TILLAMOOK Editorial Snap Shota. Watch Tillamook Grow ! Rab, rah * * M The honking machine continue» to blow its own horn every time it goe» honking. Honk! * * * It is really too bad that the calamity bowlers can’t howl down butter tat from 35c. to 10c. per pound. * * * To put the Wilson river road in con dition suitable for automobiles will take a big wad, so it is up to those who want to improve the road for that purpose to help pay the expense. * * * Mayor Schmitz, of San Francisco, was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary on Monday for being a boodler. He has not got more than he deserved. But there are others who ought to keep l»im company, tor in this effort to clean out the rottenness in large cities, there are others who ought to be caught in the muck rake. * * * We cam ot add much to w hat we said last week about Mrs. Ella R. Hays in the obitui ry notice, other than to say that another good woman has gone to her rest, respected bv all who knew her and sadly mourned by her children and relatives. Left a widow’with a family to care for. her aim and ambition was to give her children a good education and fit them for the duties of life, and in this she had partly succeeded when the grim reaper severed her from her children. It is women like Mrs. Hays who make the lives of others happier, and the hallowed ties which bound her to her children are traits of character we all admire in a good Christian mother. * * * This is going to be the banner year for dairying in Tillamook, for never before in the history of the county did butter fat range so high and for so long a time. The average price for the year will cap the climax, for when butter fat is about 34c. a pound in the spring aud summer months, it is plain there is big money in dairying in Tillamook county. It may not please some disgruntled individuals who are not engaged in dairying, and who have be.ome calamity howlers at a time when the dairymen of Tillamook county are unusually prosperous and saving money as well. We think the dairymen ought to go down on their marrow bones and thank heaven that it is a republican, and not a democratic, administration which brought about the prosperity to be seen everywhere. * * * What a contrast. We recall the fact that some years ago that men who went into the slab wood business in Portland went broke, but we do not remember ever hearing the newspapers express a word of pity for the poor devils who tackled the slab wood business and made a failure of it, nor tor the mill men who lost by these failures Then followed a period in which the mill men contracted with M. C Banfield to take the slabs of the saw mills,and he was the first person in Portland to make a success of the I usiness, and which assured the mill men pay for the slabs and relieved them of a good deal of trouble and worry. N< w the Portland newspapers picture Mr. Banfield as a Slab Wood King, siinplv because he is making a success of tl e business for himself and the mill men. By way of diversion and justice, it would be well for the Portland newspapers to dwell somewhat upon the push, the per­ severance, the difficulties, the losses and the large amount of money that had to be invested before the slab wood busi­ ness in Portland was made a success of It took the Portland newspapers years of toil to bring them up to their present perfection and success, so if there are slab wood kiugs in that city, there must also be newspaper kings as well, who adopted the same business principles in making a success of their businesses as the slab wood people did. M w * It used to be that Nehalem did not get a square deal in the matter of road work and had just cause of complaint, and at most evei v election Nehalem was made a political foot ball, the outer rifled office seekers making promises to the voters, so much so that the vote at Nehalem be­ came an unknown quantity as far as party lines were concerned. At the last election the republican ofhte seekers promised to give Nehalem a square deal in regard to road improvements. That was all the Nehalemites wanted and for a number of years had a right to de mand We wish to sav that Nehalem, like all other parts of the county, is get ting a square deal in road work, and if the same system is adhered to the office seekers next year will be at a disadvant­ age. for they will not be able to use the old stereotyped argument that one part of the county was discriminated against the other in road work. The Nehalemites nre getting what isjustly due them, and w hich the republicans promised them. s<> it is pleasing to note, after years of