Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 11, 1907, Image 3

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Real Estate Transfers.
16, tp 2 s. r. 8 w , secs 27 and 34.
tp 2 s. r 19 w, secs 21 and 22. tp 2
n. r 10 w; sec 28. tp 2 s, r 7 w; secs
ÀBED by H. T. D utts , A bstbáctek
17 and 18, tp 1 s. r 9 w ; secs 2t>
and 33, tp 2 n, r 7 w; sec 8, tp 2
Doane to Rebecca J. Deane, his
n. r 6 w, 1280 acres, more or less.
ife, lots 1 and 2. bk 10, Bar City.
George W. Kiger and wife to George E
Deane to Rebecca Jane Deane, hi-a
Patterson, au undivided 2 Vi 36 int
fe, Mz tut in tract sec 35, tp 1 n, r
in above.
w. $1.
George W. Kiger and wife to R. P. Cox,
Deane to Rebecca fane Deane,
tm undivided 7Vj 36 mt in above.
jtract in I J McCoy’s aud | Fuller's
W. Kiger nnd wife tn S. Harri*
^fedi lo Bay City
Emburv, an undivided 7Va 36 int in
VEdwards and wife to Nelson P
heeler, quit claim deed to 40 acres
George VV Kiger and wife to Jan. Daley,
sec 36, tp 1 s, r 8 w, 81.
an undividee 5 26 int in above.
ilson and wile to Nelson P Wheeler
lit claim deed to interest m 120 George W. Kiger, and wife to Hugh L.
Cox, undivided
36 int in above.
res in secs 16 and 36, tp 2 s, r 8 w.
George VV. Kiger ami wife to Phillip
Eineburg, undivided
1*36 int in
S O’Gorman and wife to Henry
Jfcwitt. j'., tract 111 sec 33, tp 1 8, r
C. VV. Brown and wife to G. W. Kiger,
~ 8 w. $1.
quit claim deed, tract in sec 22, tp 2
B. T. Da vics to Henry Hewitt, jr, 1453 -
8, r 10 w, $10.
88 acres in seis 1. 2, 10, 11, 13, 14,
Samuel Dickson to George H. Hanson,
15 and 23. tp 1 n, r 7 w, »10,000.
tract in sec L4. tp 2 n, r 10 w, $10
William Ross and wile to George Watt,
SB. in secs 8 and 9, tp 1 n, r 10 w, VV. A. Saling and wife to Joseph Bixby,
tract in sec 31, tp 3 s, r 9 w, $15.
try Tohl to Wm. F Balmer, tract in Gilbert M. Stark and wife to Willis T.
Knowlton, tract in sec 17, tp 1 8, r
sec 13. tp 3 n, r 10 w. $900.
8 w. $1.
GRBcll and wife to B E Carrier, % int.
in 160 acres in see 2, tp 3 d , r 6 w , Willis T. Knowlton and wife to Miami
Lumber Co, tract, sec 17, tp 1 8, r 8
S b Carrier to B E Carrier, 120 acres in
arc 5, tp 3 ii, r 6 w ; 160 acres, secs U.S. to Northern Pacific Railway Co.
patent, 483.41 acres, secs. 3, 4 and
10 »nd 11, tp 3 n, r 6 w ; 160 acres,
7, tp 2 n, r 7 w.
MC 11, tp 3 n. r 6 w, »1.
John A and Elizabeth Shaw to The As- Earl Stanlev to Wilson River Lumber
Co, quit claim deed, lots 2, 3, 6 and
■ Co , 20.76 acres, sec 6, tp 3 a,
11, see 1, tp 1 s, r 8 w, $1.
Cyruse E Sprague and wife to A W Sev- Calvin Rogers and wife to A W Cook«
160 acres in sec 30, tp 2 s, r9 w, and
MBnce, quitclaim deed to interest in
sec 25, tp 2 s. r 10 w, $1.
lands in sec 13. tp 2 s. r 10 w. »1.
A B Weakley and wife to A W Severance Portland Trust Co to W A Howe, tract
in secs 24 and 26, tp 2 8, r 7 w, $1.
qnit claim to interest in tract ill sec
13, tp 2 s, r 10 w, 91-
VV N Vaughn and wife to Clara M Vau
ghn, lot 4, bk 7, Idaville, $1.
Bay City Land Co. and Title Guarantee
41 Trust Co to W C Hawk and Earl VV N Vaughn and wife to Cecelia E Vau­
Cfoss, fractional bk 6, Bay City,
ghn, lot 3, bk 7, Idaville, $1.
Bay Citv Land Co and the Title Guaran­
Bay City Land Co and Title Guarantee
tee & Trust Co to L T Hubbell, lots
& Trust Co to W. L. Mercer, lot 4.
1 to 16 inclvsive, bk 66, Central add
tX 29, Bay City. »250.
to Bav City, $400.
