Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 20, 1907, Image 1

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Wilson River Bottom Ranch
We are now offering a place on the Wilson river for sale at a
irgain. This place has 60 acres, about 55 acres of river bottom
ind, with house and barn and a full list of farm implements,
Iso 23 head of good dairy cows, 5 head of young stock, good
oung team with wagon and harness. This place has about 20
ires in meadow and balance is all slashed off aud in grass. Only
tniles from Tillamook City. This is a place that will pay for
elf in a few years. We now offer it for sale at $8500 on very
¡y terms. The personal property alone is worth $1500, which
>uld make the land be selling at about $116 an acres. Where
1 you do better ? Call and see me at once.
The Ladies' Guild of the Presbyterian
Church will give a strawlreriy and iee
cream lawn social at the home of W. W.
Wiley, on Wednesday, June 26th, be
tween 4 and 9 p.m.
The passengers who left on the Sue H.
Elmore on Tuesday were Geo. Benson,
Mrs M. Towes, G. Ward and wife. Reid
Bain, Mrs. Price. Chas. Vogler and J. H
Von Allen and six Sisters.
Rev. N, J. Crawford will preach his
farewell sermon Sunday and will leave
for Checo, Cal., the following day. His
place as pastor of the U.B. church will
be filled by Rev. W. W. Rosebaw.
The Sisters belonging to St. Alphonsus
Academy left on Tuesday to spend their
vacation at Beaverton.
The Sisters
wish to thank their many friends for ser­
vice« rendered during the past year.
Guns and ammunition, fishing tackle
Sporting goods of all kinds.—King A
T. Botts, for abstracts.
Two fine dairv ranches lor rent, one
Get into the habit of trading at Pntz
Ir. Ilvnrv E. Morris, eye specialist. •
with 35 cows and the other with 50
lai's and receive a 5 per cent discount
ead Tillamook County Bank notes *
cows, handy to store, post office and
for cash.
cheese factory. For further particulars
ibbons at about half price at Cohn's,
Mr. W. High came in last week from
inquire of Tillamook Real Estate Co. *
hicken wanted at Leach's Meat Jtnr. McMinnville and is shaking hands with
There was a large attendance at St.
old friends.
Alphonsus Academy on Thursdny even,
'lows, Harrows and Discs at Snuf-
After the rain of last week, the finc.
ing. the occasion living the annual com
bright weather since is making every­
mencement. which was carried out ac­
lives in bulk or jar at Mills’ Cash thing grow.
cording to the program published in our
All Summer Dress Goods will be closed last issue.
fhite River flour $4.80 a barrel at out this month at less than cost nt
The Tillamook Brass Band will play
Cobn’t Sale.
at the Fourth of July celebration at Bay
. S. McLeran was in from Woods on
Why leave your horses in the rain City and will run a boat excursion from
when you can tie them in Harris’ Tie this city. The boys expect to have tlieir
* uniforms by that date if there is no de­
Ibert Easom was in from Balm on Shed for 10 ct s.
Don't forget to stop at Harris' Feed lay at Astoria
id you see the beautiful colt cups at Barn, the cheapest place in the city to
The consolidation of several school dis­
keep your team.
ffer's ?
tricts in the south part of the county
Complete line of carpenter's tools and failed to piss at the annual meetings on
astern Hams and Bacon at Mills'
building material. Let us figure on your Monday owing to one of the districts
h Store.
giving a small vote against it, in which
ire works of every description.—King job.—King A Smith.
McMillan is going out of the photo district it is reported there was illegal
II Calicoes 5c. a yard at Cohn’s Clos- business. If you want work made come
At the annual school meeting on Mon­
Out Sale.
day, W. C King was elected director for
I, F. Leach will pay 10c. pe.- pound
Netarts on Mondnv, was taken sick and three years and Alva Finley was elected
; your chicken.
district clerk, and at the special meeting
had to have medical advice.
Full line of feed and best seed oats in
the school board was authorized to ded­
’ at Snuffer’s.
ing the State Normal at Monmouth, is icate 14 feet of the school giounds, on
Iting Flannels 5c. a yard at Cohn’s
the south, for a street.
home for the summer vacation
ling Out Sale.
There will be a Fourth of July celebra­
King & Smith will do your plumbing.
rs. Mary Mills' creamery butter at
Pipe and fittings, tin, sheet iron and tion at Slab Creek, the features for the
s’ Cash Store.
occasion will be a parade in the morning
everything that goes with the line.
and music. At noon there will be din­
r. J. W. Hellenbrand was in from
Wanted, a lady to work in store and
ner. efter which an oration will be deliv­
own on Monday.
post office, good wages. Callon or ad­
ered by Mr. Chas. Hart, followed by a
. E. Makinster, of Castle Rock, was dress Geo. W. Phelps, Netarts. Ore.
horse race, foot race, sack race and a
B city on Sunday.
