XX TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY 35, 1907 sidence Property Going at a Bargain rge residence, new and all modern improvements, in- ith with het and cold water, and beautiful grounds. ,t 50 foot lots. This property is situated directly east of residence, on Stillwell avenue. Call and get our prices ful new residence, just built this spring. Two 50 lots en block from business center of city. One of the best location in Tillamook City. Everthing is included in sin, including household and kitchen furniture and tensils. Here is a chance to get a beautiful home at t price. Call and see me. RALPH OOK JOTTINGS » for abstracts. ACKLEY One feature of the fair, on the second day. will lie a big clam bake, when a free lunch of baked dams will be served. Lee M. Travis returned to Eugene on Tuesday, after spending a short vacation mook County Bank notes • in this county and visiting relatives. Very few local happenings this week, anted at Leach's Meat Mar. with Tillamookers beginning to make « preparations for their annual camping irrows and Discs at Snuf- outings. « A new plate glass front for Mason's bulk or jar al Mills' Cash Bru.’s Department Store came in on the * steamer, and A. S Brodhead is fixing it rer flour $4.80 a barrel at to the building. v; * O. W. Brush and family came in from the beautiful colt cups at Lorane on a summer s outing and to>isit old scenes. Mr. Brush has sold his ranch in Lane county. , of Norway, was in the city I Rev. D. A. Hare, the new pastor of the Presbvterian church, will arrive in this [ains and Bacon at Mills* city next week, occupying the pulpit the first Sunday in August. ¡rson was in from Portland Ifyouliavea good timber claim you want to dispose of send full part culars, •y- with location, amount of timber, kind of Kelt, of Corvallis, was in the timl>er and price to the Headlight office >y- as soon as possible. * It will pay FOe-. per pound Timber wanted in largeor small tracts, then. * also good going operations. Give full f leed and best seed oats in particulars. Chas M. Lanning & Co , fer's, * Lafayette Building, Portland. Ore. * «ton, of Astoria, was in the Engineer Lypch has resigned his posi­ ■rday. tion on the steamer Sue H Elmore and ■ left on the. stage n»e of the cheese authorities are of the opinion th»it there will be an 18c. to 20c. whole­ sale market in Portland next Winter.— Oregon ia n,__________ Land Agent Decide Price S alem , Or., July 28.—The application of Attorney John K. Kollock, of Port- lai d. to the Slate Land Board to. day for a reduction of the estimated value of $20 per acre fixed by the 1st .rd as a reasonable price for 280 acres of tide land fronting on Tilla- 111 .ok Bay. application for the purchase of which was made by H L. Chapin, E. E. Lytle and others, of Portland, as a necessary adjunct to the proposed Ocean Bay Park Summer resort, was taken under consideration by the board and referred to State Land Agent Charles V. Galloway, who is instructed to view the Married, on Saturday, in Portland. lauds and report an estimate of its value. This company already owns over 1000 W.J. Stephensand Miss Jessie M. Beau­ champ, of Salem. They returned to this acres of tide and upland tracts on the bay side of Tillamook Bay. This it pro city on Monday, where they received the poses to convert into a fashionable and congratulations of their friends. popular Summer resort and recreation There is nothing small about the dairy­ park for Hie benefit of Portland resid-nts ing business in Tillamook County when particularly, in connection with which it the dairymen can make $100 on each is proposed hr construct a $1,000,000 cow in their dairy herds and without hotel, and the tide land for which ap­ having to pay out money for mill feed. plication i« made to purchase from the The passengers who left here on the state lies between the company's inland steaiper Sue H. Elmore on Wednesday property and the bay shore. were’Mr?.'Page, 0 A. Brand, C. and H. A Timely Sale. Barcmudir. F R. Gertsen, R. L. Tur­ ner. George Kimball, V. Jacob and Mrs. Every yard of Wash Dress Goods in Kerr. stock sacrificed in Price. Clough’s Concentrated Orange Cider mixed w ith water