Truck»« Lumber Co to Miami Lumber Mrs. C Redding to Eastern Investment
Co, tra l sec 24, tp 1 ii , r 10 w ; sec
Co, tract in sec 16, tp 3 s, r 9 w, $1.
28, tp 2 n. r 8 w ; secs 7 and 19, tp 1 Horace E Weston and Mary Weston to
«.* 8 w ; sec 24, tp 1 s, r 9 w ; sec
Detroit Trust Co, tract in sec31,tp
26, tp 1 s, r 9 w ; sec 26, tp 1 s, r 9
2 n, r 6 w. $10.
w ; aec 2, Ip 2 s. r 10 w , sec 2. tp 2
«, r 9 w ; sees 22 and 27, tp 1 n, r Carl Wallin and wife to Detroit Trust
Co, tract in sec 31, tp 2 n, r 6 w. $16.
10 w ; and timber on 3. V. Anderson
D C Collierand wife to David Cole, tract
land, sec 1, tp 2 s, r 9 w. »10.
secs 29, 31 and 32, tp 3 s, range 10
F. R. Bteinhauer to Harry Sweeney, 20
w, $1200.
acres. sec|13, tp 3 n, r 10 w, $10.
Domingos Silveira Goularte to Henrv C Portland Timber Co to Wheeler Lumber
Co. tract in sec 18, tp 3 n. r 9 w, $5.
Harrison and Howell Lewis, tract
Sarah B. Dickerson to Robert Osborn,
nea^Lazarus Island, »10.
tract in sec 34, tp 2 s, r 8 w, $1200.
lOOFto W W Conder, lot, Nestucca
Lee Aliev and wife to Portland Timber
Co. tract in sec 18, tp 3 n, r 9 w,
J J McCoy to Flora E Morton, tract in
J. J. McCoy's addi to Bay City. .fl.
J J McCoy to John Harter, lot 3, Mc­ Lida B Pfaff and husband to Jame6
Christensen, tract in sec 17, tp 3 s, r
Coy'« addi to Bay City, »1.
9 w, $1000.
Becka Wist to William Divine, lie 14, bk
12. Stillwell's addi to Tillamook C'itv Amy Farquhar Webster and husband to
Wells Gilbert, tract in sec 16. tp 1 s,
r 8 w, $315.
U S to Atsec Land A Cattle Co, patent,
Wells Gilbert and Page Morris to The
40 acres, sec 3, tp 3 n, r-----
Duncan Brewer Lumber Co, tract in
George P Haynes to T F Cowing, tract,
sec 16, tpla, r8w, $200.
Hsec« 11 and 14, tp 2n, r Id w, »1500
P J Klineham and wife to Henrv Tohl. Denoit Provost by sheriff to VV L Reifen­
berg. cert of redemption, tract in
bill Oisale. timber on tract of laud in
Fuller's add to Bav Citv, $675.
MC 6, tp 2 n. r 9 w, $1.
Peter Lofetrand to Detroit Trust Co. Silas VV Dickerson to Sarah B. Dicker-
son, transcript of will. All property.
160 acres, sec 22, tp 3 n, r 9 w. $10.
U S to Geo F Zimmerman, receipt, 160 F R Beals and wife to Tillamook county,
deed to toadway one mile and 75.66
acres, mcs 2 and 3, tp 1 s, r 9 W.
chains long by 40(t wide on North
fork of Nehalem river.
V 8 to Flora E Zimmerman, receipt. 157
.38 acres, sec 2, tp 1 s, r 9 w, »393. State of Oregon to Leva B Stewart. 320
acres in sec 12, tp 3 n, r 8 w, $800.
•»■tMI Sommer and wife to Everett E Anna J Swanson to Robert Osborn,tract
in sec 4, tp 2 s, r 7 w, $2500.
Allen, Bela S Huntington and Fred
H Holmes and wife to David Cole,
W Wilson, tract, sec 17, tp 3 s. r 10
right of way for water pipe over
• w, R.
tract in sec 32, tp 3 s, r 10 w, $1.
■■■»KVregon to Samuel F Owen, s 14,
Marv E. Rhodes and wife to Bay Citv
sec 11, tp 3 n. r - w, »sun.
Land Company, quit claim deed,
ofQreeon to E J Meyers. 80 acres.
fractional blk 1, town of Hay City,
BE tp 3 s, r 10 w, »100.
MKbwens to Nehalem Investment
Edith M- Aiderman and Queenie K.
i, sec 11, tp 3 n, r 8 w.
Riesland a’id husband to Scott
Bozorth, quit claim deed to all in­
to E L Cass, trust deed, to
terest in tract in sec 34. tp 1 n. r 10
a of land in sec 5, tp 3 n, r 8
w. and sec 3, tp 1 s, r 10 w. |125.
Edith M. Aiderman to Scott Bozorth,
to the Cloverdal"Telephone
contract to certain lands in Bav
int in property of Cloverdale
City. Oregon, $25.
e Co, a partnership, 8099.
