il iUnmook Mcaölitjljt * el. XX - ■»»»_ TILLAMOOK, Residence Property Going at a Bargain. Clough's Concentrated Orange Cider with water and sweetened to taste e large residence, new and all modern improvements, in- I j mixed makes a delicious, refreshing and health­ ing bath with het and cold water, and beautiful grounds, ful drink. It sells for ofle. a pint, which > firge large 50 lots. 1 This property is situated directly east <>t is enough to make five gallons of Orange 5° foot f°ot lot*« ready to drink. Try a bottle at Has residence, ou Stillwell avenue. Call and get our prices Cider Clough’s Drug Store. * on same. Beautiful new residence, just built this spring. Two 50 lots about seven block from business center of city, One of the best residence location in Tillamook City. 12 / Everthing is included in this bargain, including household and kitchen furniture and cooking utensils. Here is a chance to get a beautiful home at the lowest price. Call and see me. RALPH TUXAMOOK JOTTINGS. H. T. Botts, for abstracts. • $1.50 per year. OREGON, JULY u, 1907 ACKLEY. Complete line of carpenter’s tools and building material. Let us figure on your job.—King A Smith. • McMillan is going out of the photo business. If you want work made come Read Tilluniook County Bank notes * in now. Don’t delay. * Dr. Bc,irv E. Morris, eye specialist * The steamer Sue H. Elmore left Tues­ day with the following passengers; Mrs. Huntsinger. Miss t’earlHuntsinger, E. B. Morgan, Mrs. Wiley, Mr. Moyer and wife, Mrs.Strange, S. B. Holt,Miss Holt. F. Mapes, G. E. McDonald. S E Eppler, Miss Josie Davis, S. S. Johnson, Homer Mason and wife and W. Stephens. H. L. Chapin and W. B. Chapin, who are connected with the Potter-Chapin Realty Company, were in the city Mon­ day doing business in connection with the scheme to turn the Tillamook Bay peninsula into a great summer resort. It will f>e several duys before the lots in Bayocean Park are put on the market, but it is stated that there is already a de­ mand for them. FREE ! ! I A Steel Savings Bank OF Handsome Leather Covered Pocket Book \ To any person who will open a Savings Account with a deposit of One Dollar or more. : Youi first deposit begins to draw interest immediately at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. IT’S AN INCENTIVE TO SAVE I Get One for Every Member of the Family. The remains of Mrs. Ella R. Hays were Prof. W. R. Rutherford returned from Ribbons at about half price at Cohn's. Salem on Monday,where lie attended the brought in on the steamer on Saturday, Chicken wanted at Leach's Meat Mar. State Teachers’ Institute, the funeral service taking place on Sun­ bet. • day afternoon at the Presbyterian J. W. Hill and family, of Portland, church, conducted by Rev. G F. Zimmer­ Plows, Harrows and Discs at Snuf­ were in the city on Monday ; also J. M. man. and the interment was in the Odd­ fer'«. * Ward and J. E. McGratey. fellows’ cemetery. A large congrega­ !p. .r‘i Olive» in bulk or jar at Mills' Cash King & Smith w ill do your plumbing. tion attended the funeral service, thereby Not txihat W. F. B vrks C o ., Store. • showing their respect lor the deceased P atentees and M anüfactübebs , Pipe and fittings, tin, sheet iron and lady and in sympathy lor the bereaved C hicago . * White River flour $4.80 a barrel at everything that goes with the line. children and relatives. Sauff«'i. * you Earn, Prepare now for haying, hay forks, The uniforms lor the Tillamook Brass Did jou see the beautiful colt cups at rope, pulleys, pitch forks, hay carriers, Band came in on the steamer on Satur­ oil for the mower.—See King & Smith. * Snuffer'» ? * day, ana the boy s made their debut in but uihat Rev. D. H. Hare, the newly appointed their new togs on Wednesday evening Badem Hams and Bacon at Mills' pastor of the Presbyterian church, is not by giving a band concert on the busi­ Ca»h Store. * ■< >i|i. L| expected here until the end of the month. ness streets. One week from Saturday you Save All Calicoes 5c. a yard at Coho's Clos­ ¡V.' Loren Watkins and Noah Baker came the band will give a concert at the opera ing Out Sale. * ii> last week on account of the sickness house, assisted by a number ol lady TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK vocalists. Everybody buy a ticket and Attorney S. S. Johnson left ou Tuesday and death of their uncle, G. M. Watkins. that makes help the boys out, for they have gone to JbrFactland. (rxcORpoturuu) ’ Mrs. E. M. Harvey and daughter came considerable expense iu buying uniforms Dr. T. W. Ross returned on Saturday in on Saturday from Silverton and are and expensive instruments. Tillamook City Ulealth. Oregon, from A»tor n. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Botts. Mr. G. M. Watkins, who died in this S. E. Epler, of Chicago, was in the H. E. Noble, of Portland, and P. H. city on Thursday evening,was buried on city oa Tuesday. Marlay, of Mason City, Neb., came in Saturday, the funeral services being con­ M. *. Leach will pay 10c. pe. pound last week on business and pleasure with ducted by Rev. D. L. Shrode in the M.E. You take an automobile. church in this city. Mr. Watkins was for your chicken. • B. E. Van Voorhis and wife came in born in Tennessee on the 6th April, 184-6 Full line of Iced and best seed oats in He went to Iowa when be was six years the Bank I from Portland on Saturday. Mr. Voor- city at Snuffer’s. • old. He was married in that state to his is connected with tbePortland Flour Miss N. J. Funk in 1868. They came to William Kimble, of Dallas, was in the ing Mill Company. I ■' Oregon in 1873, settling in Linn county, city on Saturday. H. L. Provoost and wife, Francis Pro­ and ins wile died ou June 6. 1897. He We Outing Flannels 5c. a yard at Cohn's voost, Clarence Provoost, Frank Till­ came to Tillamook about nineyears ago, M l . Closing On: Sale • man and L. D. Vanderwile cuine in from living on his farm at Netarts, where he W was much respected. Mr. Watkins had Hand Fruit Jars for sale cheap Portland on Wednesday. the Key I a stroke of apoplexy, with heart trou - A- 7i'i '¿Reynolds. * Married, at Bav City, on the 5th inst., ble, from which lie suffered for several K®. ijlêÆ1 ■ I Sampson, of Portland, was iti by the Rev. Chas. L. Creewy, pastor of months. He had no children, but had a the M.E. church, Mr. Charles D. Grout sister living in Iowa. On Sunday. and Miss Armira R. Petteys. IT. W. Wiley and child left for A suit was filed in the circuit court on Timber wanted in largeor small tracts, | on Tuesday. Tuesday by the Tillutnook Luinoeriug Government Examined. State Depository also good going operations. Give full get your Summer Dresses at particulars. Chas. M. Lanning & Co., Company against W. |. Woodside, of San Francisco, lor $4.000. Defendant ^Closing Out Sale * Lafayette Building, Portland, Ore. * is the owner of the lumber schooner San Thompson and R. W. Bundy were Mrs. Fred C. Baker returned Saturday Buena Ventura,who bought two cargoes ^Blaine on Tuesday. after visiting for several weeks in Port­ of lumber from the company,agreeing to Total Resources over $250.000 rri. will Iced your team hay and land and Eugene. Miss Sadie Banfield, pay tor the lumber ou delivery at this ) Capital Stock, $30.000. of Portland, came in witn her to spend port. As only part of the money had over night for 50c. • the summer. been paid on the hrst cargo, and none t you seen the handsome coach being in sight for the balance and for <9 A big timber deal was recorded last b Margo at Snuffer's? * the second cargo, suit was brought and week in which N. P. Wheeler disposed of the lumber and schooner were attached. ■W Mrs. Homer Mason left Tues nearly 20,000 acres of timber land to W. Sheriff Crenshaw took charge of the ■ business trip to Portland, H. White, of Michigan, which averaged San Buena Ventura and the lumber on Resolutions of Condolence. $35 an acre. grade Indian Head Linen, 12'/2C. Wednesday, leaving Eliner Baker in at Cohn's Closing Out Sate., * If you have a good timber claim you charge. H. T. Botts is attorney tor the Hall of Morning Star, Rebecca Lodge, Baxter, P. Doran and P. Gwinn, want to dispose of send full particulars, Lumbering Company. No. 52, I.O.O.F., Tillamook, Oregon, with location, amount of timber, kind of , were in the city on Sunday. timber and price to the Headlight office PLAT OF BAYOCEAN PARK. July 3rd, 1907. boy an air gun. they are safe as soon as possible. O fficers and M embers . shooters.