Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 27, 1907, Image 4

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Editorial Snap Shota.
What shall we call it ? Why, that it
easy. The Brain Storm Honk Line ! OÍ
« * «
A notice was posted at the Allen house
that Kollie was going to run a automo­
bile between this city and Sheridan. And
Geo. W. Grayson wrote under this 25
stage horses for sale.
M * *
Cows in Tillamook have been bringing
their owners over $10 a month for seve­
ral months past. Let’s see. How much
a month did thev bring in under the last
democratic administration ?
* * M
Wages away up, how manv working
men are there in Tillamook county who
want to go back to democratic hard
times wages ? Let those who want hard
times pile into the democratic band
» ♦ *
How does it come about, Bro. Botts,
that Bro. Wiley is reported by the Port-
land newspapers to be Mayor of Tilla­
mook City ? Sue them, Bro. Botts, for
$5.000.and we will divyup with your for
giving this fool advice.
w * *
It is reported to us that some parties
have been talking of egging thecity mar­
shal. It is onlv the lawless element that
would do such a thing as that, for to
molest a peace officer ik a serious offence
the lawless had better figure out before
they attempt such a thing. Bnt if they
want to butt up against the strong arm
of the law and public indignation let
them come out into the open and start
in at once.
* * *
To ask a Tillamook dairyman to vote
for a democrat or a democratic ticket i.
tantamount to making him take 10c. a
pound (or hi» Sutter fat under a demo,
cratic administrating and »hutting him
off from getting 35c a pound under a
republican admioiltration.
When the
dairymen of this county see a lot ol de­
mocrats buzzing around with the glad
again, wanting to get into office, think
abott democratic and republican price»
for butter fat when vou cast your vote.
And now Tillamook, thelast county in
Oregon, has a paper, and will soon take
the stand to which she is entitled among
the counties of the state. The Headlight
was received with all the enthusiasm
usually connected with the first paper in
a town. The proprietors return thunks
to every citizen in Tillamook for work
rendered in moving in their plant. They
also acknowledge the receipt of boquets,
strawberries and cream and also a big
strawberry, •‘seven inches in diameter
and lour inches in circumference ” The
usua ! number of subacribers walked into
the office and iubaciibed for the paper,
and plank down the cash. The editor
gives notice that he will soon begin to
review the lives of the old settlers of
Tillamook, some of whom have been
there for forty years. A stray horse is
Advertised lor, with aii anchor branded
on his shoulder, and 30 feet ol rope at
He is probable a species of
marine aquine, and is doubtless riding at
his anchor down about Dry Stocking
Mr. Cohn states that the contract has
l>een let for a $4000 court house and a
$2500 school house, which shows the i
good effect of having a newspaper there.
Immigrants are coming in. four big
wagon loads arriving a dav or two since
from Umatilla county, having been scared
out by the tallr ol free wool. They will
find claims much more plentiful in Tilla­
mook than Umatilla, and will enjoy the
_____ ___________
One of the Oregon Girls gives an
Account of the Trip East.
I would like to thank the kind friends
who helped tue to win the ” Pacific
Northwent” trip east, and give them a
description of the trip through your
We meet at the Imperial Hotel in
Portland on the morning of May 21st.
The Hazelwood Creamery Co. gave us a
very nice lunch and took us through
their creamery ; it was very interesting
to see the work, especially to the girls
who had never been in a creamery be­
fore. We then went to Council Crest,
where we had a very pleasant time and
returned just in time for the banquet
» * *
given by tlio Cotniaerc'al Club, to winch
We notice that all the truant wive» are we had been invited.
getting back to their husbands, but the
We left Portland about 8 o'clock that
snap shot man is still left iu the widder evening for the East, over the Union
class, and if the editor of our contempo­
rary was in the same fix he would he say
There were only fourteen in the party
ing he was discriminated against. There when we left Portland, but at Ontario.
is more in this discrimination than one Ore., three more joined us.
imagines. One night the snap shot man
Our train was
late getting into
felt lonesome and blue and he made a Chicago, so we had to wail there about
raid on the family medicine chest, dis­ three hours before going on to Wash­
criminating against every decoction but ington, One of the railroad agents look
one, for the bottle with the "soothing us out to see some of the sights of the
syrup" is now dry.