Ella R Hays to Bav Citv Land Com-
to E L Cass. 160 acres in
panv, tract in Bav City, Oregon,
3 n, r 8 w,|l.
Ison to the Cloverdale Tele- J. J. McCov, Claude Thayer and Estelle
int in property of Clover-
Thayer to George VV. Kiger, tract in
rphone Co, a partnership.
sec 16. tp 2 s, r 8 w. $1.
Ralph Glover and wife to The Tillamook
nd Co and Title Guarantee
Bay Companv, quit claim deed,
Co to Frank Collins, lot 1,
tract, sec 21, tp 1 n, r 10 w. $1.
1st water front addi to Bay
R. J. Hendricks and wife to The Tilla­
mook Bay Companv, quit claim
s H Hyslip, 160 acres, sec
deed to tract in sec 34, tp 1 north,
B, r 9 w.
range 10 w; sec 5, tp 1 n, r 10 w ;
sec. 32, tp 2 n, r 10 w ; sec 35, tp 1
ell and wife to Hammond
n, r 10 w.
Co, timber on lots 8. 9. 10
Bee 34. tp 3 n, r 9 w. rights B, O. Snuffer to Audv Nolan, tract, Till­
•tc. »480.
amook City, $1500.
ercantile Co to Srethna S. The Portland Timber Co. to John E
tract in secs 5 and 6. tp 2 s,
Dubois, tract in secs 21 22 and 24.
1, tp 1 s, r 10 w, $800.
tp 3 n. r 9 w and secs, 3, 4, 9 and
10. tp 3 n. r 10 w, $5.
S O'Gorman, receipt to 160
33, tp I s. r 8 w. $400. Godfrey VonPlaten and wife to G. W
id R
Earl, tract in secs 25, 26, 23 and 35,
on Trust Co to L H Field,
tp 2 n, r 7 w. $1.
A C Bloomfield, tract in sec
r 8 w, $10.
Grand Rapids Oregon Timber Co. to
Godfrey Von Platen an undivided
■ nd hnshand to Edwin L
int in tract in sec 13. tp 2 n. r 7 w ;
lot 3, bk 2, Cone's addi to
secs 18 and 19. tp 2 n. r 6 w. $1.
McCulloch, patent, copy, J, J. Walter. M. Edee and W. S. Gregory
to Wallace Mason and George Thurs
sec 34. tp 2 s, r Id w.
ton, bond for deed, tract in sec. 8,
ell to James W Thompson
tp 2 n, r 10 west, $100.
160 acres in sec 14, tp 3 n,
Ira R. Cromwell, et al to H. E. Noble,
w. »-'
tract, sec 18, tp. 3 u. r 10 w. $5.
Huntsinger to Fred Eugene
r, tract, sec 15, tp 1 s. Thomas Wilson and wile to HrnryJ.
Gould and wile, tract in sec 16, tp 5
d sec 22, tp 1 s, r 9 w,
s.r 10 w, $600.
wife to E. A. Ball, strip McIntosh Cheese Co. to Jos. Bixbv.
tract in sec 30. tp 3 s, r 9 w. to­
d lot 1 blk 5, Thayer’s
gether with factory and contents,
mook, $1.00.
• nd loliette Stewart, his
ehalem Investment Com U.S. to John O. Bozorth, duplicate re
ceipt. tract iu sec 26, tp 2 n. r 10
t, sec 12, tp 3 n, r 8 w.
w, $400,
denhall and husband to H. T. Botts and wile to W. J Gilbert,
quit claim deed, lots 21 and 22. blk
is. 120 arres, secs 25 and
7, A. A. Miller's add to Tilla­
r 10 w. I1.0O.
mook. $1.
Real Estate Association to
arnco. tract, sec 38, tp 1 E A. Cromwell, et al, to H. E. Noble,
tract in sec 18. tp 3 n. r 10 w, $5.
aod w ife to Forrest S. Joseph Bixby and wile to D VV. Gilbert,
tract in sec 30. tp 3 s. r 9 w, $11500
Homer D. Angell, quit
undivided tk >nl 80 acres. ' Oliva Alley and husband to T. B Pot­
ter. tract in secs 20 and 29, tp 1 n. r
I a, r 9 w. 91
10 w, $4500.
r and wile to Charles E i
aa und 10 38 int io sec 1 The Oregon Mortgage Co, Ltd to
Rubert Li rings tour aud Juhn Bain,
power uf attornev.
Louis Nelaun to Frank Bern, and Ln^g
Larsen, roadway 12ft wide over land
in sec 24, tp la', r 10 w, fl.
Frank Berns and wife to Luuis Larsen,
roadway 12ft wide oyer land in sec
24. tp 1 a, r 10 w. |l.
VV S Cone and wifn to II H Gridley, qnit
claim deed to 160 ncrea, sec 34, tp 2
n, r 10 w. |l.
State of Oregon to Benj Baughman. 160
acre, ill sec 16, tp 2 s, r S «, $200.
