Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 18, 1907, Image 4

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Editorial Snap Shots.
Everybody pull—for the annual county
* * *
Watch Tillamook Crow ! Butter fat
fro« 34c. to 36c per pound this season.
* * «
We understand that the Cloverdale
Courier is about to change hands. Thus
another Tillamook editor is to retire from
the newspaper field.
* * *
What with campers and pleasure seek­
ers, home seekers and those looking for
investments and business locations, and
men arriving continually to work on
tbe railroad, Tillamook county is gradu
allv emerging from it long isolation and
putting on a good deal of bustle these
days And the bustle i6 going to become
bigger and more extensive. Watch Till­
amook develop.
w * *
We wonder if F. C. Baker will have a
“Honking Spasm’’ over Clark Hadley’s
automobile, the same as he had over the
editor of the Herald’s for the past three
years. Honk, honk, honk.—Herald.
We think that the honking machine
can now find his correct place in the com­
munity bv acting the part of the little
bull pup honker to Clark s Pierce Arrow
* * *
It may be a hard nut for our unterri
fied friends to crack, but it is a fact,
nevevtheless, that most every dairyman
in Tillamook county have been receiving
this season about 32c. to 35c per lb. for
butter fat, or from $10 to |14 per cow
per month.
montn. Under
unucr the
inc last
iasi democratic
administration all thatacow was worth |
in this comity was from $10 to $14. A •
large number of dairymen will make, on
their dairy herds, from >80 to over $100
Rah ' Rah ' Rah !
per cow this year.
For Tillamook county and the republican
M * *
We make this suggestion, similar to
one we made last year, that one of the
features of the Tillamook County Fair
should be a Baby Show
So we nomi
nate the following gentlemen to act as
the committee : Mayor Buttfe, Sheriff
Crenshaw. Representative A. G. Beals,
Countv Clerk Lamb, Carl Haberlach.
Clark Radley, F. R Beals, G. W. Kiger,
C. A. Patzlaf, E. E Tyler, Jas. Walton.
(’. I. Clough and Prof W. R. Rutherford.
If these gentlemen can’t manage a baby
show and judge which are the sweetest,
prettiest and loveliest babies, we would
make a further suggestion that they get
their better halves to help them out.
* ♦ #
There is a lot of foolish talk going the
rounds of the newspapers about war be­
tween the United Statss and Japan. Be­
cause a few senseless hoodlums molest
the fap« in California once in a while, it
is no cause to create a war sentiment in
♦ his country against Japan. If there is
any war sentiment let it be against the
hoodlums in the United States, but to
allow them to keep on insulting the Japs
will, certainly, lead to trouble between
the two nations. Suppose, for instance,
a number of hoodlums jumped upon
Americans in fapan, naturally enough
we should feel somewhat indignant and
It is time to quit talking
war between this couutry and Japan
and declare war on the hoodlums, no
matter in which country they live.
* * *
Tillamook County is to have another
county fair, to be held in this city on the
22nd, 23rd and 24th August,which does
not leave too much time to make the
necessary preparations, but with a long
pull and a pull altogether, we believe that
a better, larger and more attractive fair
can be held this year. A county fair is
not onlv a good thing for the county,
but it also shows that the people are en­
ergetic and wide awake, ready to exhibit
the products of the county, ana to get
together for a good time once a year.
We hope every section of the county will
fake an interest in Tillamook's county
fair, mid that there will be the same in
terest taken in it as last year, with this
improvement, that the fair be made more
attractive and on a bigger scale than
last year, especially the stock show.
* » *
We wonder how many persons are
already grooming themselves with the
expectation of jumping into public office
next year, for there is always a big crop
of individuals itching to get into office
whenever there is an election
office may look tempting to a good many
men. hut from our observation there are
those who should never dabble into it,
for it will only prove disappointing to
them and a financial loss if they have to
throw up some good paying business. It
would be good horse sense, whenever a
good man is in office, for the taxpayers
to keep him there, just the same as a busi­
ness man would do with a good em­
ploye working for him.