city, amiafler we hud been gone quite a
* * *
while he discovered Ins time was a little
According to some of the pessimists slow, and that we did not have quite
who see prospects of towns springing up time lo catch our train, so lie telephoned
in other parts of the county, are saying to the depot for them to hold the tram
that the bottom is going to drop out of for us. They held it six minutes. That
Tillamook City. Bab ! That is what was a very unusual thing tor them to do,
the same people predicted when local op. as it was a fast through train.
lion carried, hut business has been on the
We arrived in Washington, D.C., lute
jump ever since and will continue on the in the afternoon of May 26 A b we were
jump until the population is doubled in all tired we did not go any place that
a few years The Headlight is wanting evening.
to see other towns spring up in different
The next morning we had a three
parts of the countv, for it will help Tilla­ hours’ automobile ride around thecity.
mook City. And, besides, we predict Washington is a very beautiful place.
that it will have a tendency to bring to­
During lunch that noon a very hard
gether the two factions in the interest of thunder storm came up. but the sky was
the city. No set ol pessimists can keep soon Clear again and we went to Mt.
Tillamook Ajtv or Tillamook County Vernon to visit Geo. Washington s old
from growling, for there is going to he a home. Or. our way to the boat we
steady, gradual growth in all parts of passed several parks and many branches
the county from
on and liy people of the trees had been twisted off by the
who will put ne^^Mr and energy into storm. Some trees were broken, and
this rich, undeveq^B section ol Oregou. three trees were turn up by the roots.
* * *
We were told it was the hardest storm
As there appears to be a question as they had had there for neveral years.
to the legality of the marriages perform­ While we were at Mt. Vernon another
ed hv the Rev. A. E. Wingert, the three storm came up and we all got quite wet
couples he married ought not to have going back to the boat.
President and Mrs. Roosevelt were ut
any objections to getting married again,
provided their friends will duplicate tlie Mt. Vernon while we were there, and
wedding presents. We don't know whe several of the girls saw the President,
ther it is good luck or not to be married but I did not.
That evening Senator Bourne took
twice, hut there is a novelty about it
which the contracting parties will never dinner with us, and we visited the C'on-
forget. We know this, it is said of those greseional Library. The next morning
who get married on Saturday that they we went to the Market and through the
do not have time to repent before the U.S. Treasury Building, and in the after­
week ia over. It is hoped that neither of noon we were received by the President
the parties interested have repented, for al the White House, aud were shown
it is more than probable that their first through several of the rooms, among
marriages are binding. It is a good them being the state dining room. It
many years since the snap shot man was through Senator Bourne that we
vowed that he would ‘‘love, honor and were allowed in these rooms.
We then went to Washington’s monu- I !
cherish,” and if by some lechnicalitv, wr
had to go through the ceremony again ment. That evening we took the beat I
with the same individuals, we don't for Fortress Monroe, arriving there on
think w« would have any objection pro­ the morning of May 29th, We stayed
vided the honeymoon trip was part of there until about 11 a.in.. w hen we went
the program. We mention this simply over to the Ja.ueetown Exposition. We
that the newly married voung woman were only there about three hours and
may insist mi woman's rights of having saw all of the fair we cared tq see in its
another honeymoon if the marriage cere­ unfinished state.
mony ia to be performed again.
That evening wo started for New York
by boat and arrived there at 3 p.in. the
The Atlantic was very
Headlight’s 20th Birthday next
smooth, and we had a delightful trip.
No one was sea sick.
The Headlight entered upon it. 20th
We had a three hours’ automobile ride
year on the Nth June, .nd notwithstand­ tn New York, visited the New York
ing that it ha. undergone manv vici.ti Stock Exchange and many other places
tudea and met with determined opposi­ of interest. We were in New York two
tion at times, it i. .till healthy, strong, days, and also in Chicago two days. We
vigorous, fearless and outspoken, ever had a long automobile ride in Chicago
ready to champion the cause of the peo and saw many Interesting things.
pie. It has played an important part in
The next place we stopped was iu
the upbuilding of the countv. as well as Buffalo The first day we went out to
politically and socially. As the county East Aurora, where we were enter­
is now on the eve of a great,transforma tained by Elher Hubbard, Mr. Hub­
tion and induatnal development,with the bard is the founder of the Roy Crofters.
