Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 13, 1907, Image 1

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01. XIX. No. 47
Wilson River Bottom Ranch.
are now offering a place on the Wilson river for sale ata
in. This place has 60 acres, about 55 acres of river bottom
with house aud barn and a full list of farm implements,
3 head of good dairy cows, 5 head of young stock, good
* team with wagon and harness. This place has about 20
. in meadow and balance is all slashed off and in grass. Only
les from Tillamook City. This is a place that will pay for
fin a few years. We now offer it for sale at $8500 on very
erms. The personal property alone is worth $1500, which
I make the land be selling at about |i 16 ail acres. Where
ju do better ? Call and see me at once.
>1.50 per year
Botts, for abstracts,
enrv E. Morris, eye specialist. *
Tillamook County Bank notes. *
en wanted at Leach's Meat liar.
I, Harrows and Discs at Snuf-
in bulk or jar at Mill.’ Cash
River flour $4.60 a barrel at
Millan was up from Garibaldi 011
>u see the beautiful colt cups at
rn Hams and Bacon at Mills'
Zaddach was down from Nehalem
Morgau left on the stage on Mon
g tackle of every description at
Leach will pay 10c. pe. pound
line of leed and best seed oats in
Mary Mills' creamery butter at
lash Store.
!. T. Haltom left on Wednesday
rainess trip.
Rffour Jersey and Buhl milk cans
| King & Bmith.
fc Knudson will give a 5 per cent
1 on all cash sales.
le, square piano, cheap. Address
Me, Hemlock, Ore.
, «nd Mrs. C. W. Talmage left for a
*O the valley this week.
s will leed your team hay and
Hn over night for 50c.
you seen the handsome coach
I Margo at Snuffer's ?
Jpe, upright Hamilton Piano, for
■iffkeap, at C. E. Reynolds.
M L. Stephens left on Wednesday to
iwr sister at Forest Grove.
■■few drunks have been adding a
■ey to the city treasury.
ou seen that large assortment
ig at Jones & Knudson's.
it and sell bicycles, guns, fly
its, etc. King & Smith.
Jan Alderman left on Weenies-
lit Miss Mapes at Astoria.
9, a second hand churn, from 20
lions. Enquire at this office. *
(thinks of buying a bnggy or
without looking over Snuffer’s
the habit of trading at Patz.
receive a 5 per cent discount
/iage license was issued on Mor-
Joseph Finta and Miss Mary
( and plumbing of every descrip
lorkmanship guaranteed. King
■ tendent Wiley will leave next
>' Portland, where he will remain
weeks, and during his absence
R Rutherford will attend to
I of the superintendent's office
Why leave your horses in the rain
when you can tie them in Harris’ Tie
Shed for 10 cts.
Don’t forget to stop at Harris' Feed
Barn, the cheapest place in the city to
keep your team.
We have a few Towels and some Cur­
tain goods we are closing out at cost.—
Jones & Knudson.
Now is the proper time to paint and
S.W.P. is the proper kind to use.—-King
and Smith, agents.
For the month of April, the Red Clover
Creamery paid its patrons 37.55c. per
lb. net for butterfat.
McMillan is going out of the photo
business. If you want work made come
in now. Don’t delay.
Notices are posted for the annual
school meeting, which is to take place
next Monday afternoon.
Mayor H.T. Botts left on the stage
on Monday on a business trip to Port-
land, to begone about a week.
Mrs. W. II. Cooper, after a visit of sev­
eral months with her daughter at The
Dalles, returned to the city on Tuesday.
Wanted, a lady to work in store and
post office, good wages. Call on or ad­
dress Geo. W. Phelps. Netarts. Ore. *
We carry a large assortment of Pic­
ture Moulding. Will frame your picture
while you wait.—Jones & Knudson. ♦
We receive new goods on every boat.
Come and look our stock over. You will
not be asked to buy.—Jones & Knudson.*
We repair anything that can be repair­
ed. Guns and bicycles especially. Ex­
pert mechanic employed.-King & Smith.*
Dr Morris has returned to the city,
and those who want their ryes seen to
will find him at his offices in the Palace
Miss Maud Williams, of Portland, has
accepted a position in Haltom’s Depart­
ment Store. She is a sister of Mrs. D L.
A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Curl
was drowned at Blaine on Friday by
lulling into a small stream of w ater near
its home.
Dr. T. W. Ross left on Wednesday for
Astoria on account of the illness of his
mother, but expects to be back on Mon­
day next.
A contract was awarded to Ferguson
& Houton, of Astoria, for erecting a life­
saving station at the entrance of Tilla
mook Bay, for $8797.