Prepare now for haying, hay fork’, ball game.
wry Hellebuyck is in from Washing- rope, pulleys, pitch forks, hay carriers,
The Pacific Railway & Navigation
tounty on a visit.
oil for the mower.—See King & Smith. •
Company will unload a 50-ton engine
tone and Henry Wesolouski came in
Mason Brothers have ordered a plate and three miles of steel rails at Tills
Seaside on Sunday.
glass Iront for their Department Store, mook, between June 21st and 28tli, and
idies, get your Summer Dresses at which will be a good improvement to the rails will be laid at once. This will
<’s Closing Out Sale.
the building.
be the first locomotive in Tillamook
A. Bartholomew, of Boise, Idaho,
The schooner San Buena Ventura was County. Two steam shovels will also lie
in the city on Tuesday.
towed in o>i Friday by the Della and shipped in shortly and ten flat cars.
irris will feed your team hay and will load lumber from the Tillamook
The United States engineers bare been
Lumber Co's mill.
them over night for 50c.
authorized by the chief at the depart
Mayor Botts returned to the city Sun­ meat to make a survey of Tillamook bay
• public school in this city will re-
day from Portland, where he had been and bar for the purpose of determining
me on the 3th September.
ye you seen the handsbme coach on business and while there attended the what improvements are necessary to
make the bay navigable for large sea.
Masonic grand lodge.
on Margo at Snuffer’s ?
Jobs Rees, who was out with a sur­ going vessels. The survey will be made
it grade Indian Head Linen, 1216c.
veying party up the Wilson river, had at the earliest possible date.
■d at Cohn's Closing Out Sa>e. *
the misfortune to cut his left lia'id,which
Ed. Leach and Charley Wells killed a
t the boy an air gun, they are safe
will lay him off for a week or so.
large panther on the Pesterfield place on
food shooters.—King & Smith. *
R B. Hunt and family, of Eug'ne.were Friday. As the animal had been killing
C. S. Kelsay and J. R. Tedball
registered at the Allen house this week. sheep, these two crack huntsmen went
in Irom Portland on Sunday.
Mr. Hunt is connected with the engineer­ therewith their dogs. The dogs getting
ycles, new and second-hand sun ing department of the P. R. & N. Co.
the scent were soon on the trail of the
and repairing.—King & Smith.
animal, which they treed, and Charley
Ed. Leach has lieen appointed U.S.
*al Laclade Ranges, first-class Forest Reserve Guard. The job pays Wells’ sure aim brought it down.
•sand fuel savers.—King & Smith * $900 a year. Ed. is a good man for the
Water continues to flow from the well
which is being bored for oil at Long
and Children's Stockings at position, and he is to locate at Dolph.
Prairie. When the water was first struck
cost at Cohn's Closing Out
Neals Peterson, an old man 68 years
it was hot, being about 120 degrees, but
of age and whose residence wasat Dolph,
one thinks of buying a buggy or was declared insane on Monday and he since then it has been gettirg somewhat
in without looking over Snuffer's has been taken to the insane asylum at cooler, Ireing mixed with cold water from
another source. To give some idea of
the amount of water flowing from the
a, Embroideries and Velvets at , Like most other banks, we do not de-
well, by placing a board oyer the top of
Hall Price at John's Closing Out sire to have business transactions with
the well and a man standing on it does
people without a proper sense of bnsi- not stop the flow.
• large boiler which was shipped to ness honor, But to any man or woman
Two surveying parties, belonging to
ria, and which was intended for who is anxious to save a few dollars, to
Pacific Railway & Navigation Company,
indented milk factory which was to
are on the Wilson river, surveying for a
been erected in this city, has been we extend a hearty welcome.—Tillamook
route so as to connect with Buxton, and
County Bank.
id elsewhere.
it is reported that a much Fetter grade
has been found than was anticipated,
with only one foot raise in a mile up to
Smith's, and that the grade on the other
side of the mountain will be easy, as
the railroad will skirt the mountain into
I have just opened up the most com-
píete line of
in Tillamook, all new and Fresh. The
irices are no higher than others.
We most cordially invite you to
ome and look at what we have and
;et our prices, whether you buy or
s 8
W. M. MILLS, |
Opposite the Post Office.
50 per year,
At a meeting ol the city council Mon
day evening, there being no remon­
strance to the resolution introduced at
the previous meeting to plank three
blocks on Main street at the properly
owners’ expense, the resolution carried.
Councilmen Allen, Bowers and King
voting for it and Counciltncn Munson
and XX bite against. The salary ot the
street ccmmissioner was fixed at $30 a
month. A resolution was introduced to
have the city surveyor survey and plat
Mrs. Walker's property with a view to
opening up the streets.