(reimportation problem solved, the duty He is the writer of the " Philistine."
of the Press become" enlarged with these which has quite a wide circulation.
changed condition, for the oft repeated
The next day we went lo Niagara. We
prophecy of the Headlight that Tilla­ were taken through the Shredded l\ heat
mook would liecoiue a great manufactur­ Biscuit Factory. They have a very fine
ing center and the garden spot of Oregon ractory
factory and
ami every tiling
thing is kept very
is about to tie fulfilled in a few years. clean. We were given a nice lunch
The Headlight haa always been a wel­ there, and in the afternoon we went to
come visitor into the homes of the people the Falls. They were a beautiful sight
once a week since it made its first bow
We left that evening for Minneapolis.
to the public, and there are quite a num­ I The International Stock Food Co. gave
ber ol persons who have never missed a I us a four hour ride around the Twin
copy. From Mrs Marr E. Stillwell's Cities, anil then took us lluough their
scrap book we will reproduce this in building.
teresting newspaper clipping
Thirteen of the parly started home the
next morning, leaving four of the party
the East We returned home by the
Canadian 1‘acitlc and reached Seattle
about 10 p m., June 10th, and were to
Mr. 0. Cohn arrived her. on the 8th take the 8 <0 train the next morning for
from Tillamook, via the Maddox stage Portland, but a few uiinutee befoie 8
line over the mountains, and he brought uclock Mr. Bates was told that the 8 40
in a copy of the Headlight, Tillamook’s train left at 8 15. the time had been
new paper, and th. first one ever printed ■ changed a few days before. We hurried
there, of which C. F. Wilson & On. are | and got to the depot just as the gale was
publishers and J B. Edwards editor. It closed. We stood on one side of the
contains the official returns of the late ' gate, the train on the other, but they
election and a lot of local news It is a would not let ua through. Chat was the
rv neatly printed, eight page paper, only lime we lunwetl a train on the trip.
d rrfiecta credit upon all concerned, The next train for Portland left about
r. Cohn ears the first uumber of the 5 p m. So the rally arrived in Portland
issue was put ap to auction and bid off i 1 late Tuesday evening.
by C. B. Hadley for (12. The second
Everyone treated ua flue on the trip
lopy brought only 5 crots, the regular and Mr. Bates certainly understood
how to give us a good time.
We distributed advertising matter of
t’»e s»at 1 at the stations where the train
stopped long enough for us to get off,
and also through the trains. When «e
saw somebody working near the road
we would throw them something us we
pawed, they always picked it up.
The newspaper reporters gave us a
great deal of their time, and things they
could not get us to say they would put
in the paper and put somebody's name
down as having said it.
Thank tug those who aided me in
winning tne trip.
1 am, yourssincerly,
E llen H arrison
June 26th, 1007.
Notice is hereby given that S V. Ander­
son has rented the pasture on a parcel of
land situated in township 2 S, 8 west ;
also in township 1 S, 8 west, and has all
rights to the same as long as owned by
the present owners.
M ary H. W est .
doctors mistakes
A number of farmers have begun cut­
ting hay alreadv, their idea is that not
nearlv so many weed seeds will be ripe
euough to re-sted the ground.
Frank Bester did not succeed in selling
bis herd of link'll cows last Saturday.
Beit Donaldson and wife came in on
Friday from Idaho, where he has been
lor the past two years The boys seren­
aded them on Monday night.
Campers are lieginning to arrive at
Happy Camp and Tom Johnson is put­
ting things m readiness for the summer.
The w riter strent Tuesday at the Camp,
enjoying the sea breeze. It is said they
intend putting m compartment tents at
the camp.
Mrs. A. L. Donaldson's house is being
painted by |a»on I'owell.
