» A I « TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 20. 1907. Editorial Snap Shota. • y satisfaction to know that there is such an overwhelming number of persons in Nehalem who are in favor of a joint high school. This is a case where the majority will have to submit to the will of the minority, which shows that the law is defective and Lacks the democratic principle of majority rule. We ex­ pect to see high schools in the north end and in the south end of the county in a few years, and although defeated by only one vote in one district at Nehalem, the defeated side can take courage, for it is now demonstrated which way public sentiment is fast drilling, mid in another year Nehalem people w ill accomplish their object by leaving out the doubtful district. FRED PIKE KILLS HIM­ SELF. Blows His Brains Ont With a 30-30 Winchester. NEW know of any enemies who would take GOODS ! Pike's life Amo« Vaughn said he baJ been at- A fine assortment of s We extend our congratulations to (be quaintetf with deceased for 26 years. He Foot Wear, just receive J June Brides iu Tillamook county. had been working for Um lately. 1 ike « » » Red Front Shoe Store nJ] told him that lie and hi» wife had had It is a wonder that the atlorueys in What wai at first thought to be a mur­ of Ladies’, Gent.’s, MuJ trouble, and that his wife would not the Haywood case don't claim that der turned out upon investigation to be Children’s Shoes, May j go to the show with him. He »»>•! he Orchard had a brain storm. a premeditated suicide, for Fred Pike patent leather and Vied u did not want to see her mother and Mr. W « » had been found dead outside of bis Conners go with hi« wife, and said he Kid cannct be beat for fit ■ The editor rxtends bis thanks to the house at Bay City between ten and lady who sent him th» choice straw­ and comfort. No paste board eleven o’clock on Wednesday night, shot was going home to settle it one way 01 the other. If everything rig*11, berries. We must admit having a weak­ ters. through tiie head with a bullet from a well a.ul good, hut if »»ol something ness for strawberries and cream. 1 have also a fine assortiJ 30 30 Winchester, with a pool of blood would happen th»* pair of them. He « « « under him and part of hi« brain« scat­ Men ’s and Boy’s fine Shotd It is to be hoped in tbis building com- siiiJ this on Weffiiesday morning while tered about, the weap m which did the stock of Men’s and Boy’s | p 'ny uioyement that after a few years sawing w < mm I, where he talked a good deadly work of tearing a hold through Shoes, high and low cut J one individual won't liog the whole thing, deal to himself. Pike l»U»re go back to her hus­ to be very enthusiastic or energetic in he did not cómmit a double tragedy by be started just as soon as survey will NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOtt extending its road from Seaside into thia similiar work under way at Coos bay first killing his wife, fur he had evidently band. The witness heard Pike thieaten Do Not Neglect the Children. county. Tillamookers still hold out the has been completed. At this acasoii of the year the first un­ Notice is Hereby Given that a. j placed a bullet in his pants' pocket, simi to kill himself about a month ago, when administrator of the b ,,.,.*.! he was feeling bad and he acted as tho­ natural l.Maa-ness of a child'« rio.'ids aigneil. glad band und hope the company hasn't L. Wilcox, deceased, has fi’L"'1 in about a week it is expected the lar to the une which had killed him, for should have immediate attention, the account as such administrator istuj ugh he was despondent. She advised him got cold feet. some purpose. There was no doubt that annual survev of the Columbia River beat thing that can be given is Chamber Court of Tillamook County ’ OsaJ M * W Pike had been brooding over affairs, and to see a ductor. When told by her dau­ lai»’« Colic. Choleia and Diarrhoea said Court has set Monday, ths m H The district attorney of Multnomah bar will be finished, Sufficient sound 1907, at the hour of IO o VI m I ghter that she thought Fred had shot Remedy followed by castor oil hr directed August, at the Court House, in Till»» county having put the lid on arid closed ing have been taken, it is claimed, with poor health, made him despondent, with bottle of the remedy Fur sale by Oregon, as the time and plact himself, witness replied that she did not and in thut frame of mind he committed up saloons in that county Sundays, it is to »how that the depth of wuter on ing of objections to said account ,J think it possible. Witness said she had Clough s Drug Store. settlement thereof. 