TILLAMOOK Advertising Rate«, I curl papers, aad another to get over the HEADLIGHT, JUNE 20, 1907. T T Science and Industry. T. BOTTS, -1- A • The Oregon Cheese Co., Incorported, is prepared to buy all the first class cheese that conies along. Spot cash and highest price. Factory men will do well to see R. Robinson, the mana, ger, before selling. He will be 111 Tillamook a good part of the time dur­ ing the season. Only the best stock n an ted. A ttorney - at -L*» Atigue of the dance. And now be wants A machine for making corks out of to know what kind ol teachers those Complete set of Abstract Bmi * waste paper and pa|wr pulp has recently 10 First Insertion, perline............ are anyway, und what spite they have 5 Each subsequent insertion, line. been perfect* d and patented This id » to him that they not only neglect the Business and professional cards, ia office. Taxes paid for oo educaliou of his children, but even de chiue makes corks out of all kinds of 1 mouth ................. ... ............... waste paper, which are much superior 00 Resideuts. Homestead Notices.......................... ! stroy their morals. Poor injured man 1 to the ordinary corks, as they are im­ Timber Claims..................... 1 00 Another case. Two children were 5 L-icals, per line euch insertion . .. pervious to acida or oils. Test» made by Office opposite Post 0ffiw playing at noon time and quarreled. Display advertisement, an inch, chemists and the larger ueers oy threw a atone say* they are far superior to the old alyl*- ■n every way. Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. 9 at her, hitting her bare foot and hurt­ Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. A new industry at Mobile, Al»., is the COOPER, Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., ing her quite badly. The teacher, a girl minimum rate, 25c. not exceedu g five of seventeen, was sought, and heard the manufacturing of cardboard from the swaiup grass found in quantities near lines. girl’s complaint and the boy’s reasons, Mobile. The grass is similar to the es­ A ttorney - at -L aw , together with the testimony of the other parto grass of Afiicn. large quantities of glje |illamook ^eablig^t. children. She shrank from using cor which are used fi.r p»|»*r manufacture in T illamook , Okjcoi poral punishment, but talked earnestly Europe. The plant will be built by a Fred C. Baker. Publisher. with the children, according to her company now being organized, with a ability to talk, condemned the boy capital stock of $100,0)0. Careful ex- CARL HABERLACH, heartily for liis passionate act, and ▲ Word to Parent«. peiiments with tie swamp grass have 126 Fifth Street, Portland. closed the case by saying: “1 hope 1 TO THK SUITOR TILLAMOOK HHAI1L1OHT f*een made durii g the past year. shull not hear of such a thii’g happening Reference, Tillamook County Bank. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In our country schools there is a great again during the term.” Paper pails aie, says the Ixrndon Stan lack of sympathy bet ween parents and Ina day or two she found a nice dard, the latest sanitarv device for the JlruUchtr &buohalj teachers. I have known a family who, breewe blowing at her expense. The delivery of pure milk in London and Office across the street and north kJ for successive terms, during which time girls mother condemned the teacher's other large towns. These pails will truly several different teachers were employed, course without seeing her at all. and be i Red once, and dairy men w ill be the Post Office. removed their children from the district withdrew her children from school for a saved all the coat of strrilizing cans and school before the close of the term tie­ time. The teacher’s words were reported bottles They are to be made of pulp, cause of some offence the teachers gave as follows : ** If anything of the kind and will Ire sterlized by a heat of 500 de­ T. H. GOYNE, one of the little boys. In two cases it happens again, I hope 1 shall not hear grees, Fahrenheit. When filled with J. P. AUUEN, Proprietor. was for punishment, and in others, of it.’’ milk they- will be closed by u lid, and A ttorney - at -L aw . some words of reproof or impatience If you love your children, don’t foster when emptied may be used as fire which were considered an injustice un­ in them a spirit of suspicion and jealousy lighters. ________ Special Attention paid to Tourists. pardonable. How much the teachers by encouraging them in any way to Office : Opposite Court Hong Recent progress made in machinery were really to blame I am unable to notice slights or partiality from either A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. for the manipulation of sheet ill* tale baa blame, I am unable to say. but the evil teacher or motes. The disposition will T illamook , O regon , opened the way for an improvement in effects of such a course upon the children not only be an injury to them now, but burial caskets, whereby the c< mplete are evident. Hence this word to parents a curse through all their