Owing to the Headlight building being
on wheels this we<k we have been some­
what inconvenienced, but hope to get
straightened out scon.
Avery L Applewhite, former1 y of this
city, a brother to Mrs. B. L. Eddy, was
one of the graduates at the Oregon Ag-
ricultural College ou Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Branch left on the
steamer on Wednesday. Mr. Branch is
going to the Soldiers’ Home at Rose­
burg. his wife going to Portland with
It seems that fate is against Peter
Jacobs. He lost his position, household
goods and home in the fire which des­
troyed Holden & Zienier’s cheese factory
at Fairview, and there are those who
think the boys should circulate a sub
scription ro as to give him a new start.
have just opened up the most com- $
>te line of
Tillamook, all new and Fresh. The
ices are no higher than others.
We most cordially invite you to
ne and look at what we have and §
t our prices, whether you buy or *
Opposite the Post Office
A school flection is ¡to be held in five encc and some little delay and mixing up
district. nt Nehalem on Monday next to on the wires, but with n little patience,
decide whether a union high school is to it will not be long before the system will
be established in the north part of the be working well.
Open nn account with Tillamook
A large shipment of cheese, the largest County Bank. Capital fully paid $30,-
this season, was made on Wednesday, 000. Total resources over $250,000.
the steamer Sue H Elmore, when she lelt We have been designated a State De­
here, had cheese valued at *18,000 on pository by the'state treasuier, and are
also subject to government examination
Mr. Theo. Steinhilbrr. formerly editor under the new State Banking Law,
of the Headlight and a prominent citizen which went into effect M av 25th last.
of this county some years ago, carne in We pay 4 per cent interest on saving
on Tuesday on business, He is located account? and time certificates and will
furnish a savings bank free to those
near Oregon City.
such an account with $1.00 or
Two fine dairy ranches lor rent, one
T illamook C ounty B ank .
with 35 cows and the other with 50 more.
Peterson & Dunbar's Vaudeville Show
cows, handy to store, post office and
cheese factory. For farther particulars commenced a week’s engagement at the
Opera house on Tuesday, the house being
impure of Tillamook Real Estate Co. *
Rev. D. A. Hare, whjhas been assistant packed with an audience that appeared
pastor of the First Presbyterian church thoroughly well pleased with the even­
of Portland, will become pastor of the ing’s amusement. The first thing on the
Presbyterian church tn this city in |uly. program was a laughable farce, which
He is now visiting in the East with his was well rendered, followed by dancing
and singing, a cornet solo, acrobatic per­
formance and illustrated songs, all of
Mrs. Henry Herzir.ger and son, ol
which was interspersed with music. As
Grangeville, Idaho, came in last week to
there will be a fresh program every night
visit her mother, Mrs. A. L. Donaldson
the company will give good entertain­
and family, and as it is seventeen years
ments during their stay in Tillamook,
since she left the county she sees many
which will conclude next Monday even­
ing. A voting contest was started on
Like most other banks, we do not de­ Tuesday, to be continued every evening,
sire to have business transactions with and the young lady receiving the largest
people without a proper sense of busi number of votes will be presented with a
ness honor. But to any man or woman gold watch and chain. There will be a
who is anxious to save a few dollars, to matinee on Saturday afternoon, and fol-
pay his debts andget alonginthe world, lowing the performance on Saturday
we extend a hearty welcome.—Tillamook night a dance will be given.
County Bank.
The school board succeeded in keeping
Commencement at Academy.
Prof. W. R. Rutherford principal of the
public school, after several attempts to
This (Thursday) evening the annual
do so, who had been offered and hud commencement will take place at St. Al
accepted the position of principal of the phonsus Academy, for which n nice pro
Eutc ic high The teachers engaged are gram is prepared. It is free to the pub
Mr.and Mrs. Rutherford, Mira M Lister, lie, to which all are cordially invited.
Mrs. Albert Mason and Miss V. Walker. Rev. L. A. Le Miller wil? present medals
After a long spell of dry, fine weather, and premiums, and Mr. S. S. Johnson
the rain showers this week were greatlv will make the closing address. Graduat­
appreciated, for it was beginning to look ing honors will be conferred upon Miss
as if the hay crop would be short if the H. Marolt for stenography. Eigili grade
dry weather continued. As the ground diplomas go to Master H. Woolfe, Misses
was thoroughly soaked this week there M. Wade and Zella Kunze, the validic-
is no doubt about Tillamook county tory being by the latter. The class
having another bumper hav crop this motto is Respice Fineni, “Look to the
On Mav 23rd, at the residence o! the Overture..................... Jenkins’ Orchestra.
