TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 4. 1907 OTHER PIONEER WO IAN PASSES AWAY. by herself of some of her experience in whordom, but the Independent Church will oppose total a list ins nee and barren­ the early days of this country : One fine morning in the year 1852, ness as a far greater evil. |. C. G ove . in company with my sister and her T imber L and , A ct J i nk 3,187s.—N otice for 1 started overland to Oregon, P ublication . tsed the Plains when a husband, full of hup^s for the future, little dream United Staten Land Office, • Portland, Oregon, June 10th, 1907. iag of the hardship« and trials that were onng Woman in 1852 Notice is hereby given that in compliance in store for dip . with the provision» ot the act of Congress It was the 17tb of April, a beautiful of June 3rd, I878, entitled “ An act for the i» with much regret that we have to morning, when all nature seemed to »ale of timber lauds in the States of California. Nevada, and Washington ,Territory," ouuce the death of Mr«. Marv E. spring into life and pour forth praise to Oregon. as extended to all the Public Land States by hwell, wife of Captain W. D Stillwell, the Giver of All Good, that we packed act of August 4, 1892. WILLIAM BUELL WATT, lioneer woman of Oregon who crossed all our earthly possessions in one wagon, Of Bay City, county of Tillamook, State of and that chiefly provisions and turned Oregon, ha» this day filed iu this office his [plains with ox team in 1852, which our faces toward the setting sun Our sworn statement No. 7456, for the purchase oi ■ of sec. No. 9. in tp. No. 1 N., »k place in this county on Monday. team consisted of three yoke of oxen and the W s ofSw range No. a west, and will offer proof to I was 75 years of age, and the cause one yoke of cows, upon which our safe show that tne land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural of death was cancer, for which she had arrival in Oregon depended. When I purposes, and to establish his claim to said saw men beating their oxen and creat­ H^Ktrgone several operations. Around ing them with cruelty I thought how laud before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Friday, the 6th day of September, her bedside gathered her relatives and a little they realized how much their lives 190?. He names as witnesses : George Watt.ofBay Ciiy, Oregon ; Fred D water, Mrs. C. E. Springer, of Cedar were dependent on that team. or Bay City, Oregon; Fred Balmer, of There was nothing of importance took Pike, Bay City, Oregou; John O. Buzorth, of Bay Edge, Colo., who had not m*»et for 53 place until the cholera broke out in the City, Oregon. years. They did everything possible to train. There was suffering then, I stood Any aud all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are requested to file their cnahe the last days of the deceased pio­ by a grave and saw a mother lowered to claims in this office on or before said 6th day of neer woman cheerful and comfortable her last resting place*, the father ami September, 1907. A lgernon S. D resser . Register. husband having been buried two days It was with tender care that Mrs. G W. previous. Five little children were left A J Grayson and Mrs A. B. Cornell, nursed to the mercy of strangers by these un. T imber L and , A ct J une 3, I878.—N otice for P ublication . their mother for two months in her last fortunate parents, the youngest nine United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon May 28th, 1907. •icteness, which terminated fatally on months old, <,f whom three are still alive, Notice is hereby given that in compliance one now living in Portland. with the provisions of the act of Congress of Munday evening. We traveled on day by day, some­ June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the sale of Her maiden name was Mary E. Armen times ferrying streams in our wagon timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ as ex trout, being the daughter of Joseph beds and when the day’s travel was tended to all the Public Land States by act of Aygien trout, and was born on the 22nd ended cook our meal« (when we could August 4th, 1892. ANNIE RIPLEY, find fuel to do so) and then laid down to Oetflbvr. 