ülanwok Vol. XX. No. 6. MeaMiflht TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY 18 ^Residence Property Going at a Bargain. Fine large residence, new and all modern improvements, in- cfBning bath with het and cold water, and beautiful grounds. Two large 50 foot lots. This property is situated directly east of the Hays resideuce, on Stillwell avenue. Call and get our prices on same. Beautiful new residence, just built this spring. Two 50 lots abou| seven block from business center of city. One of the best residence location in Tillamook City. Everthing is included in this bargain, including household and kitchen furniture and cooking utensils. Here is a chance to get a beautiful home at the lowest price. Call and see me. RALPH ACKLEY. Ernest F. Tucker. Esther F. Tucker «nd Jack E. Tucker came in from Port­ land on Wednesday. Mrs. E. E. Lytle. Master Harry Lytle and Miss Mary Enright came in from Portland on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Meresse, of Forest Grove, have opened their cottage on the oceau (»each for the summer. A large number of men arid material will tie shipped in the next two weeks to work on the railroad Mrs. C. W. Talmage returned to the city on Friday after several weeks visit with friends in the \\ illamette valkv. Mr. and Mrs Lee M. Travis and dau­ ghter, of Eugene, and Miss Lottie Ban­ W. Mi Is ¡9 building a new house in the field, of Portland, came in on Saturday MOOK JOTTINGS i-outh on a visit. part of the city. Those going to the beach at Netarts J H. McDonough, of The Dalles, was 9 H. T. Botts, for abstracts. will perhaps l»e glad to learn that Mr. in the city on Sunday. Kugler is serving the best of meals right Dr. Heurv E. Morris, eye specialist. • Born, on the 10th inst., to the wife of in the grounds at Happy* Camp. * Read Tillamook County Bank notes * Charles Wells, a daughter. Timber wanted in largeor small tracts, Chicken wanted at Leach's Meat Mar. Born, on the 10th inst. to the wife of al?o good going operations. Give full ket. | C. H. Woolfe, a daughter. particulars. Chas M. Lanning & Co., * Plows, Harrows and Discs at Snuf­ Mrs. George Davis has moved from Lafayette Building, Portland, Ore fer '». * Wilson River to Hobsonville. The gasoline schooner Della put intn OHves in bulk or jar al Mills' Cash W. B. Dillard and wife, of St. Helens, Tillamook on Saturday while on h r way from Nestucca to Astoria, Captain Store. * were in the city on Monday. Jones fearing that a storm was coming Mr. JI D. Edwards is in the city from Harris will feed your team hay and up. Portland. keep them over night for 50c. * Clark Hadlev came in from Portland White River flour $+.80 a barrel at Have you seen the handsome coach on Saturday with an automobile, which he will use until the machine he lias Snuffer'». • stallion Margo at Snuffer’s ? * bought, a Pierce Arrow, arriyes from the Did yon see the beautiful colt cups at F. C. Whitten, wife and sons, of Port­ East. Snuffer’»? * land, were in the city on Sunday. A suit was filed in the circuit court on Bastern Hams and Bacon at Mills' Mrs. J A. Harris is in from McMinn­ Wednesday by H.E. Noble against Floyd Cash Store. • ville visiting relatives and friends. W. King et al. which is an action for money, Attorney IL T. Botts appearing Attend the band boys concert on Sat Mr. H. Janies and family, of Portland, lor plaintill. urday night. are camping at the Maxwell place. Mrs. E. W. Stanley underwent an op­ B Grigg ol St. Paul, was in the city Mrs. C. I Clough left last week to visit eration in the Good Samaritan hospital bn Tuesday. friends in Portland for several weeks. on Monday and we are glad to hear that J. P, Caples was down from Nehalem No one thinks of buying a buggy or she came out of the ordeal without any lay. wagon without lookiug over Snuffer’s serious results. * ' * O. P. Morden, of Portland, was in the stock. If you ha ve a good timber claim you city on Tuesday. G. W. Newbill and S. C Davenport, want to dispose of send full particulars, of Ballston, were in the city on Wed­ with location, amount of limber, kind of L. T. Skidmore, of Seattle, was in the nesday. timber and price to the Headlight office city on Monday. as soon as possible. * Get into the habit of trading at Pntz- M. P. ¿each will pay 10c. per pound A. H. Ruger has opened up a grocery laf ’ s and receive a 5 per cent discount for your chicken. • store at Netarts and carries a full find of for cash. * staple and fancy groceries. He has also Full line of feed and best seed oats in The steamer brought in the brick and good accommodations for the traveling city at Scoffer's. * cement tor the new life saving station at public and serves best of meals to all. * pall of Portland, was in tbe Garibaldi. rsday. Mr. G. R. Bennett, of lovt a, came over Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Provost came in from Forest Grove last week to lo< k IdMlt Raral Fruit Jars for sale cheap