TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 18 BATTLE OF SAN JACINTO. A MANCHURIAN INN. HBhlneie Food and Bed«—High Walla to Protect Againat Thievec. W The Inn at Tleling, which was similar ^to the inns all over northern Manchu- > Ra. had a big compound surrounded by a high mud wall with gates. Tha long distance carts going down the country with beans and bringing back Moods are driven Inside these com- B8W>unds for safety from robbers each •lgtit says the South China Post, and Raring the great hauling season in win­ ter these inns are crowded. j^iThe walls of the Inns are of mud Master,-,! on a center wall made by y Weaving reeds together. The windows are mostly of oiled paper, with possi­ bly one small pane of glass In the center. The rafters are rounded tlm- bars on which are spread reeds, then »‘layer of coarse matting and then packed mud. In the cities the better inns have brick walls and tiled roofs, but are otherwise about the same. It was necessary to sleep on the “X’ang” and eat Chinese food. In ttase Inns the first place entered Is the kitchen, a square space with mud floors and raised mud ovens with clay and ■ iron pots. From this one passes through a cloth hung doorway Into the iBB proper. At Tleling this was twen­ ty to sixty feet, down the middle of W|dch was an eight foot aisle with packed mud floor. On each side were ranged the "Wangs." raised mud embankments, brick faced, some thirty inches high »nd six feet wide. On these are spread mlttings, and here all guests roll them- aelves in their own blankets and sleep side by side, with their feet to the ■all and their beads to the center alale. A Are underneath runs the length of each “range,” and a Are at One end furnishes the hot air, which phases through and out at a mud Mfipney and warms the sleepers. The meals are served on these "k’angs" on little tables about a foot high. At these Inns a teapot Is al- Wbp» kept warm over a fire In a raised ■»nd embankment In the middle of the ■ain aisle. IN WRECKS AT SEA. Th« Way Men Act When They Lose - Their Head« «nd Nerv«. What has most struck me In my many experiences of shipwrecks has been the strangely diverse ways In which the passengers acquit them- aelvea under Intense excitement and panic, said a lifeboat man to the Women cry, faint and cling to each other, but are least trouble. Men often try strangely. I remember one trowing Into the lifeboat a heavy which he wanted to save, but which we promptly heaved overboard. Some men become quite panic strlck •n. I’ve seen strong men, probably brave enough in other cases, fighting fiercely for the life buoys and thrust the women and children aside In itlc endeavors to leap into the boat If yet, strangely enough, one man > thus disgraced himself has since ■led the Koyal Humane society's 1*1 for saving life at sea, thrice vol- raring with a scratch crew In aid of »tressed vessel. re j known others who became so Med with fright as to resist all at Me at rescuing them, begging to be to die and having to be forcibly qrn Into the lifeboat Some per ■frequently become half demented, Tve known several cases where ! have In a frenzy committed sui- by positively jumping headlong sea and drowning themselves, man to Insure bls sinking pockets with coal. years ago another passenger, the ship had struck, went and I himself in the bathroom, an- g his fate, as It were. ember another case where a •r hanged himself in his cabin the lifeboat arrived.—London Looked Into ths Wall. er peculiar case of absent- ss was that related of Peter ; an Irish lawyer. A friend id on Burrowes at an early morning found him shaving face held close to an empty That on earth are you assum attitude for?” he asked. ok In the glass,” was the re- here's no glass there,” laugh Bqualntance. you! I didn't notice that he­ ld Burrowes, and then calling int be asked him what had bo­ th« mirror, fair” said the man, “It wat lx weeks ago.” POINTED PARAGRAPHS. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT- ll, no matter how /< bad the weather You cannot afford to be without a TOWERS WATERPROOF OILED SUIT OR SLICKER When vou buy look for the SIGN OF THE FISH «sin — • J Cl «0.