1833, in Ohio. She moved to Hobsonville, county oi Tillamook, State of sleep, expecting to be scalped before Of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her Kwkuk. Iowa, and thence to Hancock morning. sworn statement No. 7442, for the purchase of count. Illinois. Before leaving the East j The journey came to an end as all the Se ^4 of Nw % of Sectiou No. 7 in Towuship No. 2 north, Range No. 9 things will on the 7th ol September. Wt* she was a witness of the exciting times Weet, and will offer proof to show that the landed in Oregon to find that our hf.rd- land sought is more valuable for its timber •t Kauvoo, 111. .when the troops marched I ships were not all ended. The country or stone than for agricultural purposes, and “42 IÍ intathat town, and she saw the burning was new, every thing scarce and diffi­ to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, cult to procure. Two years after our of the Mormon temple and the departure on Friday, the 6th day of September, 1907. names as witnesses : of Brigham Young and his wives for arrival we procured a piece of land from She Dau Hickey, of Balm, Oregon ; Lanada Mc­ T imber L and , A ct J une 8. 1878.—N otice for Uncle Sam and proceeded to make a Fee, of Balm, Oregon; M. H. Ripley, of Hob­ P ublication . Utah. When a young woman she ac­ home, only to be interrupted by the sonville, Oregon; Harry Craue, of Hobsonville, United Staves Land Office, companied her sister and husband, Mr. Indians, they claiming the land. We Oregon. Portland, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the April 29th, io07. •nd Mrs. David Deardrof, who crossed were surrounded by wigwams, and the above-deacdbea lands are requested to file their Notice is hereby given that in compliance the plains with ox team in 1852. Her nearest w hite settlers were one mile dis. claims in this office on or before said 6th day with the provisions of the act of Coi gress ot tant. Some times the Indians procured of September, 19<>7- June 3, 1*7«, ent’tled “An act for the sale of 1 and husband settled in Clackamas whisky, when they were to be feared A lgernon S. D kkuber , Register. timber laudsiu the «’dates of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex­ iy. and Miss Armentrout taught They would make the woods sound with NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tended to all the Public Land States by act of Department of the Interior, I for two years. Gut of her earn« their hideous yells while fighting among August 4, 1892, Land Office at Portland, Ore., HENRY DAVIS. lhe sent her father, who was old themselves. They would come to our June 22nd, 1907 Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of cabin in the night and terrifv all within. Notice is hereby given that HENRY B. Oregon, has thie day filed in this office his „„¡(X $100 by Adams & Co., the cer­ Some times in the absence of iny hus­ KARR, of Hobsonville, Oregon, has filed notice sworn statement No. 7394, for the purchase of Sv o. Sec No. 32, in Tp. No tificate of which she preserved, which band I have stood in the door with my of his intention to make final five year ofthe Ne proof in support of his claim, viz; Home­ 3 north, Range No. 9 west, and will offer proof bears date Portland, Ore., October 31st, babe in my arms ready to fly at the ap stead Entry No. I3060, made September 18th, to show that the land sought if more valuable I900. for the E U Sw Sw V4 Se %, sec­ for its timber or stone than for agricultural 1863. She married George Myers, who proach of a savage. But these things have all passed away, tion 21, and Nw Ne V4« section 28. township purposes, and to establish his claim to said croseed the plains in 1852, at Milwau- and w’e are in a land of plenty and 2 north, range 9 west and that said proof land before the R gister and Receiver, at Port­ will b'* made before the Register and Re­ land, Oregou, on Weduesday, the. 17th day of kie. Ore., on the 26th March, 1854, and still permitted to enjoy the many bless­ ceiver, at Portland, Oregon, on August 15th, July, 1907 He names as witnesses : 19(17. Frank Whittaker, of Portland. Oregon ! ings bestowed upon us, for which we settled on a donation claim in Yamhill He names the following witnesses to prove his Harney Essinghaucher, of Portland, Oregon ; continuous residence upou aud cultivation of, Charles E- Cook, of Portland, Oregon; Frank county, east of North Yamhill, where are thankfuh_______________ the land, viz. : Nelson, of Portland Oregon. they made their home until 1888, when ABOUT FARM MACHINERY. L. L. Smith, of Robsonville, Oregon ; M. H. Any and all persons claiming adversely the Ripley, of Hobsonville, Oregon ; S. M. Batter- above-described lands are requested to file their they moved to Newberg, where her hus­ son, of Balm, Oregon ; John S. Gray, of Ne- claims in this office on or before said 17th day of McCormick's and Osborne ’ s are hale, Oregon July, I907. band .died on the 16th January, 1894, A lgernon S. D ressen , Register. A lgernon S. D rbsser , Register. the Best and Cheapest in the 65th year of his age. She was the SUMMONS. mother of six children : Mr. W B. Rice You don’t want a rake that is weak T imber L and , A ct J unk 3. 