Peter Schneider and wile to N P Wheeler
160 acres in sec 13, tp 6 s, r 9 w,
Geo W Elliott to W. Devine, agreement.
Vi interest in tract in sees 29, 30, 31
and 32. tp 1 n. r IO w, fl.
Annetta Cotter tn T B Potter, tract in
sec 6. tp 1 s. r 10 w ; see 31, tp 1 n,
r 10 w, 95500.
IJ Stuart and wife to Clarence E Moul­
ton. 152.23 acres, sec 9, tp 3 n, r 8
w, 910.
Solon Schiffman and wife to Kikolai M.
Nielsen, 70 acres, see 31. tp 1 s, r 9
w, 916.10
Claude 'I hayer and wife to G W Evans,
hits 7 and 8. bk 39, Thayer’s addi tu
Tillamook, $150.
Scott Bozorth and wife to T B Potter
aud H L Chapin, contract of sale,
tract in secs 29. 30, 31 and 32, tp 1
n, r 10 w, $12,250.
L J Johnson to William S. Randall. 4
acre in Eli Goodspeed s park, 975.
Ernest McCulloch and wife to Geo. \V.
Kiger, quit claim deed, tract in secs.
27 and 34, tp 2 s, r 10 w, $200.
A R Gangloff and wife to D E and J. H.
Dawson, tract hk 8 in town of Tilla­
mook (now Tillamook City), $1350.
Fred R Beats et al to J. R. Eldridge, part
iunk 3. 1878.—N otice fob T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, I878.—N otice for |
of bk 4. Claude Thayer's addition to T imber L and , A ct
P ublication .
P ublication .
Tillamook City. $2000.
United states Land Office,
United States Land Office,
P «rtlavd, Oregon.
Portland, Oregon May 28th, 1907.
State of Oregon to Thomas F. Williams,
April 29th, 190?:
Notice is hereby given that in « ompîiance
40 acres, sec 16. tp 1 s, r 9 w, $80.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of (’ougress of
with the provisions of the act of Cor gress ot June 3, 1878. untitled “An act for the sale of
Estelle Thayer and husband to George June 3, I87*. euUl'.ed ” An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California, Oregon,
W Kiger, tract sec 20, tp 2 u, r 7 w, timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex­
Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex­ tended to till the Publie Land States by act of
tended to all the Public Land States by act of Augnst 4th, 1892.
Tillamook Logging Co to Estelle Thayer August 4, 1892,
Of Hobsonville. county ot Tillamook, State of
tract in sec 20. tp 2 n, r 7 w. $5000.
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, hss this day ' filed in this office her
Uuknewn (by sheriff) to M E Phelps, Oiegim, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7442, for the purchase of
tax deed, tract in sec 31. tp 3 s, r 7 sworn statement No. 7394, for the purchase 1 the Se J4 of Nw % of Section No. 7
of the Ne >4 of Sw J4 of Sec No. 32, in Tp. No 1 in Township No. ’2 north, Range No. 9
w, $2 and costs.
3 north, Range No. q west, and will offer proof West, and will offer proof to show that the
Portland City Real Estate Association to show that the land sought is more valuable land sought is more valuable for its timber
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to Edith E Wood, tract in sec 36, tp purposes, and to establish his claim to said or
to establish her claim to said land before
land before the R gister and Receiver, at Port­ the County Clerk, at. Tillamook. Oregon,
1 n, r9 w, $10.
land. Oregon, on Wedue>day, the 17th day of on Friday, the 6th day of September, 1907-
GA Brimm and wife to P. R & N. Co, July, 1907. He names as witnesses :
She names as witnesses :
deed for right of way in lots 1 to 8,
Frank Whittaker, of Portland, Oregon!
Dan Hickey, of Balm, Oregon ; I.anada Mc­
bk A East Garibaldi, see 21, tp 1 n, Barney Essingbaucher, of Portland, Oregon ; Fee, of Balm. Oregon; M. H. Ripley, of Hob­
Charles E. Cook, of Portland, Oregon; Frank sonville, Oregon; Harry Crane, of Hobsonville,
r 10 w, »150.
Nelson, of Portia nd «Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
J II Fildew and wife to Ralph Ackley. above-described
lands are requested to tile their
ibed lands are requested to file their
lots 5, 6 and 7, bk 8. Thayer's addi claims in this office on or before said 17tb day of above-deac
claims in this office on or before said 6th day
to Tillamook City, $1.
July, I907.
of September. I907.
A lgernon 3. D rbsskr , Register.
A lgernon S. D resser . Register.
Charles F Blum and wife to John L Blum
Vi interest in 160 acres in sec 25. tp
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1K78.—N otice for T imber L and , A ct J une 3.1878.—N otice for
2 s. r 10 w, $400.
P ublication .
P ublication .
Charles Blum nnd wife to John and Eli­
United States I.aud office, Portland, Oregon.
