TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 18, 1907. T. Advertising Ratea. L egal A dvertisments : io First Insertion, perline $ 5 Each subsequent insertion, line.... Busineaa and professional cards, 1 month .................................. t 00 Homestead Notice*........................ » 00 Timber Claim*..................................... 1 io 00 & Locals, per line each insertion.. .. Display advertisement, an inch. 50 1 month ......................... .... All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per liue. Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., minimum rate, 25c. not exceedtr.g five lines. Real Estate Transfers. P repikedby H T. B otts , A bstracter . U.S. to Addie Thompson, 160 acres, sec 3, tp 1 n, r 10 w. U.S to Charles H. Northrup, 160 acres sec 20, tp 2 n, r 7 w. U.S. to David Hovenden, 160 acres, secs 10 and 15, tp 2 n, r 10 w. U S to Fred A Northrup, SO acres, sec 33, tp 2 n, r 7 w. U.S. to Martinus P. Borseth. sec 6. t p 2 », r 6 w. U.S. to Colin W. Cottan, 160 acres, sec 13, tp 6 s, r 9 w. U.S. to Clara E Van Etten, 160 acres, secs 32 and 33, tp 2 a, r 8 w. U.S. to Charles E. Reynolds, 173.88 acre’, sect 1 and 2. tp 1 n, r 7 w. U.S to Marion P. Lin-Isley. 160 acres, secs 28 and 29, tp 2 s. r 8 w. U S to Ernest J. Hart. 160 acres, secs 10 aud 15, tp 1 n, r 7 w. U S. to Henry Samuel Baker, 160 acres, sec 21, tp 1 s. r 10 w. U.S. to Waiter Fred Baker, 160 acres, sec 20, tp 1 i, r 10 w. U.S. to James Gill, 160 acres, sec 7, tp 2 s. r 8 w. Assignment of various oil leasts from A. T. Lewis to M. R. Hannenkrat. Numerous contracts ami deeds fol rights of way to Pacific Railway & Navi- gation Co. 64 mortgagee securing $109,824.22. 27 mortgages satisfied, $19,529.13. H Cheese Co., Incoi ported, The Oregon *------ - is prepared to buy all the first class cheese that comes along, ^pot cash and highest price. Factory men will do well to see R. Robinson, the mana He will be in ger, before selling Tillamook a g • ood part of the time dur- Only the best stock ing the season wanted. Complete set of Abstract i Peter Asp and wife to P. W. Todd, tract in sec 28. tp 1 s, r 10 w, $10. Margaret F. Jennings to J. W. Jennings, tract sec 6, tp 1 s, r 9 w, 11. Nellie W. Ktrry and husband to Sidnev McCargar, lots 3 and 4, bk 3. Hays’ addi to town ot Tillamook, $900. Addie Thompson and husband to J. C Bewley, 160 acres, sec 3, tp 1 n,r 10 w, |1OU. George W. Elliott to William Devine, Vi interest in tract in secs 30 and 32, tp In r 10 w, |10. Ralph Acklev and wife to Nels Thomp­ son, lot 7, l»k 8, Thayer's addition to Tillamook, $425. Alva Finley and wile to Jemima Kirk, s Vs, lots 5 to 8. blr 5, Park addition to Tillamook, $680. The Round Up of the Raacala. W. H. Evans and wife to Flora E. and 126 Filth Street, Portland. George F. Zimmerman, lots 1 to 4, Mayor Schmitz of San Francisco Reference, Tillamook County Bank. bk 23, Thayer’s addition to Tilla­ ha* iieen found guilty on the charge mook, $1250. of extorting ig money from restaurant keepers. Thi* is i* only one of the J. S. Lamar and wife to C. H. Upton and This ‘ I have been brought W. W. Wiley, tract in bk 4, McDer­ charge* that against Schmitz. The case has been mott’s addi to Tillamook City, $1. It is not George Luerpabel and wile to Albert pending for a long time, ended yet, even for f... Schmitz, for he Easom, 99 acres in sec 34, tp 3 n, r _rr__ And will appeal to higher courts 9 w, $675. many other offenders are still to be brought before the bar. The courts Albert L. Easom and wife to Hubert £. Ross, 90 acres tec 34, tp 3 n, r 9 w, will be kept busy for months to come. $2200. Abraham Lincoln. It will be a grand wotk for the city j. P. AUL1EN, Proprietor. ami for the stale which the courts Hubert E. Ross and wife to the Ham­ B y H elen B eals . mond Lumber Co., 90 acres, see 34, will be called upon to perform, end Awarded Second Prize by the Nehalem tp 3 n, r 9 w, $10. they have made a beginning which School Officers’ Association. gives confidence in the courts' inlelli