pull­ ing in different directions, that the Ne- halemites are all pulling together for good roads, and as the north part of the county is destined to become a most im portant part ol the county, we expect to seethe Nehalem country a bee hive of industries, and all honor to the settlers up there who have had the grit and per severance to stay with it. building roads and improving the country generally. The Nehalemites were certainly entitled to a square deal in mad work, foi it used tone that their horseless carriages could only traverse the rivers when they desired to go calling. As to connecting Clatsop county with a wagon r ad, we predict that in a few years that not only will the inside road be built, but the Ne carney road will be built also, fo Tillamook beaches are going to become immensely attractive, and to help make this county a big summer resort there must be good roads leading to all the beaches and other places ot interest. The Doctor Away from Home when Moat Needed. NETARTS Cliff Taylor and John Johnson came down from the logging camp on Wilson river to spend the fourth on the beach. Ira Latimer and wife, drove over from Tillamook Sunday, L. A, Noak and Steve Noak, of Sancho, West Virg , were camping on the beach for several dajs. Mrs Florence Hardman, of Tillamook, and Miss Lottie Hardman, of Hoqua- itn, Wash, were on the beach Sunday. Alvin Johnson, Willard Johnson. Lein and Russ Johnson and their families f Johnson, all of South Prairie, spent the fourth at Netarts. Dryden Baker and family and Mr», Frazer were camping at Maxwell’» for several dajs. Charles Bradley, of Hillsboro, brought in a load of campers the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Acklev spent Sunday at Netarts visiting with Mrs. Ackley's people, Mr. Geo W. Phelps. W. H. Easter's family are camping on the beach. The Sheltan Backers paities left on Monday morning for Hav City, Ne­ halem and other points on the beach. Mr. II. T. Patrick and Miss Harriette Higgins, of Salem, are camping at Happy Camp. C. W . Talmage, of Tillamook, spent Sunday at Netarts enjoying himself. A. W. Phelps, of Long Prairie, spent the fourth at Netart, visiting with his brother, Geo. W. Phelps. HEADLIGHT, JULY 11, Deafness Cannot be Cured (JU by local application*, as they cannot reach the^i disea sed portion of the ear. Theie is only on^H| way to cure deafness, and that is by constituw E tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in- ■ flamed condition of the mucous lining of the a Eustachian Tube When this tube gets iufiain- || ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect H hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafnesw ■ is the result, and unlwu the inflammation can 1>e taken out and this tube restored to its nor- N mal condition. hearing will be destroyed fo»- « ever, nine cases out of ten aie caused by ■ Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed con 3 dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any 3 case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can- not be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for « circulars, free. F J. CHENEY & CO., Teledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. H 'l ake Hall s Family Pills for constipation. Snnffer’s Feed Store Prices ■ ■ LATIMER BROS., BARBER AMO HAIRDRESSER HEMLOCK : A Happy Man 1« Arnos F. King, of Port Byron, N.Y.. [85 years of age]; pinee a sore on his leg. which had troubled him the grater part of his life, lias been entirely healed by Rucklen’s Arnica Salve; the world’s great healer of Sores. Burns, Cuts, Wounds and Piles. Guaranteed by Chas 1. Ololigh, Druggist. Price 25c. A Memorable Day. One of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health, is the one on which we liecame acquainted with Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the painless purifieis that cure headache and biliousness, and keep the bowt Is right. 25c. at Chas. I. Clough's drug stole. Eleetric Baths nicely fitted up. Good fo» J. M WARD, Salesman ROLLER BEARING. HIGH GRADS. Commercial. Savings and Trust De­ partments. Three per cent allowed on deposit» subject to check. Four per cent on Savings and Time Deposits. O'ir little hook, ‘ Helpful Hints on Bunking,'' explaining how to do your banking by mail is ready. Send for a copy. It’» free for the asking. Stopat White House When you travel the Wilson River road stop at the White House. J. F. Recher. proprietor Twenty five miles east of Tillumook. Rate» Meals, 25c. ; lodg iiig. 25c. ; board, with room, per week, I $6 00. Horses : Team, over night, hav | and grain, $1.50 ; hay alone. 