery " makes
~'ch, pure’ uiovit
bFoqd aim
and yo
so invigorates ang
regulates Pie~stomach. liver aiid bowel^.
and, through, tlintn. üib whole system.
Thus all skin affections, blotches, pimples
and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel­
lings and old open running sores or ulcers
are cured and healed. In treating old
running sores, or ulcers, it is well to In­
sure their healing to apply to them Dr.
Pierce’s All-IIealing Salve. If your drug­
gist don’t happen to have this Salve in
stock, send fifty-four cents in postage
stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Invalids’ Hotel
and Surgical Institute Buffalo. N. Y.. and
a large box of the "All-Healing Salve"
will reach you by return post.
You can't afford to accept a secret nos­
trum as as'ibstitute for this non-alcoholic,
medicine of known composition , not T imber L and , J une 3. 1878—N otic c for
even though the urgent dealer may
P ublication .
United Stages Land Office. Portland Ore.,
thereby make a little bigger profit.
June 13th. 1907.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate
Notice is hereby giv n that in compliance
and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. with
provisions of the act of Congress of
Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take June the
3. 1878. entitled "Au act for the sale
as candy.
of timber lands in the States of California,
In 1<!93, when Louis XIV. began to
feel the first touches of age. his physi­
cians- ordered him to be bled once a
month. That duty was of course tn-
trdsted to Marechai, his Irish surgeon.
There was at the time In Paris, says
the British Medical Journal, a young
brother of the craft who conceived the
I idea of making his fortune by bleed­
lemens, what are we going to ing the king. The enterprise was diffi­
is not a cigar in the house cult, but be knew that the most solid
old Wheeling long nines, I doors can often be opened with a gold­
y smoke them but you! en key.
11 at thirty yards. It Is too
Following the advice of Iago, he put
epbone—we couldn't get any money In his purse and sought an in
from town—what can we traduction to Antoine Daquln. the
It best to say nothing and king's chief physician, The negotia-
we didn't think?"
tlon Was conducted on a strict busi
said, “that would not be ness footing. Daquln, who was known
Fetch out the long nines," to love mojjey, was told that 10,000
crowns were deposited with a notary
ust come across those “long who had Instructions to transfer the
few days or a week before, sum to him as soon as the surgeon
seen a long nine for years, bad got the job.
as a cub pilot on the Mis-
It was not an easy thing to manage,
tbe late fifties I bad bad a as Marechai never left the king. One
tlon for them, because they day, however, he asked permission to
only—to my mind—perfect, leave Versailles for three days. Da­
uld get a basketful of them quln seized the opportunity to intro­
r a dime. They didn't use duce his protege, whom he had ready
ere In those days. So when at hand for the purpose. Feeling the
em advertised in Hartford I king's pulse one morning, as usual, be
a thousand at once. They pretended to be alarmed at Its strength
to me In badly battered and and volume and ordered the illustrious
le looking old square paste­ patient to be bled forthwith.
es, 200 In a box. George I Marechai was away, the king hesitat­
box, which was caved In on ed, but fear soon made him yield to
looking the worst it could, his physician's proposal. The young
to pass them around. The surgeon bled the king, and Daquln got
n had been brilliantly anl- his money.
to that moment, but now a
In the meantime a message had been
tB)X>n the company—that is to dispatched for Marechai, who was not
*11 of a sudden, but the frost far off. He returned to Versailles In
each man as be took up a haste and was much surprised to find
It poised In the air—and that the king, whom be had left in the
middle, his sentence broke best of bealtt^ bad been bled. He was
kind of thing went on all not on friendly terms W'lth Daquln,
table until when George and he quickly grasped the situation.
N oticb is H rrkhv G iven .—That tlie un­
leled his crime the whole He went to see the ycuug surgeon and dersigned has been appointed administrator
to the estate of Malkoni Wystrom. deceased,
Ffull of a thick solemnity and forced him to disclose the whole plot.
and that letters of administration in due
When the king learned the truth, he form have been issued to him.
All persons having claims against said
□ began to light the cigars, flew Into a terrible rage, ordered Da­
deceased or against his estate, are hereby
to Parker wai the first man to quln to be arrested and placed the mat­ notified and required to present them, duly
Hi took three or four heroic ter in the hands of the council of state. verified, to said administrator at the office
of T. H Goyne, attorney-at-law, in Tilla­
♦ben gave It up
He got up That obsequious body, after a very- mook City, Oregon, within six months from
I reijark that he had to go to short deliberation, unanimously voted the date hereof.