Welcome.......................................... Chorus.
groom’s parents, occurred one of the Recitations............................ Minim Boys.
prettiest home weddings of the season, “ValueGentile,’’violin solo,RubvMcGhee.
Accompanist, E. Munson.
when Miss Maudie Rrooks and Mr. Wal­
ter Vaughn were united in the bonds of Rose Drill............................... Minim Girls.
matrimony by Rev. D. Julian Beckner.
“S ka of T roubles .’*
Only the near relatives ol the bride and
groom were present.—Dallas Itemizer. Godolpbus Gout............ Robert Maxwell.
The bride formerly resided in Tillamook Hiram Orcutt................... Mike Mahoney.
What's his Name, Thingamy,
Howard Woolfe.
The passengers who left here Wednes. Byron Boblink ................... Edward Wist.
day on the steamer Sue H. Elmore were Stammering Steve........... Joseph
Daniel Hammiln, W. Guillia, John Lako, Adeline.................................... Melve Wade.
John Gnillia, Chas. Werket, T. W. Ross, Jenny..........................Anna Fitzpatrick.
C. B. Prewett, F. Pickereau, Miss Edna
Aiderman, W. R. Hollister, G W. Getty, Betsey’s Flag............ Mildred Mahoney
Chime on Sweet Village Bells......Chorus.
A. A. Getty. John Branch and wife. Max Pat (iets a Job................................. Dialog.
Skibbie, W. 0. Chase, D. T. Allen, L. W. A Braye Fireman .................... Recitation.
Bachman and wife. Miss W. Werrick, E. Recitations........................... Minim Girls,
lhe Peasant’s Return, vocal solo.
T. Haltom.
N. Young.
G. B. Hockrtt, of the Salem Statesman,
and the fellow who imposed upon the
Our Home the Loved arc Going,
people of this conntv with a cheap map From
yocal solo...................... Celia Haag.
which is not worth two bits, left owing
Connie Dye *100 on a horse trade. As MEDALS AND PREMIUMS PRESENTED BY
Hockett had sent his trunks and belong
itigs to be shipped out on the steamer,
on Wednesday Dye obtaining the neves
sarv papers, Sheriff Crenshaw attached Master Geo. Durrcr, for t hrlytniil (doc­
and took possession of the trunks.
Word was received in this city Wednes Miss H. Marolf. for Stenography.
day that a schooner was off the bar fly Miss M. Wade, for Music.
ing signals ot distress, which wns later Miss K. Sheets, for General Excellence.
thought to be the gasoline schooner Evie Miss A. Fitzpatrick, (or Boole.keeping.
As the tide was out when word was re­ Master H Woolfe, for Composition.
ceived, Captain Schrader could not leave
here until the afternoon to go to her as Miss Rose Michaud, for Christian Doc*
sistance. It seems however, that when
Captain Schrader reached the vessel he Miss B. Terwilliger, for Stenography.
found it was a lumber schooner lor this Miss A. Wist, for Composition.
port waiting for a tow.
Miss Z. Kunze, for General Excellence.
The young people of the Methodist Miss E. Wheeler, for Music.
church gave a very pleasant farewell din
Mm Mildred Phelps.*
ner to Miss Inez Bozarth, who goes to
Master Everett Kunze.
Bay City, soon, at the home of Mr. and
Master Ralph Harris.
Mrs. H.D.Wylie in East Eugene on Tues­
Ma ■ter Gienn Woolfe.
day evening. The occasion was a ven-
Matter Floyd Woolfe.
happy one and Miss Bozarth received a
MazierJozeph Piasker.
splendid chafing dish as a token of ap­
Mazter Dewey Kunze.
preciation of her services ns an earnest
worker in the church and Epworth lea­
gue—Eugene Register.
The Sue H. Blmore had a close call in
Portland on Thursday while tied up at |
Supple’s dock with the towboat Vulcan, '
which caught fire and burned to the
waler's edge. What saved the duck and
the Sue H, Elmore was towing the burn­
ing vessel into the stream, but not before
Capital Slock........................ *25,0o0,
the Elmore was scorched about her bow.
Offen every facility for cafe banking,
The steamer came in on Sunday and the
and aolieita your buaineM.
new paint on the side of the yes
■el was blistered by the heat.
Commercial. Savings and Trust De­
The telephone system is undergoing a partments.