We suppose,
however, if we had to move that all the
county officials he re-elected there are
republicans, democrats, socialists and
prohibitionists who would want to
pound us into a jelly fish for recommend­
ing such a move. But wouldn’t it be
good horse sense to do so, seeing that the
taxpayers have a good lot of countv offi
vials ?
* * w
It is a good move, and one that will
certainly prove a good thing for Tilla­
mook county. is the movement to im­
prove every available spot along the
seaboard ol this county for summer re­
sorts. for in a few rears a large proper,
tion of the summer travel will l»e in the
direction of Tillamook. With the Tills,
m00k Bay nnd Nehalem Bay peninsula«
already platted, with the probability of
large sums of money being expended up­
on them in improvements, this is a good
beginning to make Tillamook beaches
famous It will not be long before other
rquallv attractive places will be taken
hold of and improved, such as Netarts
and the Netarts peninsula
with its pretty lake ; Ocean Park and
otl er beautiful spots with I tn el v sea
and mountain scenery
Thousands of
pleasure seeker« will flock iuto Tillamook
as soon as the rsilroad is completed, so
it is none too soon to be planning how
to accommodate the people Hotels will
be erected at all the summer resorts, snd
th* one that can accommodate the lar-
g< •* crow d is liable to become the most
popular place. We are glad to see there
is to be some rivalrv between the ocean
parks, enough to make it interesting and
spicy in booming the several places, and
by next tummer every summer resort
ought to have at least one good hotel
erected to ks to give the ocean parks a
good «tart off
We miss our guess
it Tillamook beaches does not capture
the crowd whenever the pleasure seekers
can reach Tillamook beaches in two
and a ball hours from Portlaud.
This is the time of year when the tra­
veling dentist, the traveling pedlar, the
traveling eye doctor and oculist, the tra­
veling quack doctor, thetravehng tailor,
the traveling printer, the traveling farm
implement dealer, and a whole host of
other traveling individuals, come to
Tillamook. Those who want to buy a
pig in a poke can always get the worst
of a deal by trading with someone they
know nothing about in preference to a
reliable merchant. We kno n of instances
where persons have been duped iu pay­
ing from $25. $50 and |75 for speetachs
which could have been furnished, and at
a fair protit, by the local oculist, for f3
to $5. But people like to be humbugged
and pav a big price for an ordinary arti­
cle. It is the same thing with the quack
doctor who can scare some individuals
into believing that they have some dread
malady and that they could cure them It
is well know that numbers of persons
have been fleeced to the tune of several
hundred dollars by these quack». Then
there is the shoddy tailor, the cheap jack
printer and the inferior buggy, wagon
and implement dealer, and it would not
surprise us much to see someone selling
a cheap grade oi coffins to the ‘'suckers'*
who like to buy a pig in a poke fiom
these traveling men. Don’t be a sucker,
but if you are don't sqeal if you pav
the traveling men $3 to $5 for an article
which the reliable merchant could furnish
for $ 1
From Portland. Through McMinn­
ville, Sheridan and Dolph
to Tillamook.
N otice is H ereby given ,—That the
County Court of Tillamook County will
receive bids for the construction of a
bridge acrons the Trask River at the
Hunt Place. Budge to be steel combi­
nation span 120 teet long. Plans and
specifications cun be seen at the office of
the County Clerk or at the County Sur­
veyor's office.
Two bids are wanted, one for furnish
ing the material and construction of the
bridge; the other for the construction of
the bridge, the county to furnish the
A certified check equal to 5 per cent of
the bid must he filed with the bid a« a
guarantee that the bidder will execute a
l>ond for the completion of the contract
if awarded the same.
All bids must be filed with the County
Clerk on or before 10 o’clock a m..
August 5th^ 1907, the Court reserving
the right to reject any oral! bids.
By order of tbe Uounty-Co'irt.
G. B. L amb .
County Clerk.
Trip of Clemens Party.
Grades Are Easy.
Though he considers the scenery best
of all the roads to the Oregon coast.
Mr Clements says that it is the grades
which make the route mentioned the
only really feasible one for Automobile
There are absolutely no bad
Tillamook county has spent
well on her roads and the last bad grade
was done aw^y with when the country
built around what is known as the Sum­
mit bill.