1878.—N oticb for P ublication . (deceased i. North Yamhill ; L. M. Mvurs, in the head and weak in the joints or In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County. United States Land office. Portland Oregon. that has faulty teeth do you ? You had Portl.nl ; A. L Myers, Illwaco, Wash ; April 29th, I907.’ better buy a McCormick or Osborne and Ellen Dougherty Plaintiff, 1 | Notice is hereby given that in compliance Mrs. G. W. Grayson, Tillamook ; J. L. take uo chances. vs. | with the provisions of th«* act o f Congress of Mills and Morrison June 3, 187s, entitled “An xct for the sale of Myers and Mrs. A. B. Cornell, Grants A telephone connection with all the Grant Mills, defendants. Mrs. I timber lands in the State« of California, Oregon. Psskr She first visited Tillamook in world’s wheat fields would enable one C. L. Roberts, substitu- I Nevada and Washington Te» ritory," as extended ted as Defendant. ) to all Public Land States by act of August 4. 1867, a brief account of which from her to hear McCormick and Osborne machine To Mrs. C. L. Roberts, the above named 1892, ELLKN A. HARRISON, own pen will not be out of place to re. at work continuously from January 1st defendant : to December 31st. In the name of the State of Oregon : Of Tillamook, county of 71’ amook, State of peat Bere You are hereby required to appear and Oregon, has this day filed in this office her A McCormick knife grinder will charp­ answer the complaint filed in tne above sworn statement, N'-. N«- 7403, 74o3, tor for tne the pu chase criase 01 of Perhaps it might be interesting W of Ne X % and Se Vi U of - to en any thing from a pair of scissors to a entitled action on or before the expiration the N % of Ne «4 Sw V of six weeks from the date of the first publi­ Nw *4 of Section Ion No. 13, township 13. in some of your numerous readers to learn mower knife. cation of this Summons, and if you fail so to No 2 north, range No. 10 west, and will under what circumstances I first saw the A fool and his money are soon parted. appear and answer for want thereof, the offer prool toshow that the land sought is more Pacific ocean. It was in early pioneer Buy a McCormick and don’t part with plaintiff will apply to the Court for the valuable for its timber or stone than for agri ^fidvHpHore the wagon road crossed the your money for repairs on your mowers. relief demanded in complaint The relief de cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to nianded in the complaint is that plaintiff have said land before the County Clerk, al Tilla­ mountains. There was a rude trail, both A successful farmer is a practical one judgment against you to theeffect that plain­ mook,’Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6lh day of MftBar°us and difficult to travel, when tiffnave and recover the possession of an August, 1907. She names as witnesses: Charles W. Pike, of Bay Clt« , Oiegon ; D. A. H warn decided that my happiness de­ who thinks out his work and then undivided one-sixth interest in and to the works out his thoughts. following described lands, situate in Tilla­ Simmons, lof Bay City. Oregon ; Jos. Price, of pended on seeing the ocean. County, Oregon, to-wit: Balm, Oregon ; M. W. Harrison, of lillamook, McCormack and Osborne machines mook AU things considered, we at once set Beginning at the South East corner of the Oregon. Any and al' perse na claiming adversely the •bout making preparations for the trip might well be indorsed by the humane Nathan and Lydia Dougherty Donation Land Claim, in Section 28. Township 1 above-described lands are reque ted to filj jQnr company consisted of three persons, society—they are so easy on the horses. South of Range 9 West of Willamette Meri­ their claims in this office on or before said 6th my Riband, a lady friend and myself. McCormack and Osborne machines dian, and running thence North 4-2 rods ; day of August, I907. A lgernon 8. D resser , Register. B*e||-|Belected a K°°d, trusty hor3e and have beeu tested through seventy-four thence West 20 feet ; thence North 65.42 ; thence West 73 rods and 13 feet ; •acMmrson was supplied with a pair of harvests and have grown in favor rods thence South 107.42 rods to the South line MaOBJKs. coffee pot, tin cup, tin plate through each one. of said Donation Land Claim ; thence East T imber L and , A ct J unr 3. 