and sweetened to taste Entire slock of Ladies' Suits. Skirts makes a delicious, refreshing and health­ and Long Coats. Greatly reduced in ful drink. It sells for 50c. a pint, which Price. is enough to make five gallons ol Orange Extra low prices now made on some Cider ready tn drink. Try a bottle at lines of Shoes and Knit Underwear. Clough's Drag Store. * Arrivals st the Allen house on Wndnee. New Goods arriving on each trip lette, of Hoquiam, Wash., day were: A L. Anderson, J. W. Ward. the steamer. ity on Monday. Portland; L P. Svenson, Garibaldi; Haltom’s Store. II feed your teain hay and Anione and Henry Wesolowski, Siletz; A. Zimmerman, L. McFee, Nehalem; rer night for 50c. • Auction Sale of Horses. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowsell, Miss Jeannie , teen the handsome coach Lewis, Tacoma. Wash ; D T. Werschkul, f will offer nt Public Auction, on Sat­ (o at Snuffer'» ? * Cloverdale; C. B. Curl, Blaine. urday, July 27lh, 1967,'*tt Easter's Barn r 17th Inst . to the wife of The steamei Sue H. Elinore came in on in Tillamook City, Oregon Twelve Head ypde, a daughter. Sunday, her passengers being Mr and of Work Horses. Some well broke. Sale commences al t:00 p.m sharp. Iggs, field manager of the Mrs. Fcurhy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hob­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Moheler and son. Mr. Terms of sale will lie on one yenr's hly, is in the city. and Mrs. Shafford, Miss Van Patten, time if so desired, with bankable notes II, of Portland, wnr in the Mrs. A. Williams, Misses E. and L. at 8 per cent interest try ; also E. M. Orth. Willig, 0 Scovell and ten men to work J. W. BROWN. Proprietor. nd Herbert Baremleder, o' on the railroad tunnel at Hobsonyille. rein the city on Saturd 'y. Wanted. Organizers, either sex, on | Savings Accounts te, Mrs. M. Crane and A. E salary of $1.000 a month and expenses lor an up to-date Association, paying : Opened with a deposit of $1.00 or sc, Idaho, came in on Sun weekly swk and accident benefits and more. We furnish free a Savings Bank furnishing free medical attendants to all or not, as desired. seeing the new dining room Its members. Liberal contract will be Practically everv one in the county -rceived at Jones & Knud- tnade with producers of business—Ad­ should have such an account. dress American Sick & Accidental Asso­ We Pay 4 Per Cent * is of buying a buggy or ciation, Buffalo, N.Y. Interest, compounded twice a year on ut looking over Snuffer ~ ~ ’s The price of butter fat for June again Savings Accounts ranged high, although little below that IkjT Subject to Government examina­ habit of trading at Paiz of May. with the probability that July's tion and required to publish statements rive a 5 per cent discount prices will go higher than the previous under the new State Banking Law. month. June figures for seven cheese We ar* also a depository of the State factories are : Maple Leaf, 33c. ; Tilla­ |he 21st July, at Nehalem, mook Creamery, 34 2c. : Fairview. of Oregon. Sc b la ppi and Miss Daisy 33 8c. ; Three Rivers, 33 9c. ; Clover Capital, <30,000. Leaf. 34e. ; Pleasant Valley, 31.5c. ; Resources Over <350,000. in and family and Hugh Meda Creamerv, 31.5c. st Grove, were in the citv The Tillamook County Fair and Street Tillamook County Bank. Carnival will l>e directed by C. E. Rev M. W. HARRISON, Cashier. nolds and P. W Todd. There will be photo taken bv McMillian another contest for Queen of the Carni ­ ve the chance. You are sure val and Mr. Reynolds has commenced Sunny Mead Addition to Tilla to drill a squad of boys who will l>e ap­ mook City. your horses in the rain propriately uniformed. On the second o tie them in Harris’ Tie day of tiie fair there will he a big clam The W. S. Ilayes'five acre tract, con­ is. * bake, and to furnish plenty of clams for tracted for by the Tillamook Real Estate Company, will be platted and placed on j to stop at Harris' Feed the crowd, the dredger wiM be used to the market. All lots sold on contract tapest place in the city to dig them. There will be competition for Queen of to he delivered July 1st, 1907. Advance im. the Carnival for the annual Tillamook sale now on. Lots