Dated July 11th. 1907.
iklv of a sick parishioner. He that the physician who had trafficked
Wu. E. C attsrlin .
Administrator of the Estate of
out Rev. Dr. Burton was the In the blood of the king deserved death.
Malkom Wystrom, deceased.
man. He took only one whiff The royal wrath, however, Bubsided to
followed Parker. He furnished a some extent, and he graciously spared
pretext. til 1 you could see by the Daquin’B life, but deprived him of Ills In the Circuit Court of the StaU* of Oregon,
of hl» voice that be didn't think office and exiled him from the court to
for Tillamook County.
M. J. MacMahon
hie- pretext and was vexed Qulmper-Corentin.
The too greedy
for getting In ahead with physician did not long survive bls dis­
Francis Trevor, Francis I
ailing client.
Rev. Mr. grace.—London Standard.
Trevor, Jr., Agnes Reid, )*
followed and said he had to
E. Dewey, L. O. Mac- I
Mahon, and Tillamook I
♦ use he must take the mid-
City, a Municipal Cor- I
for Boston. Boston was
Defendants. J
:e that occurred to him, I
Francis Trevor, Francis Trevor, Jr., and
Cheerfulness is a great aggravation To L.
O. MacMahon, the above named defen­
dants :
Chly a quarter to 11 when to an angry man.
the name of the State of Oregon :
Nearly every one thinks he Is a good In You
kA to distribute pretexts. At
are hereby required tq appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in
> to 11 all those people were judge of human nature.
the above entitled cause on or before the
house. When nobody was
You can't do anything very well if expiration of six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this Summons, and if
left bu* Gaorge and me, I was cheer- you don't want to do it.
you fail to so appear and answer for want
ft». I ted no compunctions of con-
It Is not difficult to prove you are thereof the plaintiff will apply to tlie Court
for the relief prayed for in the complaint.
griefs of any kind. But right from your own point of view.
The relief prayed for in the complaint is
Georgs was beyond speech because he
How people economized In the old that plaintiff have judgment against Francis
the tamo r and credit of the family days! But not many people do it now. Trevor for the sum of $400.00, witb interest
at the rate of 8 percent per annum fronrDcto-.
> hll own. and be was ashamed
Some men would do wonderful things ber 4th, 1900, together with an attorney’s fee
title follrch had been put upon it. if some little thing were not In the of $12.5.00, in accordance with the terms of
a promissory note bearing date October 4th.
him to go to bed and try to sleep way.
1900. and that a mortgage given by
Francis Trevor on that date upo 1 and
HKwint to bed myself. At break-
When a boy wants a favor from ills covering the South East quarter of Section 15,
r morning when George wns parents he asks his father's permission in Township 2 South of Range 9 West of Wil­
i tip of coffee I saw it trem- and tells his mother he is going to do lamette Meridian, and recorded in Book
"K.” at page 637, of the records of Mort­
jand. I knew by that sign
gages ot ’• illamook County. Oregon, to
secure the payment of said promissory note,
as something on his mind, it
The average friendship is wrecked be foreclosed. That the defendants and all
the cup to me and asked
them be foreclosed of all equity of redemp­
upon the fact that the average per­ of
tion or other interest in said real property:
son's Idea of a friend is some one be that the same be sold and the proceeds ap­
ms. bow far is it from the
plied to the payment of the judgment prayed
can Impose upon.—Atchison Globe.
the upper gate?"
This Summonses published in pursuance of
Is a hundred and twenty -
an order made by the Honorable H. F. Good­
gbt at the Hartford
club meeting George, our col-
r. came to me when the sup-
nearly over, and I noticed that
le. Normally his complexion
r black and very handsome,
It had modified to old amber.
Burro Drivers Carry Candles.
