TILLAMOOK Advertising Rates. l.KUAL ADVKKTISMKRTS : 10 First Insertion, per line ........... $ 5 Each subsequent insertion, line.... Bueine«« and profeeaioosi cards, 1 month ............. ................. i 00 Homestead Notices........................ 5 00 Timber Claims................................ 1 19 00 5 Locals, per line each insertion ... Display advertisement, an inch. 50 1 month .................................... All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., minimum rate, 25c. not exceedii g five lines. Britisher Invents Novel Railway. Changea in Pension Roll Dating April, 1907. T T T. A Far unate Texan. -»Jr-» M.* E W. Goodloc, of 107 St. Louis St.. Dallas, Tex , says : “In the past year Number of pensioners on roil I have become acquainted with Dr. April 1, 1907 ......................... 972,875 King’s .New Lite Pills, and no laxative 1 I ever before tried so effectually disposes Gains to roll during April, 1907.................................. 2,491 of malaria and biliousness.'* They don’t Losses to roll during April, grind nor gripe. 25c. at Clough s Drug 1907 ................................. 5,468 Store. _____________ Net loss to roll in 2, »77 April, 1907 ...................... Number of pensioners on roll April 30, 1907 ........ 009,898 Civil war survivor« included ill above number an follows, viz : Number on roll April 1. 1997 ... 650,275 Gains during April, 1907.. 882 I-oases during April, 1907 : By death ............. 3 616 Other cures......... 25 Total loss..................... 3,641 2.759 Nel loss in April, 1907................ Number of civil wai sur­ vivor* on roll April 30, 1907.................................... 617,516 There are two things that will at once strike whoever scans the above report. The first is that in spite of the great activity of the Pension Bureau in pass­ ing u|M>n claims, ami the unprecedent­ edly large volume of allowances, the aggregate of the pension roll is steadily diminishing. In the month of April the Bureau al. lowed more cases than ever before in its history, but in spile of this the total of the roll diminished 2,759. Toat is more than a good strong brigade— probably nearer the average strength of a division at the close of the war— marched off the rolls into the Eternal Encampment. The next thing is tl>? fewness of the original claims. Some of the paper have been putting up great “ scareheaJs'' about “ Rush of Veterans for Pensions.” *' A Total of 325,415 1 Application Up to Date.” Commissioner Warner’s Force Swept Off lis Ft el,” “ No Slackening in Sight,” etc. Yet the total number of original al lowances for all of the last busy month was only 882. 1907 HEADLIGHT, JUNE 13, The Oregon Cheese Co., Incorported, tzv buy iinv all nil the first class IS prepared i to cheese that comes along. bp«t and highest price. Factory men will do well to see R. Robinson, the mana ger, before selling- He will >e ni Tillamook a good part of the time dur- Only the best stoek iii*»’ the season Bids Wanted for Road Work Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the County Court oi Tillamook County, Oregon, for clearing of the right of way and grading of 12 loot solid road bed on the first and second miles of the road lying on the East side ot the North fork of the Ne­ halem river, beginning at a stake mark ed “K,” situated in the county road leading to Nehalem, near the gravel pit, thence northeasterly on the line of sur­ vey ol said roads. Bids will he entertained for each milt separately Parties desiring to hid on the work or examine the ground may apply to H. V. Aliev, county commis­ sioner, for sp< cdicalions, a copy of which will also he on file in the Clerk s office. All bids should be filed with the Coun­ ty Clerk not lattr than July 2nd at 5 o'clock p.m , the Court reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Complete set of Abstract k. in office. Taxes paid fw Residents. Office opposite Post Both phones. A ttorney - at - law , T illamook , C arl The mechanical wonder of the age, accordiug to an English paper, waa ex­ hibited to a wondering meeting of the Royal Society at Bul lington House, Eng­ land, recently It waa llie train of the future—a train that travel at the By Order of the County Court. enormous speed of 200 nillea an hour. G. 3. LAMB, 'I hie marvelous single line railway has County Clerk. been invented by Mr. Louis Brennan. C.B.. already famous for the invention Rejoicing vs Lamentation. j. P. AbUEN, Proprietor. of the torpedo which Ivars hie name. What the distinguished gathering at To THE FlHTOll TILLAMOOK HEADLIUHT. the Royal Society saw, was a little rail It all depends on how we worship, way truck running along a single rail, Special Attention paid to Tourists. whether we seek to rejoice in the hope of balancing itself like a living creature as A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation glory or whether we seek God's favor the lines curved to left or right, dipped by our lamentation. or ascended. Whether in