—King & Smith. * We, your committee appointed to Up till noon on Wednesday 97 instru­ Filed with County Clerk—Contains , new and second-hand suit ments were recorded this month in the 4,030 Lot«—Reserves for Hotel, draft resolutions of condolence on the repairing.—King & Smith. * clerk’s office, which is a good indication Pier. Bath House, Pavilion etc. death of Sister Ella R. Hays, respect­ Laclade Ranges, first-class that property is changing hands very fully submit the following ; rapidly in Tillamook cou ’ ity. The Potier-Chapin Realty Company bd fuel savers.—King & Smith * In the rapid march of time we are A suit was filed in the circuit court by filed with the County Clerk on Monday again reminded of the uncertaintv of life F and Children's Stockings at At last our stock of Clothing has arrived. the Pacific Rail wav & Navigation Com the plat of Bayocean Park. The land em bv the death of those with whom jin ■ cost at Cohn's Closing Out pany against George Williams for a right, braced in the proposed park contain» the tears past we have learned tn love and We have everything to suit the most fastidious. of way, the new survey at Bay City peninsula of Tillamook Bay, locally res|>ect. the sad duty devolves itself upon (thinks of buying a buggv or going through Williams’ property. us to announce the death of our well We have suits for the small mail, the large man, slim, known u» the Sand Spit, embraces the beloved friend and sister, Ella R. Hays, without looking over Snuffer's I • The Nehalem peninsula is being platted built and stout built. for a summer resort. Having ¿i gravel land on the Cape and extends the whole who departed this life on the 30rh of Embroideries and Velvets at bottom, it will have that much advant­ length of the peninsula, haying a water June, 1907, leaving four children, a They have the style, quality and fit. If Price at Cohn's Closing Out age over the other peninsulas, which are frontage on the ocean and one on the mother, tour sisters and a large' circle « of friends to mourn her loss. By her for the most part composed of sand. We have also just received a large shipment of bay as well. The land is platted with death hearts have been crushed and id ammunition, fishing tacklet Dr. P. J. Sharp, the dentist, will leave streets and a ocean and bay boulevard, homes made desolate, yet we would bow goods of all kinds.—King A for Nehalem on Sunday,where lie will re­ and contains 4,0.3d lot», mostly 50|r. bv in humble submission to Him who rules main one week. Those wanting dental 100ft. On the ocean side, and in about the universe the center of the peninsula, 100ft. above The relentless scythe of time has again the habit of trading at Pntz- work done at Nehalem should call upon CONSISTING OF sea level, a reserve is made for the large cut the brittle thread of life and our receive a 5 per cent discount him as early in the week as possible. hotel which is to be built, and adjoining Mrs. D. Moss, of the D. Moss Concert this, on the north, is another piece of sister has passed through the dark vale to the sunlight of our lodge home be­ Company, is in the city and prepared to age license was issued on Tues give music lesson, both vocal and instru­ land reserved for a bath house. In a yond the grave. direct line from this, on the Bay side of rthur C. Schlappi and Daisv mental. Those who are desirous of tak­ Now one leaves the door that opens, the peninsula, land is resei ved lor a pier, H hen they pass beyond recall ; ing lesson* should do so at once. She is boat house and pavilion. A channel is Soft a* loosened leaves of roses, mer Dress Goods will be closed staving at T. E. Epplctt’s. Always the best stock ou hand. to be dredged to connect with the chan­ One by one our loved ones fall. month at less than cost at H. S. Turner was in the city on Satur­ nel on the west aide of the bay, so that Resolved, That we hereby tender to the I Is. day and registered from “Hemlock, the vesselscan reach the pier. Water is to sorrowing relatives of our decerna-d ive your horses in the rain Coming Town.’’ Bro. Turner did not be obtained from the Cape and will be sister our heart felt sympathy in this can tie them in Harris' Tie say what town lots were selling for in piped the whole length of the peninsula. the time of their great loss. that prospective city, but we suppose In the long narrow neck of the peninsula, 10 cts. Resalyed, That these words of con­ free sites will be given to those who will which is only 320ft. wide, a row of lots rget to stop at Harris' Feed start saw mills, box factories, etc., with face the ocean and another row face the dolence lie entered at large on the memorial page of our lodge records. cheapest place in the citv to the usual flattering inducements for ail bay. There is also reserved, on the bay Resolved, That the N.G. he directed to side h piece of land for campers, called kinds ol businesses to start up there. team. Tent Citv. Tbe Potter-Chapin Realty cauxe the charter of this lodge be draped Company does not own the whole of the in the habiliment of mourning for a land on the peninsula, for the N.W. period of thirty days. Resolved, That the recording secretary corner of the sand spit is a government lie directed to lurnish the family of our reserve. II the present plans of the promoters deceased sister with a copy of these reso­ * of this proposed summer resort are car­ lutions duly certified under tbe seal of ried out. it will be necessary to have a the lo^ge. Fraternally submitted, wagon road built to Bay ocean Park, ENxiE B ailey , and this can be done by crossing Tilla­ elm T ylkb , mook river, west of Tillamook City, apd M rs . M ary W ilt . thence through the Elmore ranch, mak­ FOUR STYLES. ing a water level road around the west AUCTION I AUCTION I * and south sides of the Cape to Bayocean ONBJKT .............. TWO JETS Park, which would make a very pretty JUT», road for driving an J automobiles, giving Furniture of Six Roomed House THKllE GAEVANIZEJ* to be Sold at Public Sale. that section ol the country a way out THREE JET», C. E. Rcvnold» will sell by public auc ' BRASS................. by road. _________________ tion the whole of my hou»ehold furniture : Sunny Mead Addition to Tilla­ and effect», on Saturday, July 13. at 10 I o'clock a m., opposite the Hay»’property mook City. in Tillamook City, which wili include the * The W. S. Hayes’ five acre tract, con­ furniture of a »ix roo-ned hou.e. con»i»t-1 tracted tor by the Tillamook Real Estate ing ol bed», bedstead», bureau», chair», Company, will tie platted and placed on t a tile«, cook »tore, heater, book ca»e. the market. All lots sold on contract crockery, giu»» ware, etc., etc. Term»J j. A. E l « en . to be delivered July 1st. 1907. Advance each. sale now on. Lots cheapest and be»t of any in Tillamook. Call and see the Hop Picker« Wanted. plats at the T.llamook Real Estate All persona desiring to pick hops this Company's office ; or F R Beal's office rear, please leave your name with Dr. One Quart, at 5Oc. makes IO Gallons E. Morris, tn Tillamook City, and An Opportanity for Local Teacher«. 1 Henry will call and make arrangements in a Free transportation across I have arranged to give instruction» in few davs. Opposite the Post Offiee. the mountains both ways. Kindergarten work to teacher» at rea M L M obris , »enable term« during inly and Auguat. If after using CARBOLIC COMPOUND y< u arc not satisfied come and Crescent Farm, McMinnville, Ore. j our uiouey back. Mai ivuGu.liit. ~~À Q 3 ill i Keep TIhUflMOOK .«3 BANK COUNTY CLOTHING ! CLOTHING I -g i J Ì “I s I I Furnishing Goods, Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery Shoes and Hats TODD & CO >Z/ Tillamook, ' 4>4 4'X'4'4^4j CLOUGH'S SPRAYERS have just opened up the most colu­ te line of s TAPLE& FANCY sMB GROCERIES « , all new and Fresh. The » ces are no higher than others. We most cordially invite you to ne and look at what we have and t our prices, whether you buy or ¿ CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND Keeps the Flies off Stock V* Mb W. M. MILLS, « MB MAKE A VAPOR LIKE THIS. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. I get