In Mexico all vehicles, be they hand­
cart, automobile or anything between,
must carry a light at night. This rule
or law Is rigidly enforced. Even the
drivers of the poor little burro or mule
carts, on their two wheels, must carry
a light. So. rather than buy lanterns,
which cost money, they tske a dip
candle, and wrapping it tn a bit of
lar Vienna Custom.
newspaper to shield It from the wind
•se take tbelr pleasures
carry it in tbelr left hand as they drive
as they do their meals, along homeward from work after even­
not neglect business or ing lias fallen. The effect is striking,
lurs. One thing perhaps as the light falling strongly on the In­
to keep the young Viennese
dian driver throws the face of the man
means and economical
into strong relief against the darkness.
in his evening hours Is
—Modern Mexico.
he must pay to get Into
■ after 10 o'clock. Vlen-
English Jurors' Remuneration.
st system of apartment
The scale of remuneration of English
a house master Is ia
common Jurymen is absurd. In a civil
h one. At 10 o'clock b*
case in Englaud a common juryman is
it door, and any one de
allowed 5 shillings (»1.251 a day for “a
In after that hour must
view”—that, is, for inspecting any prop­
tance, and the old resl-
erty or thing in dispute—but otherwise
iore right to a key than
lodger.—London Graph- be is, In law, not entitled to any re­
muneration. It is usual, however, in
the high court to give him a fee of 1
shilling and in the counties 8 pence.
' Wages.
n there are * thousand Special Jurymen receive much higher
■ that be who tills the remuneration. The fee in the county
ire would wllltngly fbr- court is 1 shilling a case. In the may­
granted that the thrush or's court 2 pence and In the I»ndon
kblrd steal a Certain sheriff's court 4 pence—Chambers'
It. still tbelr presence is Journal.
Mid their soug so sweet
Not Hopeful.
take may gladly be ac-
“ 'Tis a flue, elegant husband you
.—Country Life.
have, ma'am." said Maggie, “Him and
me was talkin' about Ireland this
ical Training.
the thing." declared the morn In'. He's traveled ns far as many
-For instance, yonder in a gentleman, And there ain't many
L pile of ashes, That ia I husbands as good to tbelr wives,
how he tarings you let-
rwe hare had Area tbla I ma'am. Look
tores and things from the market, Bvt
way. John.' broke In dear, dear' That kind never Ilves
might go out and sift long."—Newark News.
— Louisville Courier
ir. Clemens, you can start
t door, and you can go
■ upper gate and tread ou
cigars every time.”
ue In detail, but in essen-
Mark Twain's Autoblog-
h American Review.
Independent Criticism.
A little girl Mt gazing fixedly at the
new bonnet of one of her mother’s vto-
MMBuch a joke! Kit talked Itors untir the caller smilingly asked.
i* *»»|e for half in hour think- - **Do you like It, my dear?”
The child innocently replied: "Tea.
ffF^Mow on earth did she dia- I do Mamma and Aunt Milly aald It
was a perfect fright, but It doesn't
l .fiMk she didn't."-New Or- frighten me a bit.”
Ant aa Good.
r well be reckoned
nature.—Emet ».'O.
He who commits an Injustice la ever
made more wretched than be who mi-
fera it - Plato.
speed, County Judge of Tillamook County,
Oregon, made on the 11th day of July, 1907,
directing that service of summons as to said
defendants be made bv publication thereof in
the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­
paper published in Tillamook City, Oregon,
once a week for a period of six weeks, and
date of the first publication *s July 11th,
H. T. B otts ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Portland, Ore.,
June 22n<l, 1007
Notice is hereby given that HENRY B
KARR, of Hobsouville, Oregon, has filed notice
of his intention to make final five year
proof 111 support of his claim, viz; Home­
stead Entry No. I3060, made September 18th,
I900. for the E
Sw V4 Se
tion 21, and Nw % Ne Vi. section 28. township
2 north, range 9 west and that said proof
will b’ made before the Register and Re­
ceiver, at t ortiand, Or g n, on August 15th,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
the land, viz :
L. L. Smith, of Robaonvllle, Oregon ; M. II.
Ripley, of Hobsonville, Oregon ; 8. M. Batter
son, of Balm, Oregon , John 5. Gray, of Ne-
hale, Oregon
A lgernon S. D resser , Register.
no matter how
bad the weather
You cannot
afford to be
without a
*m> CURB th . LUNC8
New Discovery
FOR (¿5,"—
‘sürééTTnd ft.;clîêat”cürë—for all
We carry a Large Steck of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Fine Line of Choice
Agents for the Great Western Saw
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
L and . A ct J unk 3, IS78.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
Pbrtland, Oregon May 28th, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in • ompiiance
with the provisions of the act of Cougresa of
June 3. 1878. entitled " An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex­
tended to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4th, 1892.