motion back­ Somehow or other we conceive the wards or forwards, slowly or quickly, or fool idea tiiat God is pleased to see us in whether standing perfectly still, the a lamentable condition, so we try to thing stood perfectly upright on its droop our ears and look melancholy, so single row of wheels, in Hat defiance of that the people will say that we look gravity. Ils wheels follow one another like a weaping Jesus. like the wheels of a bicycle. Its centre If you give a child a spanking you of gravity is far aleive its point of sup. will put him in a sorry mood, but if port. There is no projecting supports you give I’iiu a toy lie will rejoice. of any kind by v hich it holds to its up­ What parent glories to see a child with 11 tight position. broken spirit Ï The purpose of Mr. Brennen’s inven­ We who believe in the grace of Christ, tion is described in the patents as being the love of God and the communion of to preserve the equilibrium on unstable Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. the Holy Ghost have reason to rejoice. liodies, or. in other words, to prevent Chastisement might have been good toplieavy bodies from toppling over. enough for the dark ages, bur. God lias That is to Bay. it is a mechanical con­ Good Manners Secret. given us something over which to rejoice trivance for performing a miracle. Most mothers hold, consciously or un­ and be glad. But there is no mystery about Mr. This is where the popular preacher Brennan's invention. His little railway consciously, one of two theories about and I conflict. He wants men Io bow at the acquirement of manners by their train is kept in perfect equilibrium on his feet lamentably, while I want a Its single line of support by a marvelous­ children. Spruce and Cedar Shingles. One mother says : “ Manners are only man to rejoice in the hope of glory to be ly ingenious application of the [ nnciple glad that lie it living in the greatest age which keeps a spinning top upright. (he outward sign of the inner nature. If Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty Calling the spinning top a gyrocope or my daughter has a kind heart and a well of all. Lamentation is one of the objectionable a gyrostat, scientists have investigated trained mind she will behave in a gentle, Orders tor Lumber promptly attended to. its properties and mathematicians have charming fashion. It will teach her com­ features of insanity. To live in a morase, lamentable atmosphere, makes one passion, respect for age, unselfish zeal lost them selves in intricate calculations despondent and forlorn and hopeless, It is the principal of the spinning top for helping with the world's work. Her but to rejoice ill the hope of life brings manners will take care of themselves. ” which maintains the equipoise of the Another mother says: “ My girls will happiness and joy. universe. The Independent Church is for men The mono-railway is really the gyros nt ver get on without conventional man­ oope-railway. The wagon does noi it­ ners. They shall be taught from baby­ to rejoice in. There are plenty of other self spin round, but boxed out of sight hood to emulate the speech and hearing churches in which to lament. J. C. G ove . PROPRIETOR inside the body of the vehicle is an ar of ladies. They shall be instructed in the rangement of gyroscopes which produce proper behavior for every occasion. They NETARTS shall walk and dance andgwriteand speak the apparently mariiculoua effect. Father L. A. Le Miller, of Tillamook, Of course, if the fixing of a gyroscope with graceful perfection.” Neither method,says the Youth’s Com. spent Friday and Saturday on the beach, or a combination of gyroscopes inside a vehicle were sufficient to keep it bal panion, produces altogether satisfactory returning to Tillamook Saturday even­ ing. anced u|sin a single rail, the Brennan results. Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. * Unselfishness is truly the foundation oi Geo. W. Phelps drove over to Tilla­ mono-railway would have lieen invented Fine Machine Work a Specialty. £ long ago. Mr. Brennan's invention is good manners, but not the superstructuie. mook Sunday returning the same day. It is reported thac Thos Johnson, of the gyrosoqie plus something else, the Many conventional restrictions have gyroscope plus a mechanical contrivance grown about social relations. Some can Tillamook, has rented Happy Camp for which its i fleet is brought under be explained by the demand of kindness this season. Several of the Tillamook boys were at direction •»ml control. He employs two and some cannot. Could a child infer gyroscopic wheels revolving ill opposite from his desire to help other that he the head of the bay Sunday. Mrs. Tomilson, of Tillamook. was at directions, but linked together ns far as should noteat with his knife? Many of their intatory movement, that is known fenses against good taste interfere in Netarts Friday gathering shells and _____ as the precession, is concerned. The some way with the rights of