1878—N otice for 75 rods to the place of beginning, containing •ad ptavisions enough to last the round P ublication . MoCormick levers are al way within 50 acres, more or less. United S ales Land Office, trip, Wilich was about ten days. reach ; a fact which every farmer ap­ That plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner Portland, O.egon, All Mounted, we resembled the natives. preciates. of the said one sixth interest in fee simple, May 8th. I007. and that she have and recover from de­ Wittwhreled all day over rugged moun- Notice is hereby given in compliance McCormick’s aud Osborne’s world­ fendant the sum of two hundred and fifty with the provisions of the that act of Congress of flMKmany times one mis-step would wide reputation is not the result of ac­ dollars as her damages for the detention of June 3,1878. entitled "An act for the sale ol ImHhirled us into eternity. We passed cident—it is the reward of merit. the possession of said property for the last timber lands In the STntef of California. Oregon. four years, and for the costs and disburse­ Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended CBnjons,where we could look down Like the town criers of old, the farmer ments ofthe action. t<. all the Public Land «tales by act of August •pOO. the tops of tall trees and passed This order is published by order of the 4. 1892. sing out the praises of McCormick and :tM0B0d steep curves where it seemed as Honorable H. F. Goodspeed, County Judge JANE S. CULY, Osborne machines until they are know n of Tillamook County, Oregon, made on the Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of if we Were hanging on the side of a per 23rd day of May, 1907, directing publi­ Oregon, has this day filed in this office ■HHtalar rock. When the sun was wherever grain is grown. of summons to be made against the her sworn statement No. 74m. for the pur­ Now is the time to get your machine cation •¡■ImMfi'i the west we dismounted and defendant and the date of the first publica­ chase of Nw %of8e'4 of Section No. 30. in iBgaa to male* peparations to pass the oil and extras.—B. O. S nuffer , Agent. tion thereof is made May 23rd, 1907. township No. 1 south, range No. lOwed, an I will H. T. B otts , offer proof to show that the land sought is more Mgtol >» the depths of the mountains. Attorney for Plaintiff. valuable for its tiin‘' *r or stone than for agri­ < After eating our supper we sat around The Independent Church. cultural purposes, an«’ to establish her claim to HUMMONS. tbtlooelv campfire, our thoughts with said land before the County tie k, at Tilla­ •CT little family at home, the youngest TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, mook. Oregon, on Wednesday, the Mth day of August, 1907. She names as witnesses : The Independent Church, like the •ft be four being only one year old. for Tillamook County. George Watkins, of Netarts, Oregon; A. A. A b We were very tired we spread our Equater, is purely imaginary. It is in Miriam L. Colvin. Yager, of Netarts. Oregon ; Hugh Ba her. of Plaintiff, of Netarts, Oregon; I). J Culy, Tillamook, contrast to the |ewish synagogue and BlMlbets and lay down to rest, expecting Oregon. the church of Jesus Christ, in that it Grant Mills vs Iffirtach the ocean next day. and Morrison Any and all persons claiming adversely the Mills, defendants, Mrs. C. It refined during the night, as it ustiallv stands for the communion of the Holy above described land» are requested to file their L. Roberts, substituted as claims in this office on 01 before said Sth day tfiatC fa the mountains, which made it Ghost exclnsivrly. The synagogue had Defendant. of August, 1907. ••comfortable for us. We break- its priests and the Church of Christ its To Mrs. C. L. Roberts, the above named ALGERNON S. D bbsskr . Register. fotacd early in the morning and was disciples, but the Independent Church is defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon : for men who are led by the Spirit. m M s mounted and on our way. The T imber L and A ct , J une 3 M78 —N otice fob You are hereby required to appear and P ublication . “Know ye not that your body is the answer MMMETV was about the same as the day the complaint filed in the above United State« ¡And Office. temple of the Holy Ghost.