75c. Water piped through house. Modern bath, etc.’ by buying thl» reliable, hon-st, high gr.ide sew­ ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. FACTORY ATBELVIDFRE ILL TIME CARD Astoria A Columbia River R. R. Co Lv. . P ortland ¡.......... G obi .»... R axibr ......... Q timcy C latsk axis .......C lifton Ar. A storia 11.30 1 1 AilrtUU 12.35 W arrextox G karhart S easide Ar H oliday L v STEVENS SAPPINGTON & CO 11 .<><> 5 J3I10 AO VOS 9.4» We CClant all Kinds of Produee. Call and See Us NOTICE FOK Pt BLTCATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Portlard. Ore., June 22nd, 1907 Notice is hereby given that HENRY B. KARR, of Hobson rille, Oregon, has tiled notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Home­ stead Entry No. I3060, made September 18th, looo, for the E U Sw ’4, Sw V< Se »4, sec­ tion 21, and Nw % Ne K4. section 28. township a north, range 9 west and that said proof will bj made before the Register and Re­ ceiver, at I ortlan l, Or-g u, on August 15th, i 9»»7 Ha names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivatiou of. the land, viz : L. L. Smith, of Robsonvllle, Oregon ; M. H. Ripley, of Hobson ville, Oregon; 9 M. Batter- son. of Balm, Oiegon ; John S. Gray, of Ne- hale, Oregon A lgernon S. D resser , Register. Olsen Building, Æ'X NEW GOODS I A fine assortment of St Foot Wear, just received i Red Front Shoe Store, cons of Ladies’, Gent.’s, Mis* Children’s Shoes. May & patent leather and Vicci F Kid canuct be beat for it1 and comfort. No paste boa™ ters. I have^also a fine assort# Men’s and Boy’s fine Sho» stock of Men’s and Boy’s Shoes, high and low cut, » King Logger Shoes are the the city for the price. T imber L ajcd , A ct J i ni 3. 1878 — N otice for P ublication . Uuited States Lsud Office. Portland, Ore April 15th. 1&O7. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of CoiiRTess of June 3. end’led “ An act for the sale of timber lands in th» Sates of California. Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory,' as ex- tened to all the Public Land 8tates*by act of August 4, i 8 q 2. ALGKRN H TINGLEY. Of Portland, coun»y of Multnomah. State ol Ore­ gon. has thia day filed in thia office his sworn statament No. 744«. for the Durchaae of the W*M one half of the Northeast one ouar. ter and lot numbered one (W H of Ne and lot 1). of Sec No 84. in Tp. No t H, range No. a west. W.M and will offer proof to show that the land wught is more valua ble for its tinr ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to eati'hlish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver, at Port­ rand. Oregon, 011 Wednesday,, the iRth day of September. 1907. He names as witnesses Samuel J. Smith, of Tillamook. Oregon ; Toby of Tillamook. Oregon; Wesley Rush of Tiilaniook. Oregon . Chas M Adkins, of Tillamook, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ab ive described lands are requested to file their claims In thia office on or before said ihth day ot September. 1907. * A lgkrnon 8. D rrssbr , Register No charge for sewing rips on shoes bought of us. , Red Front Shoe Stor^ P. F. BROWNE, Agent. BRANCH •37 Teople are often very much d’sap pointed to find that their family phvsi 12.0« Lr Warrenton Ar 12.35 23 12 15 Ar. Hammond I. v 12 25 ciao isa*ay from home "hen they moat 10 10 2« 12 20 Ar Ft.StevenaLv 12.21 need services. Lhsease« libs cramp colic Trains marked • run dally. and cholera morbus require prompt treatment, and have in many instances Train« No» 25, 27 and 29 from Clatsop Beach, and trains Nos. 2». 30 and 34 from proven fatal before tnniicina coukl be Astoria, run via Ft Stevens. procured ora physician summoned. Tbe Train No. 2«. from Portland. 3 10 pm: la Saturday Special, «topping at Goble. Rainier. right way is to keep at hand a bottle of Clatekanie, A«toria and Beach point», only. Chamberlains Cobc Cholera and Di. CONNECTIONS—At Portland, (with fait tranxontinental line«. At Goble, with ar r hoe a Remedy. No phvak'ian can pre Northern FaeiSc Railway Co. At Aatorta. with ateamer, for San PranciKO and Tillamook scribe a belter medicine for these di» and Ilwaco Railway A Navigation Co a boat and railway. eases. Itv having it in tbe house you Through ticket» »old to and from ail point» in the Ka»t and Europe. escape much pain aud suffering and all For further particular» apply to R H. JBNKINS. risk. Buy it now . it may save fife. Genl. Frt A, Fas.gr Agt.. Fur sals by Clough s Drug blore. Attoria Or. AT NEHALEM, NOTICE TO CREDITOR9. Court ot the Stnte of Oreron i In th. County tor Tillamook County. ’ Tn the matter of the estate ofj Nels Sather, Deceased. 