It seems too bad that there is such a
scarcity of carpenters in Tillamook, for
Holden & Zieiner cannot get anyone to
work on the factory.
Card of Thanks.
Harris will f$ed Vr*ur team hay nnd
We wish to express <»ur sincere thanks keep then» over night for 50c.
to our many kind friends who helped
take care of our darling child in her
lukuiiyi.1 '¡¡Bis
W . !.. i
sickness and death.
M r . and M rs . F. P. H obson .
Sunny Mead Addition
mook City.
to Tilla
The \V. S. J laves five acre tract, con­
traeteli lor by the Tillamook Real Estate
Company, will be platted and placed on
the market. All lots sold oti contract
to be delivered July 1st, 1907. Advance ..
sale now on. Lots cheapest and best of
any in Tillamook.
Cali and see the
plats at the Tillamook Rea) Estate
Company’s office ; orF R. Beal’s office.
A Fortunate Texan.
Mr. E. W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis
St..Dallas, Tex., says ; “In the pastyear
I have become acquainted with Dr.
King’s New Life Pills, ami no laxative I
ever before tried so effectually disposes
of malaria and biliousness.'' They don't
grind nor gripe. 25c. at Clough's Drug
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm.
It is an antiseptic liniment and pre­
vents blood poisoning resulting from a
cut, bruise or burn. It also causes the
parts to heal without maturation and in
much less time than when the usual
treatment is employed.
It allays the
pain of a burn almost instantly. For sale
by Clough’s Drug Store.
Has the Latest Improved Instru
ments for testing your eyes, and
Can Fit
them with any desired frame or
mounting that best suits vour
fancy. A pair of properly fitted
and adjusted glasses will give vou
much pleasure, as thev look well
and relieve all strain and keep
wind and dust out of
Deafness Cannot
be Cured
by local application», as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu­
tional lemedies. 1» ?afneas is caused by an in­
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflam­
ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect
hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness
is the result, and unless the inflammation can
be taken out and this tube restored to its nor­
mal condition, hearing will be destroyed fo ­
ever, nine cases out of ten ate caused by
Catarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed con­
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
F J. CHENEY & CO., Teledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Remarkable Rescue.
The truth is stranger than fiction,
has once more been demonstrated in
the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the
residence of C. V. Pepper, lie writes :
“ I was in bed, entirely disabled with
hemorrhages of the lungs and throat.
Doctors failed to help me. and all hope
had fled when 1 ‘ began taking Dr.
King's New Disc ery
Then instant
ughing soon ceased;
relief came. ’!
the bleeding di
khed rapidly, and in
three weeki
le to go to work.”
s and colds 50c.
’s drug store. T iim |
ami $1.00,
bottle free
until large bills are
wTong'treatrnenti’but^prol.ably worsff
^¿£r Sr IIV* P" P'”1“ *
¿•;c. rs dnv.. i ’. i TTnovcu the disease, there-
'(nsfff sS Tnt symp­
toms a^)d^Instituting comfort Ins leadI of
prolonged misery.
been wH^aaid.
that "a disuse known is nail ctircu. .
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite ,p"Icr!Ptl.2".lst,5
«/’ipitific medicine, carefully devised by
Siwr^nced and skillful physician,
and adapted to woman’s delicate «J»«®:
It Is made of native American medicinal
roots and Is perfect y hym ey ln. Jg
’’'As »‘powerful Invigorating tonic "Fir
vorite Prewcriptlon ” imparts strength to
the whole system and to the organs dis-
tinctly feminine In particular. For over­
worked. "worn-out,’’ run-down, debili­
tated teachers, milliners, dressmaker.,
seal (stresses, "shop-girls,"house-keepers,
nuveing mothers, and feeble women gen-
em.y.Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
1 the greatest earthly boon being un-
ei ualed as an appetizing cordial and re-
utirative lenfe.
As a sooti.’ng and strengthening nerv-
ne "Favorite Prescription ’’ is unequaled
and is invaluable in allaying andI sub­
duing nervous excitability, Irritability,
nervous exhaustion nervous prostration,
neuralgia, hysteria, spasms. St. Vitus s
dance, and other distressing, neryou»
tymptoms commonly attendant upon
functional and organic ofsease of the
uterus. It induces refresh.. « sleep and
relieves mental anxiety and di ’P°n,
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Fellets Invigorata
the stomach, liver and boweii Ona M
three a dote. Easy to take aa candy.