Althea McNeill to the Tillamook Bay Co, Special Attention paid to Tourists. gence, courage and civic spirit lot 2, bk 3, Martha Jacoby s addi to America has produced many great and A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation In this whole San Francisco rot. Bay City, $400. noted men, but perhaps no name i* more tennes* figures the shabbiest and vul- David W. Rhodes and wife to the Tilla­ often quoted than that of Abraham Lin­ garest raacals whom the country has mook Bay Co., lots 7 and 8, bk 1, coln. seen. Tweed and all his confederates Abraham Lincoln was born in Har­ VV. S. Cone s addi to Bay City. $2200. who were caught and convicted took din county, Keutuckey, February 12th, Iola I Handley and wife to Connie Dye. their punishment with a courage w Vs bk 2, A. A. Miller’s addi to Till­ 1809. which won them the respect of the He wa* called Abe for short. amook, $800. community which they despoiled. When Abe was about 7 years old, the But when the law began to reach L. T. Hubbell to the First Bank & Trust family moved to the south-western part Co, eVa, bk66, Central addi to Bay of Indiana. The country was thickly out for the San Francisco grafters City, $10. there wa* a race between the chief wooded, and tn order to get to their bandits to see which one of them J. E. Tuttle and wife to Agnes Forslund, destination it was necessary to cut a could turn states evidence first, and e lot 3, bk 8, Town of Lincoln, road to get through. get the immunity which comes to now Tillamook City, $550. When they reached the place for their the iuformer who " peaches" on his Joseph Wesley McMillan to C. H. Upton new home they had to build a cabin to pals. " Abe'’ Ruef, the man who tract in bk 4, McDermott’s addi to live iu. so they built a half-lace camp, furnished the brains to Schmitz, got lliis wa3 a log hut with three sides to it. Tillamook City, $12l>0. to the confessional first. There lias There were no doors, no windows been a wordy war between these two Althea McNeill to W. C. Hawk, lot 1, bk and no floor but the earth. Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. Martha Jacoby ’s addi. to Bay 3, personages since Ruef'e confession, They did their evoking cn a fire in the City, $700. but the whole truth will be sure to front of the open side of the hut. come out before the courts let go |. W. Maxwell to C B. and Flora B.Van­ A buffalo skin was hung across the their hold of the leading brigands. tress. lots 12 to 16, bk 3, A. A. Mil trout tor protection in the winter. And this is rite beginning of the ler's addi to Tillamook, $1200. The family lived in this half-faced end of an experiment in government fames H. Hicks and wife to O. S. Dewey cauip about a year, when a belter house by the lower elements of the com and wife Alma, bk 4, Bar View addi was built. munity. When Mayor Janies D. to Bay City, $400. Lincoln went to a rude a, b, c school Phelan, in the teamsters' strike of Lederer to Viola A Davis, tract when ever lie got a chance, but he used seven years ago tn San Francisco, Henry to say in Ins after years that he was not in sec 11, tp 1 n, r 10 w, $10. Spruce and Cedar Shingles. suppressed the rioters and restored at school more than a year altogether. order, the rioters aud their sympa­ John L. Blum and wife to Charles F. and He was very eager to learn and at ¿Minnie Blum, Va int in tractin sec 25, Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty thizers determined to set up a gov he would throw a piece ol spice tp 2 s, r 10 w ; also int iu tract in night ernment of their own in that town. wood on the tire to make a better light, sec 36, tp 2 s, r 10 w, $2. Feeling that the candidate* who then he would read aud cipher. Orders for Lumber promptly attended to. would be put up by the republican Charles W. Hyslip to C.W. Magie, agree He did his ciphering on a wooden and democratic parties would be ment of sale, 160 acres, sec 17, tp 6 shovel or smooth board with a charred public spirited men, who would en s, r 9 w, $6000. stick, when the work