Of Hobsonville, county ot Tillamook. State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office her
sworn statement No. 7412, for the purchuse of
the Se ' t of Nw %
of Section No. 7
in Township
No. 2 north,
Range No. 9
West, and will offer proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said land before
the County Clerk, at Tillamook. Oregon,
on Friday, the 6th day of September, 1907.
She names as witnesses :
Dan Hickey, of Balm, Oregon ; Lun 11 da Mc­
Fee, of Balm. Oregon; M. H. Ripley, of Hob­
son v lie, Ongon; Harry Crane, of Hobsonville,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deac ibea lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 6th day
of September, I907.
A lgernon S. D resser . Register.
T imber
Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act ot
August 4. 1892,
Of Olney,
county of Clatsop.
State ol
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 7461, for the purchase of
the Lots 1 and 2. Sec. Nc. 20, in township No.
4 North, Range. No. 8 West, and
offer proof» to show that 'he land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and toeatablish his
claim to said land before the Register «nd
Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on T ursday, the
26th day oi September, I907. He names as wit­
nesses :
.1. R. Wherry, of Elsie, Oregon; James Gal-
Jaghe-, of Elsie, Oregon; Ficd Normand, of
Jewell, Oregon; Alex Normand, of Else,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 26th day
of September. i9o7.
A lgernon S. D resser . Register.
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3. «*?»■—Nones for T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
P ublication .
United States Land office. Portland Oregon.
United States Laud Office.
April 29th, I907.
Portland, Oregon June 10th, 1007.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
Notice is hereby giveu that in compliai ce
with the provisions of th« act o f Congress uf with the provisions ol the act of C'ougre.ss
June 3, 187K, entitled "An act for the sale of of June 3rd, I87«, entitled " An act for the
timber lands in the Statwof (’a1if(»rnia, Oregon, sale of timber lauds in the States of California,
Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ns extended Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri ory,"
10 all Public Land States by act of August 4, as extended to ell the Public Land Slates bj*
act of August 4. 1892,
Of Tillamook, county of *l 1' amook, State of Of Bay City, county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, has ibis duy filed in this office her Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement, N". 74o:J, fo tlie pu chase of sworn statement No. 7456, for the purchase of
ú of
ot Ne
Hn<l Se Vi
of the W *4 ofSw 5^, of see. No. 9. in tp. No. I N.,
the N
of Ne '4 Sw W
Na K
% and
V4 of
of Section No.
No. 13,
|3, in in township
towi.snil» range No. 9 west, and will offer proof to
No 2 north, range
No. 10 west, and will show that the land sought is more valuable
offer proof to show that the laud sought is more tor its tiiubei or atone than for agi¡cultural
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri­ purposes, ami to establish his claim to said
cultural purpo es, and to establish her claim to land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook,
said iaua before the I ounty t’laik.at Tilla­ Oiegon, on Friday, t he 6th day of September,
mook. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6(h day of 190?. He names aa witnesses
August, 1907. She names as witnesses :
George V(att,ofBav < ily, Oregon ; Fred D.
Cha lesW. Pike, of Bay Clt , Uieffc.il ; D. A. Pike, oT Bay City, Oregon; Fred Balmer, of
Simmons, 'of Bay City. Oregon; Joe. Pi ice, of Bay City, Oregon; John O. Bozorlh, of Bay
Balm, Oregon ; M. W. Harrison, of lilhimook, City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Any and al perse ns claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their
above-described lands are reque ted to fil • claims in this office on or before said 61 h day of
their claims in this office on or befot e said 6th September, 1907.
day of August, I907.
A lgernon S. D resser . Register.
A lgernon 8. D resser , Register.
P ublication .
United Stntes Land Office,
Portland, O egon,
Muy Htll I907.
Notice is hereby given that in’ compliance
with the provisJo'us of the act. ol Congress of
June 3. IH7M, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory,’ as extended
t all the Public l.aud 8.« tea by act of August
L 1892,
Of Til’.air.ook. county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, has this (lay filed in this office
her sworn statement No. 7410. for the pur­
chase of Nw tfofSe‘4 of Section No. 30, in
township No 1 south, range No. 10 we t, an 1 wiM
offer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its limK-r or stone than loragii-
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to
*aid hind liefoie the County I le k. at Till«
mook, Oreeon.on Wedneday. the 8th day of
August, 1907. She names as witnesses :
George Watkins, of Netarts, Oregon; A. A.