-0» U»» « C—AO*» co o rotO-TQCA- KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS *Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR " ... Defendants. J To Francis Trevor, Francis Trevor, Jr., and L. O. MacMahon, the above named defen Good For Twenty. dants : “Lawyers gel stung as easily as oth­ In the name of the State of Oregon : er people,” said one who practices in I You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the criminal courts. “Here's wbat hap­ I the above entitled cause on or before the pened to me the other day: A friend of | expiration of six weeks from the date of the ' first publication of this Summons, and if mine Upped me off that there was a 1 you fail to so appear and answer for want case coming up in special sessions and thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court I for the relief prayed for in the complaint. It would be easy to get the defendant, The relief prayed for in the complaint is that plaintiff have judgment against Francis a negro, free. I Trevor for the sum of $4(10.00, with interest “ 'There's a twenty In it for you,’ be at the rate of 8 percent per annum from Octo­ added. ‘T’ve got another case on up­ ber 4th. 1900, together with an attorney’s fee of $125.00, in accordance with the terms of stairs or I would take it myself.’ a promissory note bearing date October 4th. “Sure enough, I got the fellow off, 1900. and that a mortgage given by Francis Trevor on that date upon and and when we reached the corridor I covering the South East quarter of Section 15. politely indicated that I had heard in Township 2 South of Range 9 West of Wil lamette Meridian, and recorded in Book there was a twenty awaiting me for I "K." at page 637, of the records of Mort­ gages 01 Tillamook County. Oregon, to my trouble. the payment of said promissory note, “ ‘Sure thing, boss,' said the negro, secure be foreclosed. That the defendants and all diving Into his pockets. ‘It certainly of them be foreclosed of all equity of redemp­ or other interest in said real property; am worth twenty, all right.' Without a tion that the same be sold and the proceeds ap smile be handed over two dimes.”— plied to the payment of the judgment prayed for. New York 8un. This Summons is published in pursuance of an order made by the Honorable H. F. Good- w|»eed. County Judge of Tillamook County, Colds and Bald Head«. Oregon, made on the 11th day of July, 1907. A baldbesded physician aaid: “I need directing that service of summons as to said defendants be made bv publication thereof in to be dreadfully aubject to colds even the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­ In the «ujnmer I bad to wear a black paper published in Tillamook City, Oregon, once a week for a period of six weeks, and skullcap all the time. Tbe minute I date of the first publication is July 11th, took it off I began to sneeze and 1907. H. T. B otts , wbeeze. But now for a year I have Attorney for Plaintiff. The Moorhen. What could be more perfect defense than the device of the moorhen? Rhe sinks herself in the water beneath an overhanging root or bank, leaving only her bill Ln sight. And that looks like a fallen leaf. Yon may stand within alx feet of her. and «he will not move, so sure la she that her ruse will •uc reed —London standard. I 'The Badge of Honesty Is on every wrspper of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery because a full list of the ingredients composing it is printed there in plain English. Forty years of experience has proven Its superior worth as a blood purifier and Invigorat­ ing tonic for the cure of stomach disorders and all liver ills. It builds up the run­ down system as no other tonic can in which alcohol Is used. The active medic­ inal principles of native roots such as Golden Seal and Queen’s root. Stone and Mandrake root, Bloodroot and Black Cherrybark are extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure, triple­ refined glycerine. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce at Buffalo, N. Y., for free booklet which quotes extracts from well-recognized med­ ical authorities such as Drs. Bartholow, King, Scudder, Coe, Elllngwood and a host of othepf, showing that these roots can be nded upon for their curative action 1 all weak states of the stomach, accom led>y indigestion or dyspepsia as well II bilious or liver complaints and in wasting diseases’’ where there Isle flesh and gradual running down of t trength and system. The "Goldej “ ' n Medical ______________ DI ___ •ery" makes rich, cure blood and so Invigorates ant regulatorfFTe stomach, liver and bowe.l^ and« through the whole system. Thus all skin affections, blotches, pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel­ lings and old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed. In treating old running sores, or ulcers, it is well to in­ sure their healing to apply to them Dr. Pierce’s All-IIealing Salve. If your drug­ gist don’t happen to have this Salve in stock, send fifty-four cents in postage stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. Y., and a large box of the "All-Healing Salve* will reach you by return post. You can’t afford to accept a secret nos­ trum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic, medicine of known composition , not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellots regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. “I We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, I Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX The Most McNAIR CO., Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is Hereby Given that the under­ signed, administrator of the Estate of Henry L. Wilcox, deceased, has filed his final account as such administrator, in the County Court of Tillamook County. Oregon, and said Court has set Monday, the 5th day of August, 1907, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M., at the Court House, in Tillamook City. Oregon, as the time and place for a hear­ ing of objections to said account and final settlement thereof. F. R. BEALS. Administrator of the Estate of Henry L. Wiicox. deceased. NO1TCK OF CREDITORS. N otick is H ereby G iven .—That the un­ dersigned has been appointed administrator to the estate of Malkotn Wystrom, deceased, and that letters of administration in due form have been issued to him. All persons having claims against said deceased or against his estate, are hereby notified and required to present them, duly verified, to said administrator at the office of T. II Goyne, attorney-at-law, in Tilla­ mook City, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated July 11th. 1907. W m . R. C attkrkin , Administrator of the Estate of Malkom Wystrom, deceased. T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878 —N otice for P ublication . United States I.and office, Portland Oregon. April 29111, I907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act o f Congress of June 3. 1K7K, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended >o all Public I.and States by act of August 4, 1x92, ELLEN A HA PRISON. Of Tillamook, county of Ti’aniook, State of Oregou, has Ibis day filed in this office her sworn statement, No. 74o8, fo the pu chase of the N Vi ofNe *4 Sw of Na ’4 and Se Vi of Nw of Section No. 18, in township No 2 north, range No. 10 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri ctiltnral purposes, and to estab'iah her claim to said latiu before the < ounty Clerk, at Tilla­ mook, Oregon, on Tuesday, tile 6th day of Anguat. 1907. Slienameaas witnesses: CnailesW. Pike, of Bay Cit , Oiegon ; I). A. Simmons, 'of Bay City. Oregon ; Jos. Price, of Balm, Oregon ; 51. W. Harrison, of lilJaniook, Oregon. Any and al per«u ng claiming adversely the ab<»ve-«ie.M'ribed lands art reque ted to fil • their claims iu this office on or before.said ftth day of August, I907. A lgernon 8. B resser , Register. T imber L and , A ct J unr 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon May 28th, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in • oniphaiice with the provisions of the act of Congress of lune 3, 1878. entitled * An act for the sale of tunt»er lauds in the States of ('a)iforniu. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex­ tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4th, 1892. ANNIE RIPLEY, Of Hobsonville. county ot Tillamook. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 7442, for the purchase of *4 of Nw % of Section No. 7 Towuship No. 2 north. Range No. 9 Meet, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable ior its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose«, and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Friday, the 6th day of September, 1907. She names as witnesses : Dan Hickey, of Balm, Oregon ; Lanada Mc­ Fee, of Bahn. Oregon; M. H. Riplev. of H<>h sonvdle, Oregon; Harry Crane, of Hobsonville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-desc ibed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 6th day of September. I907. A lgernon S. D rksbkr . Register. T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland. Oregon. June 10th, 1907. Notice is hereby given 1liat in coinpliai.ee with the provisions ot the act of Congress of June 3rd, I878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregou. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892, WILLIAM BUELL WATT, Of Bay City, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7456. foi the purchase of the W «4 ofSw X. of sec. No. h , in tp. No. I N.. range No. o west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Oiegon. 011 Friday, the 6th day of September, 1907. He names as witnesses : George Watt, of Bay < iiy, Oregon , Fred D. Pike, of Bay City, Oregon; Fred Balmer, of Bay City, Oregon; John (). Boxorth. of Bay City, Oregon Any snd all'persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims iu this office on or before said 6th day of September, 1907. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. T imbbr L add A ct , J i nk 3, 1S78.