All the Tillamook county roads are
first-class for even now for country
roads. The Washington count}’ roads,
however, says Mr. Clemens, are as bad
as can be found anywhere and there is
no joy in traveling over them. The
Multnomah county roads are good ex­
cept in the vicinity of Portland, when
they become excedingly poor.
The Clemens trip was made shortly
after a heavy rain and the mud in spots
was unusually troublesome. Neverthe
less, no serious mishaps occurred. At
one place the wheels went deep into
the mire and shovels had to tie wielded
hut the party was soon bowling along
merrily one more.
Long Live The King!
is the popular cry throughout European
countries; while in America, the cry or
the present day is -Long live Dr. Kings
New Discovery. King of Throat and
Lung Remedies'” of which Mrs. Julia
ñ fall Line of Groceries,
Flour, peed, Tintuare
and Crockery.
We UJant all Rinds of Produee.
Call and See Us.
Olsen Building » Tillamook H
fcr It.
Feed Store Prices :
Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at
Cherryvale, Ind., keeps also a stock of
general merchandise and patent medi­
cines. He says: ” Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera ami Diarrhoea
Remedy is
standard here in its line. It never fails
to give satisfaction and we could hardly
afford to be without it.” For sale by
Clough's Drug Store.
Notice is hereby given that S.V, Ander­
son has rented the pasture on a parcel of
land situated in township 2 S, 8 west ;
also in township 1 S. 8 west, and bas all
rights to the same as long as owned by
the present owners
M ary H. W est .
Process Barley, sack .
Shorts, ton
„ ..................
Feed Oats, ton
White River Flour, bbl
I have just opened up the most com­
plete line of
V* in Tillamook, all new and Fresh. The
prices are 110 higher than others.
We most cordially invite you to
come and look at what we have and
get our prices, whether you buy oi
$ not.
$ I 25
The Doctor Away from Home
when Most Needed.
People are often very much d'sap.
pointed to find that their family physi­
cian is away from home when they most
need services. Diseases like cramp colic
and cholera morbus require prompt
treatment, and have in many instances
proven fatal before medicine could be
procured or a physician summoned. The
right way is to keep at hand a bottle of
Chamberlains Colic. Cholera and Di. SHAVING,
arrhoea Remedy. No phyaician can pre
scribe a belter medicine for these dis
eases. By having it in the house you
escape much pain and suffering and all
Elcetrie Baths nicely fitted up.Good fot
Buy it now. it may save life.
For sale by Clough's Drug Store.
persons suffering with rheumatism
At last our stock of Clothing has arrived.
We have everything to suit the most fastidious.
We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim
built and stout built.
They have the style, quality and fit.
We have also just received a large shipment of
A fine assortment of Summer
Foot Wear, just received at the
Red Front Shoe Store, consisting
of Ladies’, Gent.’s, Misses and
Children’s Shoes.
May ladies’
patent leather and Vicci French
Kid cauuct be beat for fit, finish
and comfort. No paste board coun­
I bave~also a fine assortment of
Men’s and Boy’s fine Shoes. Mr-
stock of Men’s and Boy’s Work
Shoes, high and low cut, and my
King Logger Shoes are the best in
the city for the price.
Worst Stretch of Road
The worst stretch of load was be
tween Dolph and Oretown.
The dis­
tance is 29 miles, for the <1 liver must go
around by Cloverdale, the building of
a bridge and the removal of a few tons
of young bowlders from the path would
allow (he distance to lie cut dow n co
12 miles. Despite the condition of the
road in some places today Mr. Clemens
believes that It could lie turned into a 1
first-class boulevard at an exceedingly I
small expense. President Reed and a
committee from the chamber of com 1
merce are planning to go over the route |
111 a few* «lays and the boulevaid will
doubtless become a fact.
The counties will be urged to co­
operate in the work and money will tie
secured from this end from the good
toads fund and through private sub. '
scriptions from the many Portland mo- |
toring enthusiasts. The building of the '
road and the installation of an auto
stage service, it is believed, would bring •2«
the rich Tillamook country and its pev
pie about 50 per cent closer to Portland,
and would increase the upbuilding of 1............
that isolated section correspondingly,
besides affording automobilists an easy
and delightful mountain road to the
1 ...