United States Land Office,
April 291 h, I907.
zabeth L Blum, 120 acres, sec 5, tp
Portland, Oregon. June 10th, 1907.
Notice ie hereby given that in coinpliauce
3 a. r 9 w, 91.
with the provisions of th«* act o f Congress of with the provivious ot the act of Congress
A W Severance and wife to the Tillamook June 3. 1S7H, entitled “An not for the sale of of June 3rd, I878, entitled “ An act for the
lands in tl«e States of California, Oregon. sale of timber lands in the States of California,
Lumbering Co. 80 acres, sec 13. tp 2 timber
Nevada and Washington Tei ritory,” as extended Oregon, Nevada, an<l Washington Territory,”
s. r 10 w. $800.
to all Public Land States by act of August 4, as extended to all the Public Laud States by
act of August 4, 1X92,
Thomas J Harris and wife to Fred W
william bukll WATT,
Wilson and Edward E Allen, 126.63 Of Tillamook, county of TP aniook, Stnte of Of Bay City,
county ot Tillamook, State of
Otegon. has this day filed in thia office her Oregon, has this dHv tiled in this office his
acres, sec 20, tp 3 s, r 10 w, »1.
sw orn statement, N«». 74o3, for the pu chase of sworn stateiftent No. 7456, for the purchase of
Edna S Lamb and husband to WavneW the N % of Ne *4 Sw
of Na % aud Se Vi of the W ofSw
of ano. No. 9, in tp. No. 1 N.,
Wiley, tract in E Thomas' D L C, in Nw *.4 of Section No. 18, in towmihip range No. o west, and will offer proof to
No 2 north, range No. 10 west, ami will show that tne land sought is more valuable
sec 25. tp I s, r 10 w, $91.60.
offer proof to show that the land sought is more tor its tinibet or stone than for agricultural
Smith W Elliott and wife to John VV valuable for its timber or stone than for agri­ purposes, and to establish His claim to said
purposes, and to establish her claim to land before the County Clerk, At Tillamook,
Jennings, lots 5 to 8, bk 2, Bay View cultural
said land before the County Clerk, at Tilla­ Oiegon, on Friday, the 6th day of September,
add to Bay City, 9100.
mook. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6lh day of 190?. He names as witness«1« :
1907. Sbeuamesas witnesses:
George Watt, of Bav < iiy, Oregon ; Fred I>.
J C Phair and wife to Mary Schofield, *4 Augubt,
Charles W. Pike, of Bay Cit«, Oiegon , D. A.
of Bay City, Oregon; Fred Balmer, of
int in tract, bk 2. town of Lincoln Simmons, lof Bay City. Oregon ; J ob . Price, of Pike,
Bay City, Oregon; John O- Bozorth, of Bay
(now Tillamook City), deed of cor­ Balm, Oregon ; M. W. Harrison, of lillamook, City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
rection, »271.
Any and al* persr ns claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their
James W Bod) felt to Ralph Ackley, 33- above-described lands are reque ted to til i claims in this office un or before said 6th day of
September, 1907.
44 acres, secs 21 and 22, tp 4 s, r 10 day of August, 1907.
A lgernon b. D kesser . Register.
w. 93500.
A i . gernon S. D resser , Registet.
Ralph Ackley and wife to Lincoln Trust
& Investment Co. lots 5 to 8, hk 20, T imber L and , A ct J unr 3. I878—N otice for T imber L and , J unb 3, 187R.—N otice for
P ublication .
P ublication .
Thayer's addition to Tillamook City,
United States Land Office,
United States Land Office, Portland Ore.,
Portland, Oregon,
Ap'ii 27th. 1007.
May Mth. I907.
Notice is hereby giv«*n that In compliance
Lincoln Trust A.- Investment Co to J S
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Diehl, lots 4 to 6, bk 4, Miller's addi with
the provisions of the act oi Congress of June 3. 187«. entitled "An act for the sale
to Tillamook City, 9600
June 3. 187*, entitled "An act for the sale ot of timber lands in th«* States of California,
lands in the States ofcaiifornla, Or«*gon, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Territory,” as
Miles Warren and wife to Joseph H War­ timber
Nevada and Washington Tet ritory,” asoxteuded extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of
ren. lots 1 to 6. I>k 6, Woodlawn to all the Public Land Slates by act of August August 4, 1892.
add to Bay City, »1.
4- 1*92«
Of Portland. County of Multnomah, State of
Henry Rogers and wile to Jesse C. Ayers, Of Til'.amook. county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, ha« this «lay filed in this office his
lots 1 and 2. blk 11, Still»ell's add Oregon, has this day filed in this office sworn statement No. 7391. for the purchase of
her sworn statement No. 7410. for the pur­ the Nw of Ne *4. N Vi of Nw
01 Sec vZ ami
to Tillamook City, $3u0.
chase of Nw % of 8e *4 of Section No. 30, in Ne M of Ne
Sec. No. 3I, in township No
Marsena R. Kirkpatrick to VV. D. Kirk, township No 1 south, range No. it) we t, an 1 will 3 North, Range No. 9 Weal, and will
proof to show that the land sought is more offer proof* to show that the land sought is
patrick. 160 acres, sec 32, tp 5 s, r offer
valuable for
li 11' r 01 sione than f <r agii- more valuable for its timber or stone Ilian
10 w, 91.