1 M up to district attorneys»» other counties the bar this year is about 28 feet at the rash act. It seems that the Pikes F. K BBXU haff no trouble with Pike lately and had Administrator of the Batah'n Deafness Cannot be Cured whether they are going to allow the law the low-water stage, as compared with and the Ostranders are not on very L. Wilcox, deceit1 21 feet in June, 1C06. Should this friendly terms and when Mr. and Mrs notgiven-her daughter any advice about by local applications, as they cannot reach the to lie violated any longer. diseaad portion of the ear There is only oue estimate prove true, there is sufficient Ostrander s daughter left home and mar­ separating from her husband. * * * way to cure deafnesa. slid that is by «institu­ GUARDIAN'S SALE OF BKAL J. | Longcor testified to finding the tional remedies D shies» 1« caused by an in- We would like to know where the city amount of water on the bar to accom­ ried Fred Pike it greatly annoyed them, condition of the mucous lining of the body and described its position and that flamed for they did not think the match wai a Eustachian Tube. When ti is tube gets inflam­ Nonce IS H bbbby G ivss - t U marshal was when the editor of our con­ modate a ship drawing 30 feet, and of the rifle, and also identified a bullet ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect undersigned guardian of the J- temporary took a header 01; the side even more, by waiting for flood tides, suitable one for their daughter. SEVERANCB and hearing and when it is entirely closed, deafness WARREN which was found in Pike's pocket, simi ­ is the result, and unless the inflammation can SEVERANCE, minor«, iiernuiit« Coroner Reynolds was notified and walk, for the "cop" ought to have been which increase the depth by eight feet. of the County Court of the State t.e taken out and this tube restored to its nor Ships drawing 26 and 27 feet of immediately set out to investigate, and lar to the one which had killed deceased. mal condition, hearing will be destroyed fo - for Tillamook County, made and na there to help up our distinguished bro­ record on the Sth day of June 190-Z Mrs. Amos Vaughn had talked with ever nine cases out of ten ate caused by ther, who admits that he was loaded water will have no difficulty in getting Thursday morning he held an inquest Cata rh. which is nothing but an inflamed con­ and after the 12th day of July dei,. private «ale. at the po«t-o®evii tu . into the river or crossing out on a oveijtbe remains, as it seemed to be the Pike the previous day, who seemed dition of the mucous surfaces. when he—well, hit the mud. We will give One Hundred Dollars for anj­ City, in said county and state * * * moderate tide, something they haye in piession among the deceased's rela­ badly worried. He tuld her lie could not eas? of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can­ property of said minors sltusttd ? not be cored by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for county and state and described u lx stand it another day.and he said he was It will not be long before there is a de been unable to do for years. tives that someone had shut him. and 19, in Block 1, in A. A. Miller',a circulars, free. mand tor a road from the railway depot E J. CHENEY & CO.. Teledo, O. to Tillamook City, upon the fo.lowini The first witness cilled was Oliver going to settle it. He appeared worried ( Convinced that the south channel to-wit r Cash. Sold by Diuggists, 75c. due south, so as to make a direct road will be the best course for craft to Smith, and lie testified to living at the about xMrs.Ostrander and Conners going Said sale made subject to thecoUiU Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. of the said County Court. for those living south of this city, for it take, the Government has concluded home of C. R. Ostrander, father of the to the show with his wife. He said it Dated June Sth, 1907. will be a waste ol time and cause delays to mark it with buoys as soon as the deceased’s wife, nut