cheapest and best oi . have sold the remainder County Fair and Street Carnival, which any in Tillamook. Call and see the oodsto the Clorerdalr Mer­ takes place on August 22, 23 and 24. plats at the Tillamook Rea) Estate Company's office ; or F R. Beal's office. sey. The young lady receiving the highest Axel Lundin. Adolph Blom numlxrol votes will be declared Queen. Notice. kitten, of Portland, were in Sufficient money will be given to provide the Queen with suitable robes. Voting is veek. Notice is hereby given that S.V. Ander* now in order, at 5c a vole, and tickets niter. A. L. Carpenter and and ballot boxes are placed in a number son has rented the pasture on a parcel of ler. ol Los Angeles, were in of stores. The competition w ill dose on land situated in township 2 S, 8 west , reek. also in township 1 S, 8 west, and has all August 10, at 9 p.m The Tillamook Concert Band gave an rights to the same an long as owned by rvest is in full blast, with M aiv H. W est . The crop will not be as entertainment at the opera house Satur­ the present owners. day evening, which was well attended, year. and the audience appeared well pleased, Best Med cine In the World tfennis. Mrs. C Lytle, C. E. for Colic and Diarrhoea not only with the excellent music fen- hrion Lytle came io from " 1 find Choinla-rlsin » Colic, Cholera ! dered by the band, under the leadership Friday. of Waller F. Baker, but with the lady and Diarrhoea Reim-dy to tx- the l**t fet. Rice, R. L Turner, T. N. vocalists, each of wh misang well, so remedy in the world.” says Mr. C L. id C. J. Crook,of Portland, much so that they were all eneor^d. Carter, of Skirum, Ala. "1 am sub­ Last spring The vocalists were Misses Edna Alder ject t» colic and diarrhoea Ity this week. man. Hazel McNair and Lottie Ban­ it seenaed as though I would die, and ion assistant light house I I think t would If ( hadn't taken Cham field, o! P »rtland, and Mrs Le ^M. | ten transferred from Tilla ■ Travis, of Eugene What was the not b-r lain'a Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea to Cape Meara. i laughable feature in the program was Remedy I haven't been troubled with Urs Hinry Swanson and the icitatiofl by Mias Lottie R”« fie'd ' it since until this week, w hen I hsd a sever« attack and took half a bottle I ,in from Klickitat county, ' She is quite an elocutionist and pie itaat . very __ ! entertainer in that respect and «.Ithough | of tha ceBl on Wednesday. Iain's Colic. ’ Cholera and m Diarrhoea u n, oftl e Cr gon Cheese Co , this is not the firat rime thia joung lady *** Remedy, and this morning I feel like a Monday. He reports that ‘ has appeared before a Tillam o ; au i new mi ,. ” For sate by Clough's Drug nain firm for the next nine ence. she was loudly applauded Sa” r I day evening, her t n o recitations en i g ! Store. st good | rices. Tillamook County Fair and Street Carnival WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 22, 23, 24, '07 « Much Grander, Much More Attractive, ' Much Bigger & Better. The Biggest Clam Bake in Oregon. Big Stock Show. Monster Show of Dairy Products ALL KINDS OF SPORTS. Plenty of Amusement tor All WATCH TILLAMOOK GROW ! Watch Tillamook Crow! Miss Telie Anderson is »'lending a few Tillamook Beach Jottings. days on the beach. Tillaniookrrs wl.o nil camprrl nt Glonn Perkins and family, of North Happv Camp are ('. W TnlmHge. and Yamhill, are camping on the beach. wife. Mrs Dr. Sharp. Mrs. Sharp, Mis Frank Jenkins, B.’K Jenkins and Wal­ Patzlaff. Mrs. Tom |ohnson and family, ter Baker ami families, of Forest Grove, Mr and Mrs. Ruger and family. Mrs. H. who ha ve been camping al Happy Camp, Ed nunds, Henry McKinlev, Mrs. Hard, left for their homes on Monday. man and daughter Charlotte, J C. Hid­ Recent arrivals at the Garibaldi beach den and wife and .!aui[hter A larxe number of persons went to Netarts on are • M. G. Marked and w ife, W. E Mar­ ked and wife and Miss Eva and Master Sunday, rusticatina on the bench and vis ting with friends who are camped at Millord Marked, of Marul ; G. O Bailey and wife, E Salamonson, Sam Simon­ Happy Camp. sen, Andy Olsen. Prescott W. Cooking­ Fred Forslund and family came over ham, A. E. McKenzie. Bill