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to for HgiieultiHsl piirpo'.ts. and to«-t»tbli-h hi
land befoie the County (Tv k, at Tilia- claim to said land before the Register ami
George W. Kiger and wife to John H. said
11100k, Oregon, on Wednesday, the Sth day of Receiver, at Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday, the
Fildrew, 160 acres, sec 13, tp 3 n, r August, 190?. She names as witnesses :
ifith day of July, I907. He names as wit­
George Watkins, of Netarts, Oregon; A. A. nesses
9 west. »400.
Yager, of Netarts. Oregon ; Hugh Ba her, of
A W’. Morgan, of Siletz, Ore.; W. H Fa so in,
of Netarts, Oregon; D. J. Culy, Tillamook, of Halm, Ore. ; Charles Sternberg, of Pottland,
Ore.: Sam Smith, of Tillamook.< m-
pilmg timlier on Sw Ji, si-c 6. tp 2 s. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver sely the
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
r 9 w, »25
abjve described land» are reu tested to file their above-described lands are requested to file their
in this office on 01 before »aid 8th day claims in this office ouor before said »6th day
of July, i9o7.
lots 15. 16 and 17. blk 5. A. A. of August, 1907.
A lgernon S. D bbmbk , Register.
A lgrrnon 8. D rksmer . Register.
Miller’s add to Tllamook, 9300.
Claude Thayer and wife to George VV. T imber L and A ct , J une 3 I878 —N otice fob
P ublication .
Kigrr, tract, sec 16, tp 2 a, r 8 w,
T imber L and , A ct J vne 3, IB78.—N otick for
United State« Lard Office.
P ublication .
Portland, Oregon. May nth, I9o7_
United btaUa Land Office, Portland, r‘re.,
U.8. to Helen C. Maginnis, receiver’s
Msy «nd, ilH»7.
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
receipt, 160 acres, sec 22, tp. 1 a, r 8 June
Notice i« hereby given that in compliance with
3. 1878. entiled “An act for the sale of tim­
ongrcsM of June
w. »400.
ber lands in the States of California Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,” aa ex 8. i8iR, entitl d ” An act for th«- km e of timber
U.S. to John L. Maginnis, receiver’s tended
to all the Public Land States by act of lands ill the Rtnlrs of California Oregon,
Nevads and WMshington Territory.” as ex
receipt, 149 49 acres, sec 14, tp2s, August 4.1892,
tended to all the Public Land Htatss by act of
r 9 w, 9373.75,
Of Elsie, Of/unty of Clatsop, (State of
T^ewis L. Johnson, et al. to Lxittie M. Oregon, has this day filed iu this office his
Hunt, quit claim, blk 3, Park add sworn statement No. 74«3, for the parchnar Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, Mtate of
of K % Sw W and lots 3 and 4, of section 30, and Oregon, has this day filed In this office her
to Tillamook City, »1.
Ne *4 N w’4 and lot 1. of Sec ion| No. 31, In tp sworn «taloment No. 7484, for the purchaM* of
State of Oregon to Arthur Langgnrth No. 4 north, Range 8 West. W.M,,and will offer the H«« K of Sw l1. of section No. ta. in Tp. No.
range No. 10 west, and will offer pt oof
320 acres, aec 16, tp 4 a, r 7 w. 9400. proof to show that the land sought is X to north,
«how that the laud sought is mote valuable
more valuable for it* timber or stone than for
State of Oregon to Nellie F Brundell, agricultural purpos««», and to establish his for its timber or atone than for agricultui al pur-
and lo establish her claim to said land
40 acres, see 36. tp 2 n, r 10 w, »50. claim to said ln.id before the Register and ia>«e«.
Receiver at Portland, Oiegon, on Wednesday, ttefoie tl*a ( ounty < lerk. at Tillamook, on Hri
Ralph Ackley to John Armada Pester. the 7H1 day of August, 1907- He names as day. the 9t’i day of AuRU«t, I907 bhe names as
w ftueas« s
», r9
tS w,
w witnesses .
Held, tract in sec 16, tp 1 a,
Bew’ey. of Tillamook, Oregon;
Stephen Abrahamron, of Elsie, Oregon: Tim
Corcoran, of Jewell, Oregon Herman Autio.of Huta-rt H. Roa«, of Tillam<x>k, Oregon. Theo
Hamlet, Oregon; August Tokola, of Hamlet, dore Kingsley, of Tillamook, Oregon. F M
Heal«, of Tillamook, Outgun
Any and all persons claln in •. adversely the
Any and all persons claiming adver«eiy the
The Charming Woman
above-deecrilR'd lands are requested to file their above described lands sra re<,U’ie»l to file their
i« not necessarily one of perfect form claim« in this office ou or before said 7th day claims in thia offlce on or before said sth day of
August, I907.
and features. Many a plain woman who of August, A
D brbskr , Register.
lgernon S. L rrssf . r , Register.
could never serve as an artist's model,
p see-sawl tlume rare qualities that all the T imber L and A ct J une 3, 1*7*—N otice
world admires ; neatness, clear eyes,
for P ublication .