far from where Pike would take him a long time to get over He Fired the Stick. A. W SKVBRANCl I Guardian of the Bststeijg ........... -........... - • “I have fired the walking stick I’ve it. Mrs Vaughn and her husband ad- in forcing people tq make a jaunt oyer work can be doDe. For the past and his wife lived, lie heard someone .» Severance and I oguh« the present road to reach the depot. This three months the steamer Columbia knocking on the dour and said to Torn vised Pike nut to say anything that be ^.rri^ over j^ars. on ^couUuf a ance, Minors. , sore that resisted every kind of treat­ will divert the trnvel some—and in the has been taking that course in prefer­ Browne "it sounds like Pike’s wife.” This would he sorry for alterwards. ment, until I tried Uu-klen’s Arnica SUMMONS. Charles Pike, a brother of deceased, Salve; that has healed ;th« sore and direction we have indicated that the city ence to the north channel. Most of was about 10 o’clock. He did not know I I In the Circuit Court of the State oi (hl mads me a happy man, ” writes John Is liable to grow. testified to a threat Mrs. Ostrander had the sailing vessels have—also been what had happened. Went over to Pike’s i for Tillamook County. * « M brought in through the same channel house with Mr. Ostrander and the latter made against his brother because her I Garrett, of North Mills. N C. Guaran. Miriam L. Colvin, ) p Plaintiff, There is very little doubt about the of late. Shippers are anxiously await found the body, which was reclining on daughter had gone off with Fred Pike teed for Piles, Burns, etc., by Chas. I. vs Clough, druggist. 25c. ing the completion of the survev of truthluliiess of Orchard's story, for it is GrAnt Mills and Morrison They did and got married. It was on account ol the bar. If it develops that the chan the east side of the house. Mills, defendants, Mr«. C. generally conceded that he has uncover­ nel has been deipcned by three or lour L. Roberts, substituted as not disturb Pike, for the witness said Fred going back to his wife which had Defendant. ed a long list of terrible crime which not leet during the pist year, they declare there w as no hope, as the bullet had en­ caused trouble bet weem him and Fred. To Mrs. C. L. Roberts, the aborti only implicates Hay wood,Pettibone and that it will mean much to Portland as a defendant : He had never heard Fred threaten to tered the right ear and had come out on In the name of the State of Oregoij Moyer, but it will prove also that the shipping center, and will show that the BARBER 1H0 RXIROHESSEB You are hereby required to appt&j the left side, ranging upwards. He did take his life and he thought his brother jetty is having the desired effect. answer the complaint filed io tit Western Federation of Miners is an or not seo any powder burns on the side of was evenly tempereJ. SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING entitled action on or before the tip] ganization responsible lor the crime, fur of six weeks from the date of the finti Miss Scovell, who rode with Pike from the head. Pike had no shoes ur stock­ FAIRVIEW cation of this Summons and if rd it was money obtained from it which Vaughn's, said Pike was excited and SHAMPOOING, ETC to so appear and answer for w«t ing on when found. It was with great surprise that we kept the assassins going. How the the plaintiff will apply to the CowtiL Mrs. Pike, i\ife of the deceased, was told her that be fell like taking a gun relief demanded in the complaint. Th socialists, and the Appeal to Reason,who received the news of Riley Maxwell's demanded in the complaint ii,tllltlM and blowing his brains out. Electric Baths nicely fitted up.Good fo> marriage to Miss Lizzie Lucas, But the put on the stand and testified (bather have judgment against you to the« \ took up the cause of Haywood, Petti­ boys surprised him more when they Drs. Boals and Hawk, who made a husband wras working for Arnos Vaughn, plaintiff have and recover the don « persons suffering with rheumatism bone and Moyer, are going to explain chevaricd him. We all join in wishing an undivided one-sixth interest in nir' and came home the previous evening post mortem examination of the head, following described land«, situateii'l the wrong position they have taken will them a long life of happiness mid proa- mook