last week from Oakland, Cal , to spend after some property interests he has in Reynolds. * a few weeks. the county. It is 13 years since Mr. Ben­ Attcrnet James McCain, of McMinn Have your photo taken bv McMillian nett was in Tillamook and he sees many T Ha. is in the city. while yon have the chance. You are sure improvements. of good work. • Mr. C. H. Houston, of Astoria, "as in Mr. Charles D. Grout, well known Why leave your horses in the rain contractor and builder of Seattle, now ■MRJr OW Sunday. when you can tie them in Harris’ Tie located at Bay City,was married to Miss Q. B. Parker, of McMinnville, was in Shed for 10 cts. * Aleen Petteys, of Bay City, on July 6th. th« city on Tuesday. at the home of the bride’s parents, by Don’t forget to stop at Harris' Feed Rev. Charles L. Creesy, of Bay Citv. The F. M. Jos lin, of Frederick, S.D., was in Barn, the cheapest place in the city to bridal ¡pair are now in Washington, the city ot|Tuesday. keep your team. * where they will remain a few weeks.after B. T. Johnaon. of Pcrtland, was in the [. R. Winston, R. L. Nelson and wife, which they will return to Bay City, where aPfr.ftn Wednesday. S. D Willis. 0. W. Em bod v and Geo H. they propose to make their future home. G. O. Bailey and wife came in from Sampson, of Portland, were in the city Their many friends wish them a long and blissful married journey. on Monday. Portland OH Sunday. THE SECOND Tillamook County Fair and Street Carnival WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 22, 23, 24, ’07 or th« kH b andsome Leather Covered Pocket Bank any person who will open a Savings Account with a deposit of One Dollar or more, r first deposit begins to draw interest immediately at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. IT’S AN INCENTIVE to SAVE I et One for Every Member* of the Family «ived uihat w. F. Bullir» Co., May yicci or fit P itsstxm imd Meiwrecmsas, C hicago . Earn ujhat Save Sho» re the Tillamook City Oregon )f US' Y©u take The Committee having the Second Annual County Fair and Street Carnival in hand this year desire the co­ operation of the Citizens of every section of the County in making the Fair a bigger event and much more attractive and amusing than last year on account of so many home seekers, campers and visitors coming into the county, who are being attracted here on account’of the wonderful resources of Tilla­ mook County, with its bright future, and with the assurance of the Pacific Railway & Navigation Co.’s railroad being com­ pleted next year, which will be only 2| hours’ run between Portland and Tillamook. Therefore, it is the desire of the Committee to make a Splendid Display of Tillamook’s pro­ ducts this year, including a Big Stock Show. WATCH TILLAMOOK GROW ! Watch Tillamook Crow! Key it® 1 Stock, $30,000 The passengers who went out on the BAND BOYS’ CONCERT. Sue H. Elmore on Tuesday were W. L. Hasbrook, W Petteys, j. C. Yale and daughter. J. M.Ward, D. D. Mowery, E. Good Program for Saturday A. Elson anrl daughter. Thos. Coates, f. Evening at Opera House. J. Walter, Max Muller, Robert Mann, 0. Mann, Mrs. Beals, sr.. A. G. Beals. Miss There will {be a big dance at Netarts Lucas, Mrs. Magner, George Haag and The Tillamook Brass Band will give a next Saturday night. Good music and a wife, Mrs. J. Phelps and daughter, II. concert at the opera house next Satur. good time guaranteed. A clam supper Olsen and E. Erick. day evening, for which nn interesting will be served ‘after the dance. Everv program is arranged, made up of bend A plat was filed in the County Cletk's music by the hand, under the leadership body invited to attend. The hall on the hill ha» been re floored and 1» in excellent office on Monday of Nehalem Bay Park, ol Walter F Bakrr. and vocal solos by which forms the peninsula of Nehalem Mrs. I). Moss, Miss Edna Aiderman, shape. * H. Ilemlken, wife and children, from Bay, which is to be turned into a sum­ Miss L. Banfield, Missllnzel McNairanrl Salem; Win. Meehan. Thon. Hunt, mer resort. It is platted out into 800 Mrs. Lee M. Travis. Miss Lottie Ban- lots and is an ideal location, for, unlike held will recite "How Old Mose Counted Frank Fisher, ftom Woodburn; Mr». the other peninsulas, it has a gravel bot­ Eggs. 