The steamer Sue H. Ehnore came in on
Sunday, her passengers being L. Vander-
hoot and wife, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Holden,
E. Ross and wife, Miss Mjers, J. F. Kin­
dred and wife and daughter, Miss Bow­
ers, A. Anderson and wile and daughter,
Henry and Antone Wilofsky, W. McKin-
ster, N. P. Alley and wife and family, H.
T Botts, Dr. Kelsay and Oak Nolan As
the Elmore bad a full passenger list, the
tug Geo. R. Vosburg towed the schooner
Antelope from Astoria to Nehalem, and
she took on board those who could not
get passage on the Elmore and about 20
men who are to work on the railroad.
At last our stock of Clothing has arrived.
We have everything to suit the most fastidious.
We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim
built aud stout built.
They have the style, quality and fit.
We have also just received a large shipment of
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery
Shoes and Hats
Always the best stock on hand.
The eighth grade of the Tillamook pub­
lic school will have graduating exercises
to-morrow (Friday) evening in the M.E.
church,tor which an interesting program
is prepared, the pupils who graduated
and who will take part are Eva Wolfe,
Mabel Edmunds, Arthur Edmunds,Bruce
Hare, Ray Wolfe, Mabel Goyne, Arthur
Case. Carrie Olson, Warren Severance,
Eighth Grade Graduates.
Elsie Lamb, Ralph Hiuns, Olive Case,
Below will be found a list of pupils in
Wm. J. Crawford, Elsie Worthington,
the public schools of this county who
Estella Smith, Fay Burke, Ruth Easter
have obtained eighth grade certificates
and Marion Deeter. The graduates have
in the following districts :
sent out quite a number ol invitations,
No. 1—Elrich Neiger, Rhoda Etnburn.
but all are invited to the exercises.
No. 2—Sidney Christensen.
No. 5—Agness Snyder.
No. 6—Violet A. Noyes.
No. 9—Eva Wolfe, Mabel Edmunds,
And Four Young Men whose Arthur Edmunds, Bruce Hare, Ray
Wolfe. Mabel Goyne, Arthur Case, Car­
Dives are Made Happy.
rie Olson,Warren Severance. Elsie Lamb,
Married, on lune 12, at the Sacred Ralph Himes, Olive Case, Win. J. Craw,
Heart Church, in this city, by the Rev. ford, Elsie Worthington, Estella Smith,
L, A. Le Miller, the pastor, Mr. Joseph Fay Burke, Ruth Easter, Marion Deeter,
P Finto to Miss Mary Michaud, daugh­ Ora Deeter.
ter of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Michaud.
No. 10 —Alvin Wicklund, Mabel Wick­
The home of the happy couple will he at lund, Lillie Wicklund, Naomah Swenson.
Beaverton, and in leaving Tillamook Nftomah Young, Lewis Anderson.
they carried with them the congratula­
No. 11.—Martha Alley.
tions nnd best wishes of their Itiends for
No. 15.—Minnie M.
Ripley, Alma
their future happiness.
No. 16.--Estella Miles.
Married, on June 16th, at the home of
No. 21.—Joel Atkinson.
Albert Lucy, in this city, Mr. Gnrrett
No. 26.—Cecil Kinnaman.
Ward and Miss Fannie M. Bain, the
No. 27.—Eddie Creecy, Ollie Wood.
ceremony being performed by County
No. 28.—Mabel Lorn men, fames Mc-
Judge H. F. Goodspeed, in the presence
ot a few invited guests. Both have the Kimens.
No. 31.—Marguerite Tilden, Mae Hicks
congratulation of a large number of
No. 33.—Anna Schlappi, Helena Sc 11-
friends, for the happy couple are well
and favorably known throughout the la ppi,.
No. 35—Max Rether.
county. They were serenaded Sunday
evening, and went out on the steamer on
Tuesday to spend their honeymoon.
Married, on Sunday, in this city, Mr.
Riley Maxwell and Miss Margaret
Lucas, at the home of the bride's father,
Mr. P. B. C. Lucas, which had been
tastefully decorated for the occasion,
and in the presence of a number of rela-
tives and frienda. Rev. N.
pastor of the U.B. church, united the
happy couple in the boi.Js of marriage,
after which they received the congratu
lations and best wishes of their friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Maxwell are highly
esteemed by a large acquaintance, and it
is predicted that the union of this couple
will be a happy one for both of them.
Sunny Mead Addition
mook City.
to Tilla­
The W. S. Hayes’ five acre tract, con­
tracted for by the Tillamook Real Estate
Company, will l>e platted and placed on
the market. All lots sold on contract
to be delivered Julv 1st, 1907. Advance
sale now on. Lots cheapest and best of
any in Tillamook.
Call and see the
plats at the Tillamook Rea) Estate
Company’s office ; or F R. Beal's office.
A Fortunate Texan.