was done he would force the law against law-breaker* Clara Louisa and Mary Elizabeth Webb, plane it utf and it was ready for work of all sort«, they formed the union Martha Agnes Wilson (Webb) and again. labor party. nominated Eugene E. husband to Martha Agnes Webb, 160 Lincoln read every book he could gel Schmitz, a member of an orchestra acres, sec 25, tp 2 s, r 9 w, $1. hold of. They did not have many books j A l A j A l A i j A l Al A l A u A j A l At AcAr A A AAA AA l A l A l in one of the theaters, for mayor, out there, so he had to taXe any he could and in the strife between the two big Santa Fe Pacific R. R. Co. to R.V. Jones, get, among them were Aesop's Fairies, power of attorney, to convey tract parties the union laborites put in sec 20, tp 2 s, r 8 w, selected in Robinson Cruso and Bunyoii's Pilgrim's Schmitz in office, and lie has theo­ PROPRIETOR lieu of tract of land in sec 13. tp 17 Progress. retically bean tn ever since, except as Wheu he could get paper he would n, r 8 e, Gila & Salt River Mer. tlie courts have hampered him in the copy long extracts of what he read, exercise of his activities. Il is pretty Santa Fe Pacific R R. Co. to R. F. Cox, using a |ieii made from some wild tract in sec 20, tp 2 s, r 8 w, $1500. aafa to say that one or the other of towel's feather and ink msde from the the big parties will eleet the next N. P. Railroad Co. to Western Oregon roots and briers. mayor who I* chosen In San Fran, Trust Co, agreement, to convey 40 When Abe was plowing aud the cisco.—Globa Democrat. acres in sec 19, tp 2 s, r 8 w, $320 horses needed a rest, he would perch A. W. Priest and wife to Godfrey von himself on tup of a worm .fence, pull out Boiler Work, Logger's Work and Heavy Forging, 8windler In Pulpit Impressed Platen, tract in secs 3,4,9, 10, 11 his little book that he had made and Bishop Fine Machine Work a Specialty. and 16, tp3n, r 7 w, $1. read He soon grew to know more than the U tica , July 6.—The Rev. Philip B. R. F. Cox and wife to C. C. Bloomfield, Z. C. Eldred and L. H. Field, tract in rest of his companions, and lie could Peabody, a native of Batavia. N. Y., write an excellent hand. secs 20 and 19, tp 2 s, r 8 w, $10. but recently engaged in missionary Lincoln's mother died when he was work in Colorado and Wyoming. John M. Cress, by sheriff, to the Astoria preached In two local Episcopal Co., Vi interest in tract in Pacific 9 years old, and he missed her very much. ehurchea last Sunday. His eloquence Harbor, $6.88. In about a year his father married mid general dignity made such a pro. Hugh McCourt, by sheriff, to the Astoria again. found impression that Bishop Olmsted Co. Vi interest tract iu Pacific Har­ Lincoln's step mother was an able, set about arranging to have him snp. bor, $27.46 inlergetic woman. Site encouraged Lin­ ply various pulpits in this dtoceae during Charles Prock. by sheriff, to the Astoria coln in nil his efforts to read and study, the va< ation period. Co., lots I to 12, bk 18, Pacific Har and he became very fond of tier. To night the Kev. Mr. Peabody is a bor. 76c. ; also lots 1 to 12, bk 18, She 6aid of him afterwards. Abe was a prisoner in Utica Jail, beginning a Pacific Harbor, 99c. good boy, lie never gave me a cross term of six niontlis at hard labor for w ord, or look, he was a dutiful eon to larceny which he confesaed in Magi*, H. C Buzwick, by sheriff, tn the Astoria me always. Co., tract iu Pacific Harbor, 14.07. tiate O'Connor's court today. Thus Abraham dressed in roughly tanned wa* a smooth tongued rogue brought Hugh McCourt, by sheriff, to the Astoria to justice after swindling teligiou* Co., tract tn Pacific Harbor, $5.42. trousers, liusley wooleey coat, a pair of We can furnish all kind» of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, bodiee mid luerchHUts from the Atlan­ George W. Phelps to Lincoln Trust A In. moccasins on his feet and aioonskiu cap. tic to the Pacific coast Gin and Ruin at wholesale prices. vestment Co . bk 4. Miller’s addi to Abraham was taught to plough, to