*’ entitled action on or before the expiration Portland, Oregon, May nth, 1807. The government proposes to enumer­ of six weeks from the date of the first publi­ night we camped at a point Notice ia hereby given that iu compliance cation of this Summons and if you fail )ome time after was named Lin- ate each religious 9ect, but how are we to 1 to so appear and answer for want thereof, with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entiled “An act for the Mie of tim­ lere we procured a small boat know who does and who does not be­ the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the ber lands in the States of California Oregon, peeled three miles by water before long to the Independent church. The relief demanded in tne complaint. The relief Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex­ demanded in the complaint is, that plaintiff bed the bay. After three miles’ man who lives a hermit, who follows the have judgment against you to the effect that tended to all the Public Land States by act of B the bav we first caught a glim- impulse within is as much a member as plaintiff nave and recover the possession of August 4, I892,MATTI E KAMPY, he grand Pacific ; what a glori- though he cried his religion from the an undivided one-sixth interest in and to the Of Elsie, county of (Jlatsop, (State of following described lands, situate in Tilla­ Or«*Kon. has ti ls day filed in this office his t ! It aroused thoughts within house top. “The wind bloweth where it mook County, Oregon, to-wit : statement No. 74*3, for the parchase j of this vast creation, of how listeth,’’ etc., “so is everyone that is Beginning at the South East corner of the sworn E H Sw W and lots 3 and 4. of section 30, and Nathan and Lydia Dougherty Donation of iur Creator must have been in born of the Spirit.” Ne J4 Nw *4 and lot 1. <>f Sec ionj No. 31, iu tp. Laud Claim, in Section 28. Township 1 No 4 north. The Independent Church is the Itilfil’- South Range 8 West W.M. and will offer [this, His foot stool. of Range 9 West of Willamette Me­ proof to show that the land sought is ment of propheev, “ And they shall not ridian, and running thence North 42 rods ; more valuable fo-its timber or stone than for Id not agree with the old lady Ifirst seeing the ocean, exclaimed say every man to his neighbor, ‘Know thence West 20 feet . thence North 65.42 agricultural purposes, and to establish his rods ; thence West 73 rods «nd 13 feet; Be, it is not as large a pond of the Lord,’ for I will write my laws upon thence South 107.42 rods to the South line rlaim to said land before the Register and their minds and upon their heart, and I of said Donation Land Claim ; thence East Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on WndneMay, is I expected to see.” the Tih day of August, 1»7 He names aa feasting on the luxuries of the will be to them a God and they shall be 75 rcxls tc- the place of beginning, containing witnesses . 50 ac«T-s, more or less. Stephen Abrahaniron, of Elsie, Oregon ; Tim we again embarked for home, to me a profile.’’ That plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner Corcoran, of Jewell, Oregon ; Herman Autio. of Independent means standing alone. of the said one-sixth interest in fee simple, re reached in safety, well paid for and that she have and recover from Hamlet. Oregon; August Tokola, of Hamlet, dlous trip to the coast. Please Each member is with himself a church, defendant Oregon. sum of two hundred and fiftv imbued with the grace of Jesus Christ dollars as the Anyfcud all persons claiming adversely the I difference of then and now. her damages for the detention of above-described lands are requested to file their possession of said property f<»r the last claims in this office on or before said 7th day ■feried Captain W.D. Stillwell, of and the love <»f God and the communion the of the Holy Ghost. A thousand vessels four years, and for the costs and disburse­ of August, tyrj- ok county, a pioneer and Indian crossing the Equater would all differ in ments of the action. A lgkrnon S. D resser , Register. This order is published by order ofthe Beran, on the 16th Nov., 1901, just where it was located, yet each reck Honorable H F. Goodspeed, County Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, made on the ons from where he imagines the Equater T imber L and A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice Hives her. 23rd day of May. 1907. directing publica­ for P ublication . tion of summons to be made against the Mill well was a bright, intelligent to be United State* Land Office. Circumcision was one <»f the marks of defendant, and date of the first publication Portland. Oregon, May 7th, 1907. Mctive in mind and body, with th« Jewish svnagogue and baptism one thereof is made May 23rd, 1907. Notice ia hereby given that In eomplianee H. T. B otts , with the provisions of the act of Congress of Bd memory. She was personally of the requirements of th** Church of Attorney for Plaintiff. June 3rd. I878. entitled An act for the sale of ‘ rhe kingdom of God is within Bed with all the pioneers of Ore Christ. timber lands in the States ot California, Ore you.