—N otice for ,, , . P ublication . United State» i,aud office, Portland. Ore., w t . J"ne 15th 191'7 .Rh'i? " ''7'h>' Kiven that Iu compliance with the nrovisions of the act of ConwreNa of h U" k “A11 act for the sale of timber land« m the state» ofc llforula. O i - roii . Nevada and WaahlllKtun Terilloiv." «»«»- August 4° ¡sw"'* Laud Slate, by act of nr to , .HBGAR MUNSON. .,r State of Oiegon, has this d»y ol T'Uainook. ln lhi, ofl]Ce hi« sworn Btstement No 746,, for the pur. °.fA ie;Se > Nw '« N* Hot n.lH.'1 S, ^* Ji.® °f SeCHo" No. 15. ill Win oW P.N" north, range N -. lowest, and «111 offer proof to show th«t the land sought» ri.?, u 'l*>,® or ,u ’"“ber or sone than for “*r.„lll.lur"1 purposes, and to establish his S. i,,n »and bffore the County Clerk, at qp < l £F o ,' u °" 8a,urff adversely the tMbm*,ld"are to file their . u ?Wce ou or before said 7th day of September, 1907. J A lgernon 8. D resser . Reginter. T imber L and , J une 3, 1878.—N otice f r P ublication . United Stairs Land Office, Portland, Ore., wv 41 1 . MayiSth, 1907. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the proviaiona ot the act ot Congres» of June 3 I878 entitled " An act for the »ale of timber lands in the Htates of ( alifo-nia. Ore­ gon, Nevada and Washington Ter itory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, i8U2 7 MARY P. JONES. Ot Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, hna this day filed in thia office her sworn Ntatement, No. 7419 for the purchaee of ‘J‘e iW Ne M of Sw W "<“1 Se «4 of Nw U, of Section No. 25, in townahip No. 2 north, range No. iO west, and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought ia more valuable for ita timber or atone than for agricultural pur- poaea. and toeatabllah her claim to »aid land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Ore., on Ihuraday. the 8th day of August, 1907. She name» tu> witiieaae» : Daniel A slnnuon», of Bay City. Oregon : t haile» Pike, ot Hay City, Oregon; Janie» C. Bewley, of ^illaniook, Oregon ; Geo. P. Zim­ merman, ot Tillamook, Oregon. Any and all person» claiming advereely the above-deacribM lauda are requealed to file their claim» In thi» office on or before »aid st h dav of Augu»t, I9O7 ’ AioaaNON S. Dansaza, Kegiater. Teo muny of us consider an excuse a rej sun. Everything sounds like an encore to some men. I'll» philosophical person Is apt net /C onsumption Price to lie when considering troubles of his 1 OUCHS and 60c HI.00 own. VOLOS Free Trial. Many a man who thinks be Is getting Into a peach orchard really finds his Surest and ftuickeat Cure for all way into a lemon grove. THBOAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. There are lots of answers to the ques­ TT tion, "What’s the use?” but the man who asks it never wants one. SUMMONS. When au acquaintance says to yon, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County. “I am gqlng to be honest with you.” T1MB8K LAND, ACT JUNB 3. I87»—NoTICK TOK T imber L and , A ct J i nr 3. U78—N otice for T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878.— N otice for P ublication . brace yourself to bear something dis­ M. J. MacMahon P ublication . Plaintiff, P ublication , United States Laud Office, Port kind, Ore. United Stales Laud Office, vs. agreeable. UnitfKl States Land Office April 15th. 190;. Portland, O egon, Francis Trevor, Francis Portland, Oregon, May 22nd, 1907 Notice is hereby given that in compliance May 8th. I907. Meat of us when we ride a free horse Trevor, Jr.. Agnes Reid. Reid, • Notice is hereby given that in compliance Notice is hereby given that in’ compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of E. Dewey, L. O. Mac- I start out on a walk, quicken Into a with the provisbrn- of the act ol CoggHtB "I June 3, 1878. entitled " An act for the sale of with the provisions of the act of Congress of nook I Mahon, and Tillamook limiter lands In th? Safes of California, Oregon, June 3rd. 1878. entitled * An act for the sale lune 3. i87M, entitled "An act for the Male 01 brisk trot, then break into a wild gal­ City, a Municipal Cor- | tiintier lands in the Stales of Califo*nia, timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," iin ex- of por’ation, lop and ure thrown.—Atchison Globe. Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended tened to all the Public Land States by act of Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo­ not once worn a skullcap, and I have not once bad a cold. Why, I eould go and stand bareheaded In a snowstorm without any til effect. My Immunity to colds comes from this: Every morn­ ing I put my head under tbe cold wa- ter spigot snd let the cold water run for a minute on my bald crown. This is a refreshing thing, and since I be­ gan to do It I have never had a cold.”