Yager, of Netarts. Oregon ; Hugh Ba her, of
of Netarts, Oregon; I). J Culy, Tillamook,
Any and all persons claiming adver ¿ely «he
above described lands are requested to file their
claims 111 this office on 01 before said Mth day
of August, 19<)7.
A lgernon S. D rbsher , Register.
T imber L and A ct , J une 3 I878 —N otice fob
P ublication .
United Staten I And Office,
Portland, Oregon, May nth. 19o7
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. 1*78. entiled " An act for the sale of lim
ber lands in the Htates ot California Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex­
tended to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4,1892,
Of Elsie, county of
C'latNOp, 'State of
tl Is day filed in this office his
sworn statement No, 74'3. for the parch rm *
of E w Sw 14 ami lots 3 and 4. of section 30, «nd
Ne U Nw '4 and lot 1. of Sec ion, No. 31. in tp
No. 4 north. Range 8 West. W.M,.and will offer
proof to »bow that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and io establish his
claim to haldiand before the Register and
Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 7th day of August, IUO7. He name« as
witnesses .
Stephen Abrahannon, of F!»*ie, Oregon; Tim
torcor an. of Jewell. Oregon
Herman Autio, of
Hamlet, Oregon; August Tokola, of Hamlet,
Any »nd all peraous claiming adversely the
sLove deacribed land* are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 7th day
of August, 1907.
A lgernon S. D rbmbu . Hegister.
A ct J une 1. 187M— Norici
for P ublication .
United Mt«tes Land Offi< e,
Portland, Oregon, May 7th, 19D7
Notice i« hereby given that in <-omplian<*s
with the provision» of the act of Cong res« of
June 3rd. 1*7*. entitled An act for the «al*oi
timber and« in the Malta ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Waahlugtoa Territory," aa ex
tended to all the Public Land Blates by act of
August 4th 189a,
Of Tillamook county of Tillamook. State of
Oregon, has this ♦1.'» f field in thi» offiee
her sworu statement No 74©7. for
of theSe HofNe'^, of Hec. No. 35, in Tp. No. 8
north, range No. 9 wed, and wl I offer proof
to «how that the !au«l -»ought 1« more valuable
for ita limber or »tone than for agricultural
purpose», and to e»tabliah her claim to »aid
land before the County Clerk oiTillamook
♦ ounty. Ore, at Tillamook City. Oregon on
Tuesday, the 6th day of A"gust, IWP7. She
names aa Witrjeaa?«
Albeit Crawford, of Nehalem. Oregon; Charles
Haady, of Nehalem Oregon Alex McDonald,
of Nehalem. Oregon ; H V Alley, of Nehalem,
Any and til person« claimlne adversely the
above-d«-«'ribed land« are requested to file
their claims In th!" office vu or before said 6tb
day of August. 19»?
A lgernon fi . D ruher , Register.
T imber L and , A ct Jt nk 3. I878 —N otice for
P ublication .
United State« Land Office, Portland, Ore.
April I.5th, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the rroviglona of the act of Congre«H of
Jitne 3, 1878, entitled " Au act for the «ale of
timber lands in th? Sates of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex-
teued to all the Public Lam! Btates by act of
August 4, 189*2.
Of P'irt’aua, coun* y of Multnomah. State ot Ore-
go . has this day filed in this office hi«
sworn statement No. 7446, for the nurihsHeof
the West one half of the Nottlieast one quar­
ter and lot numbered one (W
of Ne *4
and lot j). of Sec. No 24, in Tp. No.
1 8, range No. 9 west, W.M. and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valua­
ble for i s tiir ber or stone than for agricultural
1 >11 rposes, and to establish his claim to said
and before the Register ami Ifeceiver. at Port­
land. Oregon, on Wednesday,, the iHth day
of Heptember, 1907. lie names as wltnassrs'
Samuel J. Smith, of Tillamook. Oregon . Toby
L. smith, of Tillamook, < íegon, Wesley Rush,
of Tillamook, Oregon , Chas. M. Adkins, of
Tillamook, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims In thiM office on or before said iMth day ot
September. i9o;.