** gon, Nevada and Washington Territory, aa ex GUARDIAN ’ S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. bo held her in the highest esteem, tended to all the Public Land States by act of Because a thing is invisible it is no rea­ August 4th. t 892, dag her residence in Yamhill was son *hat it does not exist. Electricity N otic ■ is Htsm G ivbm .—That the IDA F. CHRIHTIANSEN, talite generally in the Willamette has always been, but it is only of late undersigned gnardian of the estate of Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of WARREN SEVERANCE and LOGAN Oregon, has thia dav field in this oflee that we have become acquainted with She was a good wife and a fond SEVERANCB, minors, oersuant to an order her sworn statement No 7407, for the purchase its power. God has always been a spirit, of the County Court of the State of Oregon, of the Se 14 of Ne %, of Sec No. 3s, in Tp. No. 3 sto her children, aa well as a dear but it was kept a fecret until the day ol for Tillamook County, made and entered o» north, range No. 9 we«t. and wl l offer proof ■ those who had the pleasure of pent »cost. The Independent Church is record on *he Sth day of June. 1907. will on to show tliat the land sought is more valuable and after the 12th day of July, duly sell at ila timber or stone than for agricultural faintance. She was a member of for men who are susceptible to the private sale, at the p<»st-office in Tillamook for rmrpose». and to establish her claim to »aid in said county and state, all ofthe real ana before the County Clerk of Tillamook B. church from girlhood, bringing spirit, regardless of his opinion, of God City, the Father and hie son Jesus Christ, and property of said minors situated in said County. Ore., at Tillamook City, Oregon, on rr with her when she crossed the all the questions that were raised by the county and state and described as Lots 18 Tuesday, the 6th day of August, 19D;. She and 19. in Block 1. in A A. Miller s addition names as witneaaaa br Oregon. lew tab priest and tl»e disciples of Christ to Tillamook City, upon the following terms, Albert Crawford, of Nehalem, Oregon; Charles Handy, of Nehalem. Oregon Alex Mcl>onald, Although the Iodependent Church is to-wit : Cash ■BiHins were taken to Newberg Said sale made «abject to the eonSrelation { of Nehalem. Oregon ; IL V Alley, of Nehalem, Slav, to the buried with her first universal, there is bound to be a racial of the said County Court. Oregon. distinction. Dated June 8th. 1907. Any and all persons claiming adversely the L where the funeral service and A. W SEVERANCE. abnve-dewrlbed land« are requested to file The Independent Church will encour-' Guardian of the Estate of Warren their claim« it. this office on or before said 6tb ■t will take place on Friday. age the right use of wine and woman. Severance and I ogan Sever­ d«7 of August |r/>7. ance, Minors. A lg b a a on B. DaaascB, Register Ive below a brief sketch written Every church opposes drunkenness and HEADQUARTERS FOR F DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. „JQ We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES $ Agents for the Great Western Saw. ALEX The Most II McNAIR CO., Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County T imber L and A ct , J unk 3 ^7*.— N otice ro* P ublication United States Land Office, Portland, Ore. April 20th, I907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory.’’ as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1892. LILLIAN PARE, Of Hobsonville, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 7381, lor the purchase of the Se of Se Ji of section No. 14. in Township No. 2 north. Hauge No. 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuuble for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish het- claim to said land before the County Clerk. at Tillamook, Oregon, on Tues­ day, the 9th day of July, 1907. She names as witnesses : D. A. Simmons, of Bav City, Oregon; Julius Erickson, of Hobsonville, Or« gon , Joe Price, ofHobsonville, Oregon; William Watt, of Biy City, Oregon. Any and all persons c’ainiiiig adversely the above-described lands are lequested to file their clainis|in this office on or before said 9th day of July, I907. A lgernon S D resser . Register. L and , J unk 3. 