When Peabody catne to Utica with Tillamook City, $1400 Send us your orders. We ship in plain cases and prepay freight. thresh tire wheat with a flail and to hi* wife eeveral week* ago he pro. Rend over our price list and mail us your orders. Money refunded if goods duced credential* which appeared to I d . H Vedder and wife to Henry Tobi, carry the grain to the mill. lots 1 and 2. bk 16, Tobi's addi to Besides this his father taught him his are not satisfactory. All orders will be treated strictly confidential. hear out hi* »tory of being a clergy Nehalem City, $1500 trade as that of a carpenter. man in the East for a change of " e ship all our goods C.O.D , or von can make remittance with your order. He grew up to be an able bodied man. scene, and he quickly ingratiated him C. B Hadley to E. Thayer, lot 6, bk 30. Thayer's addi to Tillamook City. $1, He was 6 feet 4 inches tall and very self into the confidence of the local WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS minister*. But it wa* not long before Mamie G. Miller and busband to W, f. strong. He could out lift, out work and 12 Qt*. Gallon. w restle any main he came in contact ha had some financial transation* Doughty, lot 1. bk 10. J. C. Bewley's out 12 quart* Sheehan's Private Stock, Rye or Bourbon . $8.00 $3.00 w till. which aroused suspicion, and investi­ addi to Bay City, $60. 12 quart* Tillamook Rye and Bourbon ....................... . 8 50 3.25 ‘ When he was 19 years of age he went gation proved him to be an impostor. 12 quart* Delaney's Malt Whisker................................ Clara E Van Etten to A A. Lindsley, . 8.00 3.00 to New Orleans on a flat-boat as a bow­ On Wednesday he fled with his wife 12 quart* Gordon White Rve Whiskey....................... trait in secs. 32 and 33, tp 2 s, r 8 . 8 00 3.00 hand. His business wa* to work at the and th« same aftarnoou ha turned up in 12 quart* Old Gold Bourbon Whiskey ........................... w. $2000. . 7.60 2.75 front oars and for this work on the boat Rome with a check to each, hut while 12 quarts Crescent Rye Whiskey ........................... . 7.50 N 2.75 P. Railroad Co. to C E Moulton, lie received $8 a month and hie passage a merchant wa* looking up bi* refer 12 quart* Old Port Wine........................................ 350 contract of selection. 48 50 acre«, 1.25 through. euees he fled On Thursday the "Rev." 12 quart* Old Sherrv Wine........................................... 3 50 sec 8. tp 2 n, r 10 w, assigned by 1.25 Thi* trip took weeks and sometimes Mr Peabody and hie w ife obtained em­ 12 quarts Old Angelica Wine........................................... 3.50 Moulton and wife to Marion EAee. months to accomplish. 1.25 ployment at tlie State Asylum in Rome 12 quart* Old Muscat Wine .................................. 3 50 lames I Walter and William S. Gre­ In a little while after his return _________ 1.25 from as nurses, and that eremng they bought I 12 quart* Old Madeira Wine............................... 3.50 gory. 1 25 New Orleans bi* father moved to Illinois. vast quantities of goods on the credit ol 12 quarts Sweet Catawba Wine............................. 4 50 1.75 Lincoln drove the ox wagon in which the institution Beals Land Company to Claude and Es­ 12 quarts Sandusky Port Wine............................ 450 1.75 In the mean time a warrant was telle Tharer, quit claim all interest the goods were carried. It was a two 12 quarts Old Tom Gin............................................. .... 8.00 3.00 sworn out in thia city for the arrest of ill real property in Tillamook county. weeks journey. 12 quarts French Cognac................................. ™""L 9 00 When they got there Lincoln helped 3.50 • the bogus prsacher, and the Rome po­ 12 quarts California Grape Brandy ................ 8.00 3.00 lice arrested the couple. While Chief Lena Klinehan and husband to Fred to build the log cabin and helped split 12 quart* Stanford 3A Rye ........................ Marolf, tract in sec. 1. tp 2 s. r 9 w, rails to fence in the 10 acres which w ere 11.00 4.00 Harry was interrogating Peabody and 12 quarts Rainier 3A Bourbon .................... sec. 36. tp 2 *. r 9 w. $1 00 11.00 to be planted with corn for the first the woman there last night th* two 4.00 12 quart* Monogram 0. P. S. Rye or Bourbon 12 00 pounced upon him and a Iree-for-all U.S. to W. W. Curtis, patent, lot 10, sec year's crop. 5.00 12 quart* Rock and Rye ...................................... Seeing his father's family located, he fight ensued, ending in the Chief knock­ 2.25 30, tp 6 n, r 8 w, out of county. 12 quart* Peach and Honey .................. ......................... ing out both his prisoners, but not be­ Rosa Belle Wranghatn and husband to •truck out for himself, lie was now 21 2 25 12 quarts Milhicw Whiskey, bottled in bond . ........... .. Having little or no money, the first 10.00 fore the woman had stabbed him with 3.50 Rosana Baker, tract sec 16, tp 1 s, Rememlter, werelundyou your money and repav freight both thing he did was to split ra'ls and make a hat pm. The wound is uot a never* r 10 w. $500 nilii|>*. yet he conquered for Colic and Diarrhoea them all. and became a wise and able tp 3 n, r 9 w " I find them tier I a In a Colic, Cholera i statesman. Wholesale Liquor Dealers and Diarrhoea Remedy to b* the best U.S to Fredrick Briody. 157.22 acres. , 11» was twice elected president of the remedy in the world." says Mr. C. L. sec» 29 and 30. tp 4 s. r 10 w. 51 Front Street, Portland, Ore. United State*, and Anally met his death Carter, of Skiruin, Al*. " 1 *n> sub U.S to Zella Harrison, 160 acre*, set 4. in 1865 at the hand* rtf an assassin. We assort cases. if desired . you can take a. many bottle, of any kind .. y„„ wiih ject to colic and diarrhoea 1-aat spring tp 1 n. r 10 «. I Wa uiay »till haw many presidents It seemed as though 1 would die, and and great men. hut the name of Abra. | I think I would if 1 hadu t taken Cham U.8. to Ervin Carter. 160 acres, secs 8 ham Lincoln will be imprinted ui*m the and 9, tp I n, r 10 w. berlain * Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea .hearts of the American people as long as ; Remedy I haven't been troubled with U.S to Hosea T Botts, 161 30 acres, sec the pages of her history continue to Centrally Located Rotes, $1 PeP day 19. tp 2 n. r 6 w. it since until thia week, when I had a exist. very severe attack and took half • bottle U.S to Silas W.Dickerson. 160 seres, sec of the twenty five cent size Ch am her 34. tp 2 s. r 8 w. Since 1856, tn twelve time* at bat, the lam's Colle. Cholera and Iharrhoea U.S to Charles H. Maginnis, 160 acres, Democratic party ha* only made two Remedv. end this mornin* I feel like* sec 34. tp 1 s, r 8 w kr.iL A-L. — __ '• driven in . by ' th i A,!a~klinRSBN’ Proprietor. which were »>ewr m»n. ' For sale by Clough s Drug U.S to Artie Hogill 180.25 acre*, sec 4, I I score*, both of ___ ____________ | Grover Cleveland. The best that _ Colonel TILLAMOOK, OREGON Store. tp 2 *, r 7 w. i Bryan could do was to fan the air. THE OREGON CHEESE COMPANY, in office. Office opposite Post Ofi Both phone*. W.H COOPER A ttornky - at -U, T illamook , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 5eut »ehrt Office aero»« the street «nd the Post Office. H. G0YNE, A ttorney - at L ai Headquarters for Travelling Men. Office : Opposite Court T illamook , O regon HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. A. You Use Them. We Sell Them Fir and Spruce Lumber. TILLAMOOK LUMBER. COMPANY. w. SEVERANCE A ttorn ey - at -L a » T illamook 0 H. UPTON, Ph.G.,1 P pysician and S i Office first door East oí Beals’ office. R. T. BOALS, Ml PHYSICIAN & SURI TILLAMOOK. Office: Olson Building. Residence: Mr*. Walteri 1 Tillamook Iron Works o . C arl haberlach , THE ALLEN HOUSE, W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Taxes paid Residents. The Best Hotel. A. K. CASE, BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT-L • c- PHYSICIAN & 8lr 1 General Machinists & Blacksmiths. TILLAMOOK, »► BAY CITY, 0: ► » T OREGON. ft -