1 The t.nder.igne<1 having been appointed bv the County court of the state ofrtregon for Tillamook ICounty. Adminiatrator of the e,t»te ofNfll.SSATHEIl. deceaaed notice" hereby yiren to the creditor» of. ami all oer •oa» ha vin* claim» again, t »aid rtecea»e E. Dewey, L. O Mac- I Mahon, and Tillamook I City, a Municipal Cor- I poration, 4 Defendants. J To Francis Trevor, Francis Trevor, Jr., and L. O. MacMahon, the above named defen­ * dants : In the name of the State of Oregon : * You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the 4 first publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want : thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint. The relief prayed for in the complaint is that plaintiff have judgment against Francis 8 Trevor for the sum of 5400.00, with interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from Octo- ber4th 1900, together with an attorney’s fee ■ of $125.00, in accordance with the terms of a promissory note bearing date October 4th. j 1900. and that a mortgage given by I Francis Trevor on that date upo-i anil covering theSouth East quarter of Section 15, in Township 2 South of Range 9 West of Wil­ lamette Meridian, and recorded in Book “K.” at page 637, of the records of Mort­ gages of lillamook County. Oregon, to secure the payment of said promissory note, be foreclosed. That the defendants and all of them be foreclosed of all equity of redemp­ GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE tion or other interest in said real property; that the same be sold and the proceeds ap­ N otice is H ereby G iven ,—-That the plied to the payment of the judgment prayed undersigned gnardian of the estate of for. WARREN SEVERANCE and LOGAN This Summons is published in pursuance of SEVERANCE, minors, persuant to an order an order made by the HonorableH. F. Good­ of the County Court of the State of Oregon, speed, County Judge of Tillamook County. for Tillamook County, made and entered of Oregon, made on the 11th day of July, 1907, record on the Sth day of June, 1907, will on directing that service of summons as to said and after the 12th day of July, duly sell at defendants be made by publication thereof in private sale, at the post-office in Tillamook the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­ City, in said county and state, all of the real paper published in Tillamook City, Oregon, property of said minors situated in said once a week for a period of six weeks, and county and state and described as Lots 18 date of the first publication is July lltli, and 19, in Block 1. in A. A. Miller's addition 1907. to Tillamook City, upon the following terms, II. T. H otts , to-wit : Cash. Attorney for Plaintiff Said sale made subject to the confirmation of the said County Court. Dated June Sth, 1907. A. W. SEVERANCE. Guardian of the Estate of Warren Severance and I ogan Sever­ ance. Minors. First Bank & Trust Company, 8 05 H 13 a 52 9.40 » HAIR persons suffering with rheutuafiam we investigate closely the facto^asking When we Ship Pianos SHAMPOOING, E’lC Everything is lovely around here, for we hear the hum of the mower. Mr. Wallace's family have the measles We are sorry to hear of Mrs. Brown, of Beaver, being worse again. There is quite a few campers passing on their way to the beach. A. Kinnauian had the misfortune to lose a yonng mare last week. Orrin Wallaee is home on a visit from Dolph. C. Blanchard brought out a new mower from town last week. M. Woods, of Flea «ant Valley, was out to see Mr Beach, Saturday evening. It seems as though cheesemakers like to get together and talk of by-gone days. Maggie Creecy, who has been staying with Mrs Leach, has returned home. It seems as though some of the young men of Tillamook went to Cloverdale quite happy. It is too bad that young men have no respect for themselves. They ought to for others. Henry Ely lost a fine cow last week. A. Kinnaman and wife visited their children north of town the fourth. We people of Hemlock did not have to leave home the fourth, as we held a picnie in Wallace’s Grove and drank our own coffee and lemonade. When we Buy Pianos cept by car load). Process Barley.Jsack . 4 I 25 25-00 Shorts, ton Bran ,, .................. 24.00 36.00 Feed Oats, ton White River Flour, bbl 4.80 SHAVING, 1907. I will b« at Nehalem, July 25th, 26th and 27th to do optical I work. When you buy WET _ WEATHER CLOTHING, you want complete protection and long service. All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. DR. H.E. MORRIS TOWER'S PISH BRANO _ OILED CLOTHING You cAlrt affarti t» b»0r any W'*r ' | |5S«I tj w* co •oim-ui» Tuirii un i ’"**