lives. Teachers casket, u-ade in two pieces without 6eam If you wish good schools, and your need encouragement as other people do. or joint, is pressed out in a few min. w- SEVERANCE, children to improve in them and grow You would not think of putting a boy utes' time, to n hich any degree of orna­ up obedient to law and order, give into a field, and at a work in which he mentation can iradily be attaclud, and the teacher your hearty co-operation in had had little experience, and never go any wood .faithfully represented. Tilts, sustaining order in school. Don't take near him to see what he was going and A ttorney - at -L aw , with means of heimeticaily sealing, oil your children out, nor inspire in them a how ; yet young girls are trusted term which patent was granted recently to a spirit of mutiny by vour talk, because after term with the education of your T illamook Camden man. makes it a great sanitary O rwjom . the teacher inflicts some slight punish children and toil on in the schoolroom achievement, giving a more lusting pro­ went or requires them to remain after amid the noisy bevy without a wold of tection of the dead. s -hool to perfect an unlearned lesson encouragement from you. A remarkable form of ice, which the Don't believe too implicitly your own Q H. UPTON, Ph. G.,M.D, So far as book knowledge goes they Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. children's version of a story of their may be qualified, but their very age and French-Canadians name frazil ice, is the wrongs in school, even if you know inexperiei ce prevent them from under­ cause of the packing up of iceaud conse­ PPYSICIAN AND SfRGBOlt. them to be always truthful. I find standing human nature sufficiently well quent floods in the St. Lawrence liver. among growm people—reliable people, to be eminently successful in train It forms in spiky shapes where the too—that tlie two sides of a quarrel ing. unaided, twenty or thirty different currents are too rapid for ordinaiy sheet Office first door East of F. L sound very differently ; and, with the minds at their most susceptible age. iee to spread acioss them, and at the easily excited imagination of a child*, is it They are paid for their work about the base of waterfalls. During the preva. Beals’ office. strange if lie sometimes exaggerates one- same you pay the girl in your kitchen, Ience of cold winds the ice needles si me times till up open channels, and. living point and entirely forgets another ? and you think it quite enough. What if T. BOALS, M.D., The most persecuted man in the tom they have not tact ? How much do you carried long distances beneath the sur­ munity is the parent of a dull child. His pay for tact ? How much for care and face ice, gradually accumulate and con­ greatest enemies are school teachers, weariness of heart and brain? You are solidate. and are liable to dam the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON especially those in charge of his darlings often perplexed in managing your own channel even to depths of 80 feet. Orders for Lumber promptly attended to. during the last ¡years of their public TILLAMOOK. little ones : does it make you more A few years ago it was a common scliool expeiience. What teachers can charitable tow’ard the mistakes of their custom to place false teeth on a platinum Office: Olson Building. have against his hopelul is more than he teachers, who know and love them far mounting, but the price of Ibis inetal can understand or imagine. Those he Residence: Mrs. Walker's. less than you do, and have several times has gone up so high that the practice lias sent his children to during the first few lieen abandoned. There has tieen a slight the number with whom to deal ? years of their school life were fair to Of course teachers often err; who of decline recently, and it is stated that middling, but the creaturesin the graded C. HAWK, us do not ? We all make some humilia* there will be still greater fall. 'I hose grammar schools are a mystery ting mistakes, and sometimes pass compelled to use this metal now breathe PROPRIETOR to him. They will not promote bis through failures before we acquire any­ easier. children, no matter what inducements thing like eminence in our work. If they The greatest factor in sending the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, he may hold out to them or what seem little interested in their work, and price up was the governmental restric threats he may bold over them. They hence do it poorly, would it not be w’ell tion placed on the output from the Ural will not allow them to learn or remeui BAY CITY, OREGON. to make their acquaintance, and learn mountains, whence most of the meta] lier what they do learn by chance, in for yourself the state of thing ? Your comes. In the meantime the search for J Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. ‘ spite of the teacher. Teachers are a own interest may inspire them. Those the metal has been going on ill other fraud, and he wishes the schoolhouse children whose parents sustain the directions with some