TILLAMOOK 9 Advertising Rates, I. bgal ADVKBTIbMIC.VTS : First Insertion, per line I Each subsequent insertion, line. ' Business and professional cards, gjg -1 month .................................... Homestead Notices........................ •Timber Claims................................ ctds, per line euch insertion ... ¡play advertisement, an inch. Bhtnonth ................... ............. f- Aft {teeolutions of Condolence and LodgApotices. 5c. per line. A-ards ot Thanks. 5c. per line. Notice». Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., minimum rate, 25c. not exceeditg five lines. ^Ije |UIamook PLAN GIGANTIC BEACH RESORT IN TILLAMOOK. Capitalists to Build Coast Playground — Mecca for Tourists of the World. WORK IS ALREADY BEGUN Long Looked for Development of Tillamook Bay, Only 57 Miles from Portland, is Assured (From the Oregonian ) Portland is to have a seaside resort ol world • wide reputation, within two hour, and a half ride bv railroad, onl) 57 miles due west of the heart of the city. Gigantic in proportions ; magnificent in possibilities and striking in its relation to Portland, to the Northwest and to the United States, is the undertaking that is about to be launched. California may have the better Winter climate , may deserve the wonderful pat­ ronage that is bestowed uponit bv tour ists, but it is realized that the Coast of Oregon is superior in point of Summer climate, acenery and healthfulness. to any other location on earth. Hence, the stupendous project that certain ex­ perienced and well-informed men have essayed to carry to completion. What it never has had before, what it has always yearned to possess ; what It knows, that it moat urgently needs. Porffand is actually to have—a seaside resort that will excel anything that has ever been known on this coast or any other ; a great double beach, where it will be only a stone'» throw from the tumbling ocean surf to the warm placid waters ofbeautiiul Tillamook Bay. Million« are Available. Million, of dollars mav be needed to establish it. Millions are ready. Thous ands of minor details will have to be worked out to build it. They are being worked out rapidly. Experience of the highest type will lie required to direct it It is forthcoming A location surpass ■ ng anything in the West has been wait ing foryeats for just such a development as is now projected Not a stone has been left unturned. Working quietly, persistently and effectively, men of wide knowledge of these matters are now about to begin the practical operation of a plan that has occupied their atten­ tion for five years. fibserving carefully tho various fea f ures that have made the Atlantic and Ca lifornia beaches what they are, these men have come to Portland equipped to launch a senside resort proposition that is not onlv ot interest to Portland hut to the entire United States and prac­ tically the whole world ; a seaside play ground that looks forward to the plea »lire of entertaining the best people from the best nations of the earth. It is pro­ posed to make this resort so popular and well known that tourist travel will be diverted from the California coast to Oregon »bores ; to make it one of the greatest advertisements that thrNorlh- west has ever had. true that not alone the climate, nor the I scenery nor the natural advantages of these place« have tempted the wealthy people of the world to California. It has been of unceasing energy and the untir­ ing advertising effort of these people. Possessing far less meritorious advant. ages than doe» Oregon, their unquench­ able euthuaiasm and local pride haa hesi­ tated at noitnng (holt of the miracu­ lous. Portland’s Turn at Last. Now it is Portland’s turn. With resources that are not rivalled in the world, backward only as a result of natural inaccessibility, Oregon's shore, have really been re discovered by the originators of this mighty project. They are comparatively new comers to the Rose City and are about to give to Port­ land what Portland has yearned for, these many years. Oregon has the best Summer climate in the world. This is unusually and exceptionally true of the Coast country. Where one person visits the seashore now, inaccessible as it is, thousands will lie attracted when the Lytle road is completed. Bayocean Park, as the new resort will be named, will have a lar greater significance to the pro. pie of the Northwest and all northern