others, but mosses. si nple gyroaciqie of the familiar toy will many others do not. HEMLOCK Still no set of rules to produce a pol­ not give |ieriiianent equilibrium to ail ished lady will achieve a result Hi for unstable liody for a very short time. We are glad to see such a nice rain, The model Mr. Brennan showed is the strain of life. The mem tiers of the as we needed it so >»ad. large enough to carry a load of ten stone French lioarding school may adorn the Lee Lyster is hauling lumber for Mr. weight. Tile two gyroscope wheels ballroom, but are too likely to fail at the Turner's new house. We <»n furnish all kinds of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, which keep it balanced are only five breakfast table or in the crowded car. Norman Christerson went to town to­ inches in diameter, revolving at a rateof The woman of perfect manners must re­ day with n ' :>i. "ylieeee. Gin and Bum at wholesale prices. a minute. They are driven by enforce her unselfishness by social rule*, Mrr7*GXvto-siiiond and Mrs. M. Woods, Send us your orders. We ship in plain cases and prepay freight. el»ctricily from storage Imtteiies in the and conveniomdily must b»* vitalized by of Pleasant Valley, visited in Hemlock Read over our price list and mail us your orders. Monev refunded if goods (»¿'others' pleasure. The one day last week. modal, and the same batteries supply the warj^ are not satisfactory. All orders will lie treated strictly confidential. " d iving fiowur to the row of luiim.™ Iwst or me flvver “ comes naturally,” Mrs. Philips and Miss Clairenda Craw­ We ship nil our Roods C.O.D , or you can make remittance with your order. whaelM. But any other motive power whethei in manners or morals. ford passed through here on their way WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS S 1 he secret of charming manners is the out Hide. tu ly be ■ inployed. Mr. Brennan has a 12Qts. Gallon. When the mother single rail laid about the grounds of Ina desire for them. We hear that H. A. Kinnanian has 12 quarts Sheehan’s Private Stock, Rye or Bourbon..... ... $8.00 $3.00 house. In some places it is an inch or wishes them for her daughter as much helped himself to a new buggy. 12 quarts Tillamook Rye and Bourbon ...................... ... 850 3.25 12 quarts Delaney’s Malt Whiskev...............................’’’’’’ so only above the ground. In one the as she wishes the other goods of the Mr. J. II Beach bought a saddle horse 3.00 12 quarts Gordon White Rte Whiskey...................... single rail consists of a wire rope world her daughter will have them. from a McMinnville man a few days ago. 3.00 12 quarts Old Gold Bourbon Whiskey ...................... ... 7.50 2.75 atretchi d acrots a dip ill the ground al a Mr. J. Cliriaterson is still at work 12 quarts Crescent Rye Whiskey ............................ 2.75 height of six or seven feet. Across Every Man His Own Doctor. with his men on the Bixby grade, which 12 quarts Old Port Wine............................................. ... 350 1.25 12 quarts Old Sherrv Wine...................................... tills tiglitriqe the wonderful little car ... 3 50 The average man cannot afford to em­ w as greatly needed, and lie is one that 1.25 12 quarts Old Angelica Wine ................................... ” ....*. runs with |>erfecl balance. ploy a physician for every slight ailment will fix it. if it can be fixed. 1.25 12 quarts Old Muscat Wine................................... 1.25 The inventor is constructing a full or injury that may occur in his family, Mr. J. Woods ar.d soli Roy went to the 12 quarts Old Madeira Wine ...................................... . 1 25 aixed vehicle. The larger the sice, he nor can he afford to neglect them, as so city last week. 12 quarts Sweet Catawba Wine......................... slight an injury as the scratch of a pin ... 4 50 1.75 12 quarts Sandusky Port Wine................................ declares, the more effectively his iii- has been known to cause the loss of a We are glad to bear that Mrs. Brown, 1.75 12 quarts Old Tom Gin ..................................... volition operates, since with larger limb. Hence every man must from of Beaver, is getting better. 3.00 12 quarts French Cognac....................................... ... 9 00 gyroscopic wheels the necessary peri­ necessity l>e his ow ii doctor for this class 3 50 Mrs. Ray Reese, of Hemlock, visited 12 quarts California Grape Brandy ..................**”*.*.*.*.*.*.*.**** .. 8 00 ailments. Success often depends 3.00 pheral velocity is attained with a emal of at J. Christerson one day last week. 12 quarts Stanford 3A Rye ............................... upon prompt treatment, which can only ... 11.00 4 00 12 quarts Rainier 3A Bourbon ....................... ler rate of revolution. The advantage la* had when suitable medicines are kept Miss Maggie Creecy, of Blaiue, is slay­ .. 11.00 4.00 12 quarts Miin<«ram O. P. S. Rye or Bourlmn: of a railway that only needs a single line at hand. Chamberlain's Remedies have ing at the home of Beaclie's. .. 