little degree o, J Fine Machine Work a Specialty. i -^pHOMAS W. ROSS, burned down or blown up. In fact, *f it teacher who are taught to respect them success. just because they are their teachers, I Ims were not a penrtentiary offence, he early instructed to be “ subject to the One of the leading wireless companies ¿F WWW V W W W W *V w W W vm would put a dynamite clock in the base­ higher powers,” make the most satis­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. ment of the one in whose district he un­ factory pupils, and arc biting for the has been untiring in its efforts to span the Atlantic ocean and recently some best citizenship hereafter. fortunately resides. , ’V G. A. W alker . experiments have demonstrated to the He is a man of importance, too—a Office : Opposite Post Office. Nehalem, Ore. satisfaction of the ex|H*rimenters that property owner, a tax payer, a promi­ Residence : Allen House, Tillamook, On the feat is entirely feasible. A station nent politician, or a clergyman. He In a statement issued the Pennsyl­ ,8 about to lie established at Clifdeu on pays taxes enough, probably, to keep vania railroad .frankly avowed its pur. an entire division ol the school in opera, pone to “ get square" for the new 2- the west const of Ireland, and it ia ex R. BEALS, tion, and vet his children are taught cent fare law by almlisliiug all commu­ pected to establish direct connection with the United States. At the lie a nothing, while the |>ervei*e and ungrate­ tation rates ami selling only tickets at ful teachers advance a horde of little the uniform rate of 2 cents a mile. Even station an innovation will lie tried ill the REAL ESTATE, tow headed Fritses and obstreperous ten-trips and workman tickets will he shape of metal plales to launch the F inancial A gkmt , Mickies al the end of every term. drop|ied ai d no excursion tickets will be etheric impulses into space instead of a We cau furnish all kiuds of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, If he has a daughter, she is equally wild after September 80, unless the latticework of wires, which have been Tillamook, Oregon. Gin and Rum at wholesale prices. unloitunate. Coming fresh from the court« shall have itiled against the law, generally made use of heretofore. soothing influence ot a governess, the as the Pennsylvania official« confidently It is now twenty eight years since Edi Send us your orders. We ship in plain cases snd prepay freight. charming maiden withers in the blight ex|iecl. Ti e Reading, which had begun son perfected his corboti filament lamp, Read over our price list and mail us your orders. Money refunded if goods J- SHARP, ing hest and pressure of that educa to make some concessions in response to ■* the first c tiutnereial Incandescent are not satisfactory. All orders will be treated strictly confidential. We ship all our goods C.O.D , or you can make remittance with your order. tional hot-lied, the graded school. But th < rising tide of public indignation, lan.p," and it stands to-day as it did in the worst of it is, that the absurd teach stopped ahi r*. a« if encouraged by the 1879, w ithout a single liasic feature elim RESIDENT DENTIST, era will ■ ot make the lesson* easy lot action of the Pennsylvania and Baer said inated nor an absolutely essential fea­ 12Qts. Gallon. her. and yet they expect her to learn n ithing fuither n ould be done, l eer's ture added. The E-lison iucanuescent Office across the street from the 12 quarts Sheehan’s Private Stock, Rye or Bourbon......... $8.00 $3.00 12 quarts Tillamook Rve and Bourbon ............................." them. company also filed s bill in ■ quity to lamp embraced then, as it does to-day, 8.50 3.25 Court House. 12 quarts bclaney's Malt Whiskey................................. 8.00 The ingenious cr-aturr hits upon a upset the law on the ground that the the following features : An attenuated, 3.00 12 quarts Gordon White Rte Whiskey........................ 8 00 3.00 Dr. Wise’s office. piau. She bandages her wrist, pnt* her loss involved would be contrary to char, high-resistance filament of carbon her 12 quarts Old Gold Bourbon Whiskey ............................. 7.50 2.75 right arm in a sling made of an elegant ter right*. _________________ 12 quarts Crescent Rye Whiskey ................................... metically sealed in an all.glass receptacle 7.50 2.75 12 quarts Old Port Wine............................................ scarf, and, lor a lunar month—a school with platinum leading wires passing 3 50 1.25 sarchet 12 quarts Old Sherrv Wine...................................... .......*...*.*.**, Every Man Hie Own Doctor. month—is free from the tortures of slate 3 50 1.25 through the glass, and the exhaustion of 12 quarts Old Angelica Wine......................................... The average man cani ot afford to cm- . The Fashionable Tail«** 3 50 1.25 arithmetic, the agonies ' of written such receptacle upon a vacuum pump to 12 quarts Old Muscat Wine ........................................... pl >y a physician for every slight ailment 3 50 1.25 spelling, the horrors that environ work or injury that may occur in his family, a high degree prior to its being sealed 12 quarts Old Madeira Wine......................................... 3.50 1 25 12 quarts Sweet Catawba Wine .............................. ................ upon a copy-book, and the more ex­ nor can he affoid to neglect them, as so hermetically. 4 50 Cleaning, Pressing and Rep*“' 1.75 12 quarts Sandusky Port Wine................................... quisite cruellies of di a wing. At home, slight an injury as the scratch of a pin 4 50 1.75 One of the large makers lias discovered 12 quarts Old Tom Gin............................................... *****........... ing a Specialty. ha« been known to cause the lose of a 8.00 3.00 when asked n>mut her lessons, she in­ 12 quarts French Cognac....................................... 77.71 limb. Hence every man must from a demand for a miniature air drill, says 9 00 3 50 forms I er parents that 12 quarts California Grape Brandy ....................... none i te [ necessity la* Ina o« n doctor for thia class the Export Implement Age. the size of 8.00 3.00 Store in Heins Photograph* 12 quarts Stanford 3A Rye...................................... a aligned, that the time at school u of ailments. Success often depends which is no larger than a mall's hand— 11.00 4.00 12 quarts Rainier 3A Ronrbnn ........................... a >ent in singing rag-time songs and upon pionipt treatment, which can only 5 inches across. This midget, which 11.00 4.00 Gallery. 12 quarts Monogram 0. P. S. Rye or Bourbon be had when suitable medicines are kept 12 00 making faces at the teacher while the at hand. Chamberlain's Remedies have weighs 2lj pounds, and which ia modeled 5.00 12 quarts Rock and Rye ................................. 6 00 2.25 latter is engaged in reading a novel. The been in the market for many years and after the design of the larger tools, is 12 quarts Peach and Honey .......................... 6.00 2 25 J^OBERT A. MILLER, strangest part of the story is that leer enjoy a good reputation. They sell for extremely powerful, re'atively, being ca­ 12 quarts Miliview Whiskey, bottled in bondI*. 10.00 3.50 25 cents a bottle. Remember . we refund you vour money and repay freight b arm and^htr wrist are so well and oth wavs pable of drilling upto three-sixteenths of if goods Chamberlain’« Colic, Cholera and Diar­ are not satu.fai.torv. We are exclusive wholesale dealers and strong at home—so s'rung, indeed, that rhoea Remedy for bowel complaint«. sell our goods at A ttornby - at -L aw , an inch steel. Its chief value is for wholesale prices. Nothing but the best. she is able to use it on the help with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for drilling holes that have to b > done ac Land Titles, Land Office Bn® Address all Orders to force enough to knock that vassal fro.« coughs, colds, croup and whooping curately in piece*« not otherwise readily I th i kitchen into a new place of service. cough uess and Mining Law. Chamberlain's Pain Baltn(«n antiseptic accesstble.lThe motor speed is extremely Amid the disgust of the young lady's liniment) for cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, high, being 29.003 revolutions per minute, PORTLAND, OREGON* parents and all her inquiring friends, swellings, lame back and rheumat’c while the «pindie speed is more than Room, 306 Commercial Build»* she is suddenly withdrawn from that pains. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver 9000 resolution* per minute. school. More, the eccentric teacher is Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Tablets for constipation, biliousness and reported to th* most potent, grave and stomach troubles. The Magic No. 8. reverend seiguior* of the board. In Chamberlain's Salve for diseases of Did You Ever Try Number three m a wonderful mascot w, e assort cases, it desired ; you can take as many bottles of any kind the course of the investigation the cal the skin. for Cleo II. Parris, of Cedar Grove. Me., a* you wish One hottie of each of these fl vs pre­ according to a letter which reads HARRIS’S NEW FEED AJl leaks out of the bag. and the scarf and parations corns but *1.95. For sale by " After suffering much with liver and bandage secret is seen floating in the Clough's Drug Store. kidney trouble, and becoming greatly Centrally Lt os atad LIVERY BABN, air. Th* father is disgusted--dis gus ted discouraged by the failure to find re- Colic and Diarrhoea. to think that his daughter should learn lie«, I tried Electric Bitters, and as a If not, give him * call Pains in th« stomach. MAIL ORDER LIQUOR BUSINESS. Buy your Liquors from the Wholesale House Direct. We Want Your Business. J2) r - WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS : .777*.*.*. .*..*.*.*77* *’.7.7.... T , 77......... "77."*7.777 ’ .*’.....*777.*........ * M. JACOB & CO 51 Front Street, Portland, Ore. R«t«8. $1 P«P day LARSEN HOUSE, _■ J**- KARSEN, Proprietor. TILLAMOOK, OREGON The Best Hotel in th« city, No Chinsee Employed. W. G HARRIS, P «