County, Oregon, to-wit: testified to finding pow ’ der in it, and it just as she was through n.liking, and he ptrity. Beginning at the South Eastcon»i,’; surely injure their cause in the future. was their opinion that Pike had placed joked her about being the old milk Nathan and Lydia Dougherty Dal The lumber is being hauled to rebuild * M * Land Claim, in Section 28, Tow| the rifle near his ear and discharged it South of Range 9 West of Willamr So the propertv owners of Main street the cheese factory on the Donaldson maid just in from milking. Pike played himself, the bullet entering the right car, ridian, and running thence North farm for Holden & Zeimer. with the baby and Mrs. pike wanted passed through the head and coming out are going to indulge in nn expensive ex­ thence West 20 feet ; thence North U Mrs. Bialock and family is visiting him to go and see their calf. Pike asked on the opposite side, fracturing the skull rods ; thence West 73 rods and 111 periment of plnnking that street,only to her mother. thence South 107.42 rod« to the Soc.$ in several directions, death being instan­ his wife if she was going to the show, of said Donation Land Claim; tKenfl lie discarded and pulled up in a few years Mrs. Cassa Donaldson and two little when she told him she had been there the taneous. 7.5 rods to the place of beginning, eoM® is the opinion of s good many pet sons daughters came in on the Vosburg and 50 acres, more or less. The jury in a few minutes brought previous night and did hot want to go, That plaintiff be adjudged tobetteiB intends visiting for two or three months Most of the city council appear to have in a verdict that Pike had come to of the said one-sixth interest in fee» preferring tugo to bed and get her rest, his death by a gun shot wound in* that opinion as well, and there are those with relatives. and that she have and recom® It is always flattering defendant the sum of two hundred rifl Morrison Mills has improved the ap and it was arranged that she would go flicted by himself. who estimate that it will cost just as dollars as her damages for the dttertg pearance of his residence by a coat of with him to the show* on Saturday night. to a store to have many the possession of said property fed® much to prepare the street for plank as it paint. We wonder how many will fol­ four years, and for the costs and O See Dr. Morris about your They w ent to bed about nine o ’ clock, and regular customers. Pep- would to gravel it. However, if the pro­ low his example. ments of the action. This order is published by ord«® her husband joked and played with the Eyes at the Palace Hotel. ple who come again and perty owners want plank, let them try it Mrs. Nelson returned from Portland Honorable H. F. Goodspeed, CouityB baby after lie had got into bed. lie of Tillamook County, Oregon, made a! Sunday, on the steamer Elmore. again must have confi­ for a while, lor they will have to pay not 23rd day of May. 19<)7. directing)® Remarkablo Rescue. Mr. Deeter moved into the Coulson asked her if she bad set the alarm after less than 3720 a block On the other dence. tion of summons to be made agai»>. The truth is stranger than fiction, defendant, and date of the first gaNft 5 she had gone to bed. Witness then tuld hand the property owners on 2nd Ave. house last week. thereof is made May 23rd, 1907. I hag once more been demonstrated in A large percentage of The Fair view boys said they were very of the dog barking outside of the house, H. T. B otts , East want gravel, with the telephone much pleased when * ” our business comes from Attorney fsr Pa® Mis« Blanch Smith and her husband got up with the inten the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the residence of C. V. Pepper, lie writes : and electric poles removed and gutters got the watch. regular customers who tion ul shooting it. He slipped on his '• I was in bed, entirely disabled with put in. We shall sec which is the best SUMMON*. Bruce Ross came home from Blaine hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. trade here year in and and most economical in a few years. and was visiting his mother a few days everhauls. He did not light the lamp Doctors failed to help me, ai d nil hope ÍI In the Circuit Court of the State at it and she heard him groping for the Win ­ year out They know this