Mr. E W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis
St..Dallas. Tex , snys ; "In the past year
I have become acquainted with Dr.
King's New Life Pills, and no laxative 1
ever liefore tried so effectually disposes
of malaria anil biliousness.'* They don’t
grind nor gripe. 25c. at Clouglrs Drug
Lumber Schooner In a Bad Fix.
It was the rchooner San Buena Ven­
tura which wus outside of the bar with
signals of distress flying lust week, aid
which Captain Schradef hurried nway
from here to go to her assistance, only to
find that the schooner was not in dis­
tress, but that the captain had rnised
that signal for n tow. She was towed
in bv the Della, nnd Captain A. Krebs,
who was in command of the lumber
schooner, reported that he had been
out 35 days from San Francisco, that
most of his sails, which were rotten,
had blown away, and that he was short
of provisions and the crew had been on
half rations. He also reported that he
had been towed to the bell buoy the pre­
vious Tuesday by a steamer, where he
anchored and remained waiting for the
tow boat. After being in the bay, the
strong northwest wind Tuesday caused
her to loose one of her anchors and she
was driven on the mud flats off Bay
City, but has since succeeded in getting
Off Tillumook bar Captain Jensen, of
the steamer Geo. W. Elder, sighted the
schooner San Buena Ventura flying sig­
nals of distress on Thursday, and imine*
diately changed his course and went
alongside. On asking the skipper of the
schooner what assistance he could be to
him, that worthy teplied none whatever.
He had his flag at hall-mast and other
signals of distress flying, he said, in order
to attract the attention of a pilot. Dis­
gusted at the loss of time, Captain Jen.
sen resumed the voyage to Portland. He
lost about two hours by his effort to ex­
tend a helping hand to tars whom he
was led to believe were in dire need of
assistance. The incident has caused con­
siderable talk among mariners. The law
against the flying ot distress signals, un­
less the ship really needs assistance or
some of her crew has been injured, is very
stringent. Captain Jensen snys he tho*
ught the ship looked all right liefore he
got up to her. nnd he naturally interred
that some dire disaster had befallen the
officers or sailors. The skipper of the
schooner, declares Capt. |ens**n, seemed
to think it a great joke that the Elder
went out of her way to inquire if he
needed help.—-Oregonian.
Married, on Wednesday, at the resi­
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watt, in thia
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm.
city, Mr. Wm. High nnd Miss Isabella
It is an antiseptic liniment and pre.
Watt, the nuptial knot being tied by the venta blood |>oiM>iiiiig rvHulling from a
bruise or burn, it also church the
Rev. Mr. Williams, pastor Presbyterian
church at McMinnville, Or., the wedding parts to beal without maturation and in
guests being confined to relatiyes and a much I chs time than when the uhuu I
treatment ih employed.
It allays the
Thin in to give notice that no tresspani.
few intimate friends.
The bride and pain of a burn almost instantly. For sale ing will be allowed on Mrs. M. Schild s
groom are both highly respected in this by Clough's Drug Store.
place at Pleasant Valley.
county, where they have resided for a
numlier of years and have a large circle
of Iriends. who wish the happy couple
plenty of joy and prosperity now that
Cupid has made them husband and
wife. Their home will he in McMinnville,
for which place they will leave in a few
davs. The Tillamook Brass Band gave
Mr. and Mr. Wm. High a musical aeren.
a de the same evening, alter which the
Prof, Rutherford made a proposition boys were served with refreshments.
at the school meeting on Monday to
build a gymnasium for the pupils, under
these conditions : He would guarantee
half of the expense if the district would
give the other half to a builoing to cost
$500. As it was thought that a build­
ing suitable lor a gymnasium could not
be erected for that sum, and on account
of the present indebtedness. Prof. Ruth­
Capital Stock........................ $25,000.
erford's proposition did not meet with
Opened up for Business
First Bank & Trust
A Full bine of Groceries
Flour, Feed*
any enthusiastic supporters.
Offers every facility for safe banking,
and solicits your business.
Open an account with Tillamook
County Bank. Capital fully paid $30,
Commercial. Savings and Trust De­
000. Total resources over $250,000.
We hare been designated a State De­ partment«.
Three per cent allowed on deposits
pository by the state treasuier, and are
subject to check.
also subject to government examination
tour per cent on Savings snl Time
under the new State Banking Law. Deposits
which went into effect Mav 25th last.
Our little book, •• Helpful Hints on
We pay 4 per cent interest on saving
I accounts aad time certificates and will Banking.’’ esplsining how to do your
I fnrnish a savings bank free to those banking by mail is ready.
Sen! for a copy, it's free for the
opening such >11 sccoant with $1 00 or
I more.
T illamook C oihtv B ask
and Crockery.
We CUant all Kinds of Produe«
Call and See Us
Olsen Building, Ä ÄL