'As the proceeds of the concert will Patrick and Miss Harriet Higgin». of tom. Nehalem Bay Park will have a go towards paying for the uniforms, it Salem; and Mr». Black and Mita Ruth boulevard in the center of it. as well as a is expected that the boys will have a full Bradley, of Hillsboro, are fresh arrivals driveway on either side, and will have a house. The program is as follows : at Happy Camp. pier on the bay side. With the Nehalem Clough's Concentrated Orange Cider river for boating, fishing and hunting, March ... "Don of Victory,’’ .... Band. mixed with water and sweetened to taste Nehalem Bay Park is admirably situated Overture .... "Little Ion«”.......... Band. ma‘ e» a delicious, refreshing and health­ and is sure to become one of the attrac­ V ocal Solo.................................... Selection, ful drink. It sells for 50c. a pint, which tive summer resorts in this county. Mrs. D. Moss. is enough to make five gallon» of Orange •• You and I, Captain D. F. Tozier, superintendent Due«...................... Cider ready to drink. Try a bottle at of the Pacific Coast Construction Life II. E. Morton and F. W. Baker. Clough's Drug Store. Saving Service, came in on Sunday in Vocal Solo. ... ' For You” (A. Chapman), C. Mills, of Beaver, who ha» been act­ connection with the construction of the Miss Edna Alderman. ing a little more peculiar than ordinary, new hie saving station which is to be "«It» ........ "A Love Story...........Band. was taken to the insane asylum on Sun­ erected this summer at Garibaldi. As day, hi» mania being that he was doing already reported in these columns, Fer­ Clarinet Solo.................. ■■ Summer Idyl " (F. . S. “ Griswold, ------ - op. 8), an enormous real estate business. It is guson & Huston, of Astoria, were, some Ed. Snodgras». expected that with a little quietude he two months ago, awarded the contract, and already work has commenced, the Vocal Solo, ................. •'Little Boy Blue, will soon be better. (Florence Joyce), lumber being furnished by the Tillamook The steamer Sue H. Elmore came in on Luml»ering Co. and material and men M 1»» Lottie Bunfield. Saturday, her passengers being L. Han being shipped in last week from Astoria. nenkrat and »on, Mrs. McCoy and dau­ The cost of the new stAtion will be $10,- Vocal Solo................... '• Dive's Sorrow, (H. Shelley), ghter. Mr. Fletcher, Mr. and Mr» Cook, 000. and the equipment will add $15. M um Hazel McNair. Mr. and Mr». Belt, Mis, Lottie Banfield. O00 more to the government's bill The Overture ................•• Simple Aven,''' Lee M. Travt» and wife Mr. McCafferty station will lie first class in every respect, (F. P. Atherton), Band, and sister. Ml»» Watt, J. E. Provost and including the lifeboat, which will be a wife, Captain Latban and son, Mr. Flat­ motor boat and is under construction in Vocal Solo, "Just a Wearvin' For You,” man and family. (Carrie Boyd). the East. It will be about 34 feet long Mr». I-ee M. Travis. Borrow your "money here to pay Tour and lion sinkable. Waltz ............ " Roberta,”................ Band, bill». We have money to loan at 8 per cent, and allow you the privilege of re­ Recitation, •' How Old Mose Counted paying same at any time charging in. Egg».” terest only for the lime you have the Mi»» Lotlie Ban field. money No time loat running around March "Crowing the Delaware,” Band. hunting up your note», a» you will always know just where to find them. T illaxook C oi '. nty B ask . Sunny Mead Addition to Tilla­ Mis» Maude Hopfield, of McMinnville, un lerwent an abdominal operation on »esdav. which was performed by Dr. Boats, assisted hv Dr, Hoss and Morri son, of McMinnville, which wns success ful and the patient is doing well. BAY CITY, ORE. Keep ÍTIüUflMOOK JB * * * .IB. MMMMt « First Bank & Trust Company, Bank e Depository ■ : ; Much Grander Much More Attractive Much Bigger & Better ilE.au BUB ar ink * Mt" * « .IIBI Sill IB * ;■ B IB ■ IB. >■! ■ FREE ! ! Steel Savings Bank ANNUAL Government Examined COUNTY BANK Total Resources Over $250,000. William Mtiller, a young man only 20 years of age. committed suicide Friday morning by hanging himself from a tree He {was recently from Germany and lived in a tent on an homestead with his brother. Max Muller, near Heaver. He had. it appears, become despondent, on account of not hearing from home, and fastening a rope around hi« neck he climbed up a tree and fastened the other end of the rope Sliding down the tree, h- let loose with only about two leet ol rope from his neck to the limb where he had tied it, and in th it position he slowly strangled to death. Coroner C. E. R> ynolde w«i notified, and after in­ vestigating decided tbit he would not mook City. Capital Stock........................ The W. S. Hayes' five acre tract, con­ Offers every facility for safe banking, tracted for by the Tillamook Real Estate and solicitsvour business. Company, will be platted and placed on the market. All lots sold on contract Commercial. baling» and Trust De to l»e delivered July 1st, 1907. Advance partmenu. sale now on. Lots cheapest and best of Call and see the Three per cent allowed on deposits any in Tillamook. plats at the Tillamook Real Estate subject to check. Company's office , or F R. Beal's office. tour per cent on Savings and Time Deposits Oor little book,’- Helpful Hints on An Opportunity for Local Teachers. Ranking,'' explaining how to do your I bare arranged to give instructions in banking by mail la ready. Kindergarten work to teachers at rea­ Send for a copy. It'» free for the sonable terms during lulv and August. aakieg. Mas E vik G ilmmt .