A fine assortment of Summer
Foot Wear, just received at the
Red Front Shoe Store, consisting
of Ladies’, Gent.’s, Misses and
Children’s Shoes.
May ladies’
patent leather and Vicci French
Kid cannct be beat for fit, finish
and comfort. No paste board coun­
I have also a fine assortment of
Men’s and Boy’s fine Shoes. My
stock of Men’s and Boy’s Work
Shoes, high and low cut, and my
King Logger Shoes are the best in
the city for the price.
The Magic No. 8
Number three i« a wonderful mascot
for Geo. II. Parris, of Cedar Grove. Me.,
according to a letter which reads :
•‘After suffering much with liver and
kidney trouble, and becoming greatly
discouraged by the failure to find re-
lief, I tried Electric Bitters, and as a
result I am a well man to-day. The
first bottle relieved and three bottles
completed the cure.” Guaranteed best
remedy for stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, by Chas. I. Clough, druggist.
TnofhSHrom liver or kld-
J’y Jitsse. another from nervous pros-
Notice is Hereby Given that the
signed, administrator of the Estate of h
L. Wilcox, dreeased haa Ried hi.
account as such administrator, in the Cni
Court of Tillamook County. Oregon . !
said Court basset Monday, the 5th
August, 1907. at the hour of 10 o’clock JV
at the Court House, in Tillamook
Oregon, as the time and place foraffi
ing of objections to said account aute ;
settlement thereof.
Administrator of the Estate of n—
L. Wilcox, deceasedL
No charge for sewing rips on shoes bought of us.
Red Front Shoe Store,
P. F. BROWNE. Agent.
Opened up for Business.
A Full bine of Groceries,
Flodr, Feed, Tinuuare,
and Crockery.
We CUant all Rinds of Produce.
N otic ■ u H bkbby GrvBM -.That iu
undersigned gnardiun of the estat.-
SEVERANCE, minora, nersuant to an ora
of the Countv Court of the State ofOreaA?
for Tillamook County, made and eatenSt!}
record on the 8 th day of June, 1907 will
and after the 12th day of July, duly «ell 2
private sale, at the poat-office'in TillumL1»
City, in said county and state, all ofthe!3
property of said minors situated in ¿u
countv and state and described as Lot« n
and 19. in Block 1, in A. A. Miller’s anitii.
to Tillamook City, upon the following ttr»
to-wit : Cash.
Said sale made subject to the confirmatim
of the said County Court.
Dated June 8th, 1 907.
Guardian of the Estate of Warm
Severance and I ogan Sever-
ance. Minors.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreto.
for Tillamook County.
Miriam L. Colvin.
▼ 8
Grant Mills and Morrison
Mills, defendants, Mrs. C.
L. Roberts, substituted as
To Mrs. C. L. Roberts, the above namri
defendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon •
You are hereby required to appear ud
answer the complaint filed in the abor-
entitled action on or before the expiratioi I
of six weeks from the date of the first pubs. «
cation of this Summons and if you fg |
to so appear and answer for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court forte ’
rebel demanded in the complaint. Thereto^
demanded in the complaint is. that plain!
have judgment against you to the eflectthij
plaintiff have and recover the posseuioad •
an undivided one-sixth interest in and to tit $
following described lands, situate in Tflki
mook County, Oregon, to-wit :
Beginning at the South East corner of te
Nathan and Lydia Dougherty Donat!«
Land Claim, in Section 28. Townahisiffl
South of Range 9 West of Willamette Mt
ridian, and running thence North 42 rod» .
thence West 20 feet ; thence North 65,.
rods ; thence West 73 rods and 13 f«-
thence South 107.42 rods to the Southli
of said Donation Land Claim ; thence Bu-
75 rods to the place of beginning, contain!«
50 acres, more or less.