Oregon beach,______________
1 a. tn.
Opposite the Post Office.
Furnishing Goods
Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery
Shoes and Hats
Always the best stock on hand.
No charge for sewing rips on shoes bought of us.
Red Front Shoe Store,
P. F. BROWNE, Agent
Astoria & Columbia River R
A Memorable Day.
On« of the days we remember with
pleasure, as well as with profit to our
health, is the one on which we became
acquainted with Dr. King's New Life
Pills, tlie painless purifieis that cure
headache and biliousness, and keep the
bow. Is right 25c. at Chas. I. Clough's
drug More.
Cured Three of Family with
One Bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Di­
arrhoea Remedy.
« 53
9 H
•24 1 *22
p.m i n m.
ft.OOi M.00
7 2UÍ 9.20
7.35Ì 9.33
S OS 10.05
a 131 mis
a 52,10 51
5 50
7 1 I
7 20
9 5< 1 1 45
IO 05.12 05
10 25|12 31
10 3(» 12.40
10.33 12 45
•40 J •3«
s.m 1
10 23
10 25
a 36
h 43
A 4H
3 10
P ostland ......
4 15 ......... ........... gobls ...........
4.27 .......... 1............ R anibr
4.49 ......................... Qciwcv........
4 54 ............... C latskanin
5 23 ................... C lifton
•Ar. A storia Lr
4 05 1 1 30 L t A storia Ar.
« 20 12 35. W arrenton
H 4.1 1 10
a 50 1 301
S easide
6.35 1 35 Ar. H oliday L t .
•ss 1 •44
2 39
a. is
7 551
6 .37j
« so
•39 J •41
p m a m. J P m I p m
A 11 7 2S| 3 11 2.0« L t Warrenton Ar 2 35 3.35
<1.20 7.38: 3 23 2 15 A t .HammondLv 12.25 3.29
a 25 7 41 3 2« 12.20 Ar Ft StevenaLv 12 21 3.24
33 I *43
«35 ( «3f“
• m I p m
a.mJ a m.
7 Ml 6SO'R 53| io 39
7.45 6.331 S 48 10.30
7.421 6.30I ».4«! 10.27
Train« marked • run daily.
Trains Nos 25, 27 and 39 from Clatsop Beach, and trains Nos. M, 30 and 3« from
| Astoria, ran ria Ft Stevens
* ,rom
" I purchased a bottle of Chamber. '
lain s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhora ;
Remedy, and found it be all claimed for
it In the advertisements. Three of the
family hare u-ed it with good results in
summer complaint —H. E. Ilow-g, pub |
Itslisr of the ¡“reas. Highland, Wit.
sale by Clough's Drug »(ore.
th V- r V'S
Train No 2« from Portland. 3:10 p m.; Is Saturday Special, stopping atOoble. ■ stater
Clatskanie Astoria and Beach points, onlv.
with alt trans-continental Hoes. At Goble with
A*tor,a- wlth
for San Francisco sad Tillamook
*nd Itwaco Railwar & Navigation Coboat and railway.
Through ticket« sold to and from all points in the East and Bnrope
For further particulars apply to.
g H jrnk INS.
Geal. Frt. & Fassgr Agt
Astoria. Or.
Opened up for Business
C Pil>- f- con.tip.Uou,
Stop at White Hou
When you trnvel th» Wil»on Ki,w
stop at the White House, |. P u,
Twenty five mile, J,
Tillamook. Rates : Meals, 25c ■
ing. 25c. ; board, with room,
XI heitier of Sore». Burn., Cut., $6 00. Horse» : Team, over nigte
Wound, und Pile«. Gimranteed by Cha». and grain. $1.50 ; hay alone,75c i
piped through house. Modern bath
I. Clough. Druggist. Price ¿W.
of tlie inhabitants of thia country.