week. * « « for Tillamook County. had fled when 1 began taking Dr. Ellen Dougherty It was a surprise when Tillamook and Some of the people are thinking that chester, which was hanging on the wall King's New Discovery our methods are right Then instant * Plaintiff, | a num tier of other counties went "dry," the school Load should extend the three near a boiler. She heard the shot ami relief came, ¡’lie coughing soon ceased ; ▼«. I and that they will always Grant Mills and Morrison > but still another surprise is the fset that months school they had chiefly for the supposed he had shot a dog. The Win the bleeding diminished rapidly, and in Mills, defendants. Mrs. I be used as we would like benefit of the small children. There is three weeks I was able to go to work.’’ C. L. Roberts, substitu- I Multnomah county is now "dry” on not any of them but what could go any cheater belonged to George Williams. Guaranteed for coughs end colds 5i)c. to be were we the buyer ted as Defendant. J Snndays. What's the trouble, any wny ? time after they are eight years old, and Last week Pike cleaned it up and said he and $1.06, at Clough's drug store. Tii«| To Mrs. C. L. Roberts, the abo^ instead of seller. Why defendant : Have the liquor men and the saloon that is soon enough to start them with would return it, for be had no more use bottle free. In the name of the State of Oregon not make this your reg­ You are hereby required to apR kerpers lost their grip on politics ’ It out having a school lor their benefit and fur it. As her husband did nut return then only four or five attend. answer the complaint filed in wJ ular trading [dace for looks so, lor they don't appear to have she began to get uneasy and in atwmt 15 The Story cfa Medicine. entitled action on or before the «F of six week« from the date of the®«! drugs and medicines. as mnuy puppy office holders as they minutes she got up and dressed and Its num»-"Golden Mndlcal Discover,- ABOUT FARM MACHINERY cation of this Summons, and if y°y” used to since the people expect officials went over to her |»arents, She did not was sngg.'Sti-d by one of its most import­ appear and answer for want tnaj plaintiff will apply to the Court « t» do their duty. But, then, although it McCormick's and Osborne's are see the remains after they were found, ant and valuable ingredients — Goldeo relief demanded in complaint Tseg Seal root. the Beat and Cheapest m and edin the complaint is that flaw may take time to bring about a hetter She further testified that her busband Nearly forty years ago. Dr. Tierce dis­ judgment against you to ♦heeWttQSJ (THE RELIABLE DRUGGIST ) condition of affairs, every intelligent per­ You don't want a rake that i« weak w*as in good spirits when became home. covered that, he could, by the use of pure, tiff have and recover the P°, 1| i9 B«OTw* i ? »»w g eaes3iae88eeeww& undivided one-sixth interest in son will admit that it is n good thing in the head and weak in the joints or He had be?n sick and thought he had triple-refined glycerine, aided by a cer­ following described lands, situate« mook County, Oregon, to-wit: I that the liquor interests and the saloon that has faulty teeth do you ? Yon had append icits. but would not go to n doctor tain degree of constantly maintained heat and with the aid of apparatus and Beginning at the South Hast eon". keepers cannot run and rule city and hetter buy a McCormick or O.lsirne and on account of the expense. His sister appliances designed for that purpose, ex­ Nathan and Lydia Doughertr vw Land Claim, in Section 28. county office holders like they used to. had advised him to do so. Witness ad­ tract from our most valuable native me­ take no chances. South of Range 9 West of Wills** « « « dian, and running thence Noets A telephone connection with all the mitted that she hud trouble with her dicinal roots their curative properties thence West 20 feet ; thenct . Mayor Schmitz, ol San Francisco, has world'« wheat fields would enable one husband al>out a year ago, ami that they much bettor than by the use of alcohol, rods ;- thence West 73 rods sm ' so generally employed. So the now world- a thence South 107.42 rods to the »J lieen found guilty and will spend time in to hear McCormick and Osborne machine separated for several days. Her husband famed "Golden Medical Discovery," for