climates than California has for the class of people it attracts When a man be gins to think of a retreat for the Sum mer, he shuns hot climates, the fierce sun’s rays and intolerable climatic condi­ tions. He seeks a place where there is ideal climate. California rnay have some justice in its claim for a Winter climate, but a discriminating seeker for a Summer home, if he is in his right mind, will never attempt to compare it with the glorious weather along the Oregon coast. There is no place in all the world that possesses the advantages in this respect that will be found just a few miles directly west of this city. Undertake Tremendous Task. The building of an elegant resort like this is a task that would appear mountainous to most people, but it is firmly believed that, once established. Bayocean Park will advertise itself ; that the gieal compelling feature that built up Los Angeles, that of one friend writing and talking to another, will do more for Bayocean Park and Port­ land than any other plan that could ever be conceived. Bayocean Park comprises ail of the Tillamook peninsula. It lias over seven miles of beautiful water front on the ocean and bay Both beaches are of hard, white sand, with scarcely a pebble stone to break their even surface. This admits of ideal surf bathing on the ocean side. On the bay side the sands are warmed by the sun’s rave when the tide is out, making bathing there delighful. as the temperature of the water is 15 to 20 degrees higher than on the other side. At the ebb of the tide there is a stretch of solid sand beach, three quarters of a mile wide, forming a picture of such gran, deur as to captivate the spectator. Twelve or more streams enter Til­ lamook Bay, each one of which teems with trout. The bay is landlocked and is always safe for yachting and aquatic sports ot all kinds. It is one of the most pleasurable canoe spots to be toiind anywhere. Coupled with these features will be the establishment of such outside sports as golf links, teu- uis grounds, speedways, automobile tracks and opportunities that will ap peal to every class of people. Nothing lias been overlooked, in this grand and mighty effort to establish by mail's had a complete resort that will liar tnonixe with the magnificent oppor­ tunities that have been provided by Nature herself. The wherewithal id abundantly present. HEADLIGHT, JULY 4, ferred his efforts to California and other (>oints. He platted and sold out the Reis tract, one of the biggest sub­ urbs ever known in San Francisco, selling 2350 lots in four months, Ar. Francisco, leta Park, south of Ban “ comprising 2000 lots,'was also quickly disposed of. Properties of equal mag nitude were handled at other points. Kansas City uas his next field of op­ erations, where he purchased a square mile of the best residence«! property in the city, known as Marllairo’igh Heights. This is a high grade proposi­ tion, designed to appeal only to the well-to-do. His success in this under taking is shown by the fact that he disposed of fl40.000 worth of property on opening day. The lots are still in great demand and not a home has been built on the tract that cost less than |5O()O. These are the ty pe of men who have put through many of the big­ gest suburban rea’ty propositions ever known in this country; the type of men that have taken unto themselves the heroic task of promoting and build ing what is expected to be the world’s most famous “innmer resort at Port land’s very threshold. Mr. Potter has «he reputation among bis friends of never having touched an investment that has not forged to the front, an unqualified success. It is said »hat his greatest accomplishments are due to th** that his observa­ tions are wondeifully discriminating: (bathe is quick to grasp opportunities for development and that his subse qiient action is quick, well-directed and gets results. It is Paid of him that he has enabled more people to make more money in suburban realty than any other individual in the United States. Local Men Interested Mr. Chapin, who will be the assistant manager of this broad enterprise, is the same kind of a man. The two form a combination that gives promise that their present plan will work through to the highest degree of success. Such are the two men, who are back of Bayocean Park with unlimited re­ sources If a million dollars is need­ ed it is forthcoming If more, more is available. That