1878. N oti r for Pl’BLICAT’ON. United States Land Office, Portland, Ore., April 20th, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the art of Congress of June 3. 18,8, entitled " An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Tet ritory,” as ex­ tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. JOSEPH DURR ER. Of Tillamook county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7388. for the purchase of the Lots 1 and 2, of Section No. 31, in Tp. No. 2»outh.iange No.8 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Ore., on Tuesday, the 9th day of July, 1907. He names as witnesses : Ira J. Ea4 and N % of Sw ’4 of Section No. 10, in Township No. 2 north, Hauge No io west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor ita timber or stone than for agricultural tmr- posex, and to establish his claim tosaidlatid Lafore the County Clerk at Tillamook, Oregon, on Friday, the 6th day of September, 1907. He names as witnesses : Henry Tohl, of Nehalem, Oregon; L. A. York, of Nehalem, Oregon ; Hugo Kline, of Nehulem, Oiegon; W. N. Reddaway, of Ne­ halem, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in thia office on or before said 6th day of September. I907. A lgkrnon B. D resbrr , Register. T imber A ct J unk 3. 1878 —N otice for P ublicai ION. United States Land Office, Portland, Ore., May 22nd, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions 4 of Sw J4, of section No. 34, in Tp. No. 2 north, rangeNo. 10 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vshiable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur Gaea, and to establish her claim to said ]Hnd fore ti e t'ounty Clerk, at Tillamook, on Frl day, the 9t'i day of August, I9C7. She names as wltneaM s James C. Bew’ey, of Tillamook. Oregon; Hubert K. Ross, of Tillamook, Oregon; Tneo dore Kingsley, of Tillamook, Oregon; F. R Beals, of Tillamook, Oregon Any and all persons clalnrin4 adversely the ai»ove descril>ed lands are requited tofile their claims in thia office on or before said 9th day of August, I907. A igernon S. D resser , Kegister. T imber L and , T imber L and A ct , J une 3, 1878 -N otice F or P ublication . United States Land Office. Portland, Oregon, Maj 6th, 1907 Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. I878, entitled "An set for the sale of timber lands In the Htate« of California, Ore­ gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ a« extended to all the Public Land Blates by act of At gust 4. «89*. FRED L. F0RM.UND Of Tillamook, county of Th.amook. State of* Oregon, has thi« day filed 111 thi» office his v orti statement No. 7406, for the purchase o« the S % of Nw U. of section No. 20, in tp. No 1 M. rsnge No 8 W. arid will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim to «aid land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook City. (»re., on Friday, the 9th day ot Aug"«* ’'X*' He names as witnesses Wesley McMillan, of Tillamook Oregon; William J Himes of Tillamook Or ; Thomae Ro«« of lillamook, Or. ; Charles Himes, of Tillamook, Or. Any and all person« claiming adversely the above described lands are reqnestad to file their clsims in thi« office on or before «aid 9th day of August, 1U77 ▲u«EBRON B. Dxutu, Register. T imber L and , A ct J une 3BD, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . United States Land Office. Portland, Ore., June 5th, 1907 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tbs provision« of the act of Congress of June 3, IA78, entitled " An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oiegon, Nevada and Washingt<*n Territory," as ex tended to al! the Public l^nd States by act ot August 4, 1892. JOHN P WAGNER, Of Forest Grove, county of Washington, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hia sworn statement No 7449 for the purchase of E H of Se *4, Section il, and W % of Sw of Section No. IX in tp. No. 2 north, Range No. 10 went and will offer proof to »bow that the laud sought in more valuable for its tim­ ber or stone than for agricultural purtxse», ami to establish hi« claim to Mid land before the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook City, Ote. on Friday, the 6th day of September, I907 Re names as witnesses Henry Tohl. of Nehateni, Oreron ; Hiram Perry, Nehalem. Oregon R P. York, Nehalem, Oregon . J. D Caples. Nehalem. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adveraelv the atxn-e described lands are requested tofile their claims in »his office on or before aatd 6th day ol ptember, J907. A Lus knor b. U bsmkb , Register.