Rog. B. A. to the beach on Saturday to camp Thnxtrr, Colin Livingstone, G. G Long, Eugene Jenkins and family are tamped jr , Berkley Show, H. Cookingham, I at Happy Camp. Claude Hubbard and wile, H. H. Belt A. K. Case and family came over on and wife. Thursday to Happy Camp. Notice. Among recent arrivals nt Happy Camp are : Joe Killen and family, of Banks ; N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the Dr. Savior. Fred Cioissant. of Sherwood; Harry Helmken and famdr. Messrs Mee­ County Court of Tillamook County will receive bid* for the construct ion of a han. Fisher and Tom Hunt, of Wood, burn ; Roth Bradley. T. J Young and bridge across the Trask River nt the wife.of Hillsboro ; Mrs. M. E. Black und Hunt Place. Bridge to be steel com lit.! son Lvnn. of Portland ; Ben Lovell and nation spall 120 feet long. Plans and family. Mfs H M. Patrick and Harriett specification» can lie seen at the office of I Higgins, of Salem , E D Bogan and the County Clerk or at the County Sur­ fainilr and |. J Martin,of Forest Grove; veyor's office. Two bids are wanted, one for furnish Miss Ida Adams, of Grants Pass ; Miss ing the material and construction of tile Lulu Farthing, of Ontario. At Hungry Camp are Ernest Cohen, bridge; the other for tile construction of Marcellus Savage, Oscar. Jack anti (lie bridge, tiie county to furnish the Frank Challacombe, Frank Blume, all of material. A certified check 1 qual to 5 per cent of Cornelius. the bid must la- filed with the bid as a T. J. Miller and B. A. Hoard, of Day guarantee that tiie tedder will execute H ton. arrived on Sunday morning for a I »mid for the completion of the col.tract few weeks' outing. The trip was made If awarded I lie same. in Mr. Miller’s automobile. A 11 bids must be filed with the County Mr«. Vantress and son. of Hobsonville, Clerk rm or la fore 10 o'clock a m., and Miss Liona Hunt, of Portland, spent August. 5th, 1907, tiie Court reserving a few days visiting at Happy Camp. the rigid to reject any or all bid*. By older of the County Court. N.J Bakerand family have returned G. B. L amb . to their home at Forest Grove alter a County Clerk ten dars' stay at Netarts. Mr. and Mrs. B. K fenkins and sens, of Indianola, Iowa, are »pending n lew Take the Postmaster's Word weeks at Happy Camp. They camped fee It here during a former visit to Oregon two Mr. P. M llRniilfoh. poMmrt'dpr st years ago. »,« Messrs Meehan and Fisher, of Wood Cherry rale. Ind., knef« alao a KenetHl merchartdiae and psteid inwli- burn, were quite successful in their bear cines H h saj *> •'< liHriilwi Inin's Colic, hunt, bringing to camp n large black j Cholera snd Diarrhoea lb*medv is bear, which was killed two miles from standard I ihi e in its line. It never fails Happy Camp. They left on Monday (or Sandlake, and after bunting there will to give satisfaction arid we could hardly «ff'ird to be without it,” Por sale by return home. Clough’s Drug 81 ore. The dance on Saturday night was well attended, after which a elam supper wus 1 A Memorable Day. served nt the Ruger restaurant. One of I he livsltli, in the ouc ou which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Life going to Netarts bay. Moses Lemie and Ethel Willeg, of The Pills, the painless purifiers that cure Dnlles. a»e visiting with thei> mother.' 11 pad a dip slid ItlliousoPMi. and keep the Mrs. M. J Cone, whom they bate not bow« Is right 25c. at Chas. !. Clough's drug -dure. seen (or several years. First Bank & Trust Company, BAY CITY. ORE. Capital Slock......................... <25,000, Offers every facility for safe banking, and solicits your business. Commercial, Saving« and Trust De- partmenlf. Three par cent allowed ort deposits subject to check. Four per cent on Savings anl Time Deposits. Our little book, ‘ Helpful Hints on Banking,’’ explaining how to do your banking by mail is ready. Send for a copy. It’s free for the asking. iiw« whw AT NEHALEM ■5 I will Ire at Nehalem, July 25th, 9 26th and 27th to do optical work. All work guaranteed to give ■ perfect anti,faction DR. HE. MORRIS n 0 Feed Store Prices Prove»» Barley, »ack . Shorts, ton Bran ,, Feed Oats, ton White River Flour, bbl ■ > i 35 25.00 34.00 36.00 4.80