Three per cent allowed on deposits
general overhauling, and a new switch
board, one of the beat and latest im­ subject to check.
tour per cent on Savings and Time
proved. is being put io the office, and Deposits
when the work is done Tillamook City
O'lr little book, ‘ Helpful Hints on
will have one of the most completed and i Banking,’* explaining how to do your
up-to-date telephone systems in the state, banking by mail is ready.
While the improvements are being mmle
Send for a copy. It’s free for the
th re will probably be a little inconvent aekiog.
M last our stock of Clothing has arrived.
We have everything to suit the most fastidious.
We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim
built and stout built.
They have the style, quality aud fit.
We have also just received a large shipment of
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery
Shoes and Hats
Always the best stock ou hand.
Judge Burnett to Decide Fight
Well, the rain lias surely moisened tl.e
Over Garibaldi Survey
Webs of the Tillamookers who were so
Further testimony was taken on
Tuesday in the law offices of Snow & I
McCamant, at Portland, before Judge
Burnett on the right of way fight be-
tvveen the Astoria & Columbia Riyer
Railroad and the Pacific Railway &
Navigation Company over points of
conflict in the surveys of the two roads
near Garibaldi The hearing was held
in Portland by stipulation, and nfter
evidence was introduced by the Lytle
road, the case was submitted and briefs
will be filed before July 5, when Judge
Burnett will give his decis o ■.
The case hinges oil the good faith of
the two roads, and each sides seek to
establish this point. The Lytle road
seems io have the advantage, as it is
already actively engaged in construction,
with a monthly payroll of from $20,000
to $30,000. I p addition, further activity
is to be begun on the Tillamook end
this month, when a shipload of con
struction materials, including a train ui
construction cars and a locomotive, will
be sent forward. The A. & C. has so
far made surveys at the points in ques­
tion, but has not started actual work as
The principal testimony taken on Tues­
day was that of Chief Engineer Davis,
of the P. R, & N. Co., who could not
testify when the case was up before on
account of illness.
The disputed ter­
ritory offers the best route between the
Tillamook country and the Nehalem
anxious for rain.
Myron Trowbridge and Jack Rupp
went up Wilson river to repair the bridge
across Jordan creek.
Oscar Tittle was injured somewhat
seriously in the mountains by ..the top of
an old dead tree falling and hitting him
on the hip. He was working in Ed. Don­
aldson's logging camp. He is getting
along nicely, although it was a narrow
escape for him.
Mrs. Vaughn and sister and daughter,
her sister being here visiting her, whom
she had not seen for 40 years, spent the
day at Henry Olds with others of the
family, and Wednesday they spent the
day with Mr. George Randall in town.
San Francisco finds that grafters are
harder to handle than the resulta of
an earthquake and conflagration. It
should remember that Tweed was put
in stripes at last, and that perseverance
* * »
Seisn ograpliic instruments have lie-
come so sensitive that they locate
earthquakes of which no other trace is
ever found. Mankind would be glad
if Dame Nature will stick to this va­
* * M
An HCtrese wbo ban married a man
much her junior in said to have reduced
marriage to a philosophy. A wife who
undertakes to bring up a busband
ueedz it.
* * *
If Providence will give them another
year or two of good crops the people
This is to give notice that no tresspass­ of Oklahoma will not care whether
ing will Ire allowed on Mrs. M. Schild's they have a new constitution or not.
place at Pleasant Valiev.
Do Not Neglect the Children.
Sunny Mead Addition to Tilla­ At this season of the year the first un­
natural 'looeeness of a child's bowels
mook City.
should have immediate attention. The
The W. S. HayeH* fire acre trACt. con- ls-st thing that can lie given in Chamber
tracted tor by the Tillamook Real Estate Iain’s Colic. Choleia and Diarrhoea
Company, will l>e platted and placed on Remedy followed by castor oil as directed
the market. a I! lots wold on contract with bottle of the remedy For sale by
Clough's Drug Store.
to l»e delivered July
sale now on, Lots cheapest and best of f
any in Tillamook.
Call and
■ the
Colic and Diarrhoea.
plats at the Tillamook Rea! I .-trite
Pains In the stomach, colic and
Company’s office ; or F R Real a office.
diarihoea are quickly
relieved by the nee
In all directions Chili is traversed of Chamberls lilt's Colic. Cholera and
by a chain of volcanoes. Chili would Diarrhoe Remedy, When in neeJ of
lie a great training ground Iwfore a such a medicine, give it a trial, For
sale by Clough's Drug Store.
tackle with a st renions antagonist.
Opened up for Business
First Bank & Trust
A Full Lune of Groceries
Flour, Feed, Tincuare
and Crockery.
We CUant all Kinds of Produce
Call and See Us
Olsen Building, Ä S2..