of said Donation Land Claim ; ts^ a the penitentiary for being a boodle official, at work continuously front January 1st was despondent at times as he was sick, the cure of weak stomach, Indigestion or 7.5 rods to the place of beginning. Nq .50 acres, more or less. dy ’ popMa. torpid liver, or biliousness and What a marked change in public senti to Dec-ember 31st. anaar proseented by Francis I Heney.will have works out his thoughts. up by Ins daughter the previous night, H. T. B otts Attorney 1» a good effect all over the country, for it McCormack and Osborne machines lie did not hear the shot, but the first he a iittiff nook o' these endorsemenu fair Why send East for a Sewing will stop, to a large extent, the boodling might well be indorsed by the humane heard was his daughter saying** L t me been compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce of Machine when Buffalo, N. Y., arid will be mailed fret to carried on in moat all large cities When society—thev are so easy on the horses. in,” who said nhe was afraid Fred had sny one asking same by postal card or letter addressed to the Doctor as abovef it is aeyti that a number of dishonest McCormack and O.borne machines shot himself, He knew his daughter erom these endorsements, copied from officials are serving time. have been tested llnough seventy-four had trouble at times with Inr hmtand. îLa.ndVd 1med,lc81 hooks of all the dtffer- General Agent for the 2LPractlc*‘- 11 wl11 be found » » « harvests and have grown in favor w hen the latter's temper got away with Ingredients composing the"Gold- him, but he was kind to her. When he that » the Efforts to establish a joint highschool through each one. .‘îî’ n,9COT/7 ■ are advised not McCormick lever« •re always within went across to look for Pike lie did k .*.C'T°! ’be-nhove mentioned at Nehalem have failed, owing to Balm, diseases but also for the cure of all ea- one of the live district, giving a vote of reach. a fact which every farmer ap- not go into the liouse, thinking he can sell you one for 15.00 and lhrnlt affections, might be in 'he barn, and in making a accompained with catarrhal discharges S against and 4 lor. whereas the other precis tea. and up. Old machines taken hoarseness, sore throat, lingering, or McCormick's and Osborne ’ s world* search called f or him and the dog four districts were almost unanimous for hsng-on-roughs, and all thoswh wasting as part payment. Call or / k Will QW«' He called again, and in walk­ affections which. If not promptly anâ the establishment of the high school. As wide reputation is not the result of ac­ harked .piste pr« write, and I will do the rest. properly treated ar« liable to teralnsto —it is the reward of merit. ing round the houae. walked onto him the law requires that each district must cident ' ’"¿on»','np;ion. Take Dr Pierrïï 0* PT «nd Ioni Needles, oil and parts for all I / Like tiie town criers of old, the farmer l»ecea.Hed was leaning against tl»e house give a majority vote, in the districts in b/ Youcarf *o’?ry In time and persevere In Its use /J machines always on hand. ,a*r, trial and It Is not cooperated, and not a majority vote of 1 sing out the praises of McCormick and •nd the witness deamlied the position of lîkelr ! to buy* U pÇr' nL .Too much must not r ’ the entire districts, the matter cannot be 1 Osborns machines until they are known the rifle. He trad heard Pike «ay that mlra'E7 'i, STILLWELL AVENUE. . X Every® 11 >*>» Perform wherever grain is grown ■ Near Allen House. he would kill himself .f it had not be»n In 7« .7 J1.*'111 no* "'i* consumption taken up again for another year. As Xo m«’t«-lne will. I s,fiGtR SE« ING MACHINE Now it the time to get your machine for his debt, when he Mid " Fred, you It irtHÎnJInl the result will be, no doubt, disappoint* cure the affections that lead un to / CO., Tillamook, Ore. P and extra«.--B. O. SMi rrw, Agent. •liuuld not feel that way.” He did nut PoosumpUou, V token tn toM. ing to a good many, it is a source of oil 1 Red Front Shoe Ston P. F. BROWNE, Agent. LATIMER BROS., 4 i £ i Í! t ». I! ii I ■ I I < 4 1 A Store With REGULAR CUSTOMERS 11 Í I 7 / ÍÍ I I ¡L I ■ I 1 t !i CLOUGH Snuffer’s Feed Store Prices i t I < A. E. WILKS, / MAKE Old Reliable Singer ) I 7 V F « t 9’ ' • -A as—- ■ -J*.«*-- - - —». -..... ? « -i- Vv ** - * MK 1