— Milwaukee Journal. A French Joke. • French Joke that is rather l character: The Margate de notorious for his Impecunl- ed on a man of means nam­ ’d and said: or. I am going to astonlah I the Marqnla de Favleres. I ow yon, and I come to bor- Mis.*’ nr.” Barnard replied. ‘T am astonish you much more. i L and I am going to lend feplncotts Magazine. All by Accident Too. ►-Well. Ufa Is worth living. L Jack—What's happened? • I went to a railway station |ky sister off. and by soma Barry Hansom was there to ■tor off. and in the rush and | confusion we got mixed, and I hie sister and he hngged bUadelphia Inquirer. TH« Deaperat« Fight That Haraldad the Dawn of Texan Fraadom. On the mornlug of the 21st of April, 1836, the day chosen for the battle which was to decide the fate of Texas. Houston’s first words had been. "Tbe sun of Austerlitz has risen again.” He had then called a council of war and asked tbe opinion of his six field ofll cere as to whether they should attack the enemy or wait for the attack to come from them. The four senior officers strangely counseled delay, but their arguments did not convince Houston, who declar- ed that the hour for action bad arrlv- ed and plalnly announced the lnten- tion on hls own responsibility to risk a general engagement, He then dls- patched Deaf Smith, his most trusty scout, to cut down the bridge which ottered the only means of escape to either army. “Make the best of your way,” he had said In his habitual tone of kindly friendship, “to Vince's bridge, cut It down and burn It up and come back like eagles or you will be too late for tbe day.” And just as tbe first chargu was starting a horseman flecked with foam from bls panting charger bad dashed along the lines of the patriot army, as Houston had arranged that he should do, calling out clearly that all might hear, this deathknell to ail hopes of possible escape: “I have cut down Vince’s bridge! Now, fight for your llveB and remember the Alamo!” The Texan army, with Houston rid­ ing at the front of the center column, had then dashed forward against the Mexican breastworks, behind which stood the army of Santa Anna, drawn j up ln perfect order and calmly reserv- I Ing its fire for short range. Their first ■ volley, however, by the grace of a di- ; vine Providence, as the Texans declar- ! ed, went too high. Houston's leg was shattered at the ankle and his horse severely wounded, but his columns still advanced uninjured. Then came the answering volley, 1 “poured Into the very bosoms” of th« , astonished Mexicans—unable to reload and without bayonets for tbe charge. The Texans had "clubbed tlielr mus­ kets" and dealt desperate blows, aud finally, when they had thus battered their way into the very center of the Mexican army, they had drawn their murderous bowle knives and “literally cut their way through dense masses of living flesh.” The battle had lasted only twenty minutes, but ln that time a new na­ i tion had been born into tbe world “From i?ie battle of San Jacinto.” said Webater In 1842, “the war was at an end.”- Metropolitan Magazine. 1907 Fair and Square. City Boarder—When you exchanged cattle with Fanner Smith, did you get a quid pro quo? Fanner Jonee- No. Nelghbor Smith didn’t try no sieh mean tricks on me We swapped fair •ud even.—Baltimore AmerkAa. t** all the Public Land S.ates by act of August I. 1892, JANE ft. Ci LY, Of Til’.amook. county of Tillamook, state of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office her sworn statement No. 7410, for the pur­ chase of Nw of Se 1'4 of Section No. 30. in township No. 1 south, range No. 10 we»t. an * will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tinier or Moue than for agii cultural purposes, an/* to establish her claim to 'aid land liefore the County’ i'le k, at Tilla­ mook, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 8th day of August, 190’. She names as witnesses : George Watkini, of Netarts. Oregon; A. A, Yager, of Netarts, Oregon ; Hugh Ba ber, of of Netarts, Oregon; D. J. Cnly, Tillamook, Oregou. Any and all persons claiming adversely ’he above ded lands are requested to file their '•laiins in this office on 01 before said Sth day of August, 1907. A lgernon S. DBBBiEE. Register. August 4. 189?. ALGERN H TINGLEY, Of Portland, coun'y of Multnomah, state of Ore- go* . has thin day filed in this office his «worn statement No. 7446, (or the Dure has« of the Wi st one half of the Northeast one quar­ ter and lot numbered one (W >4 of Ne »4 and lot i), of Sec No 24. in Tp. No. 1 H, range No. 9 west, W.M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valua­ ble for i's tiir ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver, at Port land, Oregon, on Wednesday,, the iKth day of September, 1907. He naraos as witnesses : Samuel J. Smith, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Toby L. Wmlth, of Tillamook. Oregon; Wesley Rush, of Tillamook. Oregon ; Chns M Adkins, of Tillamook, Oiegou. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested fo file their claims In this office 011 or before said 18th day of September. ¡«07. A lgkrnon 8. D resses , Register. T imber L and A ct , J une 3 I878 — N otice fop . P ublication . T imber L and , A ct J une 3, I878.—N otice for United state»» Land Office, P ublication . Portland, Oregon, Maj nth, 19o7- United States Land Office, Portland. <'re , Notice is hereby given that iu compliance May 22nd, 19U7. with lite provisions of the act of Congress of Notice is hereby given that In compliance with June 3, 1878, entiled “ An act for the sale of tim­ ber lands in the States of California. Oregon, lh<* provisujiis f the art of ongless of June Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex­ 3. 18/8, entitl d " A’i art for the sa e of timber tended to all the Public Land States by act of lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter»it,<»ry.” as ex August 4. I892, tended to all the Public Laud State» by act of MATTI E KAM BY, Of Elsie, county of Clatsop, |Btate of August 4,1892. thkrksa bi . bom . Oregon, has ti ls day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7418, for the parchase Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook. State of of % Sw *nd lots 3 and 4. of section 30, and Oregon, has tills day filed In this office her Ne *4 Nw and lot 1. «»f Sec ionj No. 31, In tp »worn statement No. 74^4. for the purchase of of Bw *|. of section No. u, In Tp. No. No 4 north, Range 8 West. W.M,,and will offer the proof to show that the land sought is 2 north, range No. lo west, and will offer proof more valuable for ite timber or stone than for to show that the Jami sought is more vwlimblr agricultural purposes, and ¿0 establish ins for Its timber or stone than for agricull 111 al pur­ claim to said land before the Register and poses. and to esutblish her claim to said land Receiver at Portland, Oiegun, on Wednesday, before the <'ounty <'1erk. at Tillamook, 011 Fri­ ■ the 7th day of August, 1907. He names a* day. the 9th day of August, l( Congrr»« o< Ripley, of Hobsonville, Oregon : 8 M. Batter timber ands in th« HtAte« of California. Ore- June j, 187», ci,tilled "An «ct l<>r the eale of •on, of Balm, Oregou , John S Gray, of Ne- Con, Nevada and Washington Territory." aa ex timber land' In the Stelee of Calllornle, Ore­ hale, Oregon •n led to all the Public Land States by act of gon, Nevada and Waahlnstou Territory," aa A lgernon 9. D rbmek , Register August 4th, 18H, ««tended to all the Public Laud states by act IDA r. CHRI3TIANSF.N, of AcfUat 4, 1691, Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook. Alate of PKED I. FOBHI.UND Oregon ha* this da/ field in this office Of Tillamook, comity of Tli.amook, State of I The Charming Woman z _ Sled __ _ In thia office hie I her »worn statement No 7407. for the purrhaMe Oregon. ___________ hea thia day is not necessarily one of perfect form of the Se '/* of Ne of Ate. No. 33. in I p. No. 3 | •• orn at stem« nt No. 74*16, for the pwrrhaw | and features Many n plain woman who north, range No 9 west, and wi7 He some, aa witnesses good health A physically weak AI ber l Craw ford. of Nehalem. Oregon; Charles Wesley M< Millen. of Tillamook, Oregon, woman la never attractive. n«< even to Handy, of Nehalem Oreg. 1, Alex Melronald, William J. Pimen of Tillamook Or : Thomas Nehalem. Oregon . H. V Alley, of Nehalem, B om . of Tlllsmmik Or.; Charlea Him««, of herself. Electric Bitters restore weak of Ortgon. Tillamook. Os women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, Any and all persona claiming adversely the Any and all persona claiming adversely the smooth, velvety skin beautiful com above-d*-eiribed lands are requested to file above deMritied lands are requested to file their their claims In this office on or before said Mb claims in this office on or before said 9th day pleaion. Guaranteed at Chas. I Clough, day of August, 19O7. of August, i*>- druggot. 50c. ALGganon b. Daaasa*, Register. AMiaanou ». Vssaaga, Kegiater. I ry." as extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, I892, HUBKRT F. ROSS, Of Tillamook, county of 1 illaniook. State of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office his sworn s'stenient No. 74«« for the purchase of the N« >4 of Nw tf.of Sec. No 18 in Tp. No. 1 N, Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- po-es. au Caplee, Nehalem, Oregon Any and all f ersona claiming adversely the above described lauds am re«|uested to file their claims i.*i this office on or before said 6th day of HcpUmbcr, 1907. A lob an or fi . U umii , Register.