That plaintiff be adjudged to be the owia
of the said one-sixth interest in fee state
and that she have and recover froj
defendant the sum of two hundred and Mr
dollars as her damages for the detentioni ’■>
the possession of said property forthelu
four years, and for the costs and dinbu»:^
ments of the action.
This order is published by order oftk
Honorable H. F. Goodspeed, CountyJmfcip?
of Tillamook County, Oregon, made ontiuvv
23rd day of May, 1907, directing publto
tion of summons to be made against
defendant, and date of the first publicatia •
thereof is made May 23rd, 1907.
H. T. B otts ,
Attorney for Plaintif
Feed Store Prices :
Process Barley, sack . $ i 25
Shorts, ton
Feed Oats, ton
White River Flour, bbl 4.80
Elotric Bath, nicely fitted up. Good for
persons suffering with rheumatism
New Discovery
for V°L0S
Frw Trill.
Sureut and Quickest Cure for all
At last our stock of Clothing has arrived.
We have everything to suit the most fastidious.
We have suits for the small man, the large man,
built aud stout built.
They have the style, quality and fit.
We have also just received a large shipment of
Furnishing Goods
Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery
Shoes and Hats
Always the best stock on hand.
Grant Mills and Morrison >
Mills, defendants,
nts, Mrs. I
C. L. Roberts, substitu- I
ted as Defendant.
j J
To Mrs. C. L. Roberts, the above ub I,!
defendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear«1
answer the complaint filed in the atafl
entitled action on or before the ex
of six weeks from the date of thefirit
cation of this Summons, and if you fail«
appear and answer for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
relief demanded in complaint ThereW
mandedin the complaint is that plaintii
judgment against you to the effect that
tiff have and recover the possession t
undivided one-sixth interest in and to
following described lands, situate in
mook County, Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at the South East corner o!
Nathan and Lydia Dougherty
Land Claim, in Section 28, To
South of Range 9 West of Willamette
dian, and running thence North 42
thence West 20 feet ; thence North
rods ; thence West 73 rods and 13
thence South 107.42 rods to the Soatll
of said Donation Land Claim ; thenwa
75 rods to the place of beginning, contnl
50 acres, more or less.
That plaintiff be adjudged to be the »J
of the said one sixth interest in fee R—
and that she have and recover
Cendant the sum of two hundred andiT.
dollars as her damages for the detentwi';' •
the possession of said property for
four years, and for the costs and diifc .
ments of the action.
This order is published by order ofJH
j -
Honorable H. F. Goodspeed, County
of Tillamook Countv. Oregon made «BMgjn
23rd day of May, ’ 1907, directing
cation of summons to be made agaiaKW^
defendant, and the date of the firstn,PaM.' “
tion thereof is made May 23rd, 1M"
H. T. B otts . r o | .
In the Circuit Court of the State of OrejR I
for Tillamook County.
Ellen Dougherty
Plaintiff. I
Call and See Us
Olsen Building,
In the County Court of the State of
for Tillamook County.
In the matter of the estate ofi
Nels Sather,
Deceased. '
The undersigned having been a
the County Court of the State _
Tillamook gCounty, Administrator a
estate of NBL8 SATHER, deceased
hereby given to the creditors of,
sons having claims against said
present them varifiea as required
within six months after the first
of this notice to said Raleigh r-
the office of theTillamook HeadnfH
mook, Oregon.
Administrator of the
Nels Rather, deeeaiw
Dated June 6th, 1907.
Department ol the IntsiWj
Land Office »t Portkd
Notice I" hereby given that
KARR, of Hobsonville, Oregon, ha--
of bls intention to make #»al “
proof in support of his claim, -rt
stead Entry No. ljoio, made ’d““
I900. for the K 'i 8w
»• M
tion II, and Nw U Ne ft.
1 north, range 9 west and 1}
will b- made before the Reg"
reiver, at I ortlaud, Oregon, <m
He names the following witneeaeaj
continuous residence upon and
the land, via. :
L, L Smith, of Hobsonvllle. Oref
Ripley, ol Hobsonville, Oregon ; »
»on, of Balm, Oregon ; John® “ -
hale, Oregon
A losrsom s irssaass.