an establishment of these pro portions will be well patronized is a Portland people foregone conclusion. love the Pacific ocean and its greatest drawback has always been its inaeces siblity. The most attractive spots have been in the most out of-the-way places, 'they have been reached by in­ adequate steamboat service, generally unreliable and seldom running on schedule time. The establishment of rail connection between Portland and a nearby coast resort will obviate this difficulty and serve to quickly develop the most favorable portion of the Ore­ gon shore of the Pacific. It is un doubtedly a movement of great ah. sorbing interest to every citizen of Portland and the State of Oregon. It deserves the cordial and unqualified support of every one interested in this great commonwealth. 1907 The Oregon Cheese Co.,Incorported, IS prepared to buy all the first class cheese that comes along Spot cash and highest price. Factory men will do well to see R. Robinson, the mana­ ger, before selling. He will be in Tillamook a good part of the time dur­ ing the season. Only the best stock 'van ted. THE OREGON CHEESE COMPANY, 126 Fifth Street, Portland. Reference, Tillamook County Bank T T T. BOTTS, A • ATTORNEY-AT-L*, Complete set of Abstract gj in office. Taxes paid for Residents. r Office opposite Post Offici Both phones. St COOPER, H. to : A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook , °»Hcq, C arl haberlach J It Gr th. attorney - at - law , buck nt, geitiachFr Office across the street and north J The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, T. J. P. ALiliEN, Proprietor. H. GOYNE, i A ttorney - at -L aw . Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. 1 the Post Office. Office : Opposite Court HoJ T illamook , O regoh . ’ You Use Them. We Sell Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. Fir and Spruce Lumber. A. W. SEVERANCE, A ttorney - at -L aw , O regoj .H T illamook Q H. UPTON, Ph. G.,M,J P pysician AND S urgboh . Office first door East of F. |i Beals’ office. Spruce and Cedar Shingles. Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty. Urders for Lumber promptly attended to. Long Live The King! is the popular cry throughout European countries; while in America, the cry of the present day is “Long live Dr. King’s New Discovery, King of Throat and Lung Remedies!” of which Mrs. Julia Ryder Paine, Truro, Mass, says: “It never fails to give immediate relief and fo qui klv cure a cough or cold.” M»s. PROPRIETOR Paine’s opinion is shared by a majority of the inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs ami sore throats after all other remedies have failed; and for coughs and colds it’s the proven remedy. Guaranteed by Fine Mountain Climbing. Chas. I. Clough, druggist. 50c. and South ot and immediately adjoining |1.00. Trial buttle tree. Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. the piopertv will be found the grandest of opportunities for mountain climbing, Sunny Mead Addition to Tilla Fine Machine Work a Specialty. exploring, bunting, camping and fish­ tnook City. ing. The rough contour of this land is strikingly picturesque». It ascends pre­ The W. S. haves' five acre tract, con­ cipitously from the very southern edge of Bayocean Bark. Right from the tracted tor by the Tillamook Real Estate Company, will be platted and placed on water line, one approaches rugged to the market. All lots sold on contract rocksand foreste that use abruptly ' The coast to be delivered |ulv 1st, 1907. Advance an elevation of 700 feet line is rough, ragged and rocky, and sale now on. Lots cheapest and best of Include« Entire Peninsula. any in Tillamook. Call and see the The entire peninsula that encloses and indented with large caves, penetrating plats at the Tillamook Real Estate forms Tillamook Bay is the chosen loca­ hundreds of feet into the rucks. The Company’s office ; or E R. Beal’s office. tion of this resort. Every foot of land upper land is covered with large, beau. on the west side of the bar, from the tiful trees. Ferna of scores of species Notice northern point to its base, ha» been pur­ abound. At the water » edge, when the chased. it is now being platted under tide is out, lovers of odd specimens of Notice is hereby given that S.V. Airder the direction of the most competent en­ sea nines, star fish and sea uichins can gineers. A commanding site has been find them by hundred», clinging