A lgernon 8. D r esker , Register.
T imber L and A ct , J une 3, 1878.— notice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office, Portland. Ore.k
June 15th I9O7.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the uct of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled ’* An act for the sale of
timber land» in the States of C lifornin. Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory." as ex­
tended to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, l»92,
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, state
of Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 7460 fo-* the pur­
chase of the Ne U of Nw *4 and Nw U of
and S li, of Ne
of Section No. I5, in
township No. 1 north, range L'
10 west, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valub’.e tor its timber or sone than for
agricultural purp ses, ami to establish his
claim tosaid land before the (’ounty Clerk, At
Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day of
September. Iy* 7. He names as witnesses :
Goran Mumon, of I illamook, Oregon: Jame«
G. Bewley, Tillamook, Oirgon; Geo. F. Zim­
merman, of Tillamook, Oregon . Robert Wait,
of Bay • ity, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are request- d to file their
claims in this office ou or before said 7th day
of September, 1907.
A lgernon 8. D resser . Register.
L and , J une 3, 1878.—N otice f r
P ublication .
United Stairs Land Office, Portland, Ore ,
May iSth, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June 8,1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of ( alifo-nia,
gon, Nevada and Washington Ter itory
extended to all the Public Land States b
of August 4, 1892.
Ot Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office her
sworif statement. No. 7419 for the purchase of
die W Ji of 8 w 14, Ne
of Sw % and Se Q of
Nw *4, of Section No. 25, in township No. 2
north, range No. tO west, ami will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses and to establish her claim t.) said land
before the County Clerk, al Tillam* ok, Ore., on
Thursday, the 8th day of August, 1907.
names aa witne»Mes .
Daniel A. Simmons, of Bay City, Oregon ;
Charles Pike, of Bay City, Oregon; James (’.
Bewley, of ¡Tillamook, Oregon; Geo. F. Zim­
merman, of Tillamook, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described land« aie requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 8th day of
August, 19(>7
A igernon 8 1) HESSE a, Register.
T imber
T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N otick for
P ublication .
United States Land office
Portland, Oregon, May 22nd, 1007
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of ('ongiessof
June 3rd, 1878, entitled ' An act for the sale
of timber land» in the Slates of t.’alifo* ma,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Teriito-
ry." hr extended to all Public Land States by
act of August 4, 18 q 2,
Of Tillamook, county of'1 illamook. State of
Oregon, I ihm this day filed In this office his
sworn s atement No. 748:1 for the purchase
of the Ne Q of Nw %, of Sec. No. 1.3 itiTp. No. 1
N. Italig** No. 10 West, and will offer proof I-»
show that the land sought I m more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural j>ur-
poses, and
am to establish bin claim to »aid land
before the
tlu ( ounty <'lerk, at Tillamook, Oregon,
on Friday, the 9th day of Auguat. 19O7. Hu
names as witnCMNea :
James C. Bewley, of Tillamook, (Oregon;
Geo. F Zimmerman, of Tillamook, O egon :
Theodore Kingsley, of Tillamook, Oregon ;
F. R. Beals, ot Tillamook, Otegon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely th«
above-deMcrihed laud« are requestnd to file their
claims ir. this office on or before said 9lh day of
August,, I907.
ALGHUON S. D resser , Regiater.
A ct J une 3, I878 —N otice for
United State.» Laud Office, Portland, rre.,
May 22nd, 19117.
Notice ih hereby given that in compliance with
the proviaioiiR f the* act of ongreHS of June
8. j 878, enti’l d “ An act for the »a «■ of timber
land« in the Klatt** oi California. Oregon,
Nevada »nd Waahington Ter it »ry." mm ex­
tended to all the Public Land White« by act of
Auguat 4.1892.
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook. State of
Oregon, has this day filed In thia offic e her
■worn statement N<». 74.34. for the purchase of
of Sw
of jw *< tion No. ia In Tp. No.
2 north, rniige No. 10 west, am! will offer ptoof
to allow that the hind sought ia more vnhiable
for It« timber or atone than for agnciilliii »il pm
posen. and to eMiahlish her claim to widd land
before the < ounty < lerk. at Tillamook, on Hri
day, the 9th day of August, I9C7. She names a»
w it urns' m :
James ('. Bew'ey, of Tillamook, Oregon;
Hubert K. R omm , or Tillamook. ()r'*goii; Theo
dore Kingsley, of Tillamook, Oregon, F R
B“als. of Tillamook, Oregon
Any and all person« c!«ln In ; adversely the
attove-deacribed lands are rr< u »ted to flirt heir
claims in thia office on or before «Mid Uth 'lay of
August, I907.