T imbkr L and A ct , J unk 3, 1878.—N otick F or
United Mtates Mod Offic e,
P ublication .
clean smooth skin and that sprigthli
Portland, Oregon, May 7th, 1907.
United State» Land Offlce.
ness of step and action that accompany
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
Portland, Oregon. May 6th. 1907.
good liaalth A physically weak with the provision« of the act of Congrea« of
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
woman is never attractive, not even to June 3rd. I87R. entitled * An act for the «ale of with the provisions of the set of C«mgre«s of
I878, entitled ' An act tor the aale of
herself. Electric Bitters restore w-nak gon, Nevada and Washington T«rrito»y,’* as ex timber 3, lands
in the States of California, Ora-
women, gire strong nerves, bright eyes, tended tn ail the Public Land States by act of goi». Nevada and Washington Territ«»ry,” a«
the Public Ixind States by act
of Avgust 4.
plesion. Guaranteed at Chas I Clough, Of Tillamook
county of Tillamook State of
druggist. 50c.
Oregon, ha« thia dav field iu thl« offlce Of Tillamook, co’inty of lli.im<x»k, State of
her »worn statement No 7407. for the purchase Oregon, has tnia day filed in this offlce liia
of the Se
of Ne *4, of Aec No 85, In 1 p. No. 3 8’ orn statement No. 74**6, for the purchase
Cured Three of Family with north, range No. 9 west, and wi>| offer proof 0« the S H of Ns
of section No. 20,
♦o show that the Isnd so right is more valuable in tp No 1 H. rang«1 No * W. »ml will offer
One Bottle of Chamberlain's fot its timber or stoue than fur agricultural proof to «how that the land sought is more
purpose*», and to e» tab I lab her claim Co aaid valuable for its flintier or «tone than for
Colic, Cholera and Di­
land twfore the County Clerk of Tillamook agricultural pulp«me», and to «»tabliah his
<ountv. Ore. at Tillamook City. Oregnu. on claim to said land before the County Clerk,
arrhoea Remedy.
the 6th day of A«*gii»t.
she at Tillamook City, Ore., on Friday, the *>tb
" I purchased a buttle of Chamber. Tuesday,
namr* as witnesses
dav of Aligns*. 1
lie names aa witne*«es.
Iain's Colic,
Cl-olers and Diarrhoea
Albert Crawfttrd, of Nehalem. Oregon; Charles
Wewtey McMillan, of Tillamook. Oregon.
Remedy, and found it lie all claimed fur Handy, of Nehalem Oregmi ; Aiea. McDonald, William J. 1 imea. of Tillamook, Or . Thomas
Nehalem. Orag«m . H. V Alley, of Nehalem, Ros* of Ttllsmook Or. , Cha* lea Hi me», of
it in the advertisements. Three of the of
Tillamook, Ur
family have uwd it with good results in
Any and all persona claimina adeeraely the
Any and all person« claiming adversely the
to file * above dewritwl land* ate requested to file their
summer complaint."-H. E Howl, pub abore-des«rlbed lands art re*ia«!»i<*d
their claims In this office on or belote »aid 6th j piai in« in thia office on or before aaid Xh day
Usher of the Press. Highland, W m .
d*y of Ang«»v< r«/*;
sale by Cloughs Drug blurs.
A lgermom B. D rrmkk , Register
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
Fine Line of Choice
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
T imber L and A ct , J une 3,
notice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office, Portland. Ore.,
June 15th IW7.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled ” An act for the Bale of
timber lands in the States of C difornia, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory.” aa ex-
tende<l to all the Pubiie Land States bv act of
August 4, 1892,
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State
of Oregon, has this day filed In thia office
his sworn statement No. 7460. for the pur­
chase of (lie Ne lQ of Nw
and Nw Vi
Ne % nnd S V<j or Ne % of Section No. I5, in
township No. 1 north, range N . 10 west, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valub’ie for its timber or sone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
• -iium to said land before the County Clerk, at
T illamook, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day of
Septomlier, 19117. He names as witnesses
Goran Munson, of I illamook, Oregon; James
C!_ Bewley, Tillamook, Oregon; Geo. F. Zim­
merman, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Robert Watt,
of Bay t ity, Oregon.
Anvand all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 7th day
of September, 1907.
A lgrrnon S. D resnrr . Register.
T imber L and , J unk 3, 1878.—N otick f r
P ublication .