to the son has rented the past ore on a parcel of land situated in township 2 S, 8 west; rocks. Only a half mile south is Capa reserved tor a magnificent hotel. Golt also in township 1 S.8 west, and has all We can furnish all kinds of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, links, tennis grounds, baseball diamonds Mears Light At Bay City, just across the bay rights to the same as long as owned by and enchanting automobile driveways Gin and Kum at wholesale prices. the present owners. M ary H. W est . from Bayocean Park, a wharf has al. have been laid out. Interesting residence Send us jour orders. We ship in plain cases and prepay freight. location» have been platted with dis- ready been built. The tracks of the crimination and taste, born of the up. Lytle road will run on a trestle out in Read over our price list and mail us your orders. Money refunded if goods The Huock-out Blow. predation of the beet there is elsewhere. the water, and this wharf crosses it are not satisfactory. All orders will be treated strictly confidential. Natural site« will be preserved, and this quite a distance from the shore. Pas­ Ths blow which knocked out Corlntt We ship fill our goods C.O.D . or you can make remittance with your order. sengers arrivi arriving by train will alight was a revelation to the prize fighters. remarkable strip of land has hundieds of seng«rs ‘ 1, where they will be met From the earliest days of the ring the them, giving this beach a vast advant at this wharf, WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS : age over California resort». Shade tree» by launches from Bayocean I’m k knock-out. blow was aimed for the jaw 12Qts. Gallon, ot great size abound. Gorgeous displays landings and taken across the bay in the temple or the Jugular vein. Stomach 12 quarts Sheehan's Private Stock. Rye or Bourbon. . $8.00 of natural foliage spread their entranc­ less than 15 minutes. It I» estimated punches were thrown In to worry and $3.00 12 quarts Tillamook Rye and Bourbon ........................ . 850 ing luxuriance almost to the water's that the entire trip from Portland to weary th« fighter, but If a scientific man 3.25 12 quarts Delaney's Malt Whisker ............................ Bayocean Park will not require o,er . 8.00 edge. Promotors and originators ol had told one of the old fighters that tho 3.00 12 quarts Gordon White Rre Whiskey .................. . two and a halt hours, including the 8 00 similar projects in Southern California most vulnerable spot was the region of 3.00 12 quarts Old Gold Bourbon Whiskey ........................... launch ride. 7.50 would he willing to spend millions of the stomach, he’d have laughed at him 2.75 12 quarts Crescent Rve Whiskey .......................... 7.\L dollars to possess the advantages which Personality of Backers. 7.50 for an Ignoramus. Dr. Pierce Is bringing 2.75 12 quarts Old Port Wine ..................................... 77? 3.50 Nature has so abundantly bestowed 1.25 Naturally one of the interesting and he ,to t^e public a parallel fact; that 12 quarts Old Sherrv Wine....................................... upon this fortune-tavored peninsula. 3 50 •» the most vulnerable organ 1.25 important features of the establish, ,h 12 quarts Old Angelica Wine .............................. 7777' out of Mie pf\e ring as well as In IL We 3.50 1.25 Two and a Half Hours' Ride. ment of a tremendous enterprise of 12 quarts Old Muscat Wine.............................................. protect pur.haa . throats, feet and lung«, 3 50 ................. 1.25 And all of this is tn lie within two and this character is the personality of Its . but 12 quarts Old Madeira Wine....................................... the 3.50 e are utterly indlffer- 1 25 projectors. T. B Potter, president and one-hell hours from Portland. 12 quarts Sweet Catawha Wine ......................... 7.7.77 ent to, i 4 50 1.75 This most attractive vacation spot, general manager of the T. B. Potter and knocks us out' finds the solar plexus 12 quarts Sandusky Port Wine................................. 4 50 Make your stomach 1.75 ech|»nng all the resorts for tourist travel Realty Company of San Francisco and 12 quarts Old Tom Gin ............................................ 7.7." 8.00 3.00 in Europe, excelling anything on the At Kansas City is to be genera) manager 12 quarts French Cognac............................ ...77 9 00 3.50 lentic Const and outstripping the best of the big resort and is one of the 12 quarts California Grape Brandy .............. 8 00 3.00 on the Pacific shores is to be only a bit principal hackers of this huge scheme. 12 quarts Stanford 3A Rye........................... .777 11.00 4 00 over a couple of hours' ride from the Nir. Potter is president ot one of the 1'2 quarts Rainier 3A Bourbon ................ .77.7 11.00 strongest and most successful firms 4.00 very heart of this citv. E. E. Lytle.who 12 quarts Mom.gr im O. P. S. Rye or Bourbon .777.7 dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad. thin and ’ Im ­ 12 00 of subdividers in the United State». 5.00 is building the Pacific Railway & Navi 12 quarts Rock and Rte .................................... pure blood and other diseases of the or­ 6 00 2.25 gallon Company's line, states that he is Many of hi» smaller operations are gans 12 quarts Peach and Honey ................... ..77777777 " of digestion and nutrition. 6.00 2 25 under obligations to complete the road familiar to Portland people. These, 12 quarts Milhiew Whiskey, bottled in bond .....7777 Tho-Golden Medical Discovery • ha« a 10.00 3.50 next year, and places himselt on record however, are smell oouipaied with the curative effect upon all mucous Remember, we refund you vour money and repay freight both wav. if by savins that his trams will be able to transactions in other cities, although specific are not sati.factorv. We are exclusive „holexak"deafer, 8 ap Mil our goXS surface* and hence cures catarrh, no run to Tillamook Bavin less than two they were of considerable local im­ matter «here located or what «tag» It wholesale prices. Nothing but the best. gooos ax and a hall bouts from the heart of Port portance. Mr Potter first recognized the ex­ may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh It land. Address all Orders to Is well to cleanse the passages with Dr The Lytle road already has 16 miles ol cellent leaident opportunities along the its line in operation between Hillsboro Mount Scott car ¡ins five years ugo. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy fluid while using the "as a constitutional rem­ and Buxton A contract was let early At thu time he was associaiej with II. edy. "Discovery H hp the "Golden Medical Discov­ in the Spring to the Portland Bridge L. Chapin in this city. When it was ery” cures catarrhal diseases, as of the Company for the building of 20 miles only a stretch of heavy timber then» bowels, bladder and other pelvic from Tillamook City north Tart ol gentlemen platted this property, opened stomach, this road from Tillamook Citv to Rav it for sale and noon developed a busy, organs will be plain to you If you will Wholesale Liquor Dealers, City will be ready for rolling »lock by well.populated neighborhood In fact, read a booklet of extracts from the writ­ ings of eminent medical authoriUea, en­ the first of October, while the entire 20 so rapidly has this district developed dorsing its ingredients and explaining w. miles, it 1« believed, will be running ht that the railroad company has found e assort esses, if desired ; yon can take a. many bottle, of any kind a. yon wish the first of the year. Next year bv this it difficult to take care of the traffic their curative properties. It Is mailed on request Address Dr R.V Pierce. time, Mr. Lytle fully expects that hi» No part of Portland ha» shown a more Ar, road will enter Portland over its own rapid growth This has been their spe Buffalo. N. Y. Thia booklet gives all the entering Into Dr. Pierce's tracks its present terminal facilities eial line. Vernon. Ina Park, Lester Ingredient« Centrally boeated. Rates, $1 Pep day I Park and Elberta, properties of the medicines from which It will be seen that being provided bv the Southern Pacific Manv people have marveled time end same type, were marketed by Mr they contain not a drop of alcohol, pure, again at the tremendou» patronage that Chapin while Mr. Potter was in the triple refined glycerine being used Instead. Dr. Pierce’s treat thousand-pate Hint- has been attracted to Loe Angeles and •outh. The rame plans were success­ Common S‘nV AdvlW ths California beaches It is true that fully followed. will be sent free p?per-bound, for 21 one- _ J**’ KARSEN, Proprietor. the Winter climate of that country is the Gigantic Suburban Deal. í block South of P.O' W. G. HARRIS, M ] J