A i . gkrnon S. J iremser , Itegister.
L and . J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office, Portland, Ore ,
May r7th, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with thi* provisions of the act of Congress of
.Inn* 3, I878, entitled
An act for the sale of
timber land« in the state of California. Oiegnn,
Nevada, and Washington Territoryas ex.
t» nded tn all the Public ¡«and State« by act of
August 4. I89Z
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, Htate of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 7425, for the purchase ol
the H 'a of Nw '4 and N % of Sw 'z< of
Section No. 10, in Township No. 2 north,
Range No. to west, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable fdr
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish his claim tosaid land
ftefore the County Clerk, at Tillamook,
Oregon, on Friday, the 6tli day of Heptember,
1907. He names as witnesses
Henry Toll!, of Nehalem, Oregon; L. A.
York, of Nehalem, Oreg m , Hugo Kline, of
Nehalem, Oregon; W. N. Reddaway, of Ne­
halem, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descril>ed lands are requested to tile their
claims in th'»officeou or before »aid 6th day of
September. IQ07.
A lgernon H. D kksrrr , Register.
T imber L aws A vt , J vkk 3. 1S7S.—N oth , F ob
United State« Land Office,
Portland, Oregon. M.y 6th, >907.
Notice 1« hereby given *h«t in compliance
with lite provision« of the net of Congre.» of
June 3, IS7S. entitled "An »ci for tire »«le ol
timber lands In lire State« of t-'nlllorui«. Ore­
gon, Nevad« «nd Washington Territory,*’ a,
entended to all the Public Lend state» I,y net
of Arguât 4, I «92
Of Tillamook, county of Tlr.arnook, State of
Oregon, ha. thi» day filed irr thia office hia
•• orn atalement No, 7406, for the pnrehaae
o. the S % of Nw *4. of section No
in tp No. 1 H. range No A W and will offer
proof Io »how that the Innd »ought la more
valuable for it* tliulwrr or «tone th«n for
agncrrltural purpoae» and to e»lal>lial> hr*
claim to »aid laud before the County Clerk,
at Tillamook City, Or«., on Friday, ihe yth
day ot Augnet.it/i- He name» aa wltuevoea
Wesley McMillan, ot Tillamook Oregon
William J. i'lme« of Tillamook, Or : Thoma«
Ito««, of Tillamook, Or , Charle» Him««, of
Tillamook, or.
Any am, «Il person« claiming adveroely the
above deoevibed ’anda are re*|ue»t«d to file their
claim« tn thi« office on or before »aid yth day
of Auguat, tWr?
ALoesBow S. Desasga, Regt «ter.
T imber L and , Acr J une ird , I87H. N otice
United Stales Land Office. Portland, Ora.,
June 5th. 1907
Noti e is hereby given that in compliance
with th* provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1*78. entitled
An act for the mile of
timber land* in the States of California, Oi'foji,
Nevada and Washington Territory," aa ex
fend'd 10 all the Public fan id State« by act of
A'lgust 4. 1892
f'f Forest Grove, county ot Washington, State
of Oregon, has thia day filed in thia office hia
awoin statement No 7449 for the purchase of
E % of 8e
Hection il, and W % of Sw *<t of
section No. IJ, In tp. No. 2 north, Range
No lowest and * III offer proof to »how that
th« land sought ia more valuable for its tim­
ber or atone than for agricultural purtx •«»,
and to establish hi» claim to Mid land he foie
the < ounty l lerk ot TIHaniook Con my, at
Tillamook City, Ore., on Friday, the 6t>
of September,
He nainee aa
Henry Tohl, of Nehalem, Oregon , Hiram
Perry, Nehalem Oregon R P York, Nehalem,
Oregon I. 1» Caples, Nehalem. Oregon
Any and all persons c-Jai nhig adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this offic e on or befote said 6th day
of 8. pteii im ber. 190?.
A lgbrmo * 3. DEEMER. ReaiMter
T imber
T imber L and ,
T imber L and