New Discovery cures weak lungs and
sore throats after all other remedies
have failed; and for coughs aud colds
John Harter was on the beach Satur­ it’s the proven remedy guaranteed by
Chan. I. Clough, druggist. 50c. and
Connie Dye brought a load of people $1.00. Trial bottle free.
over from Tillamook Sunday.
Mrs. A K. Case spent Sunday on the
Mr. and Mrs. Patzlaf cameover to the
beach Sunday to spend the day.
Mr. O’Neil and party, of Corvallis, left
Sunday for Woods aud other points on
the beach.
I will beat Nehalem, July 25th
W. E. Catterhn brought a load of *
people over from Tillamook Monday to
26tb and 27th to do optical
campon the beach.
Edgar Munson and Ralph Moore «pent
Sunday at tbe beach, enjoying the sea
All work guaranteed to give
breeze end beautiful scenery.
perfect satisfaction.
Mrs. Dr. Sharp is camping at Happy
Mr. Chas. Mathuer. of McMinnville,
and Mr McCune, of Carlton,are camp­
ing at Netarts.
Quite a crowd of people from French □
Prairie arrived at Netarts Monday to t ?
spend several days outing on rhe beach. ■
Mr and Mrs. E. Meresse, of Forest
Grove, arrived at Netarts Sunday to
spend the summer on the beach.
Mr. Proctor and Mr. Parker and their
families are catnpaing on the beach and
trying their hand at fishing and claming.
The building
of an
boulevard to Tillamook and the beach
through Lafayette, McMinnville. Sher
idan, Wilhelmina, Grand Ronde, Dolph
and Oretown is one of the latest im­
provements being agitated by Portland
W. J.Clemens, almost as well known
as a motor enthuwiast as an insurance
man, took a trip over the road a week
ago and on his return he pronounced
the route the only feasible one for an
automobile boulevard from Portland to
Tillamook and beach points
The chamber of commerce has taken
up the matter and a committee has been
appointed to inspect the road ami con­
sider whether or not to put itself of­
ficially behind the movement to build a
pleasantly passable road through rhe
beautiful monntain country to the
Take the Postmaster’s
The Clemens party consisted of Mr,
and Mrs. Clemens. II. E. Clemens, Miss
Lillian Cars ons and W. J. Lyons. They
left on July fourth in Mr. Clemens
35 horse power Mitchell touring car,
carrying about J200 pounds of baggage,
r,00king utensils, food and blankets, the
entire load weighing not less than 3,500
pounds. Their destination was Fletch­
ers. a well known beach point 30 miles
south of Tillamook.
The entire distance of 120 miles was
made in one day, and the return trip in
a »lay, At meal time the party stopped
and cooked their food in true campers’
style beside the road. Two days’ out
ing was spent at Fletchers’—tDhing.
bathing and tramping over the hills.
The last 50 miles of the trip are in
the mountains and Mr. Clen.ens reports
the scenery of the very highest order,
lie is so enthusiastic over tbe outing
that he will make the trip again in two
weeks. Last year he made it three
A Happy Man
I. Amo» F. Kina, of **» Brron: ".L'
There is more Catarrh iu this
' Jthchr
country than all other
‘’"‘‘“ ¿d to
■nd until the last few years w»»
be incurable Eer a great many
, ,-„ ribed
pronounced it a local disease, a” *
focal remedie., and by oon.Uutlj la
with local treatment. P'ono.‘,”,1“i,U.,“on"Hu
ScK iu-e ha» proven caUrrb l<> •* “
llon.Hliaemw, and therefor» '5T < me 1 mnu
tional treatment. Hall a
;.hio ia
laetured by F J. Cheney ft Co.. Toledo.Ohio, a
theonlv coualltutim al cur. on “''"‘¿„ d . tn •
i. taken internally in doaea from io drop» •
It »Ct» direr tb °” ‘»Je “‘„I
mucous surfaces of the system.
hundred dollars for any ease it. fall* to cur«.
’ Add"
CHENEY ft CO Toledo. O.
” 00
. the
Je Flies off Stock
One Quart, at 5Oc. makes 10 GaJlo"»
CLOUGH, Reliable Drug#
If after using CARBOLIC COMPOUND yru are not Mt^
your money back.