United States Land Office, Portland, Ore.,
Nay i3th, 1007-
Notice is heieby given that, in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for the «ale of
timber land« in the States of California, Ore­
gon, Nevtida nnd Washington Ter«1torv,” hs
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892.
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of
<»*■■-. hi . Ims this day filed in this office her
sworn statement, No. 7419 for the purchase of
the W % of Hw
Ne % of Kw % and 8e *4 of
Nw J4, of Section No. 25, in township No. 2
north, range No. it) west, and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber <n ct«me than lot agricultural pur­
poses. and to establish her claim to said land
I.efore the Countv Clerk, at Tillamook, Ore., on
Thursday, the Sth day of August, I907, She
iianx s as witnesses :
l)anii«l A. Simmons, of Bay City, Oregon ;
Charles Pike, of Bay City, Oregon, James C.
Bewley, of "Tillamook, Oregon; Geo. F. Ziiu-
morman, of Tillamook, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovedescribed lands are requested to file their
claim» in this office on or before said 8th day of
August, 1907
A lgernon 8. D rrshkr , Register.
T imbkr L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N otick for
P ublication .
United States Land Office
Portland, Oregon, May 22nd, 1007
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the piovision« of the act of Congress of
June 3rd, 1878. entitled ' An act for the sale
of timber lauds in the States of Caiifo« nla,
<'i»<«)n, Nevada, and Washington Territo-
a««-xtrn<led to all Puldh Land MllM by
act of August 4, 18 q 2.
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook. State of
Oregon, hss this day filed in this offic« hi«
«worn siatement No. 74;« for the purchase
of the Ne'4 of Nw W, of Sec. No 18 in Tp. No. 1
N. Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof t«*
«how that the land sought is more valuable
for it« timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, ami to establish hia claim to »aid land
before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon,
on Friday, the <jtli day ot August, 19O7. Ha
names hh witn<*N«e«:
James <’, Bewley, of Tillamook, fOregon;
Geo. F Zimmerman, of Tillamook, O egon ;
ThetMlore Kingsley, ot Tillamook, Oregon ;
F. R. Ileals, of Tillamook. Oregon.
Any and all persons elairnlug adversely the
above-described lands ate requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 9th day of
August,, 190?.
A lgernon H. D rksmkr , Register.
L and . J vnr 8, 1878 — N oticr fob
United States I<and Office, Portland, Ore.,
May r7th. IH07.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provision« of the act of Congreaa of
JnneB, IH78. entitled • An act for the «ale of
timber landa in the Stale of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as ex­
tended to all the Public Land Htatea by act of
Auguat ♦, IS92.
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of
Oregon. Ims this day filed in this office hl«
sworn «-tatement No. 7435, for the purchsMe of
the N V, of Nw *4 and N % of Hw Q of
Secfiou No. to, in Township No. a north,
Range No to west, and will offer proof to
s I kmv that H ip land «ouaht i« more valuabl*- tot
its timber or stone than tor agricultural pur-
txisea, and to establish hla claim toasidiand
adore the County Clem. at Tillamook,
Oregon, on Friday, the 6th day of September,
tV<>7 He names as witnesses :
Henry Told, of Nehalem, Oregon; L. A
York, of Nehalem, Oregon , Hugo Kline, of
Nehalem, Oregon; W. N. Redd«w«y, of Ne­
halem, Oregon
Any and al) persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are request«*«) u> file their
claims in th a office on or before said 6tli day of
Sep tom her. leoy.
A lokrnon S. D rknmrr , Register.
T imber
T imbkh L and . Acr Juns inn, IS78 — N oiicb
United States LSad Office, Portland. Ore
June 5th, 1907
Notftre 1» hereby given that !n compliance
with the provision« of the art of < ongreM of
June j, 1*7#, entitled " An act for the «ale of
timl>ef land« in the Stat«*« of California. Oiegon,
Nevada and Washington Territory.” as ex
tended to all the Public lAtnd State« by act of
August 4, 1892
Cf Forest Grove, county of Washington, Slate
of Oregon, baa thia day filed in thia office hi«
»worn «tatement No 7449. for the purchase of
E H of Se 'X, Section • 1. and W H of bw
Hectloo No. 12. In tp. No. 2 north, Mange
No- lowest and will offer proof to «how that
the land nought ¡«more valuable for Its tint,
bw or «Ione than for agricultural purpose*«,
and to enlabliah hi« claim to «aid land before
the < ouiity Clerk of Tillamook County, at
Tillamook City, Ore., on Friday, the 6th
day of September, I907
Re name* a«
Henry Tobi, of Nehalem. Orscow . Hiram
Perry, Nehalem. Oregon , R P York, Nehalem,
Oregon ; / D. Caples, Nehalem, Oregon
Any and all rersous claiming adversely the
stove described lauds are requested to file their
claim* in *lns offlce ou or before said Sth day
of Ht-pUmber. 1907
AuaBSMOM S. DBAMBB, Register.