12 00 5.00 12 quarts Rock and Rye .................................... l»een in the market for many years and .. 6 00 is self evident. A word to the cheese maker. A little 2.25 12 quarts Peach and Honey ........................ enjoy a good reputation. They sell for 2 25 more paint please, as we see, we got 12 quarts Milhicw Whiskey, bottled in bond 25 vents a bottle. .. 10.00 Remarkable Rescue. 3.50 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ more for cheese in April than March. Remember, we refund you vour money and repay freight both ways The truth is stranger than tic I ion, rhoea i if goods ____ ________ Remedy for bowel complaints. D rowsed —Little Floieuce, the two a re i ,. We "" "i 1 “ !" ” ’ dealers ai has once more been demonstrated in our goods at Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. wholesale prices. Nothing hut the liest. the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the coughs, colds, croup and whooping residence nf C. V. Pepper. Rewrites Curl, of Blaine, waa drowned last Fri Address all Orders to cough. ■■ I was tn bed, entirely disabled with Chambei lam's Pain Bal in (an antiseptic day. in a small stream close to their hamoriliAgo. of the lungs and throat. liniment) for cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, home. Doctors failed to help me. ar.d all hope lame back and rbeuiuai’c O sad is our home. had fled when I liegan taking Dr swellings, Since Florence lias left us. King's New Itiaooeery. Then instant pains. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liter No more through the house will her relief came. The coughing anon eeaae.1. Tablets for constqvntion, biliousness and happy laugh ring. the Needing diminished ■ spidly, and in Wholesale Liquor Dealers, In the cold ground neath the soil we three weeks I was aide to go to work.' stomach troubles. Chamberlain* Salve for diseases of 51 Front Street, Portland, Öre. have laid her ; Guaranteed for coughs and eolds 50c the skin. Soon oer her the flowers will blossom We »ort cases, if desired ; you can take as many bottles of any kind as yon wish and $1.00, al Clough's drug store. Trial One bottle of each of these five pre­ in spring. bottle free parations erma tail |l.25. For sale by A democratic paper remarks on Clough's Drug Store. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. the presidential situation that the eouth Centrally boasted It is an antiseptic liniment and pre. Ratws, $1 P«P day will be rea>oiial>ly safe no rualtrr who is There is an unwritten law in South vetila l>|..»1 poisoning resulting from a nominated Also unreasonably safe for Carolina which entitles the citizen cu'. bruise or burn. It also causes the any thing labeled dernoi ratio Polit irai to an eye opener and a nightcap, no parts tn heal without maturation and in diacriminalion in that section has long ■natter w hat tlie legislatures and courts much le-s time Ilian when the usual It allays the hARSEfi, Proprietor. been unknown, and the rote cast has I and temperance people may say on the treatment is employed. pain of a burn almost instantly. Fur sale dwindled accordingly. subject. by Clough s Drug Store. The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sell Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Fir and Spruce Lumber. TILLAMOOK LUMBER. COMPANY. í COOPER, W.H « wanted. r BOTTS, A ttorn f . v - at . lo -L a »« - - - - ---------- 1 A. K. CASE, Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists & Blacksmiths, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. > MAIL ORDER LIQUOR BUSINESS. Buy your Liquors from the Wholesale House Direct. We Want Your Business. M. JACOB & CO LARSEN HOUSE, TILLAMOOK, OREGON The Beet Hotel in the city. Ro Chinese Employed. qw haberlach , attorney - at - law , ©eutechcr Office across the street and sortU the Post Office. qp H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court Ho T illamook , O regon . A. W. SEVERANCE, A ttorney - at - law , T illamook .. O ekgoi H. UPTON, Ph. G., P pysician and SvaGici Office first door East of Fd Beals’ office. T. BOALS, M.D, & SURGE PHYSICIAN TILLAMOOK. Office: Olaon Building. Residence: Mr». Walker't. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN & SURGI BAY CITY, OREGOK ^J^HOMAS W. ROSS, PHYSICIAN & SURGÍ Office : Opposite Pest OS« Residence : Allen House, Tills««!. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gi Tillamook, Oregon. P. J- SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIS! Office across the street in» Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. qp sarchet , -I- . The Fashionable Cleaning, Pressing and R< ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photogt»| Gallery. J^OBERT A. MILL» A ttorn ey - at -L a < i Land Titles, Land Ofi«l ness and Mining Law PORTLAND, Room, 30« Commercial Ba** Did Vou Ever TU HARRIS’S NEW FB®1 LIVERY BAB»» If not, give him a <* Everything first-class, block South of P-Q- W. G. HARRIS,